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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1945)
The Greater Omaha Guide s HOME-MAKER’S CORNER Frosty Thirst-Quenchers Are Party Fare (See Recipes Below) Light Refreshments Looking for an easy way to return your social obligations? This is the _ season for it, be cause entertain ing can be cool, simple and still lovely. All food can be point easy and fun to fix because it does not re quire standing over a hot stove to have it ready. For the simpler type of party, rely heavily on cooling thirst quenchers with perhaps a few cookies or small cakes arranged at tractively on a platter. If the party takes the place of dinner, you might have several substantial salads. Try serving on the lawn or garden, buf ifet style, and save strain on house keeping. You will want to suggest coolness In your table settings. Blues and greens are very comfortable and you can relieve the monotony by having flowers in whites, pink or yellow, whichever goes best with what you have. I’ve picked out some especially good beverages for this season. Don’t use your supplies of canning sugar for such things as this. If you can manage to purchase ice cream and sherbet for the drinks, do so and save the sugar where it’s most needed. Orange Cream. '{/ (Serves 6) 4 egg yolks 414 cups orange juice 1H cups cream or rich milk | Sugar, if desired Beat egg yolks until light, add or ange juice and blend thoroughly. Pour into glasses and stir in Cream. Sweeten to taste, if sugar Is need ed. Serve at once. Party Punch. (Serves 8 to 10) cup freshly made tea 1 cup sugar 2 cups water 1 cup orange juice 1 cup sliced, sweetened strawberries H cup lemon juice 1 pint carbonated water Pour hot tea over sugar, add wa ter. Cool. Add orange and lemon juice and strawberries. Just be fore serving, add carbonated water. If served in punch bowl, add thin slices of orange. Orange Punch. (Serves 6 to 8) 1 pint orange ice 4 pints dry ginger ale Crushed ice Maraschino cherries Beat orange ice and ginger ale together. Serve in glasses witn crushed ice and cherries. Fruit Lemonade. (Serves 6 to 8) 1J4 cups light corn syrup H cup water Juice of 2 lemons Juice of 2 oranges % cup pineapple juice 4 tablespoons cracked ice Lynn Says Easy Sips: Next time you have iced tea. flavor with honey in stead of sugar and serve with lemon and orange wedges. It's delightful. If you have leftover fruit juices, coffee or tea, make ice cubes with them. Then frosty drinks will not have that watery flavor. Bits of fruit, berries or mint sprigs may also be frozen in ice cubes to make them attractive. For a good afternoon pick-up, try chilled tomato juice with gin ger ale; or, use apricot nectar with a dash of lemon juice. Iced coffee takes on a party touch when topped with meringue and sprinkled with cinnamon. Lynn Chambers’ Refreshment Suggestion •Party Punch Assorted Finger Sandwiches •Fudgies Assorted Mints or Small Candies •Recipes Given 4 cherries Few slices of banana 1% cups ginger ale Boil together syrup and water for 2 minutes. Set aside and cool. Pour one-half cup of the cooled syrup into shaker or large jar, add fruit juices and ice and shake. Fill glasses about half full of the mixture and complete with ginger ale. remaining syrup, slivered cher ries and banana. Cookies to go with the cool drinks should be tasty but sugar-saving You'll like both of these suggestions: Fudgies. (Makes 4 dozen 2-inch cookies) V* cup shortening 14 cup sugar 14 cup dark corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg 2 squares chocolate 2 cups flour 14 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt 14 cup buttermilk or sour milk % cup nuts Cream together sugar and short ening. Add syrup gradually, beat ing after each addition. Blend in vanilla. Add egg and beat until light. Add melted chocolate. Sift together all dry ingredients, then add to creamed mixture alter nately with buttermilk, beating until smooth after each addition. Blend in nuts. Drop by spoonfuls on greased baking sheet. Bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven. (One half cup cocoa may be used in place of chocolate. Sift with flour, sod? and salt ) Almond Jam Bars. (Makes 214 dozen medium sized bars) 14 cup shortening 14 teaspoon almond extract 14 teaspoon vanilla 14 cup corn syrup or honey 114 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon cloves 1 egg Vt cup jam Mix together shortening and ex tracts. Add syrup, mixing well. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and cloves. Add to short ening and mix until crumbly. Beat in egg, mixing well. Spread half of batter on greased, shallow pan Spread jam over batter. Cover jam with remaining batter. Bake in a moderately hot (400-degree) oven 25 30 minutes. Cut in bars. Here’s a light layer cake that’s lovely for more elaborate parties Spread marshmallow filling in be tween and on top, then sprinkle with shaved nuts and candied cherries: Swedish Layer Cake. 5 whites of eggs 14 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar % cup cocoa 14 cup flour 14 teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs until foamy, add cream of tartar, sugar and cocoa and beat well very stiff. Add vanilla, fold in sifted flour and place in 2 shallow, buttered pans. Bake in a moderate (350-degree) oven about 20 minutes. A good cookie type of sweet for summertime is this one that is sugar-saving, too. Melt about 214 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips in the top part of a double boiler and then mix in 314 cups wheat flakes. Drop by spoonfuls onto waxed paper and allow to cool. Or spread in a greased, shallow par. and cut into squares. R-leased bv W-s rn Unfon I New Operation Saves Lives of Blue Babies A new type of operation, appar ently the first of its kind in medical history, has saved the lives of three "blue'’ babies, according to a re port of the Journal of the American Medical association. Heretofore, a "blue” baby with heart disease pres ent at birth was considered beyond I the reach of surgical aid. In “blue” babies, a malformed heart causes insufficient oxygen in the blood, resulting in a bluish color • to the lips and skin. This deficiency is due to the failure of the blood to obtain adequate oxygen as it flows through the lungs. The operation is performed by en tering the chest cavity. One of the pulmonary (lung) arteries is joined to a large artery leading away from the heart. The greater pressure in this blood vessel forces the blood to flow into the pulmonary artery and on through the lung. In all three cases, the pulmonary artery was too small to allow adequate amounts of blood to get through to the lung. Al though the three operations differed in some details, in each instance the surgery greatly increased the vol ume of blood which reached the lungs, and hence the amount of blood which received oxygen. Discover New Vitamin A In Fish Liver Oils Discovery and isolation of a new vitamin A in fish liver oils, a “twin” of the well-known vitamin A, has been announced. The new vitamin now has been isolated in crystalline form, and has been found to have substantially the same biological po tency as vitamin A. Vitamin A itself, in fish liver oils, is not a single substance, but a mix ture of the vitamin first crystallized with a new vitamin A only recently obtained in crystalline form. Tests showed that from 20 to 40 per cent of vitamin A in typical oils such as halibut and dogfish liver is present as the new substance. There are preliminary indications that the con tent of the new vitamin may range as high as 58 and 49 per cent in whale liver oil, and USP Cod Liver Oil No. 2. The presence of this new factor in vitamin A had long been suspected. With its isolation, some of its chem ical, physical and biological proper ties have been established in the new work on the vitamin now an nounced. Cooking Vegetables The rule that water should be boil ing before vegetables are put in to cook has added support from recent research at Agricultural Extension stations. At the Alabama station, turnip greens, put on to cook in about their own weight of cold wa ter and cooked 30 minutes from the time boiling began, held only about a third of their original vita min C. but those put into boiling water and boiled the same length of time held three-fourths of their C. Likewise, asparagus and green beans, cooked by these two meth ods, retained much more C when started in boiling water. The Michi gan station reports that plunging greens into boiling water saves more C than cooking with only the wa ter that clings to the leaves. Chard and beet tops were tested. Chard, cooked about 22 minutes in a cov ered pan with no water except that left on the leaves after washing, held only 5 to 8 per cent of its C, and beets greens only 16 to 17 per cent. But when the greens were plunged into rapidly boiling water, they ! cooked to the same tenderness in i 7 to 8 minutes, and the chard held 12 to 26 per cent of its original j C, the beet greens 25 to 35 per cent. The shorter cooking by boiling wa ter start was the reason for the : greater saving of C, the scientists I believe. Treaty Port Foochow was one of the five treaty ports forced open by the British in China in 1842. Later, when the clip per was queen of the seas, this port became China’s leading tea-trade center. British and American sailing ships raced one another to western ports with precious cargoes from Foochow that meant a fortune to owners and crews. A pioneering Yankee clipper was the Thomas Perkins, which sailed from New York in November. 1844, and re turned in April, 1846, after rounding both Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. Outdistr/nced by other tea-exporting centers of the Far East. Foochow in normal times still ships high-priced tea and other prod ucts, including timber, camphor, silks and fruits. Its fine lacquer : vares are noted around the world. * Inhaled Oxygen With all living things, inhaled oxy- j gen burns the carbon and hydrogen ' of the cells, frees heat, and forms products that are exhaled.’ We draw J air in and out of our lungs in order to supply the organs and tissues with oxygen, and to rid them of carbonic acid. By far the greatest part of our bodies’ oxygen intake passes through the lungs. To be exact. 99 per cent of it with the remaining 1 per cent passing through the skin. But of the total amount ot oxygen which is consumed by the skin, uine tenths comes from the blood, which received it from the lungs, and o’ j tenth comes from the air. Tha’ why skin wounds heal more quic | when they are exposed to the a; HOUSEHOLD Serve Garden Suppers, Picnics for Real Joy During Hot Weather Jellied vegetable salad is gar nished prettily with potato chips and cucumbers, topped with lemon and olives to make a tempting main dish for a summer supper. Porch supper, box lunches, picnics and buffet parties are an inseparable part of summer. There can be plenty of fun in the shade of the old apple or elm „ tree, and the fam [ ily will enjoy get , ting closer to the great outdoors. Sandwiches or early morning preparation will greatly simplify the work of meal preparation. Let sal ads and fruits rest in the cool of the refrigerator so they will be ready when time comes to eat. When chilled, they will be doubly good. Here’s an excellent meat loaf which may be served “as is” with mayonnaise or cucumber sour cream sauce or sliced for sand wiches. Make it easy for yourself by letting the family serve them selves: Refrigerator Meat Loaf. (Serves 6) 2% cups cold pork or veal H cup sweet mustard pickle % teaspoon salt !4 teaspoon pepper 4 tablespoons butter or substitute Grind together meat and pickle. Add remaining ingredients, blending together carefully. Pack into a waxed paper lined pan and let stand overnight or several hours in refrigerator. Slice and garnish with greens, deviled eggs, sliced toma toes, cheese and parsley. Note: Two small cans of tuna fish may be used in place of the meat. Drain oil from fish, then flake and proceed according to recipe. Hot Potato Salad With Frankfurters. (Serves 6) 6 to 8 medium-sized potatoes, unpeeled 6 slices bacon % cup onion, chopped 5 to 6 frankfurters:, thinly sliced Vs cup vinegar 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1% to 2 teaspoons salt Boil potatoes until tender. Dice and fry bacon until crisp. Remove bacon from skil- /lap-, let, then fry in fat the onions and sliced frankfurt ers. Peel cooked potatoes and dice. Add to frankfurt er mixture, mix- ~k~— ing well, then blend in also the vine gar, eggs and salt. Stir gently over low heat until all ingredients are heated through. Serve with lettuce. A tray for fillings for “make your own sandwiches” is bound to go over big for a porch supper. Here are suggestions which you will enjoy using: Mock Chicken Filling. (Enough for 12 sandwiches) 1 cup cooked veal or pork Yt cup finely shredded cooked carrot Yt cup finely chopped celery 2 tablespoons pickle relish S tablespoons mayonnaise Balt to taste Combine and mix ingredients to gether thoroughly. Chill before serving. Lynn Says: Supper Thoughts. When you are having cold cuts and a sub stantial salad as main interest for supper, have something hot in the way of a quick bread just out of the oven. Good suggestions in clude these that bake quickly: com bread, whole wheat biscuits, prune muffins and orange mar malade rolls. A freezer of homemade io' cream is a welcome treat at out doors suppers. Try some flavored with fresh berries or apricots and be sure to have the cookie jar handy. Doll up your garden party sup per salads with plenty of relishes such as olives, pickles, radisn roses and carrot sticks. They make for nice nibbling. Bring out the checked cloths and paper napkins, old-fashioned jugs for flowers, and picnic uten sils for under-the-trees eating. They go with the atmosphere. American Diet Before the war, surveys indicated that the American diet was deficient in thiamin, riboflavin and niacin— the nutrients that are added when bread and flour are enriched. It is true that the whole grain breads contain these nutrients naturally, but the American people prefer— even insist on—light, fluffy, white bread. Nippy Filling. (Enough for 9 sandwiches) 1 tablespoon horseradish 1 tablespoon cold water 2 cups finely ground wieners 1 cup grated American cheese 3 tablespoons finely chopped green pepper 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Mayonnaise to moisten Mix horseradish and let stand 10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, blending well. Spreaa between bread or rolls. Tuna Snack. (Makes 8 to 12 sandwiches) 7 ounce can of tuna fish. Baked 1 hard-cooked egg, chopped % cup sandwich spread Tomato slices Crisp, cooked bacon Flake fish and add sandvrich