The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 24, 1945, Page 8, Image 8

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Congress Fashions bxh Billion
Dollar Tax Reduction for 1946;
Ponder Postwar Army Training
■ ■■ _Keieasea nv Western Newsprint t;ntor. , ..- .
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed in these columns they are those of
Western N>«sn,ipft f'nion’s news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper »
With freedom of speech assured under Allied orders, former Japanese
political prisoner addresses gathering in Tokyo. Under proposed liberal
ized constitution, ail Nipponese elements would be afforded opportunity
for recognition in nation's governmental councils.
Good News
Though the senate and house had
yet to compromise their differ
ences, John Q, Public could look
forward to substantial reductions in
Income taxes in 1945, and Ameri
can business was assured generous
relief for the immediate postwar
No less than 2l/z billion dollars
was expected to be lopped off of in
dividual income taxes as a result of
provisions for permitting $500 ex
emptions for dependents before pay
ment of the normal 3 per cent levy
and the scaling down of surtax
Close to another 3 billion dol
lars was scheduled to be pared from
corporation income taxes through
substantial reduction or total elimi
nation of the excess profits assess
ment; repeal of the declared value
excess profits and capital stock
levies, and graduated decrease in
surtax rates on companies with less
than $60,000 net return.
In addition to income tax reduc
tions, the use tax on automobile and
boats was expected to be dropped.
Solons were divided on the question
of wartime luxury levies, however,
with the house for cutting present
rates to prewar levels July 1 and
the senate against the action.
With reserves well over 6 billion
dollars, both houses were unani
mous in freezing present social se
curity payroll taxes at 1 per cent on
employee and employer alike and
forestalling an automatic increase
to 2ti per cent apiece January 1.
Under the tax relief bill drawn up
by the senate, G.I.s would not be
required to pay taxes on service
compensation during the war years,
and officers would be permitted to
spread tax liabilities over a three
year period interest free.
Setting Pattern
With both Henry Ford II and
United Automobile Workers’ leaders
expressing confidence in settlement
of a wage adjustment at the com
pany. government officials held high
hopes that an agreement might re
sult in the establishment of a post
war pay pattern and clear the way
for speedy reconversion.
Government optimism was a wel
come note in the dreary labor pic
ture, pointed up by the deadlock in
negotiations between the UAW and
General Motors over the CIO
union's demands for a 30 per cent
wage increase to maintain wartime
“take-home” pay and the corpora
tion's resistance to the demands
because of possible effects on prices.
Setting the pattern for other CIO
unions, the UAW declared that Gen
eral Motors was well able to dip
into alleged huge wartime profits to
carry over any losses accruing
from higher wages until future pro
duction reached big volume levels.
Reflecting industrial sentiment for
its own part, General Motors denied
exorbitant wartime earnings and de
clared any withdrawal from reserves
would crimp expansion plans.
As the companies and unions
clashed, the administration worked
on a reconversion wage policy de
signed to guide negotiations through
the troublesome days ahead. Strong
ly influenced by labor, the govern
ment reportedly favored substantial
wage boosts to maintain wartime
“take-home" pay while freezing
prices at prewar levels, except in
hardship cases.
Giving both capital and labor its
say in the formulation of a reconver
Huge Postwar Market for Autos Looms
Potential demand for automobiles by domestic consumers next year
should amount to 9,843,000 cars, after allowing for 331,000 ears to meet
the increase in population, says the Alexander Hamilton institute.
At the beginning of 1942, the number of passenger automobiles in
operation in the United States was at a record peak of 27,364.000. results
of an extensive survey showed. As the result of the stoppage of production
^during the war, the prospect is that there will be only 21.921.000 cars in
operation at the beginning of 1946. Taking into account the increase in
population since 1942, the number of passenger automobiles in operation
at the beginning of 1946 will thus be 6,768,000 cars below the normal level
•and in addition 2,744.000 cars may be scrapped in 1946.
sion pay program, the government
moved slowly in the establishment
of policy. Hopes ran high that the
forthcoming management-labor par
ley would result in the voluntary
creation of machinery for settlement
of important disputes.
Await Response
Having received President Tru
man’s recommendation for one year
of postwar military training for
American youth 17 to 20, congress
adopted a cautious attitude on the
question, with one ear perked for
popular reaction and the other for
military argument.
Personal congressional response to
the President’s request varied, with
Senator Revercomb (Rep., W. Va.)
declaring "... I am open minded
—I want to hear both sides of this.
...” while Representative Celler
(Derm, N. Y.) exclaimed “ . We
President Truman asks congress
for military training for youth.
want no truck with compulsory mil
itary conscription. ...”
