/JUSTICE/EQUALlTYff^^^^^^^^ENEWS^WHN-ElTIS~NEWS^ |ftp^HEWT01TiEliNE\ Z420GRANT ST HA.0800 ^ ^ -jp "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ^ Si- ^ ^ Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-office, Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of ~ , •, „ in in.e . ~ , _ __ March 8, 1874. Publishing Offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr Saturday, May 19, 1945 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ Our 18th Year—No. 15 "TRUSTEESHIP” THE OLD MANDATE QUESTION OFFERS Little Hope For Democracy To Over 700Million Colonialist II \ MC A 1.1% rOM ERM H PKOIM.KX MA% E UTTil VOICE INSIIIK OP’ rOSFERESCB S&n Francisco—As the San Frari ciko onference for the drafting of the framework of a world Security Organisation enters its closing phase, the question of the status of Colonial peoples 1' sOi a (|Uestiou , mar* With the exception of the three American Negro consultants to the Amerv an del< gallon. Dr W P3 B Dpbois, Mrs Mary M» Deod Bethune, and Walter White, the peoples bas_ ically concerned and who will be vitally affected politically, econom. ically and socially. whose very (Continued on pa^e 8) □ □□□□□□□ I THE LIVING -s : SOUTH : Q IR V H AKOI D FREKI) Q tCopyright, 1945, hr New South Features) • m HAHOI.fi PREKCK Ill \ IE WRITES TO IIOROTIIV Now and then some good friend writes in to tell me that he'd like to believe that what I write about the coining New South is go. Brother Jim Sloan, who farms over in Eagt Arkansas, sends me a letter saying he can't believe it's go because he knows in hig mind that "it just nat urally ain't «o" Brother Jim Sloan is a mighty good friend of mine and I*m not melting mad at him for writing very honestly that "there can't be a New South if you count on white South erners to help build it.” If my hoy had been deaten up by cowardly town constables in Mississippi while wearing the uniform of his country. I reckon that I'd feel like Old Brother Sloan who farms on week, days and who preaches on Sunday to colored Americans like himself over in Arkansas. BROTHER SLOAN WANTS PROOF Brother Sloan mays he's got proof of his religion in "that grand old document.* the Bible " I reckon that he wasn't bora in Missouri for noth ing now he wants me to show him some kind of a document proving that there is a New South on the way. Well, Brother Sloan and all of you who may doubt that new white man being shaped in the womb of the fertile young South I've got the document, and I ask your prayers for that new white man while I read it to you. The document was sent to me by Mis* Virginia Kaye. distinguished actress and co-chairman of the jun ior hostess committee of the Stage poor Canteen in New York City. It is a letter written by a white South ern (*I to a pretty Negro girl named Porothy whom he had first insulted when he found her serving as host ess captain in the canteen. According to Miss Kaye. Dorothy showed good common sense by drawing the boy into conversation and remaining calm while he storm ed and railed Seems like tie was still pretty hot under the collar when he started to leavei then turn ed back with hi.- face red to ask the Negro girl. "Will you write to me? HEHE'S THE PROOF Still showing good sense. Porothy promised to write the boy. Here is , the letter that she got weeks later: from the Pixie Gl after he had gone through the terrible battle of Kasserine Pass over in North Africa! "Pear Dorothy: "Today opens a new book in my life and I must say a very exciting hook to open, may it never close. •Will you do me a very special favor" 1 am sure you will. Please continue to add to the book a few pages so that someday I can have a volume. "Yes Dorothy, I was pretty silly for asking whether Negro girls < ome down to entertain Negro boys, or what is the purpose of the mix ture I am heart sorry, believe me. "After our conversation, you left an impression on my mind which I shall never forget Today I am on the bloody ballefields. My trip across was most unpleasant. you know what 1 mean sea sick, etc. As lack would have it, I met face to face in association a Negro boy who . These 8 Pages are Jammed Full of Good Reading for Everyone! INFORMATIVE— EDUCATIONAL— ENTERTAINING 10c - and Woith It! Full Page Comics t.