The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 28, 1945, Page 2, Image 2

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    Schools of State Need $8,475,000 for Construction
USD A photo bv Cooptr.
Responding to War Food Administrator Marvin Jones’ appeal for a larger
pig cr..p thi-* year to help meet the increased wartime demand for meat, whito
and colored farmers have kept additional sows for farrowing this spring and
next fall. This year's goal calls for 57,500,000 spring pigs. Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Crawford-, Maryland farm family, arc shown with one of their sow*
and her new pigs. Mrs. Crawford is wearing a Women's Land Army uniform.
4 H Clubbers Work for
War and Peace
Not only are the 4-H club boys
and girls increasing their projects
again this year with the hope of
, . helping to assure adequate food for
our fighting men and for civilian
war workers at homet but they are
also planning for the peace, accord
ing to reports received by the U. S.
Department of Agriculture from
State Extenson Service directors.
The reports indicate that the col
ored 4-H*ers of North Carolina are
preparing to hold their first State
with our same good line of Hulk Garden Seed,
Tomato, Cabbage and Pepper Plants. Plants for
Porch boxes and Flower beds. Grass Seeds and
Home Landscape Service
TELEPHONE JAckson 5115— j
Nebraska must spend an estimat- :
ed |8 475 000 in immediate postwar
years for new school buildings and
for repairs to present structures,
' according to a survey just released
i by the American Association of
School Administrators. New Ed
ucational needs and lack of build
ing during the war, the survey
reveals make such a construction
program essential
The survey, covering 806 school
systems in the United States, esti
mates natonal school building needs
wide dairy calf show during the
early part of September.
The youngsters are expected to
exhibit over 100 purebred cows and
heifers. The aim of the show is to
encourage the raising of better
strains of dairy cattle for increased
wartime production of milk and also
for higher nutritional standards in
rural and urban areas after the war.
Qeorgia colored 4-H'ers are look
ing forward to the erection of a
club camp on a 30-acre site near
-Dublin. Georgia, and already they j
have raised nearly J3.000 for the
building of the camp. One building
a commmunity canning plant, has
already been erected on the camp
site. The canning plant is being
used for wartime conservation of
food !
The Victory Gardner who hesit
ates at the first threat of insect
pests has to engage in a real fight
later. Victory Garden headquarters
at the U. S. Department of Agricult
ure reminds gardeners that one of
the early season pests is the cut
worm, and suggests methods of war
on cutworms one of the most wide
ly distributed garden pests.
Cutworms attack plants freshly
transplanted—often the first night
they are in the garden—and some
other plants—particularly sweet
corn— in the day or two after they
push above the soil surface.
For small gardens, paper collars
will provide good protection. Paper
about the size of a penney postcard
and about as stiff makes a good
collar if bent into a cylinder and
pinned or tied to hold its shape.
With deft fingers and a little
practice, collars can be set without
pinning or tying. An anti-cutworm
collar should extend an inch into
the soil and about two inches above
the surface.
For larger gardens, cutworm bait
is the standard remedy for cutworm
trouble. The worms prefer bran
even to tomato or cabbage plants.
A good wartime bait is made from
5 pounds of bran and 4 ounces of
sodium fluosilicate well mixed and
moistened writh enough water to
make a crumbly mass—3 to 4 tjuarts.
Mix the bait in the morning and
scatter it in early evening, before
the night-working worms start the
attacks. Spread the bait freely after
transplanting or better still, say
the Federal entomologists—bait the
area two or three nights before
Boys and Girls
Here s how to have more fun flying Kites
This is the weather for flying kites—
but let’s do it safely! I don’t want any
of my friends to get hurt. Wire string
_or even damp cotton string—con
ducts electricity, so be sure your kite
string is dry cotton. And remember,
it’s hard to watch your kite and traffic,
too, so it's better to stay away from
streets. .. . And please don’t ever climb
electric light poles to get your kite if it
gets tangled in the wires. The best plan
of all is to keep clear away from power
lines. If you follow these simple sug
gestions, then you will save your kite
. . . avoid accidents, and have fun.