Meanwhile, it was estimated that
about 975,000 youth would be called
up for training each year under the
President’s program, with 250,000
rejected for physical or mental de
ficiencies. Because of weather con
siderations, the largest number of
camps undoubtedly would be lo
cated in the south, with regular
army officers and non-commissioned
officers in charge. Fewer routine
tasks, such as kitchen police, would
be in store for reservists, military
sources said.
Reform Imminent
Her military machine smashed,
Japan's highly developed economic
monopolies, designed for foreign as
well as domestic exploitation, also
faced imminent dissolution as part of
the Allied program to strip Nippon
of her war-making potential and
democratize the country.
The losers figured to be the five
great financial-industrial families of
Japan, which, as the dominant ci
vilian powers, had exercised strong
pressure on the nation's foreign poli
cies. Backed both politically and
financially by the government, the
big five, known as the '‘zaibatsu,”
were heavy investors in overseas
By smashing the “zaibatsu,” the
Allies planned-to loosen their grip
over Japanese politics and permit
more liberal and democratic ele
ments to exert influence over gov
ernment direction. At the same
time, destruction of the great com
bines promised freer opportunity for
economic development in the coun
As steps were taken for the dis
solution of the “zaibatsu," the politi
cal transformation of Japan slowly
gained ground with new parties in
the development stage and more lib
eral political institutions impending
in the rew'riting of the national con
1 \
Global Part
First permanent body ol the
United Nations, the Food and Agri
culture organization <FAO> earns
Into existence in the grand ball
room of the Chateau Frontenac in
Quebec, Canada, with 30 nations for
mally signing its constitution.
Though possessing no executive
powers over member nations. FAO
seeks, through voluntary inter
change of information and effort, to
improve agricultural production,
raise nutritional standards and bet
ter the living conditions of rural pop
ulations. Indicative of the big job
FAO has on its hands, two-thirds of
the world's population is estimated
to be ill-fed, with many facing peri
odic starvation.
Signatories to the FAO constitu
tion include Australia, Belgium,
Canada. China. Denmark, Domini
can Republic. Egypt, France,
Greece G atemala, Haiti, Hon
duras. Iceland. India, Iraq, Liberia.
Luxembourg. Czechoslovakia. Mex
ico. Netherlands, New Zealand.
Nicaragua. Norway, Panama, Peru,
Union of South Africa, Philippines,
England. United States and Vene- .
Left Suing
With their fundamental platforms
at variance. France's three great
political parties — the Commu
nists. Socialists and Popular Repub
lican movement — prepared for the
establishment of a new constitu
tion as demanded in the recent elec
As the three major parties and a
smattering of smaller organizations
moved to write a new political char
ter for the country, the Popular Re
publican movement, backed by
General De Gaulle, loomed as a
counterweight between the Commu
nists and Socialists. Known as a
Catholic Liberal party, and led by
Foreign Minister Bidault, the
PRM’s surprising demonstration of
strength in the elections was in
dicative of the quick defense thrown
up by moderate elements against
the threat of extreme radicalism.
The new alignment found
France's political picture charac
teristically mixed, with the Social
ists joined with the PRM for a west
ern bloc of European nations
against Communist opposition; the
Communists committed to a swift
program of nationalization of indus
tries; the Socialists favoring more
study of such an undertaking and
the PRM for a moderate course.
U. S. Vulnerable
Back from a tour of war-wracked
Europe. Anthonv J Mullaney. chief
fire marshal of Chicago, 111., and a
noted authority on fires, declared
that investigations showed that no
great city could withstand concen
trated explosive and incendiary
raids and domination of the skies
overhead was the only assurance of
In making his disclosure. Mul
laney cited the obliteration of Ham
burg, Germany, where all walls
were of brick, numerous firebreaks 1
existed, no skyscrapers reared up ]
and an efficient fire department op- i
erated. In a contrast indicative of
the vulnerability of American cities, j
Mullaney cited localities dotted with
frame buildings, wrood lathe and
plaster construction, tall buildings,
and few empty spaces for allowing a
sweeping fire to peter out.
In burning out Hamburg, Mul
laney said, great squads of Allied
bombers first dropped explosives to
rip up structures, with incendiaries
then being loosed upon the open
wreckage. Towering flames licked
up the oxygen to create a vacuum
into which air from surrounding
areas then rushed in, creating fierce
“fire storms.’’ With instruments re
cording temperatures of 1,400 de
grees F., over 40,000 persons were
said to have died from the flames,
heat inhalation or asphyxiation.
