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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1945)
SOCIAL NOTES HAPPV H1HNION IN MANILA SOT. Fred D. Gilmore, who has I been In the service glnce March 1941 sailed overseas Augr. 12, 1945. He is now in Manila not far from his brother Pfc. Chauncey Gilmore, who has been overseas for 2 years. There was one happy moment of their life when they wet ag Sgt. Fred arrived in Manila, his brother New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MAIU 8511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— “Everything For The Home" Wh/ iS a worm like a hole in a sack? That’s easy. Both the worm and the hole waste chicken feed. Name a good worm remedy. That’s easy, too—Nicozine. Here’s a product that destroys two species of poultry worms. 1 hese are the large roundworm and the cecal worm. Nicozine, furthermore, is a flock treat ment. It is given along with a little feed to the flock—they eat the mixture. Treat your flock now .vith Nicozine. Younkerman Seed Co. (The House of Quality) 164 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. 2. Thorough vet Gentle in Effect. 3. Wo Unpleasant After-effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. Wo Fuss. No Brewing. No Bo/her. 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family for Months. Caution: Use only as directed. At all druggists Or write for FREE GEN EROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean Co. 846 E. Sixth St. Los Angeles 21. Calif. I According to the best authorities, the mini mum daily A, D and B Complex Vitamin re quirements of the aver age person are: « A 4.000 USP Units. D 400 USP Units. B1 333 USP Units. R2 2 non i TV , Micrograms, and ap proximately 10,000 Micrograms Nico tinamide. The required amounts for other B Complex Vitamins have not yet been established. Many people do not get enough of these essential Vitamins. DO YOU’ Why not play safe by taking ONE-A-DAY brand V; , M VITAMIN TABLETS Each ONE-A-DaY Vitamin A and D Tablet contains 25% more of the cod liver oil vitamins than the mini mum daily recommended quantitv. Each ONE-A-DAY Vitamin B Complex Tahlet contains full mini mum daily requirements of Vitamins B1 and B2 and 10,000 Micrograms of Nicotinamide together with a sub stantial amount of other B Vitamins. When you buy Vitamins, compare potencies and prices. Note how ONE A - DAY Tablets conform to the average human requirements. See how reasonable the cost. - •' Get them at your drug store. fill ^EsmammW Yes, smart women and men by the thousands know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, “spots” eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer's SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 years. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times as much). At all stores or from E. T. Browne Drug Co., % 127 Water St., New York City. >; j Help complete complexion beauty with Palmer’t £ j SKIS SUCCESS Soap (effectively medlcaud) 25c 'psCt&mjeAA-_ Chauncey wag the first one he, saw that he knew, and they had a very happy reunion. I-dttle Ileen. the Iittle daughter of Sgt. Gilmore was two years old on February 22 and she hopes her dady and uncle will be home soon. Ileen seems to be degtined for some theatrical career for she is very fond of music and tries to play the piano and dance. The Gilmore boys are the sons of Mrs. Bessie Gilmore of 2S28 North 30th St. and Mrs GiImore is proud of her gong and little granddaughter, Ileen. CHICAGO VISITOR ENTERTAINED ROYALLY Mrs. Eddie Taylor Woods of Chicago, a former Omahan, who was the guest of Mrs- V^pla Turn er last week, was the honor guest at many delightful social functions during her stay in her former home- ^ On Monday she was honored at luncheon by Mrs- Anna Mae Ken nedy at the home of Mrs Lula Roundtree Wednesday Mrs Eliz abeth Cunningham served a break fast and Wednesday night Mrs. Ad die Seals entertained with a din ner On Thursday Mrs Turner honored her guest at luncheon ana Thursday night a Hallowe’en party was enjoyed at the home of Mrs Evelyn Over- Friday Mrs Flor ence Branch took Mrs Woods on a tour of Father lanagan's Home and that night Mrs Jessie Hilton en tertained the visitor and her hostess - at a barbecue dinner. Saturday night Mrs Viola Cole entertained at dinner The Chicagoan returned to her home on Sunday. LOS ANGELES VISITOR Mrs Alice Williams of Los An geles, California was a guest at a Juncheon at the residence of Mrs Viola Turner Thursday evening, October 4th. She met many of her old friends after an absence of many years Mrs lorence Branch took Mrs Williams on a tour of Boystown Council Bluffs News (Beverly Cruse, Reporter) The Tabernacle