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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1945)
Pearl Harbor Avenged-Power Wins m FATEFUL DECEMBER 7, 1941 From the ashes of the treacherous attack on Pearl Harbor arose the great battle fleets, the mightiest naval power in the world. completely swept Jap fleet from the seas. (Soundphoto) TURNING POINT Spectacular photographic record of the Battle of Midway in which the U. S. fleet struck a crippling blow at the Japan ese fleet. Picture shows unsuccessful Jap torpedo plane at tack on U. S. Aircraft Carrier. AMERICAN INDUSTRY poured endless supplies to the Pacific. Trucktractor shown here, powered by fa mous Continental Red Seal engine, speeded movement of equipment on the invasion beaches. After war. same modern equipment will go to work to rebuild the world. ★ REVEALED The powerful Cycloron (atom smashing) machine used by American scientist! in development of our great est weapon, the atomic bomb. (Soundphoto) ★ MERCILESS POUNDING OF JAPAN by intrepid carrier planes (shown here), as well as by fleets of mighty super-forts and naval bombardment, was greatest concentration of air and f--.< power jn the world. MIRACULOUS AMERICAN POWER transformed Marine-won jungles and captured Japanese islands into efficient air bases in breath-taking time. Con tinental, who built engine far machine shown here, is ready *. ly'eace-tiir.e power for farms and industry; air, land and i - frr.nspdotation. PRESIDENT TRUMAN REPORTS TO U. S. "Washington, D. C.—Soundphoto— Photo shows President Truman as he addressed a nation wide audience last week. . o_ Parkyarkus makes a bad slip— into the clutches of a matrimonial agency on the Sunday, August 26, “Meet Me At Parky’s” show. The fun begins at 10:30 p. m. Eastern War Time, over NBC! Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium ot Advertising SEW A SUIT FOR SPRING—WITH NEW - STREAMLINED METHODS Make the most of spring by sewing yourself a new suit. This year, there are fabrics and colors to please every taste. If you favor an all around style, you can’t go wrong on a cardigan suit, one that ean be worn with a tailored blouse or frilly dickey. An easy-to-sew suit is this cardigan jacket and slim skirt of green rayon. Patterns with a printed cutting line, and simplified methods of fitting and assembling make it nossible for even a beginner to sew with success. A sewing leaflet, “Quick Tricks For a Smoothly Tailored Suit” and the new Red Cross Sewing Leaflet may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, asking foi Leaflet No. M 5941. _ MADE ATOMIC BOMB son, special consultant to the Secre Washington, D. C.—Soundphoto— tary of War, Major General Leslie I President Harry S. Truman conferred Groves, who has been in charge of with the men who made the “atomic the “atomic bomb” production, Dr. 1 bomb” shortly after the U. S. Air James Conant, of Harvard Univer Fotpe, struck its second blow with sity, Dr. Vannevar Bush, scientist in the world’s deadliest weapon against charge of the basic research of the the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Photo bomb. shows left to right: GeorgeL. Harri f THERE’S AN OLD FASHIONED TOOCH TO NEW SPRING FASHIONS f I There is a blend of the old and new In this spring’s styles. Typical of ( the trend are quaint Victorian designs of flowers, bows and cupids, as seen in this black-on-yellow jersey print by Cohama. The dress itself is sophisticated, with a slim silhouette, graceful peplum, little cap sleeves and covered cut-out neck. Sew this costume now for early spring wear under your coat, and it will be wonderfully cool and charm ing all summer. Other new and favorite styles are described in a fashion leaflet, “Now It Can Be Told: The First Spring Fashion Story”, which you may have by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to C:- Needlework Department of this paper, asking for Leaflet No. V 5356. COMFORTABLE KNITTED SWEATO ' FOR VACATION WEAR . Vacation time calls for clothes with free and easy comfort. For all sorts of sports and recreation you will practically live in a casual sweater such as this. It requires very little knitting skill, and is espe cially carefree in a red, white and blue stripe. You can wear it with shorts or slacks, tucking it inside or wearing it outside, basque style. Direction sheet for knitting this “Basque Sweater” may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to tho Needlework Department of this paper, specifying design No. 448. MAKE A BATHING SUIT FOR SUMMER RECREATION Summer wouldn’t be complete without a generous amount of swimming tnd sunbathing. If a colorful bathing suit is what you have always vanted, here it is for the making. The slenderizing pattern has a pleat n center front and back, with separate trunks under the skirt. It is un to make and will fit smoothly because of its printed cutting line. \ sewing leaflet on “Flatter Your Figure With The Right Sports Slothes” may be obtained by sending a stamped, eelf-addressed en velope to the Needlework Department of this paper, specifying de ion No. 4648. Stop Folks Talking About Your ’ GRAY HAIR Yes—people will talk about your gray, drab hair—about how much older you look—how much prettier you used to be. Don’t let gray hair rob you of the pleasures of youthful looks and popularity. Put rich, nat ural looking, beautiful color into your hair with Larieuse. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural-looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Gode froy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW . . . Acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat— permits permanents and stylish hairdos .. . Known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. y BEAUTIFULLY COLORED NATURAL l LOOKING \ HAIR I For Best Results, SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Before Applying Larieuse Hair Coloring, ■ caution: If your dealer doetn't have Larieute fr (LARRY V USE) tend ’ 41-25 direct to . . . Godefroy Mfg. Co. 3510 Olive St. St. Louis, (3) Mog SCENE OF SECOND the hills in the background. The town ATOM BOMB ATTACK munique from Gen. Carl A. Spaatz, Nagasaki, Japan — Soundphoto— was hit at noon, August 9th. Com Here is a view in Harbor of Nagasaki, Commander of the U. S. Strategic Air Scene of the second devastating atom Forces, said that “Crew members re bomb attack of American fliers. The ported good results.” Before being hit harbor is cluttered with Ashing boats, by the dread bomb the city was an part of the city of 253,000 population important port and ship building cen can be seen along the shore and on ter. 17 Satisfied ICustomers You fire Next fl7 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition. I Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement | COMPANY I 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 Omaha, Nebraska * Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises | caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for proof of the good results our simple home treatment j has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! ( ' THE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 • Davenport, Iowa J JNew & Used furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" Men Wanted! for General Warehouse Work We are essential Industry Omaha Paper Stock Co. JA-0159 18th & Marcy Here are 7 reasons why thousands prefer Innerclean Herbal Laxative, j 1. Contains only Natural Herbs. I 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Effect. ! 3. No Unpleasant After-effects. 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. I 5. No Fuss, No Brewing. No Bother, i 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your Individual Needs. i 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the Family for Months. | Caution: Us© only as directed. i At all druggists. Or write for FREE GENEROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean Co., 846 E. Sixth St.. Los Angeles 21. California. wUMsow Nurtured Pine Locomotive firemen are credited with the survival of the famous lone pine tree growing in a large gran ite boulder adjacent to the Lincoln highway between Cheyenne and Laramie, Wyo. When the tree was very young, the original roadbed of the Union Pacific was where the highway is today, and as loco motives puffed by, firemen drenched j the tree with water. King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 201014 IV. 211h St. JAeklon 8570 Open from 2 p. m. until 3am AMERICAN A CHINESE DISHES HI—. II- 11--- n-ir= DRINKING IT CAN BE DOrlE Thousands hits learned from me how I broke the whiskey spell. If alco hol is rotting your Home, Health and Happiness, let me tell you thu way to end the curse of Drink. Get the answer to vour problem, write NEWTON, Dept. CPi, ?- O. Ho * 861. Hollywood California WHEN Functional Nervous Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability, Restlessness or Nervous Headache interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take 1 Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner vous Tension can cause Nervous Headache and Nervous Indiges tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and to wish for a good sedative. Dr. Miles Nervine is a good sedative —mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. Miles Nervine you can’t know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON’T YOU TRY IT ? •Get it at your drug store, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc tions and use only as directed. '9 Vegetables for Army During the last two years, the amount of fresh vegetables required for the armed forces has been about 10 per cent of production