The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 05, 1945, Page 4, Image 4
Chatter-Box ‘ A Youthful Column” » ____________ by Doris McGill ________ HELLO KIDS! i see that, no one disapproves of my w ritings in this column—so now that you are liking it as much as l, let’s start this week out sharp , Miss Clark, one of High's School Hist' teachers wore a lovely brown and white dress with a navy blue jacket—my but she really did look lovely! JSC had on a lovely red jac ket with a fine pleated gray skirt— she really did look nice hay June? The party given by Hetty Fuller was strictly on the ball. Among those having a good time were the following: R. G , \1 8., J G.. J. W . Bootsie, L S., N V. D M., I> P , N P . E. W., H W , H M , J S C , L P . B P , R W., B K , H C ., L, G . B R , T C .. C h i: It . B j B Wm. P.. 1. H , G W . Gabriel. R R , W. D.D P.B O B J.B J, J J , E. J . E. II., and others Jean McRae Is trying to come on with C M she kissed him last week in the hall What about BETTY GRABLE and DICK HAYMES in BILLY ROSE’S DIAMOND HORSESHOE* V All the grandeur of a great J\ love story! All the splendor of [ a dazzling musical! It will lift v you to the stars! A A A "Built for fun! Designed for loughs!" says Eileen Creel-'/ man of ERNST LUBITSCHS A ROYAL SCAMDALI starringTALLULAH BANKHEAD CHARLES COBURN, ANNE BAXTER and WILLIAM EYTHEI the ^ Her Royal Highness! *that Jeanie? M C. are you sopose to be go. ! ing with F. M or what?—and whj does he continue to play around with G. S? D G. M really had a nice time tues—was it because she was with a certain CAT? (I WONDER?) The Dance last tues was on the ball—Von and his ban really play ed fine Lorrain Jackson, Billie Williams and Bobby Montgomery sang “Little Red Wagon.” FLASH!!! Central High had for lunch Wensday —T-BONE STEAK HI M AND COKE-A-COLA, PEACH ICE CUBAN, AND FRIED CHICK EN BOY we really had a swell lunch (no water and one sandwich to a person.) Who did I SEE standing in front of 235. near K. G.’s locker and in his arms could it have been JP? BANG!!! E H gave D G. M a stick of gum really was good. (What you bet!) IT LEAKED OCT that Doris Ann was caught in the Cooler at work and was calling for help, when all of a sudden the lights went out and Earl W resquired her. (WHY DID J. S C. tell everyone a different story? 1 KNOW!) Ruth Booker is one happy soul her lover will be here May 5th. (or is he already here—CuULD IT BE R C?—Certain People would like to know! WHAT HAPPENED to A B Monday after school did she real ly go to the office with the teacher or did she go home? G T has quit working at the ROCK for a while we miss you iGilda! l The birthday party given by Dor cas was on the Ball .of course you know I only meet some most hard men (ha ha!) D M .B S .G. G..B G , M C G. S. T., are becoming very freely with their hands lately! What a bout that girls? (Work of course) Why has everyone started back again singing "Little Red Wagon" Who is B. O. sopose to be going with B 0. you better get your women straight before I do! IF V KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Who took B. J. S. home Tuesday and asked for a date later? Why is t that Nadine H. stays so close to T. U. . is it because she likes his friend? Certain people would to know! Imogene Perry is trying mighty hard to get Mable Hill's B-friend.... lookout Mable she might even at that-ha! ha! D. D walked C. B. home from the dance tues I wonder who took L S. home beside I. M ??? ohn Phifer is back in the fair city.nice to see U Johnie! R Bates had 13 cents last night.... you know day before payday! Billie Rudd, J. C Eves. Johnie can bring you a// the marvels of post-war living There’s an electric wonder-world of convenience and better living in pros pect now for peacetime homemakers. Production, converted to making war materiel, will turn again to almost un believable electrical marvels, once Vic tory is ours. There’ll be the all-electric kitchen—the . all-electric laundry, with plenty of hot water from your automatic electric water heater—the all-electric home, to make your life easier, pleasanter than you ever dreamed possible. Electricity—and only electricity—will make this wonder-world of convenience a reality. Only electricity can bring you all the marvels of post-war living, so plan now for your all-electric home after Victory. A TOP FAVORITE WITH OUR ARMED FORCES OKAY WITH THE CIVILIAN FOLK TOO! “Revelry with Beverly” . . . that’s how they greet the comely Beverly White who is a "Pin-Up” choice with talent and voice. A favorite with those in the armed forces and the civilian crowd too, Beverly has appeared at the Club Regal, Colum bus, Ohio; at the Pershing and DuSable Lounges in Chicago, and featured at the Onyx Club, Cafe Society, in New York — she was "acclaimed” by music critics when she opened the now