The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 08, 1945, Page 6, Image 6

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    The Greater Omaha Guide s j
1 —-^Jy^nnlj_^te
Company Dinners
Easy to Prepare
Even on Slim Budget
Green beans take oil extra appeal
when prepared with shrimp and a
curry sauce. They make a colorful
as well as point-free dish for dinner
Company dinners on a slim budg
et? Yes, indeed, they’re possible
even in these times. Your company
will get poetical about economical
dinners if they’re well cooked and
attractively served.
You can make meat go a long
way but still have lots of flavor if
you turn out a
dish of rice and
meat balls,
dressed in its
best with cucum
ber lily garnishes
and a nest of
parsley. Or, try a
completely point
free meal in the
Green Bean and
onrirnp uurry.
Desserts do not lack for appeal.
Fresh fruits, now in plenty, can
make a beautiful platter all by !
themselves; and then, there’s a va- j
riety of desserts that can be
whipped up with sugar substitutes.
Company Dinner Menu I.
Chilled Orange Juice
•Green Bean and Shrimp Curry
Molded Fruit Salad
Iced Tea Hot Rolls Relishes
Lemon Chiffon Pie
•Green Bean and Shrimp Curry.
(Serves 5 to 6)
2 cups cooked string beans
2 tablespoons bacon drippings
2 small onions, chopped
} 2 tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
1 cup water
I cup cooked shrimp, cleaned
Drain cooked beans, reserving
liquid. Melt drippings in saucepan,
add onion and cook slowly until
browned. Remove from heat, add
flour and stir until well blended.
Add curry powder, salt and pepper.
Add bean liquid and water. Cook
until slightly thickened, stirring con
stantly. Add beans and mix well.
Cook for 3 minutes, add shrimp and
serve with hot, fluffy rice.
Company Dinner Menu II.
Hot Vegetable Broth Crackers
•Chili Meat Balls Mashed Potatoes
Green Peas and Celery
Cucumber-Lettuce Salad Rolls
•Mint Grapefruit Ice
•Chili Balls.
(Serves 12)
I pound ground beef
1 pound lean pork, ground
I beaten egg
cup milk
I % cup uncooked rice
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoons salt
2Vi caps cooked tomatoes
2% cups water
2 tablespoons chopped onion
I teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon chili powder
Mix meats; add egg, milk, rice, 1
teaspoon chili powder and salt.
Form into small =
1V4 - inch balls; =
brown in hot fat. ||
Combine toma- g
toes, water, on- e
Ion and remain- 1=
ing seasonings. =;
Bring to a boiling
point and drop in =
chili balls, cover; cook slowly 1*2
hours. Chili powder may be omit
ted if desired.
*Mint Grapefruit lee.
(Serves 4 to 6)
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatine
214 cups grapefruit juice, canned
or fresh
*4 cup water
% cup sugar
Peppermint flavoring
Green coloring
Soften gelatine in V* cup grape
fruit juice; combine water and sug
ar; stir over low heat until sugar
dissolves. Add softened gelatine;
stir until dissolved. Combine with
grapefruit juice and add a few
drops of peppermint flavoring and
green coloring to make a delicate
green. Pour into freezing tray and
freeze until firm. Pile into grape
fruit shells or tall glasses.
Lynn Says
S-T-RE-T-C-H the Meat: With
civilians getting only about one
half the meat of former years,
economy in its use is the watch
word. Do it this way:
Serve meat in stews but extend
it with noodles, dumplings and
Extend ground meats with cere
als such as oatmeal, cornmeal,
bread and cracker crumbs.
Stuff cuts like heart, breast,
etc., with your favorite dressing.
Use the soup bones, shanks,
knuckles, and other inexpensive,
bony cuts for rich-flavored soups.
Combine leftover meats, ground,
with potatoes and other vegeta
bles for hash.
Company Dinner Menu III.
♦Poached Lake Trout
Slivered Carrots with
Boiled New Potatoes
Broiled Tomatoes
Biscuits with Honey and Butter
Olives Radishes Pickles
♦Regal Pudding
•Poached Lake Trout.