Speed Releases
With nearly 300,000 enlisted men :
and officers already released since j
V-J Day, the navy planned for the |
demobilization of an additional 800,- )
000 by the first of next year through I
a reduction in discharge scores. 1
Following establishment of lower
scores November 1, the navy con
templated an even further cut De
cember 1, with male officers' poinl
requirements pared to 44; enlisted
male personnel to 39; WAVE offi .
cers to 30, and enlisted WAVE per
sonnel 24.
In cutting its discharge scores
the navy left its point computation
unaltered, with one-half point for
each year of age; one-half point fo>
each full month of service; 10 prints
for dependents regardless of num
ber, and one-fourth point for each
month of service outside oi the U.S.
since September 1, 1939.
G.I.s and civilians alike are as
sured cf ample supplies of turkeys
for the Thanksgiving and Christmas
holidays even though the size H
birds may bp smaller than usual dm
to growers' speeding up production '
upon government demand.
Purchasing turkeys as early as
last August, the army quartermas
ter corps assured plentiful stocks for
service personnel Most of the birds
already have been dressed and
stored in warehouses or are in proc
ess of shipment overseas.
Washington. .. Consumers will
pay up to 15 cents more than
they paid in 1941 for a metal toy
costing up to $1, and proportion
ately more for more expensive
tovs made of metal, the Office of
Price Administration announced
last week. In an action effective
November 2, 1945, OPA estab
lished the 14 percent mdustry
wide price increase factor for aL
reconverting manufacturers of
metal tovs. New manufacturers
will apnlv to the price agency
for a ceiling price.
However, consumer prices for
metal toys, even with the increase
allowed, probablv will amount to
less than a third of current pric
es for the same type of toys
made of wood, OPA said.
The metal toy manufacturers
expect to supply about one quar
ter of their normal Christmas vol
ume of trains, trucks, scooters,
and similar items.
I>K. W. E. llnl)0.<i
ST3 C'\ i\ i,o\no\
New York. N Y. (C) Dr. W. E.
B. DuBiig who went to London.
England, to attend the Pan-African
Conference is reported not able to
get back into the states. All ship,
ping space -s be;ng taken up by re
turning til's. It is so indefinite as
to when he is returning that he j
gave up his *2nd Street Office. 1
5 By Wolter Sheod
H VVNU Corrrnipondm*
WNU Washington Bureau,
ISIS Eye St., K. W.
Government’s Job
Way back in the second adminis
tration of President Cleveland there
was a severe drouth in the Middle
West. Farmers did not even have
seed corn. So the congress passed
a bill providing for the distribution
of seed corn to the farmers. Presi
dent Cleveland vetoed the bill and
sent it back to congress with a
strong veto message wherein he
stated that the government of the
United States was set up to be sus
tained by the people of the United
States and not to sustain the people
of the United States.
That fallacy in the concept of our
federal government was enunciated
a half century ago, and yet in this
conservative congress in the year
1945 there are some who still adhere
to that archaic belief . . . that it
is not the business of government to
help the people of this country . . .
that it is not even the business of
government to adopt a policy of gov
ernment guaranteeing the people
This attitude on the part of some
senators was definitely apparent in
the debate on the so-called full em
ployment bill when the opponents,
led by Senator Taft <R., Ohio) were
able to emasculate the language of
the bill to such an extent that it is
more or less meaningless as it went
over to the house.
‘The Right to Work’
The original bill, as it was intro
duced by Senators Murray (D.,
Mont.) and Thomas (D., Utah) con
tained this language: “All Ameri
cans able to work and seeking work
have the right to useful, remunera
tive, regular and full-time employ
ment. .. .” Senator Taft questioned
this “right’’ of these Americans and ■
declared, in effect, that it was not
the business of this government to
guarantee that right by any law. And
of course the answer is that under ,
the Constitution and the Declaration
of Independence, the Bill of Rights
... if Americans do not have the
right to work they have no rights. It
finally came down to a point in the
debate that the Ohioan conceded we
possibly did have the right, but it
was no business of government to
set that right up as a governmental
policy, and so the splitting of hairs
Columnists, radio commentators,
senators, congressmen, lobbyists
have taken up the cry, “where did
this bill come from?” “what does it
propose to do?” “what’s behind the
measure?” and, “what does it actu
ally mean?” and other questions.
Insofar as this reporter can learn,
the full employment bill is backed
not only by this government, but by
50 governments throughout the
world and was drawn up pursuant to
a resolution adopted by the Interna
tional Labor Organization's conven
tion at Philadelphia in May of 1944,
which sponsored full employment as
an objective of government.
