The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 28, 1945, Page 4, Image 4
[FORK RIGHT!.By Collier S'- ■ {' Cn r ' <" L4orn of Grecian 4 Barents in \ , "Turkey, V: ’4^ Dr Lucas Petro\^ Kybidcs worked .to WAY THROUGH tB U.of Mich., T : ALSO BECAME f EXPERT BALLROOM DANCER... _ I URNED DOWN professions Dancing offer ' "in favor of I SCIENCE/ has Patented 97 j': INVENTIONS ;/Since 1912... <c ^ywthetic rubber PIONEER/HE BUILT/’ K ^ /As''- SYNTHETIC AUTO < TIRE/1913... _ /lOW PAST 60/ AND MONSANTO^ chemical Research director/ he sees CAREER'buST GETTING OFF TO A GOOD START" Industrial research luce this - j stimulated by patents-PROMISES NEW CHANCES FOR AMERICANS TO EARN MORE, BUY MORE, HAVE MORS. JIM STEELE BY MELVINTAPLEY I 1 11111 ... 1 I I i ShE-MPFONESE OFFICER INFORM'D HELENA fiAKERTrifltf plitzoanp&w ' WOULPECON Be REVIVE?// MEANWHILE, a JIM STEELE AN? ^FARKVTALK OVEft THEIR FRE acAWENr,.<ajr' PENLY THERE- IS ASOCN?.../<? Cg*lT<«t«JTM. >eATVgg "-HEAR THAT, SPARKY?Jffli rBOY'THISjS LUCK./NOW ■ ^WHY-BEFORE WE LANDEDW WHAT'S IT SOUND LIKE^= ALL WE'VE GOTTA DOJS> M INIOJO^LARI RADIOED WsTOYOU? = 6ET IN THERE,SOMEHOW, ANM OUR POSITION THEN TO —-*Vg =' RADIO UNCLEOUR LATEST J HEADQUARTERS/-WONT BE* [IT'S A RADIO... AND)* -- ^ POSITION/' J LONCtBEFORE THE BOYS'LLM pi BREEZY . j ueiu ' Ei ™_ *y T- MELVIN V 1 l^r ^ A V * > . # a . ^"""^5?®553 " '"' WJ.J Lf -m • *~— —* _ _ TWITS/, >WE WOULDN'T HAVE JJ WITH THEMALL OFe# TOWOK^A^UTBW^^E 5SSI)K^ ^-\ « ’Akmii?jr I Nj ,/ \ p -----__ 11 " ' l .l. i X \ 1 - » I JACK DAVIS _ By TED WATSON ; !! ij i l! Atoocuypm> j PAPfP 7POO< , I PP/y£P W£*r Isy 7?/£ ; My op Mv>i/spy<.. f i i i -. ; i ' 17.It C"*u— 11 '* (T^nw 1W |,T^1hl»n f , V. / Y'*° IAN*V,MY ... TH/fi/t /U X ( y£AH-THATf > *W&r... WM4TAPP 8/JMOV£e7D7He\\AM/XA,W t- YO/AAJP <S/Aii£m fiCUf£ A#J> CUAN) \ PHON£ M£ tATZJt. '$ l UP 7VHON? S/T"f 'i | y HUCKLEBERRY FINN VfllA.EE EE EE £ * COME HERE! 1 WT NOW TO RON So Bill STftRT^^o^"" ~ mere roMES n s T T — r« Haro ware store (_smmD0W ^ouow«e cJrsdkx* M JS§ 1TPTl^.fry‘5-«y;rV^ AMO gets pw clothes. “ n Amounts ^mQftT Mother a j^ian!if>-<>_ u „*»%•»■*, exn/ *• "*X- S **» /»*•:* -» ovd Dave AiL^T^l^ •• •* * 3 « . n,« • v. kmfKPPlHfi coffee Por- ••- -.. --. ./• •.,*„ C.r *, «R« HE« jjAtf V- ••.. -sees oio owe. ■•••f»"i' ' OLD ONE * ty* /HEARS ;-.. KIRKS HORSE. 'cATCHg* ^. ...-! To tthe. v Bombers 4* ovJT for ft oLC><^V^-/* ^v*' "tree ahd DEFENSE/ \ / STROLL ^ .f'”* SCRAPES 6'U. ** / ^.. i *»«»•'-'* .* ~rr ,l: } 'VftTcHC^ A ^ /# ’; bombers — ;. ~F ipjh? f'Backward 3— I PonO.-jM pLW 1 _ Till ’SQUIRE EDGEGATE~The Stenographer’s Mistake —----- - - - - -- in ^i LOUTS RICHARD /V1/SS TRtCOLZl A /AIR.Ed SHRiMK- CtTV [^UST A MlHOlE " - - IO U./A'E To G-ET _* l ■S'R- * H^vE c^ttto (^(piJ/RE- / AJ^OE \THtyr± /»lc T - £ 1-tTTC.R. OFF -----— * \ youR *tte*tio* ToT«t I A TyPEOfiP^Pf/iCi I i=-r H T RI6HT To |F»f?c w*e* * : 1 error- /v£ \ .^L *7_ *5? £E> SHRINK I Rt^Dy * •* hWD ^T^R a«j/vi£rouS \c5oT *H"F' \ R HE’S BEE A/ I ^SOUiRE I rCTco VoU »<=-AA3*t h*ST E^O OF** \ ITS TH YrX)~y HE SHOUtF siPESTEPP/^fr L..~_\Zr . ( E^ERy atotiCc- » ~u77 rRT >* The \^e ac-dressc.