The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 20, 1945, Image 1
■ LOCAL & NATL NEWS--10c per copy “AND WORTH IT” ■ f /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE UNE\ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800 ^ ^ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ★ ★ ■III ■ i ■■ i — p| ... li - ——- . Mil.. i I— ■■■Mil - . . mi. II I .— .Ill' .. .. I .1. ■ Ill i ■ I ■ ■ ' ''' .... 'I.-..* Ill ~"l — Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-of lice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of *%.•<%*% **%*- . _ . -- . ^ Marcn s, 1874 Publishing offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebr Saturday, Oct. 20, 1945 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ Our 18th Year—No. 37 Leaders Slated To Attend ■ ZION TO BURN MORTGAGE Heatlh Conference Next Week Plans Set For Mammoth Banquet Dr. lioscoe C. Brown, Chief of Negro Health Service, U. 8. Public Health Service, will be the speaker at the Mammoth banquet to be held at the Railroad Men's Benevolent Club, 24th and Miami streets, on Wednesday evening, October 24 opening the three day Conference on Health. Dr. Brown's subject will be "Post War Health Devel opment”. Invitations have gone out to Some 800 to attend this dinner. Ar rangements are underway to broad' cast the proceedings over KBON. Tickets for the dinner are avail able at the Omaha Urban League 2213 Lake Street. Dr. Walter H. Maddux, pediatric expert, will speak on child health ■care and Miss Frances Edwards Psychologist with the Board of Ed ucation, will speak on "Develop ment Consideration of the Child” at the afternoon session to be held in the Urban League auditorium on Thursday, October 25. Dr. Roderick W. Brown, lecturer, author and national authority on tuberculosis, will be one of the speakers at Thursday’s evening Session. Mr. Charles O. Rodgers of the American Social Hygiene Assn., and Mr. Edward V. Taylor of the Federal Security Agency will be other speakerg featured at this meeting. This session will be also held at the Urban League. The Friday afternoon meeting will take place at the Northside YWCA. The theme of this segsiori will be Nutrition with practical demonstrations by Miss Florence Atwood of the Home Extension Department of the Nebraska Col lege of Agriculture assisted by Miss Mable Doremus also of the College of Agriculture. Friday evening the Conference will be devoted entirely to youth, and this meeting will be held at the North 24th Street USO. A pan el discussion by the youth will be featured at this session. Father Flanagan’s band has been invited to play and the young peo ple will dance after the business portion of the meeting. LAUNCH CAMPAIGN TO KEEP “F M” RADIO FROM MONOPOLY CONTROL BY PRESENT STANDARD BROADCASTERS AND LARGE NEWSPAPERS Launching, what they promise will be a “sustained" campaign to keep FM radio from monopl.v con trol by present standard broadcast ers and large newspapers the Na tional Citizens Political Action Com mittee released today an S-page printed "Report to America on Ra dio Broadcagting”. The report, bearing a boldly printed demand for “Immediate Ac tion" has been mailed to thousands of citizens groups and civic leaders throughout the country. It briefs the current state of American broadcasting, outlines the prospects for domination of FM broadcasting by the same interests “who now control the country's principal sta tions and newspaper”, and urges action in the form of letters, wires petitions, .and resolutions to the Congress and the Federal Commun ications Commission. The first page call-to-action. sign ed by Elmer A. Benson, Chairman of Citizeng PAC's Executive Coun cil, warns: “You must act now to prevent control of FM from falling into these hands, or the fight on other issues which interest you to day and which will interest you in the months and years ahead will be the harder to win.” Six recommendations are made to the FCC and Congress in the re port: (1) That only % of available FM channels be granted to stand ard broadcasting stations and news papers: (2) That the FCC prescribe in terms of hours and expenditures standards of public service pro gramming for all broadcasting lic enses ; (3) That of all available FM channels be granted to newcomers, under rules and regulations which will ingure fair consideration for veterans, small businessmen, farm, labor, cooperative and cltizeng groups; (4) That no FM licenses be granted to standard broadcasting stations without the holdine of pub lie hearings; (5) That the licenses of present broadcagters not be renewed with out advertising and holding public hearings; (6) That local hearings be ar ranged in the communities applic ants intend to serve. In discussing the current state of American broadcasting the report notes that ‘the 10 clear-channel, 50.000 watt stations owned by mem bers of the National Association of Manufacturers occupy more space on the radio spectrum than all of the nation's 444 local. 