The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 19, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    Council Bluffs
N—E -W—S
Mr* Alma William* of J708 3rd
afreet report* that Fpt Edward J
Williams, son of Mr* L t Wil- |
liani* who was in the Mariana Is
land*. is returning to the States to '
enter Officer'* Training School He
ha* been been overseas for 3 years
in the Engineering Department
Hi* mother and sisters are looking
forward to hi* return
Mr and Mr* Fletcher of 1128
IMh avenue, have lived in Council
Bluffs for 3 years and like the place
fine They are satisfied with con
dition* and are living well
Kev J (i Gate* of 12U5 18th ave
has a real nice little home He has
been a resident of Council Bluff*
for sometime Cart of the time
pastoring Rev Gates is a real
Christian gentleman and everyone
know* him. admires him very much
He is now employed at the Martin
Drug Co . in Council Bluff* and has
a smile for everyone
Rev James West of 1 120 16th ave
haii a lovely home and he and his
wife liVe like bird* in a nest Mr
West hus 13 lot* in all Sometime
ago Itev West had a misfortune.|
fire destroyed his entire house and ,
everything that he possessed, but he j
seems to be happy aftr all and mov. I
ing forward
When the reporter called on Mrs
fuse of 1220 7th ave . she was rush
mg to her job. but assured him that
when he came back she would sub.
scribe for the Omaha Guide She
likes the Guide so much
Mr Sam Clark of 2511 5tli avenue,
has a beautiful home Mr Clark
reports that he has just paid for
his house and oh boy! he has a
beautiful home Look out. -dr.
• 'lark is a butcher Mr Clark is
also a war veteran having spent -11
months in France
Mrs Doris Lewis of 1112 9th st .
has a family of three Mrs Lewis’
mother lives with her All the
children are very small and cannot
go to school as yet She has lived
in Council Bluffs for 2n < ears, but
was born in Omaha and moved to
Council Bluffs
Mrs McCurry of 1620 South 6th
Street has two girls and a son in
the Navy for four years and also u
son who has been in the army a
bout two years Mrs McCurry has
a number of grandchildren She
was doing housework when I rang
Mr W M Hackaday of 1313 So.
13th Street, has been confined to
his home for one year, and seems tn
be improving very slowly now We
hope for him a speedy recovery.
Mr and Mrs Garfield of 515 20th
avenue, are onlv two in ih~ family
Mr Garfield works at the Milwau
kee railroad and has worked there
3 years Mr Garfield say he has
been in Council Bluffs for 27 years
and likes the place fine
Mrs 1 Bowens of 2127 5th ave.
has resided here for 3 years She
Is a member of Tabernacle Baptist
• 'hurcli and attends service regul
arly She is expecting to leave
town on her vacation in June.
Mrs. Coffee of 1808 Seventh ave.
reports that Miss Mildred Calbrins
> |
Mr Earl Calbrins. Miss Eva L. Lit.
tie. Miss D. Crotfy, will graduate
May 31, 1945 from Thomas Jefferson
High school
Mr and Mrs Erana Turner of
1529 avenue A, Council Bluffs, has
a nice little house. They have 4
in the family. Mr. Turner is In the
wholesale fruit business, while Mrs
Turner takes care of the home
They have a daughter working and
everything is moving along smooth.
Mr Jack Willis of 2505 Fourth
Avenue. Council Bluffs has resided
here four 4 years He is now work
ing for the Street Car company and
has been for 3 years, and is well
pleased with his job His health
is fine. he has one son going to
school in the 8th grade
Mrs E Holden reports that Mrs
Agnes Grows and she are planning
to attend the Iowa, Minnesota, So
Dakota and Nebraska Association of
the Western District on May 15th.
16th and 17th
Mrs Tucker of 1721 Sth avenue
reports that Mrs W L. Tucker
will entertain Mrs Ed Gilbert from
Tennessee. May 11th at 8 o’clock.
