The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 21, 1945, Image 1

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^ ^ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC- ★ +
Entered as 2nd class matter at Post- oft ice, Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of _ , _ . o-i mie , I” ~
March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr Saturday, July 21, 1945 w IOC Per Copy ★ OUT 18th Year_Nd 24
Speaking before a joint meeting o
the Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, anc
other service organizations of Stater
island, N. Y., on July 5, Colonel F
W. Huntington, Commanding Office]
of the Fox Hills Terminal, New Yorl
Port of Embarkation, lauded highly
the work accomplished by Negro Port
Companies which are and have beer
stationed there.
“Units trained at Fox Hills,’ he
told the influential audience, “have
served commendably, under fire, in
every combat zone where U. S.
Forces fight, and those which have
not yet gone overseas have contrib
uted greatly to the speedier ending
of the war by helping to rush supplies
to front-line troops.”
“With the change in the war,” Col.
Huntington said, “no one can tell
what the future holds for Fox Hills.
But this I am sure of, whatever the
colored soldiers are called upon to
do, they will continue to perform
their work in the fine manner as they
have in the past and will do an out
standing job.”
In speaking of the debarkation
work which the Port Companies are
doing at present at the New York
Port of Embarkation, through which
most of the wounded soldiers return
ing from overseas pass, the Colonel
“The Negro soldiers who have han
dled these wounded men have done
their work in a gentle and compas
sionate manner. They seem to feel
nothing is too good for these men
who have given parts of their bodies
to make this country a decent place
in which to live.” 5,658 patients were
debarked at the Port in one day last
month, he pointed out.
Colonel Huntington, Brooklyn bom
soldier, who rose to his present posi
tion from that of a private in the
ranks, holds the Croix De Guerre, the
Silver Star, and other decorations for
bravery in the former World War. He
was Commanding Officer of the his
toric Jackson Barracks, in New Or
leans, before taking up his post in
New York, November, 1944.
Local Notes
Mrs. Hattie Maxwell Palmer of
Washington, D. C. is now visiting her
sister and brother of 2724 Blondo.
Mrs. Palmer reports that she almost
forgot her old home. She likes Wash
ington very well but will always re
member Omaha.
r ' _
Mrs. Evelyn Stone of 1702 N. 26th
is ill and has to stay home from her
job for a few days. She is employed
at Armour Packing Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bryant are
leaving this month to make their
home in Arizona. We hope they will
be happy—their present home is
housing project in South Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler at 5713 W St.
are planning a trip to Chicago and
New York for July and August. Hap
py landing. Mrs. Florence Daily at
3113 S St. and adughter, Miss Clody
Daily and Miss Aizahitl Daily are
leaving for Chicago next month. Best
wishes and good luck.
Mrs. Taylor of 2117 N. 28th St.
reports that Mrs. Ruth Kitchen and
Isabelle returned to their home in
Des Moines, Iowa, after spending two
weeks with an old acquaintance. They
were house guests of Mrs. Minnie
Taylor of 2117 N. 28th St. There
were social affairs given in their
honor. On July 9th they were by Mrs.
Mae Jackson of 2219 Ohio. They
were also entertained by Miss Hilton
of 2403 N. 22nd St. She gave what is
known as a theater party. The Ink
Spots were expected.
Mr. Tom Blackson of 5119 S. 20th
has a real nice place and can give
you any kind of haircut or shave or
shampoo. Yo uare invited to come in
at any time, you are welcome. He
also has 4 rooms for rent. You can
always find a house at Mr. Blackson,
5119 S. 26th St.
We enjoy our new minister. Rev.
Hooks at Union Memorial Church,
3 U St. He has with him 2 nice young
men. We will do everything we can
to make them happy as long as they
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore at
5618 S. 33rd have a nice beautiful
home. They have no children. They
have been residents of Omaha about
21 years. They have a nice family.
The Caffe of 2729 O St., better
known as the Arm Caffe reports that
her business is somewhat slow at the
present and she said that she sprained'
he rankle some time ago and was
compelled to slow down for a while.
