The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 19, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    Trace Progress of Wounded Doughboy from Ambulance to Furlough
se photos trace the progress of a wounded Infantryman, Pfc. Charles H. Brown, 22-year-old rifleman of New Orleans, La., from the time he entered the 119th IT. S. Army uenerai Hospital in southern England until he returned
lu u. : few weeks later following a brief furlough. They re-enact the day-by-day treatment he received and show some of the doctors, nurses and enlisted medical soldiers who cared for him.
Brown fought his way into Germany with the Second Infantry Division. He was wounded ny the Rhine River as his unit attacked the village of Neuwier, when a shell exploded in a tree near him and fragments hit
him in the left arm and right leg. Front-line medics dressed his wounds. He then walked to an aid station three miles away, was operated on a field hospital and finally evacuated to England by hospital plane. He is the son of Mr.
James Brown, 7917 Queen Street, New Orleans.
Top row of photos, from left, show Pfc. Brown arriving at the hospital; receiving dinner served by ward technician, Pfc. Ralph D. Weiser, Pottstown, Pa.; having his wound X-rayed to determine if all the fragments had been
removed before penicillin treatment; and having his wounds dressed and checked by Captain Alexander Smith, Wilmington, Del.
Second row, from left: Pfc. Brown’s temperature being checked by 2nd Lt. Constance A. Kurkul, Army Nurse Corps, from Northampton, Mass.; receiving the Purple Heart for battle wounds from the hospital’s commanding
officer, Lt. Col. Stephen D. Berardinelli, Cranton, R. I.; wounded arm being massaged by Sgt. Irving H. Feingold, Philadelphia, Pa., physiotherapy technician; and receiving a complete outfit of new clothins as he enters the recon
/ ditioning phase.
Bottom row, from left: Brown goes bicycling as he undergoes a complete physical training program; exercising on parallel bars under the supervision of Pfc. Theodore Hesapes, Campbell, Ohio, physical training instructor;
visiting nearby villagers during final phase of convalescence; and, now fully recovered, Pfc. Brown boards an ambulance which will take him to the train station. After a seven-day furlough he will report to a reinforcement depot fot
reassignment. (U. S. Army Signal Corps photos from BPR.)
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Aegro ]\ewsp(mer Week Essay Contest Won by James Burns of Kansas City, Kan.
(Louisville. Ky ) Winners in the
National High School Essay contest
sponsored by the Negro Newspaper
Publishers Association were an
nounced last week by the organiz_
ation's -.ewspaper Week Commit
The prize winning essay on the
subject “The Negro Newspaper.
Crusader For Real Democracy” was
written by James Burns. Jr sop
homore student at the Sumner High
School of Kansas City. Kansas Sec
ond prize went to Audire H White
of the Hampton Institute High
School, Hampton, Virginia. Third
place went to Rita Thaler. Morris
High School of the Bronx, New
York City .
The essays were adudged the best
of more than one thousand original
entries They first won prizes as
one of the three top-ranking contri
butions to the local contests con
ducted by the Negro newspapers
in their respective communities
which qualified them for entry in
the national contest. Burns was a
winner in the Kansas City Call con
test and Miss White and Miss Thal
er represented the Norfolk Journal
and Guide, and the New York Am
sterdam News respectively.
Special honorble mention went to
seays submitted by Monroe Blake,
also of Sumner High School. Kan
sas City, Kanas and to Celia Brown
Roame of Armstrong High School.
Norfolk, Virginia and honorable
mention was given to: Benice Sing_
leton Tulsa, Oklahoma; Arthur J
Wright, Jr , Bennettsvillo. South
Carolina; Helen John Maleros,
Brooklyn, New York; Richard Ric
hards, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
Henry George Smith, Jr New York
City; Eunice Talbot. Pittsburgh,
Pa ; Elaine Foster, Kansas City,
Kansas; Alicia Artist, Washington,
D C.; Thomasina Phillips. Pitts
burgh, Pa ; Rena R Arnold. Wash
ington, D. C.; Mildred Mayfield. At
lanta. Georgia; Anne Elizabeth
Thomas. Atlanta, Georgia; James
Arthur Clift, Lorraln, Ohio.
