The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 03, 1945, Page 8, Image 8
Chatter-Box fe. "A Youthful Column” ( (by Doris Ann McGill) _ _ _ _ - _ _ 4 GREETINGS FRIENDS .the Pre-Holiday Hall at the USO friday nlte was a good deal . seen jump ing were the band from Boystown and Von Richards orchestra the place really did Jump. Before the dance there was a health de bate and several doctors were in troduced.for the guest speaker, was Dr. Lennox.. Chairman Oval. Ine Grice. a group from Lincoln wa« also there. DICE•CARDS Perfect Dice, Magic Dice, Magjc Cards —READ THE BACKS— Ink#, Deuba. Poker Chips, Gaming Layouts, Dice Boxes, Counter Games, Punch* boards. WRITE FOB CATALOG TODAY. K. C. CAUU COMPANY 1242 W. Washington Hlvtl. Chicago 7, Illinois ■UBffiMUflHiismuttuiiiiiiiiuiiimHiiiuimiimimiiiiiinmmiJiniKnmitiitniunnuinits Girls/ Do you suffer from nervous tension On ‘CERTAIN OATS’ of the month? Helps Build Up Resistante Against Such Distress! Do functional periodic disturbances cause you to feel "nervous as a witch,” 60 restless. Jittery, highstrung, perhaps tired, “dragged out”—at such times? Then don’t delay 1 Try this great med icine—Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's one of the best known and most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham’s Compound helps nature! Taken regularly — It helps build up resistance against such distress. A very sensible thing to do! Positively no harmful opiates or habit forming In gredients In Pinkham’s Compound. Also a grand stomachic tonic! Follow label directions. Buy todayl JfyduL&OfaklianCA VEGETABLE COMPOUND . OMAHA’S GLAMOUR BOY? CLIFFORD ROBBINS former O inanan was elect ed President of I the Three Corner f Canteen he is i a student of Tech | hi and will soon be graduating .... Buster is co-Oap ] tain of the Bob , Cats basketball I team, He’s Oma . ha’s Clamour boy Clifford Robbins IDEAL COIPI.ES Ideal couples seen in the halls of Central are Cedore Curtwright and Donald Allen.Nadine Hancock and Tommy Upcher L,ouige was there too! I wonder who with ??? some girls should watch themselves be fore they're friendless. Tile USO was in the groove i ri day. Am I write gang? Certain people ghould learn to be se“n and not heard! (A hint to the wise is sufficient! ZIP! the Hallowe’en Party or A We wish to Announce A THE OPENING OF THE A G & J Smoke Shop 12118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of A CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & 4 SOFT DRINKS 2 Jackson & Godbey, Props. 21 --j /--v | Now is the Time to Insulate Your Home CALL... SIMPSON INSULATION GO —KEnwood 6442— Authorized Johns-Mansville Contractors ... J Electric Irons Electric Roasters Electric Mixers Wafile Bakers Electric Cookers Christmas Tree Lights complete Pressure Cookers I Radios Vacuum Cleaners Electric Fans Electric Heaters Aluminum Cooking Utensils Silverware Carpet Sweepers Electric Shavers Infra-Red Health Lamps Electric Heating Pads I Sami Utompod KHurn Invaiapa tor rritaf JOSEPH WINKLER & CO. 667-671 NO. CLARK STRUT | Dept. BH, CHICAGO 10, ILLINOIS Dance was a good deal at the Grove. everyone had a fine time including my selfe (hey Richard?) Girlie*: Boystown will be in town Sunday: good deal! What is so rare to Mog* p. as to get a letter from Boygtown? SIGH: if you noticed the face of Lenore Pierce you would know her friend hag gone to the army. CORRECTION: if the certain S. O. girl is salty about last week,’ column.sorry it’s all In fun .. (SMILE) I LASH: FLASH* who was seen in Johnson's drug store Sunday morning dirty Sunday evening lookin’ sharp—hay Jimmy Mycrs? STUDENTS, CHATTER-BOX IS YOUR ’MOUTH-PIECE!’’ \\ ATCH OUT! What “stud-play boy played the act of sissy and was deferred by what draft board? ha! ha! you guess this one! SOMETHING TO THINK Allot«_ Now that the boys will be com ing home on leave, let's throw some mad parties for them don't everyone give them at once ’ M.C. is doing her part, so don't put on one at her time. hay Marie? Everyone was glad to see Stm. 3-c Lewis M. Curren home on hie nine day furlough, especially Jerry. CLASH! who is the new heart, throb of Choc. Avenue from Lin coln his first name is Bill . take note today girls. It seems that Dorcas W. and Chester O. are still swooning over one another. What's to Betty S. and Chester's sound? Boy O boy! BOOM! the dance at the Y tues. was sharp.everyone had a swell