The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 13, 1945, Image 1

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    ■ LOCAL 8c NAT’L NEWS-lOc per copy “AND WORTH IT” ■ !
^ ^ ^**Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• O ^ +
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of _ , , _ , , _ _ _ . _ . „,, __ __
March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nehr StitUXdSy, Oct. 13, 1945 ★ 10C PGP Copy ^ OlIF 18th YeST No. 36
Harvard Departs from Tradition
Members of the Harvard University teaching staff
shown with the ILGWU members of the Trade
Union Fellowship. Left to right (standing): Prof.
Sumner H. Slichter, Sam Janis, Harry Shugar, Dr.
John Dunlop; (seated) Benice Taylor, Mabel
Mabel Durham, a young Negro
underwear worker, until last week
assistant to the chaplain of her
WAC unit, was designated mem
ber of a team of four garment
workers belonging to the Interna
tional Ladies’ Garment Workers’
Union, to attend the Harvard Trade
Union Fellowship Courses at Har
vard University, Cambridge. Mass-,
as a full-time student for the year
1945-1946, under a free scholarship
Miss Durham shares scholarships
with two other veterans- Bernice
Taylor, ex-sergeant in the WAC,
and Harry Shugar who was a staff
sergeant in a paratroop battalion.
Samuel Janis, a union officer of
Bridgeport, Conn, is the other des
ignated student.
The admission of two women to
the Trade Union Courses at Har
vard to study in mixed classes marks
a departure from old established
traditions at the university- The
acdeptance of a Negro woman into
these classes, at the initiative of the
International Ladies’ Garment Work
ers’ Union, is another significant
j point.
Smoker to be Held for Benefit of
War 2 Vets;Explain GI Rights Bill
Roosevelt Post No- 30 American
Legion will hold a Smoker Thurs
day evening, October 18, 1945 at the
Post headquarters 24th and Parker
Streets. All ex-servicemen are cor
dially invited to attend.
Mr A Westmoreland of the
Veterans Administration and others
will be on hand to explain the G1
Bill of Rights.
This will be of interest to all vet
erans of world war 2- Come out
and hear just what you are entitled
to know and receive
Be prepared to ask questions and
enjoy an evening of fun and refresh
ments at tre expense of the Ameri
1 can Legion Post No- 30
A Membership drive will be start
ed and it is hoped all veterans and
memebrs of the armed forces now
in service will be able to join this
wonderful organization.
Charles Williamson is Command
er of the Post
TV A Housing Policy
'Separate* but 'Equal*
— I
New York—The housing policy of
the Tennessee valley Authority for
its Negro and white employees is
“separate but equal” according to
Gordon R Clapp, general managei
speaking for David E Lilienthal,
In response to a letter of inquiry
from the NAACP Mr Clapp wrote
"It is the policy of the TV A to
provide recreatoinal and education
al facilities and health and medicai
services for the temporary commun
ities located at its construction pro
jects The facilities provided for
Negro employees are of the sam<
standards as those provided for
white employees and the cost to em
ployees for similar accommodations
is the same
"The housing facilities, both fam
ily units and dormitory accommo
dations, provided for Negro employ
ees at construction projects are sep
arated from similar facilities prov
ided for white employees- This con
forms to established laws and cus
toms in the area which we believe
cannot be ignored without detriment
ly affecting TV As ability to carry
on its construction and operating re
"The extent to which customary
arrangements of racial segregation
can be or should be disregarded on
projects such as we carry on is a
question about which there is, of
course, much difference of opin
Mr Clapp then stated that the ef
fect of any housing policy adopted
by TV A would probably diminish as
the years go on because as eac* pro
ject is completed, almost all TVA
employees will depend upon estab
lished communities for residence
and services
Omaha Guide:
2420 Grant Street,
I Omaha, Nebraska
[ Gentlemen:
Within the next ninety days the
coordinated cab service will be dis
solved- The purpose of the coor
dination was to save on tires and
gasoline through the conservation of
miles- We appreciate your cooper
ation during this emergency We
will again be able to provide you
with prompt, courteous service- You
may now purchase Checker Cab
coupon books at a 10% discount
Your future patronage will be ap
preciated- Call J A-8000 for Check
er Service.
Yours Very Truly)
/. J. Roberts, Manager
Mrs- Tinie Hibbler, 71, died Sun
day Oct. 7th at the residence, 288a
Ohio Street- She was a pioneer 0*
mana and the wife of the late M«.
George Hibbler.
She is survived by daughter, Vi
ola- Services were held Thursday,
at 2 pm. from the Mt- Moriah Bap
tist Church- Burial. Forest Lawn.