She is a member of the Methodist
church but cannot attend.
Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hawkins are
taking a trip over the city sightseeing.
They also spent a day in Council
Bluffs. Everyone enjoyed themselves
y at a lawn party' given by Mrs. Goldin,
24 N. 16th, Council Bluffs.
o -
Rothwell who operates florest on
24th between Lake and Ohio has
moved his place of business to 2701
Okinawa — U. S. Marine Corps
Photo—Soundphoto — Kneeling in
Okinawa’s dust, Marines of the Sixth
Division give thanks at a Catholic
mass celebrated shortly after securing
the southern end of that vital island.
Ration boxes support the chaplain’s
Omaha, Nebr., July 16—Nebras
kans purchased a record amount of
War Bonds in the Seventh War Loan
drive, it was shown today when final
figures for the state were released by1
the Nebraska War Finance Commit
All types of government securities
bought by individuals and corpora
tions during the campaign totalled
$184,472,157, representing slightly
more than 200 per cent of the state’s
over-all quota of 92 million dollars.
Sales to individuals, of which more
than 50 per cent were in “E” Bonds,
totalled $85,355,465, or 131 per cent
of Nebraska’s individual quota of 65
million dollars.
The most outstanding feature of
the drive, according to War Finance
j officials, was the fact that Nebraska
| tied for seventh place in the nation on
! percentage of quota in “E” Bond
j sales. A total of $49,418,221 of “E”
I Bonds were sold, representing 115
j per cent of the state’s 43 million dol
| lar “E” Bond quota.
AJ1 but one ot Nebraska s 93 coun
ties made their over-all quotas. Sev
enty counties exceeded their individ
ual quotas, while 7.9 comities weut
over their “E” Bond quotas.
“It was a grand job and accom
plished in characteristic Nebraska
fashion,” said Dale Clark, Chairman
of the Nebraska War Finance Com-I
mittee. “We wish to thank the hun
dreds of thousands of Nebraskans who
made this record possible through
purchase of bonds or by work as bond
salesmen with county war finance
, N. 24th St. where he can serve you
in the future as he has in the past.
You are welcome and look him over.
He will be glad to see you at all
Mr. Thomas Henry Perkins, aged
63, 2524 Decatur Street, died Satur
day, July 14th in Lincoln. He had
keen a resident of Omaha for 35
years end employed by the Union
Pacific Railroad for thirty years. Mr.
Perkins was also a musician and
played with local bands. He is sur
vived by his wife, Mrs. Mae Perkins,
five daughters, Miss Helen Perkins,
Mrs. Marie Hayes, Mrs. Maxine Lan
ders, Mrs. Natalie Davis, Miss Doris
Perkins, two sons, Richard and Ray
mond Perkins, all of Omaha; three
sisters, Mrs. Bertha Starks, Mrs. Willa
Carr, of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs.
Mary Faucett, Omaha; three broth
ers, Mr. Robert Perkins, Kansas City,
Mo., Mr. Frank Perkins, Minneapolis,
Minn., Mr. George Perkins, Denver,
Colorado; nephews, nieces and other'
The body lie in state in Thomas
Funeral Home. Services were held
Wednesday afternoon from Salem
Baptist Church with Rev. J. C. Wade
officiating with burial at Forest Lawn
Mrs. Lula Johnson, 65, died Thurs
day, July 12 at her residence, 2914
Vorth 25th Street. Her husband, Mr.
fames Johnson, preceded her in death
in 1937. Mrs. Johnson had been a res
ident of Omaha twenty-nine years
and was a faithful member of Mt.
Moriah Baptist Church. She is sur
vived by a niece, Mrs. Oz McCall,
Omaha. Funeral services were held
Friday afternoon, July 20th from Mt.
Moriah Baptist Church with the Rev.
