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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1945)
Chatter-Box "A Youthful Col umn” b-p Doris Ann McGill Greetings, friends, let's gossip again ... 1 see Ruth Booker has a new ad mirer; why not give him a break? Boom. So James Moss is now work ing at the Rock—rocking those trays left an dright. Hay James. FLASH FLASH—Since last week we had 3 days to rest up one. Will let you know just what happened. Wednesday most of the spooks went to the park. Thursday Choc. Ave. was crowded with teen agers and uppers —every one seemed to be having a grand time including myself] Ha, ha. Friday, everything was opened and the ojints jumped—the teen age can teen was strictly fine. Last Friday. Wesley Taylor is back or shall I . say Pvt. Wesley Taylor and he is only looking fine in his army uniform —hay Sam. Bubble Jones is jinxed up a few frantic house parties lately. Why not let the gang come and let’s jinx up right. Skipper, your eyes were very star ry Sunday. John Phifer we are very sorry that you are leaving for the army and the war is over. The Seven Upers wall play at FAL STAFF PARK Sunday at 6:30. Come one, come all, let’s have a fine time yelling for the 7 Uppers. A little chatter from the crowd might win the game. Watch out for No. 12. Mary Carter is back from a very ^ fine vacation from Chicago. She said j she wishes we all could have been there with her. Compliments, Johnnie Mae Burton was complimented Sunday for wear ing her lovely blue dress with dark blue accessories. Good deal, Bean Row. Clyde Frampton will be home soon. We’ll be lookin’ for you soon, Deacon. Hey, Kids. I was kicked out of a 24th St. chicken shack and the guy socked me in the eye while I was on the ground—that’s why I shut up and joined the U. S. O. Saturday night. Who am I? Three guesses. Late But Straight Diggin, who was caught diggin’ in the back yard last week and said she was only getting exercise—hey, Nita. Bates has another job working 9 hours per day. Good deal, Bates. Imogean Perry is now wearing a fine hairdo. Everyone take note. It’s very becoming, Imogene. Sund. Who was the certain young lad who was listening to the preacher as he preached on Tomorrow’s World and later took his advice. Hey, Von. Congratulations to Renovia Wash ington and Lawrence Sales. They were married Monday and are one j happy couple. What certain something does Rol and West have that makes the girls fall for his line. I'm wondering. Wonder Why? Wonder where Mary Curren has been keeping herself. The war is over. Mary, come out whereever you are! Spotted. Who was spotted in a long black convertible calling Chatter Box and was only looking fine. Hey, Jean. Girls! Stop “street smoking!” The jink dime dance will be at Janitta Hanger's tonight. Come one, come ail. Let s have a ball. (Tuesday) Ask Della, Pinky, Billy and Non. They’ll tell you. This jive is strictly in the groove— watch for date for swimming at the canteen. Bing! The picnic Sunday at Carter Lake turned out to be great. Every one looked great. Lawrence J. won SL J. M. B. received a letter from Pvt. F. Cottrell. Tell everyone hello. I shall be home soon. We hope. I heard!! Lorraine Jackson went to Des Moines. She only has a fine time. Wonder where she’s keeping herself? Cheers!!! Three cheers for the 7 Up for making a doubleheader last week. Who! Who! Who is the certain girl that sits in the Little Diner and admires a certain stub? Couples of the Week Bernard Butler vs. Patsy Davis. Our charming young lad got to third base. Wonder why he didn’t get in home? What’s wrong. Bus? Who was caught coming down Blondo Tuesday night? Could it have been by any chance Roy Marshall, Roland West, Dadeo (H. B.) We all know that Bates is Mr. In Between but why is he taking up so much time with J. M. B.? Who took E. J. home Monday nite? What is B. C. doing for himself since he joined the navy? I know, don’t I, Billie. I wonder if Margaret Faison and Arnold Biddix are still on the Ball? Mop! Mop! Who were the certain cats who called D. A. M. up and said they were from L. A.? CoVild they have by any chance be from pig town? What is between our friend Dorcas and a certain stub in pig town? Will she keep him? I hear certain girls would like to get a try at him. Guess who? Madeline Wilks is back looking fine. She only had a great time. Mary Ellis’ cousin is in town look ing great. Her name is Delores. I see hive caught her a cat already. At last!