* TH,S Stci. J-omC, ^ Vtfiv£ *_F*vcR*&L<= FeJ (v»0rd“DE^ P5e wMt J-»£tE^ CONSTANCE MOORE, TITO GUIZAR STAR IN REPUBLIC'S “MEXICANA" One of the production highlights of Republic’s current 10th Anni versary celebration is “Mexicans,” an elaborate musical now in work at the Studio. Produced and directed by Alfred Santell, it co-stars Constance Moore and Tito Guizar, and boasts a musical score by the famed Mexican composer, Gabriel Ruiz, with lyrics by Ned |Washington. Here, Walter Scharf, head of the Studio’s Music Depart ment, directs Guizar and Miss Moore in one of the numbers in the company’s new music auditorium for sound recording and dubbing. 1 ————— " ■ 1 NO NEWS,IS-BAD/ i I'wHATNE'NS of\ HOH "greater east J AS/A CO PROSPERITY/ SPHERE? I was held July 18th, 1945 at the M; sonic Temple, 26th and Blondo. After the regular proceeding at tended by an unusual number of dele gates and all post masters in attend ance the election of all grand officers M was held: M. W. Grand Master, Clayton P. Lewis; Rt. W. Grand Deputy, J. W. Dacus; Rt. W. Grand SGW, P. A. Ad kins; Rt. W. J. G. Warden, Leon Burden; Rt. W. Go. Treas., J. T. Scott. t>'. \v. Go. Secty.; Srv,f. Har ris; Grand Trustee Brd., R. C. Se wart: Go. Trustee, L. T. McIntosh. All were reelected. Maynard L. Wilson, Go. Recorder. t- ' _ Corporal Louis Hill, son of Mr. an< Mrs. Hill of 3117 Corby St. is now stationed in the Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Mason will be out of the city for about 6 weeks when she will re turn to her home at 3115 Miami St, We all hope she and her daughtei will have a happy and enjoyable I | time. 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of 2212 N. j 30th has lived in Omaha tor 30 years and own their home. Mr. Tackson has worked at the Armour packing plant for 20 years and is still working there. They have chickens and rabbits and a nice garden. No children. Mrs. Ella White of Fulton, Mo., is now visiting Mrs. Leonard Harold, 1447 N. 23rd. Miss White reports that she is having a real good time while in our city. She will leave for her home this week. Mrs. Smith, mother of Mrs. Mae Robbins was taken ill and died in the ! month of June. Mrs. Robbins and daughter, Clara Robbins, went to To peak, Kansas, where the funeral was held. We all suffer a great loss in Mrs. Smith. A few moments out for a chat in the South sea islands. |“7ceI-1 Finlay Ice Company, Inc. —ice manufacturers— 24th at Seward __ I Sure and Watch for Finlay Ice Co.’s.... YELLOW TRUCKS Which Pass Your Door Every 3 Hours Finlay’s Yellow Trucks will keep you Refreshed, and your Food Fresh for the season. or Call WE-0232 for Service -when Your Ice Box Needs Icing—Pure, healthy Ice, made right here at your door, at 24th and Seward streets—or Stop By when you want to try Finlay’s Pure Ice—Remember Our Phone | number is WE. 0232. We Appreciate Your Past Patronage and We are always yours for Prompt, Courteous Service to all the people, all of the time. FINLAY ICE COMPANY, Inc. i 1 Vf I 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS -—Kree Deliver* — WE. 0609 DUFFY PHARMACY 111111111111111111111111111111)’ 1111111111111 "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. I Attention! PA8”*n