The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 11, 1945, Image 1

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•jr Jr ^ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago astd North of KC• ^ ^ ^
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oftice. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of „ , . ...
Marcn 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr. S&tUTQSy, AllgUSt 11, 1945 ^ 10c PCP Copy ^ OllP 18th YGcLP-No. 27 .
-" ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ~ " ~ , " " " - —- - - *- - - ’ ' ' 11 .. ~
Navy Needs
More Women
With the great sea offensive under
way in the Pacific, and with replace
ments necessitated for thousands of
men whose services are urgently
needed on the battlefronts, the Navy
Department this week urged qualified
Negro women to join with the two
colored commissioned officers and 54
enlisted Waves in playing an active
part in a speedy victory.
The Navy is now seeking 20,000
Waves to help support the Pacific
offensive and to help care for the in
creasing number of men wounded on
the battlefronts. Half of those who en
list in the current drive will be as
signed to the Hospital Corps, and the
rest to shore jobs in communications,
supply, radio and aviation and other
branches which are vital in winning
final victory in the Pacific.
The Navy listed several advantages
which women between the ages of
20 and 36 may obtain from enlisting
in the service:
Waves will find the knowledge
gained in Navy schools — some of
which offer advanced specialized
courses—and their on-the-job experi
ence have prepared them for a wide |
variety of civilian jobs. Furthermore,1
the poise and confidence they gain in
coping with new situations, meeting
new people and seeing new places
will be of value in their social as well
as business lives in the postwar world.
Waves are assigned to hundreds of
places within the United States—na
val hospitals, air stations, navy yards
and other naval shore establishments.
After six months’ service in this coun
try, volunteers are also accepted for
overseas service: more than 2,500
Waves are now serving in Hawaii and
others may eventually be assigned to
Alaska, Bermuda, Panama Canal Zone
and the Tenth Naval District, which
includes Cuba, Puerto Rico and the
West Indies. Preference as to areas
may be indicated, but it is not always
possible to fulfill the ‘desire of each
Counting food and quarters, the
real starting pay of a Wave is not $50
a month. It’s the equivalent of
$141.50 a month and Waves are eli
gible for advancement on the same
basis as men, except that Waves do
not have sea duty’. The highest
monthly salary of Waves enlisted per-«
sonnel—for chief petty officers—is
$138 base pay, which is the equiva
lent of $229.50.
Waves receive $200 worth of well
styled uniforms free and $50 a year
for replacements. Every Wave is en
titled to exactly the same benefits un
der the G. I. Bill of Rights as any i
man in tile armed forces—loans, edu- <
cation, etc. 1
_ i
Birmingham, Ala.—On June 19 in
the United States District Court for
the Northern District of Alabama
(Birmingham) a new case was filed to
test the policy of the local registra
tion board in applying the Alabama
registration laws in an unequal man
ner. The case was filed by the
NAACP in behalf of Pastorah Vinson
against the members of the local reg
istration board, both on an individual
basis and also on behalf of other
qualified Negro electors.
Miss Vinson the plaintiff, alleges
that she is over 21 years of age, is
the owner of real property and a tax
payer of the State of Alabama, is a
registered nurse, is able to read and
write the United States Constitution
and is otherwise qualified to be regis
The complaint alleges over a long (
period of years the Board of Regis- |
tration has refused to register quali- j
Bed Negro electors while at the same
time registering white electors with
less qualifications than those of< Ne
gro applicants solely because of race
or color. It alleges also that when the
plaintiff presented herself for regis
tration, April 10, 1945, she was de
nied the right to register even after
being questioned as to her qualifica
tions and her ability to read and
write the Constitution while white
persons presenting themselves before
and after the plaintiff, were not re
quired to read and write the Consti
tution, but were registered forthwith.
