The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 10, 1945, Page 7, Image 7
m Hmind \ !lnLiJl^ COLUMN wWtTm^Hr^^OUiLED M»M»lliL^21iLJl!ALI_£Ali ***** counsel and guidance and you feel thcT'oeed^Df^uridanM y?ur min<* to wel*kted down with worry JSTa^oTSi.'SJs »aisniasaa a&. r^as arsa a sjiwhW joar — ** •* THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE P. 0. Box 11, Atlanta 1, Ceorgia THE NEW 1IM« READINGS ARE READY: P. E. J_I read your problems and answers constantly and know that everyone who reads them bene fits to some extent. I am a young girl 23 years old and my husband is 31. I have been married one year and eight months. My hus band tells me he loves me but he is going with a girl that stays in the same house I stay in. He is always bellyaching about the money he giv es me. He is nice to me but runs around, stays out all night and still thinks I ought to put up with the way he does. Must I stay oil or leave? Ans: No marriage can long survlve unless its laws are strictly observed. You and your husband are going to have to come to an understanding about money matters and each others privileges which at this time seems t<> he on the bones of contention. It would be well for you to begin operating on a budget so that you can show your husband how the money is being spent. Also make him understand that he is married and has no right NOW IS THE TIME TO GEi YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guarani era Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street ii MATTIES TEA ROOM I 2113 GRANT ST. ■ Open from 12 noon until 7 p.m. ;> JA-5519 '> -FW5-n BtC MONEY 1 AGENT Over 30t> wonderful products. Write for PLAN and FREE ^Sample. Collins> ■ I _ oratories—Dept. *-49 B ZJ ? I ^1 Memphis, Term. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up wttfc Oetrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 60. 60. for body old solely because low In Iron; also •uddUc-s vitamin • i. calcium, phosphorus. 35c In troductory tdze now only 20cI Try Ostrex Tonla Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. .For Sale at all drugstores every* ivhcre--in Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreens” Don t worry about money. Home affairs, Bart Luck, Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago. 10, 111. Try This New Amazing COUGH MIXTURE Fast Working—Triple Acting You Feel the Effect Instantly The King of all cough medicines for coughs or bronchial irritations resulting from colds in cold wintry Canada is Buck ley's "CANADIOL'' Mixture—Fast Work ing, triple acting Buckley's Mixture quickly loosens and raises phlegm lodged in the tubes —clears air passages—soothes rasped raw tissues, one or two sips and worst coughing spasm eases. You get results fast. Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam and other soothing healing Ingre dients Buckley's “CANADIOL" Mixture Is different from anything you ever tried Get i bottle today at any good drug store. FROM MICROBE TO MAN OiJ.V. WELLS >H| Fascinating STORY Of the 0G VROPMENT Of OUR UNBORN IOOY FROM A SINGLE MICROBE SIZED EGG CELL WTO A HUMAN BEING PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGARIL OSS OF YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE tl POSTPA© ROtm CCNTURY W*ESG MS 4 SI- 14COUP RASMINEVH ^ ^ V T T AVE you tried Alka-Selt ] “ xer for Gu on Stomach, J Soar Stomach, “Morning 1 After” and Cold DistressT J If not, why not? Pleasant. ^ prompt in action, effective, .a Thirty cento and Sixty I cants. m V. NERVINE i 1?0R relief from Functional Ner voua Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, \ Nervous Headache and Nervous In i l digestion. Tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc ' tions and use only as directed. A SINGLE Dr. Miles Anti- * Pain Pill often relieves I Headache, Muscular Pains i or Functional Monthly < Pains — 25 for 25c, 125 / fortl.OO. Get them at your i i drug store. Read directions j _and_use oniy as directed, f GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot*. corner nnd adjoining;, on southwest corner 21sf nnd Grnct Extensive frontnue on both 21st nnr Grace. Ideal for 2 or more bome> •r especially salted as Chare* g: rounds. Hake reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A .336 or Call HA-0806. to geek other girls' company. Go out with him when he longs for more exciting entertainment. You are going t° have to play the role ot wife and sweetheart to keep him satisfied. M. T. H_My husband and I sep arated 4 years ago. We have a lit tle girl. I left because we couldn't agree on somethings. Now we talk on the phone occasionally and he writes to me but he will not sup port our child. He has another wife now and I wonder If I should forget about his wife and interfere in hig life or let