David St. Clair officiating, with bur
ial in the family plot at Prospect Hill
cemetery. Arrangements by Thomas
Mrs. Julie Spense, 2519 Parker and
Mrs. Bessie of 1420 N. 26th have
just returned from California where
they went to spend their vacation with
her daughter, Miss Pauline Williams
and Miss Equator Williams, her
brother, Mr. Lawrence Bleeakly.
They had a very nice time. They
liked California very much. Miss Wil
liams says she likes Omaha better
than any place yet.
Sgt. Matthews and W ife Enjoying
Newly Completed Bedford Home
By Hiram D. Dee
The first owner to occupy his own
home in Bedord Park is U. S. Mat
thews and his wife, Marie. Mr. Mat
thews is a sergeant detective with
the Omaha Detective Bureau, and
has been with the bureau for more
than 23 years and is well known for
his cooperative service in the com
munity; we are mighty proud of him.
On July 9th, F. H. A. made final
inspection of the house just com
pleted for Warren M. Alston and his
wife, Althea. It is expected that they
will move into their house by the
15th of this month. Mr. Alston is a
fireman for the City of Omaha and
he is stationed on Lake at 20th. He
has been of fine service to the city
and he is well liked by everyone. He
has lovely children and one of his
daughters, although 5 years of age,
is well talented and plays the piano
very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Alston are'
sure proud of their family and their'
new home.
Reverend Elijah Green’s house is
'being painted and it should be ready
for completion by the end of this
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lillard are
next in line and their house should
be finished by the end of this month.
The brick veneer house on the
northeast comer of 28th Ave. and
Wirt Street received second inspec
tion from the F. H. A. on Monday,
July 9th and is now ready for in
terior finishing, and it is possible
that this house will be ready for oc
cupancy August 15. And by that time
the new home for Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
Williams should also be ready for
The working men and the crafts
men building the houses in Bedford
Park are doing a mighty good job in
getting the new houses started for
Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Preston, Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Shobe, Mr. and Mrs.
Saybert C. Hanger, and Mr. and Mrs.
Welton Hogan.
New neighbors in Bedford Park
are Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Rivers and
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Adams. Mr.
Aadms is rent attorney with the O. P.
A., and naturally takes care of his
own clients as well. Welcome to Bed
ford Park.
Congress Give
FEPC the Nod
By putting its stamp of approval
on continuation of the FEPC, Con-'
gress has demonstrated that it is in
tune with the times. Finally given an
opportunity to vote on FEPC, Con
gress clearly indicated its support of
the principle of equality in employ
ment opportunity. It is regrettable,
however, that the FEPC appropria
tion did not reach the floor of Con
gress in the form and amount origi
nally approved by the Bureau of the
Budget, for we believe the majority
of members would have preferred an
opportunity to vote for the full
$599,000 required, and without the
termination clause.
The people know that the compro
mise was forced upon the Congress
by a minority which jeopardized the
entire war program by its obstruc
tionist tactics. The termination clause,
especially, is a challenge we believe
the people of this country are pre
pared to meet.
We are beginning today to redouble
our efforts toward enactment of the
permanent legislation in the fall. Only
about 70 signatures are required to
complete the petition for bringing it
to the floor of the House of Repre
sentatives. All over the country the
people are determined to continue
the process of making democracy
work, and during the Congressional
recess, while the members are in di
rect contact with their constituents,
those who have not yet signed the
petition will come to realize that
their place is with those who are
with the tide of history.
We cannot believe that the Con
gress or the people want a reconver
sion to job discrimination as the war
draws to a close. What is unfair in
war time, is also unfair in peace time. ]
Our efforts to build world-wide peace |
and security through implementation
of the San Francisco Charter are in
extricably intertwined with our treat
ment of minorities within our own
borders. Our national and interna
tional efforts toward peace and se
curity are but both sides of the same
Legislative Campaign
President Philip Murray of the Con
gress of Industrial Organizations and
Sidney Hillman, chairman of the CIO
Political Action Committee, issued the
following statement afte a CIO-PAC i
meeting in Washington, D. C., July
11, 1945:
The CIO-PAC has mapped out an
intensive nation - wide campaign
around six major legislative issues, for
immediate application.
