Where to go to Church Sunday flETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 80th and S Street REV M- C. WILLIAM, PASTOR Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 o’clock BTU. 8 P. M. Evening worn'nip 5 p. m. UNION MEMORIAL—THE METHODIST CHURCH. 3223 "U" Street. South Omaha Rev A L Hook. Tastor Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o’clock Evening Worship 8 P. M. ALLEN CHAPEL AME. Church 26th and R Streets Rev. Fant, pastor Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. Evening Worship 8 P. M. MT. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 3010 R Street. Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor, Mrs. Jeannette Thompson. Re porter. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.. Morning Worship 11 A. M. BTU 6 P. M„ Evening worship 8 p. m., CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2712 'R' Street. Elder A E Johnson, Pastor Sunday School _10 o'clock TPWW _____«:30 Wednesday night.. Bible Band Tuesday night ._...Prayer Band Thursday, Sewing Circle afternoon at 2 pm. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Elder G P Benson. Pastor 1710 North 25th Street Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. YPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2318 North 26th St. Elder V. M. Barker, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 1839 North 24th Street, Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor Sunday school . ..9:45 a. m. Morning Worship .11 ajn. BTU. at .. ..8:30 pm. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2316 North 26th St. Elder Steele. Pastor Ann Oliver. Reporter Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Morning worship 11 a. m.. Evening Worship, 8 o’clock CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1207 South 13th 3t. Elder D. M. Watson, pastor lodeil Watson, reporter TPWW. 6 P. M. Evening Worship 7:46 P. M. PARADISE BAPTIST CHURCH 1811 North 23rd St, Rev. Adams. Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. LEW. Mission. Thurs. 8 p.m. BYPU. 6 P. M. Evening Worship, 8 p. m. "Vayer Service, Wed. 8 D- » WHERE TO GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Mt. Ncbo Baptist Church 3211 Pinkney St. Rev. J. P. Mosley, pastor Christine Phillips, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Momin gworship, 11 a. m. B. T. U., 6 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Sr. Mission, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. BETHEL AME. CHURCH 2428 Franklin St. Rev. B. E. Jones, pastor Etta Mae Woods, reporter PILGRIM BAPTIST CHIBCH 25th and Hamlton St. Rev Charles Favors. Pastor Mrs Ed Dortch, Reporter Sunday schiol, 9:30 a. ra.j Morning Worsh'p, 10:45 t TU 6 J M. Evening Won lip 7:45 p. m. Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Service—11 o’clock Allen Christian Endeavor Lea gue—6:30 p. tel ST. PHILIPS EPISCOPAL CHL'RCH 1119 North 21st Street. Rev. S G Sanchez, Pastor, Mass: 7:30—9:00 , Church School—9:45 SALEM BAPTIST CHL'RCH 288h and Dec itor St. Rev J C Wade, Pastor L. A. Henderson, reporter Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. BTU. 6 p. m. Evening Worship 8 p.m. L.XJ«:JS ’MSB* tfcVA* CHURCH 80th and Ohio. Mrs. T. Newte, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. m.—Morning Service 11th and Ella Streets Rev. S. W. Wilkersen, pastor Virginia Beck, reporter Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Morning Services, 11:00 a. m. ACE. League 7:00 p. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. Visitors are always welcome. CHURCH OF GOD ..2025 North 24th St. .._ .... . Elder S. S. Spaght pastor Alice Britt reoorter Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evening Worship 8 p. m. FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 1811 North 20th St. Rev. A. J. Thomas pastor Miss Bernice Ellis, reporter Tuesday and Thursday, Preach* ing 8:00. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00. Evening Worship, 8:00 CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Holiness) Church, 2124 North 26th Street Res. 2122 North 26th Street, Rev. O A Askerneese, Pastor, Velma Shearron Clerk I > FREESTONE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Hamilton St. Rev. Dan Thomas, pastor Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, reporter 9:30 a. m.