The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 15, 1945, Page 4, Image 4
The Greater Omaha Guide s HOME-MAKER’S CORNER GAY GIFTS TO MAKE IN RAYON HERE are some ideas for gifts of rayon that will earn a warm welcome from everyone on your list. They require short lengths of fabric— which you may be able to find in your own scrap bag! If you buy new fabric, remember that your gift will be worth more if you select good fabrics. Look for rayon fabrics that have informative labels giving the results of laboratory tests for wearing and cleaning qualities. Would you like a free leaflet full of clever ideas? Send a stamped, self-addressed enveloDe to the editor for vour free corv of “21 Gifts to Make in Rayon." The Luxury of All Wool Blankets Yours. • From Our Bedding Department St. Mary’s North Star Pendleton Faribo and other famous mills contribute toward, this bounteous showing. 15.95 to 25.00 each Matched Pairs of Blankets so elegant for Christmas Giving Pair .27.50, 45.00 St. Mary’s Many-Pur pose Blanket made of fine quality wool (76%) and cotton (24%) in rose color- 9.50 Fine 50/50 Wool and Cotton Blankets with rayon satin binding ( boxed for giving). Priced at -6.95 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. ' S/'/ict. '93.— Where food is finest.... it’s cooked with &4S At the Stork Club in New York, at the world famous “La Louisiane” in New Orleans ... in all the finest eating places of the country . . . GAS is the fuel for cooking. No wonder 50,000 Omaha women prefer to cook with gas and enjoy FLAME cooking at its delicious best! TO CARVE SHOULDER I IHave round bone tide away from j carver with blade bone tide at carver's right Use fork to roll roast up on edge as knife follows along ribs, removing ribs and back bone. Put bones onto auxiliary platter. 2 Cut slices from arm bone side at right until blade bone is reached. I 3 Remove arm bone and blade bone by cutting under the bones, thus separating bones from meat. 1 4 Carve remaining boneles* shoul der meat, across the grain ol meat. No amount of fat and gristle is toe little to save. Melt it down, add it t« the used fat container. Every drop it needed. CHESTER BOWLES THANKS COLORED AMERICANS Washington, DC. (Special to GNS).In a telegram to Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune, President of the National Council of Negro Women on the responsibilities fac ing the American people now that | rationing has ended, Chester Bow ' les, Administrator of the Office of Price Administration stated: “Be cause your organization has strongly supported the continu ance of rationing of meats, fats, and oils to assist in getting ade quate food Supplies sent abroad, I realize you may be concerned a bout the announcement of the end of this program. His telegram continued, “would deeply appreciate your passing on by thanks and congratulations to the members of your group for all they have done to make this pro gram work. End of this ration ing program means we can con centrate even more intensively on our crucial price control program. XMAS GIFTS AND TOYS Visit Us NOW and SEE Our Large Selection o o o USE OUR LAY-AWAY-PLAN o o o OSOFF’S HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS CO. S. W. Corner 16 & Davenport AT. 7076_ □nar=-^-innnBt=innnnr=-innn ! King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2010}$ N. 24th St. JAckson 8576 Open from ! r m until 3am AMERICAN H CHINESE LUSHES TO CARVE LOIN I Have the butcher loosen but not remove back bone, as indicated. Roast fat side up with back bone on ;an. 2 When roasted, remove the back bone and tenderloin in kitchen. Remove excess fat, melt it down when oven is lighted for other baking. Used fat brings cash and ration points for every pound. f /////Vs , y y \ '///// I 3 Remove the pieces of bone that were under the tenderloin. Take out the hip bone. Serve the two bone less pieces of meat on the platter and «arve across the grain. I 1 , I 4 Slice tenderloin and the boneless back muscle into uniform serv ings. To satisfy everyone, serve some tenderloin to each individual I know that you recognize that the nation faces the most critical inflationary pressures in our his tory, and I am glad I can count on the members of your group to co operate establish a sound foundation for maintaining prosperity in the years to come." In reply to Mr. Bole’s telegram. Mrs. Bethune thanked him, and pointed out, “The National Coun cil of Negro Women at its recent national work shop, pledged its full support to rigid price control program to insure against inflat ion and to provide the necessities of life to the great masses of the American people, 14 million of whom are Negroes. The Metropolitan Councils of our organization, establish all ov er the Nation, are now working in their communities toward the end of holding the price line." SOCIAL NOTES THE QUACK CLUB The Quack Club of the YWCA, met Friday night at 8:30. Twen ty members were present. The meeting was opened with a song and prayer, then business was taken care of. Mrs. Blanche Lee Wright the program chairman had with us, one of the city’s outstanding beau ticians, in the person of Mr. Voy al Watson. He gave an interest ing lecture on the care of the hair, skin, which was enjoyed by all. The Worship chairman called a Council meeting Tuesday evening, The Quacks are having their dinner dance the 17th. Be 3ure and dont’ forget about the big Bingo party Friday the 14th. We are glad that Mrs. George McDavis is back. She had a won derful vacation in California. Leola Jones, President, Rama Buxton, Reporter. CONVENTION GO HANG CANCELLED INDEFINITELY The Muse Drama Guild regret- j fully announces the indefinitely cancellation of Convention Go I Hang! It is hoped that at a spec ial meeting called Tuesday Decem ber 18, 1945 for members and per sons