The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 12, 1945, Image 1

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^ ^ O -Jr "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
r ^May 12. «« * We Copy * Our 18th Year-No. 14
—----■■-- --!
D □ O QB BDQ Q D D □
(Copy riRht, 1945. by New South
»ni> ti or si no
tb> llarolfl Pmrrt
Congressman Wright Patman's
second son is mv namesake. I'm
right proud of Janie* Harold Pat
man fighting overseas for dehocracy
as I'm proud of all of Dixie's boys,
white and Negro, who offer their
lives that all the peoples of the
earth may live,
But I'm not proud of Congressman
Wright Patman'* stand on the hous
ing project that was intended for
Negroes at New Boston. Texas. I'm
not proud that Negro defense work
ers. producing the things needed by
James Harold Patman on the battle
front should have been denied
htimes built by the government for
As a Texas wtite man, 1 protest
against the occupancy of those
houses for white people when they
were intended for Negroes.
But. brothers, I don't think that
protests are worth a prayer down
below unless those protests turn in
to a program for action. I've seen j
my grandma's old turkey gobbler
swell up and get mail about some
thing. but that didn't keep the axe
off his neck
What kind of housing program
for Negroes is going to come out of
the ruckus at New Boston? Is New
Boston going to he another memory
of another cuss fight in which
Negroes lost because they had less
to fight with?
Ever since the trouble at New
Boston, I've been thinking that we
ought to put our heads together and
see that we start tearing down all
the miserable "Colored Towns” of
Dixie and start building decently
housed new communities where our
kids won't die from flu and pneu
monia because the rain pours
through the roofs and the wind
howls through the walls.
tlood housing is good insurance
for that next generation which will
give Dixie its next birth of democ
racy. Maybe, our great Negro in
surance companies could help us
solve that problem of housing if the
government gave fhem a chance.
Congressman Wright Patman pro
bably wouldn’t vote for such a bill.
But why can't we push legislation
through Congress authorizing the
government to laon money for home
building to the Negro insurance
companies, these companies to re
loan the funds to colored citizens
who wanted to put decent roofs
over their wives and babies.
The government could lend the
money say at two per cent, to the
insurance companies. The companies
would in turn, lend the money to
home builders at four per cent. I’d
bet anyone a ten spot against a
brass nickle that Negro Americans,
In a couple of years, would build
homes that would be fine nesting
places for those youg folks who
hold America’s future In their hands
a* surely as they hold rheir nursing
I ts something to think about. I ts
something for Congressman Wright
Patman, who has generally suppor
ted liberal legislation, to think
about too.
This doesn't mean that I beleive
the federal government should stop
building housing projects on its own
Mv proposition about the insurance
companies is intended for people
who individually want to build
homes of their own.
I beleive that the insurence co
mpanies could measure up to the
job. Some of the best business ex
ecutives in the « ountry are Negro
nsurence men. They’ve never failed
to serve their pople or theic country
when they've had even a half-way
chance to serve.
Announces The Opening
of Good Shepherd Store
Mr Coleman I'angerfield announc
ev the opening of The Good Shep
herd Novety, Notion and Grocery
Store, bated at 2613 Burdette St
If you don't see what you want in
this store, ask for it and the next
time you come In he will have it, if
it's available There will be a sta
tionery department where you may ,
be able to purchase cards for every
occasion, stamps, tablets. V-mail. !
and other writing material This
department is fur your convenience
Don't judge the contents inside by
the little store ftont outside Come
in and you will he surprised at the
adequacy of this little store
Edward. Killingsworth
Escapes with Minor
Injury in Plunge Down
Tuchman Bldg Stairs
About ll a m Thursday, . May
'■th Mr Kd ward Killingsworth of
the Killingsworth & Price Barber
shop, fell down the stairway com
ing from Attorney Kay Williams’
office in the Tuchman buildtng It
was thought at one time he was
seriously hurt The Omaha Guide
office called the Doctor's hospital,
where he was taken at 12:30 p. m.
and was told Mr Killingsworth
was treated for minor injuries and
had been dismissed.
Sunday, May 13 th is Mother’s
^ \ \ V A\\WU IIII//////////✓/. / /
Raising of ‘Bill of Rights9 Question
Left to Republics of Haiti, Panama
Airport Bonds Linked with
City’s Post-war Development
Above is an architect's sketch of
the proposed additions to Omaha’s
Airport Terminal Note especially
the balcony provided for spectators.
