Chatter-Box Ssfe "A Youthful Column” (by Doris Ann McGill) WELL FOLKS! Now that the Central's football season is over, we want to congrat ulate our team for their splendid work and sportsmanship. The Eagleg vs. T. Jefferson's game Fri day was great; even though we did win. All had a fine tife, aftei the game a dance given by the Sen ior class. Council Bluffs really jumped. If U weren't there, you missed It! ALONE CAME Short, good-natur. BET! ed, brown- eyed Betty Stewart, I being the blush ing damsel type, there’s hardly a minute from 8:30 till 3:30 that Bet isn’t in a hurry t (Lunch) her day time life is de voted to school and all that goes with it Particul f arly the time Betty stetvart spent at me roca talking to her Boss lady to let her have Sundays off. Betty is a stu dent of Tech hi school and will be graduating in January. Bet loves to sew above all (A hint girls)! STOP_LOOK_LISTEN! there will be a dance given by The Tomorrow World's Club next Friday at the Urban League adm ission 15cents. Come one. come all, let's have some fun.hay gang? .this week’s issue will be out before the dance Friday so watch this column if you miss the great Corner anteen Affair! BACK FROM THE ATTACK! Ted Mallory and Marcel John son. _ What certain Chix was hold ing a phone conversation and ask ed was the coast clear? You guess this one! HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the months? Mary and Ruth Curren. (ME?).thanks to Kenneth P. for giving a lovely present to CHATTER-BOX, she really ap preciates it! Who was seen going 50 miles an hour out of the Key Club Sunday? and why did she drop her purse?... we are wondering why she ran?? Here's hoping everyone had a fine Thanksgiving. SWEETTOOTH! Love Nest ._. C. Box Butterfinger ...T. Manley Baby* Ruth .. ..- Bishop H. Nut Goodie .Ruth Curren Dr. I. Q.The Rock Whiz ..„... A. Butler Fudge Bar __...Barbara Scott Life Savers .Week Ehd, ha, ha! OPEBATOHS, GIVE ME fff Biggest flirt ......... . AT-8953 Sweetest WE-3728 Best figure . JA-5016 Most romantic . WE-1130 Wittiest . .1A-5159 Wolfess de Luxe —.AT-4534 Best Natured . JA-7724 Most Popular ..... HA-1637 Best Dancer .— —. ALL Best Line .- . JA-0172) Most Faithful .AT-9847 Peppiest -. JA-3673 Cutiest .WE-2121 Most Personality WE-2830 Cutest Frehman . HA-0161 Kids if you do not get your num ber correct, the first time, we will not accept rdsponsibility for nic kels lost on wrong numbers the names are not in order. Johnetta W. Marie Williams, M. » Curren. Cozie Eubanks. Dorothy Slaughter, Mary Carter, Lorraine Jackson, Barbara Scott, Cedora Curtwright, (ME), Helen W-, Doro thy Lawson Johnnie Mae. Eiler i t Childs. Berna Bowie and Juanita! Hanger. ) i C\It BUSINESS! I hope that I shall never see, Another car at 10 to 8. that’s all brother! Contrary to popular belief, | Crosstown cars aren't really crowd-' ed in the morning. But if you have trouble getting one do this In order to make the driver stop and open the door, merely liej down in the middle of the street, and wave a $5 dollar bill this work everytime .provided of course, the driver sees the five dol lar bill. as the door opens you are naturally at the tail end of the mob but have patience, sooner or later you are bound to reach the entrance. Now the driver is tired of waiting, so he closes the door being a good n&tured person, you don't mind: but hang it all, your head is stuck in there! Now the only thing to do is kick and yell, which you do. Ten minutes later the chap finally notices you dangl ing there and asks if you put in your money WOW! does that make a guy feel cheap! at last you get on, anj boy are you a wreck!!! By this time there are about 300 people abroad; and everybody knows it but the driver, who keeps yelling “STEP BACK IN THE CAR PLEASE!” .... But that's impossible, you're on the floor by this time. and some dope keeps steppin' on your head finally the driver promises not to stop for any more and you get Started. Five minutes later the bloomin’ thing falls apart !! AH WELL, walking is good for one ISN'T IT?? It isn't yoiks, al ready. I got a blister. MCE PEOPLE TO KNOW Are Marie Rose. Kat McClintoi » > Booker Holloway. Ruby from So. Omaha an FAYE • ANDREWS • DARNELL .— w A 20th Century-Fox Picture Nothing Cooks Like FLAME *That's Why 50,000 Omaha Women Prefer GAS Latest Hot Race Records... “20-20 Blues” “Cold Winter Papa”—Delores Brown ... “Hey Boogie” 105 Cecil Shant . ■ “You Gonna Cry” 105 “Cecil Knows Better Now” Cecil Shant.. ■ “Standing at My Window” My Mama Don’t Allow Me’ by Roy Crudap • PattOfl Music Co. “Headquarters for Race Records” 1916 Farnam Street JA 4779 Friendly Service For Every Banking Need BANK BY MAIL Live Stock National Bank 24th at N Street Omaha MEMBER F. D. I. C.