(Serves 6)
1 51-pound lake trout
54 cup milk
54 cup water
4 slices lemon
54 teaspoon allspice
54 teaspoon salt
1 sprig parsley
2 cups medium white sauce
Juice of 54 lemon
2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
Place cleaned fish in skillet or
long pan; add combined milk, wa
| ter, lemon slices,
j spice, salt and
! parsley. Cover
and cook for 20
minutes. Careful
ly remove to plat
ter. Combine
white sauce, lem
on juice and hard
cooked eggs; pcur over fish and
serve at once.
V: •••***• • .aui• "f-nfiirmfi *vuvu
Cool as a sherbet is this grape
fruit mint ice served prettily in
grapefruit shells—a perfect ending
to a warm evening dinner.
•Regal Pudding.
(Serves 6)
14 cup honey or corn syrup
2 tablespoons flour
% teaspoon salt
1 beaten egg
2 cups milk, scalded
% teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine syrup or honey, flour,
salt, egg yolks and whole egg. Add
small amount of milk; blend and
stir into remaining milk. Cook in
double boiler, stirring constantly.
Cool, add vanilla extract. Pour into
sherbet glasses and chill. Top with
the following:
Beat 2 egg whites until stiff; fold
in 2 tbsp. light corn syrup, beating
constantly. Slowly add 1 1-ounce
square melted' unsweetened choco
late, Vi teaspoon vanilla extract and
ts teaspoon salt. Chill.
Cold Sliced Meat in Aspic.
(Serves 8)
1 envelope plain, unflavored gelatine
14 cup cold water
1H cups consomme, highly seasoned
Vi cup cooked peas
1 cooked beet, sliced
1 hard-cooked egg, sliced
Slices of ham
Slices of chicken or veal
Soften gelatine in cold water and
dissolve in hot consomme. Pour a
thin layer into a mold that has been
rinsed in cold water. When it stiff
ens, arrange on it decorations of
the peas, beet, and egg. Cover with
a little more of the gelatine mixture
which has been allowed to stiffen
slightly. Dip other pieces of the
decorations in the aspic and set
them against the chilled sides of the
mold. When these have stiffened,
fill mold alternately with slices of
the ham, chicken, and thickening as
pic. When firm, unmold on a bed of
lettuce leaves. Garnish with radish
roses. Slice for serving.
Released by Western Newspaper Union.
Vitamin-Enriched Pork
While pork is recognized as one
of the richest sources of thi
amin among the natural and univer
sally consumed foods, experiments
at Washington State college showed
that they could make this good
source even better by artificially
enriching the pork and by feeding
the hog with vitamin enriched
| Tinni-innnnr=innnnr=^=innn
King Yuen Cafe
SOIO14 N. S4th St. JAckKon S570
Open from 2 p m until 3 a m.
□F==£][^=]r —ir==3c=
• Feeling like you lost your best friend -
headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow
els? Why put up with constipation misery?
Chew modern FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant
tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN
A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in
accordance with package directions. Ne<t
morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you
feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A
MINT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes
good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family
hinr.1v ItSHi HUBS! 1 t\A
for Packing Peaches
*-54c per Hour—
Employment Office I
12tli & Jackson St. I
The Fairmont
Creamery Co. 1
I Buy your Poultry at thof
I Nebraska Poultry I
U 2204 North 24th Street
1 Ciet the Best In Quality at the %
m Nebraska Produce—Lowest Priced
2 t
1 —«rs* * 0 & i*
We'll show you HOW to get it eas
ily. in your spare or full time! NO
more bossesm NO depression wor
ries Our sure-fire plans tell you
HOW to start your own paying
business NOW for post-r* ar secur
ity Send for our NEW. “3-WAV
OPPORTUNITY” Offer today; it's
310-B Blair Are. Newport News. Y?i
First Aid to Summer Meals
Serve piping hot, in its
own casserole dish
• Cooking with corn meal is an old
American custom and out of early
American kitchens have come some
I of the most delicious recipes. They
| have stood the test of time and
taste for hundreds of years. This
Spoon Bread of real Southern char
acter and flavor is an old-fashiorfed
favorite and adds a delightful vari
ety to everyday eating. Soft, creamy
and fluffy, with a golden brown
crust, it makes the ideal hot food
that should be served with lighter
summer meals. With a salad, fruit
or berries and crisp homemade
cookies, it makes an easy, satisfy
ing, nutritious luncheon or supper.