50 watt sta tions put together.” The report emphasizes that the profits of licenges are out of pro portion to their investments and to the standards of public service pro AUTHORITY OS TUBERCULOSIS DR. RODERICK W. BROWN' who will speak at the Health Con ference at the Urban League, 2213 Lake St, next Thursday evening. NAACP To Hold Monthly Meeting The Omaha branch of the NAA CP should have two thousand mem bers and we hope for a large in crease at the regular monthly meet ing at the Urban League on Sun day Afternoon, Oct. 21 at 3:30 pm. If those of you who are not mem. bers will take time out and lend a thought as to the results of the many efforts it has gained; many cases it has investigated; discrim ination eliminated and many other helping efforts to the race as a whole We’re sure you would join up and do your bit TODAY! DuBois To London for African Conference Ne-.v York_Dr. W. E. B. DuBois, director of special research for the NAACP, left New York October 13 by plane to represent the NAACP at a conference in London called to consider problems of African peo pie. The conference, which is being arranged by*' African ' SC u detit group?; and African trade union delegates, will continue the work begun in the Pan-African Congress ses, initiated by the NAACP in 1919. These Congresses were held in 1921. 1923 and 1927, being held successfully in Paris, London Brussels. Lisbon pnd New York. The NAACP sent Dr. DuBois to Paris after the first World War. tfis main mission was to gather data concerning colored soldiers, but he called a Pan-African Con gress there to center world atten tion on the future of Africa. Efforts to continue the series af ter 1927 failed and the idea wag dropped until the Negro trade union delegates meeting in London last w'inter appealed to the NAACP and 1 others to call a congress this fall. There ws some hesitation because of war conditions and difficulties of travel. Finally the Association decided that the meeting bade fair to be important enough to warrant sending a delegate. Dr. DuBois was selected to go and to assure the delegates of the sympathy of American Negroes and offer coop eration in calling a larger and more representative Congress in 1946 or 1947. gramming they provide. Industry wide profits are estimated ait 150 % per year before taxes, and cases of individual stations earning in ex cess of 200% per year after taxes are cited. Though the report is sharply critical of the FCC for failure to protect the public interest, it stat e9 that “We, the people, must ac cept responsibility too, for our own inaction.” The report concludes with a mes sage urging local citizens groups and individuals to support the FC C’s request to Congress for ade quate appropriations “to fulfill its functions as guardian of the public interest.” The FC C has announced that it j will begin granting FM broadcast-) licenses after October 7. and the ] report noteg that if licenses are quickly granted ‘the choice chan nels in large citieg along the east ern seaboard, in Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles, in entire states like Ohio will be gone before vet erans. small businegsmen, and oth ers have had a chance to investi gate the possibilities of FM.” The report emphasizes that FM is a “gmall business opportunity" requiring relatively small capital investments, yet the average worth of FM applicants is reported to be more than $1,000,000 each. Criticism is directed at tne FCC for having allocated, on September 12, some 53 “choice channels” with out holding- public hearings. The. channels were assigned to stations which began their FM operations 1 before the war ‘freeze”, but the report stresses that these stations j should be rquired to compete open ly and fairly with the more than 500 applicants whose requegts the FCC will congider after October 7. TROOP REASSIGNMENT PROBED BY WAR DEIT. New York_The reassignment of Negro troops in service units who BET.