The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 20, 1945, Page 5, Image 5
A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND and heart can seek counsel and guidance Note:—Don't worry needlessly . . . when your mind is weighted down with worry end you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . Just include a •lipping of the column with your letter. For a “private reply" send 25e for ABBE'S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (I) ques tions. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and aonfine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . • THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE C POST OFFICE BOX It -ATLANTA. OEOROIA E S A —I need your help bad iy. Mv husband died and left me with three boys ages 10, 7, and 4 My mother has them with her in the country so I could come to town and get a job to help her all 1 could- Here is my worry- I met a j man here and he seems to love me- I I have just found out that he has a wife and I am very much in love with him I have tried to break a w'ay from him but it isn’t as easy as that- Everytime 1 ask him to heip me out when I am badly in need, he gets angry and stops coming to see me Now he heard my boy frienti from overseas was coming home and he wants to know what I am going rss"s-n \BIG MONEY AGENT Over 300 wonderful i product*. Writ* for PLAN and FREE Sample. Collins Lab. I I - . - oratories—Dept. *-49 f J ?1 J =» Memphis. Tenn. Men Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? i Do vou blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up wufc Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 60, 60, tor body old solely because low in iron , also supplies vitamin • I. calcium, phosphorus. 35c In. troductory size now only 29c! Try Tablets lor new pep. younger feeling, this very day. For Sale at all drugstores every-. whcre-~in Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreen’s’’ GOOD NEWS! To All Who Need a Laxative Now and Then When you feel sluggish, stomach up- i set, low in spirits and somewhat "no account'' — because you need a good cleaning out, just LET YOURSELF IN FOR THE QUICK RELIEF THAT KRUSCHEN SALTS CAN BRING YOU. When you want relief you want it PRONTO—you don't want to wait for hours (Kruschen acts usually within an hour) — Caution — use only as di rected. Regulate the dose to suit your own requirements. Get KRUSCHEN SALTS today at any good drug store. FROM MICROBE TO MAM By DR J. v. WELLS I HE FASCINATING STORY OF THE OS VELOPMENT OF OUR UNBORN BODY FROM A SINGLE MICROBE SIZED EGG CELL INTO * HUMAN BEING PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THES* FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REG AM* LESS OF YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE $1 POSTPAIO 20TN CENTURY PRESS_ ■_ 1012 A SI. TACOMA WASHIlCTOi — * I ALKA - SELTZER offers fast relief for Headache, Simple Neuralgia. “Morn ing After”, Cold Distress, Muscular Pains and KV.l\W Acid Indigestion. AJnV* Ask your Druggist — ^^^^30Cents and 60 Cents Dr. Miles Nervine vous Irritability, V 'WhenYouNl Excitability and 1 A TO tions and use only x_ as directed. ™ ■ I WiIjTtI " M| —Jp yj l| 11 —jk Get your daily Quota of Vitamins AandD and B Complex by taking ONE A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. Economi cal, convenient. At your drug store— ^_for the big 1 on box. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ’ot*, corner nnd adjoining, on southwest corner 21st nnd Grnce Extensive frontage on both 21st ant* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially suited ns Cliurcb grounds. