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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1945)
The Greater Omaha Guides HOME-MAKER’S CORNER HOUSEHOLD V 1 I* Extend the Meat With Noodles and Gravy (See Recipes Below) Point-Easy Patterns Some of our homemakers feel that rationing has become so tight, it is difficult to set a tasty dish before the family. It’s true we are learn ing to use a great variety of foods, but all these can be made delicious as well as pleasing as to appearance. Humble meats like hamburger and liver can be dressed attractively and made to taste like high - point foods. Imagine eating golden brown, wafer-thin pancakes, filled with a well-sea soned meat mix 1 ture. Good? Of course, pass the seconds, please. You can stuff small slices of liver with your favorite celery or onion dressing and braise them in a sa vory tomato sauce. There’s little better. If you have taken it a little bit easy on the main course, you can always go the limit with the des serts. Cream pies are luscious even though their whipped cream toppings are missing. Frothy egg whites are just as pretty and tasty. Fresh vegetables and fruit plat ters are ideal for adding color to the table. Try a freshly cooked snowy white cauliflower in the cen ter of a platter and surround it with slivered green beans and tomato cups with golden com kernel cen ters. If it’s a fruit platter you’ve set your cap for, then you'll like melon (preferably cantaloupe with its center scooped out and filled with a fruit gelatin salad, and garnished on the platter with slices of pine apple mounted with fresh berries or grapes. Hamburger Filled Potato Pancakes (Serve* 6 to 8) 1 pound hamburger 2 teaspoons salt 34 cup milk 2 tablespoons fine, dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons fat 4 cups grated raw potatoes 2 tablespoons grated onions 34 teaspoon pepper 2 eggs, beaten 34 cup flour 2 tablespoons milk Combine meat, 1 teaspoon salt, milk and bread crumbs. Mix well and shape into thin patties. Brown in hot fat. Combine potatoes, re maining salt, pepper, eggs, flour and milk. Mix well. Remove meat from frying pan. Add more fat. Place a small amount of the potato mixture into hot fat. Top with meat pattie. Then cover with more potato mix ture (potato mixture should form a thin edating). Fry slowly until brown. Turn and brown on other side. These Hamburger Filled Pan cakes may be served with sauer kraut. Place the kraut in the cen ter of a platter and arrange pan cakes in a border around it. Lynn Says: Meat Memos: Extend low-point meats with breading, garnishing and fillings to make them appe tizing and point-saving. Bacon can be dipped in beaten egg and bread crumbs, then fried and served as an appetizing meat course. Honeycomb or pocket tripe be comes savory when given the egg and bread crumb treatment. Serve it with broiled bacon and tomatoes for flavor contrast. Ground lamb patties take on flavor value when served with grilled fresh pineapple and toma to slices. Small shoulder roasts will stretch further when stuffed with bread, celery, parsley or onion dressing. Make plenty of rich gravy for a fill-in feature. Lynn Chambers’ Point-Saving Menus •Curried Shrimp with Noodles Slivered Carrots and Green Beans Fresh Pineapple and Strawberry 'Salad Corn Sticks Beverage Date-Nut Bars •Recipe given. •Curried Shrimp with Noodle*. (Serves 4 to 6) 6 tablespoons butter or substitute 6 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk H teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 pound cooked shrimp 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1*2 teaspoons chopped parsley Y\ teaspoon rich meat flavoring 1 tablespoon chopped green pepper % pound fine noodles Make a cream sauce of the first five ingredients. Add shrimp, cleaned and cut in halves or quar ters, depending upon size. Add seasonings, and lastly, cooked noodles broken into small pieces. Garnish with parsley and whole shrimp. American Eggs Foo Yeung. (Serves 4) cup cooked fish such as salmsa 54 cup green peas, cooked 3 stalks raw celery, diced 1 onion, minced 54 cup green pepper, chopped 54 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 54 teaspoon seasoning sauce 6 eggs, beaten Spicy torpato sauce or other well seasoned sauce Mix fish with peas, celery, onion and green pepper. Add seasonings, seasoning sauce and beaten eggs. Mix well. Have fat hot in skillet. Pour small ladleful of mixture into skillet and brown on one side, turn cake and brown on the other. Serve^ with spicy tomato sauce. Another good, light dish for sup per fare is this omelet which com bines point-saving foods with tempt ing goodness: Mashed Potato Omelet. (Serves 6) *4 cup milk 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon onion juice *4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 4 eggs, separated Bacon Mix heated milk with mashed po tatoes. Add onion juice, salt and pepper. Mix in well beaten yolks of eggs. Fold in stiffly beaten whites. Pour into a greased frying pan and cook on top of stove until bottom is brown. Brown top under broiler. Serve with crisply fried bacon. Fruit Platter. Fresh pineapple, sliced Grapefruit in sections Peach halves