The complaint avers that this form of ,
unequal treatment is a denial of the!
equal protection of the laws and is
likewise a denial of the right to vote
as guaranteed by Article I and
Amendments 15 and 17 of the United
States Constitution. The complaint
prays for a declaratory judgment, a
permanent injunction and $5,000
damages. Thurgood Marshall and Ar- |
thur Shores, of Birmingham, repre
sent plaintiff in this case.
This case following the preliminary
case filed in Atlanta, Georgia, last
week is another in the line of cases
proposed to be filed by the NAACP
to remove all types of discrimination
against Negro voters throughout the
south. Additional cases are to be filed
in Louisiana and other states where
similar discriminatory registration
practices are prevalent. At the same
time the NAACP is continuing to re
quest the United States Department
of Justice the prosecute criminally
•other cases where Negroes are dis
criminated against by registration and
election officials. It is expected that
criminal cases wall be filed in at
least one stage on the question of the
white primary and in another state
on the question of registration prac
(by A1 Heningburg)
Kentucky, long justly famous for bluegrass, race
horses, and beautiful women, now shows the world
just how thin the veneer of culture is. We stand a
ghast when a law enforcement officer bluntly beats
any woman, but when he beats three, all of them
wearing the uniform of their country, we know
that brutality has plunged to a new now. The cli
max is reached in this tragedy when the commaiid
ing officer of the WACs in question brushes the en
tire matter aside, with the comment that the wom
en should not have been seated where they were.
Looks as if wre defeated the Nazis over there, but
haven’t done much with their companions in brutal
ity on this side.
To the consternation of millions the world over,
Churchill steps down from his high place as prime
minister of Great Britain, and a representative of
labor takes his place. Among other things, this
means that the rank and file of men and women in
England, and this includes many in the armed forc
es, are wearied with war, and the makers of war.
This means that capitalism as it has existed in Eng
land has sickened many a poor man who has watch
ed while all he held dear was swept away before
his eyes. And it means too that the common man
in America comes one step nearer to full participa
tion in the affairs of this nation. The British ad
mire Mr. Churchill for his power of persuasion and
for his great courage, but they do not find in him
the man calculated to lead them successfully in the
days of peace.
The holocaust of war always brings to light
crackpots and new cults which fatten on the super
stition and1 ignorance of underprivileged persons.
Tradition would have us believe that Negroes
would be among those most completely victimized
by such activities, but the fact is that poor whites
particularly in the mountains, are the greatest suf
ferers. And their preachers tell them that the a
bility to endure a rattler’s bite is a sign of holiness.
Thousands of Mexican railroad workers have
come into this country during the war, and many of
them are having a very hard time. The difficulty
of language, their lack of knowledge of customs of
the country, plus the fact that they were accustom
ed to being shoved around before they left home
have made them easy marks for sharpsters and
other crooks. But they have enjoyed one interest
ing measure of protection; their government has
not permitted their accepting contracts in the
South, for Mexico does not wish to see her citizens
disadvantaged b ythe pattern of life which makes
the South the number one social and economic prob
lem of the United States. Here and there Negro
Americans have been gulity of imposing on the
Mexicans among us, and that is a great pity.
Elmo Roper, Director of public polls for Fortune
magazine, lias been asking Americans for liow
many months they could make out if they found!
themselves without jobs at the close of the war.
Most think they could make it for six months, but
many others are having hard sledding even now. If
you’ve been looking ahead at all. you are probably
planning to cut down even more sharply on spend
ing, and to increase on savings. And perhaps you
are keeping in mind that you don’t have to wait for
a national drive to buy War Bonds.
Under the spirited direction of Alice C. Brown
ing of Chicago, the Negro Magazine Publishers’
Association was formed in New York last week.
Representatives of seventeen magazines were pres
ent, and plans were made for incrasing the effect
iveness of each publication by giving concerted at
tention to common problems. The new organiz
ation is off to a good start.
The good news conies that civilian consumption
of butter can be increased by ten million pounds
because of cutting down army consumption, and
the importing of butter from Denmark. One of
the smartest things that Negroes could do would be
to organize a study group to spend six months a
mong the Danes, just learning how practical and
how simple life may be made.