- * Safeway Stores To Hire Colored Girls Hospital Committee Holds Meeting w w w Heads Hospital Committe# Mil. III It t M II. BEE, Preside,il of The lleitlly Improvement Co., mho on, elected to head the Committee In planning nnd building of the new .\orthside Hospital nt 30th Jt Wirt Street. ... ■ nursed me like a baby while all the others laughed. A few days ago I met another swell buddy. He to did a few favors. “I am a heel for thinking that I am better than they are. 'What rea son have I to think this? Or to carry a hatred which for no sound rea son I can back. I am not going to blame it on the South because I am a Southerner. It‘s because 1 am of the white race. Bad thought. Is it not? “Oh I could go on and on but I do want- you to know how much you have done for me changing my thoughts about your race. You are a wonderful girl to know. That is a god-send I will join your army any day in bringing a better democracy back home. “Thanks again for your lovely letter before I left. I had no idea you would even bother to write af ter such a heated conversation. Bye now remember T‘m your convert and you're my friend. Regards to Stage Door. May we meet again. I hope you'll read that letter to your congregation next Sunday. Brother Jim Sloan. 1 know that you will he the first to welcome him in to the “army" of the South's people of both colors engaged "in bringing better democracy back home.” Rev. John S. Williams Choir of 50 Voices to Appear Here June 24 The Rev .1 S Williams of Kan sas City Mo ^ under the auspices of the Cleaves Temple church, will bring; his choir ensemble to Omaha, on Sunday, June 24 -Negro Medical Society To Buy Property Dr Craig Morris, President of the Omaha Negro Medical Society call ed a meeting last week of the Corn, mittee on the proposed hospital which is planned to be built on the westside of 30th and Wirt, on a plot of ground 120 feet facing 30th street and with a depth of 406 go ing westward After the meeting was called to order by the temporary chairman. Dr. Craig Morris, he reported that the Negro Medical Society had voted unanimously in their last meeting to buy this plot of ground in the Bedford Park addition This plot of ground valued at $6,000.00 was reduced in priced to the Medical Society to $3,000 by Mr Hiram D Dee, President of the Realty Im_ provement company and builder of the new Bedford Park homes. Through the efforts of Dr Craig Morris a permanent organization was perfected at this meeting and officers were elected pending the filing of the artwles of incorporat ion after the lot is purchased ' Dr Wiggins was nominated for the chairmanship of the Hospital Committee, but declined the offer, stating, that there was nothing needed any worse than a hospital where American democracy will real ly be in reality* Or Wtgg!hs said he was willing to do everything in his power to assist in the work to build this hospital, but he felt it needed someone more aggressive in that kind of work than he was ttorney Charles F. Davis was mentioned as chairman and he also declined. At this time Dr. Craig Morris made a motion that Mr. Hiram D. Dee be elected chairman of the Hospital Committee and Mrs. (1. W. (iooden seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimous ly At the previous meeting the Com mittee deemed it wise to extend an' invitation to the Negro Medical Soc-. iety Auxiliary to take a part in the building program. The Auxiliary appointed their President Mrs Wes. ley Jones, wife of Dr. Wesley Jones to represent the Auxiliary at the meeting in the office of the Bedford Park Addition at 30th and Wirt St Mrs Jones, being unable to attend the meeting, sent her representative, Mrs, G W. Gooden. Mrs Gooden as acting representative for the Aux iliary was nominated and elected as Secretary of the Hospital Commit, tee After various discussion^ of the future plans and procedures, a mo tion was carried with