BTU- Mock Wed ding was a financial success. The bride and groom were Miss Man Coffee and Mr Norman Cave Mrs E Jones played “Oh Promise Me” and Miss Mildred Frazier sang “I Love You Truly." Everyone seemed to enjoy it Mrs-* Inez Bowens entertained dinner guest Sunday Sept- 30 at her home- Those from Omaha were Mr and Mrs T Brown, Mrs- L Davis and son, Mrs G- Winner, Mrs Collins, and Mr Young. Those invited from Council Bluffs were Mrs B Golden, Miss F Lee Mrs. M Turner. Mr N Turner, and Mr and Mrs Jack Willis and 1KEAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR ! l CASH & CARRY CLEANER j 1110 North 24th St j —CARL CKIVERA— } • n pays to look well MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 7422 LAKE ST RADIATOR E P A I R I N G RADIATORS CLEANED. REPAIRED. RECORDED PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED WORK Out-of-Town Radiator* Returned Promptly Hr, l * W. T n 2 ■ | jjjS i i r y t if a A frnirutgw ATTEND Health Conference Wednesday, October 24, Thursday, October 25, Friday, October 26, Wednesday—October 24 6:30 P. M. Opening Dinner Meeting at Rail road Men’s Benevolent Association Club, 24th and Miami Streets. Thursday—October 25—Omaha Urban League 2213 Lake Street. 1:30—4:30 P. M. Child Health Care. 7:30 P. M. Social Hygiene, Tuberculosis, Social Protection. Friday—October 26 1:30—4:00 P. M. Nutrition— Northside Y. M. C. A., 2306 North 22nd Street. 7:30 P. M. Youth Meeting— IT. S. O., 2221 North 24th Street. • THIS IS YOUR CONFERENCE. PLAN TO ATTEND AND BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. ALL MEETINGS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. son ! Mr and Mrs Jack Willis enter'' , tained dinner guest at their horn*, Monday Oct. 1st- Honor guest Mr and Mrs R Collins also in vited were Mrs M Cruse and Mr J Haines Mrs E Baker was hotess at a Breakfast Monday Oct- 1, invit ed guest were Mr and Mrs Ray mond Collins, Mr and Mrs John Mills, Mrs F Lee, Mrs Helen Bowne, Mrs Jones and Mrs Mary Belle Cruse The Open House given by Mrs Marybelle Cruse in honor of her sister and brother-in-law Mr and Mrs Raymond Collins accommo dated 50 people between 3 and T Mr Raymond Callins had recently been discharged from the U. S army as radio technician He was in the army two and a half years I Mr and Mrs G Turner enter tained at a buffet supper in honor of Mr and Mrs- R Collins. Mrs N- Turner is home again from a two weeks vacation. She visited Topeka, Kansas, Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City. Mo. # Mr and Mrs W Riddles ot Omaha entertained dinner guest on Thursday evening- Mr and Mrs R Collins were honored guest also Mrs Marybelle Cruse was invited HONORABLY DISCHARGED Pvt. James R. Mansfiedd, Jr., 24, former South High student’and the son of Mr. James R. Mansfield Sr., was honorably discharged from the Armed Forces on October 10, 1045 at. Camp Livingston, Louisiana. Mrs. Julia Caldwell and her little neice Sharon Kay Danner left for Kansas City, Mo., for a short gtay visiting her brother there. They will go from Kansas City to La donia, Texas and visit another bro ther there, Rev. H. D. Danner. Mrs. Anna Farmer, sister of Mrs. Caldwell and her little granddau ghter Shirley Ann Edmonds are vis iting their aunt’e Mrs. Davenport in Los Angeles. Calif. Mrs. Edna West and Mrs. T. Hall! are leaving for Desmoines. Iowa for a short stay, visiting Elder D. W. i Smith and wife. Mother Luster of 2712 R street's Church is in Lincoln, Kebraska. TO THU OMAHA GUIDE SINCERE APPRECIATION Dear Friend: Please permit me to express my ncere appreciation and thanks for Relieve That Aching Rack ^ with a CAMP Surgical Support Our trained lady fitter is prepared to fill your doctor’s prescription for specialized Camp Surgical Supports Seiler Surgical CoInc. Physicians’, Nurses, Hospital, Sick Room Supplies Medical Arts Bldg., Omaha ATlantic 5825 your kind assistance in successfully promoting the Urban League’s First Annual Community Fair- The co operative spirit that you showed is indicative of a bright future for this, our community. There is much to be accomplished in Omaha and I am most certain that, with the collective efforts of all, we cas mek this a more desir able city in which to live. Most sincerely, Uuward R. Crooms, III, Executive Secy, Urban League The WEEK (BY H. W. SMITH HA-OSOO) Labor disputes caused 452 000 men to be out of work by strikes on October 13th. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt was 61 years old on Friday, October 12. The U. S. army ha<j 922;583 cas ualties during world war IT. Poison brew caused the ueatn of three convicts on October 12th Elevator operators of New York were granted a pay hike and an 40 hour week. Kenneth Rubble fe:1 irom a trac tor plow and was haled near Jack sonville, 111., October 12th. Mrs. Howard H. Searette of Buf falo. New York finished a golf game at 4:30 pm. on Tuesday, Oct. 9th and gave birth to a baby at 10:30 pm. A 4 year old girl of Cleveland, Ohio. lost her right hand in her father's meat grinder on Oct. 12th. Monroe Kaplan the one time keep er of the Red House in Washington DC, was indicted in New York as a high-time racketeer on Oct. 12th President Truman sharply crit icized race discrimination of the DAR for refusing the service of Constitution Hall to Haz>.l Scott, the noted pianist. A 17 year old boy was killed by a Chicago and Evansville, 111., train which struck a truck that he was driving at Tuscola, 111., Oct. 12th. Fire destroyed the Roseville, 111. high school the loss is estimated at $60,000. ■851 Three sailors were severely in jured in an auto near Tuscola 111., on Thursday, October Hth. The Live Stock show in Chicago has 31 cars of Nebraska cattle. Tlie Cataract Hotel at Niagara Falls, was destroyed by fire Sunday Oct. 14. Read The Greater Omaha Guide, for All the News! f _ -. . ~ — BY SUSAN THAYER RESULTS One I asked a physicist, “Does your work have any practical re sult ?” He smiled and said he thought it might have. „ I know now that from some of his i experiments came the magic mirror of radar- And I'm a little better informed on other "practical re sults” of research. I 1 know that the television Indus- j | try expects to create more than 350 j 000 new jobs as a result of $20,000 000 spent in research. I know re search brought down the price of in candescent lamps, cars, refrigerat ors and radios to where you and 1 could afford them, gave us pencll lin and sulfa An interesting sidelight on the sub ject of research is that industrv pays for two-thirds of it- There were more than 2,300 industrial re search laboratories before the war, and a lot of new ones are being started. Many manufacturers pnv vide scholarships and grants to schools, and support foundations, which carry on cooperative research They tell us that in the next de cade thousands of jobs in existing and new industries will directly re sult from the many research projects that industry is planning to carry on EB33KM Don t worry about money. Home affairs, Bad Luck, ! Jinks and Love. No mat ' ter what your troubles are write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, HI, III. ■___ | ; - Here’s the Answer to ' i > Y our Food Budget Problems , k j Hinky-Dinky Offers Variety, > Plus Quality, Plus Savings I Luxaire Furnaces “We Can’t Sell All The Furnaces So We Just Sell— THE BEST” ASK YOUR FURNACE MAN —FOR A— LUXAIRE FURNACE ALBERT 0. JENSEN Wholesale Furaaet & Supply Co. 1718 CASS ST. AT. 4244 I Cardui is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp liker agony and nervous strain j of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: Taken like a tonic, it * should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. Started 3 days before “your time”, it should help relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes. Try Cardui. If it helps, you’ll be glad you did. CARDUI £ BZt LABEL DIRECTIONS ^ • Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE Every Week - j 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTION S »■«**• r* WE. 0809 DUFFY pharmacy ....... .. I McGill’s — BAR & BLUE ROOM E McGill. Prop >423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE. LIQUORS, and CIGARS tine Koom Open 8 p. m. to 1 I. ■ i Open lor Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charpos WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXEP DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8am t' 1 a. m JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS YAMASHITO PLEADS “NOT GUILTY” San Francisco. Calif, (Soundphoto General Tomoyuki Yamashita (sec ond from right end, standing) stands before commssion to enter his plea of "Not Guilty”. Standing at rght is his interpreter and at left is American 'interpreter, Major Eu gene Boardman. Milwaukee, Wis„ a Marine. treasury not responsible FOR TALK TO WOMEN Ne'v York_The talk to women employees of the Treasury Depart ment, advi9ing: them not to discuss the Negro question when they ar rived in Germany "was not given at the instance of the Treasury De partment” according to Secretary Fred M. Vinson in a letter to the NAACP. Whenthe 24 women employees arrived in Frankfurt, Germany last month correspondents sent storieg to the daily papers in America quot ing one of them as saying that an Army lieutenant had given them a lecture before they left Washing ton and among other things had told them that under no circum stances were