* Paul is gone. He left Wednesday with a willing mind and a hard heart. Who did I see Sunday? Could it have been Amelia Orduna? She was looking great. Betty Williams is a happy soul since Paul has been back. He was looking great, Betty. Crash! Crash! Who were the certain four stand ing in J. M. B.’s yard about 1:00 talking Monday night? Could it have been D. A. M„ F. L. B., J. M. B„ C. R. Why! Why! Are all the girls curious about last week s column? I know don’t I girls! Fitted Songs Tabby the Cat.Harry Lewis Mrfi 1 i mf if (im 1 , Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap is a special soap containing the same costly medication as 104 year proved Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment. Whip up the rich cleansing FOAMY MEDICATION with finger tips, wash cloth or brush and allow to remain on 3 minutes. Amazingly quick results come to many skins afflicted with pimples, blackheads, itching of eczema and rashes externally caused that need the scientific hygiene action of Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap. For your youth-dear, sG?t lovelin?#*. givS Jiour skin this luxurious 3 minute foamy medication-treatment. 25(*. Alj® use Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment 25? at toilet counters everywhere or from E. T. Browne Drug Company, Inc.^l27^Vater Street, New York 5, N. Y. The Way to Foot Comfort Health Spot Shoe Shop 1622 Harney St. Omaha, Nebraska SHOES for... Men, Women and Children Here’s the cartoonist Ellis Clark’s conception of Leon Claxton’s “Cu ban Rum Boogie” attraction on the Royal American Shows’ midway at 30th and Wirt Streets, in North Omaha. Rhumba and la Conga dancers imported especially from I Soothe Me.Doris Ann McGill The Grass is Getting Greener Every Day.Matsolonia Pruitt Stuffy .Robert Bates It’s the Ttlk of the Town. Clifford Robbins S. K. Grove.J. C. Eves S. K. Blues.Helen Carpenter Dreams .Ruth Booker Gotta Be This or That. Gladys Coleman Wrap It Up Put It Away... Mary Curren That’s the Stuff You Got to Watch .Johnnie Mae Burton Star Dust.Don Richard Trimble Body and Soul.Risky Salty Popa.Billy Cunningham Blow Top Blues.Betty Stewart Honey Dripper.Hattie Jean W. I WaatSo Talk About You. Glamouretts It’s Only a Paper Moon. Cozy Ubanks Happiness is a Thing Called Joe Caldonia .Willia Davis Embraceable You.Mary Cater Somebody Done Changed the Lock on My Door.Larue Caters Tippin In.Geraldine Graldam Remember .........Lenora Pierce Guess Who Age-16 Weight—112 Height—53 inches Hair—D. Brown Eyes—Black Nickname—J erry Actives—Basketball, baseball, ten nis. Pep 1 Pev—Hot man to come from the navy. Last week’s Guess Who was Dot tie.' Till then. Bye now. >->d __ TULSA NAACP GETS 2,065 Tulsa, Okla.—Amos T. Hall, presi dent of the local NAACP, announced that the annual membership cam paign had resulted in a total of 2,065 Cuba are the featured stars. Open ing Friday night, August 24, the huge midway will be in daily and nightly operation through Labor Day under auspices of Omaha Vet erans of Foreign Wars. WELL-OFF WOMAN TRIES TO STEAL FUR COAT FROM FIFTH AVENUE STORE New York (Calvin’s News Service) —Twenty-nine year old Mrs. Tippie i Maxwell, a well-off Negro woman parked her sleek black 1941 Lincoln convertible outside of Peck & Peck, famous 5th Avenue store and tried on a tweed suit, examined a dyed musk rat fur coat valued at $320. After a few minutes she explained that she had changed her mind and started out of the store. As she crossed the threshold, she was stopped by Miss Hattie Allsop, a detective for the Fifth Avenues Stores Protective Association, who found that Mrs. Maxwell had secreted in her underclothing the dyed muskrat fur coat. When detectives Sheehan and McCarthy were summoned, they booked Mrs. Maxwell on a charge of grand larceny and proposed that she walk with them a few blocks to the station. Mrs. Maxwell offered to give them a lift in her convertible which she claimed she bought with the money left to her by her mother who died a few years ago. Mrs. Maxwell said her husband is in the Army overseas and that she had never been arrested before. new members, exceeding the goal of 2,000 set by the campaign director. It is expected that several hundred more memberships will be secured in the clean-up effort. — 11,336 MEMBERS IN LOS ANGELES NAACP Los Angeles, Cal.