The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, November 03, 1945, Image 1

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    ■ LOCAL & NATL NEWS-lOc per copy “AND WORTH IT” ■
^ ^ ^ _"Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ^ ^
. ^ _ Knteied as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of
Satiuuay, Nov. 3, 1945 Our 18th Year—No. 39 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr
READ: "Chatter-Box” A Youthful Column by Doris McGill, “Teen-Agers” by Juanita Hanger, Every Week in the Greater GUIDE!
Paris> France_General Charles
DeG&ulle is shown drinking a toast
to the new Internationale of World
Trade Unions with labor leaders of
two hemispheres In Paris on Oct.
ober 16th while preparing for elec
tion in which the people overwhelm
ingly approve^ his plans for a
Fourth Republic.Pi cture-d here
left to right, are Sidney Hilltnan,
United States. Sir Walter Citrine
Great Britain. Leon Jouhaux, of
France, Vincente Toledano, Mexico!
and M. Saillant, France.
ROW Says NAACP Investigator
Chicago, 111_Contrary to the
atorieg in the daily papers, the
school strikes in Gary, Ind. and
Chicago give real evidence of being
fomented by an organized group or
groups, according to on-the-gpot
investigations made by Misg Noma
Jensen of the NAAOl’ New York
“In Gary not only former known
Bundists are active but also follow
ers of Father Coughlin, Gerald L«.
K. Smith and members of the Ku
Klux Klan," Miss Jengen said. "All
have a stake in this Froebel school
strike and they are acting accord
ingly’^ she emphasized.
The school strikes started on
September 1 at Froebel high school
In Gary, where Negroes and whit
es have gone to school together for
over twenty years.
Miss Jensen'8 report continues: _
“The school strikes in Chicago are
undoubtedly the result of mounting
group antagontsms. These antag
onisms can be traced to the comm
unity’s failure to alleviate over
crowding in housing, discriminat
ion in employment and in the lack
of succesg of various civic groups
to reform the city’s school system.”
New York_The refusal A' *he
Daughters of the American Revolu- j
tion to allow Hazel Scott, pianist,
the use of Constitution Hall in
Washington, DC., for a recital is
scored in an editorial in "OPIN.
ION” a national Jewish monthly.
The editorial, written by Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise, declares:
"America hag been given furious
ly to think by the recent perform
ance of the DAR. Their denial to
Hazel Scott, a gifted artist of the
Negro race, of the privilege of giv
ing a recital at Constitutional Hall,
in Washington serves to tell anew
of the descent of the DAR. They
have indeed descended to depths of
un-Americanism, which are not
nearly as serious in their implica
tion* to the Negro race ag to their
own organization. If the word
"reaction" was substituted for the
•erm "reViJuilon”, men would know
exactly where the DAR stands. It
is evidently ready to become an in
strument of reaction and of divis
ivenesg in American life.
“It is good to note that not a few
members of the DAR have already
threatened to resign unless the res
olution be rescinded. But even the
resolution will not be enough. Mem
bers of the DAR must dare to do
battle that it again become an Am
erican institution and not an instru
ment of Faeism and its intoleranc. I
es. The decision not to permit Haz
-el Scott to give a recita^ in Con-.
stitution Hall is a grievous afront I
not only to the artist, but to her en
tire race. Above all, it is a lament
able repudiation of the ideals of
those from whom the Daughters of
the American Revolution proudly
claim descent."
Sinatra Hits Intolerance
In High School Talk
G _ _
New York_Frank Sinatra, of
radio fame, condemned Facial and
religious intolerance in a speech
here to several thousand students
at Benjamin Franklin high school,
October 23.
The high school was the scene
several weeks ago of disturbances
between Negro and white teen-age
groups> some students in the
school and some boys in the neigh,
borhood. Sinatra told the audience
not to “go around calling names or
indicating your racial preference”.
He asked the gtudents to act as
’"neighborhood emigsaries of racial
good-will.” At both assemblies he
sang, “Aren’t you Glad You’re
Sinatra’s appearance was arrang
ed by the national office of the
NAACP with Dr. Leonard Covello,
President of the school.