- STG. CHAS. DUDLEY REPRIMANDED FOR ILLEGAL ARREST, ENTRY * ★ * ★ Y* «*★*★*****★* * ★ * ★ * “TAXATION ACCORDING TO ONE’S ABILITY TO PAY” Officer Loses ( 5-Day’s Pay Det-Sgt. Charles Dudley was se verely reprimanded and suffered the loss of 5 days pay as a result of charges filed against him for the wrongful arrest of Miss Salina Turner on October 6. The Omaha Board of the NAACP acting for Miss Turner pressed the charges with the police officials by the pas sage of the following resolution at a special meeting held October -12. Resolution— ASK JUST AND ADEQUATE PUNISHMENT FOft OFFICERS DUDLEY AND COLEMAN NAACP URBAN LEAGUE Whereas, on the evening of Oct ober 9, 1945, a committee was ap pointed at a call meeting of the Executive Board of the Omaha Branch NAACP, to present to the proper police authorities, a com plaint of an injustice done to Mrs. Christine Hickman and Miss Salina Turner and Mr. James D. Mitchell, growing out of an illegal entry and arrest at 2103 North 27th Street. Omaha. Nebraska at 3:30 a. m. Oct ober 6. 1945 and » Whereas Officers Dudley an 1 Coleman entered the home above mentioned and at the time mention ed without a warrant for the arrest of any oen herein, and without a search warrant, under which a fore ible entry could have been made and did arrest Miss Salina Turner, a young woman twenty years of age who was known not to have committed any offense of any kind whatsoever: Therefore, be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Omaha branch of the NAACP in conjunc tion with rpresentatives of the O maha Urban League that we re spectfully demand that just and adequate punishment, in the light of the evidence which has been' presented, be adminstered to the officers or officer, guilty of the wrongs herein complained of to ward Mrg. Hickman and particul arly toward Miss Salina Turner who was falsely and wrongfully arrest ed by officers Charles Dudley and Coleman and unlawfully imprison ed for a period of twenty-four hours in the city jail of the City of Omaha, and He it further resolved that it is the consensus of this committee that the first requisite of compell ing respect for law is a requiremen* that officers of the law shall them selves> in the performance of their duties, obey it and that there must be in this case no whitewashing of anyone involved in this matter. Unanimously approved by this body the twelfth day of October, 1945. Signed: Rev. C. Adams, President, Mrs. John Albert Williams t Secretary. NAACP. volunteered for combat, service dur 1 ing the invasion of Germany will be investigated by the War Depart ment, according to Colonel H. A. Gerhardt( in the office of the As sistant Secretary of War. The as surance was given in a letter to Walter White, Secretary of the NA ACP. NAACP ATTORNEY GETS VIRGIN ISLAND POST New York_Edward R. Dudley Assistant Special Counsel for the NAACP, was appointed October 10 as legal counsel to Governor Char les Harwood of the Virgin Islands. The appointment was announced by Governor Harwood. Mr. Dudley, 34 has been on the NAACP legal staff for two years. He is chief assist alnt to Thurgood Marshall head counsel. Prior to that time he was an assistant attorney general of the State of New York under John J. Benn'ett, in the last years of the Lehman administration. It is ex pected that he will take the oath of office sometime in the latter i part of November. Mr Dudley is! married, the father of one child and lives at 419 W. 156th Street. [President Truman Speaks At Dedication of Dam _ OPdentsvllIe, Ky„ (Sonndph .)| General view as President Truman spoke at the dedication of the Ken tucky dam| last to be completed of the Tennessee Valley Auhority pro ject. Courgeous President The President of the United Stat es is a courageous man, as is shown by his recent denunciation of the DAR because of their refusal to permit Hazel Scott to appear in Constitution Hall. It takes cour. age to maintain a stand of that kind) especially if you intend to be reelected in 1948. But gradually America and Europe are coming to realize that Harry S Truman fight* for what he believes to be right, and not for the benefit of any clique or political group. How much of this kind of courage the South can stand comes to be an im portant question. Perhaps Mr. Truman'g attitude will help the en tire nation to think and to act with