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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1945)
DICE•CARDS Perfect Dice, Magic Dice, Magic Cards — BEAD THE BACKS— Inka, Daubs, Poker Chips, Gaming Layouts, Dips Boxes, Counter Games, Punch* boards. WRITE FOR CATALOG TODAY. K. C. CARD COMPANY 1242 W. Washington lllvtl. Chicago 7. Illinois Johnson Drug Co. 2306 North 24th —FREE DELIVERY— WE 0998 I HIGHEST PRICES PAID for FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES “Call Us First” NATIONAL TuRNITURE Company —AT 1725— r Lake Street l TAVERN, Inc. 2229 LAKE ST. Omaha, 10, Nebraska (formerly Babes’ Buffet, Myetis’ Tavern) IS NOW LAKE STREET TAVERN Inc. <k Always A Place To Park” BEN DAVIS CLASHES WITH RANKIN ON CONGRESS FLOOR Washington (CNS) Sept. 26 - When Benjamin Davis, vice Pres, of the Communist Party, appeared here today before the UnAmerican Activities Committee. Rep- Rankin of Miss, and quite prominent on the Committee, told Davis to “Sit down”, implying that he should wait until after Earl Browder, for mer communist party chief spoke, Davis retorted before he took his seat “I'm an American citizen, elect ed by more votes than you”. Davis is expected back in New York to night before returning to Washing ton Extra Points! Margaret Murray, home economist for the American Meat Institute, demonstrates how she helps her self to extra ration points by cut. ting raw fat from meat before she cooks it. Melted down and added to the used fat container, it brings four points a pound now To Renew your 1945 Subscription,. Call HA-0800 Orchard & Wilhelm Co. —Since 93— Smart Crystal for j Fall and Winter Parties Crystal Cake Plate 13 inches in diameter with removable handle 1 CA and plastic cake cutter. l«^V Silver Plated Hostess Tray With Five Snack Dishes Crystal dishes for cheese, pickles, etc., with silver plated tray, satin finish. Price includes ^ CC 20% Silver tax. Crystal Relish Dish A divided dish with removable handle | AA and tongs. Complete. ■•ww Ice Bucket with Tongs Bucket has a ribbed effect in frosted glass, and a plated metal handle with tongs to match. ]00 GIFT SHOP STREET FLOOR IS CANCER ON THE INCREASE? (by Dr. John E. Moseley, Chairman Harlem Committee American Cancer Society) Cancer among Negroes has registered more than a 50% increase in the death rate between the years 3930 to 3940. Cancer among the general population also registered an increase during this period. In fact during the past generation, cancer lias risen to take its place next to heart disease, as one of the two greatest killers of mankind! Why are we seeing so many earner eases today f Some of this increase is only apparent. Extend ing to the Negro people some of the benefits < f modern mdical ear, ae* no doubt been responsible for some of the increase. Better diagnosis by doc tors themselves, is responsible for some of the in crease. Previously many Negro and white cancel- 1 cases ha' e either gone undiagnosed at all or have been incorrectly diagnosed. Now new diagnostic instruments and procedures better enable the doe tor to say more accurately what the disease it. The advance in conquering the infectious and con tagious diseases also accounts for some increase— Ijotli because it searates cancer cases from the in fectious diseases, and because it has increased the span of life generally. Since the beginning of the 1900s tremendous strides were made. The remark able development of the sulfa drugs and the recent discovery of Penicillin have given doctors real weaons to fight infections. AAntitoxins against diptheria and scarlet fever were developed. Vac cinations against small pox and inn< filiations a % gainst typhoid have all saved hundreds of thous ands of lives. As a result people who formerly were dying in their adolescence of contagious dis eases, or later from pneumonia and streptococcus infections, now live to middle and late middle age. While cancer strikes at every age, it does strike more heavily at older people. This is another rea son for the apparent increase in cancer. It is a fact however, that the increase among recorded Ne gro deaths is about 1-3 greater than among