The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 02, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, June 2, 1945
-—- -
Troop Shift to the Pacific
Big Job With Human Side
Need to Finish the Fight Against Japanese
Prevents Wholesale Release of Vets;
Move Will Tax U. S. Shipping.
Hews Analyst and Commentator.
WNC Service, Inion Trust Building,
Washington, I). C.
The American vocabulary has
been enriched by a new word which
has burdened the notebooks of war
department stenographers in Wash
ington for a long time. When I was
in San Francisco I saw its meaning
graphically illustrated.
The word is "redeployment.” No,
I didn’t make a typographical er
ror. Reemployment we have heard
about before. ReDeployment is dif
ferent. And in that word, as in
Hauptmann's "tear," can sparkle
"all the joy and all the sorrow of
the world.”
This new word isn't in any dic
tionary. And in all the echoing acres
of the Pentagon I could find no of
ficial definition of it but in its cur
rent applicat.on it simply means
shifting a lot of American boys out
of the European theater of war
where the curtain has gone down.
That process is causing many a
headache in the Pentagon. It will
cause many a heartache at home
and abroad. It will cause some hap
piness, too.
For the boys and the families of
the soldiers and sailors who are cast
for the second act in the tragedy of
World War II (and that is most of
them) redeployment means heart
aches. For the others it means hap
piness. But whether they go back
to Main street and take up the plow
share or the pen. the hammer or the
school book, or whether they go on
to fresh battlefields, it is a head
ache as well as a heartache for the
high command.
Heartache, Headache
For Officert
Before writing this article I had
a long conversation with one of the
highest of the high command and I
can tell you redeployment is both
headache and heartache for him. He
and all his officer comrades who
have sons and grandsons of their
own fighting at the front want them
back as much as any rear rank pri
vate’s mother, dad, sweetheart or
wife, wants him.
But few outside those more or less
Intimately concerned realize the me- 5
chanical implications of managing
this major migration of history in
the moving of more than three mil
lion men.
Have you any idea how long the
mere physical process of simply
loading soldiers, one after another,
on ships and sending them back to
America would take?
I do not have official figures al
though they should be released
shortly, but I have an estimate on
good authority, of the time which
would be required to transfer three
million men now in Europe across
the Atlantic to east coast ports. As
suming that the transport facilities
available were devoted exclusively
to this mission, perhaps three hun
dred thousand men a month could
be carried home. That would mean
that 10 months would be required'
to transfer them all. And, of course,
that is a fantastic supposition, since
ships as well as men, are needed in
the Pacific and so are ships to carry
the endless supplies which the army
of the Pacific will require to carry
on all-out warfare.
Redeployment, materially and
morally, is a tremendous task and,
as a result of personal conversations
with the top men upon whom its
twin burdens rest. I can assure you
that the question of morale is, if
anything, the greater of the two in
their consideration.
There is no question that the suf
fering and the repercussions of the
lengthy separation of young men
from their normal life will become
greater, now that V-E Day has come
and gone. The army high command
knows this and that is why so much
time has been spent on taking every
possible step to minimize the suffer
ing which this slash that cuts across
the heartstrings of America’s social
life, will cause.
I happen to know that busy with
the terrific burden of bringing Eu
rope’s war to a successful termina
tion and beginning the final portion
of chapter two. General Marshall
himself for many long months has
spent hour after hour of his crowd
ed days and interrupted nights
working on this problem.
Everybody Must
Play the Game
There are some phases of this
shift of our main war effort from
one side of the world to the other
which many do not realize but for
which they must be prepared. In
the first place, it will be no easy
task for those who have fought the
good fight in Europe to be trans
ferred to the Pacific without a
chance of furlough in between. Some
will have that privilege but not all.
And even for the lucky ones the sec
ond parting will be hard unless the
families play the game.
There is another group who will
see America's shore but will not be
allowed even to touch American soil.
They are the ones who will pass
through the Panama canal on a non
stop trip to points in the East. That
will be a tough experience to see
Old Glory waving from fiagstaffs in
the Canal Zone and to watch its
colors fade in the distance. It sim
ply cannot be helped.