more objectivity, and to use worth rather than color as a basis of ac ceptance. (from A1 Heningburg's Overtones on page 2 this issue) SEEK CLEMENCY FOR SOLDIERS CONVICTED IN FKiHT WITH ITALIAN PW’S New York, N. Y_The NAACP will file a petition for clemency on behalf of the Negro soldierg con victed of rioting against Italian prisoners of war at Fort Lawton, Washington^, la(st vearj Although some forty-one men were initially tried, thirteen were acquitted. One of the accused, Buckner, was sent enced to six months confinement and forfeiture of 118 per month for a like period. The remaining 2T men were given dishonorable dis-; charges and sentences ranging from one to twenty-five years. The reviewing authority has guspended the dishonorable discharge portion and sentence with reference to ten of th men ajd has placed them in rhabilitation centers where they will be given the opportunity of being restored to duty at an early date. The sentences imposed on Dining Car Waiters Key Club Holds Community Chest Program RAISE *100; GIVE BLANKETS . TO OLD FOLKS HOME On Tuesday evening October 16 1945, the Omaha Dining Car Wait ers’ Key Club held its Annual Com munity Chest Program which con sisted of moving pictures. shown by Mr. Goudin and members of the Omaha Community Chest Campaign Fund. This film showed various activities and general public bene fits derived from the Community Chest Fund accompanied by a lec ture of one of the Chest speakers. At the conclusion of the program a check of $100.00 from the Dining Car Waiters’ Key Club was pres ented by Mr. Eugene West to the representative of the Community Chest. Also, a presentation from the Key Club of (12) blankets was made by Mr. Richard Lecop to Mrs. Johnson, Matron of the Colored Old Folks Home, 933 North 25th street. The Omaha Dinig Car Waiters' Key Club since its inception, ha3 always endea'vore<j to cooperate with and contribute its funds to the various church, civic and com munity activities which tend to improve the community in which they serve, stated Mr. R. C. Long, Business Manager of the Key Club. the rest of the men have been dras tically reduced. In its petition for clemency, the NAAOP seeks to obtain further re duction in the sentences imposed and to have the dishonorable dis charges suspended as to all the men involved. TEXAS-LOUISIANA UNITS OP NAACP MEET IN FORT WORTH Fort Worth. Texas—The Louigi ana-Texas Regional Leadership Conference of the NAACP convened at the Mt. Gilead Baptist Church here October 5-7. Ninety-one dele gates from 21 branches in Louisi ana and 36 branches in Texas were registered. Friday afternoon at seperate meetingg of the Texas and Louisi ana conference of branches- it was revealed that Louisiana is launch ing a drive to raise $100,000 for rhe purpose of combatting educational inequalities and voting restrictions and Texas is in the midgt of its drive to raise $10,000 to tackle edu cational inequalities at the univeis ity level. The main speaker at the Sunday' mass meeting wag W. J. Hammond, instructor at Texas Christian Uni versity, who spoke on “Human Rightg: Our Post War Battle" Other3 who participated on the in-! , stitute program were Atty. W. J. Durham, Counsel for the Texas State Conference of the NAACP; Maceo Smith and John J. Jones, Secretary and Pregident of the Tex ag State Conference of Branches; Daniel E. Byrd, President of the Louisiana State Conference of Branches and executive secretary of the New Orleans branch: Rev. L. L. Haynes, president of the New Armistice Day,’ Date for Appreciation Program at U.S.O. V HIE HA X S ORG A XIZATION S WAR MOTHERS A\I) OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO PARTICIPATE The 24th Street USO Club in co operation with the Theodore Eoose. velt Post, No. 30. American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, War Mothers and Council of Volunteer Organizations is sponsoring an Ap preciation Program for returned veterans of World War II and their families. The program will be h^ld at the Club Sunday, evening. November 11, at 8:00 pm. The USO Club has recognized the need for such a program for a long time. Already one hears com plaints that little if any reception is gien us for our contributions to ward winning the war. The pur-' pose of this program will be to pre sent to the city of Omaha the rec ord of Negroes in the great strug gle which has been recently brought to a victorious close. It will