Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1945)
^^Srofessorofsurger>t Tat HOWARD U. AND CHIEF SURGEON AT FREEDMEN$ HOSPITAL IN WASHINGTON D.C., HAS THRU HIS BRILLANT RESEARCH AND ORGANIZATION OF THE FIRST BLOOD PLASMA BANK IN THE U.S. SAVED THOUSANDS OF HUMAN LIVES IN WORLD WARE. HE WAS BY BLOOD EXPERTS AS THE BEST QUALIFIED MAN INTHEU.S.ON fMISS ALMA JACKSON ££Jhe first negro woman in the PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE TO BE COMMISSION ED AN ASSt SANITARIAN-THE RANK IS | EQUIVALENT TO A FIRST LT.-ASSIGNED TO 7 LIBERIA FOR A 5YEAR SERVICE. BEFORE I JOINING THE SERVICE SHE TAUGHT HI6H SCHOOL IN MARTINSVILLE VA,AND IN NX. m. Copyright 1M5 by George L. Lee IThe government needs and asks its crri7FNis/ „ TO KEEP ON SALVAGING URGENTLY NEEDED TIN CANS. MLjPlilPl JAPAN STILL CONTROLS ALL SOURCES OF OUR PRE* , WAP TIN SUPPLY." KEEP ON SALVAGING TIN CANS.'' ERSKINE HAWKINS ENTERTAINS PRESS AT HOTEL LINCOLN • #*.*, _ _ _ _ _ ~ Photo by Hyman Chinkct »n conjunction with his leaving the swank Hotel Lincoln In New v, t, u “lus,ve for Ted YaIea Publications his popular orchestra. Erskine Hawkins feted the pick of the metronort h* created * *ensation with "Gabriel" is shown (top center) with his well-wishers Reading from left to rinh?- 5>reSS' The. *0th Century Courier); Dolores Brown, vocalist with the band; Ted Yates3 Editor indeoenriVJt?my |m'th (P,ttsbur9h MacFie. Broadway press agent associated with Ross and Hol’lev. Also Er^i^M Pree Press> and Laurie stein, manager of the famous musical aggregation; Johnny Yates of ipc- .a'*k"'s'j’osti Harry Gold Courier) and Joe Bostic. PV theatrical and * — >-ts editor * ' * P®‘ sadora Rowe (Pittsburgh Clean Generators There are a number of ways to clean or renew the generators of gas pressure stoves, heaters and urn burners so that they function like new ones insofar as service or operation is concerned. The most successful method of removing the carbon is to disassemble the gen erators and pass the parts through a solution of saltpeter which has been made liquid by heating to a temperature of about 2.000 degrees. The generator parts, when treated in this manner, come out entirely free of carbon, and when reassembled the generator works like new. This method, of course, can only be used when the generator renewal vol ume is great enough to justify the expense. Names of States Connecticut is Indian for ‘long river,” Maine means “the main land,” to distinguish it from the is lands, and Massachusetts is Indian for “great hills place.” New Hamp shire is named for Hampshire, England, and Rhode Island for Rhodes, an island in the Aegean sea. Vermont is French for “green moun tain.” New Jersey was named to compliment the governor of Jersey island off Brittany, and New York, was named for the duKe of York. Pennsylvania is Latin for "Penn’s woodland.” Gluing Wood For best results in gluing wood, ooth the glue and the wood should be warmed to about 75 degrees Fah renheit. Prewar Syria Prewar population of Syria was about 1,696,600. Intermixed are Arabs, Turks. Kurds, Circassians, Armenians, Greeks, Persians and Jews. A sprinking of tribal elements, such as the Druzes. figure in census totals. Capita] and biggest city is Damas 'Damascus), population 193, 912, believed to be the world’s old est city still inhabited. About 195 air miles northeast lies Alep 'Aleppo), second in size, with 177.313 dwell ers. Between these two cities are situated Homs, population 52.792, and Hama, 39.360, ranking third and fourth. Reached North Pole In 1909, Robert E. Peary, the arctic explorer, and party reached the North Pole. I I Sermon to Hep-Cats in Jive Style , >s«* Horn-Tooter Hawkins Halts Swing to Lecture Bobby Soxers By JOSEPH KAHN In the NEW YORK POST "Listen, you hep-cats, hold up a minute! I’ve stopped with the horn, and I'm gonna blow off some im portant steam.” Like a bombshelFErskine Haw kins. popular Negro orchestra lead er, breaks in on his solid swing program while playing at casinos, dance halls and parties throughout the country for the teen-agers. And before you can say “Tuxedo Junction," which he wrote, he is well on hi3 way with a brief talk ajjout curbing juvenile delinquency. Kids Need Guidance Hawkins figures “kids need guid ance.” and explained during