The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 19, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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Omaha, Nebraska, Saturday, May 19, 1945
Old Pitfalls Stand in
Way of Future Peace
Survival of German Myth, Desertion of
Democratic Elements Would Weaken
Postwar Security Structure.
Nats Analyst and Commentator.
WNU Service, I'nion Trust Building,
Washington, D. C.
SAN FRANCISCO. — California
•unshine is pouring down on the bay,
a great white fog has begun to drape
the distant, gray-green hills in the
folds of its f mating robe.
It has been a day of conferences
and interviews where the great
tragedies of little countries—Al
bania, Korea, Poland—and the little
differences between great countries
have been tossed at us, in vibrant
earnest voices, in stiff and proper ac
cents. It would be easy to lose sight
of woods for the trees. But as I sit
here leafing over faded notes of an
other such conference. I know that
the tremendous goal for which these
delegates have striven is so much
higher, so much wider than all the
little controversies that it still is just
what the chambermaid in my ho
tel said it was.
She was gray haired. She had a
son on Saipan, she told me, and
when I asked her what she thought
of this gathering she laid down an
armful of linen and looked up. "I
guess this is just about the most im
portant thing that ever happened,”
•he said, "trying to stop wars.”
How important this meeting will
prove to be depends on how well the
world avoids the pitfalls which
wrecked its last attempt to treat
war as we treat disease; not as
something that we irreverently con
sider as an act of God. like a tor
nado. but something to which man
kind is exposed through ignorance
and indifference and which can be
Why did the League of Nations
fail? What are the pitfalls which
the United Nations must avoid?
Germans Thought
Armies Unbeaten
I have been talking over that
Paris conference with a friend
whom I met there—a quarter of a
rontury ago. He lived with the
League of Nations through its early
uncertain days, on until its death of
malnutrition. Together we agreed
on certain fundamental mistakes
made in the past which must be
avoided if the result of the San
Francisco conference is a success.
The object of the United Nations
Is the same as the object of the
League of Nations: to stop aggres
sion before it starts. Last time, ef
forts were directed specifically to
ward Germany as the on>; potential
aggressor. Germany has been so
utterly defeated that she cannot
strike back for a long time but our
conduct toward Germany after the
last war can be related to all fu
ture attempts at aggression.
The first mistake made last time,
namely, allowing the myth to grow
up that the German army was not
defeated, that other causes enforced
capitulation, cannot be made again
since the German army is now de
stroyed But there is danger that
another myth may grow which will
encourage nazi-fascism elsewhere.
Even if the so-called German gov
ernment headed by Admiral Doenitz
formally capitulated to the Allies in
stead of having the various gener
als surrender separately, the Nazis
might well claim that they them
selves never did surrender.
A very good legal case might be
made out supporting the thesis that
Doenitz was not the authorized head
of the German government and that
government still existed in exile.
Whether Hitler and Himmler are
dead makes no difference. No proof
can be adduced that Doenitz is the
authorized successor to Hitler. There
has been no recognized revolution
which could be recognized first, de
facto, then de jure.
We do not know that Hitler author
ized Doenitz as his successor.
We do know’ that he had publicly
indicated certain successors.
I saw and heard him do it in
the Reichstag meeting in the Kroll
opera house in Berlin on September
1. 1939. when he announced that he
was going to the front to join the
army already invading Poland.
I saw him turn from the lectern
and indicate, first Herman Goering.
sitting high on the praesidium as
his successor, if he failed to return
and second, the tall and lanky Hess
sitting in the first row on the ros
There has never been any other
official designation of succession by
the German government. When Hit
ler made that pronouncement Doe
nitz played no role in the Nazi party
—he was just another naval officer.
Therefore it would be easy for
whoever claims official fuehrership
to have moved into Norway while it
was still in German hands, take a
long-distance submarine and find
asylum and support in some country
which would conceal his identity and
where sufficient sympathy for nazi
fascism existed, to carry on under
ground activities and foster the
myth of the immortality of nazi-dom
just as the myth of the German
army’s invincibility was kept alive.
