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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1945)
THE COHSrhGiX ft I?RENTED Van For £>PEET>>*b- Wrt/iT HfjvE you TO —» &fty To TH —'ft C^HftFSGrE ' (IT* k&sozo -3Qlu «?e .. . I SO ^j-O* THJ)T -9 S^il COUO H/)W£ TOSSED r >viE — /Viy c:,tjP h^5 Just f)G,our ER«JC-W ■ I SPEED To CR^tvL £ /9^-OR6 fiv£ OR)M 'iX M/i-tS jpe«> hour /^a/g- < •'v.e-s ^croAuv it TE?y/A<fc To SEE jl^iow Trt ULr^t(jfJ~<fL |UvOlU-D R?uaj kVHE^/ ilCOM^T^BLt T’/MCHZC' ——~— ujfi s' _ _ _JEY LODIS RICHARD 'Veu tvfivt Gone. 75? ^oniE TRouBiE to T«y you« c^s£ /9/VD /XL H^vt To , Time Vou ToT^ I £OMETW(a(6- £>o\ VyExl Alan'S 'T $JG ®2 E^cp A? \ XO<T£S,A|fa ] HUCKLEBERRY FINN I Bot KFTEW VOO get au ; these sketches of ’rV& Jgr* & T** COMIC STR\P ? K- --- — YDOSuAPCt t>S5"W£/v» up imto "Tne MR f\no frtgfi DRWH 7VG STRiP ^JTvfe WW TVgf FalL-^ /if You MARRY JfEEF Yop Wv , JNg/YoO m£ah f HMA .SAU.Y, K> ZAT j/N£5. Bur g 115 -«s vu FoReciDsek l Y<ee\- J ^f»«Re f ^^ol-d . J ^Tv«/M0RTSA6^sTeeK <f\ooes W KgetkiM_ ( OH NbuR # TE «H\FE/Jv LEA/E V__ Fathers )/E£HTo^^ ^\vieV/:A^o/ * i V LITTLE MAGNOLIA X CAN'T V-J UNDERSTftNO _ __ . t \ ^S'FUNNV*. ONE Tube LP&rs ME Tvo months' « UNCUE HENRY VJENT HAYV*’\RE OVER A CUTE YOUNG \_AvOV HE MET AT ANN S ENGAGEMENT PARTY— ANO MARRED HER NE*TOAY' »S HER NAME P R\GHT SMART ED) "tiro MH1BC 1 SHOULD DROP »N AN' SAY HCi ft /■%*•! _CHEERFUL “CHAPPIE” ____ \ *yERcrtAPPiE .I'M B B-B-But MARRED MAM BGW >UMCL£HENRY She^s ome »m a cbm she MU.UOM— CLARE 1 COOKjSEW, .(-*- KMrr.-ffeNO 'i "*b CHORES r HOPE'. SHE * CFtH'T DO NOTYttH. Blit — YOU SHOULD HEftR HER SlNGV. Ytoftt ft V/OHDEREUL HERYENLV VO'CEl. L. - - - -_ 'F lT s sinltin 'yw w| m Wanted , vt vjould^i \ % « BEEN LOTS CHE^PEB I ^ m \F YOU ttftO GOTTEN J PL r cANftsyify' , « BREEZY By T. MELVIN _ ■- ... ", ■ -T-! JoTthervM &/£'■ ^all I kill H6Y BPEBzrTYBAH/I 6AM P1PJA CURTIN a)KNER/_^)7® CAUGHT TIFF S^Vjb^5>vl AA\ ^ /sAY/WONPER IF l (THBY'LE HAVE A BlEr Ri doh'tJuowcme'] ^yWAUSroEES] fi Re <4 / V^ALFSAFmH / YEAH'BUT THEY PONT) /Osr/WHEN THEBE'S A // *sgJ>NOr EN0U6H < yJ^iLBFT TO HANCr J A NECESSARY GOOSE Economic pipe-dreamers wantt both to kill the golden goose for dinner every Sunday and still col lect golden eggs from it all week. During the prewar depression, JIM STEELE By MELVINTAPLEY I tin*. * 0HB waiter QUESTONEP THAT. I HE'WERE WOLVES AREHISuOUMTRY MENI.ANGRILY THE t£ADERSHOT HIM/SIMULTANECUS LV THE PCOROPEM EP AMD PAMPIT MISS BAKER'S AC COMPANIST. BURST IN...// c«wT«txT»i wnr-ius ^HERR'S'- LOOKATKf.HlMMEL/ITHASH! THROW THESE THIS MESSAGE JUST HEARD) HAPPENED/' WE MUST YANKEES INTO THE OVER THE RADIO'S——T] LEAVE HE RE AT ONC E.. PLANE AND WE'LL '—irz— >—^/TjTrd OOR OTHER AGENTS c TAKE OFF/THEY (WHAT?HJH CAN CARRY ON HERE/ ARE HOSTAGES Ti, ^ MUSTHURRY7° WE f^EACHjPPON- ■ make-work programs were financed by taxing hustlers who had saved some savings. Now, if we stifle these business hustlers after the war, who in the dickens are we going to tax to carry out those “full-employ ment” programs? My suggestion is that we allow ingenious leaders to