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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1945)
SUPERLATIVE BIG “3” UNIT SET FOR TOUR L- —j-—c- cAUAKiKiAM rMURCHlLL 4<DEEK” WATSON’S QUARTET ‘■U'S-H^S8anLdLofntdhe Yea?."** " “America’s Song Favorite." “Singing Sensation of the Nation.” Exclusive t* Ted Yates Publications HERE they are the greatest hit show of th<£ 1945 Spring season, the superlative Big “3" Unit which is set (or a tour across the country—north, south, east and west. Savannah Churchill. America's favorite song stylist, popular Manor Records best seller whose waning of “Daddy, Daddy’’ and Irving Berlin's “All Alone.” is tops, will be featured with “Deck" Watson and His Brown Dots, the quartet that N. Y. critics hailed as, “the singing favorites of the nation." The Brown Dots recently recorded (for Manor Records). “31 Miles For A Nickle. Lets Give Love Another Chance," “For Sentimental Rea sons," and “You’re Heaven Sent.” Luis Russell and His Orchestra hailed as the “Hit Band of the Year,” will round out this star-studded show. Russell’s (Manor) recordings of “Boogie in the Basement." “You Taught Me How To Smile Again." along with “St. Louis Holiday.” and “I Need Your Kind Of Loving." is first rate. Milton Buggs Is the vocalist with the band. Chatter-Box 11A Youthful Column >\Y Doris McGill —i WELL another week has gone by and we’re pickin’ up just where we left off Does the young lady who recently cut her pretty hair, and now wears it rolled' up wonder whv her name didn’t appear on this page last week? (See Meat Week’s Issue).— K C can't make up his mind he tween 2 certain girls could they by any chance be D A M or M P? I WONDER?_ Ed Donaldson and Clyde Dong_ mire are home on leave. looking very nice in their uniforms Give Aaron D’s Station wagon a lookin' over “Crosstown Car”. Who is the certain Chick at Cen tral who is noted for Miss UGLY, the Fust, could it by any chance be V T? ha ha or D M? ... t What was troubling F C. last Wens nite was he botheied or I WENDED WHISKEY •6 proof—60% grain neutral ipirite. Sckeniey Distiller* Carp, N. Y. C. Having Trouble Stretching Ycur Ration Points? Listen to Martha Bohlsen in “The Homemakers’ Club of the Air” DAILY Monday . . . KBON . . . . 9:30 A.M. Tuesday . . . KOIL .... 3:45 P.M. Wednesday . . KOWH . . . 9:30 A.M. Thursday . . . KOIL .... 3:45 P.M. Friday .... KOWH . . . 9:30 A.M. Saturday . . . WOW .... 8:30 A.M. Clip This Schedule — Keep It Near Your Radio! NEBRASKA POWER COMPANY Just what was the matter.Suit Case? MOP* MOP! we are proud of Cdo Gooden who received 1500 (dol lars) for the best student in En glish at Central High .an average ofan A's all the way through 9A to 12B. Ruth Booker's Hart is back.I hear she kissed him right in the hall at school. Hey Ruthie? Glad to see him weren’t you? IT LEAKED OIT that the Bubble Jones had a party last's all a mistake . it was the Three Bums Party (not menshuning any names) everything to drin.!!!. Who is John R. sopose to be go. ing with??.K. M. or ??... (smile) Lizzie Riley and some Cat from Kansas took the floor at the USO. last Tues.goou deal Among the crowd were the following: —ary C. Ruth B , Evelyn, Betty S. Robert R , William P . Barbara B , Bubble, Jimmy Harold, Dorothy, -\olean, and others. The Roller Skating club of Cen tral High School presents •’Rollin’ Rhythm" chose their King and Queen on May 18 at 4 P M (next week name). The great Aaron D., and Kather ine T are still going around the wheel What was the mad decis ion about going to some.??? If you were there you know what the answer was!. Wonder where the Nosie gang’s been keepin’ theirselves. We miss you and the boys (DD) Who was the D R. holding hands with in front of 235 last Thurs? Could it have been S. L.??.CER. TAIN people would like to know! Something to talk uhout—Wonder I why all of the girls at school talk I about June Me—aret they jealous or are they just giving her a chance to get a certain Lad? Hay E. H.?? Don’t take to qtJ.. WHAT’S MY NAME!! I'm passing for a Lieutenant but I'm and was never in service. I got my uni form from a dead friend’s trunk, and have gone to DC maybe LA? Where I hope to spree the police are after me and no doubt will have me by the time you read this .. WHAT'S