The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 21, 1945, Page 2, Image 2
IACK DAVIS By TED WATSON WriAH-fYS, MV'** ft* , * TM£ *C£A£ Of WHAT C4£L£J 'AOf£Y M/i£l£fiZ coon f/M*£n /£ 7H£ COAFM£i Off* 0££/££.m _ *\H£U."6iA*i THe SJ&YVY TOT' TTYTYVYC W£'T>) S A££ YOTY */£>£)/*V6 ? W£ j TJO/OY'S MY YY/P/A& THAT* A ^B ( g£TT&l TAY £>£AT>' Y/T. \ (AY£V£Z YY£A£Z> £S "MOOC^y" \ AMD TH£ 30V* w/u 60OZ> P£AT... T1 l 7^/*. 3/0 YAffTY COOTS 1 ( AUYCAY A WHY YYAYOJV AAYYTTYYAYG 1 *TA£T FA/HT//V6 YT W£‘U iS£/T)\ 0££ GTA**-£Y£Y S' V C>£ YY/S HYME&AmOTSTS- J TCWC*r.. H£X£ Yj| I -_1- - ' —-^ MT>G#S7AAY£> ? • ^ ^mWQL)t> 1 BREEZY ByT.MtLVlN C&aaezY, here coma* L > PORKY PETBR&ON- VWCf (MEK1^ [WHAT tfVA SAY WE 60 1 CAMPi N', FORK? WE K/N1 USB ONE OF YOUR SHIRTS) ^FORATENT.fJ^^r lOKAY/' N' ^INCB I'M M PORTIN' 60MBTHINO- TORI OUR. CAMPIN' TR!e£J I dSi K-HOWA&OUt USIN' pOR A TENT POLE, /y gSKINNY, OL'BOY?/^ I C*»4T«*e»<TXl 1 JIM STEELE Bf MELVIN TAPLEY JIM . ANP5PAf2KY WON PBR. ABOUT tub ouram cf TtHI^BAMDlF HBUBNACAtttm mUBTOgUUFF mjippoN&ze lUrOBEUEVINCr BHBI^ONBOF £H£ CAFRIE^OM covT/vex iAi.eeA.nxei BEFORE | GO,MlS£ Aj|K§S 4AITO- WHATOF HERR &L\TZO ANP RANPIT ? imf IF~^AVEA/com^ps/ MHP THEYPONOT PESERVE > 4f/|r0 BREATHE THE AIROF< " -- .JIPPOM LTHEYOOUGHT TO PIGIRJCT THE ij IMPERIAL COMMAND FROM NOTICE' OF THEIR COWARDICE BY TAKING . k DRUG'S WHICH WILL HAVE EFFECT// ) LONG ENOUGH TO MAKE FAINT IN <L 'JIPPON'G MEMORY HOWTHEY-THE I INVAPERG-^URRENDEREPTOTHE I ENEMY7 THEY SHOULD BE TRIED I imm ■ T FOR TREASON/j N fe^ApgTHEy'i sgHALL - AND YOJMAY HEARTHBR TESTIJ I monyTTthe doctor says that, 'HE HAS ADMINISTERED AN ANTIDOTE AND THEY WILL £E CONSCIOUS AT ►anymoments. GpOD EVENING) MISS I A C K DAVIS By TED WATSON fel ay MAT m COA/£ ££££>££.,„ \ /we'U 6£TA ^1/AACyX / Sv cr aw* 7H£#<s£r \f /amwaatap faUSAXjTY tt*/r£*f II #AO OAHf A V*/ ^\AW* <XTAT^ £V£JPY7WM; CET\ iMA£?a**Y, /WD ) DOATT SOCKET 70 < Cs/ECSf OAT WCS4T/J TO ID YOTT-^/ domY cne ut rwr\ / ICC*/ \ f HWAT \ YOU AAOtY, AKKCrtY, J ( OVA M£4U) maacey a a vac/ / V ? ■ J - ^W/OWCUAfCt/y \ ■ y Y TTZJ.* <StA^-£Y£ OP P4 pp/£pO OP P/+ WPO OMM$ A P4P£P &/PPZY COMPANY... GLAH-£Y£ PCAPt TO 6/Y£ AM OPZ>£P TO 7M/$ OPTP/T POP *VPPU£+ 70 ££ U*£0 /M CAMBI/M6... Joacuy /wneucK hh. j>?/v£jC> rTO /?/£££ OV/C£ a£ 77/f A4M0CD /A/A/., ,'<j/A*y£Y£ 'CA7&/& 7H£ JWV&M 7H£ ACT AW #£6} WM.. naMWOP* l Atf-syS 7P/SMY AMOCSY /MV COM/SC - WS 7V BASSOV /MS... AS APCSSSM7 SMS/Si ASS OAA&Mrs HUS* Afvocsy wo *SCCSSSf ASM/ TVS SUM... GIAH -SYS SXPOiSy A *£CPSr CVS7S W/O/ iSASf 70 TVS JXA/SMS CASAL ASS /MTV 'PPrjCO BAYjS/i /OSWAPS SOP SOjSY M}£/JPi„. Conflr^-v rx*mi BREEZY % By T. MELVIN P: HELTO, CABOT ANN. j IT TO 60TO THE MOVIES ^ '(THIS AFTERNOON ?i! 1 60SH / WHY^OY.-J/-I HEARPAgOUT YOUVO-v YES/HE SAlb YOU'D 'M jolm ?ATNO ALL THAT STBAUN&! 1 STOLEN MORE BASE&1 T0LD Me// than anybopy elseJ 7/ ufurcc/ ^ 'THIEF- ON THE BASEBALL HUCKLEBERRY FINN Mr. Amos Dean of 3305 N. 36th( lias a nice home and a nice lot of chickens. They have 2 children. One daughter married to a Mr. Johnson. Mr. Dean has worked at the Wool worth 10c Store for 18 years and likes it very njuch. He is now' on his vacation and enjoying himself at home with his family. Rev. R. T. Love of 3343 Evans, formerly in Louisiana. He confessed religion when he was ten years old. He was called to preach when he was converted. Ordained to preach in Fresport, Louisiana in the year of 1895. He built and organized many churches. He is now the pastor of Mount Nebo. He pastored churches in Watson, Texas and other places. Mrs. Nina Cole, 2723 Corby, has just finished her improvement on her home. She said she could now rest for awhile. Rev. Wagner of 1512 N. 26th had an attact last Saturady and had an other on the 30th which