Grapes, seeded or marachino cherries Small wedges of cantaloupe or other melon Cream mayonnaise Head lettuce Red apples Peel grapefruit and remove pulp by sections, then cut in half cross wise. Arrange platter by plac ing cups of let tuce all over the platter. Into each cup place a slice of fresh pineap P»e, cored and peeled (or canned slice of pineap ple.) On top place melon wedge and then grapefruit sections. Ar- j range strips of red apple on top and then sprinkle with cherries or sliv ered grapes. Serve with dressing made by mixing mayonnaise or sal ad dressing with sour cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts, if de sired. Released by Western Newspaper Union. Rural Telephones May Get Federal Loans Bill Would Provide For Private Expansion By WALTER SHEAD WNC Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON D. C.—“The Party Line,’’ long the butt of jibes anti ridicule, may be on its way out if a bill intended to “provide or improve telephone service in rural areas” becomes law under the new 79th congress. Considerable interest has been aroused in the measure introduced by Senator Lister Hill (D., Ala.) which would provide for a special fund of 100 million dollars and create a federal agency to be known as the “Rural Telephone adminis tration.” This administration would ad minister the law and the fund with authority to make loans to tele phone companies, or to individuals, corporations, states, municipalities, utility districts, or to non-profit co operative associations; also to the Rural Electrification administration for the purpose of financing the con struction, rehabilitation, moderniza tion and operation of telephone sys tems, exchange lines, or other facili ties for furnishing telephone service to persons in rural areas who are not receiving adequate service. The measure also provides for improve ment or betterment of existing serv ice to persons in these areas. Senator Hill, as a result of con-1 siderable study on the rural tele-' phone problem asserted that in 1920 almost 2Vi million farm homes had telephones and that by 1940 this number had decreased to about 1% million, a decrease of about 40 per cent. Rates for farm telephone serv ice have increased from about $1.39 to an average of $1.80 at the pres ent time. He also pointed out that 75 per cent of the nation’s farms numbering 4,166,000 still do not have telephone service. Some 30,000 smaller telephone companies in the nation would be the chief beneficiaries under the bill as borrowers from the fund to mod ernize their plants, rebuild existing lines and construct new ones. Loans would be made on a self-liquidating basis at an interest rate of 1% per cent with 35 years in which to re pay the principal. Handy Milk Stool The strap-on milk stool will save considerable time as well as provide another step forward in proper sani tation. After the stool has been strapped on, it need not be touched again until milking is finished. Strap the stool around the waist, wash hands, then start milking. Bac teria count will be reduced consid erably. If more than one leg is de sired, the conventional three legs can be added to this type of stool. Few Cheese Bandages Shortage of cotton cloth for manu- ! facturing bandages for cheese threatens to cause serious damage to the cheese industry. The bandage around the cheese makes the rind, explains W. W. Price, of the Uni- I versity of Wisconsin. Without the bandages, cheese can not be pressed or the rind formed without cracks. If the cheese has cracks, molds form in the air pock ets and the quality of the cheese is considerably lower. MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES FOR SUPERIOR STYLE AND FIT Here’s living proof that figure-fitting problems can be overcome when you sew for yourself. These two girls have made the same style dress, each choosing fabric, design and color to do right by her figure. The tall girl wears a blue and white leaf print, while the junior-sized girl looks taller in a pale gold spun rayon. The pattern with a printed cutting line insures easy, accurate sewing. A leaflet with information on fitting, FIT IT SO IT’S FIT TO SEW, may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework- Department of this paper, asking for No. M 5896. THIS DRAPED, CROCHETED TORBAN AND BAG ARE ALIVE WITH COLOR Dramatic cotor combinations highlight the most talked-about spring accessories. This gold and black crocheted turban, with its unusual draping, received inspiration from a painting (“Woman Reading" by Cartaccio). The bracelet bag accents this color scheme and draped effect with a clever looped closing. An inexpensive addition to your wardrobe, when you crochet it yourself. Directions for crocheting TURBAN AND BRACELET BAG may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper, asking for Design No. 3518. STURDY KNIT SWEATERS FOR BROTHER AND SISTER Dres* them in matching clothes, and little brother and sister will be as alike as peas in a pod. Here is an adorable pair of sweaters, tri colored wool casuals that are easy to knit. The sturdy pullover styie is capable of taking plenty of energetic young living. Directions for knitting these YANKEE DANDY SWEATERS