famous Cabin In the Sky nitery In Chicago. An | alert cameraman “caught” Beverly in the two intimate poses above and upon interviewing her learned that she was the first Negro girl to fill an engagement at Carnegie Hall in New York City where for a num ber of years she was the featured vocalist with Claude Hopkins Or chestra. Miss White has appeared with both W. C. Handy and Duke Ellington in concert work. In St. Louis Beverly was a sensation at the Club Riviera. At present she is available for bookings through Associated Booking Corporation, 745 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. And, yes, a deluge of fan mail from G.I. guys keeps Beverly up most of | the night. That’s her hobby! Phifer, and Robert Bates will be leaving Saturday for DesMoines have a nice time boys! Johnie Malloy is back in the fair city in his navy outfit looking very nice. WELL POLKS there has been so many parties in the last past week that I couldn’t make them all but you will know which ones 1 attend ed— O The party in South Omaha, given by Dorcas right was on the ball among the crowd were as follows: Betty Davis, Mae Partridge, Kath erine Graham. Doris McGill, Vergie Gladys Coleman of course Dorcas and many others.I mean we real ly had a fine time. <]j The party Sat, given at the home of Bobby Powl was most hard everyo)ie ^including 'myself, really had a splendid time. Jimmy P walked Georgia Flacks home and got a good night KISS! Who was the certain Cat that Jean P. had all by her-self in the corner?...could it have been H. Lewis or??? D. G M. and F. C. really did knock themselves out.what a bout that FRANK? J G., E P , were looking the place over Girls did you find what you were looking for? Imogene Perry, Bob Rogers, Wm Payton, Skipper, Louise Seay. Don nie, Inola, Ruth, Barbara, Naomi, Speece. Nadine P„ Catherine Prayer, Chatter Box, Paul O., Ruth Mack, Anita P., Beulah. Helen M , and others (The lino operator didn’t get this one girls, what’s it all a bout?) Hl'RRAH .... Buster R. kissed Naomi V. Sat., nite at 12:00 PM. I’m ashamed of you Nee! Doris Manley and Nadine. Amelia O-all went to church Sunday_ Good girls on Sunday, ain’t you, hee hee! STOP—Thomas Porter and LIST EN WHAT M C., has to say if you don’t she will refuse to let you stay. (Be on the lookout for trouble)! K. G., B. J , P. O.. Rabbit were together Supday.weren't there any parties or didn’t you care to know? Cleveland Marshal ^Clentral Hi’s greatest athlete player was roam ing the Avenue Sun. nite by him self. were you looking for some thing.Glamour Boy? SURPRISE- Who is the certain girl at Central, who is noted for Miss Glamour Girl of the year?. could it be the great D. G. M ? I Wonder? We haven't had Margaret Faison in for a long time, so don’t get ex cited you will be in next week if possible! Why is R. W. still in town_ hurry and leave Ruby! David Russ knocked himself out at the party. Is B,. M. sopose to be going with Nolene W. or Mary Estes? Certain people would like to know! Who was the young lady who came out to the Rock with L. M and I J last tues? I wonder? I'm tired of looking at I? and 1 know Harry is (ha ha!) Odessa, Edsel and John Barbour were on the honor society at Cen tral high give them a nice great big hand of applause? GIESS WHOffff Age “sweet 16", never been kiss- 1 ed; Height 5 ft 3 in'; Weight- HU | Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back. Kidney, Bladder Gas, Constipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown Nerves. Cramps_ Rheumatism, Loss of Womanhood, and Manhood, try this medicine. Send J2.00 for an 8 ounce bottle. We also ship C.O.D., postage and money order fee extra. THE SPIRIT!'A I, HEALTH GEMRE 121 N. 11th St. PhUa., Pa. RICE PORTER The late capitalist OF LEXINGTON,KY., WAS OFFICIAL TIMER FOR THE. KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB FOR 40 YEARS. ME WAS KNOWN AS THEj\ MOST RELIABLE CLOCKER\\ ON THE \ AMERICAN^ TURF.-^fJ f DP.WI.B.t^CP O£©0$ XHE DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR, AUTHOR AND LECTURER IS THE FIRST NEGRO TO RECEIVE THE PH.D'THE DEGREE FROM / ^*rp-~\HARVARD IN 1895 15THE FIRST ^5. <*ts//0/*4< / NEGRO MEMBER Tmfa&Z'uSZ*/ ofthe NATI0NAL Wm*r0o A INSTITUTE OF ARTS L AND LETTERS IN ITS : <^eiir4.45™Ari HI5T°gX lbs.; Color of hair, redish brown; Color of Eyes, dark brown; Nick name. ‘'Mouseknees”; Hobby, Eat ing, dancing, studying; Activities, Baseball, tennis, ping pong; Pet peeve, Fresh boys! LAST WEEK’S GUESS WHO was BARBARA PETERS THAT’S ALL KIDS— CHATTER BOX, —Signin’ Off. bbbi-iaBBGi=innnnr=innn The Childrens’ -column— -BY JOAN MeCAAV “MY LAZY BROTHER’’ I have a little brother who stays in bed so long, My mother called the doctor to see what was wrong The doctor slapped his face, he got up with a smile, And chased the Doctor a mile. -by Ye Editor. “MY DOLLIE” I