The committee recognizer that
while the overwhelming victory won
by the democratic forces in the 1944
national election represented a seri
ous setback for the forces of reac
tion, those forces have not been
On the contrary, and particularly
with the defeat of Hitler and the as
surance of military victory' over Ja
pan, these forces have sharpened their
attacks against labor and the peo
; pie. They have initiated new reac
! tionary legislative measures. They re
I sist measures essential for orderly re
conversion of our national economy
and to achieve the objectives stated
by President Roosevelt in the new Bill
of Rights aud the recommendation of
President Truman. In the field of for
eign relations, while the tremendous
popular sentiment for. international
cooperation makes them hesitate to
attack the San Francisco charter
openly, there is danger that they will
seek to prevent its full implementa
tion, oppose the Bretton Woods
Agreement and continue their efforts :
to deprive the peoples of other na- j
tions of their opportunity to enjoy
economic and political democracy.
The CIO-PAC set as its major task
to continue and intensify its educa
tional program on the following spe
cific issues, immediate action on
which is essential to meet the needs
of tire common man and of the whole
(1) The revision of national wage
policy to permit generous wage ad
| justments to meet increased living
Camp GIs Slated
for Dismissal
Washington, D. C.—Argument in
tire case of three Camp Polk, Louisi
ana officers charged with disobedi
ence of orders of their commanding
officer, was presented before the
Judge Advocate General’s Board of
Review, here June 27 by Judge Wil
liam H. Hastie and Robert L. Carter
of the NAACP legal staff. The offi
cers, 1st Lt. Samuel B. Wallace and
2nd Lts. Leo B. Ommonds and Joe
R. Jackson were found guilty and
sentenced to dismissal from service at
Camp Polk on April 16, 17 and May
It was pointed out in argument be
fore the Board that charges against
these men had not proved in that the
evidence clearly disclosed the alleged
order had not been issued to the offi
cers. The NAACP will file a brief
with the Board of Review early next
N a a c p To Re
presented 477th
Officers in Trial
Inly 2
Godman Field, Kentucky—Lieuten
ants Marsden Thompson, Shirley
Clinton and Roger Terry, the three
Negro officers of the 477th Bombard
ment Group being held here for en
tering a white officers’ club will be
represented by the NAACP in a
court martial trial, Monday, July 2.
Attorney Theodore M. Berry, presi
dent of the Cincinnati branch NAACP
will defend the men who are charged
on the following four counts with
violation of the 64th Article of war:
(1) Disobeying lawful command of
the superior officer who ordered them
not to enter the Officers’ Club.
(2) Offering violence to a superior
officer by the use of physical force
when such officer was carrying out
his duties.
(3) Disobeying a lawful command
by a superior officer to leave the club.
(4) Disobeying an order by a su
perior officer placing them under ar
The officers were originally con
fined with 98 others at Freeman
Field, Seymour, Indiana. Release of
the latter group however, was ef
fected after investigation at the field
and vigorous protests to the War De
partment on the part of the NAACP
and other groups.
costs and to maintain the purchasing
power of the working people in the
reconversion period.
(2) Amendment of the Fair Labor
Standards Act to provide an imme
diate minimum wage of 5c an hour
to increase the purchasing power of
the millions of workers now suffering
from sub-standard wages.
(3) Enactment of legislation provid
ing supplementary federal unemploy
ment compensation benefits and ex
tending unemployment compensation
protection to groups such as federal
and maritime workers who are not
priation for the FEPC and the en
actment of federal legislation estab
lishing this organization on a perma
nent basis.
(5) Enactment of the Murray-Pat- j
man Full Employment bill and the!
Wagner-Murray-Dingell Social Secur
ity bill.
(6) Prompt approval of the San
Francisco Charter and the Bretton
Woods Agreement without reserva
tions or limitations and the adoption
of all supplementary measures for
their full implementation.
