The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 03, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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By Ruth Taylor
“Freedom is the right to seek one’s heart’s de
sire—and to let the other man hunt for his.”
Doesn't this thought express the ideals and
dreams of all of us? We are all seekers after our
heart’s desire, that vision that is our guiding star,
leading us through discouragement, heartache and
despair toward a shining goal at the rainbow’s end.
“The right to seek”—freedom to move about, to
be no man’s slave and no man’s master, but free to
search for those things which we want, a home, eco
nomic security, a job in which we can serve others
because we wish to serve. That is a right forever
laid down to us in the Constitution. That is a
right we will never abrogate, though we may volun
tarily lay it aside in times of common danger.
“Our heart’s desire”—the goal of happiness
which is common to all of us—no matter how we
may express it. Our heart’s desire is for the bet
terment of ourselves and of those we hold dear. It
may be sacrifice that is our heart’s desire—the
priests who went to minister unto the lepers were
so motivated; it may be the building of a home that
is our heart’s desire—the conquering of the wilder
ness was the fruit of this wish; it may be greater
benefits for our children—our free schools, our
great universities, our high spirited teachers arc ,
the fulfillment of that dream. Our heart’s desire
is not the same for any of us—but it is OURS, cre
ated out of our needs, our hope and our faith—not
by the will of another man.
“To let the other man hunt for his”—we cannot
keep freedom to ourselves. Freedom is never a
lonely thing, a right of one man for himself alone.
Special privilege is license not liberty. Freedom i
by its very nature is universal. We must never J
forget that the master is slave as well as the man;
the jailer as well as the captive. Our homes are !
safe as we respect our neighbor’s borne. Our
children grow in strength and learn wisdom as we
make these opportunities free to all children. We
go freely to worship as we allow our neighbor the
same privilege. No church, regardless of denomin
ation, is safer than its neighboring cathedral, church
or synagogue. Freedom is based on the self-res
pect of man, and on his corresponding respect for
his neighbor as a man.
“Freedom is the right to seek one’s heart’s desire
—and to let the other man hunt for his.”
Even a one-eyed man going to Detroit these days
quickly sees that the people of the Motor City mean
business, as witness these items casually collected
one day last week:
The Booker T. Washington Trade Association,
which has never missed a weekly meeting during
the fourteen years of its life, other than on holidays
The most beautiful Urban League and the most
attractive Tuskegee Club headquarters in the U. S.
A. (And that statement includes both New York
City and Tuskgee Institute in Alabama.)
A dry-cleaning establishment headed by a woman
whose beauty and charm are such that even the one
suit-Willies are twice-a-week customers.
A motor sales agency (Studebaker) employing
seventy-five persons in sales and repair work when
the assembly lines are running.
A young man and his wife smart enough to go
out and find Christmas trees where they are but
not wanted, to bring them where everybody wants
one, and to tuck away a very neat profit on the deal.
A man-wife combination operating a good news
paper, and by their own life giving the entire region
new faith in the institution of marriage, and con
vincing proof that people ARE human beings.
And more businesses actually owned by Negroes
than any other city in the country. These folks
mean business. They are not softies. They know
how to work together, and they also know how to
fight together if necessary.
Dr. Van Mook, Dutch representative in Java,
sees ‘‘no basis for democratic discussions” on the
island. The trouble with the Doctor and many
other millions of Europeans is that they cannot un
derstand why the people of Java want to manage
their own affairs. Following the usual imperialist
technique, the Dutch insist that Javanese leaders
are rabble rousers and rebels with no real following
On that basis, one George Washington in the ear
ly days was no mdre and no less than a rebel. He
was fired with the spirit of independence, and most
[ The Omaha Guide \
Published Every Saturday at 2420 Grant Street
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska, under
i Act of Congress of Mardi 3, 1879.
C‘ C. Gallcvuiy,.... Publisher and Acting Editor
All News Copy of Churches and all organiz
ations must be in our office not later than 1:00
p. m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising
Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday
noon, proceeding date of issue, to insure public
SIX MONTHS . $1.751
ONE YEAR . $3.50
SIX MONTHS . $2 00
I National Advertising Representatives—
I 545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone- —
' MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager
Editorial: "The Crushing Monster Is Active Again!”
Washington, D. C.—Food for Europe isn't just a
matter of supplies or of shipping, but of money.
That must come eventually from an economy-mind
ed Congress with which the President is having dif
ficulties. This explains why the civic groups who
appealed to Truman for larger food shipments to a
vert European chaos got fair words, little action,
and are now concentrating on Congress.
United States emphasis on the dollar in interna
tional affairs is building ill will abroad, and a dollar
isoationism at home. It’s a repetition of the dollar
mindedness that marked American isolationism af
ter World War I, and paved the way for depression
and World War II.
