The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 20, 1945, Page 4, Image 4
HOME-MAKER’S CORNER HOUSEHOLD MtMOS... Pear Put on Airs in Lime-Pear Pie (See Recipe Below) Colorful Fruit Desserts We may like meat and vegetables prepared the same way day after aay, dui mere s at least one type of food in which we like plenty of variety. Yes, des serts, of course! Now that the war is over and we can go back to many of our fa vorite foods, with rationing permit ting, we'll still have to hold of? on desserts that still take it easy on the sugar canister. My advice to you, in this matter of desserts, is to concentrate on fruits, both fresh and canned. They contain sweetening and will not re quire too much extra sugar. Then, too, there are lots of time-saving tricks you can apply to dessert mak ings, like chilling them or using biscuit mixture. Select several of these desserts and do try them on your family. Serve them and be proud: Peach Crunch Cake. (Makes 1 cake, 7x11 inches) V4 cup shortening % cup light corn syrup 1 egg, beaten 1 cup sifted flour l'/t teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon orange juice 1% cups sliced peaches Sugar Glaze: 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons light corn syrup 1 teaspoon grated orange rind % teaspoon salt Cream together shortening and syrup. Add egg and mix well. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add flour mixture to cream ed mixture alter nately with orange juice. Spread in paper - lined pan. Lay sliced peach es in diagonal rows over batter, letting slices over lap slightly. Drizzle sugar glaze over peaches. Bake in a moderate oven (350-degree) about 55 minutes. Note: Mix ingredients for sugar glaze in order given. Peach Puff Pudding. (Serves 4) VA cups milk 1A cups bread cubes VA tablespoons melted butter or sub stitute 1 egg beaten M cup honey % teaspoon salt 1A teaspoons grated orange rind 1 cup diced peaches Scald milk and pour over bread cubes. Let stand for 10 minutes. Add melted butter or substitute, egg, honey, salt and peaches. Pour into individual greased casseroles. Bake in a moderate oven (350-degree) about 45 minutes. Serve with milk or coffee cream. Lynn Chambers’ Menus Country Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes Cream Gravy Tomatoes Stuffed With Corn Peach, Grape and Melon Salad Hot Muffins Honey •Lime-Pear Pie •Recipe given. If you’re looking for something dif ferent and colorful in fruit desserts, you’ll find this lime-pear pie just the thing. It uses a cookie crumb crust, which is fat-saving, lime gela tin and bottled gingerale. Only five pear halves are needed: Lime-Pear Pie. (Makes 1 8-inch pie) 1% cups finely crushed cookies (va nilla wafers or gingersnaps 4 tablespoons melted fat I package lime-flavored gelatin 'A cup hot water 1A cups gingerale 1 tablespoon lemon juice 5 pear halves 14 cup shredded coconut or nut meats, if desired Combine cookie crumbs with melted fat and mix well. Press mix ture firmly in an even layer on bot tom and sides of a well-greased pie dish. Chill. Meanwhile, dissolve lime gelatin in hot water. Add gingerale and lem on juice. Chill until mixture begins to thicken. Pour a layer of the chilled gelatin mixture into the shell. Cut pear halves in two and ar range, pit side down, in star shape. Cover with remaining gelatin mix ture. Sprinkle edges of pie with coconut or nut meats. Chill in re frigerator until firm. There’s no need to try commando tactics to get the family to go for these fruit des serts. This apple dessert is made all the more nour ishing because it uses both oatmeal and peanut butter and has a de lightful nut-like flavor. Apple Crisp (Serves 4 to 6) 5. medium-sized apples Yz cup water 1 tablespoon lemon juice Yi teaspoon nutmeg Yz teaspoon allspice 3 tablespoons flour Yz cup rolled oats Yi cup brown sugar M cup peanut butter 2 tablespoons melted butter or sub stitute Pare and core apples; slice. Ar range in baking dish. Add water and lemon juice. Sprinkle with spice. Blend together flour, rolled oats, brown sugar and peanut butter. Add butter. Spread over apples. Bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven for 40 minutes. Serve hot with milk or cream Pears coming into season right now will make a delectable dessert when baked and served with a sour cream mixture: Toasted