MY NAME? WHO noon ITf. Who was caught playing a nice game of CRAPS in the back of a certain D. .Store last Wens??? I’ERECT MATCH KIIJS To Have and Have Not. ...Doris McGill Slightly Dangerous June St. Clair A Song to Remember Amelia Tonight and Every Night Kuth B This Man's Navy.Nolean W. Come Out Whereevery You Are . Gilda Romance in the Dark .Mary Some How . Madeline Please Don't Say No! . Jean Strange Things Happenin' Every Day . Lorraine J Sweet Dreams .Dorcas , D. L —If your sorry about my fifty cents, give it back to me. that would be a good deal! We would like very much if Mutt 'n' Jeff woul come to Club meetings CI TE GALS—Betty D , Buckie G , Katie M B , Nolean, Neta. Helen, PERSONALITIES—Dorothy Wat son, Gilda Thomas, Katherine T , and Udoxit. Who is the certain man at Cen tral Hi who is known to be noted as "Farmer Brown”? Could it be the (Principal) hee hee! WATCH FOR the JUMP (.Tune 2) Once you're there you’ll want ta stay! IF R W seems to be walking on's because she's in love.. (at least that’s the way it seems) SAY BO—are you so much in love that you won't let your sweetie walk in the halls alone?.or is it the she Wolves The 10 Sweethearts will give a great affair soon so watch this column for information! GIRLS STOP SMOKING Who was the gang that was caught pushing a car Thurs nite’ Girls don’t you know there's' a war on?... and everything is rationed? MOP MOP who carries their door key around her neck to protect her life savings? and doesn't know that said savings have been spent by her room-mate, long, long long AGO!”.Who gets half of those W CHECKS? SURPRISE! Next week there will be no school at Central High . HAY' SMILE AND CHEER UP, BOYS - Exclusive to Teel Yates Publications LOVELY SAVANNAH CHURCHILL, America’s favorite song stylist, who will be co-starred with the Big Three Unit that also includes “Deek” Watson and His Brown Dots, plus, of course, Luis Russell & His Orchestra; is set to thrill song lovers throughout the nation. This star studded show will give to theatre goers high class entertainment. Exclusive Manor recording artist Miss Churchill’s "Daddy, Daddy” and "All Alone" is a best-seller. I TECH?. REMEMBER IT’S A Lis IX FI X— —J St Clair had a 16 day vacation' to LA.on her way back she met a fine Medical Corps Captain . where they started an interesting conversation (of course about school work???) REMARKS— Why were all the BOBCATS dress ed up in Suits last Thurs?.of course they say it's ony that were clean! A GREAT DEAL The JUMP given by Ruth Booker was a Good Deal! • Jean Wright, one of our older girls has not lately been on the Crosstown Street Car. What’s the Matter Jeanie?—Can't U make it ? i mp: i mp: What P^humboogie WaL ter played the %'t of Sissy and was deferred by what draft board? . What dentist had better quit fry ing onions in his office or will ^pse his best customers and lease? HURRAH—who are the KATS ‘.V KITTENS who are running lor this four year scholarship contest ? You know it only has l month left! ■ FACTS!!! What hospital discharged a pat ient last week after finding Pig’s | feet bones in his bed (3 guesses.) What has happened to Wonda M? She's out of the fair city come back Wonda we miss U!. A SUDDEN THOUGHT! Don't men know that when better men are made Women will get them? Par don conceit men—all in fun! We just couldn't do without you and THAT'S NO JOKE! NO PEEKIN’ GIRLS— BOY OF THE WEEK ..VIRGIL M. BOY OF THE MONTH— ..BUSTER R BOY OF THE YEAR— . FRANK C. WHO SAW WHO—Who did I see Sund—sitting in a booth at a cer tain Drug store about 8:30? ...Could it have been our great friends Albert B , and Clyde L Good Deal! THE PARTY given for Eduard D was rather nice and fine except for the rain.but everyone really had a nice time.among the crowd was Betty S., Ruby W Evelyn J , J C. E., John P , ohhny, Mae B , DonalJd D Wm Paytonj Betty C , Paul O., Bubble , Doris M , Ruth B.. Barbara, Mary C , Mary C , J Williams, John F., E. S . and oth_ ers_ _ I BANG!