—The member ship campaign of the local branch of the NAACP ended here last week with 11,335 new members secured and a total of $17,457.75, according to announcement of Thomas L. Grif fith, branch president. The new total exceeds the 1944 membership by 3,000. Women'in War 10416 WOMEN CAN DO WE/P PAPT5Y SAVING USED COOK/MG FAT. SALVAGED FAT SUBSTITUTES FOR INDUSTRIAL FATS AND OILS WE USED TO IMPORT From THE FAR EAST tTS WORTH CASH AND EXTRA RATION L__POINTS, TOO. The Danger of Over-Reaching By Ruth Taylor One of the most harmful effects of group thinking is its tendency to create over-reaching ambitions within the group itself. That is, the group may start with a good idea, a worth-while fight for a deserved right, but once this is attained, its members are not content. They have tasted the wine of the power of team-w'ork, and they over-reach themselves to go out after privileges. Then, in their search for power, they, too often, in tum trample on the rights of others. Again and again in history has this happened, from the Rule of the Ten in Rome in the year 367 B.C.-—and even before—up to the present time. There is nothing so intolerant as the intolerance of those who have fought their way to power. They have so concentrated on their own struggle that they have been prone to overlook the fact that other people have to live too. .^Jp^ojnow one of the great advantages of our republic has been that it | was never static long enough for any group to keep control too long. The country was too big, too varied in its resources, to be anything but fluid. Founded upon religious freedom, religious autocracy has never been allowed a foothold. Not erected upon a class structure, it has not divided into classes —for in each generation men have found their own level as individuals, not as a group or groups. The classic phrase is “three generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves.” Lately, however, there has been an increasing tendency to separate into groups, or clique**, governed by ideas. This trend is definitely dangerous— for any group which claims unique revelations or political preferment is a divisive influence aiming at physical, economic or mental domination over others. It is the breeder of dissension and intolerance among our people. When Americans put the interests of their own group before the in terests of America as a whole, they are setting up in our country the breeding grounds for disputes, the like of which have laid waste Europe for centuries. Whether those interests be special concessions for Industry or special privi leges for Labor; whether they be special consideration for any religious group or special favors for any minority, they still spell over-reaching. There is no group whose record is guiltless in this respect. Justice for all, equal in its application, should be our aim as Americans. Before we make a demand, we should figure out if we are asking for a favor or a right—and if we are willing that the same right or favor be granted to everyone. The primary fallacy in logic is arguing from the individual to the group. We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. But we can fulfill our destiny as a nation only as the individual citizens, acting not as groups, but as Americans, work for the good of all the people— for all America. — — — — — —_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . Evans9 Radio & Electric Repair Shop i 2702 Lake Street ► For Sale I IRONS, TOASTERS, WAFFLE GRIDDLES, | PERCULATORS AND MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES f —AT A REASONABLE PRICE— “All Re-Built Merchandise Guaranteed to Give Service We also Buy Lsed Electrical Merchandise of All Kinds EVANS’ RADIO & ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP 2702 LAKE ST. Omaha, Nebraska —Henry W. Evans, Proprietor . Royal American World’s Largest Midway Shows ... is in town at 30th & Wirt Street —PERFORMANCE EVERY NIGHT from August 24th to September 3rd Leon Claxton and His Beautiful Girls Will Be in Full Sway for Your Entertainment. DON’T MISS THE TREAT OF THE SEASON! Colored Girls to be Hired as Telephone Operators QQualified Negro girls will _be hired as switchboard operators by the Morristown, New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, it was an nounced this week by William T. Ruffin, Coordinator of the Morris town Service Council, a National Ur ban League cooperating agency. In informing the Council’s Em ployment Committee of the decision, Donal Boice, Business Manager of the Morristown telephone branch, stated: “For several years the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company has offered employment to qualified Negro girls in the clerical forces of the company’s organization in many sections of the State. The same opportunity is now being offered to Negro girls who are qualified for the work to become switchboard operators, as vacancies occur in the switchboard operating force.” Coordinator Ruffin disclosed that the Service Council’s Employment Committee has followed an active program on minority employment in tegration into Morristown industries since the Committee was formed sev eral