SQUIRE EL)(iE(iATE —Henry Exercised Great Care in His Testimony BY LOUIS KfCHAltD / hbhky vou I 13E1-iE''E ^ou TESTIFIED this THAT VoU /*Of?HIHC> Bu» JS/^V KVJLH/HS X L**”7 r° FLQSH A PA20P "Pur you o<s» when that v TH' TH&HT Started ^ A G»A>AJ - be -1 lSE»TtO ___ fS<?u/PE Vo’Alls ^ TRyin r&iT me I CCfriruSED 5UH - AH P/PWtI c5av _^ I HUCKLEBERRY FINN JIM STEELE By MELVIN TAPtEY _ SSIBM iimsmcSfSSfieSi /, I'aupciaanItuERAWO^ guTOH&SPjEC^APP OFTHeEMPFIW^AWVOBeV'r ffeNASAKEJZ, urrpg TO OUR INMgWWE HcwPVeR,CONTKAmOPFW»WA, ^PAKKK4TE£li k£2^-WMMI^«AlT<y) I AMkBT^UICIP&MAIEHAU-IN?©^ □UUi.’Vn ^vn BREEZY By T. MELVIN /V'/mpm ip AM -1 -PT7^ F5pAT' A YOU CAN . f-~ TErLL VOU WHA^ JEAN Wu^feg Wv5o*T - *«gggg§*H JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON %mtA<.i-£y£ /{■ asm sairso by (A AMY, TO S/D THE iCEA/E OE MULE, GAAM-EYE* R/EHT-HAHD jAMV... Fit*T-/ft> ■ _<£«■«>* i»«. b* / Y£AM- 61A<,$ — //PAVE AEO Y(k/AWH\( r MULE 'i E/ABLE r OH MULE EM ED 7E//Y j / fi'EEE ECO*' BLOW H/$ /DP EWE... /’M OpEY 7J?Y-\(PEpE—JXW’r Rwpohg -ihe to pecTEcr e&)\E£T Au/ee'y OPEEY \ TPOM A PPYS/EEE J > ACE/OHY {PDLLEE EHEEHPpE/ (ALAPM YOi/..^J A VOULL MEED ALL THE EDUCATION \ AND TRAINING YOU CAN GET FOR \ THE POST-WAR WORLD." "PROTECT YOUR FUTURE ~ 00 BACK TO SCHOOL /' s'/ WANT you fpuowt tzA [ 7£Y TO <S£F A/F/V&... /CAM l \ HAFDCF MUl£ /F H£6£K •} C T<Z> £A£ Oi/FOF 1/MfZ J VETERANS’ BENEFITS Reliable and autheentic information concerning monetary and other bene fits available to returning servicemen and servicewomen and theeir de pendents may be found in Veterans Administration Pamphlet No. 44. Those wno wish correct mtormation on the many phases of veterans’ wel fare will find this pamphlet valuable. It has been prepared by the Vet erans Administration and contains helpful information of interest to both veterans and their dependents concerning pensions, compensation, retirement pay, insurance, readjust ment allowances; medical treatment, hospital and domiciliary care; burial and funeral expenses; vocational re habilitation; education and training; guaranty of loans for purchase or construction of homes, farms and business property and other related benefits. 1 Because of the dissemination of in | accurate and incomplete data on vet j crans benefits by some publications, | veterans and their dependents should avail themselves of the opportunity to obtain a copy of Veterans Admin istration Pamphlet No. 44. Libraries an dcolleges will find this document valuable. It may be secured only by purchase from the Superintendent of Docu ments, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. at 15c per copy. It is not available at the Veterans Administration. Parkyakarkus, temporarily the town hero, really hits the jackpot of trouble on the Meet Me At Parky’s” show next Sunday, August 26. A matri ^. .. HAWAII MARS LIFTED FROM CHESAPEAKE BAY Baltimore, Maryland—Soundphoto —The 72Vfe ton Hawaii Mars is shown being lifted from the bottom of the Chesepeake Bay where it crashed last week on a test run. The tail, fuselage and part of wing can be seen out of the water. I random thoughts WHILE OUT FISHIN' There are more ways than one of taking scissors away from a baby. • • • One of the hardest things for us to understand in this world is our friends’ friends. • • • A fellow recently started to show me snapshots, of his chil dren, but I was quicker on the draw. • • ’ • A lot of people who can do nothing else do it in a hurry. • • •• Dogs are everything that you expected children to be. • • • One thing this country needs is a clearing-house for coat hangers. • • • Never mhke a final exit speech; you might want to go back monial agency tries to marry him off I to a rich widow! Lend an ear to Parky and his hilarious troubles, at 10:30 p. m. Eastern War Time, over NBC! cA.<r>\ -DCLaJ "Just think! Wheatiet—and peaches!” Moisture Needed Fertilizers are of no value to the plant unless the soil contains ample moisture and air. Fertilizers should not be applied to dry soil; so, dur ing periods of drouth, artificial watering should be practiced. On soils known to be highly acid or de ficient in calcium this condition can be corrected by applying agri cultural ground limestone or hy drated lime at a rate of 50 to 70 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The rate of application of lime should be based on soil tests, and lime should be applied only if analysis shows it is necessary. MONEY BACK \ > • i £, LOOSENS | =BLACKHEADS , [ FOR EASY ; : REMOVAL ! I Isn’t it worth just a few moments of I your time at bedtime, if your surface A skin is discouragingly dark-tanned, 1 | coarse, blotchy, unnatural looking, to / see how Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin A Whitener may make it lighter, bright- 1 | er, smoother and softer ... soon? Do as 1 ' thousands have done ... at once make this wonderful 7 Days’ trial that won’t cost you one penny if results do not 1 delight you? | AS NEAR AS YOUR DRUGGIST You needn’t wait. Dr. Fred Palmer’s i Skin Whitener is featured by your I druggist. You can get it easily and quickly. Remember, thousands use Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener to | keep their skin lighter, smoother, more I alluring. It also loosens up black heads for easier removal. And here’s I all you need do. Get the 25c box of Dr. Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener today. Test 7 days as directed. If not happy | and satisfied, return box for your Money Back. 1 GALENOL CO. Box 264, Atlanta, Ga. | You can depend on Dr. | Fred Palmer’s Skin Delight Soap and l Vanishing Cream. | Get Both, for Beau ty’s sake. 25c each. Comfort Wounded One of the duties of the air trans port command chaplains is meeting the many hospital planes that fly from the battlefronts to hospitals and rest camps back in the United States. In all kinds of weather and at all hours of the day and night, the ATC chaplain is on hand with the flight surgeon and nurse to serve the spiritual needs of the wounded men and wish them Godspeed to the next stop on their journey homeward. / Women do you suffer SIMPLE ANEMIA Due to Loss of Blood-Iron? You girls who suffer from slmpi-s anemia or who lose so much during monthly periods you feel tired, weak, “dragged out”—this may be due to low blood-iron—so try Lydia E. Pinkham's TABLETS at once. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the very best home ways to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—in such cases. Pinkham's Tablets are one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy! Follow label directions. Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABLETS Milky Dishes If milky dishes and fabrics are rinsed with clear cold water before coming in contact with warm, soapy water much of the calcium and protein will be carried away so that the washing may be done satis factorily, say the home economists. BOWELS SLUGGISH? * Feeing like you lost your best frienJ - headachy—dull—all because of sluggish bow els? Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant tasting chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning-thorough, gentle relief, helping you feel swell again. Millions rely on FEEN-A MII?T_Chew 'ike your favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT—a whole family •apply costs only lOf. STATEMENT OT CONDITION of The CARVER SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of Omaha, Nebraska, at the close of business June 30, 1945 RESOURCES Office building . ...,..$2,600.00 Cash on Hand and Due fro- Banks. ... .. $1,903-80 Otner Assets . 35.89 Total Assets .$4,539.69 LIABILITIES Investment Shares of Members Installment and Dividends $2,812.00 Other Liabilities . $1,810-89 Total Liabilities .. $4,622.89 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas — ss I, Charles F- Davis, Secretary of the above named Association, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement of the condition of the said Association is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and be lief Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July, A.. D , 1945. Secretary-Treas Charles F. Davis, Approved: Milton E. Johnson, Elmer Gant, John Davis. —Directors. M- Agnes Duffy, Notary Public My Commission expires Sept. 9th, 1948 Plastic Production In 1930 the industry produced | about 37,500,000 pounds of plastics • valued at about $75,000,000, or $2 a pound. In 1940, the industry, had been multiplied by 8, with an output of 500.000. 000 pounds averaging about $2 a pound in value. Estimated pro duction in 1944 indicates a doubling since 1940 with an output of about 700.000. 000 pounds valued at $1,800, 000,000 or about $2.50 a pound. ! NEGRO DOLLS Every home should have a Col ored Doll. We offer in this sale two flashy numbers. With hair, moving eyes, shoes, stockings, nicely dressed. Price $4.98 and $6.59. If C. O. D. postage ex tra. Dealers— Agents wanted. Write National Co., 254 West 135th St., New York, 30. Mr. Wm. Station of 3211 U Street has a family of four, wife and two boys. Mr. Station moved here from Oklahoma in 1942 and reports that he likes Omaha very much. Since coming here he has worked at Cud ahy Packing Plant and both of his boys attend West Side school. FROM'MICROBETOMAN By DR. J. V. WELLS THE FASCINATING STORY OF THE OG V5LOPMENT Of OUR UNBORN BODY FROM A SINGLE MICROBE-SIZED EGG CELL INTO A HUMAN BEING- PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGARD LESS OF YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE $1 POSTPAID 20TM CENTURY PRESD I0D A ST. TACOMA WASHINGTON _ Men, Women! Old at 40,50, 60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, wom-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40, 50, 60, for body old solely be cause low in iron; also supplies vita min Bl, calcium, phosphorus. 35c In troductory size now only 29c! Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep, younger feeling, this very day. For sale at all drug stores everywhere— in Omaha, at Walgreen’s & Smith’s. For sale at all drug stores every where—in Omaha, at SMITH’S «fc WALCREEVS. There’s a Thrill In Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME DETECTION I I have taught thousands of men and women this exciting, 1 profitable, pleasant profession, feet me teach yon. too. Lb your own home. Prepare yourself In your leisure time to fin a responsible, steady, well-paid position In a very short time and at vary small east. What others have don* you too, can do. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S. This fascinating work ia easy to leant and the training is inexpensive. You. too, can fit yourself to fill s responsible crime detection lei with good pay and steady employment But don’t delay —get the details now. Let me show you how easily and completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, in your own home. You may pay ai you leant Write today for free Crime Book. pREEj “THE BLUE BOOK OF CRIME" It’s s thriller Tails about same of the mast Interesting erlmaa ever perpetrated and how they wars solved throagh tha wry methods taaght by I.AA lond now — be aura to state ago INSTITUTE OP APPLIED SCIENCE j Nyl. mi mo fuaayilde Awe* Chlcega 40, IMIaels Mrs. Palmer... Spiritualist and Adviser NO PEE—but if satisfied, donations accepted. Guaranteed to unravel the most intricate affairs of life, lifting you out of trouble and mental distress, giving actual dates and facts. True and fascinating are the words that flow from the lips of this strange personality. She can and w.ll help you. A born gifted reader of life. She holds her work above the idle curious. The largest room in the world is the room for self improvement. at sunshine is to the flowers, rel^jle advice is to the human race. Readings Daily, except Sunday, from 1 p m. to 8 p m —PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT— 2318 Douglas Street Omaha, Nebraska THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned, Edited, Published and Circulated by Negroes to serve the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav te Success and Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year's subscription will be given “THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE,” the practical side or Money Handling that win malee y«« a successful person. Send your order today te THE NEGRO WORKER _ Box 278- B Tn stupes Institute. Alabama THIRSTY THOUSANDS SAY "Softie of_ METZ P/ease* bui wi •okm... t&Mi .t./.. am Metz Brewing Company — Omaha, Nebraska MtC?W£M(? from loss of MQOP-MON? Girlsr Women! H you lose so much dur ing monthly periods that you feel weak, "dragged out”—this may be due to low blood iron. So try Lydia E. Plnkham'a tablets—one or the best home ways to help build up red blood In such cases.) Plnkham’s Tablets are one or the great-1 est blood-iron tonics you can buy.' Follow label directions. ^ Lydia E. Pinkham’s TA8ICTS Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? ' Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on agef Thousands amazed at what a little popping up wit* Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 60. 60. for body old solely because low In iron; also supplies vitamin Bj. calcium, phosphorus. 35e In troductory size now only 20c! Try Ostrex Toni# Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. • For Sale at all drugstores (^zvry-. ■where--in Omaha, at Smith’s and Walgreen’s.” GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot", corner anil adjoining, on NontInvest corner 21st nntl Grace. Extensive frontage on lioth 21sl and Grace. Ideal for 2 or more hones, or especially salted ns Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address 1IOX A:t3« or Call IIA-OSOO. All Laxatives Are Not Alike If you think for a minute that all laxatives are more or less alike you certainly have a real SURPRISE await 1 mfvri'ou '"hen you take Kruschen Salts. When you feel bloated, headachy and i meanly sluggish—because you need a good cleaning out — what you then should try is KRUSCHEN SALTS, i When you want relief you want it PRONTO. Kruschen. a true saline lax ative, answers today's need TODAY. Caution—use only as directed. Regu late the dose to suit yourself Re member the name and get KRUSCHEN SALTS today at any good drug store. GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN WHO DOUCHE Many Doctors today recommend the use of douches for women troubled with discharge ("the whites”), offending odor, and minor irritation —for women who want to be and feel refreshingly clean. And here’s a product for the douche —Hospital tested, too, with splendid results—Lydia E. Pinkham's Sana tive Wash, made by the same great company that makes Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is gain ing great favor today with women. It's mighty effective to cleanse, relieve offending odor, discharge and discomfort of minor irritation, yet it positively won’t harm even the most delicate membranes or tissues. Inex pensive, too. Any drug store. > Lydia E. Pinkham's t SANATIVE WASH 'WE ARE NOW ABLE... to Render Much Better Service on All Laundrv Work THANKS for being so Patient during the Past Trying Months. EDHOLM&SHERMAR —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 NORTH 24th STREET -PHONE WEbster 6055 i