—who was the certain gang that sticks so close together and are noted as a cowered group (next week answer) SQX'EEK about 8 men in uniform stopped two young ladies yesterday .did they go with them?.. Say Who were the certain young ladies who visited Miss Wilma Starns and mother in Lincoln, Ne braska and while there we went to Delanties Country, Show and to the Church—very lovely weekend! Who is known as MISS CENTRAL Hi’s SWEATER GIRL?.Could it by any chance be Miss Madeline Wilks? hee, hee! Is N R trying to take Arthur E from Lois B ? Better watch out Lois B for Joyce G . too!. • Why does everybody say N R has too much mouth some said it needs a zipper Who was Joyce G. sitting in the show with last Saturday? Someone said it was Raymond G Is Thelma H too lazy to water the lawn? Is that why she waters it with her hand ?.. Why does N R write letters to some boys and then sign them Joyce G? Watch out N. R that's a jail ticket! What girl has Earl H been see ing in Central's halls lately? HURRAH.who was the certain girl who went to the waste basket and got a comic book out of the waste basket after the teacher threw it away? Hay nee! GUESS WHOfff—GIRL! ; Age. sweet 16; Height 5 ft. 5% ; inches; Weight 145%; Hair black; Eyes, Dark Brown; Hobby' Eating, Joking, Chatterbox; '; Nickname, The Great; Activities Baseball, Basketball, etc.; Pep ; Peeve, Telling the Truth About : Everyone! LAST GUESS WHO was NAOMI VEALAND WAITERS’ COLUMN BY DEAN H. W. SMITH WE. 6458 Blackstone Hotel waiters on the up and go on service. The Omaha Club waiters with Captain Earl Jones and Mr Frank Buford, Mr. Virgil Shobe are serv ing with a smile. Fontenelle hotel waiters topping the service at all times. Waiters at the Regis hotel and the White Horse Inn quick serving with a smile. Waiters at the Hill Hotel on the improve on service at all times. I’axton hotel headwaiter and the fast moving crew very much out on fine service Read the Omaha Guide for all the latest news. The RR boys are serving on the rolling wheels with a smile these days. Frank Hughes and Dors ;y at the new quarters of the Highland club Brother John Evans the pioneer roast beef knightt top man at the Rome hotel. Gabby Watson all smiles after his minor operation Meet your friends at the Waiters Key Club and enjoy yourselves a dmist quick service and polite at_ tention which is given at all times and be sure to take time out to give the Omaha Guide the once ever Have you secured your flowers for Decoration Day. Wrothwellt.s Flower Shop will serve you with a smile. Captain Earl Jones will entertain the Northside Jolly 20 Club on Sat urday evening May 26 Captain Jones always goes over the top as all of the members are headliners the WEEK. BY H W SMITH Police of Springfield, Missouri us ed tear gas bombs to disperse a crowd that demanded a refund of money which was paid for tickets to a wrestling bout Thursday even ing May 17 that was very unsatis factory when one of the wrestlers refused to return to the ring Mrs Marva Trotter made the statement in Chicago May 17 that some day Joe Louis the heavyweight prize fighter may remarry Four thieves raided the Eagles Club in Joliet, IlMnois and seized 5 slot machines on May 17. Cigarette firms announced in N. PAT FLOWERS KING OFJHE 88’S JOINS "GLOOM DODGERS" The sensational young pianist, Pat Flowers, a protege of the im mortal Fats Waller, recently made his debut as a fea lure attraction on the popular early mawnin’ "Gloom Dodgers" air show on W H N. New York City's most powerful in dependent sta tion. It goes without Pat Flowers saying that Flow ers' brilliant Bach-to-Boogie pianis tics, evoked applause from both riVo listeners and critics alike. The popular star is just about the busiest entertainer in show biz— what with his headlining R. K. O. Theaters, his Sunday “Piano Rhap sody” program on Station WNEW and his frequent popular demand appearances for the Armed Forces. York that retail quotas would be up _ped 50 percent after the first of June to civilians as the War Dept stated that less cigarettes would be needed for military distribution. The Sixth Regional War Labor Board ordered 6.000 and five hund red truck drivers to end a walkout on May 17 which tied up delivery of food merchandise and war goods since May the 16th. Max Schmeling was arrested in Hamburg, Germany on May 17 on the waterfront by two MP's. United Mine workers and hard coal operators agreed on a com promise wage contract Thursday night. May 17 which was recomm ended by Fuel Administrator Har old L. Ickes. Gerald