The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 08, 1945, Page 7, Image 7
A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUtLED AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE !t°rrT whe" y?Qr mind “ weighted down with worry DlenJ^.i. v need °f and the counsel of an understanding friend piease write Your problem will be analysed in the paper free iuat include a •‘W'"* o' the column with your letter. For a "private reply” «nd 25c foI ABBES 1946 INSPIRATIONAL READING With each Reading you will receiSI a P*raonal letter of sound and constructive advice analysing three IS) ques tions Mease send s stamped (Set envelope for your confidential reply and siga your full name, address and blrthdate to all letters. Explain your ease fully and confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to THE ABBE WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Aflanta 1, Georgia_ THE NEW 1946 READINGS ARE NOW READY D. B_I made a mistake and have a child. I need advise des perately. The boy and I fell in love at first sight. When I found I was to become a mother he want ed to marry but but his older sis ter objected and stood in our way. She sent him away because neith er of us were of age. The baby is six months old now and he has visited people I know and asks a bout the baby but I haven’t seen him. My father has forbidden any of the family to let him know where I am. I wish to know if I should try to find him as I know he loves me ? The baby and 11 both need him. Ans: As long as you are ac cepting support from your father for yourself and child, it is only right that you carry out his wish es. After all his chief concern is for the best welfare of you and the baby. When the baby gets a lit tle older, you will be given more privileges and can get out and build a new life for yourself. When you become self supporting, you can use your own discretion about looking up this man but at the present you must abide by your father’s decision. A. E. C_I am undecided as to what I should do. I had thought of selling out and leaving my hus band. He just won’t treat me as he should. The main trouble is his folks. His mother doesn’t like me because I won’t cater to her. Tell me what to do? Ans: If a little humoring and catering is all that it takes to please your mother-in -lew, it would certainly be wortn while in the long run. Consider the unhap piness and unpleasantness you are experiencing now by an antagon istic and unyielding attitude when just a few kind words and deeds Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street { i Ciet the Beat In Quality at the , Kehraska Produce—Loweat Price, NOW JS THE TIME TO C.El YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street MiNMMA Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Oetrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 60. 60. for body old aolely because low In Iron; also ■upp** vitamin Wi. calcium phosphorus. 35c In troductory size now only 29c! Try Ostrex Toni# Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. .For Sale at all drugstores every where--in Omaha, at Smith s and Walgreens.” Don t worry about money, A Home affairs, Bad Luck, H Jinks and Love. No mat- H ter what your troubles are * nine me. M. CAROLYV ai: S. Ml.-hlgim Ave. Chicago. 16. III. Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for >oughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley's “CANADIOL” Mixture—Fast Work ing. triple acting Buckley’s Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing ingre dients Buckley’s “CANADIOL” Mixture is different from anything you ever tried. Get x bottle today at any good drug store. I FROM MICROBE TO MAN »y OR. X V. WELLS THE FASCINATING STORY Of THE Ot VELOPMtNT Of CHJR UNBORN BOOT j FROM A SINGLE MICROBE S'ZEO EGG CELL WTO A HUMAN BEiNG PRE SET-CEO W SIMPLE LANGUAGE these FACTS will AMAZE you. regasg less of your reading tastes. PRICE *1 POSTPA© 20th CENTURY RRESG tOtt A SI. 1AC0HA RASMRS1W GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot8, corner anil adjoining, on Mouth west corner 21*t and Grace Kttcaslve frontage on both 21st an*1 Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home* or especially suited as Church ground*. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33# or Call HA-OSO*. here and there would remedy the matter. You don’t have to humor her every whim but yon can be cooperative and please her when it is convenient. Your husband’s attitude will change completely when you accept his mother M. E. M.--I am writing for help. I am very much in love with a man who is 31 and I am 33. He writes me all of the time to wait for him and I want to know if he means it? He is overseas and I wonder if he is too young for me ? Ans: It is only a question of a few more months until he returns and if at that time you two still feel that you are deeply in love and want to marry regardless of your ages, it should be all right A few years difference one way or the other shouldn’t be of vital importance if the couple is con genial in every respect. . M. O. H_I have a friend and we have been going together for a long time. He isn’t always pleasant and is hard to get along with. I have moved from place to place but he will come whereever I go. I am tired of putting up The brilliant soprano WHO WAS RECENTLY AWARDED THE HONORARY "DOCTOR OF MUSIC DEGREE" FROM BENNETT COLLEGE, GREENSBORO N.C WITH THE CITATION-"POSSESSOR OF A VOICE OF RAREST BEAUTY, IN5PIRER OF THOUSANDS, AMBASSADOR OF YOUR PEOPLE TO THE HEARTS OF THE WORl»,DE\/OTED DAUGHTER, LOYAL WIFE,AND INSPIRING ARTIST-STARTEO HER MUSICAL CAREER IN THE FAMOUS HAMPTON INSTITUTE f AA CHO|« / /7/tf7 rDocroa OF CULTURE / DR. LESLIE M / COLLINS W 28-YEAR OLO LOUISIANA \ BORN,SCHOLAR-TEACHER- T l AUTHOR IS THE NATIONS ^ \ FIRST PERSON TO RECEIVERS \ A PH D IN AMERICAN \cULTURe'(JUNE45)A JR \ NEWLY CREATED Bk. \STU0Y AT WESTERI^t!: » \ RESERVE X<Ta] _ \UNIVER(ITC/W/ Geo. X \ny/ . with him with all of his short com . ings and I want to know what to do ? My two children are in col lege. Ans: This man has grown very attached to you during the years of your association and feels like a permanent fixture in your home. If you are determined to bring this friendship to a close, you must make a clean break and discon tinue all relations. As long as you accept his gifts and presents you will be obligated to him and he will continue to hang around. Read The Greater Omaha Guide, .... for All the News! TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN I _______—-« H %\ 'ALLt^. c#wtiMi«rnu F«*ruMf “Never mind Miss Johnson, I just found that letter, that I’ve had you looking for all Lday, right on my desk.” "Next Door” By ted shearer r~--- - ■■■■■■ —--■ J*iAA U ■ fi‘ <«wg»ncgi •JLs | "Darling, let me take you away from all this'” _1 W ^j Thrifty Service... =. M. • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Dame Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 ! v ! ANGUS STEER SETS U. S. RECORD Glyndon, Minn.—Stanley Grume 4-H club boy here and his grand champion Angus steer, “Prince Blackcap 4th”, which holds the 1945 U. S. record for the highest selling “beef on the hoof”. In com petition with 800 other beef calv es Stanley’s steer was grand ebam pion over all breeds at the South St. Paul Junior Livestock Show. In the auction following the show "Prince Blackcap” orought $3.75 a pound to set a 1945 national re cord, and to bring his young own er more than $4,600. The beef from this prime Angus will be served at the disabled veterans hospital at Minneapolis. new york showfronts ! KING COLE TO HELP FIGHT JUVENILE DELINQUENCY NEW YORK—The second big name in the entertainment world to volunteer to do something to curb the growing menace of juv enile delinquency is that of Nat (King) Cole, Frank Sinatra's closest rival as king of the nat ion’s bobby-sox brigade. King Cole opened here recently at Monte Proser’s ultra swank Co pacabana Club on New York's fashionable East Side. Police and social agencies have long recognized the fact that the teen age group is more under the influence of their popular music heroes than anyone else, includ ing in many cases, their parents. The swoonsters listen to radio and jukebox programs of their fa vorite bandleaders or singers and go into hysterics. Their mind? are mainly on ‘swing music” and as a result, the singers and music ians who are the idols of the bob by-sox crowd could, if they would, l be one of the principal forces for J control of a problem that has be j come nationwide with the end of the war. Mainly because of his own you th and because of the struggle he had to attain the national fame he now enjoys. King Cole has been deeply interested in the youth of today. He believes