But perhaps, temporarily at least,
the hardest test of patience and self
discipline will fall upon those
who know that they are to be dis
charged, but who, because war
takes the priority and the fighters
must go first, can only sit and wait
in Europe.
Aside from the personal anguish
which this delay will mean, it Is
bound to raise a clamor from mo
tives natural enough but nonethe
less selfish, of those whose economic
situation is suffering from the neces
sary delay in reinforcing our civil
ian manpower with the soldiers
whose services are no longer needed
but who cannot be moved back
home immediately.
Before General Gregory, in charge
of the great housekeeping depart
ment of the army, the quartermas
ter corps, left for France in antici
pation of V-E Day, I had a long talk
with this gray-haired, fatherly man
who is loved by his comrades with
a warmth of affection that outglows
the well-earned stars on his shoul
When I talked to him about re
deployment, although he is respon
sible for the physical rather than
the moral welfare of the soldier, it
was of the latter of which he spoke
How are the folks at home going
to take it? That was the question
on his tongue, just as it had been in
the minds of the high officers and
officials with whom I had talked be
I learned a lot from General Greg
ory and his aides about the tremen
dous industrial effort which it takes
to produce what the army wears
and eats and with which it is shaved
and laved and sheltered. As long as
there is a man in uniform he must
be fed and clothed and furnished
supplies from helmets and raincoats
to socks and shorts to say nothing of
a thousand odds and ends including
writing paper, soap (they have a
kind that will serve to wash clothes
as well as bodies, and shave with
too, and lather in salt water), tobac
co, bug-powder, cigarettes, band
ages, shoelaces, razor blades,
matches ... ad infinitum.
Thousands of men clad in woolens
required by European weather will
have to be supplied with cotton for
the tropics. Thousands moving from
the tropics toward the more north
erly latitudes of the Japanese is- I
lands and China must have woolens
to replace their cottons.
Meanwhile, they will have to con
tinue to wear and to wear out what
they now have on.
Another factor is the length of the
Pacific “pipe-lines”—the great dis
tances from base to front. The
“turn-around” time of the voyage i
of ships is longer than the voyage ]
to Europe and there must be enough I
supplies at hand for the troops to
cover the period between each de
Aft this will require continued
manufacture by private industry for
military use for a long time which
means that much longer to wait for
final conversion to civilian produc
This is why this new word "re
deployment” is not a happy one and
why it holds within it so many head
aches and so many heartaches
which will try the coolest heads and
strain the stoutest hearts.
BARBS . . . by Baukh age
Congress is going to look into the
question of sugar being diverted into
the manufacture of bootleg whiskey.
Meanwhile tipplers say that a lot of
sugar is being diverted into alcohol
to dilute good whiskey.
• • •
The conservative is a man who
has something to conserve to which
he isn't too sure he has a legal title.
A radical is a guy who hopes so.
Ely Culbertson, former bridge ex
pert, attended the San Francisco
conference and gave suggestions.
(Not bad ones, either.) He also ob
jected to lack of leadership by the
Americans. He didn’t like the veto
of aggressive action by the security
• • •
A woman is known by the enemies
she makes (for her husband).
Heavy 8-29 Raids on Nagoya
Pattern for Victory in Pacific;
Set Up Army Rule Over Germany
. ——————— Released by Western Newspaper Union. -—
(EDITOR’S NOTE: When opinions are expressed In these columns, they are those of
Western Newspaper Union’s news analysts and not necessarily of t&t* newspaper.)
Burrowing into “Little Siegfried Line” on Okinawa, marines advance
cautiously toward building set afire to dislodge Jap snipers.
Victory Pattern
Though the Tarawa, Iwo Jima and
Okinawa fighting has proved the Jap
no set-up, America’s tremendous
material resources and Japan’s
comparative skimpy means prom
ises to bring about the enemy’s col
lapse much in the manner of Ger
Flying 500 at a time, B-29 Super
forts were setting the pattern for
Japan’s defeat even as U. S. army
and marine forces rooted the enemy
from his heavily fortified “Little
Siegfried line” on Okinawa, with the
big bombers showering thousands
of tons of gasoline-jelly incendi
aries on the big industrial center
of Nagoya.