time it was given by the Club. WONDER! ...wonder what’s be tween our good friends BS. and B. •I?. could *t by any chance be luve? The PARTY! there will be a party who did I hear say was going to give a party where why when and will you be invited. I DON’T KNOW? for other inform ation, see this column next week! The get-to-gether Monday mte was going bang-up struck the 12 o'clock whistle and it was ad journed in pieces. WHAT’S MY NAME? Who said my life ain't worth liv ing, unless I live with you to his pretty 84 girls, and former wife up and socked him with a rollin' base ball bat? It occurred on 22nd and Grant. GIRLS! STOP STREET SMOKING! Greetings. Bob Montgomery re ceived his greetings and will be leaving the 8th good luck Bobby Bobby is a member of Tomorrows' World Club. GLAMOUR GIRLS OF CENTRAL HI_ Brains . Juanita Hanger Personality .Dorcas Wright Best Dress Florentine Crawford Funniest.Charlene West SMART SHOPPERS KNOW A BARGAIN WHEN THEY SEE ONE.... Yes, they surely do and the first bargain on the list of every good shopper is Omaha’s fine street car and bus service. Smart shop pers know that street car and bus service is quick, convenient and low in cost. They know there is no strain on the family budget because they save on parking costs . . . gasoline and tires. And there is no safer way than riding the street cars and busses. I-m—mrn Cutest .Dorothy Slaughter L>egs . Nadine Manley Feet Marceline Floyd Sharo Lois Brown Hand, Lorraine Morris Teeth .Matsolonia Pruitt Smile Barbara Scott Prettiest Oedora Wright Pep Amelia Orduna Best Athlete Naomi Vealard Manners Ruth Curren and Marie Williams Hair Marjorie Hughes Most Likely to Succeed Lenore Pierce. Best Line Mary Curren Most Popular .Doris McGill Eye* Anna Mae Butler (Opinion of all girls) WHAT’S TO IT? Do your Xmas shopping NOW! W. M.—don’t get around much. GF. keeps him well occupied! INOLA MOORE still many fine sportswear. GOOD NEWS_Katherine Watts is back in the fair city started back to Central Monday! Good deal Kat, we missed you very much! What certain chick at Central is stuck on a certain guy from B Town? and is getting nowhere fast?, .certain people would like to knok! What certain Lincoln chick ig 50 in love with our good friend Pay ton could her name be Mattie Sue Nevgls by any chance? . We wonder? Pvt. John Phifer says hello to old friends. SEEN! who was seen tues morn ing at S:15 going to work on the Crosstown street car in his work I clothes? was haily Whitegidej really joking or was he just sound ing? I WHAT 1)0 YOU THINK OF THE THREE CORNER CANTEEN? Finef when the band plays Chatter-Box Fine wdien there is a large crowd .K. Graham Finet if they have more big danc os . Mary C. OK! if I join. I think I’ll join . .Dorcas W. Fine when the band plays .fli. mm, OK_if they would have it >11 Fridays and Saturday nights at the USO Lois Brown Don’t Know . H. Montgomery One place, at the USO. B. Peltus Simply marvelous when there are hoys . L. Foxall OK. and an outlet for the less in tellectual person .U. T. W. It’s a nice place for the teen-ag ers to spend their earlier hours be fore bedtlme> ha ha Bob Owen We are still poor men's children Fifty cents a month B. Scott. Haven't been there yet _school you know .Louise Perkins Great deal_when your Ques arc Paid . Anna Butler | Fine when there is a big crowd .-.L. Peters It's a darn good deal Jean Pierce Lovely! lovely Naomi Veland Swell as long as there is some kind of a band Otherwise »it is dead Lorraine Jackson1 From what I know it must be sweH Archie Franklin. Can’t say, haven't paid my dues. Fine. L. J. M. Haven't been yet .. E. B. Bechers The boys should be more social-1 able . Bette McDonald [ Less games and more dancing - .-. -.G.S. I J*'s great when the kids comej and have a fine time Betty Stewart j Fine place when no place to go.. ' . Dot Lawson More fun at the USO. Charlene D. Observe ping pong until play day let’s dance the nite out, Marjorie GO TO CHURCH SUNDAYS! Cute gentleman of the week is_ Buster Robbins don’t you think a gree Betty S? Why does K. G. sit in study hall 3rd hour and watches 2 certain jit terbugs and never studies his les sons—oh I forget) he's an A stud ent. ha! ha! Nice people to know are Anna Ware, Rosetta Smith, Helen Carp f m k 1 ■ a iiin^llj 1 jl|4i ■ Send today for free liberal supply of this high grade Face Powder & also oar free beautiful Cosmetic catalog In