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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1945)
A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED ALLAL!IL£-A!i?-JLL^AI-A*!!--COUHStt- *hd guidance Not*:—Don't worry needlessly . . . when your mind la weighted down with worry *, TOU ‘h» n»wi of guidane*, and the counsel of an understanding friend please writ*. Yoor problem will be analysed in the paper free . . . Just include • °* eolumn with your letter. For a "private reply" send 26e for ABBE’8 1*44 INSPIRATIONAL READING.’ With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analysing three «) ques Mona. Pleas* send a stamped (Sc) envelop* for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdat* to all letters. Explain your ease fully and •mftna your problems within the realm of reason. Writ* to . . . I,. THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE >■' fort OFFICE BOX tl — ATLANTA. GEORGIA SSC—I'm between the sap and the bar'.t. The boy I love and who has asked me to marry him is act ing rather stranaely. I heard that he had a baby by another girl and when I asked him about It, h„ den ied It to me. Now I found out that it wag really true. I saw the child at his home and his mother told me that the mother died when it was born and this boy refuses to do anything at all for the child. Now should I marry a fellow who will do nothing for his own son? Let me know Immediately. Ans: One as young as you should not even think of getting married as you are not old enough to as sume the responsibilities that mar riage demands. Never the less, Single girls should choose their friends from among the deglrabie young men who are or will be e ventually, good marriage pros pects. I>o not be too hasty in con demning this boy until you find out the facts in his case. If he prefers to continue keeping silent on the matter, then that will be a logical reason for you to fade oul of the picture. You certainly dc not want to marry anyone about whom you have s° many misgiv. ings. RC_Recently 1 purchased a home here in the North where I have been for the past few years. Would it be a good idea for me to sell my home In the south and pay the money I get from it on the home I have here or continue pay ing taxes there and trying to pay off the notes on theone up here Ans: There is every indication that you intend to make your home permanently there where you aro so why not sell your other place and clear up the indebtedness on the new investment. You will probably realize more gteady nion ey from the old home now than you ever will again. The rent you are receiving from this place is barely enough to off-set the taxes and ex pense it requires to keep it up. VRR._I am writing concerning a friend of mine. To begin with, I am 30 years old and he says he Is 30. He is married and says he is AGENT Over 300 wonderful' products. Write for; PLAN and FREE Sample. Collins Lab oratories—Dept. X-4b Memphis, Tenn. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on aget Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up wlta Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 60 60. for body old solely because low In Iron: also supplies vitamin • |. calcium, phosphorus. 35c In troductory size now only 29cl Try Ostrex Tonis Tablets ior new pep. younger feeling, this very day. .For Sale at all drugstores every where-“in Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreens” Wise Americans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Due to Colds —With Buckley’s "Canadiol" Almost Instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right away it loosens up thick choking phlegm opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. There’s real economy in Buckley's all medication—no syrup. Half to one tea spoonful will convince the most skeptical. Get Buckley’s “CANADIOL” the cough mixture that's entirely different—more ef fective—faster in action—take it for more reatful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. FROM MICROBE TO MAN By DR. IV. WELLS >HE FASCINATING STORY OF THE Dt VELOPMENT Of OUR UNBORN BOOT FROM A SINGLE MICROBE-SIZED EGG CELL RJTO A HUMAN BEING PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGARD LESS OF YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE II POST?AO ROT* CENTURY PRESS ICC A SI. 1AC0MA VASHflSVM ONETaI day VITAMIN J-Atablpts 'T'HINK of it! Your min * imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. A NERVINE DO TENSE r.erves make I you Wakeful. Cranky, Resiles*? Or. Miles Nervine helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug: store. Read directions and use only as directed. , Aika-Seltzer WHEN Headache, Mus cular Pains or Simple Neuralgia, Distress after Meals, Gas on Stomach, or •‘Morning After'* interfere with your work or spoil your fun, try Alka-Seltzer. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO *ot*. corner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21®t and Grace Extensive frontage on both 21st an#* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home® or especially suited as Church grounds. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX ASM or Call HA-080#. in love with his wife yet he always acts jealous over me. Now doe8 he really lare for me or not? The boys where he Is stationed says that he told them that he was go ing to marry me after the war. Ans: An old, old story with the same unhappy ending. He has told you that he loves his wife, and he is not going to divorce her and marry you despite any rumor that you may have heard. You were nice company while he wag station ed near you, but since he has been shipped away, he has made no ef fort to contact you. Leave well c nough alone.. this was definitely a Step in the wrong direction for you There are plenty of single boys who ave so much more to offer.... never become involved again with a married man. PLG.—Please put my problem in the paper right away. I want you to help me to decide what ig be$t for me to do. I am a widow and sometimes I feel that I need a hus band. I am 87 and have a nice friend 48. He has asked me more times recently to marry him. I believe he will make me a good husband. But I have 3 children at the age of 16, 14 and 12 and they object to my getting married They say I don't need a husband. Please give me gome good advice. Ang: Youngsters the ages of your children are not mature e nough to realize the loneliness that exists in your life after once being married. Neither are they cap able of looking far enough ahead to see that when they get grown they will probably choose mateg of their own thus leaving you alone. If you sincerely feel that this par ticular man in your life is the right mate for you. the thing for ycu to do is to see that he and the child ren become better acquainted. If lie can win their friendship and ad miration then they wTould no ling, er object to your marriage with him. But if he can't win then, ov er rest assured that a marriage with him would prove most unsat isfactory. You cannot take steps to find happiness for yourself if it jeopardizes the future of your child t en. !; MATTIES TEA ROOM i! 2113 GRANT ST. :i ! Open from 12 noon until 7 p.m.;> JA-5519 To Renew your 1945 Subscription,. Call HA-0800 j The WEEK (BY H. W. SMITH HA-0800) President Truman made a very constructive speech Saturday morn ing October 27, Navy Day. Two strong earthquakes were recorded on October 25th.they were about 4900 miles from the northeast coast. U. S. Congress has not decided the war end date for Number Two World's War ag President Truman advised in his message on Septem ber 6, not to be too hasty. Mrs. Helen Durfield, wife of a sailor was shot an<j killed in Lor ain, Ohio on October 26 police are looking for an ex-convict. The latest strike developed in Cafe Elizabeth, Maine, the baby minders ask a raise in pay on Oct. 25th. Children in Little Rock. Arkan sas notified the merchants on Tliurg day October 25 that Hallowe’en was in the making. 12 persons were made unconscious on October 25 in Indianapolis. Ind. from gas fumes. Mrg. Franklin D. Roosevelt may visit the White House sometime at a press conference. 19 person9 were killed in a plane crash in Alaska on October 25. Robert Frank Richmond of Tulsa Olahoma filed a damage suit for $19,000.34 against the Dupont De Nenours Company on October 20th. Read The Omaha Greater Guide. U. S. Senator Barkley made a statement at Lexington Ky., Oct. 25. there were eight million unemployed and a uniform scale of wages should be adopted. A jewish candy store owner of New York fed and clothed a Ger. man soldier who escaped from a prison camp, before he turned him! over to the police. Mrs. Mary Covac of Hartford, Conn., on October 25, appealed to Governor Baldwin to reopen the case against Imogene Stevens for the murder of her son. 2 women were killed in a fall from the 7th floor of a Philadelphia department store October 27. Read the Omaha Guide for the latest news. President Truman favors scientif ic training for all. 5 children were burned to death in aHlebury, Ontario when their home was burned Saturday, Oct. 27. 