Rev. Brooks Calls on Negroes of Omaha To Support Chest Drive
^ ^ ^ ★ *★* ★ *★* ★ ^ ^ ^ ^
Probes School
New York-A page one news
story in the New York Times writ
ten by Alexander Feinberg on the
so-called “rio9t” between white ana
colored students at the Benjamin
Franklin high school was charact
erized by the NAACP as “highly
inflammatory” in a telegram from
Walter White to the Editor of the
The Times sent a representative
to the NAACP to explain its posi
tion and secure a statement from
Secretary White who declared that
the violence in New York City
schools and other schools in ths
Middle West were “part of an or
ganized attempt to foment racial
strife in the nation’s schools.”
The NAACP also wired Police
Commissioner Arthcr Wallander
who called a conference within an
hour Constituted of six top officials
of the police department, the Rev
John R Johnson, police chaplain
and rector of St Martin’s Episco
pal church in Harlem. Commission
er Samuel Battle, formerly a police
captain, and Walter White
The "riot" at Benjamin Franklin!
school quieted down over the week
end with the vast majority of color
ed and white students going peace
fully to their classes and normal
activities The disturbance was said
to have been initiated by a very
small group
New York—Miss Noma Jensen,
one of the assistant field secretar
ies of the NAACP, was sent last
week by the National Office to Gary
Indiana and Chicago and Evanston,
Illinois, to investigate the high
school strikes in those cities which
I have been staged allegedly, for the
purpose of ousting Negro students
from mixed schools
The NAACP has expressed tht
belief that the school strikes which
broke out in the Middle West and
in New York City, are part of a
plan concocted by adults to fasten
segregation as a pattern upon Negro
es in the North The Association
' believes it unlikely that the students
themselves would have staged these
demonstrations without careful plan
ning and support from their parents
and commcnity organizations comm
itted to race-hate programs
TOTALLED $380,000,000 IN 1944
Omaha will join the nation-wide
campaign against fire loss next
week with a spirited program de
signed to conserve life and proper
ty through emphasis of the old tru
ism that where fire is concerned, an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure The Chamber's Fire Pre
vention committee, under the leader
ship of P K Walsh, will head this
year's campaign
Property loss by fire in wartime
1944 reached the appalling total or
$380,000,000, with Omaha's reactf
ing $466,595- In the same perioG,
fires took a national toll of 10,00i;
lives This tremendous sacrifice of
- human and property assets can bc
prevented through care and v'gii
The 1945 program of the Cham ,
ber's committee is geared to make'
all citizens “fire prevention con
scious”, to teach the principles ni
fire safety to students in public and
parochial schools, and o bring recog
nition of the fact that fires do not
just HAPPEN—they are caused
THEY’RE TOPS: Climbing rapidly to the top bracket in radio appeal, the John Howard Choir is
an all-Negro organization which broadcasts every Sunday afternoon from the National Broadcast
ing Company’s Cleveland station, WTAM, in Ohio. The choir, directed by John Howard Ogletree
(right), has won the support of thousands of WTAM listeners, and many radio columnists in the
state are listing it as a Sunday afternoon "must".
— «
NEW YORK, October 12 — Re- j
affirming the CIO policy of non
discrimination abroad, as well as at
home, Sidney Hillman, acting chair
man of the CIO delegation to the
World Trade Union Conference in
Paris, denied reports published ”.n
two American weeklies that, ove»
the opposition of Negro delegates,
he had maneuvered the selection of
a white South African trade union
ist to represent Africa on the con
stitution committee
Hillman's statement, received here
Friday, October 5, was in answer
to a Paris dispatch to a Chicago pa
per charging the CIO leader with
"using deliberate steam roller tac
tics” to assure selection of M J
Devries, white secretary of the Sou
th African Trades and Labor Coun
cil- Selection of Devries, Hillman
asserted, was not contested
The South African Trades and
Labor Council, while predominantly
white, does include in its member
ship some unions with colored mem
bers. according to Dr W A
Hunton, educational director of the
Council on African Affairs. A re
cent law, however, bans the segr
gation of Negro natives in the same
unions with white workers and
workers of mied African and Eur
opean descent, known in South Afr
ica as Cape Coloured
In his cable to his New \ork of
fice* Hillman pointed out that "Ne
gro representatives of labor organ
izations o fother sections of Africa
have been elected by the conference
to ether committees-”
As president, of the Amalgamated
Clothing Workers of America and
Chairman of the CIO Political Ac
tion Committee, Hillman has con
sistently and realistically fought for
the inclusion of Negro workers on
an integrated basis in all of the act
ivates of organized labor. “We car
ry on this fight,” he recently assert
ed, “not as a sentimental favor to
the Negro, but because to do lest
would be to imperil our program, to
cheat ourselves, to defeat our pur
poses and, finally, to line us up- wiT
ly-nillv, with the reactionary, an—
Fight on USES.