That is one thing that apparently
is not realized. It is important. It
must be watched.
Now there are a number of other
pitfalls which I might mention but
I won’t spend too long over these
faded notes with fresh breezes from
the Pacific reminding me that we
are living in the land of tomorrow
and not yesterday.
But alas, some of the dark shad
ows of yesterday have stretched
down the years to today.
Selfish Interests
Stunt Democracy
One of the great mistakes which
the peace-loving nations of the
world, as they now call themselves,
made the last time was that they
failed to help the democratic ele
ments in Germany against the very
reactionary or national elements
which made World War II possible.
At present there is no question
about elements in the German gov
ernment for it is under Allied mili
tary rule. That problem is some
distance in the future. But here at
San Francisco and wherever the ex
ecutive council or the assembly of
the organization planned here may
meet, the same question will arise.
We have a concrete example in
the question of Argentina, not too
important in itself, but interesting
insofar as it reveals whose selfish
political and economic interests af
fect world affairs.
Certain countries wanted to renew
normal business relations with Ar
threat Britain has a great interest
in Argentina because of her trade
and Canada because the financing
of many institutions there was han
dled through Canadian banks.
The representatives in the Mex
ico City conference yielded to this
pressure and when they came to
San Francisco could not reverse
their position. Russia looked on,
chortled, and said: Democracies
aren't so democratic after all if they
invite a fascist government to join
up with them.
This is not too important but it
is an example of what must be
avoided if the United Nations really
champion the cause of democracy
throughout the world.
But the strong hope of avoiding
the pitfalls of the last time lies in
the interest, the participation of ths
people. The people of America.
As I sit here in San Francisco
and see the earnest effort of these
men of all creed and color, I feel
they have the will to peace.
But their voices all cry in the
wilderness unless the people support
I look over these gray-green hills
and think—into thine hands, the
hands of the people of America.
• • •
In order to provide agricultural
information to servicemen and vet
erans of this war who are interested
in agriculture, the USDA has ar
ranged to place kits containing sam
ples of available information in sep
aration centers, hospitals, libraries
and vocational guidance and retrain
ing centers of the army, navy, air
forces, and the Veterans administra
In cooperation with Washington
representatives of the various
branches of the armed forces and
the Veterans administration, these
kits will be available for review in
approximately 1.000 places in the
continental U. S. and overseas. Ac
companying each kit will be a sup
ply of order blanks on which the
veteran or serviceman can order
from the department by a simple
check mark, any item or group of
items he may want.
Among the materials being offered
are several general publications de
signed to help the agriculturally in
clined serviceman or veteran decide
whether or not he really does want
to become a farmer.
BARBS . . . by Baukhage
One of the hardest things to get
bi the sun-kissed state was a glass
of orange juice. They told us it was
all being dehydrated and sent
• • •
Returning to San Francisco after
20 years the city looks as if it had
changed more than in the previous
20 — a'id that included the period of
reconstruction after the fire.
Accredited correspondents outnum
bered delegates six to one but most
of the delegates never saw a news
man. And most of them couldn't
have talked anyhow since the ma
jority of them couldn't speak Eng
lish. English and French were the
official languages but probably
Spanish was the most generally
understood, judging from response
to speeches in that tongue.
Truman Warns Japs to Quit as
U.S. Shifts Weight to Pacific;
More Civilian Goods to Come
. Released by Western Newspaper Unior .— -—
(EDITOR'S NOTE: When opinions are expressed in these columns, they are those of
Western Newspaper Union's news analysts and not necessarily of this newspaper.)
Flags identify Allied forces occupying German territory in accord
ance with postwar plans. In addition to Russia taking over the east, the
British the northwest, and the Americans the south, the French reportedly
are to occupy the Rhineland.