Extent of the destruction of Na
goya was all the greater because
of the establishment of shops in
small buildings and homes for the
production of different parts for
main assembly. With a one-time
population of 1,328,083, the city was
the site of the famed Mitsibushi air
craft factory and railway, ma
chinery and metal works.
Leveling of Nagoya suggested the
same treatment of other great Japa
nese cities within the same area in
the effort to paralyze the enemy’s
industrial capability and thus bring
his formidable land army to its
With her vital industries
packed in the Tokyo, Kobe
Osaka and Nagoya districts in a
total area less than that of
Nebraska, and with 14,000,000 of
her 73,000,000 population crowd
ed in those vicinities, Japan’s
whole war - making potential
stands as a particularly vulner
able target for the great fleets of
U. S. bombers which will oper
ate with increasing force now
that the European war has
Furthermore, U. S. mastery of the
sea threatens to virtually isolate
the enemy from the Asiatic main
land and Pacific islands upon which
he has depended for substantial
quantities of food, raw material
and supplies.
Against this bright picture, how
ever, stands the record of fanatical
Japanese resistance against impos
sible odds wherever he has fought
in the Pacific. Best recent ex
amples are Iwo Jima ahd Okinawa,
where Nipponese garrisons have
withstood the most grueling pre
ponderance of U. S. material and
troop superiority to hold out to the
last dying gasp from strongly forti
fied subterranean positions hewed
from rugged terrain.
With Jap engineers showing sur
prising skill in preparing such de
fenses, U. S. infantrymen, supported
by tanks and flame throwers,
have been compelled to move in
close to root out the entrenched
enemy after heavy air, sea and
ground bombardment failed to
wholly wipe out various strong
Just 325 miles from Tokyo,
Okinawa has been bitterly de
fended by the enemy seeking to
prevent another island air base
from falling into the hands of
U. S. forces. Victory in the
Marianas furnished a site for
B-29 stations for the increasing
raids on the enemy mainland,
and Iwo Jima also yielded
strategic air strips. Thus, the
Japs have stood bitterly on
Okinawa, inflicting over 28,000
casualties on American land,
sea and air forces at a cost of
over 48,000 dead to themselves.
Secondary though potentially im
portant aspect of the whole Pacific
picture is the part China might play
Laws designed to prevent discrim
ination in employment because of
race, color, creed, or national origin
have been passed in New York, New
Jersey and Indiana recently.
New Jersey and Utah also enact
ed more general anti-discriminatory
legislation. New Jersey banning
racial and religious discrimination
in schools, municipal hospitals,
hotels and places of entertainment.
At its meeting Friday, ite Board
of Governors of the Om .ha Comm
unity Chest reelected for a term of
one year all its representatives on
the Board of Trustees of the United!
War and Community Fund, with
Mayor-elect Charles W. Leeman re-1
in the enemy’s strategy, with the
comparatively undeveloped state of
the country and the vulnerability of
any positions to attack from Rus
sia on the north and the U. S.
and Britain on the south, tempering
the possibility the enemy might de
cide to make a major stand on the
Asiatic mainland
Army Rules
Declaring “the Allied government
of Germany is going to be military.
Gen. Clay
and the Germans
are going to know
it is military,” Lt.
Gen. Lucius D. Clay
undertook deputy
rule of the U. S. oc
cupation zone under
Gen. Dwight D.
General Clay as
sumed his task as
Allied authorities
stated that all Ger
man industry, trade
and services first would be used to
support U. S. and British occupying
forces before civilians, and Germans
would be allowed to hold office only
on the local level.
Having announced former con
gressman and budget director Lewis
W. Douglas as his assistant and
diplomat Robert Murphy as head of
the political division of the military
government. General Clay said that
all that is left of Germany’s war in
dustry would be destroyed, all traces
of Naziism rooted out and war crim
inals sought and punished.
At the same time, Allied authori
ties declared that Grand Adm. Karl
Doenitz’s government was a tem
porary stopgap presently being used
to carry on the disarmament of the
German military and naval forces.
Despite Doenitz’s government’s
statements that a .central German
regime was necessary to prevent a
breakdown in the country’s econom
ic life and the threat of communism,
the Allies are proceeding along their
own lines.