•If You Have Any Worthwhile Connections in
Washington, Use Them NOW!!!
(from A1 Heningburg’s “Overtones on page 2)
One of the big gains made during the War was to
establish a United States Employment Service, thus
ending the spotty, jim crow direction of employ
ment by the several states. In the face of a con
certd drive to re-establish state direction, Senaorst
Wagner and Murray are introducing a bill to make
permanent the federal service instituted during the
War. The new bill stipulates that there is to be
‘‘no discrimination.” If you have any worthwhile
contacts in Washington, now is the time to work on
them, for a return to state control of this important
service will mean that millions of Negroes will a
gain be by-passed on the job question, and won’t
even have a chance at referral in the better- paving
—. _____
" !
progressive forces in American
life.” ,
In its charter of basic trade union
and workers' rights, formulated at
the London meeting last February,
the World Trade LTiion Conference
proclaimed: "Every form of politic
al, economic, or social discriminat
ion based on race, creed or sex shall
be elminated. and in this sense equal
pay for equal work shall be estab
The complete text of Hillman's
wire from Paris follows:
Reference to white delegate or
Soutl Africa must be to his election
by conference to constitution comm
ittee. No contest was made regard
ing seating of such representative
at conference since South African j
trade unions are affiliated. Negri,
representatives of labor organiza
tions of other sections of Africa
have been elected by the conference
to other ommittees- CIO's position
at tris international conference, a.-,
at home, is one of complete opposi
tion to any form of racial discrim
A a meeting held at the Urban
League Wednesday, October 10, the
Banquet Committee, headed by Miss
Mae B. Taylor and consisting of
Miss Leeta Holdredge, Mrs. Waiter
Harrold and Mrs Rudolph Gerrei., j
completed plans for the banquet to |
be held at the Railroad Men's Bene
volent Club in conjunction with the
State Health Conference on October
24. Principal speaker will be Dr
Roscoe C Brown, one of the partic
ipants in the conference
Other committees reporting pro
gress are the Program Committee,
Mrs Albin Simmons and Miss Jos
ephine Albrecht: and the Executive
Youth Committee which met Thurs
day, October 4, and of which Miss
Ovalyn Grice is chairman. They
planned a meeting for the youth ot
the city to be held at the USO fol
lowed by a dance with refreshments
Race Benefits
from Camp’gn
Plans have been completed for
solicitation of Omaha Negroes in
the Victory Fund and Community
Chest campaign Chest officials an
nounced recently
Rev J B Brooks, pastor of the
Allen Chapel of the African Meth
odist Episcopal Church, issued a
statement urging all Negroes to
support the Chest
“We Negroes benefit from' the
funds raised,” he said- “since the
Colored Old Folks Home, Woodson
Center, and the Urban League are
maintained partially by money re
ceived from the Chest. Other
Chest agencies stand ready to help
Negroes wehnever called upon.
“Negroes in the armed forces,"
the statement goes on, “bene tit
through the services of the USO-"
“Consebuently,” Rev- Brooks con
tinues, “I appeal to Omaha Negroes
to contribute as generously as pos
sible to the Victory Fund and Com
munity Chest in order to help those
who battle to make the peace as suc
cessful for us as was the war.”
Division “H”, with Mrs- Frank
Blackwell as chairman and Mrs W
W- Gray and Mrs J R Miller as
associate chairmen, will be in charge
of house-to-house solicitations in
the Negro districts. This activity
gets underway on Monday- Work
in Division “H” is expected to be
finished in time for the regular re
port meetings, Mrs Blackwell stat
In support of the Annual camp
aign Victory Fund Drive and Com
munity Chest, the Labor Advisory
Committee of the Omaha Dining
Car Waiters Key Club will present
a Special program Tuesday, October
16, 1945 at 8 o’clock pm- at the club
rooms 2409 Burdette street.
All of our friends and members
are invited to be present and do our
part for this worthy cause.