‘“Will our government, after the war, live within
its income and foster business growth, or will it take
the easy way of deficit financing leading to political
regimentation of business and unavoidably to the de
struction of the American system of free enterprise?”
—James A. Farley, former Postmaster General.
Courtmarti’l Frees Wacs
l •
Louisville, Ky.—Following acquit
tal of the three Negro Wacs accused
of violating the 93rd Article of war
for sitting on the “white” side of a
bus waiting room in Elizabethtown,
Kentucky, the Louisville NAACP an
nounced the possibility of taking spe
cific action against the civilian police
man who brutally beat Pfc. Helen
Smith and Pfc. Georgia Boson. Pri
vate Smith was beaten over the head
with a blackjack and dragged across
the bus station floor when the women
objected to being called “nigger
J. H. McKinney, president of the
Louisville branch NAACP, has se
cured an affidavit from Pfc. Smith
which may form the basis for action
against the policeman.
Hampton Institute, Va.—Miss Lil
lian Smith, author of “Strange Fruit,”
Miss Marian Anderson, singer, and
John Wildberg, Broadway producer,
as well as Miss Hilda Simms, Hamp
ton Institute alumna and star of “An
na Lucasta,” are listed as honorary
patrons of the week-long “Arts of the
Theatre” festival which will open at
Hampton Institute next Monday (July
23) with a recital by Miss Pearl Pri
mus, noted dancer.
The festival will demonstrate the
relative effectiveness of the various
theatre arts, including the dance, the
choral symphony, the cinema, the
modem drama, and the classical play.
It is being sponsored by the Hamp
ton Institute summer school and di-i
rected by Robert J. Sailstad and
Owen Dodson.
President and Mrs. Ralph P. Bridg
man are honorary patrons of the fes
tival, as are J. Henry Scattergood, Dr.
Channing H. Tobias, Dr. Chester B.
Emerson, Dr. Morgan E. Norris, Dr.
J. M. G. Ramsey, Capt. Lewis J.
Strauss, Willard S. Townsend, and
Ralph B. Johnson of the Hampton In
stitute board of trustees.
Langston Hughes, poet and play
wright, Canada Lee and Frederick
O'Neal, Broadway actors, Ama Bon
temps, writer, Commander and Mrs.
Malcolm S. MacLean, formerly of
Hampton Institute, Rosamond Gilder
of “Theatre Arts Monthly,” and Dr.
and Mrs. W. W. Charters ofS teph
ens College are among the other per
sons actively interested in encourag
ing a wider appreciation of the arts
of the theatre who are serving as
honorary patrons for the festival.
Prohibition of the use of leather
soles in production of footwear with
moccasin-type of mudguard vamps,
saddle-type footwear, and certain
other types of shoes was removed to
day by the War Production Board.
This action was effected through
amendment of the footwear order,
The order previously prohibited
manufacturers from attaching any
leather outsoles or outside leather
j taps to any footwear having raised—
j or flat-seem moccasin-type vamps (in- 1
j eluding genuine moccasins with soles)'
i or mudguard vamps, any saddle-type
| footwear, and any footwear with imi
| tation wing tips, imitation stitched
I moccasin types, imitation stitched
mudguards, and imitation stitched
saddles. As a result, manufacturers
who made these types of footwear
during the last two years have used
soles made of plastic, rubber or other
leather substitutes.
i In 1944, approximately 80,000,000
pairs of soles of material other than
leather were made by synthetic sole
| producers. Production of non-leather
i soles currently is at the rate of about
j 120,000,000 pairs a year.
WPB hopes the industry will con
tinue to use non-leather soles on foot
[ wear for which they are suitable,
since they have proved very' satisfac
New York CNS)—Where was Miss
Emily Gibbs, Negro secretary to the
minority of the City Council, when a
sneak thief entered her desk on the
second floor of the City Hall this
week and stole S26 from her purse?