Meanwhile, the Allies pushed
plans for the trial of war criminals
even as U. 3. congressmen, return
ing from an inspection of notorious
Nazi concentration camps, flatly
blamed the Hitler regime for their
More Goods
Provision of more cars and more
tires for essential civilian use along
with loosening of controls on the
manufacture of many peacetime
items heralded the gradual recon
version of industry following read
justment to a one-front war.
Though the huge needs of the Pa
cific wTar will still rate No. 1, re
lease of manpower and material as
a result of lessened demands after
V-E Day will permit a limited re
sumption of civilian production, as
already reflected in permission to
automobile manufacturers to turn
out 200.000 passenger cars this year,
and the increase in tire rations for
essential motorists by 500,000 for
Though another 400,000 cars are
scheduled to be produced in the first
quarter of 1946 with the rate rising
to 2,000,000 annually by 1947, trucks
will be given preference in manu
facture, with emphasis on light
weight models, officials declared.
Relaxation of controls on produc
tion of coat hangers, bathtubs, ice
cream freezers, pie plates, mop
wringers and hundreds of others of
such items paved the way for their
substantial output when steel, cop
per and aluminum become avail
able in increased amounts in mid
Fixed to the rostrum of Luitpold
arena in Nuremberg where Adolf
Hitler stirred Ger
many in his hey
day, a huge bronze
swastika fell prize
to General Patton’s
third army in its
capture of the Nazi
shrine city and will
be shipped to the
U. S. for display.
placing Dan B Butler.
Those reelected were; George F
Ashby. Leo B Bozell, A. L. Coa.l,
Ferald E. Collins, Frank Cronin.
S. L. Cooper. Walter Cozad, Her
bert S. Daniel, anies E. Davidson,
Mrs. Paul Gallagher, J. M. Hard
ing. Harry A Koch, Ray R. Ridge,
and H A. Wolf.
V J Skutt was appointed to the
Community Chest Board of Cover
Praise for Britain
Although resenting Prime Minis
ter Churchill’s criticism of Eire for
remaining neutral in the European
conflict when her participation
would have furnished the Allies with
important sea bases. Prime Minis
ter de Valera complimented the
British chieftain for not violating the
i .cuntry’s neutrality by force
to obtain such advantages.
Declaring that Churchill’s re
straint “advanced the cause of inter
national morality,” De Valera said.
“It is indeed fortunate that Brit
ain’s necessity did not reach the
point when Mr. Churchill would
have acted. All credit to him that
he successfully resisted the tempta
But if De Valera had praise for
Churchill, he had censure, too. An
swering Churchill’s declaration that
only North Ireland’s furnishing of
bases prevented British action
against Eire itself, De Valera re
gretted that the Briton had turned
to “abusing a people who have done
him no wrong, trying to find in a
crisis like the present excuse for
continuing the injustice of the sepa
ration (of the north and south) of
our country.”
Over 122 Billion
Standing at over 122 billion dol
lars, accumulated savings at the
end of 1944 showed almost a 150 per
cent increase over the yearly to
tals before 1938 and indicated finan
cial strength to tide many people
over any reconversion stress.
Headed up by an increase of 13
billion dollars in 1944, war bond
holdings reached well over 40 bil
lion to represent one-third of the
accumulated savings, contrasting
with but one-twentieth in 1940.
In rising 23 billion dollars in 1944.
substantial accumulations were ef
fected in policy holders’ funds be
hind life insurance, and in accounts
in mutual savings and commercial
banks, postal savings and savings
and loan associations.
Insurance Payments
Approximating 47 per cent of total
payments of life insurance compa
nies in 1944, death benefits amount
ed to $1,360,972,674 for a new high,
the National Underwriter reported.
With total payments reaching $2,
916,720,689, highs were also recorded
for matured endowments at $447,
828,401 and annuities at $198,308,377.
Low since 1929, accidental death
benefit claims for the U. S. and Can
ada in 1944 declined to $20,356,949.
Rips Hospital Ship
Standing three decks below point
where a Jap suicide pilot crash-dived
on navy hospital ship “Comfort" Army
Nurse Lt. Mary Jensen of San Diego,
Calif., views twisted wreckage. Lt. Jen
sen had stepped from surgery supply
room less than minute before it was de
molished by explosion.