caused him to take his bed. He said he is doing a little better. Dr. Wiggins is the at tending physician. THE WEEK By C. W. Smith I The walkout at the Goodyear rub ber plant in Akron, Ohio will cause several thousand men to be out of work. The U. S. Senate by a vote of 42 to 25 gave the F.E.P.C. two hundred and fifty thousand dollars appropria tion for 1946 after a 4 day wrangle. President Truman told the Jesters club in Kansas City when he feels himself going high hat he gets his Bible and turns to the chapter of Luke, verse 1: Woe unto you when all men shall speak well of you. For so did their fathers. No trave has been found of Lu cruein F. Brozell, aged 19. She was last seen by her father at 17th and | Dodge streets on the 18th of June. U. S. Senate and Congress may re cess some time the week of the sec ond of July. U. S. Senator Brewster of Maine wants fisheries called farm products. Six persons perished in a fire Sat urday morning, June 30 in a heavily populated district of Augusta, Me. Rumor has it that the Big 3 parley will take place in Potsdam, just out side of Berlin in July. President Tru man delivered the United Nations charter to the U. S. Senate Monday, July 2 in person and urged its imme diate ratification. Two persons were killed and 54 injured in a train wreck Sunday night, the first of July on the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad. Sixteen persons were injured in a train collision near Plumervale, Ark., Sunday, July first. Read the Omaha Greater Guide for all the news. Are you a member of the N. A. A. C. P.? If not, why not? Oklahoma. The Federation was en tertained by the Southside Civic Club. Entertaining in 1946 will be the Eureka Art Club. RceivedCMrs. ers of the Guide. Mrs. Jones says she expects to take the Guide but I have come back from shopping and spent all of my money. But you come back because I want the Guide. Mr. A. L. Hawkins of 3316 Em mett St. reports that he has been sick for 2 years but is able to creep around. I sometimes think I am on the up grade but seems that the time passes so slow. I would like to be out and doing something. However, I shall have patience and wait until my chance comes. Thanks he break fasts at 2 p. m. Lothrop, and on Friday, July 20, Miller Park District will help when their contributions are sent to the school at Twenty-seventh and Ellison Streets. All collections must be in by 1:30 p. m. Let s each do our share! Sure, BaB'Es come FROM STl>n\PS! Trttvr iSj \F vou Know the /VWNGIC WORDS To 5AV. A SKONK SET ON ft STUMP. , THE SKUNK THUNK THE STunP STUNK , ANP THE STUMP THUNK THE y \ SKONK STUNK. --' AUAKAZAV7? ) AUA KAZOO\^/ _ _ _ ( NMrtM'S THE Big idea V •nWakiM’ /V\E 09 ? SQUIRE EDGEGATE—h, i, Hard t» pitMt tT wms M(mw iy£5 I SEAT To A 1 ^Ll tf'&HT you TO CO^I TvW^To^* ^AD 7’AH’£ ‘S/^Cn' yy£ v*T VO u Th/S CHAINS - 70 BE. SATISFIED ITS M-OT wr-IAI -“ / OI?D£Pt& ( y»°c\ ■ "V ».« ] /-ITS HbNDSCMc.i-'/ \ 50R.Tt<? <-z_ *"iJG.V/SHEO TOO ( r>J)HTtCUi-*l? S'* /*8£>LIT T*/ . 'irb>r?t<iTui»EL -—v» Gr— T HQvE CHAiR >n Trt TW^t Coes T3bctr \_To AciJis 7h‘ Xi»J --- l r -- ( 5 /"ATTEf? \ A)m~r iT f &S)T IS FACTORY 4 3 i \0T- Yii — \OW'S ) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Camper ol j 2843 Wirt Jit. seems to be doing | nicely. They have a real nice home and no children. They are not the least bit worried. Mr. and Mrs. Parker of 958 N. 25th has lived in Omaha 28 years. Since coming here Mr. Parker has been discharged from the army. He now works at the Pullman Co. Mr. King, the father of Mrs. Parker is a decorator and plasterer, and cement finisher, in fact he does all kinds of such work. Mr. and Mrs. Foster of 938 N. 25th has a little baby girl about 1 mo. Mr. Foster is now working at the Omaha