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address IJO.Y A:13« | or Call HA-OSOO. i GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN WHO DOUCHE Many Doctors today recommend the i use of douches for women troubled ; with discharge (“the whites”). | offending odor, and minor irritation —for women who want to be and feel refreshingly clean. ' Andhcre'saproductforthedouche —Hospital tested, too, with splendid results—Lydia E. Pinkham's Sana tive Wash, made by the same great company that makes Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gain ing great favor today with women. It's mighty effective to cleanse, relieve offending odor, discharge and discomfort of minor irritation, yet it positively won't harm even the most , delicate membranes or tissues. Inex 1' pensive, too. Any drug stoic. > Lydia E. Pinkham’s > SANATIVE WASH to do? 1 told him I was going to marry the boy and he said I would not live a happy life with him Now that has me worried and I want to know- what to do because I love this man, more than the soldier who Is coming home A ns: You are aware of the fact that the married man ha« no serious intentions and you are wasting youi time going with him- If he loved you it would still be wrong to en courage him at all Get him out of your mind and out of your life em tirely before your friend from over seas returns Pay no attention to the married man’s prediction that you wouldn't find happiness .you can- However, if you allowed him I to continue seeing you- interferring in your life after your friend re turns, it would certainly ruin your chances for happiness- But if yon break away from him permanently right now, you need have no fears of the future. M D H —I am a girl of 20 and in the 11th grade of high school- I want to stop school and take up a beauty course I know that I will get married in a few more months and 1 wish to know if school is more important than tre course? Ans: Finish your high school education regardless of what youi future plans may be- If you do so, any course you may pursue will come easier to you and be more readily mastered- Upon finishing high school it would be perfectly all right for you to enroll in a course of this kind E- J —I am married to a smart, industrious man and have been mai ried a little over a year- My prob lem is that he is jealous and my lite is miserable. I don't want to sep arate- Tell me if I am to change my natural pleasant and friendly ways as he is jealous of everyone I speak to 11 pray and ask the Lord to guide me and help us both Wt have a little house started and he’s doing all the building and I work right with him- Yet he accuses me me of different things of which I MATTIES TEA BOOM 2113 GRANT ST. Open from 12 noon until 7 p.m. JA-5519 I Thrifty Service... • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Dame Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 b PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Highest Cash Prices Paid for your Furniture ..See Us Before Buying or Selling. PHONE WA-8228 • 3921 23 CUMING STREET '_ _ Evans’ Radio & Electric Repair Shop 2702 Lake Street For Sale IRONS. TOASTERS, WAFFLE GRIDDLES, PERCULATORS AND MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES —AT A REASONABLE PRICE— “All Re-Built Merchandise Guaranteed to Give ( Service We also Buy LTsed Electrical Merchandise of All Kinds 1 EVANS’ RADIO & ELECTRIC REPAIR I SHOP I 2702 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebraska I —Henry W. Evans, Proprietor am innocent Ans: Many women would givt their eye teeth to have their hu bands show jealousy as your hus band does It's not too serious He wants all of your attention and you should see that he gets plent; of it in the presence of others Shower him with affection and have eyes for no one but him and watch him become reassured of your love A- M- M-—Give me your solu tion to