colon. Help bring out poor love liness by using onr glamorous blend of Face Powder. Be Lovely to Leak At — Nice to Know. Don’t wait. J. E. McBRADY & C0., ( Eat. lSJt) 1041-40 W. Vnn BnrVii^ Dept. IMIS Chicago 7 Illinois » . •Invisible Belt Keeps shirt or blouse tail snug ly tucked in, holds garment up and firm around the waist, $2.25. Money-back guarantee. State waistline: Schneider’s, 3059 St. Mary’s Ave: AT-4171. - enter, Marie Williams, Evelyn Bech ers, Roland West and Raymond Parks. Coming soon what? where? . when? (next week ang.) C. M. is carrying the torch for D. S..or is it B. O? This issue will be too late for Hallowe'en...... so watch this column for next week’s other information. guess wHom Age_16 Weight_130 Height-5 feet 4 inches Hair—Dark Brown Eyes_Black Activities——Basketball, tennig, Sports. Nickname_tinnie Pep Peeve_Boys! Last week’s Guess Who was Mass Pruitt. , > THAT’S ALL this week, ! SO LONG for now, DOT. McDonald Reporting * —(by C. C. McDonald)— HENSON We wish to call the citizens at tention to some of the many activ ities that are going on in Omaha.... First, we have Benson community on the west side a nice sanitary place in which to live. They have large department stores,, movies of all kinds ..machine shops and the greatest attraction is the North West Side Bank. Everyone you see is always on the move. It sure is a busy spot.seems that they are prepare^ to take care of your every need.Just wralkout or rid out and behold the many! nice gtores filled with fresh groc-1 eries and good wearing materials.... Hardware stores, rated among the best equipped.Benson is a wond erful place. lilt. JOSEPH EDERER I Mr. Joseph B. Ederer who form erly lived at 30th an,j Bristol Sts., whose father previougly operated; the florist place there, are now' j living in South America. Mr. Ed-i erer reportg that South America is'j a fine place in which to live The, weather is nice and mild never too' » severe or cold. One can make a lots of money in South America, he stated. There could be 50,000 000 more people living down there. It now ha® a scattered population of about 30 million people. The land is very fertile and plenty of money ig to be made there. Mr. Ederer is here visiting his mother and family and many friendg. :m»th & AMES 30th and Ames avenue is another fine spot in Omaha. Out there they have the Northside Bank, Mr. Hall, President.This is a very busy institution, and if you were to walk in there, you would think for a moment that a storm was raging.everyone moving rapidly about and typewriters and adding machine rattling. .Walking out of the Bank for a few steps you are confronted with many kinds of businesses.First, the Lockwood's 5c and 10c store looks as nice and as well stocked as the downtown stores of its kind The lady attendant invites to call and take a look over her store .you are always welcome “ser vice with a smile.We ask you to stop off at 30th and Ames. GREATER OMAHA The Unitt-Docekal Drug Comp any at 17th and Farnam streets, long known as the old reliable, where you can purchase anything in the line of drugs erbs etc. it is a handy corner spot for one who Ktops and wishes to meet his or her friend in and to have lunch together and while waiting have j their prescriptions filled- They| are always glad to serve you. 1CTH AND HOWARD 1 is another busy corner.fine courteous service.known by itg many friends as the proper place to buy your drugs, toiletries, good brushes for all occasions and then you may steP over and eat your lunch top all this off with a good cigar of the best brandg. " . I SMITH DRUG COMPANY Here you have something nice. you can serve yourself to anything you wish_has a full supply of all kinds of drugs and many other it ems, useful in the home. The manager wigheg everyone to call and to give him an opportunity to demonstrate his services, regardless to whom you are, you are always welcome. SOCIAL NOTES Mrs. Lloyd Shipman of 231C North 30th street, says ghe admires The Omaha Guide and if you (meaning I GENEROUS BENEFITS! BUDGET-PLAN Life Insurance Provide*: i DEATH BENEFITS for Death from Sickness or Natural Causes DOUBLE INDEMNITY Double Benefi 1 s for Accidental Death EXTENDED INSURANCE If you can’t keep up Policy, protection continues for a liberal period CASH VALUE If you want to turn >n Policy TOTAL DISABILITY I and other generous Benefits. .. FREE INSPECTION » Examine this amazing Policy without fail. Send coupon for. complete FREE details and 21-1 day FREE INSPECTION offer. No obligation. Mail it today' 1 PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1643 Insurance Exch. Bldg. 1 Rockford. 