Behind, Schedule
With production of farm machin
ery approximately 22 per cent be
hind schedule farm operators can
continue to look forward to tight sup
plies this year, the Federal Re
serve Bank of Chicago reported.
Because of increased demand for
military material last winter and
manpower shortages, farm machin
ery output for 1944-45 dropped 25 per
cent behind schedule in the first
quarter of July-August-September;
22 per cent behind in the second,
and about 20 per cent in the third.
Labor shortages principally have
affected production of such neces
sary parts of equipment as mal
leable and gray castings, engines,
transmissions and forgings, thus re
ducing over-all output. While some
important manufacturers are up to
schedule, others are far behind.
Citing the great importance of
farm machinery to record-breaking
war food production, the reserve
bank pointed out that use of mech
anized equipment on two and three
shifts daily permitted heavy plant
ings during the last two springs aft
er wet weather delayed normal op
Prices received by farmers in the
United States for agricultural prod
ucts rose in April to the highest
average for the war period, with the
price index based on the 1909-1914
standard of 100, at 203 as compared
with the prewar figure of 89 in
August, 1939.
The price index in April this year
was close to the level reached at
the end of the last war while the per
centage increase since the present
war started was much greater than
during the last war.
nors to replace S. L. Cooper who
^ Invest In Your Country—Buy A War Bond ^ Pai^c 7
The Omaha Guide
Published Every Saturday at 2^20 Grant Street
I Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1027
at the Post Office at Omaha. Nebraska, under
l Act of Congress of Match 3, 1879.
I C■ C. Galloway,.Publisher and Acting Editor
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In Washington
WNV Staff Correspondent
Those Absentee Lawmakers
WNU Washington Bureau
621 Union Trust Building
IF YOU had been with me on a
1 recent visit at the Capitol build
ing, you would have noted several
significant circumstances which
would have given you cause to won
As a matter of fact this particular
day was a routine day at the capi
Walter Shead
tol. Most legislative'
days are routine,
nothing spectacular,
but when visitors
from over the na
tion become dis
turbed over an un
spectacular day in
the national legisla
tive halls, folks out
in the country and
the small towns of
this land of ours
may well shake a
speculative head.
On this day you would have
watched from the galleries in the
house of representatives as the
members voted themselves a $2,500
a-year-tax-free salary increase un
der the guise of an expense allow
Over on the senate side of the
beautiful old building, you would
have noted tier upon tier of emp
ty seats and watched a half
dozen members of “the most
august body in the world” fiddle
around for more than an hour
attempting to get a quorum of
its membership into their seats
so business could go on.
And if you had stepped with me
into a senate subcommittee hearing
you would have blushed with shame
at the spectacle. For there you
would have watched a witness be
fore this subcommittee heckled,
taunted and derided . . . assailed
with sarcasm, his motives impugned,
bullied, even as a trial lawyer seeks
to confuse and befuddle a defend
ant in a court of law. You would
have wondered, "with what crime
is this man charged?” . “can
things like this happen here in the
capital of the world’s greatest de
mocracy?” For that witness was
not there of his own accord ... he
was subpenaed ... he was a busi
ness man from a small town and ne
came to his capital at the instance
of the senate subcommittee to give
of his knowledge of the matter.
Not all senate or house commit
tees are like that, of course. But
many are, even though they are sup
posed to be fact-finding hearings
pertaining to some measure up for
consideration . . to ratification of
some presidential nomination. Many
committee hearings, say a full-press
hearing of the senate agricultural
committee, are conducted in a dig
nified atmosphere of democracy.
Then you would have remembered
that the government is doing every
thing in its power to “hold-the-line“
against inflation and to prevent wage
increases and higher prices for all
our citizens and yet these congress
men, our lawmakers, voted to in
crease their own pay, tax free. And
you would have heard one congress
man say that his taxes and ex
penses took all but $3,000 of his
salary . . . and another one say
that “we voted those taxes ourselves,
didn't we, and we oughtn’t be grant
ing ourselves any allowance or spe
cial privilege to take care of our
taxes.’’ And you would have left
the house chamber with wonderment
on your face at this example.