interested in dramatics, that Thorp and Wearer... | Quality Food Grocery Store I 3224 North 30th St. Ij • We Carry a Full Line of Fresh ff Meats, Vegetables, and Fruit. | “GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER” 11 “Free Delivery Twice A Day” K Oven Control Marks 30th Year This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the world’s most famous cooking device, the oven temperature regulator invented by Benjamin E. Meacham, asso ciated with a manufacturer of gas ranges at Lorain, Ohio, to liberate American women from baking failures. So efficient did the regulator (circled) prove to be that eventually it appeared on the ranges of other manu facturers. Home economists were first to recognize its im portance as the measure of suc cessful baking and they worked out tables of time and tempera ture for all oven cooking which appear in up-to-date cook books. I something can be released relative ! to this production. We appreciate the public’s splendid cooperation in being patient with us uptodate, and hope you will continue to be for just a while longer. Thank you. PASSES Mr. James Russell of Council Blufs, Iowa passed away after a prolonged illness. Funeral servic es were held at Cutler’s Mortuary in Council Bluffs, Dec. 5, 1945. The Omaha Guide extends their sympathy to the bereaved wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Russell and family. D. V. W. LOU SWARZ CAPTIVATES SOUTH IN RETURN ENGAGE MENT ON RECITAL TOUR Critic on Savannah Daily Praises Artistry of Actress | Concord, North Carolina Special Lou Swarz, noted actress and mov ie star really took her audiences by storm when she appeared in Recitals at Savannah, Georgia,— sponsors First Congregational Church, Columbia, South Carolina,' sponsors, Benedict College and A1 len University and Concord, North Carolinia, sponsor Barber Scotia College. The actresses’ first performance which was a return Recital in Sa vannah, Georgia, brought praises from K. E. Palmer, critic on the Savnnah Daily Evening Press as well as the Savannah Tribune. Miss Swarz held an audience of ) approxiamtely 1100 at the First African Baptist Church spellbound with a full two hour show. Rev. A. C. Curtwright, pastor of the First Congregational Church which presented her was high in his praises of her performance, and when she was forced to do en core after encore she had won her audience. Of her performance Mr. Palmer wrote in the Daily Press: "Lou Swarz, accomplish ished dramatist, delighted her au dience last night at First African Baptist Church in a Recital spon sored by the First Congregational Church. Attractively and approp i riately gowned in change of cos tume for each number and speak ing with clear enunciation in her rich, vibrant voice Lou Swarz pre sented Patterns by Amy Lowell; "The Wooing” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, original monologues; "The Tramp”; and an enactment of a Gypsy Fortune Teller before the climatic part of the program “From African Waif to American Poet” and a group of specialities. On Friday evening November 30, Miss Swarz presented her "or e woman” theatre at Benedict Col lege under the sponsorship of Benedict and Alien. Her interpret ation of the ' Apache” and "The Tramp” swept the audience off its feet; and she lound it most diffic ult to leave the stage although her program had just about reach ed the first half. Following her performance the actress auto graphed several hundred program® at the delightful Tea which was in the home of President Ba coats Then at Barber Scotia College Here are 7 reasons why thousand* prefer Innerclean Herbal Laxative. )| 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. : 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Effect. 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. j| 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. * 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to * your Individual Needs 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family for Months. Caution: Use only as directed At all druggists. Or write for FREE GENEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean Co.. 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. California. on Saturday evening it was Lou's performance that won another group.with her perfect diction and superb acting. Accompanying her on her tour were Cecile Walker and Frances McNichols.secretary and ward robe mistress who plajed a great part in the “quick'’ costume chang ing made by the actress ■ After the tour through the sou thland Miss Swarz returned to New York where she will continue work in pictures sis well as soec *1 study at ANT (Americap Negro Theatre) and under her manager. TheWEEK ••.A. /r**—, (BY H. W. SMITH....HA-0800) One of the Omaha Packing Houses had a one day strike and the truck drivers strike has not been adjusted. Four Omaha youths their ages 15, 16, 17 years, were arrested by Omaha police on Dec. 4 for many burglaries. The had looted a doz en homes. Congressman Hofman of Michi gan say it does not cost him any more to live now than in 1911 as he washes his sox and underwear and if an item costs too much, he' don’t purchase it. Police of Homestead, New York, found a baby that was reported lost. A neighbor said it was found on her lawn. Judge Lester Palmer said Mon day Dec. 10 there would be no ten ant ousters or any man’s wages siezed until after Christmas. IMaher-Kelleher $ Insurance Agency 1 Real Estate, Rentals, Insurances NOTARY PUBLIC I 2424 BRISTOL ST., JA-626lf McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. *423-25 NORTH 24tb St WINE. LIQUORS, and CIGARS 8lne Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open fcr Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m.' —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a e 