Breaking Street Lights Is
Sabotage Any Time . . .
You see. they are there for safety. When they
are broken, folks may have accidents on the un
lighted streets, and besides, important war ma
terials are wasted. Some lads don’t realize this,
so pass the word along for me, won’t you?
Thanks, kids.
Nebraska Power Company
iat more than $1 000,000,000.
Intelligent planning in this
huge construction program is urged
by Reginald E. Marsh, nationally
known school architect, who pre
dicts that additional use of room
space, more accent on physical train
ing and increased attention to pre
kindergarten children will greatly
influence future school design.
Marsh is a member of the postwar
planning committee of the Amer
ican Institute of Architects, New
York Chapter.
"Such facilities as cafeteries and
lunchrooms will be designed for
general educational purposes and
installed in many more schools,"
Marsh says. I “Floors and wain
scoting of tile will make them at
tractive and earily cleaned for use
before and after lunch as study
halls, music rooms and club meet
ing places.”
Marsh «ilso foresees increased
stress on physical education and
vocational training as a result of
Selective Service findings Athlet
ic facilities, he beleves, will be in
creased and where joint community
and school needs can be served
tile swimming pools may be install
“One of the most useful lessons of
the war is the value of nursery
sehoolfc," Marsh say's. “Orginally
set up in temporary buildings near
war plants, they have relieved
mother^ for work and at the same
time proved of educational benefit
to children They may—and prob
ably will—be continued after the
war ”
—— _
Walter S Byrne, Bairman of the
Christmas Seal Campaign, announc
es at the close of the fiscal year
March. 3,1 a total of $33,275.16 real
ized from the 1944 Christmas Sea!
Sale an increasr of $6,976.46 over
last year.) James L. Paxton, Jr
chairman of the larger gifts comm
ittee was responsible for a substan
tial portion of this increase
The increase n the Christmas
Seal drive shows how generously
the people of Omaha responded to
the battle on the. home front in
fighting tubrculosis
“Ninety-five cents out of every
dollar contributed stays in Omaha
for the promotion of educational
work in prevention and early diag
nosis of the disease, skin testing
programs and many other health
activities The other five cents is
sent to the National Tuberculosis
Association for consultation to the
state associations and research,”
said Mr. Byrne
"During war tunes the threat of
a rise in tuberculosis is now being
felt and in order to combat this
rise we must work harder to com
pletely eradicate this dread disease
from Nebraska," said Mr. Byrne.
In a statement before the Senate
Subcommittee last week on the
Rural Electrification Act or 1945,
Secretary of Agriculture Claude R.
Wickard said that S. 89, introduced
by Senator Lucas, had his complete
Continuing, Secretary Wickard
said. “If we are to complete the job
of electrifying rural America in an
efficient and economical manner, I
beleive that S. 89 is equally as im
portant a piece of legislation as the
original REA act.
“Great strides have been made un
der the original REA Act. The num
ber of electrified farms has increas
ed from 10 percent to 43 percent
since the creation of REA. But there
are still more than six million rural
homes and establishments without
this modern convenience.”
A traffic sign in a small town
reads: “Drive slowly—no hospital."
Larger town might well have a sign
saying, “We have a hospital—but no
room for you.”