instructions by Attorney Charles F Davis, the Committee’s legal advisor, to notify the Chairman of the Medical Hospit al Committee when the doctors were ready to purchase the site so that Mr Dee could issue another call for a meeting The meeting was ad ourned pending a call of the Chair man Use The Omaha Guide As A— i Medium of Advertising ----- NO TIME OUT/ |n H ...am . .. ■ YTHZRe'S GQ//VG- owjm ! L .. ■■■■ I New NAACP President REV. C C ADAMS Pastor of Paradise Baptist Llmrch The Rev C. C Adams of 1313 North 26th street is a constant reader of the Omaha Guide and has the paper sent to his sister in Ala bama. The Guide is sending pa pers to many parts of the world Rev. Adams is a true friend of the Omaha- Guide NAACP To Have Office Open in the Evenings OMAHA BRANCH OK NAACP ELECTS OFFICERS The Executive Board of the Om aha Branch of the NAACP iret Fri day, May 11th at 84)0 pm. with Mr. M. McIntosh as presiding chair, man. The purpose of the meeting was to elect a President and a First and Second Vice President. Rev. C. C. Adams, pastor of the Paradise Baptist Church at 23rd and Clark St., was unanimously elected President. Mrs. G. Aneita Black burn, Public Relation Representa. tive for the Bedford Homes was e iected 1st Vice President and Mr J. N Loftis. a faithful member of St. John AME. Church and a real worker in the interest of the NAA CP. was elected 2nd Vice President At a call meeting on Monday May 14th, the Executive Board accept ed and approved a motion to employ Mrs Lucy Mae Britt as part time of fice Secretary for the Omaha bran, ch This will enable the office to be open for two hours eacli -week day from 6:30 pm. to 8:30 pm. Mon days through Fridays effective beginning Monday May -21st. 1945 The purpose of opening the office these two hours is to give the mem. bers of the Association an oppor tunity to call at the office in the Omaha Guide building, 241S Grant St. and pay their annual member ship dues. This should enable the Association to have a membership roll in our local branch of 10,000 members Mr Ed Fletcher continues as our capable membership chairman REALTY PARLOR SOON TO OPEN IN GLIDE Bill.DING Miss Doris Hawkins, popular beautician, who has for sometime after her graduation operated a booth at 24th and Grace and recent ly at the Victory Beauty Salon, has taken a five year’s lease on the store room in the Omaha Guide building at 2422 Grant St and is sparing no pain in expense in beau tifying and equipping a beauty parlor for her customers. NVatcli the columns of the Omaha Guide for the announcement of the opening of Miss Hawkins’ Beauty Parlor lilt I.. E. BRITT BACK IX OMAHA Dr L E Britt who has been visiting his wife and daughter in Los Angeles, California, has return ed to Omaha. Dr Britt left his wife and daughter enoying the best of health WASHINGTON SELLS AGAIN Mr. Lee Washington former own. er of the Ritz Cafe, Elite Billiard Parlor and Apex Bar, has sold out a -gain Mr Ernest Britt. Propriet or of the Green Lantern Cafe, has bought the Washington Hotel which has twenty-two rooms in it. from Mr Lee Washington The Washington Hotel was form erly owned by Mrs Myrtle Wash, ington at 22nd and Willis Mr. Britt said he got tired of his customers begging for a place to sleep He will now |be able to ac commodate at least thirty guest a day at his hotel at 22nd and Willis St. Philips Church to Hold Confirmations Oil Sunday. May 20th at 6:00 pm., the St Philips the Deacon Episcopal Church at 21st and Paul Streets. Rev S G Sanchez, Rector, will hold Confirmation services The Honorable Bishop P.rinker will be in attendance at the Con firmation . ?