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS Highest ( Prices Paid | ! on FURNITURE, & PIANOS ■ MIDWEST AUCTION CO 2618 Leavenworth St. AT 8615 CREATES NATURE" for both parties. Relieves asthma ^ colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus an;4 nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for ? ' oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pav postag< . on delivery. FISHER S FAMOUS ' FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St- / golumbus^J^Ohio^ Agents Wanted ' • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE i I Every Week * £ YOUR DENTAL I. 0. c American Dental Association. V HOW ARE YOU DOING, DENTALLY? Find out by scoring yourself on the following questions. J ASK YOURSELF 1. Do you eat well-balanced meals r every day for your general health meals that contain, adequate amounts of milk, fruits,vegetables, meat or fish, eggs and whole-gTain cereals? Yes □ s No □ 2. Do you restrict your intake of sweet foods to a minimum amount? Yes □ No □ 3. Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day, after breakfast in the morning, and before going to bed at night? Yes □ No □ 4. Do you brush your teeth the way your dentist advises? Yes □ No □ ^ 5. Do you use a small, straight-edged, firmly-bristled toothbrush so that you can reach the inner and chew ing surfaces of the teeth and the tiny crevices? Yes □ No □ 6. Do you visit your dentist regularly —at least twice a year? Yes □ No □ 7. Do you use a dentifrice that bears the Seal of Acceptance of the Coun cil on Dental Therapeutics of the American Dental Association which indicates that it is safe, effective and honestly advertised? Yes □ No □ 8. Do you rinse your mouth with clear water after brushing your teeth to assure a thorough cleaning job? Yes □ No □ 9. Do you have two toothbrushes so that each brush can dry thoroughly in a clean, light place after using? Yes □ No □ 10. Do you rinse your toothbrush in cold water before and after you use it to keep the bristles film and clean? Yes □ -No □ According to the American Den tal Association, if you answered "yes” to all ten questions, you are doing everything you can do to maintain a healthy mouth. If you answered “yes” to only 8 or 9, check the items where you’ve slipped up and remedy the situa tion. If you answered “yes” to 7 or less, it’s time to change your 'whole dental care routine and Improve the attention you give to your teeth before it's too late. FOR PARENTS ONLY 1. Do you give your child a well balanced diet including milk, vege tables, whole-grain cereals, meat, eggs, fruits and cod-liver oil? Yes □ No □ 2. Do you limit your child’s consump tion of sugar, confections and highly sweetened foods which seem to en courage dental decay? Yes □ No □ 3. Do you see that your child brushes his teeth at least twice a day—after breakfast and before going to bed? Yes □ No □ 4. Do you see that your child brushes his teeth the way they grow—down on the upper teeth and up on the lower teeth—never across? Yes □ No O 5. Do you carefully protect your child’s "baby" teeth because they are just as important to his chewing, speak , ing and jaw formation as perma nent teeth are to the adult’s? Yes □ No Q 6. Do you follow the advice of dental authorities who say that the child's first visit to the dentist should take place no later than his third birth day? Yes □ No □ 7. Do you make certain that your child returns to the dentist at regu lar intervals—at least every six months? Yes □ No p 8. Do you guard your child’s six-year old molars because they are the most important teeth in his mouth and their loss through neglect can throw his whole "chewing machine" into disorder? Yes □ No □ 9. Do you have the dentist carefully check your child’s permanent teeth as they replace his "baby" teeth to determine if they are growing in straight? Yes P No P 10. Do you give special dental atten tion to the adolescent child since teen ige children suffer the highest rate of tooth decay of any group? V Yes □ No P • If you answered "yes” to all ten questions, you can feel assured that you are fulfilling an impor tant obligation to your child keeping him dentally fit. If you have been negligent on any point, it would be .advisable to remedy * the situation. 20 persons were killed in an air plane on December 4th A sailor was given a traffic tic ket on Sept. 18 in Moline, 111. A policeman met him in a cafe and him his name. It had so many let ters in it the cop told him he was honoset as he was in unilorm when the ticket was issued. Read The Omaha Guide A total eclipse of the moon will be visible in Omaha at 8:30 pm. A man classed as a town charac ter was killed by police in Browns ville, Pa., Sunday, Dec. 9th. - , John Nowalski was shot and I killed In Chicago Dec. 9 while he was repairing a juke box. The army transport Argentina, docked in NY. Sunday Dec. f) with 4,424 cheering soldiers. NAACP monthly meeting at the Cleaves Temple Church, Sunday. Dec. 16 at 3:30 pm. •STORM SASH Paint — Roofing SUTHERLAND LUMBER GO 2920 ‘L’ St. MA-1200 1-> * ► Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN r tays Sufferer/ "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix ac home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of '/a lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY I Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money hark. 85f. Drug stores. * OE^ • , Do you suffer from herd of hearing and head noises caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 70 report hearing fine and haad noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! THE ELMO COMPANY. Dept. 516 • Davenport, fowa ( J| 137 Satisfied Customers | You fire Next I 1137 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG | Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 | Omaha, Nebraska m