This is not a narrow labor program.
It is a program for the whole Ameri
Detroit Naacp.
Enrolls 18,043
New Members
Detroit, Michigan—Workers under
the leadership of Mrs. Daisy Lampldn
have already reported 18,043 new
NAACP memberships and $23,239.77,
in the Detroit branch campaign for
26,000 members which began around
the first of June. According to Mrs.
Lampkin, NAACP field secretary,
Harrison M. Williams, is one of the
ace workers in the drive, being re
sponsible alone for the enrollment of
500 members. Dr. James J. McClen
I don is president of die branch, and
Gloster B. Current, executive secre
Detroit Teacher
Wins 1945Naacp
Detroit, Mich. — Miss Loretta A.
Rafferty, teacher in the public school
system here, was awarded the 1945
NAACP scholarship to the Intercul
tural Workshop at Fisk university,
Dr. James J. McClendon, president
of the NAACP announced this week.
Miss Rafferty who has been chair
man of the Intercultural Committee
at the Capron school for the past two
years is also a member of the Adult
Education staff at Northern high
school. She has served also on the
NAACP Education Committee, the
Bronson Guild and belongs to the De
troit Round Table of Protestants,
Catholics and Jews, Detroit Federa
tion of Teachers, American Associa
tion of University Women, and the
League of Catholic Women. Prior to
teaching in Niles and Royal Oaks
schools she attended Iowa State
Teachers college, the University of
Minnesota and Creighton university
in Omaha. Her graduate work was
done at Wayne university in De
Each year the Detroit NAACP
awards a scholarship for study in one
of the intercultural workshops to fos
ter the work of better qualified teach
ers in intercultural schools. Former
recipients were: Mrs. Irene Graves,
1942; Mrs. Esther J. Lowe, 1943;
Miss Roberta McGuire, 1944. Schol
arships are awarded to teachers re
gardless of race, creed or color. At
torney Edward M. Turner is chair
man of the NAACP Education com
mittee which selected Miss Rafferty
for 1945.
can people. As in the past, the CIO
PAC will continue to work with and
give its full cooperation to farm,
church, Negro and all other labor and
progressive organizations for the real
ization of this program. The united
action of these progressive organiza
tions, when fully achieved, is irresist-j
ible, as was so well demonstrated in
the November 1944 elections.
The PAC shall of course extend its
full support to the efforts of Presi
dent Truman and ihs administration
to effecthate this program which was
charted by President Roosevelt. At
the same time it should be clearly
understood that the PAC will con
tinue to function as an independent
instrument, responsible solely to the
membership of the CIO. Its judg
ments and its activities will be based
solely upon men and measures and
not upon any partisan considerations.
It will act as an independent non
partisan political force and never as
an adjunct of any political party.
Mrs. Rowna Sudduth of 2828 R
Ave reports that they are calling a
special meeting, 5212 S. 24th St., for
j the purpose of bringing up to date
and discussing future plans for the
Or whether that much-badgered
agency is doing an effective job with
limited staff and budget. The real
question is whether the American
people are going to stupidly allow
special interests (whether of the left,
right or center) to sabotage the anti
inflationary measures of our Gov
Walter White’s
Radio Report
C. B. S.-July 7
New York—Secretary Walter White
will make a radio report of his four
months tour of the Pacific, investigat
ing the treatment of Negro soldiers,
Saturday, July 7th, 3:30-3:45 p. m.
(EWT) over the Columbia Broad
casting System. He will speak from
WKRC, the CBS station in Cincin
nati, O.
The report of Mr. White’s first trip
to the European theater of war in
1944 as a New York Post war cor
respondent is told in his book, “A
Rising Wind,” now in its fifth print
Detroit First
Naacp. Branch
To Employ
youth Director
Detroit, Michigan—The appoint
ment of Miss Roberta MaGuire as
full-time youth director of the De
troit branch NAACP, was announced
this week by Dr. James J. McClen
don, president of the branch here.
