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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1945)
A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROURLED UNSEL ANP GUIDANCE rrrT^rdl.'“1" • ‘ ' when TO®r m,nd *» weighted down with worry ““ “*ed. °* *uid,'“*’ *nd °>* eonneel of an understanding friend »!«m writ*. Your problem will be analysed In the paper free . . . lost inelude a elipplng of the column with yonr letter. For a "private reply" send *5e for ABBE’S 1*44 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading. yoT^l! receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analysing three (I) ques. Hone. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign pour full name, address and blrthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully sad Confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE FO*T OFFICE BOX 11 ATLANTA. BEORSIA H- T__—I enjoy reading your col umn. I need your help now.. I [ 1 have been married twice and it sems like I am still not going to to make it I have two girl child ren, one by each husband. Now it looks as if I will have to quit this husband after trying to make it for 7 years- I try to live a Christian life before him and my children. Out of all the seven years we have been together I have nothing to show for it but this one girl child He works but doesn't give me e nough money to pay the bills and when 1 ask for some, he curses me for days. I am a beauty parlor op erator and that is how I have bought clothes and other things for Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up wit® Ostrex has done, ('ontains tonic many need at 40. 60. 60. for body old solely because low In Iron: also supplies vitamin Bi, calcium, phosphorus. 35o in troductory size now only 29c! Try Oetrex Tonis Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. For Sale at all drugstores every*, where-nn Omaha, at Smith's and Walgreen s!* GOOD NEWS! To All Who Need a Laxative Now and Then i When you feel sluggish, stomach up set, low in spirits and somewhat "no account”—because you need a good cleaning out, just LET YOURSELF IN FOR THE QUICK RELIEF THAT KRUSCHEN SALTS CAN BRING YOU. When you want relief you want it PRONTO—you don't want to wait for hours (Kruschen acts usually within an hour) — Caution — use only as di rected. Regulate the dose to suit your own requirements. Get KRUSCHEN SALTS today at any good drug store. FROM MICROBE TO MAN By DR. J.v. WELLS | THE FASCINATING STORY Of THE OG j VELOPMENT Of OUR UNBORN BOOT * FROM A SINGLE MICROBE SIZED EGG- j CELL INTO A HUMAN BEING. P»E SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGAM* LESS Of TOUR READING TASTES. I PRICE fl POSTPAD 20tm CENTURY PHESM 1012 A ST. TACOMA WA6HINEIOI ONETaI day VITAMIN isi.TABI.5TS THINK of it! Your min imum daily requirements of A and D Vitamins or of B Complex Vitamins, in one pleasant tablet. Remember the name ONE-A-DAY (brand) Vitamin Tablets. m”* NERVINE DO TENSE nerves make you Wakeful. Cranky, Restless? Dr. Miles Nervine helps to lessen Nervous Tension. Get it at your drug store. Read directions and use only as directed. ~ Alka-Seltzer Wf HEN Headache, Mus ** cular Pains or Simple Neuralgia, Distress after Meals, (►as on Stomach, or “Morning After” interfere with your work or spoil your futt. try Alka-Seltzer. GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO ’of* corner and adjoining o» corner 21st nnd Grace- j Extensive frontage on both 21st an«* Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home*, or especially suited as Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address BOX A33C | or Call HA-0.800, GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN WHO DOOCHE Many Doctors today recommend the use of douches for women troubled with discharge (“the whites”), offending odor, and minor irritation —for women who want to be and * feel refreshingly clean. * ' Andhere’saproductforthedouche t —Hospital tested, too, with splendid / results—LycT.a E. Pinkham's Sana t tive Wash, made by the same great '/ company that makes Lydia E, / Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. '{ Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gain ' ing great favor today with women. ' It's mighty effective to cleanse, ’ relieve offending odor, discharge and I discomfort of minor irritation, yet it ( positively won’t harm even the most 1 delicate membranes or tissues. Inex II pensive, too. Any drug store. 