Steel Works. The baby’s name is Mary Lee Foster. Mrs. Fos ter said it takes all of her time tak ing care of the baby. Mrs. Edith Weston and Mrs. Wil lena Wallar of Kansas City, Mo. are now visiting their sister, Mrs. Mar vin Payne of 2610 Charles. Mrs. Wes ton says she will be here until Mon day or Tuesday of next week. She admires our city very much and would like to stay here. They are very nice people to meet. Mrs. Sadie Biggie of 2511 Charles has a family of 7. She has a beauti ful little girl of 8 months. Mrs. Biggie takes care of the children while Mr. Biggie works at the Bomber Plant. Cpl. Jack Williams of Ft. Louis, Washington is now on his furlough visiting his wife and children at 2325 Charles. He will be here 17 days. He is having a very nice time and will return to his camp on the 5th of July. We wish him much success. Mr. Towl of 2626 N. 24th is now in his home for a few days, probably until Saturday. Mr. Towl will leave here for S. Dakota and will be in and out of town at different times. His business is fine. Mrs. Towl re ports that she viisted also Yellow stone Park and other points West. While in S. Dakota she had a swell time fishing. Sl-c Charles Wolf of San Diego, Cal., is now visiting his wife at 2312 N. 21st. He will return to his former camp. This is his first time being here. He formerly lived in Missis sippi. Mrs. Althony Adams of 2314 N. 27th has a son in the army and is 1 now stationed in Seattle, Washington. His wife is living in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Adams had only one son. Mrs. Crum left for Montgomery, Ala., and Pensacola, Florida. On her way back she will stop at Birming ham, Ala., and then to Chicago. She will then return home. Mrs. Crum will visit her sister who was a visitor in Omaha last year. She formerly lived in Alabama before coming to Omaha. Mrs. Crum is still holding down his job in the Packing Plant which he has had for 27 years. Mrs. Jackson met at her residence and sponsored a meeting. The pur pose of the meeting was to cooper ate with those in authority in pro moting the general condition of this community. We all in this vicinity will help to bring about a better un derstanding in the schools, and in the general conditions we want to do. We ask the parents to assist in this move. Mrs. Thelma Johnson has a little girl baby living at 2536 Decatur. She is left in the care of the child, Char lene Johnson. The baby is doing very nicely, but where is the real mother? The Streamline Barber Shop offers its gartitude to the public for in creasing his business. The public is always welcome. Mrs. Edith Curtweight of 2519 Blondo is always on the move. She is a hair dresser. She said she was a widow and must keep on the move. NEW TEENTIMER LOOK Casual simplicity keynotes this all pleated teentimer skirt dress in a labtex fabric, designed by Grace Nor man. A mighty midget wallet can bet slipped on the belt as shown here by use of the key chain attached to wal let which is one of the features of this new wallet. Ready for any teen time occasion, the mighty midget, which is a 6 in 1 wallet, has a place for everything, eliminating a hand-. bag. This dress and accessory portrays the new teentimer look of casual sim plicity. 