spread and chopped egg. Seive spread on rolls with tomato and ba con slices. Salads carry out the prettiness of a porch or gar i den supper. Make a molded one in the morning and ^ i f you have fruits, chill them well before toss ing them together tne last minute: molded Cottage Cheese Salad. (Serves 6) 1 package lime-flavored gelatin 1 cup hot water 1 cup water or fruit juice Vi cup chopped celery Vt cup chopped, unpeeled apple 1 cup cottage cheese Thinned mayonnaise Salt and pepper Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Add cold water or fruit juice. Chill un til firm. Combine celery, apple and cottage cheese with mayonnaise and season. Serve on top of gelatin in lettuce cups. Porch or garden supper calls for a hearty casserole of rice and sau sages with fresh salads and fruity desserts to make the meal complete and balanced. Fruit Salad Platter. (Serves 10 to 12) 2 to 3 large bananas, cut lengthwise 1 red apple, cut in thin wedges 1 cup large, dark sweet cherries, seeded \i pint fresh berries 4 to 6 slices fresh or canned pine apple 1 large orange, sliced 1 grapefruit, sectioned Sprinkle bananas and apple with lemon or pineapple juice to prevent turning dark. Line platter or salad bowl with salad greens. Arrange each of the fruits in separate groups, making a pleasing balance of color and shapes. Apple wedges, for ex ample. may be used to separate grapefruit segments. Use honey french or plain french dressing. Vegetable Salad Bowl. Any or all of these various vege tables may be combined in a tossed salad or platter: tomato wedges, cu cumber slices, green pepper rings, cauliflower flowerets, onion rings or scallions, green beans or peas cooked, grated raw carrots or cooked, sliv ered carrots and cooked shredded beets. French dressing served plain or blended with crumbled blue cheese is an excellent accompani ment. Garnish simply with parsley and ripe olives. cole Slaw Wilu Cottage Cream Dressing (Serves 6) 1 teaspoon salt lli tablespoons vinegar M teaspoon dry mustard M cup milk M to 1 cup cottage cheese 3 cups shredded cabbage Mix salt, vinegar and mustard. Stir slowly into milk. Add cottage cheese and pour over cabbage. Toss before serving. Grated raw carrot, chopped green pepper or finely diced raw apple combine well with shredded cab bage to make other decorative and taste-pleasing salads. Cottage cream dressing goes well with these com binations and a variety of other frui» and vegetable salads. Released by Western Newspaper Union Sticking Bureau Drawer If humid summer air has swelled the bureau drawer, dry out the wood. (Running in a low-watt light bulb is a good way—but don't scorch things). Coat all sides of the drawer with good shellac or quick-drying varnish. This will retard absorption of humidity. Rubbing paraffin in the grooves and runners will also help. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Native of Arabia 5 Australia pepper 9 American author 10 Appearing as if gnawed 12 Surrounded by 13 Post on stairway 14 Kettle 15 Obtain 17 Mournful 18 Entire range 20 Zeal 23 Quoted 27 Saucy 28 Pin for meat 29 A wing 30 Small island 31 Epoch 32 Say again 34 Disable 35 Severe 36 Frauds 37 Top of head 39 Seed of opium poppy 42 Before 43 Clique 46 Pertaining to the axis 48 Anesthetic 50 Color slightly 51 Chinese laborer 52 Plant 53 Female sheep DOWN 1 Steam: comb, form 2 Part of plant 3 Beard of rye 4 Mendicant 5 A state 6 Exist 7 Promises 8 On the ocean Solution in Next Issue. 9 Juice of plants 11 Old times 16 Type measure 18 Obtained 19 Bind 20 Armadillos 21 Lease again 22 Arrange in folds 24 Twitch 25 Weird 26 A weight (pi.) 28 Perched 30 Struck out No. 5 33 Bitter vetch 34 Chart 36 Sheep's coat 38 Land measure 39 Cushion 40 Imaginary line 41 Beverage 43 Foot covering 44 Elongated fish 45 Attempt 47 Grow old 49 Broken part of flax ! Answer to Punle No. t Series D-43 -L w F J M*tL/1 w # Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS’’ Soap is a special soap containing the same costly medication as 104 year proved Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS’’ Ointment. Whip up the rich cleansing FOAMY MEDICATION with finger tips, wash cloth or brush and allow to remain on 3 minutes. Amazingly quick result* come to many skins afflicted with pimples, blackheads, itching of eczema and rashes externally caused that need the scientific hygiene action of Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap. For your youth-clear, soft loveliness, give your skin this luxurious 3 minute foamy medication-treatment 25(*. Also use Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment 25( at toilet counters everywhere or from E. T. Browne Drug Company, Inc., 127 Water Street, New York S, N. Y. / L u.s. CEMsasE*. / MORE MEM *TWAM WOMR-J \(^ciemce wow wars on mosquitoes / REfU6E "^P A|N/E TWElR \ 6/ RECORPIS/O THE FEMALE S / \ SONO, WHICH LURESEA6ER. / ggV MALES TO A TRAP „ O « /-1 fyftboi MARE FROM CI-lEAP MFTALS • IS A MIRACLE PL AMNEt? B/ MANUFACTURERS FOR POSTWAR, More “THakI ico millioJ VJORP5 HAVE BEEN FI LEE7 E.V WAR CORRESPONDENT* FRCWl EUROPE ^IMCE P-PA/ COJTAiH^ ALL -IME VITAMIM^ TVtE HUMAM BOD/ REQUIRED i—QUOTES—! OF THE WEEK “Put down that torch, honey— I’m home”’—Returning G1 to the Statue o/ Liberty. _ “I’ve gained 22 pounds since my election.” — Congressman Lyle, i of Texas, discharged veteran. “The interests of the U. S. ex tend to the whole world.”