Mr W L Tucker of 1721 8tli av
enue has been sick for two weeks
and under the doctor's care for one
week He is not doing so well
Mr J Scott of 2226 Sixth avenue
has lived in this community for 12
years He is a member of the Tab
ernacle Baptist Church and enjoys
hiis services He states that you
are welcome to these services at
all times
Mr and Mrs McCullough reside
at 1203 Seventh ave Mr. McCul
lough works at the Chieftan Hotel
and has worked there for four years
as a night porter He is well liked
by everyone He is a deacon of
Beulah Baptist Church and also is
Chairman of the Trustee Board
Mr H Goodlaw, of 2570 Third
Avenue have lived in Council Bluffs
for 60 years He is a member of
the Tabernacle Baptist church and
attends serviues regularly and has
not missed service in many years
Mr Lyttle of 1344 Seventh avenue
owns his home and has four daugh
ters in school He is now working
at the Nebraska Power Company
and likes his job fine
Mrs Carter of 1812 Seventh ave .
has 7 children, six boys and 1 girl
Mrs Carter has 4 boys in school
Mr Carter works in Omaha while
Mrs Carter takes care of the fam
ily They own their own home and
have a lot of nice chickens. Every
thing seems to be moving smoothly.
Mrs Blecher of Portland, Oregon
is residing with her sister at 1312
Seventh avenue Her stay is in_
definite. Mrs Belcher says Coun_
cil Bluffs is all right.
Mr and Mrs Stewart, 605 South
25th street, have a nice little, quiet
home with one son 1 never in all
my life noticed such a nice, quiet
home Everyone seems to be hap
p y Mr Stewart works In Oma
ha at the Rock Island. They sure
are a happy family.
Mr and Mrs. J. White, 1315 6th
avenue, own their home. Mrs
White's husband is now stationed in
Mr Fred Means is now working
for the railroad and has been for 12
Mrs. Annorra Harvey. 2548 Four
th avenue, departed this life at 4:15
Wednesday morning Mrs. Harvey
had been confined to her bed for
six months She was a very con
sistent Christian and always attend
ed her church She was a devoted
Christian and a kind mother and
loved by all who knew her. There
never was a time when she would
refuse to relieve her friends and her
neighbors She was admired by
all who came in contact with her
You may rest assured that she w-ill
be greatly missed by the church
and all of her friends
Last week you became acquaint,
ed with We of "Tomorrow’s World"
This week we become closer relat
ed to you
We met last Thursday. May 1‘0, at
the Urban League. The meeting
was grand Our enrollment of boys
and girls is growing each week
The new members that joined last
Thursday were: Gilda Thomas, lino
gene Ferry. Betty Stewart. Mary
Carter and Harold Johnson.
The project the Club is working
on now is trying to obtain a suitable
building so that we could raise
enough money to properly furnish
it with the facilities for a gym for
the younger boys today For at a
pervious meeting, Donald Davis, a
member gave us a talk, that every
parent of Omaha should have heard
The title was “No Place to Play.”
A copy of that speech will soon be
put under our column
A stage show will be given by
the Club June 7, 1»45 at the Urban
League to secure money for the fur,
nishing of this gym We need the
public's help in the task we are a
bout to undertake for only with
your help can we be successful
The Negro today is faced with a
serious problem Will the Coming
Peace include him?, and—Are our
boys and girls fighting in vain?
Today there are 750,000 Negro
men and women in the armed forc
es Our hearts are grieved every
time we see a Colored boy or girl
in the uniform of a country that
doesn’t appreciate them
And how our hearts bleed when
we read letters from Negro boys in
southern camps and talk to Negro
soldiers of the abused treatment
they are receiving daily. We of
“Tomorrow’s World” know we must
achieve a successful victory so our
boys won’t have to come back to the
same America they left. Recently
a letter was received by me from a
boy stationed in Camp Polk. La A
little of the letter follows
“'As I write this letter to you,
I'm scared for this place is Hell.
you have a quota
in the Mighty 7- War Loan
Find your quota and make it! We’ve got to make the 7th the biggest yet!