Use Spry for a simple, sure way
to get light, tender Spoon Bread.
It’s the flavor-saver shortening that
lets all the nutty goodness of the
corn meal come through. Clip this
recipe now — you’ll want to use it
over and over again.
Virginia Spoon Bread
4 cups milk 1 cup corn meal
3 tablespoon* (preferably
Spry whole ground)
2 teaspoons salt 2 eggs
Scald 2 cups milk in large
saucepan. Add Spry and
salt. Add corn meal graciu
ally, stirring constantly,
and continue stirring and
cooking over low heat until
mixture is very thick and
smooth (about 2 or 3 min
utes). Remove from heat.
Beat eggs until very light,
add remaining 2 cups milk
and blend. Stir into corn
meal mixture gradually.
Beat with rotary beater un
til smooth (about 1 minute).
Bake in Sprycoated cas
serole in moderate oven
(350°F.) 30 to 40 minutes, or
until golden brown on top.
Serve immediately. Serves
6 to 8.
If preferred, bake in 10 x
10 x 2-;nch Sprycoated pan
in moderate oven (350°F.)
50 to 60 minutes.
Quality Material and Guaranteed
Quality Work”
2407 Lake Street.
Service with A Smile—
★ We Carry A Full Line of High Grade
Andersen’s Hilltop Grocery
1517 NORTH 30th ST. JAckson 9718
New York—That some day, not j
far distant, the common housefly
and the mosquito will be as extinct
as the dinosaur and so will the dis
'rHttemtuMmktwsmttuaaz . ^y *•'
"Jim Can't Use up All the l
Hot Water in Our All ^
Electric Home of Tomorrow"
---———— m
can bring you aW these marvels
of modern living
j eases these insects now carry, is
, the bright expectation of these two
, men. Dr. Paul Muller (left) and Dr
Paul Lauger. They have reason for
! their expectations for they are the
! men who gave DDT, the miracle in
j secticide, to the U. S. Army and
worldwide public health. Inter
viewed at the Hotel Pennsylvania
last week, the scientists asserted
that with proper control, flies, mos
quitos and other harmful insects
can be eliminated entirely from the
| United States. They warned, it is
I a job for entomologists.
1 - --
By Lillian B. Storms
You are proud of your baby’s in
dividuality. He develops different
ly from other babies. His rate of
growth is partly a matter of
heredity, his activity and the time
when the various stages of devel
opment occur are -individual mat
ters. i
In the same way and for some
of the same reasons the kind of
food and the amounts he needs are
not necessarily the same as for
other babies of the same age. You
can be as proud of Mfe individual
ity in the food he eats as in the
growth he makes, providing he is
receiving the food he should have.
He will not be average in many
ways and still he will be a perfect
ly normal baby.
He will also be an individual in
the way he learns to eat the new
foods which are introduced during
the first year or two of his life.
His first method for acquiring
food is by sucking. At first, the
orange juice may be diluted with
boiled and cooled water and given ;
from a srpall bottle. The cod liver
oil, abouU one-half teaspoonful at
first, is usually given fro* a spoon.
Later the orange juice may be
given from a spoon, to help to
teach another method of securing
food than from a bottla
Conversation Print
Tlfl'EN, women and dogs drawn by |
i»JL cartoonist Thurber make an !
amusing and very effective pattern
on this print dress. In line with the
cartoon motif, the design is printed i
in sharp India-ink colors on white
rayon. The dress is washable and
bears a label telling you about severe !
laboratory wear tests the rayon fab
ric has successfully passed. Labels ■
are vour best guides to buying.
* *
MWyMMlIl flJIII U II J ill i i
|g Yf f/4y f y/Ag /■ I 7 j/177;i
I Isn’t it worth just a few moments of 1
your time at bedtime, if your surface 4
skin is discouragingly dark-tanned, J
coarse, blotchy, unnatural looking, to /
see how Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin A
Whitener may make it lighter, bright- m
er, smoother and softer ... soon? Do as J
thousands have done ... at once make I
this wonderful 7 Days' trial that won’t m
cost you one penny if results do not |
delight you?