—Sunday school 11 a. ns.—Morning Service 6 p, m.—YPVW 8 p. m.—Evening Service. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 2215 Grant Street. Rev F C. Williams. Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 a m. Junior Church, 10:45 a m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a m BTU 6:00 p m Evening Worship, 7:45 p m. PLEASANT GREEN BAPTIST CHURCH, 27th and Franklin Streets Rev. J. H. Reynolds, pastor Sunday School—9:3,0 a. m. Morning worship—11 a. m. BTU—5:30 p. m. Evening Worship—7:80 p. m. Wednesday night Prayer meet' ing 7:30 p. m. CLEAVES TEMPLE CME 25th and Decatur Sts., Rev T J Douglass, Pastor Sunday School. 9:30 a m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a m Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening Service. 8:00 p m. ALLEN CHAPEL AMS. 5233 South 25th St. Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor Sunday School—9:30 a. m. Morning Worship—11 a. m. MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Franklin St. Rev. L. W. Ar.derson, pastor Mrs. Vera E. Hopkins, reporter Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. INTERDENOMINATION CHURCH PEOPLES’ MISSION 1710 North 27th St Rev. W. S. Farmer, Pastor Sunday School ....10:30 ) Morning Worship ..11:30 Prayer Services Thursday ... 8 pm THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 Parker St., Rev. S. K Nichols, Pastor, Rose Oliver, Reporter, Sunday School. 9;45 a. m Morning Service. 11:30 a m. YPPU , 5:00 p m. Evening Worship, 7:30 p m. MT. CALVARY COMMUNITY ( CHURCH • Grant at 25th Stre-* Rev. R. W. Johnson, pastor R. Hatter, reporter. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 a m Evening Worship, 8 p. m. ST. JOHN AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave.. “The Friendly Church” Rev. E. B. Childress. Pastor, Mason Devereaux, Jr., reporter Sunday School—9:30 &. m. Morning Worship--11 o’clock Union—6:30 j>. m. Evening Worship—8 o’clock CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 2230 Ohio Jt., Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor Worship 3 p. m. each Sunday. Tues. an,j Thurs. nights. SEVEN DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2760 Lake St, Elder P. W. McDaniels, pastor. Sabbath School Saturday 6:30 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, Vesper Service Friday evening 7:45 P. M., Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M, DAVID SPIRITUAL TEMPLE IN CHRIST COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA 1720 Ave A. Every Monday evening Circl Meeting at 8:30 P. M. Prophecy and Healing. UNITED SABBATH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 2320 North 28th St, Elder Arthur Holmes, Pastor, Sabbath School Saturday 9 :£° a m. Morning Worship 11 a. m, CALV4RY BAPTIST CHURCH OF RED OAK, IOWA 603 Grimes St., Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor, Julia Keene, Reporter, Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning worship 11 a. m, BYPU. 6:30. Evenig Worship 8 p. m. Prayer seeting Wednesday THE FIRST CHURCH OF DELIVERANCE 2621 Blondo St. Rev. A. J, Thomas. Pastor, Rev. Frank Johnson, Asgt P«~ Bt. Rev. William Teylor, Bishof MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio St. Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor F. Burroughs, Reporter Sunday School, 9:80 a. n. Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Evening Service 8:00 p. m. ST BENEDICT CATIIOLIC CHURCH 2423 Grant Street, Father Moylan, Pastor, Low Mags—7:00 a m Children's Mass—8:30 a m. High Mass—10:00 a m. CLAIR CHAPEL METHODIST CHURCH 22nd and Miami Street, Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor Mrs. Viola Buford, Reporter Sunday Schoo/. 9:30 a m Morning Worship. 11:00 a m Evening Worship. 