be also an opportunity for the Negroes of tltis community to ex press their appreciation for the fine work done by our boys. Churches, organizations civic and social, are urged to cooperate in this effort through attendance in a group, through securing and ac quainting the USO Club with the names ar>d addresses of its members who are veterans and in all other ways possible. In order that we may contact vet erans through special invitations friends are urged to fill in the blank below and mail it to the 24th Street USO Club, Mr. J. P. Mosley, Director4, 2221 North 24th Street,: Omaha. Nebraska, or telephone the information to the Club, AT-9134 and JA-9156. VETERAN NAME . ADDRESS .• Orleans branch; Mrs. Lulu Wh'le, executive secretary of the Houston Texas branch; Special Counsel Thurgood Marshall tnj Ella i. Bak er of the national office # j To Renew your 1945 Subscription,. Call HA-0800 ’ Program Urged by i AKA Council 1 i ASK CONGRESS TO ADOPT J SUCH A MEASURE I I WASHINGTON October 13. _ Thc National Non-Partisan Council >n Public Affairs of Alpha Kappa Al pha Sorority urged a more progres sive tax program in testimony be fore the Senate Finance Committee this week. Mrs- Thomasina VV. Johnson. Leg islutive Representative appearing before the Committee pointed that the Reonvrsion Tax Program pass ed last week by the House fails to provide relief where it is critically needed while giving unnecessary winfalls to the most prosperous cor porationg. The Council carried the full 1 weight of its membership in sup-j port of a Reconversion Tax Pro gram ACCORDING TO ONE’S A BIDITY TO PAY, Mrs. Johnson also pointed out that this would provide the Government with ade quate revenue for its demobilizat ion program and that such a pro gram will boost purchasing power as well as contest pressure result ing from mass lay-offs and the re turn of discharged veterans. In the Council’s analysis of the Tax Program pa9sed by the House of Representatives it is shown that NegroeSj the majority of whom con stitute the low and middle income groups, will benefit least from the proposed plan of retaining sub standard personal exemptions; granting only meager relief to the low and middle income groups. The Council further stated that the prime objective of reconversion tax legislation should be to sustain mass purchasing power; assist the small business; and grant relief where the need is greatest, g° aS to minimize hardship and speed an orderly transition to an era of full employment and high level capac ity production. In order to do this the AKA Non-Partisan Council de clared, that provisions should be made s° that ALL INCOMES and especially those of individuals and corporations that have been drast ically cut by the -Impact of recon version might benefit from a reas onable carry-over and carry-back personal exemption plan; so that veterans might be relieved of past tax debts for a reasonable period of time prior to hig digcharge; so that excise taxes which are only justi fiable as wartime emergency meas ures might be rduced or abolished on items of mass consumption such as movie tickets, inexpensive toilet articles, cosmetics, leather goods, and the like; and so that the auto mobile use tax might be eliminated Further provisions should be made I so that substantial tax relief might be given small businesses in order that they might be speedily recon verted and new enterprises encour aged. It is our belief, the Alpha Kappa Alpha women stated, that in order to curb inflationary 9pec ulation in securities, real estate and farm land, that the holding period for long-term capital assets ought to be extended and that profits realized from the sale or exchange of capital assets held for less than i a reasonable number of months j should be taxed as ordinary in- f come. The AKA Non-Partisan Council! urged that the Senate revise the Tax proposals of the Houge on the basis of "TAXATION ACCORDING TO ONES ABILITY TO PAY” which will give relief where it is needed most, increase the Nation's purchasing power, speed up the pace of reconversion and pave the way to FULL EMPLOYMENT and general prosperity during the post war period; while at the same time providing adequate revenue for the Government. In discussing the Council's inter est in the new tax program> Mrs. Johnson stated that "the field of taxation is perhaps the one field of the Federal Government that invol ves every Negro in