You needn’t wait. Dr. Fred Palmer’s
Skin W’hitener is featured by your
druggist. You can get it easily and
quickly. Remember, thousands use Dr.
Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener to
keep their skin lighter, smoother, more
alluring. It also loosens up black
[ heads for easier removal. And here's
i all you need do. Get the 25c box of Dr.
r Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener today.
L Test 7 days as directed. If not happy
I and satisfied, return box for your
r Money Back.
I Box 264, Atlanta, Ga.
k You can depend on Dr.
I Fred Palmer’s Skin
r Delight Soap and
l Vanishing Cream.
L ty’s sake. 25c each. ^vS
rr>PAy! _j
| For Sun-Tanning I
YOU can’t have too many bare
back dresses this season! This
one, in spun rayon, features a_ halter
neckline and unusual trimming of
double rows of white stitching. An
informative label on this rayon out
fit tells you the fabric has been
laboratory tested for washing and
dependable service throughout _ all
the sunny days. Can YOU tell if a
good-looking sports outfit is also
serviceable? Helpful buying tips are
given in a new, free leaflet, “How
to Buy Rayon Sports Clothes.” Send
a stamped, self-addresed envelope to
the Women’s Department of this
^ewsDaoer for vour free cooy.
PLANES—Soundphoto —Lt. Col. De
witt W. Hanmore of Jersey Cityj N.
J.. disclosed the untold story of pi- |
lotless American suicide planes;
loaded with explosives and crashed
Compliments from
2033 Farnam Street
by remote control into their tar
gets. He was observer on first
raid of this USA. A. F.’s secret wea
pon, employed before the aps start
ed Kamikaze tricks. Hanmore non(
stationed at Buckley Field, revealed
8th Air Force used flying fortresses
without crew to wreck Helgoland In
first attack in September. 1943.
New & Used Furniture
Complete Line—Paint Hardware
We Buy, Sell and Trade
2311-13 North 24th— 34th & Lake
—WEbster 2224—
"Everything For The Home"
Tortured man gets help!
Lemon Juice
Mixed at Home
says Suffererl
*'I have used ALLENRU for several
months. I could hardly walk on account
of my knees. But now those pains are
relieved. I can go like a race horse
j now," Mort Shepard of Ohio.
Don't be a victim of the pains and
aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago
or neuritis without trying this simple,
inexpensive recipe you can mix at
home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU,
plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of
water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en
tirely satisfied with it — or money back.
854*. Drug stores. • «*
Acid indigestion
Relieved in 5 minutes or —
double your money back
When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat
ing gas. gour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually
prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for
symptomatic relief—medicines like those In Bell-ana
Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort In a
jiffy or double your money bark on return of bottlo
to us. 25c at all druggists.
"headache |
I Bid
little THrne |
HBPT *—- \ a
ALL SET for a good full day’s
work when a nagging head
ache sneaks up on you. You suffer
and so does your work. *
*' Ready for an evening of relax
ation and enjoyment — a pesky
headache interferes with your fun,
rest, enjoyment or relaxation.
Anti-Pain Pills
usually relieve not only Head
ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus
cular Pains and Functional
Monthly Pains.
Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain
Pills? If not why not? You can
get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at
your drug store in the regular
package for only a penny apiece
and in the economy package even
cheaper. Why not get a package
today? Your druggist has them.
Read directions and use only as
directed. Your money back if you
are sot satisfied. .
^ *
Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises j
caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for ,
proof of the good results our simple home treatment j
has accomplished for a great many people. Many past
70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing
♦o wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer.
No obligations!
’ THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 • Davenport,
l. _ _ _ • ,
! 17 Satisfied Customers
You fire Next
17 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition.
Let us build that new home for you. We use
only skilled workmen and the very best of ma
terial at pre-war prices, with three government
Realty Improvement
Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620
Omaha, Nebraska