an interview at the Hotel Lincoln, where he is playing currently, "dances are a good time to catch them.” "Stay off the streets, “he tells them with paternal gusto and a dash of ( real jive language. And they listen to him. too. He stresses the usefulness of spare time. “If you don’t go in for sports, read books, or be hep to plenty of places to learn how to make things with machines and tools. You can take free art courses, music, or any other subject you’d like to take up." Hawkins, who is known for his great facility on the trumpet, re minded the interviewer of the exist ence of playgronuds, parks and libraries. “Keep Away From Gangs” “Try them,” he says, “and you’ll find them more fun than running around with a gang and looking for trouble on every corner.” Hawkins has alw'ays been de voted to young people. At Alabama State Teachers College where he taught music and dramatics, he | brought together the nucleus of his present orchestra in 1934. ERSK1NE HAW KINS Banish Your GRAY HAIR Blues Do you look older than your age? Are you embarrassed and self-conscious because of what people may be saying about your gray, drab looking hair? Stop folks talking—look younger and lovelier by giving your hair rich, natu ral looking color and beauty with Larieuse. I LOOK YEARS YOUNGER | Color Your Hair This Easy Way I To give your hair new, rich, | natural-looking color (black, | brown, blonde) start using Gode | froy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW , . . Acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or [ wash out—unaffected by heat— permits permanents and stylish hairdos .. . Known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. | IEAUTIFULLY COLORED NATURAL LOOKING HAIR **or Best Results, SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Before Applying Larieuse Hair Coloring. CAUTION! Use Only os ^ Directed .n GODEfROVI Label M . m . ^*®^HAIR COLORING 2 04 A If your dealer doesn't have Larieuse 1 (LARRY USE) send $1.25 direct to . . . Godefroy Mfg. Co. 3510 Olive St. St. Louis, (3) Mo I , Negro Business Woman Operates Successful Trucking Company ..' <■ . . Twenty-two years ago Mrs. George Brown, of Scranton, Pa., found herself a widow with an important decision to make should she liquidate her late husband s business or should she run *t herself? She decided upon the latter course and today she has one of the most successful trucking firms in Northeastern Penn sylvania being exclusive trucker for all A & P Stores in that area ",th her manager, Granville Smith, a graduate of I ) 1. Contemns only Natural Herbs. I, 2. Thorough yet Gentle in Elfect. 3. No Unpleasant After effects. S! 4. Pleasant and Easy to Take. 5. No Fuss. No Brewing. No Bother. 6. Dose can be easily Adjusted to your J l Individual Needs. j i 7. Economical, a 50c package lasts the | Family for Months. if Caution: Use only as directed. | At all druggists Or write lor FREE GEN EROUS SAMPLE. Innerclean Co. 846 E. I Sixth St. Los Angeles 21. Calil. i Fish Odor on Towel To remove the odor of fish from tea towels and dish cloths boil them for five minutes in watdr containing one teaspoon baking soda to each quart. Rinse in warm and then in cold water. Soda water will also re move fish odor from the hands. ' Women do you suffer simple ANEMIA Due to Loss of Blood-Iron? ! You girls who suffer from simple I anemia or who lose so much during | monthly periods you feel tired, weak, j “dragged out”—this may be due to low blood-iron—so try Lydia E. Pinkham’s i TABLETS at once. Pinkham’s Tablets are one of the very best home ways to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy—in such cases. Pinkham’s Tablets are one of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buy! Follow label directions. Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABLETS Milky Dishes If milky dishes and fabrics are rinsed with clear cold water before coming in contact with warm, soapy water much of the calcium and protein will be carried away so that the washing may be done satis I factoriiy, say the home economists. BOWELS SLUGGISH? ? F.eeIing 5k* you lost your best frienj - 1^Jf^y-duU-aU because of sluggish bow pJL Whv put up wnh constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant a „ti',1?,£,heWlnE‘Bum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you i/n,iT^Cc.asain' Millions rely on FEEN-A ""NT. Chew like your favorite gum. Tastes good Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family lUDDlV CfMts nnl» Ihk J 10# MAKE THIS SENSATIONAL 7-DAY Money Back Test Simple Way Also Loosens BLACKHEADS %For Easy Removal MfiMiMI t If your skin is tanned too dark, if { you suffer from blackheads, pimples and other externally caused skin | blemishes . . . Rejoice. Dr. Fred ' Palmer’s Skin Whitener helps | A to lighten, smooth, clear and soften i I skin, and loosens blackheads for j ' easy removal. And here’s more j | wonderful news! You can try Dr. ' Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener a on a money back offer that’s too I good to miss. Yes. simply get a 25c 1 box from your druggist today. Use i 7 Days according to directions^If \ not wholly satisfied and delighted. Your Money Back! Ask for Dr. I Fred Palmer's Skin Whitener. 1 GALENOL COMPANY Box 264 Atlanta. Ga. Also try Dr Fred Palmer's Skin Delight « Soap and Vanishing Cream. They will help you win that lovely complexion so envied and admired. Each 25c. I I Plastic Production In 1930, the industry produced about 37,500,000 pounds of plastics valued at about $75,000,000, or $2 a pound. In 1940, the industry had been multiplied by 8, with an output of 300.000. 000 pounds averaging about $2 a pound in value. Estimated pro duction in 1944 indicates a doubling since 1940 with an output of about 700.000. 000 pounds valued at $1,800, 000,000 or about $2.50 a pound. , NEGRO DOLLS Every home should have a Col ored Doll. We offer in this sale two flashy numbers. With hair, moving eyes, shoes, stockings, nicely dressed. Price $4.98 and $6.59. If C. O. D. postage ex tra. Dealers— Agents wanted. Write National Co., 254 West 135th St., New York, 30. Mr. Wm. Station of 3211 U Street has a family of four, wife and two boys. Mr. Station moved here from Oklahoma in 1942 and reports that he likes Omaha very much. Since coming here he has worked at Cud ahy Packing Plant and troth of his boys attend West Side school. FROM'MICROBETO MAN By DR. J. V. WELLS the fascinating story of the da VELOPMENT OF OUR UNBORN BODY FROM A SINGLE MICROBE SIZED EGG CELL INTO A HUMAN BEING. PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGARD LESS OF YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE Si POSTPAID 2Dt*4 century press log * SI. TACOMA WASMItflW Men, Women! Old at 40,50, 60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, wom-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at | what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40, 50, 60, for body old solely be cause low in iron; also supplies vita min Bl, calcium, phosphorus. 35c In troductory size now only 29c! Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep, younger feeling, this very day. For sale at all drug stores everywhere— in Omaha, at Walgreen’s & Smith’s. For sale at all drug stores every where—in Omaha, at SMITH’S A WALGREEN’S. — __ There’s a Thrill In Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientific CRIME i DETECTION I have taught thousands of men and women this exciting. Croft table, pleasant profession. Let ms teach you. too, » your own home. Prepare yourself in your leisure time to fill a responsible, steady, well-paid position in a very short time snd at very small cost. What others have don* you too. can do. 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I A S. This fascinating work is easy to learn and the training is inexpensive. You. too. can 6t yourself to fill a responsible crime detection tol with good Day snd eteady employment. But don’t delay —get the details now. Let me show you bow easily and completely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, during spare time, in your own borne You may pay as you learn. Write today for free Crime Book. FREE! “THE BLUE BOOK OF CRIME" | It's a thriller Tells about some of the most Interesting crimes ever perpetrated snd bow they were solved through the very methods taught by I.AA. Send now — be sure to state age ! INSTITUTE or APPLIED SCIENCEj *V. UH mo Id. A..