white. Here is a challenge to all Negroes and to all public health agencies. The benefits of newer drugs and newer diagnos tic procedures have come to Negroes more slowly than to others. In many sections of this country. Negroes receive no medical or very inadecpiate medical care. The life expectancy of the Negro today is where that o ftlie white was 40 years ago. While the average white male lives to the age of 63, the average Negro male lives only to 52. While white females live to 67 on the average, Negro fe males live onlv to 55. * The Negro must be aware of many advances that j have been made in medicine generally, so that he! too may be able to reap the benefits. He must i learn to go to his doctor or clinic for periodic medic al examinations. The examinations should be thor ough. Cancer can be cured when caught early. Some of the increase in cancer cases among Negroes can be brought down by early and prompt treat ment. _ Announcing The Grand opening of The Lake St. Grocery 2531 Lake St. Ja-1041 Friday & Saturday Oct. 5 th & 6th 1945 PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Formerly the Montgomery Grocery has been taken over by Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mr. Neely Williams and Mr. Wardell Brown, and hereafter will be known as The Lake St. Grocery. v October 5th and 6th will be bargain day for you. We will have a full new line of fresh groceries, meats, fruits and vegetables at popular prices. There will be a grand prize given. Come in and be the lucky person. Bring coupon attached to this bill, it is your voting number. _ > -rV> • • We will have delivery twice daily at all times, mornings and afternoons. A 2-Day Grand Opening Special, Oct. 5th & 6th, 1945 Fresh Country Eggs, per dozen 25c Pure Lard per lb. 16c Be Sure to Register at the New... LAKE STREET GROCERY STORE for Your Big Grand Door Prize All New Stock-Service with A Smile-Full Line Fresh Meats APPEAL TO BE FILED IN LOUISIANA VOTE REGISTRATION CASE New York—Judge Caillouet on September l~th, 1945, dismissed without opinion the complaint filed in the case of Edward Hall against' the Registrar of Voters, n St John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana- The complaint alleged that Edward Hall a qualified Negro, was denied the right to register by T J__ Nagel, local registrar, who subjected Hall and other Nevroes to tests not re quired of white reyistrants ana thereby denied them the equal pro tection of the laws as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United Stat es.. The complaint on behalf ot Hall and other Negro citizens asked for a declaratory judgment, an injunc tion and $5,000 (five thousand dol lars) damages- NAACP lawyers are preparing to appeal the case to We wish to Announce “? j \>' the opening of the : G & J Smoke Shop \ 2118 NORTH 24th Street ; Everything in the Line of ’ CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & * SOFT DRINKS ! Jackson & Godbey, Props. < the United States Circuit Court oi Appeals for he Fifth Circuit In a similar case from Tuskcgec Alabama, filed on behalf of William P- Mitchell against local registrars of Macon County, Alabama, argu ment on Motion to Dismiss took place in the local federal court In Montgomery on September 20th.. Counsel for the registrar, including former Judge “Speed" Callaghan, Judge of the Scottsboro trials, ar gued that the federal court did not have jurisdiction to consider a case on the refusal to register Negroes because of race or color- He argu ed that the case should ge tried in the local state courts- After com pletion of the argument, the case was taken under advisement and a decision is expected within two weeks.. , In Atlanta- Georgia it was dis covered that although the case filed by the NAACP against the local registrar brought about the sending of the lists of Negro voters to the precinct polls on Election Day, September 5th, nevertheless, the to* FOR WHOLESOME RECREATION MAKE Victory Bowling Alley 2410 LAKE ST. Your Headquarters After Working Hours. T. Mosley, Proprietor TELEPHONE JA-9175 IRAYALTON—OIL TREATED Stoker Coal $9.50 ™ • Blackstone lump .