She was attending a meeting of the
Finance Committee which was con
1 sidering two items of capital outlay
in tile current budget totaling two
million dollars. But poor Emily wasn't
upset. In her calm way, she took her
loss bravely.
The Communists
Put the Negroes
On Top Again
I Few people have taken the trouble
• to analyze the actmi benefits or harm
the Negro, as a group, has received
iif contact with the Communist Party.
Much can be said about tne history of
the Communist Party in the United
States, about its struggles and vicis
situdes in the face of a majority pub
lic opinion, that it would be folly for j
me to attempt a complete analysis of
communism in its relation to the Ne
gro problem here.
However, in light of the recent de
velopments in which the Communist
Party was reconstituted following a
turbulent three-day national conven
tion in New York, attention is focused
once more on communism.
It will be recalled that when Earl
Browder, former leader of the com
munist movement, was czar of the
“starry-eyed brigade” the Negro ques
tion was dropped from its top posi
tion on the red aggenda and a win
the-war, back Roosevelt program was
substituted instead. It might be said
that the Communist Party, before
Browder started monkeying around
with it, was making gradual inroads
into small intellectual cells among the
Negroes living in such large com
munities as New York City, Chicago,
Detroit, Los Angeles, Cleveland, and
Philadelphia. These intelligent Ne
groes, tired of the constant struggle
against an almost impenetrable wall
of prejudice and segregation based on
color, found in communism the state
they had long sought.
Indeed, and being factual, the Com
munist Party has to its credit many
notable achievements in defense of
the Negro. One cannot forget the
early days of the late Anna Damon
and Scottsboro, as well as the Angelo
Hemdon case, the defiance of evic
tion orders on Chicago’s Southside,
mass demonstrations at the Sopkin
Dress Factory in Chicago in protest
against “sweat shops” and conditions
for Negro girls working there. Simi
lar instances pile up in evidence of a
seeming sincerity on the part of the
communist in actually fighting the
Negro’s cause.
To those of us who look at such
things objectively, it is apparent that
the communists had a political reason
in mind for diverting attention to the
Negro’s cause. One reason for such a
stand is the fact that on all national
problems confronting America, the
Negro problem is probably the most
explosive. It offers opportunities for
sensational developments and big
wig hankers, lawyers, and politicians
usually attempt to stave clear of the
Negro question. Even the problem of
the Jews is less cantankerous when
compared with the question of wheth
er the Negro is to be given equal
rights in the U.S.A.
Browder, by substituting the win
the-war program over the Negro
question, undoubtedly alienated the
affections o fmany big-wig Negro
leaders and some dropped out after
publicity announcing their intentions
o fdoing so. Among them were Rich
ard Wright, the author of Native Son,
and Angelo Herndon whose freedom
from a Georgia chain gang was ob
tained b ycommunist activity. There
were lesser Negro communists to drop
by the wayside during the period that
Browder was on the throne. They
saw, evidently, as did Wright and
Herndon, that a party not actively
struggling for the liberation mentally
and physically of the American Negro 1
offered little for them as a sacrifice of ]
identity with majority opinion.
Before Browder the Communists
went all the way on the Negro ques
tion and undeniably distinguished
themselves as being the only group of
whites in this country who accepted
inter-marriage and social equality as
a natural state for its members, in
cluding Negroes. That is why there
was such a rage of inter-racial mar
riages involving Negro men and white
women sweeping the country and
confounding all the higher ups in the
extreme right wing of public opinion.
Browder seems to have committed
himself to a policy of undoing all
these things by changing the Com
munity Party line and putting the
Reds behind the war, big business,
and other elements that the party has
fought since its early days in this!
country. Now with William Z. Foster, |
veteran leader of the Communists, in
stalled as its new national leader, it is
to be expected that the Negro ques
tion will be returned to what the
communists consider its proper place
and* that is the No. 1 spot on the
agenda. Now we can all sit back and
watch the fun.