Our niggardly food policy is resented abroad,
where practically every observer erports danger of
famine and upheaval this winter. Doutli in Africa,
Australia and parts of Europe have dried up those
of the folks on this side hoped he was right. But
he had to fight so-called (now) Americans as well
as the British, and at times it was hard to tell which
was the more dangerous. The Dutch know, and the
fascists in America know, that the principle of di
vide and conquer brings good returns. Get the op
position to fighting among themselves, then kill off
both factions when they are too weak to resist.
One of the best current signs among Negroes is
that we are learning to stop fighting each other.
But the big lesson on that score is still unlearned.
Don't waste your ammunition on the other black
man because his methods differ from yours. It is
stupid to bicker with your neighbor, when the fel
low across town is planning to blast you and your
neighbor to the high heavens.
Many Negroes who try to get away from the ;
term “black” or anything connected won’t
like “EBONY”, new picture magazine now on the j
stands. But even these will like the variety of sub
jects, the excellent photography, and the balanced
composition of the new publication. Tlie enter
prising editor of the Negro Digest have hit the jack
pot again.
Find parents assume that the world wants to
know what their Jimmy said this morning—in the
cutest way?
The Bostonian by recent escape from Mississippi
feel that “dash” is spelled “dosh”?
Strange men and women who look very formal
when they sit next each other on over-night roaches
look so cozy the next morning?
Women, who wear skirts too short and too tight
to cover the subject spend so much time trying to ,
do what can’t be done?
The halitosis special take the vacant seat next to
me, when every one can see that I’m too weak to |
fight back?
food sources, leaving the 1
hope of war-torn countries
ing lifted here in spite of
ments are small in relatior
This United States food
tactless ending of Lend Le
ing Congressional attitude
idly losing us the good-wi]
A Congressman recently
is shot through and throu
counrse, UNRRA is an in
which happens to have he
ton and an American head
screen for cutting full
world cooperative relief p]
This money-first foreign
time when the balance of y
from the White House to
are related, for Administr
ing more and more limite<
short-sighted Congress is ^
Truman’s policy of eooj
has brought hi mto the sai
lawmakers that FDR read
The President seems surp:
that his old Congressional
it's doubtful that Trum;
parts of his program throi
ing or withholding of pati
trump cards of any Presid
gress. President Truman
of them. Instead he has 1
Democratic chairmn to fin
tional program each will
such tactics he’ll come ou
down to the lowest commc
hack intelligence.
Much of the President’s
fact that his Adininistratic
peace. This has led to th
fast in a desperate gambl
would make up for lack <
Meantime, Congress dallio
items on which action has
The President is almost
jobless pay bill, and the fu
the Senate only in ema:
Barkley described the mea
these words: “It now guai
work the right to seek a jo
other words, if it is convex
to help him, it will do so.”
A House group of 115 R
leadership of Congressman
getting ready to make a fij
The President backs Of
price control, but OWMR’
hot anil cold on it. He an
of restrictions on building
gday, November 3, 1945
I QU<uitj> I
“He looked surprised!”—
1VAC Pvt. Betty Rising, of Mid
dletown, Conn., who impulsively
kissed Gen. Eisenhower on his
55 th, birthday. j
- X
“That will make it easier to
keep awake.” — New Supreme
Court Justice Burton, picking
out hard-bottom chair.
“Is this what I fought and got
wounded for?”—Ex-Pvt. D. C.
Stradella, combat veteran, whose
business in New York is picketed
by union.
“The luxuries of the Govern
ment come from the bread of the
people.” — Congressman Joseph
Martin (Mass.), demanding re
duced Federal spending.
“Despite every attack upon it,
the American people still believe
in our system of free enterprise.”
—Rev. Norman Vincent Peale,
“Be brave for your lawyers,
and for history.”—Pierre LavaVs
lawyer's last words to him before
he was shot.
Patterson Sworn In
Secretary of War Robert P. Pat
orson, aa he took oath of office to
head peacetime war department.
Jnited States ^ the chief
i. Food rationing is be~
the fact that U. S. ship
i to our abundance,
policy, the abrupt and
ase, and the dollar-pinch
toward UNRRA is rap
1 of Allied countries.
• charged that UNRRA
gh with foreigners! Of
ternational organization
adquarters in Washing
. The charge was only a
appropriations for this
policy shows up at a
olitical power has shifted
Capitol Hill. The two
ation policies are beconi- \
l by what a dominantly ^
billing to do.