$250 $187.50 $250 /
225-250 150.00 200
210-225 131.25 175
200-210 112.50 150 J
180-200 93.75 125
140-180 75.00 100
100-140 37.50 50
Under $100 18.75 25
/rz—=-> VI
Vj, «U*HTT V3
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.
•k Tbit i» «a official U.S. Treasury advertisement—prepared under the auspices of Treasury Department and War Advertising Council. ★
Note:—Don’t worry needlessly . . . when your mind is weighted down with worry
and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend
please write. Tour problem will be analyzed In the paper free . . . just include a
slipping of the column with your letter. For a "private reply” send 25c for
ABBE’S 1844 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive
fraa a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (t) ques
tions. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign
pour full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and
pea ilea your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . .
C. C. B.—I’m 17 and am thrown
into contact with a boy 21 He’s
the type who likes the intellectual
things of life and it is quite hard
to really him. He's away at col
ege and when he’s home he always'
comes to see me Up until last fall
I would just as soon be over there
than here. I sometimes want to go
AWOL. I hope I will get used to
this.I’m worried so I can hardly
write. If oniy I could get a fur
lough, I might feel a little better
That is just one of the many let.
ters we receive and through the
help of (iod we will achieve a vic
tory. For right always did and
will overcome wrong.
We of ’’Tomorrow's World” are
looking for advice, so if you have
any to give us. phone AT-0596 and
ask for the President, Dorothy
Watson The public Is welcome to
our meetings every Thursday even,
ing at the Urban League at 8;00 o
clock pm.
T othe boys and girls of today,
will you consider being one of us..
Join our Club so that our children
won't have to face a world of fear
The poem which follows was writ
ten by the neice of Rev F. C. Wil
liams: The name is.
I know the odds are against you. ..
Your struggle will be long and
But drive on, Blackboy, you'll
make it.
If your trust is in the Lord 1
You’ll meet many oppositions;
To retard you in your way,
But just keep on driving, bey—
You’ll reach your goal some day.
It won't be a downhill journey,
There will be many mountains to
And you may have to cross the
ocean _
But drive on and take your time.
Yes, yo umay have to rest for a.
When the knocks seem too hard
to bear
But don’t get discouraged, don’t
give up —
Remember that Jesus is there!
When trouble is pressing againBt
And you can't tell the night from
day .
Just keep on driving black boy,
Because Jesus is there to stay.
They may have their foot on you
And there’re trying to keep you
But if you have Jesus as your
No one can turn you down.
I kijow the roads rock and rough
But there's a smooth road just a
And if you are striving to reach
your goal—
Don’t look for a flowery bed
Yes, Drive on Black Boyj keep
You’ll benefit from your toil.
Drive over the stony and thorny
and land on fertile soil.
Drive on Black Boy.Drive on!
Against Injustice, Prejudices and
Against Obstacles and Great dis
You’re driving toward a much
better life.
Next week you will
■‘Tomorrow’s World ”
“The other day I heard one of
our riders say ‘fare-fumblers’
caused him to be late on the
job. And he was right. ‘Fare
fumblers’ often cause need
less delay.”
A few seconds lost at each stop
soon make cars and busses
minutes late. Please do what
you can to help . . . always
have your fare ready before
boarding the cars. Save that
lost time to speed victory!
Further help by following these
friendly suggestions:
• Travel more from 10
to 4 avoiding the
rush periods.
• Move back in cars.
• Have your fare
we kept things on a friendly basis
but when he wanted to kiss me
goodnight. I thought we had
known each other long enough and
allowed him to. The next day 1 re
ceived a note from him saying he
was sorry. He knew he shoudn't
kiss me but wanted to so much
Since then he's wanted to kiss me
every night. Our parents are the
best of friends and we are thrown
together quite often. Now do you
think- he likes me and is waiting
for me to grow up or passing off
Ans: He seeks you out imrned
iatey upon his arrival home and
that’s proof enough that you inter
est him more than anyone else
This interest he shows in you should
not be confused with love but is
more or less a mutual liking be
tween two attractive young people
However, it might develop into
something more serious and lasting
in time. As for the
a little conservative and stingy
with your caresses for anything
given too freely decreases in value
Don’t practice it too frequently.