Beneath the balcony is the much
needed space for the many concerns
planning to bring new business and
employment to Omaha.
Bond Issue Requires No Increase in Tax Rate
Whether Omaha would prove to
be a progressive city or fail by the
wayside in postwar commerce ap
peared to headline next T uesday’s
election interest as voters prepar
ed to go to the polls and decide the
airport improvement bond issue
May 15
With the city commissioner's race
providing no more excuement than
in former years, attention was turn
ed to the $1,250.00(1 bond issue
which more and more civic organ
izations are backing as Omaha’s
bid for a future
The bond issue, which would be
accomplished without raising the
present tax rate, provides for much
needed improvements and repairs to
the runways and additions to the
administration building at the Mun
icipal Airport. Omaha recently was
assigned a lower airport rating af
ter government officials reported
its state of disrepair In order to
regain its former top-ranking posi
tion, certain runways must be add
ed. and additions made to the term
Various Omaha organizations
have pointed out that the airlines,
now operating their planes with a
| certain risk to their own equipment
might begin “looking around” for
a sister city eager and willing to
provide an adequate airport to serve
as a main line stopping point for
transcontinental and border-to-gulf
The airport bonds, if voted by the
people, would provide for addition
al heavy duty runways paralleling
several already laid, repairs to pres
ent runways before they com
pletely •'fall apart” and more room
at the terminal for the hundreds of
passengers and business executives
arriving and departing daily. Sev
eral national concerns already have
applied for space at the airport
Civic leaders have said that an
improved and repaired airport will
attract new business to Omaha,
and thereby open new outlets for
increased employment of returning
veterans, a large percentage of
whom have been associated with th>
air forces and expect and hope to
enter some phase of the aviation
Omahans were informed by the
City Comptroller that voting ap
proval of the bond issue would
NOT raise their present rale of tax
ation. The bonds would be retir
ed. along with all other city bonds,
in 1951t and in no way would pre
\ent the voting of additional bond
issues in the future for an auditor
ium or any other postwar purpose.
Organizations supporting the air
port bond issue include: The Oma
ha Sales Managers’ Association.
Benson Commercial Club, North
Side Improvement Club_ West “Q"
Merchants’ Association. Omaha
Real Estate Board. Omaha Associa
tion of Taxpayers. Exchange Club,
Tribe of Yessir. Cooperative Clubf
Optmists Club, eeveral posts of the
American Legion, the South Ornaha
Kiwanls Clubj Central Labor tit rn
and many others
10 Cents Worth of
5 Key Position to New
Zealand at San Fran
cisco Conference
The San Francisco Conference of
the United Nations moved forward
1 at an increased pace, its political
pathway clear.
orking assignments were handed
out to each of the participating na
j tions with definite jobs to be done.
One appointment of special in
terest was that of New Zealand as
Chairman of the Committee on the
International Trusteeship System
under the General Assembly. New
Zealand and Australia have views
on the control of mandates and Jap
aneses islands captured in the Pac
ific differing considerably with the
desires of official circles in London.
Belgium was put in charge of the
Commission on General Principles,
which will draft the preamble,
\ Statement of purposes and principl
| es. Membership and general provis
I ions including the secretariat and
| amendments. This is where the
, issue of the Atlantic Charter and
l the adherence of the America to
principles of justice will come up,
as well as that of liberalizing the
provisions for amending the. Char
ter To the Philllpines went the
post of rapporteur for this Comm
ission, and to Lexaon that of assist
ant secretary general
Two committee are included in
the Commission. On one, that on
preamble purposes and principles,
the Ukraine will hold the Chairman
ship and Syria that of rapporteur
On the other, that on membership
and general provisions. Costa Rica
will be Chairman. Haiti rapport
eur for membership and Saudi Ar
abia for general provisions.
South Africa obtained the Presi
dency of the Commission on the
General Assembly which will deal
with the problem of whether? the
Dumbarton Oaks proposals should
be modified to increase the rights
of the smaller nations in the Gen
eral Assembly.
Panama received the post of rapp
orteur and Liberia that of assist
ant secretary general for this Com
mission .
The Committee points structure
I Fighting Ends in Europe—Power Winsg
Hitler and his “supermen”
with all their stuffed-shirt pomp
and ceremony. Their promise to
rule the world has ended in de
feat and annihilation. Arrogant
and ruthless, here, at the height
of their power, they have
brought only misery and suffer
ing to the German people, as
well as to those they sought to
conquer and destroy
ii■ mm — - ■■iiniiimB i ~"~CTni - ——
NEW YORK—Flags, people and cars filled Fifth Avenue that
November day and similar scenes were repeated throughout the na
tion at the announcement of the end of fighting in Europe. But this
celebration was tempered with anxious thoughts of the boys and the
battles-to-come in the Pacific—until the day of total victory.