8:00 p m. NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 26th and Seward Streets, Rev. L R. Bragg, Pastor, Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter, 9:30 A M _3unday School 11:00 A M .Morning Worship 6:00 P. M ___BTU 7:30 P M .Evening Worship 8:00 P M Wednesi Prayer Meeting 8:00 P M__Junior Church Visitors are always welcome FIRST MISSION OF THE GOD SENT LIGHT Prophet Hess, officiator Ora Robinson, reporter Services Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, ar « o'clock Private readings daily at 2010 North 23rd St. CAN’T YOU » t a if JrANYJ WHEN the stress of modern living gets “on your nerves’* a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. Next time a day’s work and worry or a night’i. wakefulnesss, makes you Irritable, Restless or Jumpy—gives you Nervous Head ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) 'Dr. Miles Nervine is a time tested sedative that has been bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning’s newspaper. Liquid 25* and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35# and 75*. Read directions and use only as directed. • Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat *«,«“• *°y rtonjach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for !medicines like those In Beil-ana nnblet1' Bell-ans brines comfort in a Jiffy or double yoor money back on return of bottle to lit. 25c at all druggists. Improved « SUNDAY International 1 SCHOOL -:- LESSON -; By HAROLD L LUNDQUIST. D D Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Released by Western Newspaper Union Lesson for December 16 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used bv permission. EXALTING CHRIST IN THE LIFE OF THE NATION LESSON TEXT: Isaiah 9:2. 3. 6. 7; Luke 1:26-33. GOLDEN TEXT: For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoul der: and His name shall be called Won derful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, tha Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. —Isaiah 9:6. Christmas is coming! It should be a blessed and delightful time this year. But do not fail to ask your self, What is its true meaning? Why did Christ come? So that we could feast and celebrate? Surely not He came first of all to be a Saviour; but do not forget that the Saviour is also the King of kings. When Jesus came, His people Is rael were practicaily without a gov ernment. They were a subject peo ple under the rule of Rome. Their national life was in ruins; dark ness had settled over their land, and there was both national and spiritual darkness. Christ came as their King, as well as the Light of the world. True, they rejected Him, and His kingdom is now in abeyance until He comes again to reign. One of these days He will come! I. Darkness—bat the Light Is Com ing! (Isa. 9:2. 3). When Jesus came there was deep darkness in Israel; there was no king. National honor and glory were at low ebb. Religious leaders had lost their spiritual vision and zeal. They were going through the form of godliness but denying its power. Read the book of Malachi for a picture of their desolation. Then Jesus came, and the great est Light of all time shone forth in the darkness. He was and is "the light of the world” (John 8:12). They that followed Him did not stumble in darkness (John .9:5; 11: 9). How sad that they received Him not (John 1:11)! The reason? They loved darkness rather than light (John 3:17-21). There is much darkness in our world today. We need the light of 1 Jesus in national life, as well as in individual life. When will the na tions of the earth recognize Him as the only One who can truly lead them through the darkness? Military leaders, educators, and scientists are saying In our day that there must be a spiritual rebirth of the peoples of the earth if we are not to have another war which will destroy everything. No mere re- i vival of “religion” will do it. We must have Jesus, the Saviour and , the Light! II. Chaos—but a King Is Com ing (Isa. 9:6. 7). We have already suggested that Isaiah’s prophecy came at a time of chaos in the affairs of the nation. Would they ever have the order and dignity of a nation again? Who was to be their king? What kind of lead er would He be? Our verses give the answer. Seven hundred years before Christ came, the prophet presented a glor ious, detailed picture of the coming One. He was to be born as a Babe —a Son—but the “government shall be upon his shoulder.” What kind of King is He? His names reveal Him. “Wonderful"—that word has been so misused that it means compara tively little to us. It really fulfills its true meaning in Christ. He is unique, remarkable, yes, truly wonderful. “Counsellor”—in every detail of life, great or small, an infallible Guide. "Mighty