$11.60 per ton. • Large load of Sawed Kindling Wood $4.50 per load. —♦CITY WIDE DELIVERY SERVICE— JONES FUEL & SUPPLY CO. i 2520 Lake St. Telephone AT-5631 cal election officials refused to per mit Negroes to vote in the ‘“white primary^- NAACP lawyers are preparing for filing additional cases against local election officials- At the same time, they are insisting that the Department of Justice pros MIKADO CALLS ON Mac ARTHUR Tokyo—First photo—In a prece dent shattering visit, Emperor Hiro hito is received by General Douglas MasArthur, Supreme Commander of Alliel Powers, in main living room of U- S Embassy in Toyko. efatiJl&vV $ifS} )§ GOVERNMYTH It’s easy to get people to be lieve in myths. There’s the pleasant myth of Santa Claus — all right for chil dren. But even Santa Claus must have a financial backer. Certain dreamy politicians have sought to cinch their jobs by creating the myth of a Santa Claus government that could plan everything and take care of everybody — sorta wrap every body in cotton forever—at no cost to anybody. It is human nature to want to rely on some other force than our own struggle, so millions fall for this new Santa Claus Uncle Sam — in spite of 'he fact t.hat cur country is ahcady "00 billion in debt. _ ecute these election officials for the violation of federal statutes.. Attorneys in the Atlanta case were Thurgood Marshall, NAACP Special Counsel and A_. T_. Walden of Atlanta- In the New Orleans case the counsel were Mr.. Marshall and A.. P.. Tureaud and Joseph Thornton of New Orleans.. In the Montgomery case, counsel were Mr. Marshall and Arthur D.. Shores ot Birmingham, Alabama.. The NAACP announced that these cases are part of a South wide, stepped-up policy to attack all 'rriefhcyls' bf i^isfcriiniiyitjion 'against Negro voters throughout the South It is expected that many other cases will be filed in these and other stat es wherever Negroes are denied the right to vote.. “It is Safe to be Hungry’ at | The Sharp Inn Cafe j 2421 North 24th Street .Watch for the Announcement^ for future delivery service. ( Phone JA-9293 , L. Glenn, N. Johnson, Props. | NORTH 24th STREET SHOE REPAIR ! 807 N. 24th St. WE-4240 -> OPUl.AK t'KIOfeiM - I OOK AT YOUR SHGE8 Other People Do DIAMOND GENUINE DIAMONDS SOLID YEL LOW GOLD M O N E Y II \< K GUAR. A NTEE. A ■charm i n g | Matched Wed ■ ding Bet’* g that we are | offering for t a limited time at the I.OVV price of $10.95, or either ring eparateiy only $5.95, plus tax. If for ANY reason you are not sat isfied after wearing these rings 10 days—return them and your money will be refunded. As supply is low —ORDER AT ONCE. Lovely gift box FREE. SEND NO MONEY _ pay postman plus postal fee Tax 20%. VICTORY DIAMOND COMPANY Dept. O. M. -Wheeling, W. Va. DROUGHT IN AVEI.IA PA, Pittsburgh, Pa. Soundphoto As the water-laden trucks arrive from the Citizens Water Company of Washington. Pa., 16 miles away the townspeople of Avella rush to the streets with pans, buckets and bot tles of all descriptions. From the tiniest tot to doddering old folks, they tote the containers seeking the precious liquid. The lives of 600 people are endangered by the I lack of water. To Subscribe for Omaha’s Greater Negro Weekly CALL HA-0800 headache ] is SUCH A big LITTLE THING ALL SET for a good full day's work when a nagging head-, ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. • •' Ready for an evening of relax ation and enjoyment — a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the economy package even cheaper. Why not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as directed. Your money back if you are ^pot satisfied. e Gross JEWELRY & LOAN CO. t>hone JA-4633 formei iy at 24th •jnrf K rskine St. NEW COCA! (ON— 514 N 1'' " mwmmmm checked I TE H t'HaJi/fif - 1 «■ -or Mona/Back For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D.D. D. Prescription, a doctor's formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask youi druggist today for D. D. D- PRESCRIPTION. Don't worry about money, m Home affairs, Bad L,u,k, I Jinks and Dove. No mat- I ter what your troubles are ™ write me. M. CAROLYN 2332 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 1(1, ill.