my problems- I have been corresponding with a fellow over seas and in his letters he seems to care for me a great deal! He thinks that I love him but in my letters I haevn't shown any signs of affect ion for him- The fellow that I love is here at home- He doesn't mind my corresponding with the soldier but he feels that when he returns 1 may forget him for this other lei low- I don't want to discourage my boy friend in any way by mak ing him think this other fellow cat. come between us Help me Ans: Honesty has been your pol icy in both cases- The soldier has not been led to believe that you were in love with or waiting for him. Your friend has been constantly a ware of your friendly letters to the soldier- The friend at home hasn't talked to you of marriage and there fore you are not under obligation to him, it may prove to y/jr advan tage he will have to commit him self or else withdraw from the game You have been very fair with both men E. F, AGEE Ten generals an,) an army of nearly 500 workers are readying a campaign for a substantial in crease in membership to assure the success of the Chamber’s 10-point action program for 1945-46. Under the veteran leadership of E. K. Agee, three time chairman of Cham ber membership drives, the pros pects for a successful campaign are viewed with enthusiasm by offic ers and directors. Originally scheduled for Septem ber, the Chamber’s drive was post pone,} to October 23-26 to make way for the United War and Com munity Fund Campaign, now draw ing to conclusion. “The broadening of the member, ship base is important because it is )UIRE EDGEGATE — — He Gets Himself Into a Hole I ——— BY LOUIS RICHARD I i f /vi/A/5E*/$t To Ten. I THflt C/)i? yoj flcouf I \ too** j-i«c T/-/' £>peld or / 4 c<?(PPiED THr>T o/)c I Sni)n. Qic*6 (_C?r mine: \ ilDt or -- |/v-iy^gr)i? r £0 you pi />ii5Pt>(,ci*c. £)&Ol>t 7f/^7 rnf)C.mnZ. Tom i Don ~r 'Blutvi. Vcu Could iyu^hL £. o MiHt> HOUtt- O0‘r*0> T>vr*N OM/)oC h»»7H T H W >*4& ^"•170 VCU9 >Lt3^c §§! [• (WlL IT* C.L t)D To] \HE()Q you .s^v Ith/)T S^UiRIZ -- ---- "Because tw c-ohs^oli P'NCHfLD A1E SrE-tOirtG 7H<5 weff/t<^fc And TW CHM6E Kwtt- HAvE_JO ''—7 T<?/ELc> BtFORt. =L-i v°u J SoaaETimES l TriiMK HE /avst have a (SoaRdiah amSCL D£> He'LL FALL. LITTLE MAGNOLIA fWRY'LL 6E\ WERE YOU ARE FI FT/ CENTS, U SIR’- PLEASE y/N ima l ftny' // Y/RAP IT UP VOUMG LROy!// N,ce , R -^-V^BlCTHOWGlFr) f LOOK Mft,WHPiT i just bought FOR DftD'S B\RTHDftV\ ISN'T \T ft BEftUTV ? f But vMatever MROE VOU GET A POCKET- CbMB? you KNOW DAD IS ALMOST AS l BALD AS AN EGG! ggf X W/ANT TO MAKE A) fn H\M THINK X NEVER ) NOTICED >T ! vitally essential that more Omaha businessmen be personally identL fied witn ting program of civic advancement.” Charles D. Saunders Chamber president said today. “O maha has great opportunities for progress and prosperity, but they cannot be realized unless we have united support of the forward looking businessmen of our city. The war's end erases all restrict ions on progress, and failure to bring a united front to the accom plishment of our city plans will he an acknowledgement of lack of concern for Omaha’s future. Oma ha cannot stand still. We must go forward which means that we must marshal all our civic and hu man resources behind a sustained program of community advance ment.” Membership teams this year are the most complete and best organ ized ever to compete in a Chamber campaign, according to Chairman Agee, who is now putting final touches on the schedule of prizes and the point scoring system. The glogan for 1945, “A Pasgport to Progress_Your Membership Card in the Omaha Chamber of Commerce”, ig indicative of the un derlying purpose of the campaign as well as of the Chamber’s deter mination to reach new levels of civic servic? during the year ahead. The ten team leaders who will head the membership-selling activ ities this year are: Carl W. Jensen, I Lyle Remde, A. R. Roy, Fred L. ! Miller Thomas Ashton Fred G. » Heimrod, Rudy Mueller, Ben H. Cowrdery, Paul Echele. and H. W. Ahmanson. .