---— Opportunity Opens Its Doors; Colored Girls with High School Education Wanted As Clerks The head of the Omaha Safeway Stores, Inc., has informed us that they are in need of girl clerks in their stores— girls who are accepted must have a high school education. Here is your chance girls—all you have to do is to apply at their employ ment office at 724 South 12th street, and see Mr. R. B. Wilson. Be sure you have with you, proof of a high school educa tion. This is not just a war time, but an all-time job, that may lead to better things. Go on down girls and make good. Will you? If you get the job, please take care of it, so that the way for those who follow you, may be made easier. Make good. Stay and stick on the job! j YOU HAD BETTER WRITE BUFFETT WHERRY, AND BUTLER—136 NAMES SHORT—WRITE TODAY!!! Buddy McCrea to Bring His B-29 Harmony Kings to Omaha Sunday, May 20 Corporal Buddy McCrea. former light.heavy weight champion boxer of Colorado and well known around these parts in fight circles, informs tfs that he is now manager and MG for the B-29 Harmony Kings, a sing, ing quartette of the Fairmont Army Air field. Buddy and his troupe of singers will appear here Sunday evening. May 20, at the Christ Temple church 26th and Burdette Sts., and on Mon day, May 21. they will present an other program at the Paradise Bap tist Church, 23rd and Clark St., at S o'clock, Rev. Adams. Bishop W. M. Mitchell to be in City May 21 (by Rev. T. T. McWilliams. Sr.) Bishop W M. Mitchell of the North Central Diocese and Pastor of Christ Temple Cathedral of St. Louis, Mo., who comes here from Covington, Ky , and Tulsa, Okla., where he conducted a series of suc cessful, religious meetings and will begin his scheduled Revival Meet ing to be held at Christ Temple Church of Christ, (Holiness) 26th and Burdette Streets Omahans are in for a rare treat through these inspiring and soul | stirring messages of Bishop Mitch, ell. a Gospel preacher of wide re ligious experience Rev. O A Askerneese. pastor of Christ Temple Church of Christ is asking the cooperation of his many Omaha friends and his co-workers in the Ministry in this coming Soul Saving Campaign which will begin May 21st and continue through June 3rd Arrangements are nearihg com. pletion for the Annual District Con f rence by the District Chairman Rev Askerneese at which time this territory will be honored by the presence of Bishop W A Wash ington of Los Angeles, Calif MARRIAGE LICENSES Felix Metoyer, 2112 Lake Street, over 21 to Mary C Brown, 2232 Franklin St., over 21. William Quarles, 2219 Ohio St 26; to Delores Williams. 2505 Maple St , 19 Rev. R. A. Simpson to Preach at Cleaves Sunday The Rev R A Simpson will preach at Cleaves Temple Church Sunday, May 20th He is the noted Presiding Elder of the Missouri District of the Kansas-Missouri an. naul conference. He will hold the Third Quarterly conference at Cleaves next Monday night The public is cordially invited to hear this noted minister Rev t. J Douglass is the pas tor at Cleaves OtT AGAIN Mr Ed Killingsworth who fel! down the steps last Thursday com ing from Atty Ray L Williams' of fice in the Tuchman block, was re. leased from the hospital but is back and his conditions are as well as could be expected THICK COMPANY SENDS NAACP *670 New York, NY —Memberships and contributions in the amount of ?fi?0 were sent to the NAACP by the 3990th Quartermaster Truck com pany through Cpl. Theodore Les ter This is the second remittance PERMANENT FEPf BACKERS DISCOURAGED Washington— House supporters were about ready Thursday to aban don their fight for a bill to create a permenant Fair Employment Prac tice Practices Commission. ‘So far as 1 am concerned, the bill is dead,” said one FEPC advocate “We haven’t even one hundred sig natures on our discharge petition We need 218 before we can force the bill to the floor." from this company which sent the NAACP $211 last August. Harry Knudsen -- mammmm mam Roy N. Towl i WBKBKm amA&SBMUm Joe Dolan wmwmmot mwm Charles W. Leeman Harry Trustin mamaaa am mmm Carl W. Jensen How They Voted In The 2nd, 3rd Ward 1 1 2 I 8 4 5 « 7 .8 ! 9 .10 j 11 12 13 Total TOW Ij . M2 113 85 106 85 91 102 75 90 78 106 89 70 1232 KNUDSEN . 112 95 67 S3 58 66 78 60 64 53 : J1 72 57 956 TRUSTIN' . Ill 94 74 98 84 86 95 73 81 79 j 79 98 78 1130 BUTLER --— 84 85 51 67 52 .59 71 33 60; 31 71 58 44 766 KORISKO .. Ill 76 62 67 58 57 62 62 57 i 4l 73 69 54 849 1CRESL . 121 82 72 79 61 67 69 51 60' 57 t 71 84 58 932 JEPSEN . 98 85 63 79 62 59 73 49 69! 50 ! 69 79 57 892 DOLAN .. 