Moderate speed is necessary if
traffic accidents are to be avoided
and cars made to last longer. Ob
serve posted local speed regulations
when driving through towns and
cities. When out on the highway—
drive according toconditions. Never
drive over the state speed limit
which is 60 miles per hour during
the day and 50 miles per hour at
W'atch for next week's traffic law
ton, DC., (Soundphoto CF1) This
impressive photo made on Dela
ware Avenue as President Roose
velt’s funeral cortege wound its
way from the Union Station to the
White House past the Capitol back
ground ) Huge throngs lined the
route of march, kept back by sold
iers and sailors. The flag draped
casket is drawing near the White
GRAVESIDE—Hyde Park, NJ , —
(Soun.dphoto CFI) Brig) . General
Elliott Roosevelt, carries the flag
that covered his father’s casket, as
he with other members of the fam
ily leaev the graveside following
the internment of our 3!st presi
dent. At Elliott’s right hand is his
mother escorted by Mrs. Anna
Roosevelt Boettiger Behind) 'EJ1
liott is Col ) John Boettiger, a son
in-law of the late, president. Shown
at Elliott’s left are, leftto right,
Mrs. John Roosevelt, Mrs. Janies
Roosevelt, Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt,
and Mrs.) Franklin D. Roosevelt
Jr. Shown at the left of the pic
ture, facing the camera, are Presi
dent and Mrs Truman
FOR NEGRO COLLEGES. Lena Horne, M.G.M. singing star, proudly displays checks
sent to United Negro College Fund by Negro soldiers in Pacific battle areas.
William J. Trent, Jr. (left), executive secretary of the Fund, and Thomas A. Morgan
(right), president of the Sperry Corporation and national chairman of the campaign,
accepted the gifts. Miss Horne will serve os a member of the Hollywood committee
during the United Negro College Fund's current national appeal for $1,550,000.
New York —The two foremost Ne
gro labor leaders in America joined
with the administrative heads of
the two most active national organ
izations seeking inter-racial accord
this week in urging their fellow ci
tizens to supportthe 1 945 United Ne
gro College Fund by contributing to
its second annual campaign which
begins Aprill IS with a nationwide
goal of 1,550.000 dollars.
Labor endorsements of the Fund
aims and objectives were made by
Willard S. Townsend. International
tip as it‘s smart to be safe.
17 Satisfied Customers
You Rre Next
17 Satisfied customers in Bedford Park Addition.
Let us build that new home for you. We use
only skilled workmen and the very best of ma
terial at pre-war prices, with three government
Realty Improvement
Phone JA-7718 or JA-1620
Omaha, Nebraska
President of the CIO United Trans
port Service Employees of America
who said that “the progress of labor
has been closely linked to educat
ion" and A. Philip Randolph, Inter
national President of the AKL Bro
therhood of Sleeping Car Porters,
who expressed the opinion that be
cause of the United Negro College
Fund “democratic institutions will
have greater support in the troubled
days ahead.”
Roy Wilkins, Acting Secretary of
the National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People, said
that “we regard this activity as
vital,” and Lester B, Granger, Ex
ecutive Secretary of the National
Urban League, termed the Fund “a
The texts of the statements issued
by Messrs. Townsend, Randolph, Gr
anger and Wilkins to Thomas Mor
gan, national chairman s*f the cam
paign, follow:
Mr. Randolph: 'The campaign is
of capital importance to the future
of America's educational facilities.
“There must be -education and de
mocracy for education. This is a
condition and not a feeling that con
fronts us and we must be equal to
the challenge. I urge support for
this worthy campaing in spite of the
many worthy causes that we as peo
ple are called upon to assist. I am
sure that the happiest results will
ensue and our democratic institut
ions will have greater support in
the troubled days ahead.”
Mr. Townsend: “The progress of
labor over the years has been close
ly linked to education. As the dark
corners of ignorance have been
pierced by the light of education so
has labor's cause been understood
with greater clarity."
“The United Negro College Fund
represents a cause that is close to
the hearts of labor. It merits the
generous support of all sections of
the American public-."
Mr. Granger: “The United Negro
College Fund is one of the causes
which remain urgently Important
whether during war or peace. It is a
'must' on the contribution's list of
thoughtful citizens."
Mr. Willkins: “The NAACP is
pleased to endorse the 1945 cam
paign of the United Negro College
Fund for 1.550.009 dollars for the
support of 32 participating privat
educational institutions.