C. X.—I am a married woman in
love with a married man. He says
he loves me. I have reason to be
lieve he is having an affair with an
older woman and I am so unhappy
as we quarrel most of the time. We
have been going together sixteen
>;ears. I’ll do what you say is best.
Ans: You have no priority on
his heart and there is absolutely
nothing that yo ucan do about his
adventures. His actions are his
wife’s concern and not yours at all.
You two have been friends for a
number of years and it may be dif
ficult for you to break away from
him but that is the only fair and
honorable way out As long as
you persist on carrying on this af
fair you will never derive the hap
piness from your marriage that is
justly due you Give your husband
a chance to make you happy.
E. C. W.—I always write you
when I need help. I am making my
plans to get a lunch stand and be
gin serving meals. Do you think
that I will succeed along this line'.’
Ans; WGth the experience that
you have had previously, you
should do very well in a business of
this kind The type food you plan
to serve will not be affected too
much by the present rationing j
There certainly is a demand for eat
ing places in your section.
Li. B L..—I want to tell you a
bout my annoying problem. I am
1 and my boy friend is 23. A boy
of 19 was coming to see me before
I met the older boy. I didn’t tell
him about his coming I told the
younger boy not to come anymore
as I loved the older boy dearly.
I met the younger boy one day and
while talking, the other fellow came
up in his car and now he wants to
suit because he says I’ve been do
ing this all along behind his back
I really love him so what must I
do to prove to him that I really love
him and not the other young fel
Ans: Your friend has no right to
monopolize all of your time when
you are not engaged This spurt
of authority is just plain jealousy
Sometimes it takes a little compet
ition to make a fellow open his eyes
and appreciate what he has at his
finger tips, -^on't let his actions
offend you because if he is serious
and wants to mean anything in your
life, he will not let the above epi
sode come permanently betwreen
you two. A girl should be friendly
and cordial to all the young people
if she is to remain popular.
Touched by
the Hand of
the Dark Visitor. .
Mr.. Ezekial Mickens, age 7S
years, 1124 North 26th street, died
Thursday. Mya 10th at a local hos
pital. Mr Mickens’ home was in
Galveston Texas and he had lived
in Omaha 13 years He is surviv.
ed by two daughters. Mrs Martha
Goodwin Omaha, Mrs Mary Ney
land. San Francisco, Calif : three
sons. Mr Malvin Mickens, Chicago,
111 Mr Louis Mickens. Hitchcock,
Texas Mr John Mickens, Omaha;
one brother. Mr James Mickens.
Galveston, Texas; 22 grandchild
ren. two of whom are in the armed
services. Lieutenant Edward .1
Goodwin, in England, Staff Ser_
geant Robert M Goodwin, in the
Phillipines; thrte great grand
children and other relatives
The Rosary was recited Sunday
evening for the repose of the soul
of the deceased by Father Thomas
W Cummings, S .1 . at Thomas
Funeral Home. 2022 Lake St
Funeral services were held Mon
day morning from St Benedict's
Catholic Church with Father Joseph
R Moylan, S .1 officiating with
burial at Holy Sepulchre cemetery
Mr. Clarence Dunn, 35 years. 1S32
North 22nd street. died Tuesday,
May 15th at a local hospital Mr
Dunn was Service Man at the Union
Transfer Company and had lived in
Omaha eight years He is survived
by his wife. Mrs Olive Dunn, dan
■ ■■■ . -W » — - -*— ..
To our many friends of Omaha, Nebraska, we
wish to extend sincere thanks for your kind ex
pressions of sympathy in the loss of our beloved
Father, who departed this life April 30, 1945.
Your words of comfort have given us encour- j
agement and spiritual strength. r
May God1 bless you all.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brayboy, St. Paul, Minn.
The Children’s
Anyone who has anything such
as poems, stories, jokes or reports
of if you happen to have any other
things you think that would be in
teresting to little children, bring it
to Varlaria Joan McCaw, 2806 Ohio
street, Omaha. Nebraska, or call
WE-0156. Editor of "The Child,
ren’s Column”.