The entertainment committee ot
the club will ge in charge
New Yorp—-After returning from
a trip which took him through Rich
mond, Va-, Hinton and Huntington,
W Va , Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ashe
fille, N- C| where, together with
B F McLaurin, International Field
Organizer and candidate for City
Council of New York City, he set
up Local Councils for a Permanent
FEPC and held huge mass meetings
to mobilize public sentiment back of
the fight for the Bills now before
Congress for a permanent FEPC
law, Mr Randolph, International
President of the Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters, Co-Chairman
of tht National Council for a Perm
anent FEPC, declared at the head
quarters of the Uflion that Negroes
have no choice now but to fight
ceaselessly and with all of their
mass power for job rights now. He
pointed out that labor through it
strikes in various industries is fight
ing for the right to work and decent
hages, which means that they must
hit hard now for re-enactment of
Bills SlOl and HR 2232 that face
violent opposition from the solid
South and the reactionary Republic
ans of the North and also support
the Wagner-Murray Full Employ
ment Bill.
wanted 14 Women ~ Apply At Edhelm & Sherman Laundry 24th At Willis er Call We-6055
’ Police Officials
The Omaha branch of the NAA
CP, through its Executive Comm
ittee, received a complaint from a
young lady that she had been ar
rested on October 6 after a detail
of police had invaded the home of
her sister-in-law- The police de%
tail were attempting to apprehend a
person they suspected of having com
mitted a crime and attempted to
find the person at this home- It
was charged by the young lady that
they took her to jail instead.
A committee headed by the Presi
dent, Rev C C- Adams, and mem
bers of the Legal Redress Commit
tee, appeared before the police of
ficials at a meeting Wednesday, Oct
10, to file a complaint against the
arresting officers basing their com
plaint on the fact that the constitu
tional rights of the home and this
girl were violated is making the ar
The committee further pointed out
to the police officials that this was
a common practice and urged them
to adopt some procedure as would
put a stop to tre invasion of private
rights by police officials, in their
attempt to carry out their duties
The police officials were very sym
pathetic and promised the commit
tee that some action would be taken
with regard to this case and they
would bring this to the attention of
the entire department
Swear To
State of Nebraska,
County of Douglas,
Christine Hickman, of lawful age
being first duly sworn, according
to law, deposes and says that she is
the wife of Eddie Hickman; that
she is the mother and he the father
of two children, one of them aged
16 months and the other one aged
1 month. That their residence is
2103 North 27th street, Omaha, Ne
braska ; that this was their address
on the 6th day of October, 1943.
That on the evening of October
6th. Eddie Hickman, husband of af
fiant told her he had gotten into
trouble on 24th street and was go
ing away. That on Saturday morn
ing, Oct- Gth, 1945, at about 3:30 a
m two men broke into the bedroom
of affiant by forcing opening s.
door and breaking the clasy of the
bolt which held it fast- That be
fore breaking into the premises ot
affiant the men gave no warning of
their official capacities; they read
no warrant, presented no search
warrant and before entering made
no demand for admission. That
after breaking into the bedroom of
the affiant and after many que»
tions were asked this affiant, and
after they had threatened and abused
this affiant, her sister Salcna Tur
ner, aged 20 years and a young man
(Continued on piifge 8)
Approximately 3,000 items ot
Government owned surplus prop
erty, which the Reconstruction Fin
aice Corporation handles as a dis
posal agency designated by the Sur
plus Property Board for capital and
producers’ goods, are listed in an
informative booklet, “How to Do
Business with REC-’, which is be
ing mailed iwthout cost or obligat
ion to interested persons.
“Tte booklet covers a wide rang*,
of surplus items including indust
rial plants; industrial tools and e*
quipment, raw materials, such as
chemicals, building materials, etc.,
aircraft and parts and accessories,
radio, telephone and electronic e
quipment; and iron, steel and non
ferrous metals", according to Gord
on 1 Burke assistant manager in
charge of surplus property for the
Omaha RFC Agency
“You can buy the material you
want in great quantity or just a
single item. Individual purchasers,
as weil as large companies interest
ed in acquiring RFC handled prop
erty, are advised in the booklet to
contact qur office, the RFC, 1208
WOW Bldg, Omaha, Nebraska',
Mrr Burke said.
RFC is anxious to hear from po
tential buyers and no one should
feel that an inquiry will be creat
ing unnecessary work for the u
gency. As a seller of surplus prop
erty, RFC is anxious to help busi
ness men in Nebraska and Wyoming
get the equipment and materials
they need to create additional em
ployment and keep people at work by
using war-born tools to produce the
goods of peace
® To the readers of this notice—
you can come into The Omaha
Guide office- 2420 Grant street and
read this boolet and see if there are
any items listed that you can use
C- C- Galloway, Editor.,