Speedy Shift
Despite persistent reports of Jap
peace feelers, America is going full
speed ahead for an all-out war in
the Pacific following Germany’s un
conditional surrender, bringing the
European conflict to an end after
almost six years of the bitterest
fighting in history.
No sooner had Col. Gen. Gus
tav Jodi officially thrown in the
sponge for Germany on orders of
Fuehrer Karl Doenitz than the
American high command geared it
self for a shift to the Pacific, with
plans calling for retention of an
army of 6,968,000 and navy of
3,389,000; the transfer of many air
wings to the east to supplement
Super-Fort raids on Japan, and the
shipment of almost 3,000.000 troops
from Europe within a year.
At the same time, however, pro
vision was made for keeping 400,000
American troops in Germany to oc
cupy the southwestern part of the
country while the French take over
the Rhineland, the British the north
west and the Russians the east.
W ay Out
Reading the handwriting on the
wall even while Germany was still
hanging on the
ropes, Jap business
men, seeing their
industries being re
duced to rubble
even before the
U. S. could throw
her full weight into
the fray, reportedly
made indirect ap
proaches for peace.
if such is Japan s
Pres. Truman intent despite the
recent announce
ment of her government officials
about a fight to the finish, Pres.
Harry S. Truman was seen as offer
ing the Japanese an opportunity to
give up and still save face by his
detailed definition of “unconditional
surrender” in a V-E day statement.
Then, the President said:
“It (unconditional surrender)
means the end of the war.
“It means the termination of the
influence of the military leaders who
have brought Japan to the pres
ent brink of disaster.
“It means provision for the re
turn of soldiers and sailors to their
families, their farms, their jobs.
“It means not prolonging the pres
ent agony and suffering of the Japa
nese in the vain hope of victory.”
In shifting U. S. strength to the
Pacific, the services plan to ship
some construction, supply and main
tenance forces directly from the
European theater, while moving the
bulk over through this country.
Map Movements
Including some 1,000,000 troops
with extended combat records, who
are to be released along with the
wounded and overaged, the army
will bring 845.000 men home in the
first quarter after V-E day; 1,185.000
in the second, and 807,000 in the
third. Those who will be retained
for the Pacific war will be given a
30-day furlough, then reassigned for
Need for staggering the return of
troops from Europe stems from the
gigantic task of transferring equip
ment for the Pacific war. Ac
cording to estimates, from 60 to 75
per cent of materiel in Europe will
be fit for shipment to the Pacific
More Goods
Though war production will con
tinue to dominate U. S. industry
until the Japs quit, civilian output
should increase in
proportion to the
volume of material
and manpower freed
from army cut
backs. About 1,500,
000 workers prob
ably will be re
leased by contract
cancellations within
the next six months.
War Mobilization
Director Fred Vin
Fred Vinson son estimated, with
another 3,000,000 let
out after that. But all should find
ready employment in reconversion,
expansion and basic industries.
Washing machines, vacuum clean
ers, radios and furniture should be
available in limited quantities with
in a year, Vinson said, and some
automobiles should also come off
the assembly lines, though not
enough will be manufactured to
meet demands until 1948. With
textiles and leather continuing to re
main scarce until the Pacific war
ends, the government will push up
production of low-cost clothing and
non-rationed footwear.
With the nation’s food stocks be
low requirements, rationing will be
maintained, with meat, sugar and
butter in the tighest supply. With
civilian gas allotments up 100,000 to
How Discharge Plan Works
Over 100,000 men a month are
to be discharged under the
army’s separation system based
on vet’s credit of 85 points,
with 1 point for every month of
service since September, 1940;
1 point for every month of over
seas outside the U. S.; 5 points
for every combat award such as
the distinguished service cross,
the purple heart or battle partici
pation stars; and 12 points for
every dependent child under . 18
up to a limit of three.
200,000 barrels daily, "A” and com
mercial card holders may be al
lowed small ration increases.