Washington, DC_Petition to
clemency was filed October 23
with the Secretary of War by NA
ACP attorneys on behalf of Purdie
S. Jackson a Negro soldier who had
been convicted by general court
martial in Nashville Tenn., on Feb
ruary 7. 1944 and sentenced to a dig
honorable discharge and confine
nient for twelve (12) years for as
saulting three (3) white civilians
with criminal intent. The chargeg
grew out of an altercation which
occurred in the drug gtore owned
by one of the civilians because the
Negro soldier sat in a section re
served for the exclusive use of
white patrons.
It was pointed out in the petition
that no wrong-doing on Jackson's
part was established at the trial;
that the white men were actually
the aggressors; that Jackson was
acting in self defense; that although
the wounds which petitioner Jack,
son allegedly afflicted were report
edly serious, no medical authority
was called to tegtify who had at
tended game; and that dishonorable
discharge and twelve (12) years
confinement were highly dispropor
tionate to the offenses proved.
It was requested that Jackson be
immediately restored to duty and
gi%’en an opportunity to earn an
honorable separation from the ger
vice. NAACP’s attorneys for Jack
son are Thurgood Marshall and his
assistant Robert L. Carter
■ _ I
Bogton, Mass_Praise for the con
duct of Negro troops in Europe
was voiced here last week by God
frey L. Cabot, Boston businessman
and member of the famed New En
gland family.
In a letter to Walter White, N
ACP executive secretary Mr. Ca
bot wrote:
"I just returned from a trip to I
England and France, being almost j
wholly in London and Paris be- |
tween August 24 and October 1 and !
I am glad to report that, among
the many thousands of American
troopg which I saw in those two
cities and elsewhere, and of which
perhaps 5% were colored troops. I
neither saw nor heard of any mis
conduct. Everywhere the Americ
an spirit of good will and courtesy
seemed to prevail.”
New York_Gloster Current, exe
cutive gecretary of the Detroit NA
! ACP arrived in England last week
I aboard the Queen Mary ag a dele-1
I gate to the World Y’outh Confer
ence being held in London October
31 to November 9.
The Detroit branch of the NAA
I CP ig the largegt in the country
I with 24,000 members. From his [
long experience there as th' execu-'
tive secretary, Mr. Current is fam
iliar with labor and political prob
lems, with the policies of America's
greatest industrial concerns with
housing in a congested urban corn
11.unity. and with problems in edu
cation since Detroit hag one of the
largest municipal universities in
Breaks Record At State
Cosmetology Board Exams
Attention has been turned on the
very fine record Mr. Voyal V.
Watgon achieved at the State Board
of Cosmetology on October 9th and
10th. Mr. Watson was completely
finished with his practical work at
1:15; a record never made before in
the history of Cosmetology in the
State of Nebraska.
The President and Secretary of
the examining board were so very
pleased at Mr. Watson’s fine tech,
ique that he was exempted of giv
ing a facial, scalp treatment and a
manicure.something which has
never happened before.
In asking Mr. Watson questions,
each was so correctly answered the
vice-chairman said, "you just know
all the answers.”
The Governor of the State and
also the other members of the State
Board, commended Mr. Watson for
hig outstanding record and wished
him much success.
In making such a high rating,
Mr. Watson is happy to do some
thing for his race which is worth-,
while therefore^he has an “A-l”
Beauty Shop open at 2511 North
22nd Street.complete and modern
in every sense of the word.
Yet he believes in giving flowers
while one can enjoy their fragranc
es and this goes to the credit of
the North Side Beauty School of
which Mrs. Carrie M. Wilson is the
teacher. It proves what a just,
honest, efficient and well-trained
instructor is able to do. Thanks
to Mrs. Wilgon and all concerned.
1 shall try, putting into my shoppe,
the principles learned under your
Mr. Watgon has his State license
and does a radiantly lovely job
with the hair, nails, face and feet.
Call for appointments. JA. 7015.
Migg Hazel Parker and Mrs. Mar
garet Dean are also beauty operat
ors in Mr. Watson’s "LAST WORD
the country. He Is thoroughly
familiar with the program of the
NAACP, having been active in the
work from his student days at
West Virginia's State College which
gives him a background of inform
ation on the attitude of American
Negro youth.