—Sec. of State Stettinius. _ i “We are firmly opposed to car tels, whether private or govern mental, and believe in adherence to and enforcement of anti-trust laws.” — R. J. Dearborn, pres., Texaco Development Corp., speaking for Natl. Assn, of Manufacturers. i ’ ; “Competition, bringing better i products at lower prices, bene- j fits the consuming public. What- j ever restricts it, harms the pub lic.”—Pres. J. Howard Pew, Sun ' OH Co. _ » “After 22 a girl’s chances to marry begin to dwindle.”—{J. S. Census Bureau. 90 Below At 90 below zero, it is known that ordinary gasoline freezes solid, lubricants stiffen and rubber be comes as brittle as glass. A DULL FELLOYI I have been reading TTarl Marx. My first conclusion is that he is a terrible bore. He uses 10,000 words to say something that could easily be put in 500 words. 'Hiis is, in itself, bad economy. It is a waste of 9,500 words. I don’t see how anybody so wasteful can set himself up as an authority on economics. I haven’t finished his "Capital” but I have, already, the feeling that the man is far more Inter ested in playing around with words than he is at solving any great human problems. Up to now, he reminds me of some of the dullest professors I had in college. And this is the father of mod ern economic monkey-business 1 Farm Employment Total farm employment in the United States in 1944 was about 7 per cent less than the average of the period 1935-39, according to esti mates of the Bureau of Agricul tural Economics. During 1943 the farms of the nation were operated with a total farm employment 5 per cent below the five prewar years. This means, therefore, that the total employment was reduced in 1944 about 2 per cent below the average employed during 1943. In the 1935 39 period about 10,700,000 people were engaged in farm employment on the average. Roughly three fourths of these were family work ers, and about one-fourth was hired labor. In Illinois, Indiana, Michi gan, Ohio and Wisconsin about 1,475,000 were employed on the aver age during the same period, of whom 77 per cent were family la borers. For 1944 the proportion of family labor was unchanged for the nation, but for the foregoing states the proportion represented by family labor had increased to 83 per cent. CLIMAX TAILOR & HAT GLEANING SHOP • 1837 North 24th St. J. H. AXRDEWS. I»rop. — —Phone JA. 4117— Buy your Poultry at the Nebraska Poultry 22tM North 24th Street Get the Rest In (duality nt the Nebraska Prodnoe—Lowent Prloe WAN^^OR^MONEY? We'll show you HOW to get it eas ily. in your spare or full time! NO more bossesm NO depression wor ries Our sure-fire plans tell you HOW to start your own paying business NOW for post-war secur ity. Send for our NEW, “3-WAY OPPORTUNITY" Offer today: it's FREE. RAYCO SPECIALITIES 330-R Rlalr Ave, Newport News. Vs. Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back. Kidney. Bladder Gas, Constipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown Nerves, Cramps, Rheumatism, Loss of Womanhood, and Manhood, tr.y this medicine. Send $2.00 for an * ounce bottle. We also ship C.O.D., postage and money order fee extra. THE SPIRITUAL HEALTH GENIRE 121 N. 11th St. PfcHa., Pa. McGiLL’S — ! BAR &BLLE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24tb St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS dine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. ar Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. on. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. tree Delivery from 8 a. ts V> 1 a. aa. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS "Time and Tide Wait on No Man" NOW IS THE TIME TO GE: YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street m ■ m.0.T0-- 0:0 & * •> e * \cid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When exceis stomach acid causes painful, Buff neat ng gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usual’7 prescribe th* fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ana Tablets. No laxatire. Bell-ans hrings comfort In a Jiffy or double your money back un return of bottie to us. 25c at all druggists. Tortured man gets Help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer! *'I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. I can go like a race horse now,” Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of •water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money back. 8Sf. Drug stores. • • Use The Omaha Guide As A — Medium of Advertising