Though more tires may become
available, an acute shortage will
Allied Terms
Having vanquished Germany, the
Allies showed no disposition to soft
en up in the imposition of terms,
with extended military occupation
aimed at a close supervision of in
dustry, finance and government to
prevent a rebirth of militarism.
According to occupation plans, the
British have taken over the most
highly developed industrial terri
tory of Germany along with the im
portant North sea ports; the Rus
sians the heavy wheat and grain
growing districts and “Little Ruhr”
of Silesia; and the U. S. the agricul
tural area of the southwest.
Long sought by the French for its
military as well as industrial im
portance, the Rhineland reportedly
was assigned to them. Prize plum
of this territory is the Saar coal
land, which provided the French with
one-third of their prewar solid fuel.
HIGHLIGHTS . . . in the week’s news
United States stocks of corn, oats
and barley on farms, at terminal
markets, and government-owned on
April 1 totaled 47,700,000 tons, about
19 per cent more than a year earlier
and almost as large as the average
for the five preceding years, when
stocks were comparatively large.
The carryover of com next October
1 may amount to 450,000.000 to 500,
000.000 bushels.
A sufficient number of new
workers joined the labor force
during the last year to permit
an increase of 1,100,000 in the
armed forces and an increase of
300,000 in the civilian supply of
workers. As a result of this in
crease in the supply, the num
ber of civilian workers employed
rose to PP.SM PM in March from
50 POO M0 last vnr
Regional Pacts
Against protests that such ar
rangements would narrow the ac
tivities of a general security organ
ization and eventually displace it,
South American nations pushed for
recognition of regional defense sys
tems at the San Francisco confer
Based on the Act of Chapultepec
drawn at the recent Pan-American
convention in Mexico City, the
South American proposal envisions
the use of force to repel aggression
against any of the Latin republics
without awaiting the official sanc
tion of the international security or
ganization, any of whose major
members might veto such a move.
An extension of the Monroe Doc
trine. the plan thus preserves pri
mary responsibility for the secu
rity of an area in the hands of coun
tries immediately concerned.
Discussion of the regional security
proposal came as the U. S. and Brit
ain tried to reconcile their differing
views on postwar trusteeships over
conquered territories after the war,
with this country standing for ex
clusive use of military bases upon
strategic islands and the British in
sisting upon control subject to the
security organization.
Meantime, sentiment in congress
grew for unfettered U. S. use of any
postwar bases in the Pacific vital
to defense in the area. Since this
country primarily will be responsi
ble for keeping the peace in the Pa
cific, Senator Byrd (Va.) declared it
should not be subject to supervision
by any other nation or group. “It’s
little enough for us to ask,” said the
/Veu? Problem
Latest of the food problems con
fronting the nation is sugar, with re
ports that the 1945 Cuban crop will
fall 790,000 tons short of the 1944
harvest, pointing up the tight supply
expected to persist throughout the
The report of the smaller Cuban
crop came in the midst of the house
food committee’s investigation of the
sugar situation, with evidence indi
cating that manpower shortages.
Importation of twelve million
short tons of foods will be neces
sary to improve living conditions in
liberated nations and to prevent
starvation in enemy territory in
Continental Europe this year, ac
cording to an analysis completed
by the office of foreign agricultural
relations. This total would consist
largely of wheat but should also in
clude substantial quantities of fats,
animal protein foods and sugar,
the report says. Survey of food
conditions on the continent indi
rale the food supply this year will
be from 50 to 70 per cent of the
prewar energy intake.
bootlegging and inaccurate apprais
al of existing stocks have all played
a hand in the growing shortage.
Though operators' inability to se
cure sufficient help to harvest sugar
beets and bootleggers’ use of illegal
supplies of the commodity have con
tributed to the tight situation, the
committee found, the industry’s in
dication that adequate stocks ex
isted led to consumption of about
800,000 tons more last year than 1
originally allotted.