117 101 92 90 67 59 87 45 98 70 HO 65 57 1058 GREEN 97 102 77 92 56 59 79 47 84 49 76 52 46 918 LEEMAN..._... 102 87 68 65 54 40 59 32 77 27 85 24 35 755 THORPE . 96 108 82 72 55 54 75 38 72 40 ; 70 49 45 856 WEAVER . S3 84 64 70 45 44 57 39 86 39 j 91 28 32 762 JENSEN ... - S3 77 63 60 40 51 64 40 85 39 82 37 39 760 HARRINGTON 54 55 45 51 43 37 57 27 71 28 61 22 37 582 Police and Eire YES 122 113 89 119 84 86 107 66 95: 69 : 9S 88 67 1203 Widows’ Pension NO 97 72 58 48 36 27 46 30 52 32 69 31 31 629 H Mill Levy YES 132 117 101 120 80 97 92 68 118 69 123 '93 69 1285 for Playgrounds - NO 93 70 15 34 40 24 56 26 29 30 45 27 45 564 Muny Airport YES 155 125 107 127 83 87 93 70 117 68 134 92 71 1329 Bonds NO 76 63 45 39 40 31 58 29 38 30 38 30 29 546 -----, 100 Room Hotel to be Built in Mid-City Section Mr Hiram D Dee. President of the Realty Improvement Co . Inc . who planned the Bedford Park Ad. ilition has purchased the northeast I corner at 24th and Burdette St which contains two full lots and ha* drafted a plan to build a four story. 100 room hotel as soon as materials can be secured In City Election “OUTS” WIN FOUR PLACES Recuperating at Nice, France . *0 .. a PFC REVEU . McCLOUD, sends greetings to liis family and many friends. He has been in a rest center in Nice, France. He sent many lovely things home to his wife. Mrs. Roberta J McCloud including pure silk hose, perfume jewelry and souvenirs from Nice Pfc. McCloud wired roses to his wife at Easter time while he was still resting at Nice. Since V-E day, his wife, family and friends are hoping that he will be sent home instead of to the Pacific. He has been in Africa, Italy and now he is in France Pfc, McCloud has been overseas 22 months. Before lie entered the armed services. Pfc McCloud was a Red Cap for the Burlington railroad. Mrs. Roberta McCloud is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I S. Pharr Pfc. McCloud's mother, Mrs. Pearlie McCloud who resides in Alabama, has three other sons in the service. She has been a widow for many years and she's proud of her sons who are helping to clear up the situations of this war torn world. BOUND TO DISTRICT COURT Charged with statutory rape a galnst a 15 year old girl, Emanuel Wilson, 23. of 2821 Blondo Street was bound over to District Court; on J2.000 bond by Municipal Judge Frank Nimtzcent. - -- < I — - 0 Mayor Thirteenth; Vote little More j Than in Primary Final Standings (Complete Unofficial Returns) Roy N. Towl. 18,300 ' Joe Dolan . 16,750 Charles W. Leeman . 15,328 j Harry Knudsen . 14,699 1 Harry Trustin . 14,517 Arthur J. Weaver. 14,459 e Carl W. Jensen . 14,220 John Kresl... 13,872 Walter Korisko . 13,724 William Green . 13,330 Bert A. Thorpe . 12,816 Richard W. Jepsen . 12,538 Dan B. Butler . 12,428 E. E. Harrington . 11,293 Omaha voters Tuesday swept four City Commissioners out of office and handed Mayor Dan But ler the worst defeat of his 40-year political career. The Mayor ran thirteenth in the field of 14, with little more than a thousand votes to spare over Bus Driver E. E. Harrington, who ran last. It was a lightning stroke—with out any thunder. The campaign had been one of the most lacking in interest in years. The vote was {light—only a few thousand more {than the primary balloting of 25 {thousand. Few apparently sus 'pected an undercurrent of protest {that would break into the ranks of the City Hall crowd. Knudsen, Trustin 4th, 5th When the votes were counted, Streets Commissioner John Kresl, i ‘Fire Commissioner Walter Koris i ko, Police Commissioner Richard Jepsen and Mayor Butler were left stranded. Park Commissioner Roy Towi was back, heading the voting pa rade. Finance Commissioner Har ry Knudsen was fourth, Public Improvements Commissioner Har ry Trustin fifth. In second and third places were two members or the Omaha Vot ers League slate, |Joe Dolan and Charles W. Lee man, respective ly. In sixth *nd seventh spots were the other two members of the OVL slate, Arthur J. Weav er and Carl W. Jensen. The lat ter finished some 340 votes ahead of Mr. Kresl, who i tan eighth.