in the young sters and feels that a common mis take has been made in calling them all bad and handling them as ifthey were some strange phen omena outside the pale of human relationships. King Cole told me last week that he plans to make speeches, play and sir.g for his followers, and go all out to do his bit in keep ing the kids in line and toward instilling worthwhile ideas in their heads. While he is commercial enough to know that the mixing of social science with swing and ump mus ic seldom produces a palatable broth, Cole is willing to take his chances so that the generation that has made him the No. 1 | star of the music industry won’t I take the wrong road and travel it j so far that it can't come back. Everywhere he has been. King ' Cole has been breaking old and j established new records for at-' tendance. It is well known by now how he became the first at traction since the days of the late Chick Webb to play two consecu tive weeks at the Appollo Thea tre. This was several weeks ago and crowds a block long were fre quent as the famous Trio packed ’em in. It was at the Appollo Theatre that King Cole hung up the mod ern record of 47 shows in one week. Frank Shiffman said the boys were unable to leave the theatre, their meals being served to them in their dressing rooms and they worked so steadily and hard that all they could do when off stage was to fall on their cots and snatch a bit of sleep. Recently, at the Earle Theatre, in Philadelphia, King Cole smack ed over a box office record with perfect abandon as the bobby soxers as well as their elders jam med the place to the hilt to storm ily welcome the tall, saturnine piano wizard and song stylist whose recordings have struck the fancy of the music public and whose conduct and appear ance on stage and at dances has aroused admiration among all, whether bobby soxers or adult music lovers. To use his vast influence for something concrete and worth while such as teaching his follow ers lessens in good citizenship and how to behave, King Cole plans to invade high school and college campuses and to do many other things necessary to help out. • Advertise in the Greater Omaha Guide for Greater Coverage! THE YANCEES__ By SPENCER MORGAN I BOUGHT A DARLING DRESS TODAY /C5l JUST WAIT TILL YOU SEE IT l \ © 1945 BOND FEATURES SIT RIGHT there-and I'LL GO SLIP IT ON i W HOW DOE'S N IT LOOK? v _____y IT'S ALL RI&HT FOR A WALKIN' DRESS-BUT IT'S - TOO SHORT FOR A S1TTIN' DOWN V DRESS' JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLE'. 0 (t/OHRUAND DOUMEI HAVE RECEIVED THE ANSWERING SlGNAL FROM THEIR AGENTS AGROUND AND SET THEIR STOLEN PLANE PCM/NON THE LAND ! ING-STRIP/ 1 cemtHtoTKi t&fURe& ’GfcBBTiNG^, MAJOR ^9 MAK6U — VOU OOT O UR> ME66A<SE? 16 EVERY-, "rLllk-/'- READY ? JTS* " WE6AN)T 1 MEANWHILE- FOLLOWING CLOSELY WITH THE AID OF RAt>N2, JIMl SRARKy CONTACT NEAREST AiR BASE. THEY LEARN THAT THE FUGITIVE PLANE H*S BEEN ^SkEMTEP—IT HA<5 LANDED/ T.SO THE BOYS' SPOTTED TWEPA—6OC0A WE'LL -SET THl<S CRATE POWN NEAR THEM A HP A ruczK, M/-X/C im // JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON | ^ ••• « ■ ■ • r* A **' * ]mewmpal mo vzxe rm F&JCY G7XMP/MG MACH/A/M MOM OtAH-EYE** 34MBOO /MM MM BE£M SPOTTED AMD 41MG6E0. c*' •< mT i BPP//V6.BUO/ OWMFP or BOO 4HOI WOW HOW ■ itw/5 or er-op v,: W^can't f/a/p a mm/ a 40 LET'i +TART 70 ■ men on mn s/rd »£'* S077A 7AUC/ BREEZY By T. MELVIN jf1 AW YOUR. K-ID BROTHER MlNJ ^UNPAV 4CHOOU^g lY' KNOW, B£E EZY'ALLl [THAT 6DY P0E4 14 PLAYJ ^40LD|£R/ / A, BILLY/ HOW) W/V^ SUNDAY/ ^ajooujy fcOMMAMDOSj S----—--t77m/A tWmiL gPliEUATE-A Very AccompfttlidW____ 'BYtouisM v<f)n r to Tt)LK TO yDO 1 Q0OUT f) ^ ‘PlVCRCE. (-— 13UT you kill Hqve To Turkish GtROUKDS, (Wll She used To BE C) VQUDZVII.LE VERECKmER , Hows ~THf)~r __, --’vT~~‘~r^—* . The F/)cr Tritft J5HE Wfi* F) ‘PRoFESSie"‘H Sr^GrEL ■PBtt tor™f.r i s> A/’OT EHOUOH To t)LLO>r* VOLJ —T>ivQRCZ. j •J -Bur 5»-iE W/)5 I JL/Joy K/*IFC I Thtnovl* __LITTLE MAGNOLIA__ You look Tired, yi don't! MftGNOUfi^ D\D*VT I ON RCCOUW1 YOU GET ENOUGH J OF MV w SLEEP?CFTf!^ HONM \s > 'tUfiT? , 'X STAYED UP TILLS TWO OCLOCK THIS MORNING WAITING; FOR IT TO COME*/ X Home’ ' u\D VOD .00 -rtwr? So I COULD pur rr our FOR TYAe NUGHT » HUCKLEBERRY FINl\ (JftBRIEL'S HORrt/ LOOK/ (jMME TfW \ SUMS SHOT, ) WsloF^CpSfoR O^ OOICK! V fVMAT OH EA«TH / knocked that \ Bottle off \rTTHAT SHELF?