Pears. (Serves 4 to 6) 6 large fresh pears 3 tablespoons lemon juice V* cup sugar % cup melted butter or substitute ZVi cups corn flakes 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind cup powdered sugar 1 cup sour cream 2 tablespoons lemon juice Peel, halve and core pears; re move stem strings. Dip at once into lemon juice to which sugar has been added. Dip in melted butter. Roll in crushed cereal flakes. Ar range cut side down in a shallow baking pan. Bake in a moderately hot (375-degree) oven for 20 to 25 min utes or until pears are tender but not soft. To make the lemon cream sauce, beat powdered sugar into the sour cream and flavor with the lemon juice. Peaches may be used in place of pears, if desired. Released by Western Newspaper Union. A oABYm By Lillian B. Stormt The pre-cooked special baby cer ials have added vitamins and min rals and are very nutritious. They ire attractive to insects, much the ame as whole wheat flour is more ubject to insect infestation than s plain white flour. Placed on a •antry shelf with other cereals, mu may find that insects will eave the less nutritious foods in •reference for these more nutri ious ones. They should be stored n a dry place, not too warm. Espe :ially after the package has been ipened, it may be best to keep it n the refrigerator. The canned baby foods, also anned evaporated milk, are steril zed and will keep almost indefi litely before opening. All canned mods should be stored in a cool, Iry place. Food in glass jars ihould be stored in the dark be muse light destroys one of the ritamins, riboflavin, very rapidly, rhis also applies to milk in glass iiottles. When baby first begins to eat :anned strained vegetables and fruits, only part of the car. may ie used at a meal. As with can ted milk, the can or jar has been sterilized when the food was pack id and is a perfectly safe con miner. The top of the can should washed before opening, then ‘.he unused portion may be left in :he container (either a tin or glass iar), carefully covered and re frigerated. If there is no refrigerator, do tot attempt to keep canned milk >r baby foods after the can has >een opened. Use for some other nember of the family, as in a reamed soup. Canned foods are ooked foods and need the same are and treatment as other cook d foods. WATKINS Territory' Available. Earnings, $30 to $35 a Week. See Lee H. Henderson, 1909 Leavenworth BOWELS SLUGGISH?” 9 Feeling like you lost your best friend - headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bov»* els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family lupply costs only lOtf. 10* r □□□£==□□□□□[=□□□□□[■==!]□□□ King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 2010l£ N. 24th St. JAckson 8578 Open from 2 p m. until 3 a. m. AMERICAN Jfc CHINESE DISHES Sugar-Shy Gingerbread With sugar scarce, are you at wit's end to know what to have for dessert? Then you’ll love this Sugar-Shy Gingerbread that takes only % cup of sugar and % cup of molasses to sweeten a large loaf. Its spicy goodness and moist, tender crumb make it grand eating just as it comes from the pan. Here are 4 different ways to dress it up, according to the ingredients available. Serve it wdth custard sauce, stewed fruit, or sandwich style with cream cheese and a little grated orange rind for the filling. For extra-special occasions, top it with ice cream. And if your women’s club or church has a supper on the calendar, make an extra pan to take along. A Grand Idea for Parties, Home or Church Suppers Sugar-Shy Gingerbread 2JJ cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ginger cup sugar 34 teaspoon cloves \ teaspoon soda 34 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon baking powder _ 34 cup Spry (with a tartrate powder, 1 cup water use 2 teaspoons) 34 CUP molasses 34 teaspoon salt 1 egg, unbeaten 134 teaspoons cinnamon Sift flour, sugar, soda, baking powder, salt and spices into mixing bowl... Drop in Spry... Add % cup water, molasses, and egg and beat 100 strokes... Scrape bowl and spoon often throughout entire 1 mixing... Add remaining water and beat 100 strokes ... Bake in 10 x 10 x 3-inch Spry-coated pan in m oderate oven (35Q°F.) 45-55 minutes. BY CARL L. BIEMILLER NO STRETCH On dress-up evenings in most towns there is considerable bed room muttering from the distaff side about the