JJudging the final group of for.
ty-five essays, were: Dr. Harvey C
Webster, professor of English at
the University of Louisville; Dr L
F Palmer, Department of English,
Hampton Institute and Thomas A
Webster, executive secretary of the
Urban League of Kansas City, Mo
and prominent book reviewer
The first prize winner will re
ceive $100 00 in war bonds, second
place will receive $75 00 in war
bonds and third place winner will
receive $50 00 in war bonds The
Newspaper Week Committee of the
Negro Newspaper Publishers Assoc
iation. under whose sponsorship the
contest was held, consists of the
chairman. Frank L Stanley, publish
er of the Louisville Defender, Thom
as W Young, business manager of
the Norfolk Journal and Guide and
Dowdal H Davis, Jr., advertising
manager of the Kansas City Call
The first effort of its sort, it is
planned by the publishers' group to
make the essay contest an annual
feature of its observance of Nation
al Negro Newspaper Week
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“Everything For The Home"
Ark" Teachers Take Salary
Fight to U.S. Appeals Court
St. Paul. Minn —The fight of Ne
gro teachers in Little Rock. Arkan
sas, for equal salaries was carried
to the U. S Circuit Court of Ap
peals for the Sth Circuit here Mon
day, May 7. .
The Little Rock teachers filed
their original suit February 28,
1942 They charged that Negro
teachers with the same trainng and
experience, performing essentially
the same duties, ar paid less than
white teachers of th same grade and
experience, and that this different
ial is due solely to race and color
The case was tried on its merits
September 28. 1942, in the U. S
| court for the Eastern district of
I Arkansas and on March 10. 1944
Judge Trimble decided againt the
Negro teachers and gave judgement
for the defendant school beard
From this decision the teachers
are appealing, and their case was
presented to the Circuit Court of
Appeals here by J R Booker of
Little Rock, and Thurgood Marsh
all, special counsel of the NAACP in
New York.
As examples of unequal salaries
the lawyers set forth in their brief
that a Negro teacher with 32 years
of experience and an AB degree is
receiving $884, whereas a white
teacher with 30 years of experience
betwen the white and colored tea
chers with from one to twenty years
of experience, in both elementary
and high school
The Little Rock board of educat
ion maintains that all the teachers
are paid on an individual basis
pursuant to a system of merit and
responsibility, but the schtduje of
salaries shows a sharp break on the
basis of race and color
The Little Rock case is the sec
ond one in tlie past seven or eight
years that the NAACP has been
handling these cases in which a
sehoi I board has chosen to go as
h:gh as the Circuit Court of Ap
peals. which is seconly only to the
C Supreme Cou-t Ic 'he other
case, arising in Norfolk. Virginia
the Circuit Court of Appeals brand,
ed unequal salaries on the basis of
race as being unconstitutional
This decision raised the salaries of
Norfolk Negro teachers a total of
$129,000 annually. The decision
l av been recognized as the ruling ,
opinion in practically all states and
many boards of education have been
advised by their lawyers not to
fight cases in the courts because of
this clear-cut precedent.
The Little Rock board of educat
ion refused to admit that the Nor
folk opinion applied to th< local
situation and elected to fight it out
into the high courts The Negro
teachers are equally confident and
determined. If the Circuit Court
of Appeals here should decide for
the Negro teachers, legal circles be
lieve that the principle will have
been so firmly established that e
qualization of salaries will follow
generally throughout the South
New York, N Y —Resolutions urg
ing a declaration of racial equality
by the San Francisco conference, a
permanent FEPC, and non discrim
inatory treatment of returning vet
erans were adopted by the advisory
council for youth groups of the
I NAACP which met here April 2*-2'.i
j Representatives came from ten
communities and colleges as far
west as Langston university in Ok
lahoma, and as far south as Paine
college. Augusta, Georgia
: -
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The delegates also voted to hold
an esay contest next fall on the sub
ject “Problems of Minority Youth
in Our Community and the Solu
tions ” Prizes are to be war bonds
and stamps The meeting was
held in the Church of the Master,
122nd Street and Morningside ave
nue. and arrangements were made
by Mrs Ituby H Hurley, NAACP
secretary for youth work
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