1 > Lydia E. Pinkhat.'s > A SANATIVE WASH he house and children. All the love I had for him is gone.. Please tell me what to do? Ans: You won’t fini perfection in any man and a wise wife accepts h fact, magnifies his good points an fails to see the bad- The best approach to your problem is to pool your incomes and to work out a satisfactory budget to cover them both. At the present, you are both earning your own money, handling it separately each to his own inter est, making it a bone of contention. This is wrong marriage part ners must share and share alike if mutual love is to exist- Straighten out your financial problems and your present feeling for you-r hus band may change altogether. E' G._ ..—I am 22 years old- My boy friend is overseas and I love him and he tells me he loves me He told his mother he loved me. We were supposed to be married but he didn’t get a chance to come home before he left- Tell me if he still feels the same, he says he does and must I wait for him? Ans: He’s depending on you to keep your promise as he is keeping his.. With the points he has ac cumulated, it shouldn’t be too long a period before he is eligible for dis chargta. Continue writing him cheerful, newsy letters regularly Your letters bring him more happi ness and joy than any of his other experiences M. O- S-'—I am in trouble and need help.. We have been marrieii two years and now my husband Is in love with another woman. He refuses to do anything for me- All he does is pay my rent and he tells me that he only lets me stay be cause I have no place to live. Now there is a man in my life and he aid he loves me but I don't see him often- Let me know what my baby and I must do? Ans: Both of you are guilty of infidelity whicn disrupts a marr iage uicker than anything else- You should seek legal ail and force 1 MATTIES TEA ROOM 2113 GRANT ST. ? Open from 12 noon until 7 p.m.;^ > JA-5519 i;j Thrifty Service... s • 6 LBS. OF LAUNDRY BEAUTIFULLY LAUNDERED FOR ONLY COc AND ONLY 7c For Each Additional lb.. • This Includes the Ironing of all FLAT-WORK with Wearing Apparel Returned Just Damp Enough for Ironing. Emerson - Saratoga 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Highest Cash Prices Paid for your Furniture ..See Us Before Buying or Selling. PHONE WE-8228 • 3921 23 CUMING STREET Evans’ Radio Electric Repair Shop 2702 Lake Street For Sale IRONS. TOASTERS, WAFFLE GRIDDLES, PERCULATORS AND MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES —AT A REASONABLE PRICE— “All Re-Built Merchandise Guaranteed to Give Service We also Buy Used Electrical Merchandise of All Kinds EVANS’ RADIO & ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP 2702 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebraska —Henry W. Evans, Proprietor your husband to support your child. As long as you are married to your husband, discontinue any friendship you might have with another man It will only complicate your own af fairs and might interfere with yon getting support from your husbantf S.. L.. T.;—I read your problems constantly and know that everyone who reads them benefits to some extent. I am bringing my problem to you’hoping that you can guide me in the right way. I am madly in love with a man- Recently 1 found out that he goes with a mar ried woman and he