may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework De partment of this paper, asking for Design No. 4-»3. ‘TIME TO RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION’ FOR 1945—Just PHONE: HA 0800. A PRACTICAL PLAN FOR LUXURIOUS LINGERIE If you are a bride planning a trous seau — or if you just like nice things, the best way to have your heart’s content of lovely lingerie is to make it. With the scarcity of ready-made slips, panties and housecoats, sewing your own means better quality and construction. Select a pattern with printed cut ting line for trim-fitting, longer lived style. A leaflet, A GUIDE TO DISTINCTIVE LINGERIE AND LOUNGE STYLES, may be ob tained by sending a stamped, self i addressed envelope to the Needle- | work Department of this paper, asking for No. M 5797. I A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Note:—Don’t worry needlessly . . . when your mind is weighted down with worry and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . just include a slipping of the column with your letter. For a "private reply” send 26c for ABBE’S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three ($) quea. tfons. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and •online yoer problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE* WALLACE SERVICE r*«T OFFICE BOX 11 —* ATLANTA. GEORGIA M. L, F._ I have been married nine years and I have tried to love my husband and be a good mother to our children. Hi slove for me has grown cold as he doesn’t pay any attention to me at all. So far as supporting his family he is okay but it takes more than money to make a happy home life. I would enjoy a little attention from him occasionally. We discussed it once and he hinted that he wasn’t well but he halfway changed his state, ment and we haven’t discussed it any more. Would it be best for me to leave and try to make it on my own? v Ans: Jeopardizing yov^r faimily and home for a more coorful love life would be a grave mistake. Were you to leave in search of a more glamourous future, you would never f in dtih ienesamfwyp mfwy never find it as your mind would constantly be o.n your home and family. What you really need to do is to come to a better understand ing with your husband If he is not well, see to it that he gets proper medical attention In the meantime make yourself more desireable to be loved. Love must come voluntarily, it cannot be forced It is up to you to create the proper atmosphere to encourage him. Show genuine ap preciation for the nice home he is providing and the courtesy extended you and the children. I F I - I have been married 15 years. 1 am a religious woman, president of the choir. My husband does not attend church and he doesn't like for me to go to choir rehearsal and I love my, church work as it is all the pleasure I get. I am true to my husband and help support myself, yet he isn't satis fied with anything that I do. Ans: It irritates your husband for you to show so much interest in this group of which he has no part He doesn't object to your church ac tivities but it does irk him for you to leave him alone to attend choir practice. Invite him to go along with you to meet the different mem. bers. You will never be able to in_ terest him in these activities as long as it is a bone of contention between you I would be better in the long run for you to make a few concessions in his favor and win him over to the church Peace in the home is the first step to ever lasting happiness. B. B - I do love my husband but if it will make him any happier I will give him his freedom. What should I do? Ans: You agreed to give him his freedom but there is no point in rushing it as he may get over this sudden desire You still love him and there is a possibility that he may not be a.s anxious for his free dom as he once thought If you two J could be together, the chances are j all differences could be wiped out 1 1 LI E W - L am going with a man 1 who is 20 years -'lder than L hut I love him very much When we first started going together he acted like he cared very much for me but now he doesn't act like he cares any thing for me Although he gives me anything 1 ask him for 1 have five children, could that be the reason he doesn't want me Tell me what to do? Ans: Almost any man would take cold feet at the prospect of six hum grv mouths to feed.... that's more responsibility than he wants to as, sume Should you be fortunate e nough to find someone whom you love and want to marry, bear in mind that your children are your responsibility and you are going to have to shoulder it whether married or single Your present yried is deeply interested in you and has proven it ever since he has known you But he doesn’t feel that he car. assume the responsibility of a wife with five children Quick-Frozen Spinach Makes A Flavorsome Addition to Spring Salad Plates... AND TEAMS WELL IN EGG AND CHEESE ALLIANCES Gay, piquantly ’ flavored salads are good menu strategy for spring days when the butcher's counter is barren. Hard-cooked eggs as well aB cheese dressing, cubed American cheese or mounds of cottage cheese provide easy, flavorsome ways to add protein value that will qualify your salads as main