quality of harness that goes underneath the feminine finery seen by the outside world Has been ever since the War Pro duction Board decided rubber, cot ton and steel strips could be put t» somewhat more rugged combat ust than they would get in foundation garments- So naturally there was matronly hope that Army releases of large amounts of cotton and rub ber would enable manufacturers to correct matters- Feminine anticip;-* tion was further whetted by a wide ly publicized WPB statement to ths effect that twoway stretch girdles would be back by November. PRICE REGULATIONS The trouble with OPA pricing in this reconversion period is literally the same fault founid in wartime corhetry—no stretch. In practically every field, apparel automobiles, foods, gadgets, building \ materials, that fact shows again and again- All production costs are up, especially labor costs, and the OPA partially recognizes this. Yet man ufacturers are not being permitted to make those price adjustments j necessary to profitable business and the sort of volume production w-hich makes jogs. ELASTICITY NEEDED Until the government forces OPA to adc! the sort of elasticity that is needed obth in feminine fashions and the national economy, reconversion is likely to be slow There is not much logis in deny ing people things they did without while victory was in the making. Why stave off the prosperity that comes when there is a demand for goods, a willingness to make them, money to buy them, and a great need for the jobs those factors ere' ate’ Then came disappointment. The Corset and Brassiere Ass. of Am erica openly declared that no such supplies wuold be available in any thing like volume qcantities. Dis-1 appointment could be traced back to that perennial disappointment, the OPA- Foundation makers said, “While manufacturers are now freed from regulations which formerly re stricted the buying of materials, they are not freed from price regulations which determine the types of garm ents they may produce-” Service with A Smile— * We Carry A Full Line of High Grade GROCERIES 8c MEATS ALL KINDS of FRESH VEGETABLES & FRUIT Andersen’s Hilltop Grocery 1517 NORTH 30th ST. JAckson 9718 An important day is coming! A day when you will know the joy—the comfort of owning all the shining, streamlined electric servants you’ve wished and waited for so long. Your home at last can be all-electric—a marvel of convenience and truly modem living. Production has started—right now there’s a trickle of electric appliances—but soon it will be . a flood! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY H. W. Smith’s Weekly Waiter’s Column If you have any news about waiters, or anything pertaining to them or their routine of living, call H. W. Smith—HA-0800 and give him the news... (BY H. W. SMITH HA-OSOO) Blackgtone hotel waiters going good. Fontenelle hotel waiter^ serving with a smile. Waiters at the Hill hotel very much out in front. Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn quick stepping on the service. Paxton hotel waiters serving at all times. servingly. Omaha Club waiters with Captain Earl Jones doing a very fine job on service. RR boys giving quick, efficient service on wheels to the traveling John Q public. Read The Omaha Guide for 11 the latest news! Matridee Warj of the OAC a very busy man as Capt. Mitchell is on his vacation and Capt. Sones, and Capt. MacFarland re on the up and go on looking after the serv ice to the very fine members and their friendg. All waiters and waitresses are Uging every effort to please the members and their many guest at all times. Don't forget the monthly meeting of the NAACP at the Urban League on Sunday afternoon October 21st at 3:30 pm. IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL PROCEDI'RE CONTINUES MOVING FORWARD. We should at all times take time out and give a serious thought to the accomplighmentg of an effort that has been in force for many years and that all of the race should len,j a helping hand to the well qualified members of our race who have achieved much along this educational effort. They are: Mrs. Robbie Turner Davis, Mrs. Linda Skinner. Mrs. Ione Hanger, Mrs. Gladys Ervin. Mrs. Alton Goode, Miss Blair, Mrs. Booker, Mr. Travis Dixon, Mr. Eugene Skin ner (on leave), Mr. Wanasee Flet cher (on leave to military duty). _ I OPPOSES BILL