seems to care more for her than he does for me. But still he says he loves me- What shall I do? Must I seek compan ionship elsewhere? Ans: If he has fallen for the wiles of a married woman, then his isn’t the proper friendship for you to cultivate- Tell him frankly that as long as he chooses the friend ship of a married woman, you will have to deny him the privilege of , seeing you. Until you know that he has made his decision cultivate new friendships yourself and let hin know that yo utoo, art populai, however, with the single fellows Your love is intense, but until he straightens himself out, and begiss living as he should, he is an unwise prospect for you * THE WEEK + .... (by H W Smith—HA-0800 The full employment bill was pass ed by the U- S Senate on Friday, evening, September 28th—the object of the bill was to offset any depres sion ». Coal mine owners in Pennsylvan ia and West Virginia refuse to ac cept the parley of John L Lewis, President of the United Mine Work; ers—they refused to recognied the foremen as members o fthe union. 40,000 white collar workers end* ,ed a three week’s strike at the West l inghouse Electric Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pa . Monday Oct 1st » . Anthony Cramer was sentences: to six years in prison for trading with the enemy by Judge Barks dale is New York on Sept 28th Judge Leopold Rovina will sit in on the treason trial court in the Philippines Islands in Manila, P I the first week in October Omaha had winter weather Sept. 27-28-29 with heavy frost the night of the 28th Urban League credit union board of directors held a very interesting meeting Friday evening Sept- 28th Real The Omaha Guide for all the News of the race! A full report o£ the Elliott Roosc velt bad debt was filed with the Ways and Means Committee of the U S( Senate’Monday, October 1 .. i —'- . — - ■ — —. - - 1 QUIRE EDGEGATE -»He Sees Trouble Ahead in This Match BY LOUIS R1CHAB \hEll 5<?jiRE-IVt --- /V\P,Of_ OP Aiy m/A/D ft [ty.L fflfrrtT CJ-E7 mC.D | rp^yiRD” / >vA)a<t you -TO Q*(//c. w T/£ TU'VWT ToO^ijjy^ &J)L. \P)ND THRU I Dollars I t)7J.0t> *£> I Qhd ''*■*- PUT OH ThE-^ I Cr -■^sszrfToUCH /a>' [To you ✓ „ . ...... 3<?ui r?c~My F/amcc 54il> Tri^-r you *}P& To S*V)P*y u$- / TLi*>T C*)*iE >h To tell you To A/*iit Ti-tF " / P/?os*iSc To 0 3Fy"T/}R'f OP 7Wt C6RE*no ny I'LL SfOT ^6«*cc lTo 0/3EV ^Hy n\»vy:^ -/>7T\ THAT- oh WELL. I'LL cur our that vaat of THE SCEha*'0 — 130 T /H SELT t>EFE*si I'LL. At>t> A O T /VI y Q»y^ ~Aa(o / MOW 'Pt?CHCO*CC. vou rv\e>n £)*tc> w/F£ I yOUAICr voi> /)5^£» TO l HUCKLEBERRY FINN \ CWVT SO FlSH\MG\ [ <*MAT OO ^bO/WEAH,) V<vTH 'YOU, FELLERS. ) V ALLORGlC? 7 VAA AU.ORG 1C To 7 Gouoeii ROD/—Y /7,1 vwt. Golden Poo Gives sue HAN FEVER.-. I’M THAT VYaY — \F V ToOCrt A bottle OF VINEGAR I BREAK OUT IN A PRE-SPlRATlON... The SkSRT of a mouse .MAKES me hungry MEREC/ fAENTlDN LOBSTER To me . \ AND I'M COVEREO SMITH The HIVES, j THE SVSHT OF A CHICKEN COOP / BRINGS OH MV ASTHMA IF I TASTE A STRAVtBERRy ) \ HAVE PALPITATION OF / The Heart •• _, \ Can eat spinach . I Too bad aroot . /TOO ? Poor oio floss'/. I 1 v«th au them AtHT »T, P\P > AUB'S To REEP ( fROM GOINS lb T\. SCHOOL? »#############^ rs^ A convict escaped from the Col orado prison at Canon City Sunday eevning Sept- 30th, when the lights went out during a raging snow storm • Ira Moser president of the Nat ional Association of Manufacturers says if the Labor Conference is de layed until November the country will be collapsing with strikes Are you a member of the NAA CP? + THE WAITERS’ COLUMN (by H W Smith—HA-0800) The W aiters Club invites every one to spend a quiet evening and al so extends a welcome to all Mr Branch of the White Horse Inn is very much improved Mr oe Alls entertained some of his friends in a Northside business house and thi writer was one of the party • ' Mr abby Watson doing the hon ors at