They will be published in "The
Omaha Guide” of The Children's
Column if OK. Don't forget! Help,
me to build up.a' interesting ‘Child
ren's Column' for the kiddies. Re
member we must have the news in
the office before 6 pm. each Mon
day .
The little girl or boy under 12
years of age who brings in to the
“Children's Column” editor the best
joke or the most intersting story,
will be given a ticket to the Ritz
Theatre Sunday, for the afternoon
show each week The Children's
editor will be “the judge as to who
is the winner of the prize. Re.
member that all jokes, stories and
poems will be the. property of the
t- £ £>
glrter, Norma Jean, son, Clifford,
mother Mrs. Ella Dunn, Boggs,
Oklahoma: five sisters, Mrs. Janie
Henderson. Sharon Springs, Kansas
Mrs. Willa Lou Clark, Lincoln, Ne
braska, Mrs Mattie Thomas Tulsa,
Okla Mrs. Florida Mae Willis,
Beggs, Okla . Mrs Ruth Peters,
Beggs, Okla , three brothers Mr
Albert Dunn. Mr. Emmett Dunn,
both of Omaha Mr. Jimmy Dunti,
Beggs, Okla ; four uncles, four
aunts and other relatives.
The body will lay in state at the
Thomas Funeral Home, 2022 Lake
Street, until the funeral hour Scr_
vices will be held at two o'clock
Saturday afternoon from Mt i!a!
vary Community Church with Rev.
Roy Johnson officiating with burial
at Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mr James G. Snoody who lived
at 938 North 25th St., departed this
life on May 13th at 2:30 pm. Mr.
Snoody had been in the hospital 2
weeks with a broken leg. He was
working at the Omaha Steel Works
at the. time of his accident
Myers Funeral Home is in charge.
Funeral services will be Friday at
2;00 pm. at Myers Funeral Home
Buiial will be at Forest Lawn.
An example of how
Democracy Works
Gary. Indiana, the steel metropo
lis of America having this coun.
try's largest steel mills located
there is, indeed an interesting city
nestling amid the sand dunes of
the Calumet Valley alongside the
Calumet river Gary is a live hus
tling. bustling city with a popula
tion of about 125 thousand persons
one fifth of whom are Negroes..
Being a city of one industry steel
most of the inhabitants work in the
various steel mills or in the Kings
bury plant, which makes ammunit
ion for the government The pay.
rolls of the mills total about three
and a half million dollars every two
weeks. The city, which has the
largest number of Negro inhabit
ants. in proportion to its population
of any city north of the Mason.Dix
on line, is actually without racial
friction. The Mayor. the Hon
Joseph Finnerty, is most liberal as
can be attested by the fact that he
has presented to the Gary City
council, a bill making it a misde
meanor to print, mimeograph or
publish and distribute any literature
that reflects upon any race or creed
He has recently appointed an inter
racial commission on Postwar plan
ning .
The Negroes have splendid chur
dies and several fine schools, one
of which cost more than a million
dollars The Roosevelt High school
employs :t2 Negro teachers. The
city's leading daily paper, the I’ost
Tribune is most liberal A full
time Negro reporter. Miss Beulah
Miller, is employed in the office and
articles submitted by her are car
ried as news items and not Negro
news items, race not being men.
tioned .
At a recent meeting of the Gary
Council of Churches to formulate
plans for a Beaten Easter mission
of one week. Mr W W Sasser,
President of the Gary National
Bank was made President, Mr. J
E. Carries, President of Clary Light
and Power Company, st Vice Presi
flBBr==^iBBBBi=innnni-innn ■
King Yuen Cafe
201014 IV. 24th St. JAekson 8570
Open from 2 p m. until 3 a m.
Thousands have
learned from me how
I broke the whiskey spell. If alco
hol is rotting your Home, Health
and Happiness, let me tell you the
way to end the curse of Drink. Get
the answer to your problem. writ*
NEWTON, Dept. CPl, P- O. Box
861. Hollywood California.
' Women do yon suffer
simple ANEMIA
Due to Loss of Blood-Iron?