Miss McGuire is a former teacher in
the Detroit public schools and will
assume duties in her new position on
August 15.
In making the announcement,
which places Detroit first among
NAACP branches to make such an
appointment, Dr. McClendon said:
‘Miss McGuire brings to this much
needed work a vitality and earnest
ness which assures Detroit a progres
sive youth program under the aus
pices of the Detroit NAACP. Carry
ing out our pledge to work on all
fronts for the betterment of the Ne
gro, the NAACP is glad to present
such a well qualified person as Miss
McGuire to carry on our youth and
education program.”
George Schermer, director of De
troit’s Interracial Committee, stated
“the appointment should add mea
surably to the contribution which the
NAACP is making to the community.
The youth of today need inspiration
and leadership to meet the compli
cated and frustrating problems of
wartime and the adjustments neces
sary for a constructive and peaceful
world in the future.”
Daisy E. Lampkin, NAACP cam
paign director, enthusiastically en
dorsed the move as “a progressive
move by the Detroit branch to help
develop youth who need the work of
the NAACP in order to become bet
ter citizens. Detroit has been needing
a youth program which will reach
the masses of youth.’*
betterment of the community. This is
Cumily Effort Club.
Mrs. Clifford Nero, 3222 R St., re
ports that her husband, Mr. Nero, is
now in the Methodist hospital. He
underwent a throat operation. At
: present his condition is somewhat
good and is expected to come home
next week. Mrs. Nero seems to be
willing at present and is working
every day.
Mrs. Roosevelt
To Re Member
of Naacp. Board
of Directors
New York—Mrs. Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, long a champion of mi
nority rights, has accepted member
ship on the National Board of Direc
tors for the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored People.
In making this announcement,
NAACP secretary Walter White said:
“The NAACP is honored to add so
great an American to its National
Board of Directors. Mrs. Roosevelt
has stood by her guns in the face of
bitter attack and misrepresentation
not only from anti-Negro southern
ers, but others as well. To have her
counsel as a member ot the Board
will mean a great addition to the
effectiveness of the NAACP fight for
total equality for the Negro.”
During Mrs. Roosevelt’s long pe
riod championing minority rights
nothing endeared her quite so much
to millions of fair-minded Americans
in those early years, as her resigna
tion from the D. A. R. when that
organization refused Marian Anderson
use of Constitution Hall in Washing
ton. At another time in September,
1944, her response when challenged
on racial issues by a southern white
woman attracted nationwide atten
tion, she said: “In a democracy we
can not have 13,000,000 who are de
nied rights as citizens. Those rights
are: equal opportunity for employ
ment according to ability and at equal
pay; equal opportunity for educa
tion; justice before the law; partici
pation in government through the
And now in her recent column, My
Day, June 25, Mrs. Roosevelt, in the
same vein as her beloved husband,
says for FEPC—“This is important
not only as a domestic issue but as
an international issue. The people of
the world who are looking at the
United States are sizing up our atti
tude toward them in relation to our
attitude toward the citizens belonging
to minority groups in our own coun
try. These people of foreign nations
will lack confidence in their equality
of opportunity where we are con
cerned if they see us denying that
equality to minority groups at home.”
The former First Lady will begin
serving on the NAACP Board of Di
rectors in September.
Naacp. Urges
Adoption of
United Nations
New York—In urging prompt Sen
ate ratification of the United Nations
charter, the NAACP declared in a
wire to Senator Kenneth McKollar,
president, pro tern of the Senate, that
the “Association would have been
more enthusiastic had provision for
establishment of international trus
teeship been more forthright and far
[ reaching in assuring to colored peo
l pies participation in government,
greater opportunities for self develop
ment and other dependents.” It was
i further pointed out, however, that de
spite this weakness adoption of the
charter and “entrance by the United
States into full participation in a
world organization will provide the
beginning of machinery to implement
the ideals for which this war is being