FOR NEW LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Washington, DC_Copies of the resolution adopted by the NAACP Board of Directors at its Septem ber meeting strongly disapproving S. 1171, the Federal Industrial Re. lations Act, were presented to its sponsors, Senators Carl A. Hatch. (D„ N. Mexico) and Joseph H. Ball (R., Minn.,) by Leslie Perry of the NAACP Washington Bureau last week. Senator Harold H. Burton, (R. Ohio) the other co-sponsor was recently given a geat on the bench of theAUnited States Supreme court The bill propoxes to gcrap the National Relations Board to handle controversies between labor mil management. The NAACP listed the following objections to the bill: (1) The right to strike would bo more seriously limited in peacetime under this bill than it \vas in time of war. (2) The salutary estrictiong of the Norris-La Guarilia Act against labor ipjunctions by federal courts would be relaxed an 1 largely set a gide. (2) The bill is „ i drawn as to exclude from federal regulation great numbers of industries and enterprises over which the Nation al Labor Board now exercises jur isdiction with the 8anctlon of the Supreme Court. (4) Union "influence" upon and "interference" with the detection of a bargaining representative is pro hibited, thus opening the way for undue restriction of proper union activity of labor organizeis (5) Although the bill contains i a desirable prohibition of a closed shop where Negroes are excluded from union meirbership, it appar ently would permit a closed shop: with Jim Crow and "Auxiliary” Ne gro localg. Moreoveri a labor or ganization which excludes Negroes altogether may become the "exclus ive bargaining agent” for these ex cluded Negroes inder the bill. Negro railroad men_ among others, know the consequences of such an arrangement. The NAACP indicated that it would testify in opposition to the bill when hearings are held on it by the Senate Education an<j La bor Committed. . Organized labor •Invisible Belt Keeps shirt or blouse tail snug ly tucked in, holds garment up and firm around the waist, $2.25. Money-back guarantee. State waistline: Schneider’s, 3059 St. Mary’s Ave: AT-4171. iBuy your Poultry at tlie Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street Get the Rest in Quality at the Neliraxka Produce—Lowext Price( is also against the Hatch-Burton Ball Bill. MONEY BACK 1 £ LOOSENS =BLACKHEADS [ FOR EASY ‘ REMOVAL Isn’t it worth just a few moments of your time at bedtime, if your surface skin is discouragingly dark-tanned, coarse, blotchy, unnatural looking, to see how Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin i Whitener may make it lighter, bright er, smoother and softer ... soon? Do as thousands have done ... at once make this wonderful 7 Days’ trial that won’t cost you one penny if results do not ] delight you? i AS NEAR AS YOUR DRUGGIST \ You needn’t wait. Dr. Fred Palmer’s j Skin Whitener is featured by your I druggist. You can get it easily and 1 quickly. Remember, thousands use Dr. i Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener to I keep their skin lighter, smoother, more ’ alluring. It also loosens up black- I heads for easier removal. And here's I all you need do. Get the 25c box of Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener today. Test 7 DAYS as directed. If not happy | and satisfied, return box for your Money Back. GALENOL CO. Box 264, Atlanta, Ga. You can depend on Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Delight Soap and Vanishing Cream. _ Get Both, for Beau ty’s sake. 25c each. Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer! "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money back. 85tf. Drug stores. ** — CREATES NATURE .. for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-. Columbus^3^0hio. Agents ^Wanted To Subscribe for Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly CALL HA-0800 / Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises | caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment ’ has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! ( THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 • Davenport. Iowa ( 117 Satisfied jCustomers You fire Next 17 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition. Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 Omaha, Nebraska