him alone. I was first, and he was my wifrst true love but we couldn’t make it to gether. I am engaged to a boy overseas who is coming home. Tell me what to do? Ans: You left your husband and since you two have been legally | separated he ha8 found a new wife and you have no right to interfere in their lives. You should have sought support for your child at the time of your separation as he I has been relieved of the responsibil" ity for four year8j and it will be difficult to make him assume it a gain. If you want to presg the matter of support for the child ft is all right but do not try to break from overseas returns, you will cease brooding over your ex-hus. band. - I F. M. T-1 like your column very much. I am going with a boy in the Navy and a little something happened the other night. Did he mean it or not? Is he pretending? Ans: If he is serious, he won't fail to convince you beyond a doubt every chance that he gets to be with you. Don't fall victim of hiB line let there be proof of his sincerity before you consider him as a suitor. R. M. H._I have a husband in the service but we don't get along good. I have a boy friend but he has a wife and I am very much in love with him and he seems to care a lot for me. Do you really think he cares as much as he Bays he does for me? My husband seems to want a divorcet must I give it to him? Ans: How can you delude your self into thinking this married man is your boy friend? He's in the same predicament as you.tied down to someone else> but he has no intention of breaking his ties. Under the present circumstances your husband away in service, you can’t expect either of you to be very happy. His army career is not of his own choosing, it is a re sponsibility that he was forced to accept even though it did deprive him of living with you. He's hav There’s a Thrill in Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientifie CRIME I DETECTION I have taught thousands of msn and women this sacking. i profitable, pleasant profession. Let me teach yon. too. b poor own homo. Prepare yon reelf in your leisure time l» 111) a responsible, steady, well-paid position In n very short Umenndnt eery small east. What others have do no, 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S, This fascinating work is easy to learn and the training Is inexpensive. Yon. loo, can fit yourself to fill a responsible crime detection lei with good pey end steady employment. But don't delay —get the details sew. Let me show you how easily and osmpletely I can prepare you foe this fascinating work, during spars time, faa your own home You asay pay at yea learn. Write today fee fras Crime Book. FREE! “THE BLUE BOOK OF CRIME" H-. . lliritb. T.H. .ban mm M Ur. M lilmM, i' i. — VnMt* MIMU.TM, «M tin..,, u» MI, —Mb u„M Hr I.AA Uni nc~ _ H mi. b iuu ip INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCI , •W. OH HH Am. Cum* ««. IHI.M WANT MORE MONEY? We'll show you HOW to get it eas ily. in your spare or full time! NO more bossesm NO depression wor ries Our sure-fire plans tell you HOW to start your own paying business NOW for post-war secur ity Send for our NEW “3-WAt OPPORTUNITY” Offer tjday; it's FREE. RAYCO SPECIALITIES 330-B BInfr Avf. Newport News. Vn ing to make the best of the situut-| ton and you owe him the decency of being loyal and patient until he can return to you ag your husband. Discussing a divorce with him now would upset and lower his morale. Det the matter rest unless he in sists on bringing thingg to a clim ax. In the meantime, bear in mind that you are still a married woman and should live according. 1 jr TheWEEK - T (BY H. W. SMITH H.A-080V) Attorney Irvin O. Mollison of Chicago, III., was sworn in a8 a Federal Judge in the U. S. Customs Court in New York, Sat., Nov. 3rd. A young woman was found strangled in a hotel In Chicago, Saturday, November 3 police be lieved at first it was suicide. Nine persons were seriously in jured on highway 6 east of Oakland Iowa they were taken to the Jennie Edmonds hospitals in Coun cil Bluffs. Mrs. Alberta Boss Young of Pon tiac, Michigan a soldiers wife, was murdered Wednesday October 31st. Her bank account was over two thousand dollars short. Police say Ralph Beebe tried to rob the poor box at Sacred Heart Church at 22nd and Binney Street. He was turned over to the juvenil" court. An airplane carrying 27 persons was forced into the sea near Hon olulu on Sat., Nov. 3. Five young girlg were cleared of a cabin slaying near Danbury Wis. They were also charged with disor derly conduct. 2 Game wardens were found dead in a trapper’g cabin Sat., No. 3........ they were shot Wednesday October 31. They went there to check the trapper’s catch. Read the Omaha Guide for all the news! i A dairy farmer near Woodstock, 111., was charged with beating a farmhand. A group of officials of the Mor mon Church conferred with Presi . dent Truman Sat., Nov. 3 they I asked mat Church property be re stored that was destroyed during the wai. A pciand China hog and litter of six pigs were sold for $700 in South Sioux City, Nebraska. A blacksmith at Norfolk, Nebr aska lifted his anvil with his ears. I 125 persons wre taken in a dope raid in Washington, DC. on Sat.. V v. ::rd. Are you a member of the NAA CP? WATKINS Territory!, Available. Earnings, $30 to $35 a Week. See Lee H. Henderson, 1909 Leavenworth * I Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street Get the Be*«t in Quality at the Nebraska Produce—Lowest Price • Advertise in the Greater Omaha Guide for Greater Coverage! NEGRO DOLLS ! Every home should have a Col- ;! !; ored Doll. We offer in this sale two flashy numbers. With hair,!; !; moving eyes, shoes, stockings,;! ; nicely dressed. Price $4.98 and;; i;$6.59. If C. O. D. postage ex-!; !;tra. Dealers— Agents wanted.!; ;! Write National Co., 254 West;! |; 135th St., New York, 30. !; Thrifty Service... m - • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Highest Cash Prices Paid for your Furniture See Us Before Buying or Selling. PHONE WA-8228 • 3921-23 CUMING STREET ayunvc. cuOLUiii c, _An in the Jurisdiction of the Som^ " ' -=^ ■I touts RICHARD S’TWy 2 Hir*\ kvWii-E I \ [SJ)KE* 4UVE ) tlROUrio Trl \ DOC-VHIfrX<. r£»? Set / WE X>0 WHEW E Ww & Fivcvm / WEVE 6ot | C. HtiMCOCK TO J Ho y eyivE H//V1 ^_/ \7o <9iyZ»l»\J I 'Then I d I “VRomiiOE I >V//vi * ■ 1» II, ■ " ' “"^^ ***«-*» J HUCKLEBERRY FINN «o* want tvpes several.huck.but soeof the >-— HWE voo G°T. MO'*' eesT TVPES ABE So Stfv 1 heard IT over ib SfcLDfo The the* v^om-t Pose for we -me. Radio! CARTOONIST? ^ ELEPHNKT IB To Pass right OVER THIS SPOT fH about Tfei wihUTES -r~.^—' ____LITTLE MAGNOLIA W IT<5 LPTTfe ENOUGH GOOD 'NIGHT,MAI BUT^ [ for mou magnolia night, Between Abu /and Time to retire magnoli< me, x dont think /And no excuses, D/addy knows ETHER' MUCH /ABOUT i BRINGING UP ^ CHILDREN V/JI i T pa wants me to go to bed WHEW I'M WlOE OWOKE AN' HE WONTS ME TO GET UP , VWHEN IM TERRIBLY SLEEPY! NON STOP FLIGHT FROM JAPAN Washington, DC. (Soundphoto) _ A flight of B-29's flying non-stop from Hokkaido, Japan to Washing ton arrived at Washington Nation al Airport last week. The flight was led by Brig. General Frank A. Armstrong, Jr., a Deputy Comm ander of the 20th Air Force. The planes took off from Japan at 4:09 PM., Washington Time, October 31 and landed in Washington at 7;3S PM., Nov. 1st. Photo shows Brig. General Armstrong as he was be ing greeted by his wife on his ar rival as General Ira Eaker stand* to the right smiling. A Column B1 MATSOLOMA PRUITT Hi Kids, something new has been added to the Omaha Guide. Now getting down to the point You are right, some girl should watch theirself before they are friendless, because a lot of girls and boys don't like what certain people put down. A hint to the wise is sufficient is right I wish a certain girl would take it. Getting a letter from Loystown maybe all that M. P. is getting. BUT_??? I know a girl up to Central that is mad about a boy from Boystov.n? She'll do in tight pinch Betty Miller. Well I think she's swell, but when she talks about "Mr. Tine' (Cliff Robbins) she got to go somebody’s got to go June Walker I personally think she is a swell girl .. Loretta Prayer. Next Week Central will tell you what they think I Who is known as Miss Know-It- j All? Who thinks she is the most pop ular girl that goes to Central high and has to put herself on boys to make them notice her? Why ask Betty Stewart about Buster she is not his mother. _Evelyn Jennings. How should you know about B. R. being a glamour boy.ask M. B. only... Hattie Jean ? I wonder what E. W. is going t» do about her soldier boy? Aren't afraid of married life are you Eva? ~ o NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS LOW COST BREEZY By T. MELVIN [gut WOTtHAl— eKINNlNCr UKE^n ^S^T2^t caME (' J^FQMTUS XIMl X^X 'A II m TtPnuU,— I JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLET _ 'SOON.. IN A FEW HOURS, L OR IT'S TWI LIGHT/ IF WE DOl TOHRU, WE WILL BE THERE'*' [NOT REACH THERE BY THAT 4 >THE PAWN OF Jl PPONS „ < Hi jME, OUR GA^ WlLL BE GONE.*] ATOMIC AGE IS> NEARING/^ J ACK 0 A V I s By TED WATSON / **Y. MULE- YOU X/IEE ' / DOUT/7GUPE HE 'f'M A/Or 'H llr.\/ P rvA ( rue cap /hto rue OA/atae, MAY HAVE A cuAue. (gwa/g UP TOc n&foline'*■'*, ) V weue go/ho up to rue „ 70 catch 7Uo<e aooa/ laa/uy/ . / / \^TH/£Ve*/ V> \X)0^yY fSRtezx: I i I > ^ -WTiM«WT*|. IUTU«H_ A L. L BAJ l/»l O' iSI&uU-/a“ Tan Topics: “Forget what I taught you about baseball—this is football!’’ Next Door: “Something you’ve learned in the army, Stevens?”