Communist Party Asked To Account
For $500,000 Scottsboro Fund
New York City_(CNS) Morris
Ernst, counsel for the American
Civil Liberties Union is asking the
Treasury Department to investigate
the $500,000 fund the Communist
Party collected for the Scottsboro
Although the Communists claim
ed tax-exemption, expenses could
not have exceeded $50,000, he charg
ed. Ernst feels that the American
public has a right to know as to
what has happened to the rest
the money, especially if it has been
used, “to finance secret under
ground organizers operating (for
the Communists in the trade union
His statement was made public
by Benjamin F. McLaurin, Repub
lican and Liberal candidate, who 10
days a£o challenged his opponent,
Councilman Ben Davis for an ac
- c
count of the funds. Davis then i
header the Scottsboro legal defense I
for the Communists when Carl !
Browder and Robert Minor. then
top Communists, approached him
when their own defense funds went
bankrupt. At their request. Ernst
revealed, a united defense fund was
organized for the eight boys. It
was composed of the YMCA and
the Civil Liberties Union, Norman
Thomas as well as Negro and
church groups of the YWCA.
“As far as I know.” said Ernst. I
“this wag the firPt and only sucn«
provision ever agreed to by the
Communists. They only agreed to
this because they were bankrupt.
For all the moneys the Communists
raised up to ‘that time, there never
had been an accounting to the pub
A Personal Letter
To You...
606 City Hall JA. f>231
Dear Friend;
You would have been fascinated
as I wag, had you been with me
last Monday. I spent the day at
the VNA Physical Therapy Center
in the University of Nebraska Dis
pensary Building. Anj a full day
it was! All morning patientg came
in for treatment_diathermy, infra
red and ultra violet lamp treat
ments, electrical stimulation, par
affin bath, massage, and exercise.
The whirl pool bath intrigue me
and I was sorry that it was not to
be in operation that day. All the
equipment at the center has been
provided by the Elks but the ser
vice is given by VNA pergonneI.
The weekly scheduled is a full one.
It is outlined briefly for you in the
box to the right of the page.
If the morning had been busy,
it suffered by comparison with the
afternoon. The children came,
some brought by their parents, oth
ers by a volunteer driver who calls
for them at their homes and re
turns them after the treatments.
The Kenny pack was given to all
polio patients. The packs, cut to
size are taken from boiling water,
spun drip dry by centrifugal force,
and applied to leg, shoulder, hip —
any part to be treated—and wrap
ped in wool. Each child is given
four packs.
After that came the exercige, and
I saw pain and fun all mixed up. It
was with conflicting emotions that
I watched smlla knuckles turn
white teeth clench, little faces
come up red_but with a grin, a
real grin. They can take It, those
kids. It hurts_you can see that in
their eyes_but there is no fear
there. And they are ready for
more of the strenuous routine that
is helping them regain the proper
use of muscles weakened by nerve;
injury, or in guarding against bad
a. m. Treatments_Adults
p. m. Polio.
a. m. Scoliosis
p. m. Treatments
a. m. City Hall Consultation
p. m. Polio
a. m. Crippled Children's Clinic
p. m. Treatments
a. m. Scoliosis
p. m. Polio
a. m. Treatments
posture habits_even making it
possible for many to discard the
braces. The orthopedic and physic
al therapy specialists on duty were
probably the two busiest people in
Omaha. It was hard work. But it
is worthwhile work. As I watched
I thought of the many people who,
like you make all this possible
through your contributions to the
Community Chest. You know of
course, that the VNA is a Red
Feather Agency.
Uutherans Seek More
Attendance at Services
The Lutheran Church, 30th and
Corby Streets, W. C. Ollenburg,
Temporary Pastor, will hold Divine
service again next Sunday at this
fine church, beginning at 10 o’clock
21 were present last Sunday at the
first service but we are sure that
more will be present as time goes
The Bible is the source-book of
all our teachings. It contains all
Christian knowledge and that nec
essary for life. The Bible is the*
Confesses To
Rape Crime
An 18 year old youth last SaturJ
day confessed his participation in
the rape of a 20 year old woman
and in robbing her and a cab driver
the night of October 24, Police In
spector Fred Franks said Wednes
Word of God. It ig the "Book of
Books". It is God’s final revela
tion to man.