You girls who suffer from simple
anemia or who lose so much during
monthly periods you feel tired, weak,
“dragged out"—this may be due to low
blood-iron—so try Lydia E. Pinkham’s
TABLETS at once. Pinkham's Tablets
are one of the very best home ways to
help build up red blood to give more
strength and energy—In such cases.
Pinkham's Tablets are one of the
greatest blood-iron tonics you can buyl
Follow label directions.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s TABLETS
for both parties. Relieves asthma,
colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and
nervous disorders. Send $1.00 for 8
oz.; 50c-3 oz.; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage
on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS
FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St
Columbus. 3. Obio. Arentq Wnn*cd
Are Not Alike
If you think for a minute that all
laxatives are more or less alike you
certainly have a real SURPRISE await
ing you when you take Kruschen Salts.
When you feel bloated, headachy and
meanly sluggish—because you need a
good cleaning out — what you then
should try is KRUSCHEN SALTS.
When you want relief you want it
PRONTO. Kruschen, a true saline lax
ative, answers today's need TODAY
Caution—use only as directed. Regu
late the dose to suit yourself. Re
member the name and get KRUSCHEN
SALTS today at any good drug store.
dent and Rev U. S. Robinson,
Pastor of the First AME church,
was made Second Vice President
Gary is one of the few large cit
ies In America which permits Relig
ious Education to he taught in the
public schools Three teachers are
employed for the work, one or
whom is a Negro, Mrs Roxybelle
The CIO which is the union s bar
gaining agent for the area plants
has integrated Negroes into its
ranks and fight for full participa
tion and promotion to the highest
possible advancement in the mills
for all Negro employees.
We Carry a Full Line of
Beauty & Barber
—Write for Price Lint—
“We Ship Anywhere”
1730 Fulton St.
Brooklyn 13, New York
A — Alka-Seltzer, start taking it
at once to relieve the Dull,
Aching Head, and the Stiff,
Sore Muscles.
B — Be careful, avoid drafts and
sudden changes in tempera
ture. Rest — preferably in
bed. Keep warm, eat sensi
bly, drink plenty of water or
fruit juices. Be sure to get
enough Vitamins.
C — Comfort your Sore, Raspy
Throat, if caused by the cold,
by gargling with Alka-Selt
zer. If fever develops, or
symptoms become more
acute call your doctor.
ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re
lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant
to J ike and unusually effective in
Take it for Headache, Muscular
Pains and for Indigestion. Gas on
Stomach, when caused by excess
stomach acid.
9 At your drug store — Large
package 60*, Small package 30*,
by the glass at soda fountains. *
To Subscribe for
Omaha’s Greater
Negro Weekly
CALL HA-0800
Classified Ads Get Results!
FOR Rent, Nice Room in modern
home — for rent to man only, WE.
Men Wanted
For Food Processing and
Meat Packing
We need u few good, skilled and un
skilled men interested in essential
work tu help the war effort As
well as a good job with a regular
peace time company that will go
right on operating when the war I*
all over. See us at our employment
Wilson & Company, Inc.
27th & ‘Y’ Street
or :w> pearl street,
F'OH SALE—Apartment Motive. Ful
| ly Itented, Call Mr". Love, WEJS410
Buy A New Home....
—Small Down Payment—
See Mr. Dee
PHONE JA-7718 or JA-1680
2022 Lake St. WEMtrr 2022
2401 North 24th St WE. 00.15
2.124 North 24th St. WE. 1020
BIG SALE!—Overcoats, ail 3izes
Shoes, No Stamps; Ladies Dresses
Runs, Beds. Gas Stoves an I Ol
“We Buy and Sell" —
TEL. AT. 1154 1715 N. Mill ST,
You can get hand tailored suits, dresses, m
and slacks designed to suit your personality £
by an experienced Lady Tailoress. We £
Specialize in stout figures. Men and Ladies »
general repair work done. We also special- £
ize in Tailored shirts. * M
Mable L. Williams, Proprietress... »
-2022 NORTH 24th STREET- - f