8 district offices of the WPB. will close on October 30 in the Chi cago area. Herman Menc-h. President of the National Foundries Association i Thrifty Service... b • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 “ - ^ PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Highest Cash Prices Paid for your Furniture ..See Us Before Buying or Selling. PHONE WA-8228 • 3921-23 CUMING STREET * —- - 1 I [Evans’ Radio* [ & Electric Repair Shop < I 2702 Lake Street I For Sale \ IRONS. TOASTERS, WAFFLE GRIDDLES, PERCULATORS AND MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES —AT A REASONABLE PRICE— “All Re-Built Merchandise Guaranteed to Give Service _ .. We also Buy Used Electrical Merchandise » of All Kinds fl EVANS’ RADIO & ELECTRIC REPAIR I SHOP ] 2702 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebraska 1 —Henry W. Evans, Proprietor I SQUIRE EDGEGATE -Hi, b— w„ n.. r '-.. Viks / - ' U*? Mono ~~ \ "&>/ 7/«6o- TH/yr »v/)£, I'M SflPWv you HQO -\ * TERRIBLE Tt)LL. ~Th TW t)CC'DEnr- T)OES //OPE~ A1 V \ SVuiRECot- A»i)ysE / you/? Honor* SEEm To HOMOR SEEMS, || To^no^ *T , ce HtiieT y To 6E T*cr f \nELL hith } ---— But Aiy T Hint ^ I T^ISE TEETH I Rnt> SP/nE / /V>' RRc TURRET* I Con & io^r ^ . _ .. _ ..._ . i „ 'A |‘ l JL. -» ^ a 1 - m I HUCKLEBERRY FINN 1 CWWOT "Trie OLD SOH6S rA'&Z/n 1 SUN6 L0H6 "TEAR'S AGO, W7 /'V For Heart amd voice Would falter ,? \ AHD FOOLISH TCARSUCUID FLOW- Ail / J >T FOR t'l&S OHe HOURS Come o'er mt heart j Agim<71/CA^, VT\TH EACH FAMILIAR STRAIN*-'* '■/TV^'^sS l CArtriOT SlHQ THE OLD SbriCS'■i X[A <5^> 3R E>REAW| THOSE DRCAMS V r mama just left por TUE RED CROSS CENTER N *% ourpj^ y^HELP said in Milwaukee October 27 ...they have work for 250 thousand war veterans. J. H. Porter was born in two counties. Clay and Piatt counties. Mo. He is living in Adair, Iowa. Rea<j Omaha Greater Guide, for all the news. NO DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS LOW COST NOW JS THE TIME TO Gli YOUR SHOES REBUILT . Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street * g * 0 & e g There’s a Thrill In Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME i DETECTION i nave taugnt tnousanaa or ms* and women this exciting. rifitabla. pleasant profession. Let me teach yon. toe, your own home. Prepare yourself la your leisure time to fill a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very short time and at vg; email eost. What others have don* you too. can do. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S. This fascinating work is easy to learn and the traimne b inexpensive. Yon. too. can fit yourself to fill a responsible crime detection lot with good pay and steady employment But don't delay —get the details now. Let me show you how easily snd completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, in your own home. You may pay aS yon leam. Write today for free Crime Book. FREEI “™E BLUE BOOK OF CRIME*1 K-. • tkrUl.r Talk itM mmt W Ik. bmi kiurMki, trW. ^ P.FWII.U4 i* I— IK., tcti Miv«4 Ik. rar. —•••«*> k, I Ak M *ra_k. ™Tin«!£ INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE «U Hae >.....14. Am. Ckl..,. 40. Mil..* WANT MORE MONEY? We’ll show you HOW to get it eas ily. in your spare or full time! NO more boseesm NO depression wor ries Our sure-fire plans tell you HOW to start your own paying business NOW for post-v ar secur ity Send for our NEW “3-WA1 OPPORTI NITY” Offer today- it’s FREE. RAYCO SPECIALITIES | 350-B Blair Ave. Newport News. Yn GOOD READING, the SUBSCRIBE now: tAU HA-0800 lb j 191 ^ 11. if .• II, l| Don t worry about money, Home affairs. Bad Luck, Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 16, III. BREEZY By T. MELVIN I If FOR HALLOWE'EN,OF COURSE / EVERY i £®§B££S§5*r ^NPALF^itL2^ T2 W9A^r i*W pumpkin head weara a cample L1GrHTE^CANDLEr |p4K---jj-— ^ rjS^s JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON Jrtf - - ni%C/l/£/W //y rniLJ co/wecr/om tv/m me *WEALING OF TWO POl/CY MM pm ppom me yroee moom of me mampoo /mm, gor GiAfr-eye M a ame yag/m m to aom ee cam 7E4ce me m/eyei... AXltinv * Fwflr-1 1*4*. ft- Trf W.uw»' # SmAT't UP? / /Ve GOT 4 A/772-£ *<&#£^ locvc> a<£ you > to terns now 7»at guy ) FOUA/D... f ABOUT t<PUAAAUH' OH 7H£ \ -- / I /to/SC / MAPS AHD /F TH/i \ > SHAG /t FPOA1 FUAT fU/F~ ) ( OF Wt WE'U. B£OH 7H£ / \ ' 7FACK OF 7H£ Fte/Vet/T ---7 ^ JIM STEELE Bv MELVIN TAPLEY ~ ««NT||<EMS>4, F64.TL«K> Hr JIM STEELE and ‘E parky ' JUMP IN A PLANS ro FOLLOW TOHRU ANDPOUMEI WHO WAVE KIDNAPPED HELENA EAIKER.. theyhadppevo# lyaentathpeat ENIN6" RAPlOME&fGE1 t WE CAN'T FOLLOW THEA\\f YOU SCARED THE FOOL^l /oF OOUREE/THE PEUblAN ) fTOO CLOSELY..THEYMI6HrIOFF,TOHRU/ I DON'T EEE ] ( CONOO * IN A FEW PAYS -4. I [ CARRY OUT THEIR THREAT' J ►THEM... NOW WE CAN HEADj WE WILL HAVE THE FATE OF -'LL CHOP^HII^/ FOR OUR PE^TINATlONjjJ ^THE WORLD IN OUR HANDS'^ YOU LOCATE ™/V\^ ■» VVILL YOUEAYNOw] igglfPOUME I. WHAT IS 01 )R ORAyUlM/fl DKIINATION^ Tail Topics: “Boy, was that some picture!” I ft" Feitom one tie and one suit you can . .that will leave a good sum for a nice fur coat for me. !”