And in the senate your expecta
tions were dashed, too. All those
empty seats. You expected some
thing different here, but you were
disheartened as the monotonous roll
call went on and only a few an
swered and finally as time passed
... 53 senators answered roll call,
4 more than the legal quorum of
the 96 members. Of course some
senators are necessarily absept for
committee hearings and other legiti
mate reasons, but the majority are
in the cloak rooms, their offices, or
elsewhere. Some come running
when the signal bells announce lack
of a quorum, and remain Ibng enough
to vote, then dash out again. Others
pay little attention to the signals ex
cept upon repeated rings. This sig
nal system is so arranged that upon
pressing a button the bells ring in
the corridors and cloak rooms, com
mittee rooms,'''the senate dining
room and in each senator’s office in
the senate office building a long
block away.
They could be in their seats with
in a few minutes if they answered
the bells promptly but day-in and
day-out hours are wasted merely
getting enough senators in their
seats to do business.
Some newspaper men have figured
out that time wasted in the senate
alone in obtaining a quorum in one
year, at the senate rate of pay, would
almost pay the salary of two sena
tors. These are routine and unspec
tacular things you admit, the vot
ing of salary increases totaling
$1,640,000 annually in the house un
der present-day circumstances, the
lolling attitude of the senate and the
undemocratic procedure in the sub
committee hearings, but still, you
wonder if they are not misuses of
power . . . unrepresentative of their
Products of major importance to
Nebraska’s industry found outlets a
broad in greatly increased volume
following adoption of the reciprocal
trade agreements program in 1 f»pd.
according to a study Just released
by the Committee on Internationa!
Economic Policy througli Clark H
Minor> chairman of its executive
committee and president of Interna
tional General Electric Co.
The Study, made in connection
with the Doughton Bill now before
Congress to extend and strengthen
the Trade Agreements Act wh'ch
otherwise will expire June 12 com
pares exports of important farm and
factory products of the United S'al
es in a pre-agreement year with
those in 193S.
Pointing out that the subsequent
war years have necessarily dislocat
ed normal international commerce,
the study finds that the benefits ac
cruing to American busisess in the
initial period of the trade agreement
program have established the use
fulness of this policy for postwar
economic rehabilitation, and that
the continuance of the program un
interruptedly during the war years
has been a positive force in binding
friendly nations more closely to us
and assuring such nations of our
continued faith in such cooperation.
Among the American products of
special interest to Nebraska, which
showed substantial increases in ex
port sales during the period under
study, are meat and meat products;
wheat, and wheat flour.
Typical cases of cause and effect
are cited as follows;
The Canadian duty on meat and
meat products was reduced, and A
merican sales of these products to
Canada Increased from $125 417 in
1935 to $3,089,724 in 1938
The aCnadian duty on wheat was
reduced, and American sales -i this
product to Canada increased from
$13,695 in 1935 to $5,565,219 in 1938.
The Cuban duty on wheat flour
was reduced, and American sales of
this product to Cuba Increased from
$2,935,000 in 1935 to $5,383,000 in
The benefits reflected in these
these increased sales abroad are
by no means restricted to the man
ufacturers whose export snles
compose these totals", the study
points out. "Factories which sold
solely in the domestic market were
directly help by the disposal in for
eign markets of competitive prod
ucts which otherwise would have
built up surplus production here at
home. The sale in Athens, Cape
town, Havana, or Calcutta of a pro
duct made in America represents
just as many man hours of employ
ment wages as a similar sale in
Middletown, USA. The more we
can induce foreign nations to ToTT
er trade barriers against our goods
in the postwar reconstruction per
iod, the broader will lie our markets
and the greater will Pe the returns
to our farm and factory labor.
"Important as this trade agree
ments program has proved to 1 e to
Nebraska, the benefits are well dis
tributed throughout til 4i states.
A study Of our exports to Havana
through a single steamship line dur
ing the first nine mtonths of 15*39
showed that these exports had or
iginated in no less than 3s* stales.
Hence, the opportunity for a truly
national participation in postwar
foreign markets will l»e there if
we continue an enlightened policy
of cooperation with other nations.’'
Samson and Delilah