Come to the service and hear
more about it. You and your friends
are invited.
Negro School, Founded
with 3 Pupils, $1.65 Cash
Now Big Institution
How the Piney Woods Country
Life School, launched “on a pine
stump" near Jackson, Mississippi in
1909, with three illiterate pupilb
and $1.55 ir igh a-.- grown to a
1250.000 plant, with 1709 acres of
well-tended lan,} an,} 440 pupils
from 15 states, is related in Nelson
Antrim Crawford’s article in The
Reader’s Digest for November con
denied from The Rotarip.n.
Founded by Laurence Clifton Jon
es, Missouri-born, northern edu
cated Negro who tum>! his back
on gold jobs and «_•; • lf-irc i‘>lH liv
ing to lo-'iig practical education an"*
opportunity to menibers of his
race," the Piney Wood? institution
has sent out to rura! communities
tN usandg of trained farmers and
mechanics and hundreds of com
pe’ent teachers, the author gays.
Today 30 teachers, mostly Negro,
efftr first-class vocational training
in a long list of trades. Through
the extension department of the
school which reaches 15,000 Negro
es annually, and the influence of
its graduates three f >urths of the
colored farmers in two adjacent
counties noyv own land, the article
Graduated from the University
of Iowa in 1907, Lauresce Jones
went to the deep south, “where lie
ha,j never been before”, worked ag
a farm hand an,} porter and event
ually started tea"hing his three il
literate boy pupils. Although the
author cites instances of the school
receiving early assistance, he mal -
es clear that the institution’s suc
cess is attributable chiefly to its
own efforts. "The school has five *
handsome brick buildings and twen
ty frame structures,” he notes.
“Students made the brick, cut the
lumber and put up the buildings.”
Omaha Progressive League Urges President
Truman To Begin Series of Radio Talks
President Truman was urged
last week by the Omaha Progress
i ive League to begin a series of
weekly radio talks to secure public
support for his program.
The OPL at its regular bi-month
ly meeting adopted a resolution
calling upon the President to go to
the people for support that it al
leged Congress was not giving him.
It attributed the lack of Cong res?
ional support to the coalition n!
. Republicans and Southern Penm.
cratj which blocked legislation ad
vanced by the late President Roose
velt in the last years of his term in
I office.
Truman was urged to begin a
series of weekly 15 minute radio
talks at a regularly scheduled e\.
i ening time, giving his views on cur
rent legislation. Pointing out thai
I the President hag been on the radic
twite this week and will be on a
gain Tuesday, this time to present
the Administration's position ot
the current wage8.prices-prof its
controversy. OPL President David
i B. Bleicher said that the local or
ganization hoped President Truman
would keep it up. Bleicher said
that President Roosevelt through
j his fireside chats maintained con
' tinual personal communication
with every American citizen.
At the same meeting the OPL
wired Senator Wherry of Nebraska
urging support of OPA Administra
tor Chester Bowles in his efforts to
maintain ceiling prices on domes
and to extend price control beyond
June 31, 1946. It warned that fail
ure to support OPA would result it:
runaway inflation anj said that
"workers, farmers and all other
consumers want to see the price
line held.”
--—-— i
Although turkeys will be more
plentiful this year, farmers are urg
ing consumers to buy their Thanks
giving turkeys parly. Working
with a minimum of hired hands,
poultry farmers are killing the tur
keys as they become fattened and
, shipping them to market, rather
1 than waiting unt'l the week before
Thanksgiving. Alert housewives
j like Mrs. G. L. Lawrence are not
taking any chances- Selecting her
turkey weeks in advance, Mrs. Law
rence has her gobbler wrapped in
waxed paper and placed in a quick
j freeze unit where it will keep fresh
and tasty until used.
To Subscribe for
Omaha’s Greater
Negro Weekly
CALL HA-0800
He was immediately bound to
District Court under $17,500 bond
after preliminary hearing In Mun
icipal Court on two charges of rob
bery and rape. Inspector Franks
identified him as Thomas Carr
Brown, native of Texas with a 4th
grade education.