From what I can understand, the,
Communists intend to make up for
lost time when they were fooling
around with Browder and his gran
doise schemes which all but excluded
Negro participation.
This column believes that nad the
Communists been actively concerned
with the cause of the Negro during
die war, his condition perhaps would
have been spot-lighted far more effec
tively than it has been done with him,
left to the whims and fancies of Ne
gro organizations which have missed
the boat on innumerable occasions.
The numerous cases of jim-crowism,
segration, and discrimination in the i
armed forces, most of which have]
been given the go-by, would have
been tackled properly by an aggres- ■
sive communist leadership. During the
life of the late President Roosevelt
and his New Deal set up in Washing
ton, there does not seem to be much
doubt that effective agitation for the
Negro at a time when the iron was
hot might have brought about far bet
ter results than have been achieved
through the hard tortuous struggle
followed by Negro organizations
which have had to feel their way in
places where they might have gotten
It can be expected that anti-semi
tism which got the play that the Ne
gro problem once had while Browder
was on top will not be played over
the struggle of colored peoples in
America for their rights.
This discussion will be continued
in a subsequent column.
Following the participation for the
first time of Negro women in an an
niversary celebration of the WAVES,
the Department of the Navy this
week renewed its appeal to qualified
colored candidates to lend their aid
to the growing sea offensive in the
The third anniversary celebration of
the WAVES was held with appro
priate ceremonies on July 30. Only
two Negro commissioned officers and
5-1 enlisted WAVES were included in
the 8,000 officers and 70,000 enlisted !
WAVES then on duty in 900 shore
activities throughout the continental
United States and in the territory of
Hawaii. A few Negro women were
included among the 8,000 women
now in training or awaiting call to
The importance of the branch of
die service was stressed by Secretary
of the Navy Forrestal in an anniver
sary' statement, which revealed that 1
the WAVES have released enough
men for sea duty to man completely
a major Naval task force.
In hundreds of shore-based jobs,”
the Secretary said, “the women of
the Navy have proved overwhelming
ly successful as replacements. Fifty
five per cent of the Navy personnel in
the Washington area, and 18 per cent
of the total Naval personnel assigned
to duty ashore, are now WAVES.
Overseas, 4,00 OWAVES are building 1
an equally fine reputation for excel
Capt. Mildred H. McAfee, Director
af the Women’s Reserve, said:
“Members of the Women’s Reserve
:ake pride in the copletion of another
•'ear of service and in their contribu
tion to the Navy’s job ashore, which
nakes possible the magnificent
achievements of the fleet in the war
against Japan. As recruiting for the
Women’s Reserve is increased to
Tieet new demands in the Hospital
"orps and other types of duty, we
welcome more and more women to
ioin us in this opportunity for patri
stic service.
“In working toward the ultimate
victory'. WAVES are also recognizing
:heir obligation to help decide what
bnd of a world that victory' is going
:o make possible. May our fourth year
Caters to All the Arts
of service bring us all closer to a<
united world at peace in which the
hopes, efforts and sacrifices of these
war years will see their fulfillment.”
President Philip Murray of the
Congress of Industrial Organizations
today, in a letter to President Hairy
S. Truman, recommended the ap
pointment of Judge William H. Has
tie to fill one of the vacancies on the
United States Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia.
Mr. Murray’s letter to President
Truman follows:
“The Congress of Industrial Or
ganizations wisuc-x tn recommend
Judge William H. Hastie for appoint
ment to fill one of the vacancies on
the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia.
“Judge Hastie is eminently quali
fied to serve on the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia. He was formerly judge of
the United States District Court for
the Virgin Islands and is now Dean of
the Howard University Law School.