Award Miners
Drawn after laborious parley be
tween companies and union repre
sentatives, the new soft coal contract
was clouded by a Supreme court de
cision holding that miners were en
titled to pay for full underground
travel time under the wages and
hours law.
Thus, the high court’s ruling up
set the new contract’s provision that
such pay was to be made on the
basis of an average of all miners
underground travel time, and at
the same time allow for a reexami
nation of the pact.
In line with a previous Supreme
court verdict covering iron ore
miners, the latest decision came at
a time when negotiations between
hard coal miners and operators had
bogged over differences in under
ground travel pay.
High Toll
With the war half-won, U. S. casu
alties total over 950,000 and mili- j
tary expenditures $275,000,000,000. j
Late reports showed 747,164 cas- '
ualties in the European theater, with
the army reporting 139,498 dead.
467,408 wounded, 72,374 missing and
52,990 prisoners; the navy 6,415
dead, 3,612 wounded, 594 missing
and 29 prisoners, and the marine
corps 34 dead, 1 missing, 1 wounded
and 3 prisoners.
Having already spent $275,000,000.
000 on the war, government expendi
tures will remain high during the
Japanese war and for some time
after to finance veterans’ care, pen
sions, benefits and interest on the
public debt, presently at $236,000,
Steps were taken by more than a
dozen states this year to increase
old age assistance allotments and
aid to dependent children.
Aged persons in Delaware now
may receive $30 monthly under
legislation raising the maximum to
that figure from $25 a month. Wyo
ming raised its maximum to $50
a month, Utah increased maxi
mum benefits from $30 to $40,
Washington put old age assistance
on the basis of need and provided
$50 minimum for persons over 65.
The Day is Comin9
In the end self-deception never
pays off. Take, for example. Pres
ident Truman's voting reeord .n the
so-called Negro question. It is what
is usually described as "good." It
has led many Negro writers to
draw the optimistic conclusion that
in the new President we have a vig
irous champion of Negro rights. Be
fore too many of us are lulled by
this. I suggest that we turn for a
moment from the voting record and
examine his attitude toward Neg
roes and the Negro's place in soc
Fortunately we don't have to re
sort to speculation. Mr. Truman's
attitude is that of the "loyal liber
al Southerner.” as Margaret Mar
shall described it in The Nation.
That is. he advocates equality of op
portunity and education but consid
ers social equality out of the
question now or ever. The Pres
[The Omaha Guide
[ Published Every Saturday at 2)20 Grant Street
Entered as Second Class Matter March 15. 1927
at the Post Office at Omaha, Nebraska under
i Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
C- C. Galloway,. Publisher and Acting Editor
All News Copy of Churches and all organiz
ations must be in our office not later than 1:00
p- m. Monday for current issue. All Advertising
Copy on Paid Articles, not later than Wednesday
noon, preceeding date of issue, to insure rmh'ie
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: ONE YEAR. $160
: SIX MONTHS . $2 001
Naticmal Advertising Representatives— ^
545 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Phone. - .
MUrray Hill 2-5452, Ray Peck, Manager '
ident summed up his views in an ad
dress in 1940 before the National
Colored Democratic Association^
when he said: "Before I go any far
ther 1 wish to make it clear that i
am not appealing for social equal
ity for the Negro. The Negro him
self knows better than that, and the
highest types of Negro leaders say
frankly they prefer the society of
their own people.”
Parenthetically, the phrase,
"highest types of Negro leaders,"
strike a familiar note. It is the sort
of language the industrialists use
when they speak of certain labor
leaders. The "highest types of la
bor leaders” are those who agree
with the boss that there are "two
sides to the question" and who are
ever ready to consider sympathetic
ally the boss' side. They call them
selves "responsible." They hate and
fear militancy among the rank and
file. They are forever admonishing
their dues-payers not to go "too
far" in their demands, and to re
member that the boss is entitled to
a "fair profit". Their timorous pol
icies are acclaimed by the pluto
cratic press as "labor statesman
The president may be perfectly
sincere in urging equality of oppor
tunity and education for the Negro.