-I NOW JS THE TIME TO GE'! YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work’’ LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street I_ 1 There’s a Thrill in Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME DETECTION I have taught thousands of mea and women this exciting. ratable, pleasant profession. Let mo teach yon. too. | your own heme. Prepare yourself la your leisure time la fill a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very J ■hort thne and at very entail cost, what others have don* j yon too. oaa da. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S. This fascinating work is easy to learn and the traimne b inexpensive. You. too, can fit yourself to 611 s responsible crime detection fol with good pay and steady employment But don’t delay —get the details now. Let me show you how easily and completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, in your own home. You may pay ad you learn. Write today for free Crime Book. FREE! “™E BLtJE BOOK or CRIME" It’s s thriller Telit sheet tome ef the meet interesting crimes ever perpetrated and how they were solved through the very method* taught by I.A.8. lend now — be rare la Kate ago INSTITUTE OP APPLIED SCIENCE Npi. HH HM looey tide Ava.. Chicago 40. IWteeto WANT MORE MONEY? We’ll show you HOW to get it eas ily. in your spare or full time! NO more bossesm NO depression wor ries Our sure-fire plans tell you HOW to start your own paying business NOW for post-war secur ity Send for our NEW “3-WAI OPPORTUNITY” Offer today; it’s FREE. RVYCO SPECIALITIES B Blair Ave. Newport News. Vn GOOD READING, the SUBSCRIBE MOW! CAU HA-0800 I, BREEZY/ HOW PO YOU ) LIRE THI^HOR^EC I'VE RENTEP? _' RwIuthe^W SMART AS A 4^1 I AT tr RAMPS HAS'] ORS6 IS MUSICAL: )P :ZY^V-—^ P>NECT/I GAVE THAT Li 2SE GOME CORN ONf A-LAME RACK AN IOUR LATER AND r —=“* By 7. MELVIN , l-Hb HAPlHtH (ICORM-ET//W j < o»V*i NiAt t&fOtj.-. JIM STEELE °Y MELVIN TAPLSY ^Doumei M?RFW AGUN, AND TOHRU TIEP UP THE AIRBASE OPPRERA/ RUN' NI MG'TO A NEAR BY PLANE THEY PROCEED TO UFT THE KIDNAP PED HELENAIN' TO THE CABIN/... I I L>o,si|^eNTAL PtAIUEfrA NOW, WITH THOEE fOCL^ EAfE LY TRURREP UR WE CAM E?E v s^OFF/ HERE, F—~— -<■ TAKE OURp=^VE^ WE MEAT) PATIENETAETQUICKEV'HER^ AVC/60ME/ /OBSERVE, EOJ/W (/ WE TOOK OFF JU^T IN TIME// TlW POET THAT HER HEBXT HAVEJUTT ARRIVE[?/__ fe/pApio thb-m) \ /TOHPU/EFTHER^ \ / WE CO UNMOLE^T EpOR. MK& E&ITP, __ X^ OAV-S 60CPBVE/, A FEW MIN0TE£ EARUEE FEILCWD, AND YOD EOULDTB ^avepu<e <=om empaeaot MENT/... I WONDERED WHY-J THEY WERE oo FRANTIC A^j TOUT TEE ID PAflTNPR—d li J^ERIEND, THEY'RE 1 WYTNOT flALFA<£gA/TnEJ | V lAB THEY WILL BE 1 /^V—>3**; TIT—T-P^l JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON -- --• TELEPHONE CALL 70 GLASS' E&'S SUITE, REVEALED THAT ILANNY ON ARR/VAL AT THE BAMBOO /NN, FOUND TWO POLICY STAMPING MACHINES HAD BEEN STOLEN... Co»*n«frt: V«1n4 W you HA!/£ A HY ' /D£A Ai to WHO COULD HAV£ YW/P£Dk . THEM MACH/HEY K GLA‘>‘>~£Y£" rrr2 WwHAT DYA 6AY-6U-F,?^r Cc/T L\ iEEMi THE ^P/FIT J COMEDY AMD J ■ OF MOOCMY HAE M HAST LOOKIN' 1 ==/xa/ oc/Yi c*ec* ore* / me off/cb oevt*. aw yet' 7 tF AS/Y7V/W £ii£ /f MfStrAfG \-/lt TA*e A iOO* ABOCWO \ me BEAB BOOA* FOB \^Ctt/£* / I i tan topics By CHARLES ALLEN ! — _ J. BLOKS PRlVKTt 4LLErM i conrmtHm “Here’s a magazine to look at while you’re Waiting!” "Next Door” ty ted shearer ii m j mir ■ m n i nm ■ i ■ n __ OwftwwHi jy iA>.U- r> * “Oh—I’m so happy—my husband was disheharged yesterday.”