God”—not just like God, or representing God; Christ is God. “Everlasting Father”—the tender and loving, unfailing One to whom time brings no change, for He is the "Father of eternity.” "Prince of Peace”—He is not yet the Ruler of the nations of the world, hence we hear not only of wars but of rumors of wars. Mark it well that there will be no enduring peace until He comes to reign whose right it is to reign, the divine Prince of Peace. III. Jesus Christ—the Light and the King (Luke 1:26-33). If Christ is to be honored in the life of any nation, yes, of our na tion, He must first be recognized as the Son of God, the Lord of glory, the everlasting King of kings. We need to emphasize that fact now when both military and politi cal leaders are talking about the need of spiritual revival to save the world. Let us be sure that they mean more than just to pay formal recog nition to a great man and a distin guished moral teacher. He is the Saviour, and there is none other (Acts 4:12). Note the marvelous fulfillment of prophecy which actually took place in the coming of Jesus. Isaiah (7: 14) said He was to be born of a virgin. He was (v. 27)! He was to oe the Son of God (Ps. 2:7). He wa3 (v. 32)! And so on through all the detailed prophecies of His birth. We celebrate the fulfillment of these prophecies at Christmas time. Let us be reminded that there are hundreds of prophecies that He is to come again. Let us believe them, and look for Him. He is the hope of this poor world! SUBSCRIBE ~~~ TODAY! LEARN GOD’S PEACE PLAN! SEND STAMPED RETURN' AD DRESSED ENVELOPE AND REA SONABLE “OFFERING” ($1.00?) TO R. W. COOK, OROFINO. IDAHO. GREAT SURPRISES AWAIT YOU! 11 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Pleased 5 Young oyster 9 Track 10 Silent 12 Showers 13 Place of worship 14 Group of eight" 15 Plant life 16 Ruler of Tunis 17 Royal Air Force (abbr.) 19 Beam 20 Covered with moss 22 Mixed metals 25 Jewish month 29 Mourning clothes 30 Shaping tool 31 Tardy 32 Cultivated 33 Birds 35 Knave of clubs in loo 38 Hawaiian food 39 Transgress 42 Excuse 44 Gleamed 46 Skin disease 47 Speaks 48 Form of trapshooting 49 Sprites 50 Serf 51 Bamboolike grass DOWN 1 Feminine name 2 Not of the clergy Solution in Next Issue. -1-1-1-VSS/l I No. 2* 3 Skin disease 26 Any split 4 Demolishes pulse 5 Clubs 27 To grow old 6 To become 28 A color dull 30 Evil n -a t 32 Also 7 Performer 34 A narcotic 8 Coronet 35 Caresses 9 Trampled 36 Similar 11 Salver 37 Burrows 18 Donkey 39 Unravel 20 Pattern 40 Covered 21 Boats with ink 22 Piercing tool 41 Headland 23 Meadow 43 Existed 24 Permit 45 Robust I I I////I Answer to Puzzle No. t7 — i I I 11 M I I 11 M Series D-43 Religious News CONNOR INSTITUTIONAL AME. CHURCH Rev. A. Davis, aPstor Dec. 16 in the afternoon at 3 p. m., the Rev. E. B. Childress, Pas tor of St. Johns AME. church, has been invited to deliver the message and his choir is asked to sing. This service will be held in the Church of God in Christ, 2408 Caldwell Street in the afternoon at 3 pm. Visitors and friends are !n vited to worship with us. CLAIR CHAPEL USHER BOARD HOLD INSTALLATION The Usher Board of Clair Chap el Methodist Church held Install ation Services Sunday, Dec. 9th, I during the morning services with the Pastor, Rev. C. C. Reynolds in charge. They chose to be door keepers in the House of the Lord. Members of the Board were very neat and dignified in uniforms of dark blue with white collars and gloves as they stood at the altar and Rev. Reynolds so ably outlined their duties, asking God’s blessing and guidance as they venture out into the new paths of offices just leceived: Mr. H. D. Wiley, President, Mrs. H, D, Wiley, vice president, Mrs. Luvella Riggins Secretary, Mrs. Lucille Harper, Treasurer. Mrs. Ola Allan, Chaplain, Mrs. Myra Hickman, Publicity Cbr Little Fredricka Clay, Mascot, Donald Wiley and Abraham Rey I Molds 3rd, Junior Ushers. You will hear more about the Jitney Dinner that they are plann ing which you will not want to mis. A delicious menu 5c per dish. Myra Hickman, Reporter ST. JOHNS AME. CHURCH 22nd and Willis St., Rev. E. B. Childress, Pastor Mason Devereaux, Jr. i In another of his well delivered sermon our Pastor Reverend E. B. Childress chose for his morning topic ‘‘The Life Line”, taken