l ! Feel Old? Gef Real Pep! I Lack Ambition to So Plaeoo 4 Do Thing'? I Uio Original 4 Genuino Pep-O-Tabs J GET RESULTS AT ONCEI I BE A REAL MANI | ENJOY LIFE AGAIN! • HELP NATURE! NEW PEP!' NEW FEELING! NEWl _MANLY VIGOR! Scientific J Proscription proscribed by doctort for men I I over 30 yoaro of ago. Absolutely harmless. I J Thousands of happy and satisfied customers J I over past 23 years have fold ue and others I I how grateful they are about using Pep-O- 1 J Tabs. Comes In plain wrapper—200 Tablets. * | 30 days' supply, $3.00—or 400 Tablets. 001 I days, supply, $3.00. Save $1.00. Money with | CREATES NATURE .. for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8 oz-; 50c-3 oz-; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER'S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-. Columbus, 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted. Classified Ads Get Resuits! Wanted Office Girl for steady position, call WE. 2769. “™——————— j NEIGHBORHOOD FURNITURE . & CLOTHING SHOP BIG SALE—Overcoats, all sizes 1 Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses Rugs, Beds, Gas Stoves and Oi Stoves. “We Buy and Sell” — 1 TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. 26th ST, FOR SALE—A SEVEN ROOM modern house, 2106 Maple at a^ bargain price. Only $3500.00. Down Payment $1000.00 cash. Balance like rent. Double garage in good condition. Call l| GL-2607 Evenings. ' WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A ' lady too help in resturant. 2513 N Street. Phone MA. 5J09. . MEN WANTED FOR GENERAL WAREHOUSE WORK WTe Are An Essential Industry OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. Ja. 0159 18th and Marcy FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOMAS FUNERAL HOME 2022 Lake St. WEbxter 2022 LAUNDRIES & CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE. 0053 EMERSON LAUNDRY 1324 North 24th St. WE 10211 HEAD The OJirjfl SUBSCRIBE VlU TODAY! THE OMAHA GUIDE CALL HA-0800 J200D READING, the CrOSStO WlTDreVmakino !y"*^SBS&®SES8E- | 1 on can get hand tailored suit, h I and slacks desired to suit tS’ dresses» ■ by an csperienced La ! yT r,PerSonality ( Specialize in stout figures' 11™°?; ,We f asssa&w «rr*a I .THREE O’CLOCK ... * AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS — how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get dp in the morning more tired than when we went 4 • P?“’ Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cause Ner vous Tension. Next time you feel Nervous and Keyed Up or begin to toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed —try .—DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) freshing |J?RVINE heIps to ease Nervous Tension —to permit re D^Mills Ne^nYhT^UrarvKeyed hP’ fidgety, WaEefuptake ITT“Nervine. Try it for Nervous Headache and Nervous Indigestion. Package 75* «|leSn^ifV*ine at y°u^ drug store. Effervescent Tablets. Large 25*. both7eaufl7vMkage 35*S Ll?uid' L?r«f Bottle S1.00, Small Bottle ? effective as a sedative, both guaranteed to satisfy or .jrour money back. Read directions and use only as directed , iS LLX barber Shoo I I 2045 NORTH 24th STREET g jl “This is the Home of Corn Fix” B