FRANCE — Lucky to be pris
oners, Hitler's fanatics met their
masters when they ran up
against well-trained, well-equip
ped American and Allied troops.
Two youngsters in the fore
ground gave their age a»
eighteen but were judged to be
about 14 years old. Grizzled
German veterans, behind them,
also show extent to which Ger
many scraped the bottom of
manpower barrel. Nazi equip
ment, too, deteriorated — proved
no match for American power.
In 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm of
Germany (above) found refuge
in Holland and he never paid
for his part in World War 1.
Where, outside of suicide or as
sassination, will the Nazi war
lords find escape from their re
sponsibility for the crimes of
the past decade ?
As Germany’s power decreased, the Allied Na
tions’ increased. Power to win came from well
trained, strong men and from America’s mighty
fleet of tanks and other motorized equipment,
much cf it powered with Red Seal engines, serv
ing agriculture and industry as well as our armed
Our superiority of Aerial observation directed
the attacks of our victorious armies. These planes,
as well as trainers and many fighters, were pow
ered with dependable Continental engines
and procedures—Chairman, Turkey.
Rapporteur, White Russia
Political and Security Functions-—
Chairman, Bolivia; Rapporteur, Do
minican Republic.
Economic and Social Cooperation
—Chairman, ndia; Rapporteur,
Trusteeship System—Chairman,
New Zealand; Rapporteur, buxen
Appointments to the Commission
on the Security Council which will
control the use of armed forces to
restrain aggression were—Presi
dent. Norway; Rapporteur, Para
guay; Assistant Secretary-General,
Honduras Offices on the commit
tees under this Commission were
distributed as follows: Structures
and Procedures, Chairman—Greece;
Rapporteur, El Salvador Peaceful
Settlement of Disputes—Chairman,
ruguay; Rapporteur, the Soviet Un
ion .
Enforcement arrangements—Ch
airman. Ecuador; Rapporteur.
France. Regional Arrangements—
Chairman, Colonfbia; Rapporteur,
Entering its second phase, the
historic World Organization of an
nternational Security began to
tackle some of the serious prob- j
lems basic to a permanent world
structure to insure peace
It was apparent this xveek, how;
ever that the Colonial issue would
not be raised in this Conference,
and also that the ‘‘International
Trusteeship Plan” does not offer
too much hope to the solution of
the pressing Colonial problem
While neither Ethiopia nor Liber
ia asked for an “International Bill
of Rights”, raising this question
was left to two small Central Am
erican Republics—Haiti and Pana
Necessity of intellectual collabor
ation in the new world organization
now being drawn up at San Francis
co was stressed in the sixth plenary
session of UNC 10 yesterday by Ha
itian Foreign Minister Gerard E.
In its statement, Haiti Said:‘‘Col
laboration is necessary. Human
Rights Guarantees are asked ”
Addressing the session in French.
Mr. Lescot pointed out that the'
Dictators used education to their
own ends and a repition of the use
of schools for purposes inimical to
peace and security must be prevent
ed in the future.
The Haitian Foreign Minister ad
vocated that legal guarantees of
human rights be more explicit in
the World Charter declaring that
the principles of racial and relig
ious non-discrimination are indis
pensable in a just w'orld organiza
tion. ,
While needing modification, the
Dumbarton Oakes proposals will,
receive the support of the Haitian
delegation. Mr. Lescot said as he
expressed the hope that provisions
would be made for' modification of
the organization to meet changing
conditions. Haiti has confidence
that the great powers of the World
Organization will unite effectively
to prevent any threat to the peace
Mr. Lescot concluded by declar
ing his confidence that the Confer- I
ence would accomplish its task with ;
Your Ballot”***
Go to the Polls
Seventh War Loan
Drive Starts Mon.
wisdom and pledged support of
Haiti in contributing to and col
laborating with the principles of
peace and ustice laid down here
However, Panama was more fear
ful in her declaration which out
lines for basic principles. "Justice
Peace Foundation."