* 40. IIII44I, | ifitiiniilrisBr . j Mrs. Palmer... Spiritualist and Adviser NO FEE—but if satisfied, donations accepted. Guaranteed to ur.ravel the most intricate affairs of life lifting you out of trouble and mental distress, giving actual dates and facts. True and fascinating are the words that flow from the lips of this strange personality. She can and w.ll help you. A born gifted reader of life. She holds her work above the idle curious. The largest room in the world is the room for self improvement. ^jfliat sunshine is to the flowers, relm ble advieejs to the human race. Readings Daily, except Sunday, from 1 p m to 8 p m —PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT— 2318 Douglas Street Omaha, Nebraska 1 E NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned, Edited. Published and Circulated by Negroes to serve the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav to Success and Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price— 12 Issues—$1 RREE—With each year's subscription will be given "THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE.” the practical slda of Money Handling that will male* VO* a successful person. Send your order today to THE NEGRO WORKER Box 278- B Tea* spas Institute. Atobaaea PMC? WEAK? from loss of MOOIMMNI? Girlst Women! If you lose so much dur ing monthly periods that you feel weak "dragged out”—this may be due to low blood Iron. So try Lydia E. Plnkham’s1 Tablets one of the best home ways to* I help build up red blood In such cases. I Plnkham's Tablets are one of the great-1 est blood-iron tonics you can buy 1 Follow label directions. Lydia L Pinkham’s TABLETS m lo. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on aget Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains tunic many need at 40. 60. 60. for body old solely because low In Iron; also supple s vitamin U,. calcium, phosphorus. 35e In troductory slxe now unit/ 2#ct Try Ostrex Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. Loose Custards Too much sugar added to custards prevents them from thickening prop erly. ~~ Macrus-Jewelers 320 North 16th Street Graduation Specials... | WRIST WATCHES by Famous Makers • ELGIN. • WALTHAM • HAMILTON, •GRI EN. fBULOVA, • HENRI'S. —MANY OTHERS PRICED —$20.00 up— More Graduation Specials at” OVERNIGHT CASES $12.00 STERLING SILVER ID ENT I FICATION HR A CE L RTS $4.00 GIRLS’ HIRTHSTONE RINGS $8.50 MANY MORE GIFTS FOR THE GRADUATE GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot", corner and adjoining on Month went corner 21st and Grace. Extensive frontngc on both 21*t nnd Grace. Ideal for 2 or more home-, or especially suited as Church grounds. Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address HOY A.Cid or Call IIA-OSOO. All Laxatives Are Not Alike think tor a minute that all £es are more or less alike you certainly have a real SURPRISE await lnftr£ou when y°u take Kruschen Salts mJoJien yiOU f?eJ bloated, headachy and meanly sluggish—because you need a fu°d..iCl?amng out — what you then sh°uld try is KRUSCHEN SALTS PPnvTny<,v want reIief y°u want it PRONTO. Kruschen. a true saline lax ative answers today's need TODAY «fe on]y as directed. Regu the dose to suit yourself. Re S'?Inbgr the name and get KRUSCHEN S today at any good drug store. 9 £ GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN I WHO DOUCHE fl Many Doctors today recommend the n use of douches for women troubled jj with discharge (“the whites”), r offending odor, and minor irritation ^ —for women who want to be and r feel refreshingly clean, y ' And here's a product for the douche + —Hospital tested, too, with splendid / results—Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sana r tive Wash, made by the same great ' company that makes Lydia E. f Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Mw* Pinkham's Sanative Wash is gain ing great favor today with women. f Ff’s mighty effective to cleanse, ■ relieve offending odor, discharge and ! discomfort of minor irritation, yet it ! positively won't harm even the most I delicate membranes or tissues. Inex | pensive, too. Any drug store. | "» Lydia E. Pinkham’s > I SANATIVE WASH WE ARE NOW ABLE... 1 to Render Much Better Service on All LaundrvS Work J | THANKS for being so Patient during theS Past Trying Months. EDHOLM&SHERMAN! I—LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— I 2401 NORTH 24th STREET 1 -PHONE WEbster 6055- |