Backed by 50 Nations
Senator Thomas was an American
delegate to that international con
vention. Labor and governmental
delegates from 50 nations were pres
ent. The resolution was adopted
unanimously. The full employment
bill, then, is this government's at
tempt to give expression to that con
cept of government as committed at
the Philadelphia convention. In his
testimony before the Banking and
Currency committee of the Senate,
Senator Thomas said:
“The declaration of Philadalphia i
was in reality the first serious study
to try to bring about that condition
which is promised in the “four free
doms”—a condition which would
make freedom from want a real
freedom. In the declaration at Phil
adelphia there were many theories
and many different ideas sponsored I
but among those ideas was the idea ,
of sponsoring the concept of full em
ployment as an objective of govern
As a matter of fact guaran
teeing a person the right to a job
is not new in our government.
That guarantee is given to re
turning veterans in the Selective |
Service act . . . that they get
their old job back. The whole !
civil service system is builded
upon that same guarantee of gov
ernment; the unemployment
compensation art is also attuned
to the right of a man to work:
many of the Dew laws, including
the act governing disposal of
Surplus Property, which start off
with the words, in order to pro
mote full employment etc.,” are
tied in with the right to work.
Aid to Private Enterprise
The point is that whether the con
gress says a man has the right to
work or not. the fact is, that in this
country he does have that right, and
the important sections of the full
employment bill are those sections
which set up the machinery for pro
viding full emplt yment . . . the an
nual national survey by the Presi
dent . . . the incentives offered pri
vate industry to expand, to provide
jobs, placing the responsibility, if
you please, on private enterprise
to bring about full employment.
' 50
s% Clover Leaf
a Ice & Coal
CO. 3
2009 North 27th St.
Phone JA-1090
Eight of ten World War II Veterans studying in the Atlanta University
! School of Social Work under G. I. Bill of Rights, first semester 1945-46.
Reading left to right are: First row: James Tatum, Beaumont, Texas; Geo
rge Phillips, New Orleans, La; Carmen T. Thornton, San Antonio, Texas;
;Horton Cooper, Uallsville, Texas; Beverly UeJoie, New Orleans, La; Second
row: William Brooks, Philadelphia; Pa.; James Cosby, Macon, Ga.; Joseph
Walker, Topeka, Kan.; Not on the picture are Mr. Joseph Gadsden of Savan
nah, Ga., and Clarence Moss.
H. W. Smith’s Weekly
If you have any news about waiters, or anything
pertaining to them or their routine of living, call
H. W. Smith—HA-0800 and give him the news...
Mr. Reed of the Fontenelle Hot
el a very active member of Clair
Chanel Church.
The OAC top force with Mr.
Ward in the front line and Capt.
Mitchell McFarland and Hodges in
a quick step at all times instruct
ing the new waiters.
Omaha Club waiters with Capt
ain Karl Jones are always headlin
Blackstone waiters serving with
a smile.
Waiters at the Regis hotel and
the Wrhite Horse Inn always on the
Paxton hotel head waiter and his
crew always on the front line on
Waiters at the Hill hotel on the
improve at all times!
helped make it possible and now
doing the honors at the Fontenelle
hotel is a headliner on good serv
ice at all times!
The NAACP held !l well attended
meeting on Sunday afternoon Nov.
ISth and many vital items were
discussed and all committees mad"
good reports and the membership
i§ increasing and all members are
helping to get the 2.000 in Omaha
as all other cities are on the wide
awake and up and go! Are you a
member of the NAACP? If not
why not?
(BY H. W. SMITH ...HA-0800)
20.000 truck drivers on a strike
November 16 in the midwest.
IT. S. Senator Wherry of Nebras
ka says ff labor gets an increase in
pay. in small garages, small repair
merchants and the auto salesman
J Paint — Roofing 1
|2920 ‘L' St. MA-12001
- ^ w- trtrja * 9 * u ss f * v-n *
“It is Safe to be Hungry' at i
The Sharp Inn Cafe
2421 North 24th Street
Watch for the Announcement
for future delivery service.
Phone JA-9293
L. Glenn, N. Johnson, Props.
nn—rr-1—r-—r -
* 1
also should have an increase.
A man was struck by an auto
and fatally injured at 23rd and Q
streets Wednesday Nov. 14th.
The First Lady of the White
House Mrs. Truman entertained the
lady newspaper-women at a turkey
dinner and a movie show on Thurs
day evening November 15th.
John L. Lewis^ President of the
United Mine workters walked out of
Perfect Dice, Magic Dice,
Magic Cards— READ THE
BACKS—Inks, Daubs,
Poker Chips. Gaming
Layouts, Dice Boses,
Counter Games, Punch*
boards. WRITE FOB
1242 W. Washington Ulvrt.
Chicago 7, Illinois
Mere's a SEMS/BIE way
to relieve distress of
(Also a Grand Stomachic Tonic)
Have you at such times noticed
yourself feeling nervous, irritable,
so tired, a bit blue-due to female
functional periodic disturbances?