onths ago. Arthur C. Gillette, well-known lawyer, is Chairman of the Committee, and Reverend Alex ander T. White of the Bethel A.M.E. Church is the Council’s President. LA GUARDIA ASKS COLOR LINE’ STUDY New Yorrk — Mayor Fiorella La Guardia announced Saturday that he had written to 10 prominent citizens including Larry McPhail, president of the New York Yankees, and Branch Rickey, piesuient of the Brooklyn Dodgers, askin gthem to serve as a committee to make a study of the “color line” in organized baseball.. He asked that they submit recom mendations to officials of the Na tional League and American League. Edw. J. Dugan, Attorney NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Fannie M. Owen, deceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a pet ition has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad ministration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 12th day of September. 1945. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said l2th day of Sept ember, 1945, at 9 o'clock A. M. to contest said, petition, the Court may grant the same and grant adminis tration of said estate to Johnny Owen or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. ALBERT E. MAY, Acting County Judge. 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS • rI • - WE. 0609 DUFFY pharmacy Attention! Feel Old? Gef Real Pep Lack Ambition to Go Placei 4 Do Thing"? JfPn, Uio Original 4 Ganuina Pep-O-Taba Vata^ GET RESULTS AT ONCE1 BE 4 REAL MANI ENJOY LIFE AGAIN! HELP NATURE! NEW PEPI ■ NEW FEELING! NEW| MANLY VIGOR! ScUntiftc I Prescription prescribed Dy doctors for men ■ I over 30 years of ago. Absolutely harmless. I Thousands of happy and satisfied customers ] I over past 25 years have told us and others | | how grateful tboy art about using Pep-O- i Tabs. Comet lo plain wrapper—200 Tablets. 30 days’ supply. $3.00—-or 4C0 Tablets, 60 | I days, supply, $5.00. Save $1.00. Money with j -TT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. CREATES NATURE .. for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER'S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St., Columbus, 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted. Classified Ads Get Resuits! Houses for Sale—2403 Florence Bird., 7 rooms, modern $3,750 terms; 2101 Locust, 9 rooms, 2 baths $5,000 including furniture, terms—Call Malier-Kelleher Insurance Agency, Real Estate, Rentals, Insurance, Notary Public— 2424 Bristol St., Omaha, Nebraska, JA-6261. Wanted Office Girl for steady position, call WE. 2769. NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Ot Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, I (Miss* ******** | FOR SALE—A SEVEN ROOM modern house, 2106 Maple at a bargain price. Only $3500.00. Down Payment $1000.00 cash. Balance like rent. Double garage in good condition. Call GL-2607 Evenings. WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A lady too help in resturant. 2513 N Street. Phone MA. MM. MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL WAREHOUSE WORK We Are An Essential Industry OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. Ja. 0159 18th and Marcy FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEb»ter 2022 LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St WE. U0S5 EMERSON LAUNDRY 2324 North 24th St. WE. 1029 -MW SUBSCRIBE TODAY! GOOD READING, the THE OMAHA GUIDE _T_ HA-0800 —TAILORING & ALTERATIONS— ATTENTION, LADIES! You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, and slacks designed to suit your personality by an experienced Lady’ Tailoress. We Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies general repair work done. We also special ize in Tailored shirts. Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... -2022 NORTH 24th STREET-' - .THREE O’CLOCK ... * AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS —how the time drag*! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over thing* done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed — try DR. MILES NERVINE * (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) DR. MILES NERVINE helps V ease Nervous Tension — to permit re freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky, Fidgety, Wakeful, take Dr. Miles Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Get Dr. Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent Tablets, Large Package 75#, Small Package 35#; Liquid, Large Bottle $1.00, Small Bottle 25#, both equally effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or •jour money back. Read directions and use only as directed. t LLX barber Shoo 2045 NORTH 24th STREET “This is the Home of Corn Fix”