course d;shes. The current abundance of point free quick_frozen spinach offers an other easy way to achieve zestful variety in tossed salad combinations Just thaw the quick_frozen spinach as it comes out of the carton and chop; all the chores of sorting and eliminating grit and sand were dis posed of before quick-freezing seal ed in a full quota of vitamins and flavor. You'll find the tender green leaves are a particularly luscious addition to any assemblage of salad greens. They have a special flavor affinity for cheese and hard-cook ed eggs, as well as onionsj pickles and relishes. So resolve the cur. rent meat shortage by your inspir. ations and experiment with novel salad ingredients that will add up to appetizing main course dishes GKEE.V SPINACH SALAD 1 box (14 oz .) quick-frozen spin ach thawed, % teaspoon salt, Vi cup sour cream, 4 tablespoons mayonnaise. Dash of pepper, 1 teaspoon scraped onion 1% teaspoon horeradish. 2 hard -cooked eggs, chopped. Chop spinach. Drain if neces sary. Sprinkle with % teaspoon salt. Combine remaining ingredL ents Add half of sour cream mix. ture to spinach and mix well Ar range on crisp lettuce and top with remaining sour cream mixture. Serves 4 SCALLOPED SPINACH AND EGOS (14 02.) package quick-frozen spinach, or other quick-frozen vegetable. 4 hard-cooked eggs, WHITE SAKE 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 teaspoons minced onion, 2(4 tablespoons flour 1(4 cups milk, 6 tablespoons vegetable liquor or vegetable liquor and milk Salt and pepper to taste» Cook qufck_frozen spinach or otil er vegetable according to directions on box. (For White Sauce, melt butter or margarine in saucepan Add onion and flour and stir to a paste Add milk gradually, stirr ing constantly. Cook 2 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly Measure liuor drained from cooked vegetable, adding milk if necessary to make up the amount Add to white sauce and blend Season with salt and pepper ) Arrange seasoned drained spinach, or other vegetable, white sauce and sliced eggs in alternate layers in greased casserole Sprinkle generously with buttered crumbs. Place in pan of hot water and bake in hot oven (450 degrees F ) about 20 min utes, or until browned Serves 4 to! « Buy your Poultry at th< Nebraska Poultry 2204 North 24th Street Get the Best in ttiiality at the Nebraska Produce—Lowest Price PIIONE WE. 4137 In my visits around the country looking for new ideas, I’ve found many indications that a large num ber of the million new homes a year which are expected to be built after the war, will be away from present residential districts. In fact, some real estate companies report as much as 70% of their home-site sales are now in new areas on the fringe of the cities, in new suburbs and subdivisions and in country acreage where the fam ilies can enjoy clean, fresh air and safe, trafficless streets. If you’re planning to move away from the hustle and bustle of met ropolitan life you probably con sider yourself somewhat of a pio . peer. But you need not leave any of the city’s conveniences behind you! Not in the least! i The so-called “city" gas is de pendent upon gas mains which may not reach your contemplated home for many years, if ever. However, I’ve talked with many families who are using liquefied petroleum gas, butane or propane, and find it very satisfactory. You can easily find hundreds of users to talk to about this fuel because more than 2,000, 000 homes now use it and one in every eight gas ranges in the United States is fueled with this gas which' you may know as either “tank” or “bottled” gas! Everyone I’ve talked to believes that liquefied petroleum gas is a superior fuel for the range, for silent gas refrigeration, water and even room heating. And it’s cer tainly easy to find because it is available everywhere under dozens of trade names of individual com panies. And you’ll find the serv ice is excellent, too. Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back. Kidney, Bladder Gas, Constipation, Indigestion Billiousness Rundown Nerves, Cramps Rheumatism, Loss of Womanhood, and Manhood, try this medicine. Send 12.00 for an 8 ounce bottle. We also ship C.O.D., postage and money order fee extra. THE SPIRITUAL HEALTH GEMHE 121 3i. 11th St. Phila., Pa. McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop ?423-25 NORTII 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS dine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from ' 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges — WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a m v> 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS "Time and Tide Wait on No Man” NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Wml A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or - double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. Use The Omaha Guide As A— Medium of Advertising Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such symptoms promptly. To get such relief ... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 table spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folk' use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today . . . 85c at any drug store.