L. K. Smith the American First Party leader was ejected from a hotel lobby in San Francisco last Thursday night when he attempted to make a speech. Delegates to the United Nation's conference at San Francisco are on a buying spree. Some are buying clothing and others useful articles and they will have more luggage when they return home. Owing to the illness of Congress man Adolph Sabbath, Chairman the FEPC bill was delayed and the pet_ ition initiated by Mrs. Mary T. Norton, Chairman of the House Committee on Labor in an effort to enforce the FEPC out of the Rules Committee in a meeting after three weeks th petition has scured only 86 of the 218 signatures needed from the Republican side of the House Mrs. L. V. Gray on North 24th Street smiling on a Saturday after noon shopping tour. The enlarged Greater Omaha Guide is becoming more popular ev er yweek—will you follow the crowd? President Truman addressed a joint group of U S Senators and Congressman Monday, May 21st. Alex Peterson died after playing basketball at the YMCA Friday, May 19. U. S. Senator Wherry addressed a very large crowd at the Omaha theatre Tuesday May 22nd at 12:15 PM An earthquake shock was record ed by Fordham university in New York Saturday morning May 19th Streamlined stenographer form_ erly of the Urban I.eague has ad PLANE TALK BY Rowland Burnstan Ca "Blind Flying” Instrument flying has become so generally accepted throughout the aeronautical world that those who use it no longer question its reli ability. This depends upon the knowledge of the operator, but there is nothing in the operation of the various control devices that cannot be mastered in a relatively short time. No term is quite so misleading as “Blind Flying.” * As instrument flying actually functions, the pilot often has a much more accurate knowledge of his location when on instruments than when he is in visual contact with the ground. Consequently, the results are just opposite of “blind.” The difficult technical side of in strument flying is taken care of on a radio directive device which is used to transmit an electrical sig nal in certain areas and the work of the pilot is only to pick up the signal and recognize it. From his ability to recognize the signal he knows his exact position. Experi ments have been made repeatedly whereby planes are brought in and landed with the pilot under cover, and he never sees the ground until the landing operation has taken place. The rapid development of the radio and electrical industry gener ally have made this type of flying safe and desirable. They have con tributed materially to the advance ment of aviation both in commer cial and private flying. Many of the developments have been ap plied and developed during the present period of hostilities. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! WantPep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Do you blame exhausted worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains tonic many need at 40. 50, 60. for body old solely because low in iron: also prophylactic doses vitamin Bi. calcium. 35c intro ductory size now only 29c. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep. younger feeling, this very day. For sale at all drug stores every where—in Omaha, at SMITH’S A WALGREEN’S. Nebraska Bond Champs To Win Model."Jeeps" O One of these model Jeeps will be awarded to the person in each county in Nebraska who does the outstanding job in the sale of war bonds during the Seventh War Loan drive. Each county has devised its own plans as to how presentation of its Jeep trophy will be made. Exact scale replicas of the war Jeep manufactured by- Willys-Overland Motors, the models were built especially tor use in the campaign by wounded servicemen at Army convalescent centers. The auto company supplied the hospitals with the ma terials and paid the veterans for each model they produced.," 1 vaneed to the Dining Cars waiter? headquarters and going good. Has your membership in the NA There’s a Thrill In Bringing a Crook to Justice Through Scientlflfl CRIME [ DETECTION I have taught thousands of man and woman this axe (ting, profitable, pleasant profession. Let ma teach you. too. la your own borne. Prepara yourself la your leisure time %e