from Luke 16 chapter 19th verse. His well attended, attentative congre gation, on this cold Sunday morn ing, was well pleased with the fine spiritual message, and registered approval of his closing remarks, “That it isn't the place or the pos ition a man holds, but it is the Heart of the man that is import ant in the sight of God.” Mr. L. L. McVay informed us of the death of one of our former pastors in the person of Reverend R. A. Adams in Kansas City, Kar.. The church came forth with a splendid contribution of $15.00 to be sent his widow Mrs. Laura Ad ams. Thank you St. John. The Pastor wishes to thank thrx who contributed to the fund taken up for our Douglas Hospital. It is most gratifying to see such fine ! Christian spirit and unselfishness . displayed by the members and friends of St. Johns who respond ed to these two calls. At our night Services our broth er Reverend Metcalf brought us a most inspiring sermon trom Paul 26 chapter 28 st. verse. His sub ject was ‘‘Almost Persuaded.” ™ The following visitors worship ped with us: Clinton C. Miller 2203 E. 24 St. Lovr. from Ward Chapel AME. Church, Kansas City, Mo.; William E. Clark, Omaha. Nebras ka; Allen Wiebe, Grace C'b’e Insti tute Omaha; Glen Oldham, Omaha. From all indications cf the ex cellent i tt.endance for rehearsvs lor the Sunday School Christmas program on Monday night Decem ber the 23rd, at 7:30 pm. in the Church auditorium, your children 'have planned a fine evening of en i« ♦amment. P. .1 r. his wife the superintendent the Sunday School, wish to extend an invitat ion to parents and members to come out and see your children fn the service of the church. Note- - (there will be a rehearsal at 1 pm. sharp.) The Choir is planning a Christ mas Pageant under the direction of Mrs. M. Ray for the enjoyment and pleasure of members and the friends of St. Johns “when the Star Shone,” Christmas eve., Dec ember 24th at 12:00 pm. Mrs. Pearl Gibson and the choir will be on hand to furnish the music for this program. So be sure and come out and hear and see this wonderful treat that is in store for you. Refreshments will uc served between the Children s pr -gram and the Pageant at 12'0<) pm. Won’t you come and spend an evening of Christian fellowship | with us ? l _ A bouquet to the trustee who was so kind in donating a set of dishes to the parsonage and all those who are daily contributing contributing to the comfort of our pastor and his wife. They both find it hard to express in words their thanks for the many kind nesses. They can only say I thank you again and again, each and ! every one of you. I _ Come to Christian Endeavor each Sunday at 6:00 pm. Don’t forget class meetings on each Tues day night, and Prayer meeting on Wednesday nights. Parents send your children to St Johns Sunday School every Sun day morning at 9:30 am. Attend our morning Services at 11:00 am. Our evening services at 7:30 pm Friends and visitors are always i welcome at St. Johns the Friendly ! Church at 22nd Willis St. So corr.e I and worship with us, won’t you ? 1 _ ================== Relieve i ^ That Aching Back with a (CAMP Surgical Support Oup trained lady fitter is prepared to fill your doctor’s prescription for specialized Camp Surgical Supports Seiler Surgical Co., Inc. Physicians’, Nurses, Hospital, Sick Room Supplies Medical Arts Bldg., Omaha ATlantic 5825 GIRL WHO WRITES WITH TEETH AIDS SOLDIERS Nwark, N. J. (CNS) Bessie J Blount, one of Newark's best trained nurse physiotherapists who recently appeared on the CBS. Network aa guest of the Hobby Lobby program because of her own unusual hobby, •s doing much to aid returning veterans. She teaches disabled service men and civilian cripples the art of writing, drawing and shorthand with their teeth while convalescing. Miss Blount, also a professional artist and photographer's model, is noted for standing on her head, (yogi) poses and health pictures and has for several years specialized privately in exercise therapy for the multiple handicapped. In this work she has served on the staff of lading hospitals in this area. Her experience in this field, plus the added ability to do many things omitting the normal use of her hands, makes writing with the teeth an usual, but most interesting hobby and places her