build indus tries, give as many jobs as pos sible, and have them on hand to tax reasonably if it becomes nec essary. Eager Beaver JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON 'SAVE *(j WASTE i PAPE* ** owi r WHAT / OU6H7A DO /* 60 Ot/£G 'DB/LL ' MOOO/y . I >*»*• * A4cX£ 7XXK/Ai£ M/ 7M£/8 AA.O>. LAA/AY | ao a<LArt-£y£ -iTzer 9 P.OI/&/A/i? AAO/AiX AVOO£ J TO COPS 'MOOCYV'OWA/£G A^ op r*£ UA/TSO PAP£& r I t~-m* tmmm (Fill one of the 2,100 essential JOBS IN 50 WAR PLANTS MANUFACTURING ROCKETS. THESE NEW WEAPONS, WHICH ARE HASTENING VICTORY ARE NEEDED IN FAR GREATER QUANTITIES. WflP TO HASTEN VICTCBYJ" "Next Door” by ted shearer ■ ■ —-—■ - “Did you say this was V. E. Day Sarge?” TAIM TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN C-*W(J| FWa* “John Darling—You ARE John, Aren’t You?” FROM MICROBE TO MAN By DR. XV. WELLS THE FASCINATING STORY Of THEOG VELOPMENT Of OUR UNBORN BOOT FROM A SINGLE MlCROBE SlZED EGG CELL INTO A HUMAN BEING. PRE SENTED IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE. THESE FACTS WILL AMAZE YOU. REGAJt» LESS Of YOUR READING TASTES. PRICE tl POSTPAD 20TW CENTURY PRESS_ IOQ A SI. TACOMA SASMllCiVB REAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. —CARL CRIVERA— I __ _ ... ■* ALKA-SELTZER offer* fast relief for Headache, Simple Neuralgia, “Morn ing After”, Cold Distress, Muscular Pains and tfvKr\T\w Acid Indigestion. Aj Ask your Druggist — 30 Cents and €0 Cents WA m 9 I tS Dr. Miles Nervine for^0^ I toiis* Irritability, i ''whenYouNl Excitability and I ArG Nervous Head- 1 II ache. Read direc- \NFf(yO{/SJ\ tions and use only >, I as directed._ —1 ^ I I Get your daily quota of I Vitamins A and D and B- f Complex by taking ONE- I A-DAY (brand) ViUmin I Tablets. Economi- I cal, convenient. At I your drug store— I for the big 1 on box. | ^Scratching,H, For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back. Don’t suffer. Ask your druggist today foe O. O. O. PRESCRIPTION. r 11 iIBBiii HilillBlVt Don't worry about money, Home affairs, Bari Lu. k, Jinks and Love. No mat ter what your troubles are write me. 1*1. CAROLYN 2332 S. Mlrhfictin A ve. CbicnEo, HI, HI, Here's a SENStBlE way to relieve distress of WEAKNESS (Also o Grand Stomachic Tonic) Have you at such times noticed yourself feeling nervous, Irritable, so tired, a bit blue-due to female functional periodic disturbances? Then don’t delay! Try this great medicine-Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound-to relieve such symptoms. It’s so effective because it has a soothing effect on one of woman’s most important organs. ImportHt To Know! Pinkham’s Compound does more than relieve such monthly cramps, headache, backache. It also relieves accompanying tired, nervous, irri table feelings-due to this cause Taken regularly-it helps build up resistance against such distress Pinkham’s Compound helps nature Also grand stomachic tonic DIRECTIONS: Take one table spoon!ul 4 times a day before meals and at bedtime. Follow label directions. G&jd/xi, £. (pimkfuvmti VEGETABLE COMPOUND To Renew your 1945 Subscription,. Call HA-0800 — mr — _ _