117 Satisfied Customers j You Rre Next 17 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition. Let us build that new home for you. We use only skilled workmen and the very best of ma terial at pre-war prices, with three government inspections. Realty Improvement COMPANY 342 ELECTRIC BLDG Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620 i Omaha, Nebraska DE*f? ! Do you suffer from hard of hearing and head noises | caused by catarrh of the head? WRITE US NOW for j ■ proof of the good results our simple home treatment I has accomplished for a great many people. Many past 1 70 report hearing fine and head noises gone. Nothing , to wear. Send today for proof and 30 days trial offer. No obligations! ( *JHE ELMO COMPANY, Dept. 516 Davenport, lowifT^ j\ I au v jhkhehsjusiht JIM SPRINGER BETTER KNOW N AS THE VAMP Mr. Jim Springer, better known as the vamp at one time was the fashion plate of South 13th St. and a great mixer among his people is now at the corner of 11th and Jackson with E. H. Camel. Headquar ters for those Red, Mellow Meat Watermelons, also Remember the location, 11th and Jackson. Mr. Jim Springer is in charge from 10 P. M. to 5 A . M., so if you’re out for a drive and you want some high Home Grown Strawberries and many other high class vegetables or fruit just stop by 11th and Jack son and see Mr. Jim Springer. Ja-9318. We are at your service 24 hours per day. class vegetables. Open all night. Stop by, we never dose. For information about stock on hand call —QUOTES—1 OF THE WEEK It |> “It would convince men that ■‘women are all alike!’”—Dr. E. A. Hooton, Harvard anthropolo gist, advocating uniforms for women. “Why does anyone want to do something constructive in life?” —Doris Duke, “world’s richest girl,” explaining why she’s taken ‘up newspaper work. “We wouldn’t even give them Elba room!” — Sen. Soaper, on lonely-island-exile plan for Nazi generals. “Prices high enough to encour age production are an essential ingredient in any sound method of inflation control.”—Chas. S. Davis, pres. Borg-Wamer Corp. “Jobs can’t be made in a hurry if manufacturers have to go through a handful of bureaus for approval to buy goods and ma chines.”—Pres. Ira Mosher, NatL Asstu of Manufacturers. “I hope I get 90 days — then ru have company.”—Lonely N. 1 i Y. brunette who turned in false fire alarm. (She was fined $25.) Men 1 I for General Warehouse Work W e are essential Industry Omaha Paper Stock Co. JA-0159 18th & Marcy Milk Production The record high numbers of milk cows in farm herds in 1944, produc ing at the lowest rate per cow in half a dozen years, turned out the second largest volume of milk in the nation’s history, the Extension Serv ice reports. New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART ' 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— “Everything For The Home" flBBi==^-ionnnr=innnni-mnn King Yuen Cafe • CHOP SUEY— 20J01£ X. 24th St. JAckaon S57& Open from 2 p m. until 3 a m. AMERICAN A CHINESE DISHES =11-ir= □DRINKING IT CAN BE DONE1 Thousands have learned from me how I broke the whiskey spell. If alco hol is rotting your Home, Health and Happiness, let me tell you the way to end the curse of Drink. Get the answer to sour problem, write NEWTON, Dept. CPl, P- O. Box 861. Hollywood California. V fSSSmmam WHEN Functional Nervous Disturbances such as Sleep lessness, Crankiness, Excitability* Restlessness or Nervous Headache interfere with your work or spoil your good times, take 1 Dr. Miles Nervine' (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) Nervous Tension can make you Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner vous Tension can cause Nervous Headache and Nervous Indiges tion. In times like these, we are more likely than usual to become overwrought and nervous and ta wish for a good sedative. Dr, Miles Nervine is a good sedative —mild but effective. If you do not use Dr. Miles Nervine you can’t know what it will do for you. It comes in Liquid and Effervescent Tablet form, both equally soothing to tense and over-wrought nerves. WHY DON’T YOU TRY IT ? •Get it at your drug store, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*, Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc tions and use only as directed.