among the ex perts in the work of rehabilitation. The advantage of writing with the teeth is best explained through the displayed independence gained by those handicapped. This is es pecially true of paralytic victims and disabled, armless servicemen de siring to write during convalescence. A few artistic vets are studying commercial art and show-card lettering in view of holding future pos itions. Twenty-ine year old Miss Blount, a native of Norfolk, Virginia, and received most of her education in Jersey, majoring in psychology at Union Junior College, Canford, New Jersey. After completing a scheduled tour of hospitals, she hopes to establish a clinic-hobby school for cripples now unable to enter many institutions because of discrimination. Cooperation on Community Chest s Christmas Bureau Toy Shop Omahans are lending a hand to make the Christmas Bureau's Toy Shop, operated under the joint sponsorship oi the Goodfellows. Inc. the Ki wanis and the Community Chest a success. Picture shows a few oi the toys collected for the Bureau by radio's "Umbrella Man" program. Boy Scouts then remove toys to fire stations where City firemen make repairs. Dolls for Bureau have been been repainted and newly dressed by Camp Fire Girls. Girl Scouts and Volunteers. The toys will be distributed by the Bureau to make a Happy Christmas for underprivileged children. Shown above, left to right. Fire Chief Dan'l. A. O'Connor. Byron Head, Boy Scout Ronald Alter. Camp Fire Girl Connie Silhasek. Bill Talbot and Fire Commissioner Joe Dolan. Talbot and Head conduct the "Umbrella Man" program. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th and Corby, W. C. Ollenburg, Bastor This coming Sunday divine wor ship will again be conducted at 10 o’clock. The topic for the sermon is, "Spiritual Needs for Today". On Friday evening, December 21, at 8 o’clock there will be a special pre-Christmas service at which time colored slides depict ing all the incidencts connected with the birth of Jesus will be shown. Together with this will be the singing of traditional Christ mas carols. The community is invited. In St. Matthew 21 we read of Jesus as He was returning one morning from Bethany to Jerus alem. He came upon a fig tree and observed that the three was barren of all fruit, though its fol iage was luxuriant. Jesus was dis pleased. He pronounced a curse on this tree and it “withered a way”. God is displeased if He fails to find the fruit of faith in the lives of Hispeople. Mere profession of faith is not sufficient. As Christ ians who are rooted in the soil of God’s Word and favored by the "rivers of water” of God’s bless ings, we are expected to bear fruit. The greater the favors of God upon us, the more solemn are our responsibilities, and the more good works will God expect. Faith without works is dead’. With the true faith in Jesus also the fruits of faith will appear. Chew tasty gum laxative for SLUGGISH BOWELS • Headachy? Bilious? Miserable with constipation? Chew Feen-a-mint — candy-coated chewing gum laxative. Contains same medicine many doc tors prescribe. Used by millions. Take Feen-a-mint at bed-time— exactly as directed. Next Morning feel like a million! n—li —ii sni it ig— !■> 1T> i— WE ARE NOW ABLE... to Render Much Better Service on All Laundry! Work i THANKS for being so Patient during the] Past Trying Months. ! Lfiholm & Sherman J —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 ! NATURAL PAGE BOY ATTACHMENTS YOU CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED FOR Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair All Shades BETTER QUALITY - SEND NO MONEY Jvtt send sample at year hair ar sfofe color. rrivs rotrogt on ue//very* • « • • Glamour Page Boy.$7.50 All Over Wig r $3* on Pompadour Glamour...17.50 Half Wig.... 19.50 All Around Roll. 8.50 1st Quality Page Boys 8.00 (A Deposit of 50% it Required with These Order*) ALSO PUFFS, WIGS AND BRAIDS — SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GRAY HAIR $1 JO EXTRA - SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY We Carry a Full Una of OVERWIGS-All COLORS Including Mixed Gray GS3SSSSS8SS3SS33&eSSeiSSSSSSSSSS3SSSeS&aS&39S9$ JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS COMPANY 507 FIFTH AVE. (Room 905) NEW YORK CITY