Inspired by the ideals of Frank
lin D. Roosevelt, World Citizen, the
Panama delegation to UNC 10 will
support a World Security structure
based on the following self-evident j
truths Panama’s Minister Jimenez
told yesterday’s conference plenary
He started his speech in Spanish,
but said that for practical reasons
he would switch to English He
thereby saved the Conference con
siderable time, for if he had spoken
in Spanish it would have had to be
translated into English, as Spanish
is not an “official" functional lan
guage of the Conference
1— "The /principal of euality of
states must be kept inviolate.”
2— "An international Bill of
Rights must be written into the
World Charter, a statement of the
essential freedoms £nd rights of
the individual.”
3— "Peace must he founded upon
justice On a peace not imposed
by force. But on the satisfaction
and tranquility of the spirits ”
4— "Nations must recognize the
authority of international law over
their own and submit their disputes
to the Interpretation of that inter
national law by a World Court.”
During the week, representatives
from Liberia and Ethiopia also
C. L. Simpson, Vice President of
Liberia, asked the Conference to a
mend the number of non-perman
ent seats in th' Security Organiz
ation from six to seven. He sug
gested that the seven nations should
be picked alphabetically, and that
the procdure should be followed
until the panel of States is exhaust
Bitwodded Makonnen Kndalkata,
head of the Ethiopian delegation,
pleaded for a security council em
powered to act immediately to sup
press aggression He recited the
failure of the old league of Nations
to protect Ethiopia when that na
tion was attacked by Mussolini’s
legions, and called upon the dele
gates to Build a "much stronger
A note of irony faced the confer
ence in a plenary session when
General Smuts of South Africa, one
of the originators of the infamous ;
’ Mandate” system called tor a “de- |
duration of human rights" as a pre
amble to the Charter of the New
World Organization.
Aside from a number of technic
al “language” changes in the Dum
barton Oaks plan, the American
amendments are understood to em
brace these major points—
1 . Authority for the World Or
ganization's General Assembly to
discuss and make recommendations
on exiting treaties to participant na
2. Provision that by a '••ote of
three-fourths of the assembly and
seven members of the Security Coun
The greatest War Loan Drive in
World War II opens Monday, May
14. as with Germany's collapse the
nation readies Its resources for in
tensified action in the Pacific.
During the six weeks of the Sev
enth War Loan drive, May 14 to
June 30. Nebraskans will be asked
to lend their country !»2 million
dollars, 65 million dollars of which
must be purchased by Individuals,
according to Dale Clark. War Fin
ance Committee Chairman for Ne
Announcement of VE Day means
completion of only one-half of the
war Mr. Clark reminded Nebrask
ans He said that the other half
of the war will be won when we
haveincreased and intensified our
efforts sufficiently to bring about
victory in the Pacific
The Nebraska War Finance Chair
man pointed out that this year
there will be only two War Ixian
drives instead of three, and that in
these two drives Nebraskans will b«
asked to raise almost as much mon
ey In individual purchases as in the
three last year
"It means that we must buy big
ger and more bonds in the Seventh
War Loan," Mr. Clark said. "Only
by buying more can we make two
drives take the place of three "
The intensification of the war a
gainst Japan is the principal reas
on that Americans must invest In
War Bonds. Mr. Clark said, but he
added that there are countless oth
er reasons including the fact that
the home-front must provide for
the care of the sick, wounded and
disabled who require medical atten
tion now and will continue to re
quire it for some time to come
Asserting that if the war should
suddenly end tomorrow every dol
lar of the Seventh War Loan goal
would krillbe necessary Mr Clark
said that the amount asked for In
this driVe has already been comm
itted to the war effort. "The re
sopnsibility rests with us, here in
Nebraska, and with the rest of the
nation to meet our quotas," he de
clared .
The Allied Military Command has
estimated that it will take years,
not months, tb crush Japan, and if
that is true. Mr. Clark said, the war
will be bigger, harder and longer
than many Americans expect "We
are the ones who must back it up,
pay for it.”
He urged Nebraskans not to let
anything retard the job on the home
front that has to be done to back
up the boys who are doing the
cil a new W'orld Conference may be
called any time in the future for
revision of the Charter now being
3 A ‘‘dual” trusteeship plan to
supplant the old League of Nations
mandate system This would place
strategic outposts under the Secur
ity Council, and non-strategic bases
under the Ceneral Assembly It is
designed to permit, for example,
American control of such strategic
islands taken from Japan as I wo
4 Principles of Justice
Direct insertion of guarantees of
the principles of "Justice” and hum
an rights in the Charter preamble.