America and that this is one of the phases com monly overlooked in presenting our point of view. It is true we shall no doubt always be sure of death and taxes but whether or not we pay taxes according to our ability to pay can be made our ability to pay can be made our policy. There j is no longer room in America for a I > - DAY OF GREAT REJOICING SET FOR SUNDAY, OCT. 21 Sunday. October 21, 1945. will be a day of great rejoicing at Zion Baptist Church, for that is the date set to burn the mortgage of the Historic Church. The Zion Baptist Church was or. ganlzed in 1888 by Rev. T. H. Ewing. It has been served by nine other pastors since. At one time Zion was more than $47,000 in debt. In the midst of a great revival Sunday afternoon at 3:00 p. tri. the public is invited to witness “The Mortgage Burning” ceremonies. The sermon will be delivered by the present Pastor, Rev. F. C. Williams, and an address will be made by Attorney H. J. Pinkett. tax program to benefit the greedy. “Our tax program must provide re lief for the needy." 65 75c Minimum Hourly Wage Scale-•• CIO SPEARHEADS DRIVE FOR PASSAGE WASHINGTON, D C — High death rates disease malnutri - tion, insuffiuient medical and hospital care—great human suffer ing. That’s the product of a low wage policy which has turned the South —potentially of the richest regions of America—into the poorest and most retarded. Evidence supporting these facts has been known for years both in and out the Halls of Congress, but the truth will be driven home even more sharply during the current Senate hearings to raise the hourly minimum wage to 65-75 cents. The usual reactionary bloc of southern Congressmen will fight tooth and nail to kill the bill for fear of driv ing industry out of their low-wage area, but the overwhelming support of the public, spearheaded by the CIO and its PAC, can push the bill through, labor obserovrs comment ed No more convincing argument can be presented for this measure than the status of health conditions in the South- Studies by the Southern Conference for Human Welfare, labor and public organizations re veal shocking proof of the South** ill health. Analyzing the Selective Service rejection reports, it was discovered that rejections were 15 percent higher in the 13 Southern states than in the non-Southern states- This revelation is support ed by the fact that there are only 9-4 docors per thousand people in the South as compared with 14-9 in other regions. There were oniv 2-2 general hospital beds per 1,000 people in the South while other areas had almost twice as many A comparison of the death rates in the South and the rest of the na tion adds additional strength to the argument that only with higher wag es can people eat better and thus a ch^aVe jbetthe heai'tii Tuberculosis claimed 45-9 of 100,000 deaths in A merica in 1940, but in the Southeast the figure was 56 and in the South west, 63-1- Influenza and pneumon ia deaths were 70-3 per 100,000 for the nation, but in the Southeast— where the climate is warmest—the rate was 90- Pellagra deaths, caus ed bv the lack of proper food, re sulted in 1-6 deaths in the nation but in the Southeast the rate was 400% higher, 6-5- , "The Southern Patriot.” organ of the Southern Conference, in review ing Southern health stated: “The absence of modern hospitals in so many Southern areas is again the result of low income of its people Rural areas lack the corporate and individual wealth that provides am ple tax funds, generous endowments and full payment of fees and charg es-” Hearings before a Senate Sub committee on Education and Labor have bulwarked labor's contention that the minimum fage—in all sec tions os America—must be raised if the nation’s health rate is not to drop even lower than it is- Emil Rie\e: president of the Textile Workers’ Union of America, told the committee "The Bureau of Hu man Nutrition estimates that a city family requires $3-30 per person per week to meet its elementary stan dards Uliness and physical disa bilities are more acute and more dis astrous among workers with low wages than in the higher income groups- But the Sou’.h rema;n3 the No- 1 health croblem. And the reason, as "The Southern Patriot’ (Continued on pa^e 7) FOH THE , LATEST NEWS' MM Subscribe to Omaha’s Greatest Race Weekly *The Omaha Guide ft Bla BNCLAIM* DCLOTHING SALE! lhe9c Meaning to. mu Bold A Big Sale, Saturday, Oct. 20,1945 See Page 3 in this Issue.