111. • Now, every man, woman and child can afford reliable LIFE INSURANCE backed by Legal Reserves! No need to be without protection! BUDGET-PLAN permits you to decide how much insurance you want. Over 21 Billion Dollars budgeted insurance now in force proves its tremendous value! PAY AS YOU GO! Pay as little as 5c a week if you wish! 10c pays double benefits; 15c pays triple ben efits, etc. So easy on the pocketbook, so easy to own, all members of the family should have their own individual policy. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION No Red Tape—No Agents—No Collectors. _ i ■ZmsmSBaBN > PIOVKKH LIFE INSURANCE CO. 343 Insurance Exch. Bldg.. Rockford. 111. Please send me Free details about Budget- | Plan Life Insurance and Free Inspection oner. | Name. I Address.J jJCity. State. | Nebraska High School To Help in Victory Loan Drive; Seek to Raise $3,000 Hospital Units ... ”--- J These are the goals toward which Nebraska school pupils will work in a Victory Loan and Stamp cam paign during the Victory Loan Drive, October 29 to December 6. Above is the sponsorship panel de noting that a school hag qualified by raiging a $3,000 hospital unit. The citation below will go to the schools who participate in any phase of care for the hospitalized heroes. Nebraska schoolg will help speed the recovery of a large number of hospitalized war heroes through a Victory ond and Stamp campaign to sponsor one or more hospital units at $3,000 each. Dr. Archer T>. Burnham, Education Chairman foi the Nebraska War Finance Comm ittee announced. » Dr. Burnham said that the school® of the nation have been asked to finance 35 thousand such hospital unitg of which Nebraska’s share is 364. Army, Navy and Air Force hospitals have arranged for a school gponsorship panel to be plao ed on a serviceman's hospital bed for qualifying schools. Dr. Burn ham gtated. At present, sick and wounded servicemen are being returned to this country from all theatreg of war at the rate of 11 thousand ev ery week and the number is stead ily mounting. By sponsoring a hospital unit, the school provides what military authorities have esti mated is the cost of the hospital care of a wounded service man. When a school has completed sales of Victory Bonds and Stamps to qqualify for such sponsorship, the State War Finance Office will make out two sponsorship panels for each $3,000 hospital unit. One panel will be sent directly to the Commanding Officer of an Army, Air Force or Navy hospital where it will be placed on the bed of a wounded serviceman. The other will be sent to the school. Dr. Burnham said that such| school sponsorship panels may me Me) would come to my house next Sat., I will sure subscribe for it. She says I like to buy some pork chops some time. I am real ly tired of beef. Mrs. Henry Crump of 2808 North 30th. has returned homt from Wit- j chita Kansas where she visited \ with her parents. She reports a very lovely time. Her parents once lived in Omaha. She reports that her parents are doing nicely. Mrs. O' limp was busy raking 'eaves in her yard. Mrs. Augusta Stevens of 2606 N. 30th street, has just returned from a visit in Kansag City, where she was visiting her fo8ter daughter, Mrs. Stevens was accompanied hy Mrs. Peoples. She reports having a very nice trip but under circum stances which were sad on account of death in the family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Panky, Jr,, of 3110 Corby street were called 10 Cleveland, Ohio to attend the fun eral of her sister-in-law who pass ed from this life the latter part of Sept. Mr. and Mrs. Panky report > having a nice trip.on their home journey they stopped over in Chi Corporal Herschel Panky who has cago to visit with her relatives. Corporal Herschel Panky, Mr. Panky’s brother, who has been sta tioned overseas for 3 years, is ex pected home now most anytime. Pvt. Lee Panky has just return ed home on furlough. Mr. Edgar Wiley of 3163 Evans is now' confine,} to his bed in the St. Catherine hospital. He is very ill. suffering with agthma an,} arth ritis- Mr. Wiley is a member of the CME. Church and a devoted Christian. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Aurora Roundtree of Los Angeles Calif, will arrive in Om aha at 8:30, October 28th enroute to Chicago and New York.on re turning to Omaha about six weeks later after which she will return to her home in California. Mrg. Roundtree formerly lived in Om aha and hag many friends in our city. We welcome her return and vigit in Omaha. Mrs. Ludie Scott of 2831 Maple Street, hag been confined to her bed for 10 months, but when the reporter stopped by she was able to walk out and tell him that she feels ». lotg better an,} can walk very well now. Mrs. Scott sayg the only thing that brothers her is that she can't eat enough. I can eat neck bones or anything X can get. I am prou,} to say that I am on the upgrade. bring new hope and encourage ment to a weary patient who is learning that the long road to re covery recjuqires endless courage and perserverance^ and at the same time, the boys aiy girls of Nebras ka will develop a better apprecia tion of the sacrifices which have 'iiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiiiMitiiimii | HIGHEST PRICES PAID I 1 for FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES I “Call Us First” | NATIONAL FURNITURE | | Company —AT-1725— |1 7mnimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!Miit«iiHiiiii:iijiT I /-'X Lake Street TAVERN_ Inc. 2229 LAKE ST. Omaha, 10, Nebraska (formerly Rabes’ Buffet, Myrtis’ Tavern) IS NOW LAKE STREET TAVERN Inc. “Always A Place To Park” .» _ -/ “It is Safe to be Hungry’ at The Sharp Inn Cafe 2421 North 24th Street .Watch for the Announcement for future delivery service. Phone JA-9293 L. Glenn, N. Johnson, Props. I Johnson Drug Co. f 2306 North 24th —FREE DELIVERY— WE-0998 f »'-»&■ »J0 fci gU'att i on wmnJBSon ] RECREATIO X MA K E Victory Bowling Alley 2410 LAKE ST. Your Headquarters After Working Hours. T. Mosley. Proprietor TELEPHONE JA-9175 . been made for them, He has agked Nebraska schools participating in the Treasury's Schoolg-for-Peace Program to ap point special chairmen to support the campaign which will be a part of Nebraska’s Victory Loan Drive October 29 through December 8. In announcing plans for the hos I pital care campaign. Dr. Burnham S said, ‘‘The War Savingg campaign I to ‘Speed his Recovery' provides J schools with a rare opportunity to J serve those that have paid a high price for victory, and to help build I toward a post war prosperity and j peace by saving and serving until the last iff efftcts of thp war are I over.” I ---- NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR 1807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 —POPULAR. PRICK, ,s— LOOK AT YOUR SHOES Other People Do DIAMOND GENU1NB DIAMONDS SOLID YEL LOW COLD MONET BACK GUAR ANTEE, A charm i n g Matched Wed ding »et" that we are offering for I a limited J time at the LOW price of $10.95. or either ring eparately only $5.95. plus tax. If for ANY reason you are not sat isfied after wearing these rings 1* days—return them and your money will be refunded. As supply is low —ORDER AT ONCE. Lovely gift box FREE. SEND NO MONEY _ pay postman plus postal fee. Tax 20%. VICTORY DIAMOND COMPANY Dept. O. M. -Wheeling, W. Vn. 'headache I IS SUCH A I BIG I LITTLE THING ALL SET for a good full day's work when a nagging head ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. , •' Ready for an evening of relax ation and enjoyment—a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the economy package even cheaper. Why not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as directed. Your money back if you are jpot satisfied. e Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. PhoneJA-4635 formerly at 24th and Erskine St. NEW LOCATION— 514 N. 16th ST. CHECKED t'n a t/iffif . -or Msney Bach For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching renditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. A doctor’s formula, [ireaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and juickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your iruggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. SORRY We can’t make enough Smith Eros. Cough t Drop* to satitdy everybody. Cur output X3 still restricted. E_y c-'.y wi-ut you need. Smith Eros, have soothed coughsdueto cold* . since 1847. Black or Menthol—still only 5<t. J SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS j F BLACK OR JV.ENTHOl-50 {(ft g5§r mark