Mr. Franks said the other suspect
in the case has been identified but
has not been arrested.
•'It's an iron-clad eage," the in
spector asserted. “Our men de
serve a great deal of credit.”
A chance arrest broke the case
he said. The entire detective squad
was aligned to it. Detective Sgts.
R- W. Green and C. Wilson stopped
the youth Friday night near 26th
and Q Streets. He had a revolver
in his sleeve.
Misc Clara Smith of Decatur. 111.
who is Maying here with a girl
friend, .drntified him as one of the
two men who assaulted her in So.
Omaha. She gaid the revolver was
used to threaten her and the driver
of the cab in whuli ghe was a pass
enger. The driver, J. E. SwinarsUi
was robbed of $52 and a wrist
watch. She said they took $8 from
her after the attack.
Young Brown tcld the inspector
he has been living with relatives
He said he came here from hi3
home at Caldwell. Texas several
weeks ago. He served a year at
lTuntg\i>le, Texas reformatory for
robbery, war released in July.
Inspector clanks said Detective.*
Wilgon and Green probably will re
ceive the three hundred-dollar re
waid offered for capture of persons
robbing cab drivers. Omaha cab
companies set up a schedule of a
*vards three weeks ago.
Miss Smith asks 50 thousand dol
larg damages from the Yellow Cab
Company in a suit filed T'Dsuav in
District Court.
She alleges that negligence on
the part of the cab driver resulted
in the attack in which she wag a
passenger resulted in her rape by
two men on the night of October
Miss Smith states she entered the
cab at 16th an<j Jackson streets,
but that the driver, instead of tak
ing her to her destination first
took another passenger into the cab
and livered him to 24th and Charles
? Discuss Appointment of
Guardians for Incompet
ent Negro Vets
Washington, DC_After a con
ference October 25* with represent
atives of the National Negro Pub
lishers’ Association, the NAACP and
leading figures of the National
Medical Association, General Paul
H. Hawley, assistant surgeon-gen
eral and chief of gtaff of the hos
pital division of the Veterans' Ad
ministration, promiged that he
would personally visit "non-segre
gated institutions of the Veterans
Administration and proceed as rap
idly as circumstances permitted to
Integrate Negroes into these insti
At the conference which General
Hawley held here were Dr. K. 1.
Robinson, president of the National
Medical Association of Los Angeles;
Mrs. Mabel K Staupers, National
Association of Negro Graudato
Nurses; Carl Murphy, Louis Laut
ier and Roy Garvin of the Negro
Publishers’ Association; Dr. A. C.
Torrence. Opclausas, La.; Dr. L. H.
B. Foote. Tallahasgee, Fla. Dr. Mon
tague Cobb and Dr. Charles Prud
homme of Howard University;
Jesse Dedmon, Jr,, and Walter
White of the NAACP.
General Hawley, obviously im
pressed by the united opposition to
segregated facilities in the Veter
ans’ Administration, promised that
he would make a “personal visit to
non-segregated facilities and would
proceed as rapidly as circumstanc
es permitted" to Integrate Negroes
in non-segregated institutions.
Among the topics discussed in the
one-hour conference was the ap
pointment of guardians for incom
petent Negro veterans.
On the way back, she alleges, the
driver picked up the two men at
24th and Cuming streets and In
stead of taking her to her destina
tion started with the new passen
gers for South Omaha.
At 16th and Jefferson streets,
Miss Smith asserts. the men ordered
her and the driver from the cab at
the point of a gun. Both attacked
her and one of them again inside
the cab, she alleges.
As a result, Miss Smith asserts
she has suffered great mental and
physical shock, and permanent phys
ical injuries.
2nd sell 500,000
At*. I
Advertising peps up America
—stimulates us all — makes us
want better things.
It does more than we know to
make America America.
Some people think that Amer
ica is what it is because it has
grown in population. Heck. China
and India have grown in popula
tion. and look at them!
Advertising has helped in
crease our national income our
standard of living, our fun of liv
It has brought better things to
■ us for less money by vetting
thousands of oeople to want them
simultaneously and thus making
mass production possible.
And mass production makes
Therefore, advertising makes