have a little dollie who was Very, very bright I asked my mother what to do She said I was doing right When I hold her in my arm’s She looked just like a child. But when she isn’t in my arm’s She almost goes wild. .by Ye Editor “ MY DOGGIE” I have a little doggie who's fur was white as snow, I took him to the river to see the water flow. The banks were very slippery, My dog is very sly But when my dog fell in you see, he wished that he could fly. I jumped into the water very gracefully Because my little doggie was depending on me. I took him out of the water and took him home to rest. And mother said I was doing my best. -by Ye Editor. MOTHER'S DAY” Mother's Day is in May I hope my mother will have a happy day Sometimes when I go out to play. I think that every day Should be "MOTHER'S DAY. by Ye Editor THE LIVING ■ SOUTH : [ Q (BY HAROLD PREECE) Q | (Copyright, 1945, by New South Features) Harold Preece The Lord Laid His Hands on Dixie Three weeks have gone by in Dixie, and still the cotton mill work ers of Gastonia, N. C. look through the windows when the train goes by. Three weeks that have passed in Dixie with the common people of Dixie mourning their addopted son, Franklin D Roosevelt, dyinjf on Pine Mountain in Georgia as they mourned their native son Abraham Lincoln, dying in the nations capital city of Washington. Three weeks that have been like three centuries of sorrow in Dixie and still my friend. Rev. George W Taylor, pastor of the colored Christ ian church in Austin, Texas, tells that flock of the Lord which he feeds on Sunday mornings •‘President Roosevelt's death keeps on oppressing my mind. I regard him as a Moses who led our people SPOT JOBS!! Do you need money right now ? Pay every day in Armour’s Cured Hide department. Lots of over time, pleasant working conditions. Can also use part time workers. Armour & Co, 28th and ‘Q' Sts. USES Referral Required COLLEGE FUND DONOR. Thomas A. Morgan (left), national chairman of the United Negro College Fund campaign and president of the Sperry Corp.# receives $1 bill from Larry Solomon, 3, as ex-Gov. J. Melville Broughton of North Carolina, campaign vice chairman, looks on. Young Larry made his donation at a meeting launching the $1,550,000 campaign to aid 32 private Negro colleges. and our nation over on dry land. By his heroic and masterful powers, he crossed them over the Red Sea that was the blood of our people. The enemy pursued but God was with him in his fight. President Roosevelt like Moses, was leading his people out of the wilderness into comfort, peace and prosperity. Generations of the South will rise up and call him blessed. In my judgement, he is the second Abraham Lincoln." But Dixie's season of mourning shall become Dixie's season of re joicing. For the white people and the colored people of Dixie see that the Lord laid His hands on Dixie when He laid His hands on Franklin Roosevelt. UNITING THE PEOPI.E He laid His hands on Franklin Roosevelt and He told Mr. Roosevelt that He wanted him to bring His children of Dixie together. Mr. Roosevelt brought them to gether on the Farm Security Admin istration projects where white sharecroppers and black sharecrop pers, driven off the land by the men with the hard hearts and the heavy whips, learned to live together and work together. He brought them together in the Southern labor movement where the cotton mill workers of Gastonia and the tobacco workers of Winston Salem learned to sit together in the same union halls and work out those human problems which af , flicted God's children of both races BABYLON'S PRIMARY He brought them together at the ballot box when thousands of Neg roes went to the polls to vote after a Roosevelt-appointed Supreme Court wped out the Texas primary once the Lord wiped out the laws of Babylon ivhich kept His children slaves. And now the Lord has left to the people of Dixie the work that Franklyn D. Roosevelt started in 'Dixie. We will not fail our dead brother and we will not fail the Lord in these days when freedom knocks loud at the door of Dixie. We will see to it that all the kids of both colors, holding flags in their hands when the funeral train goes by, shall be educated in decent schools to become decent citizens of a decent South. BLOOD AND SWEAT We will see to it that all the peo ple of Dixie who want to stay on the land will have a piece of ground and a living. That will be finishing the job which Lincoln meant to do, I the job of muzzling the big land I owners fhose soil is watered with the blood of black tenants and white tenants. We will see to it that all the peo ple who want to live in the cities will have equal jobs at equal wages whether they be white Southerners or black Southerners. For nobody minds shedding sweat in honest labor, but it‘s time to stop shedding blood in Dixie. We