they to discuss the Negro question in America ag it would “hasten revolution in the South.” The NAACP also addressed an in. quiry to the "War Department which replied that it was working on the matter but had not been able to trace the incident so as to locate the offife'r said to be respon sible. Classified Ads Get Resuits! • Furniture FOR SALE_HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE at 3110 Corby St., Call AT 3617_B. S. Sutton. -- - • Will care for children from 6 I A- M. to 7 P. M. Both nursery1 and school children- Call WE 6142 for further information Rummage Sale! Narcissus chapter is planning a rummage sale Tues-, Oct. 16, at 1916 No- 24th St. Art icles will be accepted up to noon, j Oct- 15- For information please1 call GL. 5952, WA. 0695, WA 6007 / •Help Wanted LAUNDRY shirt pressers, finish sorters, and markers. Permanent employment. Apply Banner Laundry 2014 St. Mary’s Ave. • WANTED TO RENT Ex-serviceman and wife want to rent a House or a Apt., call JA 5519 • Real Estate, Homes FOR COLORED Nice 5-room house, in excellent con dition handy to schools, churches street cars, 2117 Grace St. _J3,000. Henry' B. McCampbell, Realtor 216 Barker Bldg. ’ AT-S575 NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE 4 CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresntt Rugs, Bede, Gas Stoves and Ot Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26tli ST, If you are lonely, write Box 32, Clarkston, Wash. Send stamp. FUNERAL, DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbster 2022 LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 1401 North 24th St WE. 0053 EMERSON LAUNDRY L324 North 24th St. WE. 1028 • Legal Notices Edward J. Dugan, Attorney, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska: IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF GERALD M. BOWDEN, Deceased.—Bk. 65. P. 457. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pet ition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his egtate and that a hearing will be had on said Petition before said court on the 13th aay or October, 1945. and , that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 13th day of Oct ober, 1945, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant ad ministration of said estate to Sarah Bowden, or some other suitable Person and proceed to a settlement thereof. ROBERT R. TROYER » County Judge. Omaha Guide 3t Edvv- J- Dugan, Atty. PROBATE NOTICE Bk- 65, T m3 In, the Matter of the Estate of FANNIE M- OWEN, Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County- Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County on the 4th day of December, 1945 and on the 4th day of February 1946 at 9 o’clock A- M-, each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months art allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 3rd day of November 1945 ROBERT TROVER, County Judge• • Omaha Guide, 3t— W- B. Bryant, Attorney, Notice of Administration In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraskas In the matter of the Estate of— NELLIE CLARK, Deceased. —Bk 65, P- 464. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad ministration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on saw petition before said court on the 5th day of November, 1945, at 9 o’clock A.. M... to contest said petition, tne Court may grant the sam^and grant administration of said estate to Lulu Woods, or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. ROBERT R- TROVER, County Judgt). Omaha Guide, 3t, W- B. Bryant, Attorney Notice of Hearing on Petition for Adoption. In the Matter of the Adoption oi In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska MAXCINE CARADINE, Minor — Bk- 3, P. 388. No.. 3784.. To the Parents of said child and all other persoas interested in the above matter: You are hereby notified that a petition was filed in the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska on the 21st day of September, 1945, by Robert A. Thomas and Rena Thomas, residents of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, praying for the adopt ion of said minor; that a hearing will be had on said Petition for A doption before said Court in tl.e County Court Room of Douglatt County, Nebraska at 9:00 o’clock A M.. on the 5th day of November, 1945 and unless you appear at said time and place and contest said peti tion the Court may grant the prayer of said petition whereby said minor shall be adopted by Robert A Thomas and Rena Thomas. ROBERT R- TROVER, County Judge. Crosstown Dres|H™akin§ —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... -2022 NORTH 24th STREET LLX barber Shoo 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Corn Fix"