He is doubtless sincere in his belief
that social equality is out of the
question and that "the Negro him
self knows better.” It is possible
that he doesn't understand that
these things go together, and that
where there is segregation either
by law or “custom." there can be
neither equality of opportunity nor
of education. Whatever the Pres
ident's understanding or lack of un
derstanding, on this score, the fact
remains that his attitude toward
Negroes is such as to bar action in
their behalf.
1 will not deny that political con
slderations may cause the President j
to press for some reforms, althougl
his alliance with Southern politic
ians will probably influence him
more even than it did Mr. Roosevelt.
The point is. however, that no one
holding such definate views against
social equality can be looked to for
And this is all to the good! When i
we cease to rely on others to do
something for us. we learn to roly
upon ourselves, on our own powers
to study, understand, and argue our
case. And in the measure that we
gain selfreliance, in that measure
do we free ourselves from timorous
leadership, and from the confusion
asd indecision they sow among us.
"The highest types of Negro lead
ers.” according to President Tru
man. "prefer the society of theii
own people." That is not the quest
ion. The question is: Are Negroes to
have the choice of whose society
they prefer? When he is free to
mingle with his fellow citizens of
other races, and without a mark of
"inferiorty” upon him the individual
Negro may determine for himself
whether or not he will make use of
his freedom.
Karl Marx once wrote that the
white worker cannot be free whore
the worker in the black skin is
branded a slave That was before
the Civil War. Today the thought
might almost tie reversed. For the'
freedom of the Negroes a freedom j
“the highest types of Negro leaders', |
implore Negroes not to seek is I
bound up with the freedom of all
workers from wage slavery. For
this freedom implies Socialism, and
Socialism destroys the material
reasons for segregation and provid
es the Incentive for developing the
talents and abilities of all our citiz
ess regardless of race.
Land of the Aoble Free
*>*.- -.r^bv Layle Lane for Calvin’s News Service
“States rights in education” is
just as absolete in 1945 and just as
harmful of national interests as
states rights in politics was out
mode in 1944. Public money for non
public schools is even more danger
ous than the states rights slogas.
Therefore, the bills now before
Congress, the Thomas, If ill. Ham
speck Bill S 181 and HR 1290 and
the Mead. Aiken Measure S 717
which contains consessions to these
policies should be examined very
carefully by every legislator as well
as by every citizen.
There is no derial of the need for
federal aid: A pecial census release
of Juse 20. 1942 disclosed that there
are 1,458,540 males betweent the
ages of IS and 45 who have had less
than four years of grade school. By
1943 the army had trained about
85,000 of the eligible men in the
fundamentals but this is only a
fraction of the million-odd men. The
1940 census listed 3,000.000 illiter
ates and 10,000.000 functional or
semi-illiterates. Here then is nearly
one tenth of the population, unable
even to serve their own immediate
needs effectively much less those of
national or international importance
A concern then in education is a
definite obligation of the national
government as it has been from the
time of the Land Ordinance of 1785
which set aside one section in each
township for the support of public
schools. True the states during the
past 160 years have been the main
agent of education; but the number
of .illiterates now plug the increas
ing demands for federal aid from
every section of the country indi
cate the inadequacy of the state
system in meeting national needs.
Just how shall the national gov
ernment operate in the field of ed
ucation and for what purpose?
Only a few principles will be con
sidered here; a. sound business
principles; b. seperation of church
an state; c. national standards and
Apropos of the first, it has always
been considered pood business in
public administration for an^
agency appropiatlng funds to state
specifically for what purpose these
funds are allocated how they
should be spent snd means for gov
ernment and the public to check to
see whether their desires have
been carried out. Cities and states
which have not followed this policy
have been subject to a great deal of
graft and corruption. Any other
policy which does not provide for
this check is just as bad for educat
ion as it is for any other public pur
This is where the issue of states
rights is raised and states and even
educators allege that national super
vision and control would mean po
litical domination. This can be eas
ily avoided by providing for a mut
ual check by the state and nation
al office of education and also in
cluding national organizations of
teachers in the public schools to
help to determine policies and
check their administration.