will march to the polls with tens of thousands of our Negro brothers come election time next year. We will wipe out of office the men like Bilbo and Rankin and Andy May. We will not stop till the price tag of the poll tax is taken off the ballot. We will keep faith with the Lord and with our native son, Abe Lin coln, by keeping faith with our ad opted son, Franklin D Roosevelt. We will finish up the jobs that were left unfinished by Reconstruction. We will build and rebuild. And 1 that stone which is the brotherhood of black Southerner and white Southerner shall not be rejected by the builders. Urban League Jottings WI SE DRAMA GUILD Ryland E. Melford, director and Mason Devereaux, Business manag er. called a meeting last Wednesday of the Muse Drama Guild in which they asked each member of the Guild to sell 28 tickets to the forth coning production now being pre pared. "No Time for Comedy" Watch for this fast moving comedy in three acts, which will open May 3th at the League Auditorium crus A Ml SCO! TS Attending the Cub hike Saturday afternoon were Pierre McFalls, Lo gan McFalls. Donald Morton, Van Ice Travers. Dennie Bartlett. Dan iel Bartlett. John Paulson. Alonzo Prayor, Joe Nathan Jones. Thomas Mason, Julius Karn, Conwood Thomas. Robert Hill. I,e<* Graham Leonard Hudgens. Benny Marks Jr ' Perry Washington. John Boston J Leon Chambers. Melvin Arthur Mr Caw, Donald Anderson. John Meri deth. Lamar Crocket. Lloyd Glover. Billy Jenkins. Assisting Arthur B McCaw. who supervised the trip were the following Den Chip: Char les Corbin. Nathaniel Jones. Donald King and Ernest Brown All enjoyed the outing very much after chow The boys had games of interest, relays and animal chase, which which they corralled mornen tarilv one infant turtle, one infant rabbit and one grown garter snake All of these things were enjoyed for the moment and all allowed to go their way. We are still very much in need of some den mothers to help these boys to enjoy the Cub-J bing program. SCOUTS Three boys passed tenderfoot test at the meeting of Troop 22 on last Thursday night Mr. Eugene Skin ner, Scoutmaster, has three boys ready to pass their 2nd class test. Again we are in need of help of men to assist in the scout program in this community. We have two (2) troops and need 5. Some of you ex-soldiers and scouts could do a lot for these boys. GRADE SCHOOL PARTY Some 200 grade schoolers attend ed the monthly grade school party Monday afternoon. Mr Du ward R. Grooms. Acting Executive Sec retary showed pictures and all were happily surprised after the show by being presented with Jun ior Urban League Memberships YOUTH COUNCIL The Youth Council dance of April 27th was a huge suchess in that all who attended reported having a swellingent time as who doesn't at a Youth Council dance. Except the girls who were too bashful to ask a fellow for a dance. After all it w-as vice-versa party. SUBSCRIBE now: McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop ?423-2.-> NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, sn.1 CIGARS Slue Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 i. » Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charge* WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. , Free Delivery from 8am u> 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS "Time and Tide Wait on No Man” . .NOW IS THE TIME TO GEi YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street TT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned, Edited, Published and Circulated by Negroes to servs the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the way to Succasa and Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With sach year's subscription will bo liven “THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE," the practical side of Money Handling that wM asaUa yig | pincH. ^0 TMI NEGRO WORKER Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or doable your money back When eirets ttomich sdd rtutee painful. suffocit ins sis. sour ttomich ind heirtbum. docton usually prescribe the ftitest-trtlnf medicines known for (rraptorattlc relief—medicines like those In Bell-ins Tiblett. No liiulre. Bell-ini brtnst comfort In • Jiffy or double jour money birk on return of bottle to ut. 35c at all drusrlsts. Tortured man gets help! Lemon Juice Mixed at Home Relieved RHEUMATIC PAIN says Sufferer! "I have used ALLENRU for several months. I could hardly walk on account of my knees. But now those pains are relieved. 1 can go like a race horse now," Mort Shepard of Ohio. Don’t be a victim of the pains and aches caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix at home. Two tablespoons of ALLENRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass of water. Try a bottle TODAY! Be en tirely satisfied with it — or money back. SSt1. Drug stores.