the Highland Club at the Hill Hotel these, days! Mr Craig, Mr Fisher on a 24th bound street car Sunday morning very early, Sept. 29th Musician headwaiter and his crew very much out in front on five serv ice at all times Johnnie Malloy very busy work ing out the pool on the world Series Waiters at the Omaha club with Capt- Earl Jones and the quick-step service are always on the job! Mr Reed of the Fontenellel hotel an actife member of Clair Chapel Mr M Deavereaux made a short call at the office to bring in some Church news! Read The Greater Omaha Guide! -- Washer Repair ALL MAKES Guaranteed Service. Genuine Parts. 48-Hour Service on Thor and Maytag. At'THOR I ZED SERVICE ALL MAKES ELECTRIC SERVICE 4038 Hamilton WA. 4668 L_ _ . m I- I . ii There’s a Thrill In Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME DETECTION I have taught thousand* of men and woman this exciting, profitable, pleasant profession. Let me teach yon. too, m poor own home. Prepare yourself in your leisure time to fill a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very short time and nt very email east. What others have don* you too, can 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S. This fascinating work is easy to learn and the traimne b inexpensive. Yon. too, eaa fit yourself to fill s responsible crime detection lot with good pay and steady employment. But don’t delay —get the details now. Let me snow you how easily and Completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, m your own borne. Yon may pay af yon learn. Write today for free Crime Book. FREE! “THE BLUE BOOK OF CRIME** **’» • thriller Tell* sheet seme ef the meet interesting crimes •eer perpetrated and how they were solved throngs the very methods taught hy I.AA Send now — he sure to state age INSTITUTE or APPLIED SCIENCE *•**■ OH tWO Cfcic.,. 40. IUU.M WANT MORE MONEY? I We'll show you HOW to get it eas- j ily. in your spare or full time! NO more bossesm NO depression wor- I ries Our sure-fire plans tell you ! HOW to start your own paying business NOW for post-war secur- ) ity Send for our NEW “3-WAV i OPPORTUNITY” Offer today: it's FH EE. RAYCO SPECIALITIES 350-B Blair Ave. Newport News. Yn BREEZY By T. MELVIN HI, CHET/ HOW CQ1AE THel BKEEZYOL' £OY, YOU'RE ) >LOOK|N6rATA 6VY WHO HA6 BEEN MAPE /V) -7MEMBER Of THE V vanity eootballC §§*=7 - FACT COACH <SAY91 'Ml A NATURAL ^TAR/>«^ tpjr^wvvEuuj always WM,AID YOU'D MAKE ~4 JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPLET CeARCHIN&FOR. HELENA BAtOEP-. JIMc SPARKY FIND AN AMFRI6AN ^CV^jc R WHO HAS E5EEN MELDR3SOM BiZ BYTt^ JIPPDN' C^wriMtHfAL PCAtpft^S r4'pour time youGuyE> 13 GOT HERE/WHATTHE ■* NEWG> FROM OLE L.A?OH-HTU| [EMy FELLOW/YOU'VI HAPA ROUGH TIME./ yEAH.OL' LOA AN6ELE£/i—, J'EVER HEAROB IT, BAILOR? ~T/loo K/po you\Zl / THINK YOU'LL gE OKAY? / WE'RE 5EARCHINOFCR 1 TOHRU.WE THINK HE'^ ^KIPMPPEP A YOUNO^ L <3— 9 m oladvou happened alonuI rCORFORAB/WE were wonder no M I HOW WB'POBT TH/S PATIENT TO M I THE AIRBAEB EHB MUST BBFLOWAM \ TO WE NEAREST EQUIPPED HOSP/7AP V PLEASE MAH&AU THE SPEED r^J \C7--^^aPCSS IBLB K A . /ZK 1/ ”3-~Ov~ Vv ^ V M«NWH/LE' JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON VL LOUDMEU Of Gi./)£-EY£'$. \ VOICE, W/tff THE ABOUMEHT l \ WITH MULE, 7)/STUBBED THE \ \ TEH AMT UV THE fU/TE HEAT \ \ DOUB 1 WHAT't 7HAT- 7H£ > IgSff PHONE AT 7H/$ HOOP / I InfiL IN THE MOPN/N6 ? ) ■■ g'SY- 7HftW 7VK /i 7H£ MYZPi. ,, WMtThoTSl MAHA6£G-\ V/ DO TZAtAMT* A/£Xr _ YOU TO YOU A2£ ASOun MO/>£ too* iu/r£ -'A /can you /MAO/NE 7HCHE } ( UCUN& ? THAT 6CY AND Hft \ l CH/CN Ape ALWAYS FYTIN/N6 ) \ A BOOO/E N006/E— HON J 7 CAN THEY COM Pi A/N ?/'it, \ /f/nd opt and aoon/J "Next Door” by ted shearer 11 “Oh-cr—she’s a spy the company Commander had us looking out for—” I - TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN c—■ . ■ 1 „.ug: * i “Why it’s..It’s S—T—I—N—K—Y!J”