“Judge Hastie is a Negro and one
of the outstanding leaders of his peo
ple in the United States. His learning,
experience and broad sympathies
combine amply to equip him for a
“I believe he would make an in
valuable contribution as a member of
the United States Court of Appeals
for the District of Columbia. I there
fore respectfully urge that you give
favorable consideration to his candi
2 PR&Ty 6ood pees
I know a lot of employers and
I know a lot of workers, and they I
'.re both good guys.
They ought to know each other
If an employer could go home
with an average worker, he’d find
that he's a good family man. fair
minded, honest, and interested in
his work. But sometimes he’s l
fooled by some professional rab- ,
ble-rouser into thinking his boss
is a skunk.
If a worker knew the average
employer, he’d see that he is a
worrying, headachey guy with a
iot of troubles, willing to be faim
and not making nearly as much
profit as you might imagine.
Washington. D. C.—The NAACP |
won reversal of dishonorable dis
charges today in the cases of Lieu
tenants Samuel B. Wallace, Leo Am
mons and Joe R. Jackson who were
court-martialed in Camp Polk, Lou
isiana, for alleged disobedience of or
ders of their commanding officer and
for being A.W.O.L.
In the oral argument presented be
fore the Army Board of Review,
Judge William H. Hastie and NAACP
Assistant Special Counsel Robert L.
New York City—(Calvin’s News
| Service) — Tranquil, Chicago-born
Dorothy Kashino, is probably the only
Negro woman in New York or Chi
cago to head a firm which caters to
all the arts to compliment a woman
under one roof. For a few hours spent
at Dorothe’s, which spreads over a
| qquaqrtqer qof aq qcity block, just
j two blocks west of Harlem’s Hotel
Theresa, and a woman is completely
transformed with a new coiffure, a
new chapeau and a new go>yjj. Qorq
the’s specialty is shopping for the
busy woman. She knows her person
ahties and what suits them.
A keen business woman, Dorothy
had the idea of her all-in-one salon
when she was a Chicago schoolgirl.
After she grounded herself at Moller
College, a typical beauty school, she
dived right into the dress business.
Thence, millinery creations-—all this
giving her a wide range of knowledge
which was quickly put to use.
By traveling to Bermuda, South
America, Jamaica and Trinidad, Miss
Kashino can easily discern all types of
browned beauty.
Dorothe’s was founded two years
ago. Its manageress—clear-eyed and
creamy complexioned, puts in 12
hours a day, 6 days a week. She her
self did all interior decorating and
designs the chic store windows which
are changed twice a week. In the
morning, she does all buying and
stock which is similar to smart Fifth
Avenue stores is changed each week.
As a buyer, she’s quick and sharp
witted and through strategy, gets the
best of creations. Her credit with Dun
and Bradstreet, financial authorities,
is A-l.
Everything in Dorothy’s personal
wardrobe comes from her salon—but
of course, she gets first preference.
Her hats she designs herself, though
her sleek hair is set at the shop. She’s
not married, but she has more than
1,000 letters from soldiers in Europe
and the Pacific. She takes a personal
interest in each of them, writing to
them constantly, as her major share
in the war effort.
Dorothy has big ideas for the fu
ture. Right away, she plans to open a
branch in White Plains, the area ot
etxentions to B. Altman, Peck and
Peck and Best and Co.
"But what mostly interests me,”
she spoke in ‘sotto voice’,” is building
my firm to specialize in glorifying the
Negro woman from all aspects. Our
people should have special cosmetics
—powder carefully created for them
to blend with the different hues.
When the war’s over, we hope to
manufacture such make-up prepara
tions and have them here at the
salon. For we believe a woman, no
matter what complexion, can be love
ly to look at.”
Carter held that charges against the
three officers had not been estab
Promotes Growth
Nitrogen in fertilizer promotes
growth of plant stems and leaves
and too heavy applications may de
lay maturing of the plant. Nitrogen
deficiencies often are indicated by
yellowing of plants' leaves Phos
phorus and calcium stimulate root
growth and affect the flowering and
fruiting of the plant. Potash stiffens
plant stems and may help to make
plants resistant to disease.