•crating with Congress
ne loggerheads with the
led by a different route,
used, hurt and baffled
pals should have let him
m will get all the key
gh Congress. The grant
onage are always the
ent in battles with Con
has so far not made use
•een polling the State
I what points in his na
endorse. If he sticks to
t with a program cut
n denominator of party
trouble stems from the
n was unprepared for
rowing off controls too
e that negative action
>f a positive program,
s over all the important
been requested,
hopelessly licked on his
II employment lull got by
undated form. Senator
sure as finally passed in
•antees everybody out of
l>. if he can find one. In
lieiit for the Government
spresentatives, under the
Patman and Outland. is
»*ht for the original meas
A’s Chester Bowles’ on
3 John W. Snyder blows
proved WPB’s removal
materials, which will en
courage construction of $8,000 and over houses,
more profitable to contractors, . but beyond the
reach of half the people. He was also ready to take
price ceilings off building materials, until Truman
bucked him up. Bowles won his point, but there
was a jittery week in which the outcome was un
The Worldj Abroad
NEW 10RK, N. Y.—A survey of the world a
broad this week gives a picture of mounting ten
sions and difficulties.
The peoples of Southeastern Asia are stirring
with revolt against the re-establishment of Colonial
rule by the Western-European nations. The Brit
ish are making little or no progress in solving the
Indian problem. The peoples of Indo-China are
openly resisting a return to French domination.
An deven in the tranquil Dutch East Indies strong
independence mo\ ements have arisen to resist con
tinued Dutch rule or even inclusion in a new Dutch
In the Argntine, the Fascist Government of Far
rell and Peron has re-imposed a state of siege and
resorted to mass arrests in order to suppress the
riing tide of democratic discontent.
In Germany, General Eisenhower was compelled
to relieve General Patton of his command in order
to enforce a more determined plan of denazification
in the zone of American occupation.
At London, the first session of the Council of
Foreign Ministers ended, as forecast last week, in
dismal failure. The Ministers were not even able
to agree upon a joint communique; each issued his
own statement to the press.
Chief cause of the failure is to be found in the
ambiquity o fthe arrangements made by the Pig
Three at Potsdam and in the lack of adequate prep
aration for the Conference.
When the Big Three created the Council they de
termined that it should consist of five permanent
members—the foreign ministers of the United
States, Britain, the Soviet Union, France and China
They announced further that in the discussion of
peace treaties with Italy and the Axis Satellites,
those additional countries should be invited whose
vital interests were affected.
On the other hand, the Big Three also declared
that only those countries should participate in peace
treaty discussions which had participated in armis
tics talks and surrender.
( When the Council of Foreign Ministers met on
September 11, it voted unanimously to have the Big
Five participate in the discussion of all the peace
treaties. In addition Italy and Yugoslavia were
invited to attend the Italian discussions, and, upon
the urgent demand of Foreign Minister Evatt of
Australia, the British Dominions were likewise in
vited, since they hal helped in bringing about the de
-feat of Italy. The same reasoning could have ap
plied to Poland and Brazil, since Polish and Brazil
ian troops also fought in Italy. The Russian dele
gation did try to have Poland invited, but nobody
seems to have thought of Brazil. More curious still
Greece, which had heroically resisted the Italian on
slaught in 1940, was not invited to participate.
When it came to the treaties with Bulgaria and
Rumania, the Soviet Union moved to exclude
France and China on the rgounds that they had not
contributed to the defeat of these nations and had
no vital interest in the peace treaties. France pro
tested energetically, and out of the ensuing debate
came the final Russian demand upon which the Con
ference foundered.
This demand was that the Council should rescind
its unanimous vote of September 11, by which the
Big Five were to sit in on all treaty discussions, and
expunge it from the record. Britain, France,
China and the United States presented a united
front against this demand. The resulting dead
lock remained unbroken.
Undoubtedly there are reasons for what seems an
unreasonable attitude on the part of the Soviet
delegation. One of these reasons, as pointed out
last week, may be the exclusion of the Soviet Union
fro mthe secrets of the atomic bomb. Another rea
son may be Soviet fear of British imperialism. And
a third reason may be Soviet apprehension over a
possible “soft” treatment of Japan by the United
These “reasons” would not, even if correct, justi
fy the Soviet demand to revert to Big Three power
politics. But they might explain the demand.
In any case, the Big Three themselves have by
their ambiguity at Potsdam and their lack of prep
aration since Potsdam, wrecked their own handi
work. It now seems doubtful whether the Council
of Foreign Ministers, which was at best a make
shift, can survive as the chief peace-making instru
ment. If the result of the failure at London is the
creation of more democratic machinery and more
careful preparation for the next attempt, that fail
ure may yet turn out to be a blessing.
Another lesson which may be learned as the re
sult of the London fiasco is the danger of conduct
ing peace negotiations in secrecy. It was the Rus
sian delegation which insisted most strongly upon
secrecv, but here again this insistence must be judg
ed in the context of twenty-fives of isolation. The
Soviet Union has not yet learned to trust its neigh
bors. any more than we have learned fully to trust
the Soviet Union. Mutual confidence is more like
ly to result from “open convenants openly arrived
at” among all the nations, than from secert negoti
ations among the Big Three.