Further, the whole purpose of
federal aid is stated to be equaliz
ing educational opportunity. There
is no way of equalizing anything
without haing a measure which can
be used as a standard. The national
goernment should set the standard.
If the army wants men with at least
a fourth grade education, educators
should demand that the goernment
grant money to see that eery child
capable of receiing chooling should
hae 8 years of 9 months each of
training. Not to use such as a yard
stick as this results in the same
inequalities as at present. Fnr in
stance, under S 181 Mississippi gets
$4,270,742 for equalizing' purposes
and $4,550,000 for emergency use:
New York state gets no money from
the equalizing fund but $17,026 200
from the emergency fund. This is
proivided in a year when New York
state has a surplus of $148,000,000 in
its state treasury. By no strech of
figuring could it argued that the
boy in Mississippi would have an
equal chance with the New York
boy. What does equalizing mean
Apropos of complete seperation of |
church and state, this has been a
cardinal principle for our countrj
ever since its founding. To provide
national money now for religious or
any other non-public schools woult
mean not only that the public schoo
would be drained of pupils of par
ticular belifs or sects, but it woult
also mean constant interference
with the public school sj’stem b;
these outside groups. Nearly all de
cisions of state courts in regard b
the use of public funds for private
or sectarian schools has been a
gainst the sectarian schools.
A religious group which states
that no federal aid to education bil
will pass unless there is provisior
for its schools shows how danger
ous the prospect of the kind of po
litical interference and control ed
ucators want to avoid.
Federal aid. yes; but of whom
for whom and by whom are import
ant considerations.
Poetic Corner
Every Friday, I do go to thi
Swing Inn, not to a show
I go to see her every night
I hope and pray, she'll be al
With her two sisters she does
It makes me feel so happ> and
I look at her and her face lights
It makes me feel like a tramp on
I’d like to hold her in my arms
I’d probably feel like a four bell
But then just the thrill of it all
When I sing the Indian love call
Her hair so soft, her face so
It gives you that feeling that
you’d htae to lose.
When I'm dancing and smiling at
It makes my heart begin to whirr.
And when she walks and talks
with me
It reminds me of two doves in a
I like to hold her soft warm
It starts me dreaming of distant
Yet. I know not how she feels.
But to win her heart, I would
gladly kneel.
So when I bid her a fond adue.
Her eyes seem to say "I love you’’
'—by Leonard Ewing
In the lunchroom, as I wait.
I'm tense and nervous for I'eur
she'll be late.
I love to watch her run and
It makes my waiting seem worth
I sit and watch, with joy and
I look at her. and she smiles at
She stands in line so firm and
It thrills my heart with firm de
And if beside me she would sit.
Tile flame in my heart would be
come a_lit.
1 sit and wonder, hope and pray,
that someday we, will sit and
Her hair so soft and eyes so
Oh! how 1 wish 1 could kiss her
And then, when she is through at
Iknow its time for her to pass
I sit and look with the feeling of
sorrow. And hope that I'll
see her.
Again, tomorrow.
—by Leonard Ewing.
War Department |
Approves Flag
Use of the veterans honorable
discharge emblem on the World
War II Employment Flag (shown
above) has been approved by the
War Department. Similar to the
Service Flag showing the number
of former employees in the armed
forces, the Employment Flag
designates the number of returned
World War II veterans being em
ployed. Display of an Employment
Flag was originally proposed last
year by the Disabled American
Veterans, and since that time DAV
Chapters throughout the nation
have been urging industry to dis
play the new Employment Flag
The emblem is gold on a whit#
background, edged in blue.
It takes dirt to grow flowers!, but your finger
nails are not flower gardens. Do keep them clean.