Then don’t delay! Try this great
medicine-Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound —to relieve such
symptoms. It’s so effective because
it has a soothing effect on one of
woman’s most important organs.
Important To Know!
Pinkham’s Compound does more
than relieve such monthly cramps,
headache, backache. It also relieves
accompanying tired, nervous, irri
table feelings-due to this cause.
Taken regularly-it helps build up
resistance against such distress.
Pinkhani’s Compound helps nature.
Also grand stomachic tonic.
DIRECTIONS: Take one table
spoonful 4 times a day before
meals and at bedtime. Follow
label directions.
otycfa€.(Pi#t&ficvmb \
Read The Greater Omaha Guide,
for All the News!
I A elson furniture Co. §
2911 NORTH 16TH ST. %
• When furnishing your home SEE US FIRST.®
Always a large stock of Good Furniture at the m
“Right” Price. M
2911 North 16th Street AT 4805 ®
—GUY NELSON, Owner— ®
a Labor Conference as Wm. Town
send the only Negro delegate arose
to speak.
Supreme Court Justice Owen J.
Roberts says unless America takes
the lead in lasting peace, a third
world’s war faces the U. S.
London book stores report 400
1 “Call Us First”
l Company
Lake Street
2229 LAKE ST.
Omaha, 30, Nebraska
(formerly Rabes’
Buffet, Myrtis’
‘“Always A Place
To Park”
Johnson Drug Co.
2300 North 24th
WE 0998 ! 1
FOR w holesome:
Victory Bowling Alley
2410 LAKE ST.
Your Headquarters After
Working Hours. 1
T. Mosley. Proprietor
arrests of book thieves who are
very active.they report nearly
112,000 a year loss.
Read the greater Omaha Guide
for all the news.
Major General Eisenhower and
wife were In Boone, Iowa on Sat
urday, November 17th.
Mrs. Mary Washington of 2871
Charles street was taken to Poet,
ors' Hospital after a cutting affray
Sunday night Nov. 18th.
8,703 telephone operators in Sou
thern Illinois went on strike Nov
ember 19th.
* The Robert S. Bartlett home at
3803 Martha streets was entered by
burglars on Sunday, Nov. 18 ..
jewelry-, cash and liquor was taken.
A man was injured in a fight
Sunday Nov. 18 at 67th and Maple
streets.3 young boys are being
held by the police.
Read the Omaha Guide.
\ Super- -Service Station:
? T. E. QUINN, Proprietor
$ PHONE KE. 2306
\ 8510 North 30th St. i:
t Omaha, Nebraska !
We wish to Announce -j
;> the opening of the 2
ji G & J Smoke Shop 2
; 2118 NORTH 24th Street 2
Everything in the Line of 2
fc. Jackson & Godbey, Props. J
Evans’ Radio
& Electric Repair
- Shop
2702 Lake Street
For Sale
Irons, Toasters, Waffle Griddl
es, Perculators and many other
Electrical Appliances
Henry W. Evans, Proprietor
must have >.
Of course everybody
gets SOME Vitamins.
Surveys show that mil
lions of people do not
A pleasant, convenient
economical way to be
, sure that you and your
family do not lack essen
tiai B Complex Vitamin
is to take ONE-A-DAY brand
Vitamin B Complex tablets.
An insufficient supply of B
Complex Vitamins causes In
digestion, Constipation, Nerv
ousness, Sleeplessness, Crank
urco, iidt-K or /ippeute. mere are
other causes for these conditions, but
why not guard against this one cause
by taking a ONE-A-DAY brand
Vitamin B Complex Tablet everyday?
V Important — Get your money’s
worth, always compare potencies
and price. -—a
jNEijj AY
1,1,0,16 JA-463;>
formerly ai ii4th
:iMil Erskine St.
514 N. 16™ or
in a t/i/fif ^
-or Mont/ Back
For quick relief from itching caused by eczema,
ithlete’s foot, scabies, pimples aid other itching
:onditions. use pure, aiding, medicated, liquid
D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula.
5reaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and
Illicitly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle
irovesit, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your
iruggist today for O. D. D. PRESCRIPTION.
riease don’t be angry at us 1/ you can’t
always £tt Smith Eros. Cough Drops. Cur
output i; still restricted. Soon, -we hope,
there'll again be f’~-'y cf Smith Brothers...
soothing, delicious. I lack or Menthol, 54.