All a responsible, steady, well-paid' position In a very short time and at very small oast. What others have don* you too. caa do. - 53% of All American Identification Bureaus Employ students or graduates of I.A.S. This fascinating work is easy to learn end the training is Inexpensive. You. too, can fit yourself to fill a responsible crime detection wish good pay and steady employment But don't dels —get the detail* now. Let me show you bow easily and «MR>letely I can prepare you for this fascinating work, goring spare time, in your own home. You may pay M you learn. Write today for free Crime Book. FREE! MTHCB00Kcrime** •fa a thriller Tall* about soma of the meet in tame ting crimes •oar perpetrated and how they were solved throagh the wry ■sShe it taught by I.AJI. Send now — be sure So state age INSTITUTE OF APPLIED SCIENCE •spi. sm mo toaayslde Avo„ Chisago 40. lUlools Mrs. Palmer... Spiritualist and Adviser NO FEE—but if satisfied, donations accepted. Guaranteed to unravel the most intricate affairs of lifet lifting you out of trouble and mental distress, giving actual dates and facts. True and fascinating are the words that flow from the lips of this strange personality. She can and will help you. A born gifted reader of life. She holds her work above the idle curious. The largest room in the world is the room for self improvement. What sunshine is to the flowers, reliable advice is to the human race. Headings Daily, except Sunday, from 1 p. m to 8 p. m. —PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT— 2318 Douglas Street Omaha, Nebraska THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned. Edited. Published and Circulated by Negroes to serve the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav to Success sad Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price— 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year's subscription will be given "THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE" the practical side ad Money Handling that will make yen a successful person. Send your order today to THE NEGRO WORKER Box 27*- B Tu ellipse Institute. Alabama (WE ARE NOW ABLE... , (to Render Much Better Service on All Laundry ( | Work | THANKS for being so Patient during the tPast Trying Months. 1_ EDHOLM&SHERMAf* —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS— ] 2401 NORTH 24th STREET ( -PHONE WEbster 6035 iflBB Yea. smart women and men by the thousands f know how quickly Palmer's SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, “spots" eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer’s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 yean. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times as much). At all stores or from E.T. Browne Drug Co., 1127 Water St., New York City. Help complete complexion beauty Kith Palmer’t SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) 25c \ 'Pxi£ryi&/i>L. ACP expired? If so please renew as Omaha should have two thous and members now! GOOD OPPORTUNITY TWO lot*, corner and adjoining, on southwest corner 21*t ami Gram. Extensive frontage on both 21st and Grace. Ideal for 2 or more homes, or especially suited ns Church grounds, Make reasonable offer IMMEDIATELY. Address IIOX A33d or Call HA-0800. Lunch Room (At Myrtis’ Tavern) 2229 LAKE STREET (Under New Management) Lillian Anderson and Louise i'inney, Proprietors “Prompt, Courteous Service" 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS l- r»>e IMivon — WE. 0809 DUFFY PHARMACY GREAT NEWS FOR WOMEN WHO DOUCHE Many Doctors today recommend the use of douches for women troubled with discharge (‘‘the whites”), offending odor, and minor irritation —for women who want to be and feel refreshingly clean. < Andhcre'saproductforthedouche —Hospital tested, too, with splendid results—Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sana tive Wash, made by the same great company that makes Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash is gain ing great favor today with women. It’s mighty effective to cleanse, relieve offending odor, discharge and discomfort of minor irritation, yet it positively won’t harm even the most delicate membranes or tissues. Inex pensive, too. Any drug store. • Lydia E. Pinkham's [SANATIVE WASH