"We regard this activity as vita!
to the unity of our American pop
ulation which must be achieved if
we are to develop further as the
leading democratic nation in the
by Dan Gardner
Anti-Semitism is a delicate sub
ject. In fact, the term has become
almost explosive and unmention
able. Fear of being identified as a
“Jew-baiter” or an anti-Semite has
all but banned frank discussion of
the matter, and one would look for
many days before he found a pro
fessional Negro leader willing
publicly to air his views on the sub
To get around being called anti
Semitic and, at the same time, bring
into the open the ramifications of
the question. one has to he some
what careful in the use of words as
well as a bit reckless in walking
where angels fear to tread.
Right now the Negro is being
pressed on all sides by other mi
nority groups which wish to make
common cause with him in these
difficult times when cooperation a
mong minority groups for unity and
strength are necessary to advance
the aspirations and aims of such
I think American minorities, such
as Jews, Italians, Irish, and Ger
mans, really have the secret envy of
the Negro because of his possession
of the one thing that all of them
lack. The Negro is a native Ameri
can not foreign born as are the
others. The American Negro, being
native to the soil, were lie white,
could capitalize to the fullest extent
on this link to the soil but, ,eing
black, he has to live as a ward more
or less tolerated through the good
graces of the white man, and the
white man is in power. Had most
Jews the prize possession of the
American Negro, native heritage, he
would probably be the strongest
force in American life today. But,
since he does not have it, there is
reason for his seeking unity and
common cause with the American
The charges that Jews exploit
Negroes whereever they meet them
has been made evry since I can re
member and probably will continue
to be made after I am dead and gone
The exploitation charged was based
on economic dealings; it stems from
certain practices that obtain in the
poorer neighborhoods where the
small storekeeper grocer butcher,
haberdasher, jewler, etc., pitches
his cafiip. The so-called "sharp"
driving practices of the Jew in this
connection have been exaggerated
and played upon that it is small
wonder that there does not exist
actual hatred for him by Negroes.
The facts of the matter are, how
ever, Negroes don't hate anybody.
You hear professonal leaders holler
from the hlltops that they hate this
and hate that, bat, in the main, the
great majority of Negroes don't
have the time or the inclination to
develop healthy hates for opposit
races and most certainly, not the
However, as Negroes slowly be
come more articulate, they attempt
to fight back against the alleged
“sharp" trading practices of the
Jew by name calling and, in some
instances, whispering campaigns.
Again, all this can be regarded as
harmless as there are few instances
where Negroes put on hoods, ride
white horses, and burn fiery crosses
in the front yards of people.
The Negro lowest down feels a
sort of kinship with the Jews that
is as natural and homely as that
which exists between cousins. To the
Jewish grocer or druggist the Negro
in the neighborhood takes his
troubles; to the Jewish butcher go
es the Negro seeking- credit for
small purchases, and so on down the
line. The degree of affability is en
hanced by the everyday working out
of living together amicably of these
two un-alike people.
The affinity that the Negro feels
with the Jew is surprising and
would be extremely surprising to
the Jew himself if he actually knew
how close the average Negro feels
towards him. Of course, there is the
element of jealousy that exists a
mong all people and that is com
mon among Negroes who think the
Jew is taking all his money with
him helpless to stop him, and this
jealousy is best seen in discussions
of the jew on the street corner or in
the pool room where those who
come in contact wth him most pro
fessionally relate their experiences
and let loose their squawks.
Hardest hit by a squawker are
those Jews who are in the enter
tainment business, whether as
theatre owners or managers or
booking agents for bands, acts, and
performers—they catch hell. They
are roundly abused, dissected, put
together, and broken up again in
long talks by the people they
handle. Yet the record shows these
very Negroes who do the loudest
howling seldom, if ever, leave the
mahagement of the Jewish agent
with whom they have been identifi
ed. There are cases on record wnere
Negro orchestra leaders, singers,
dancers and others have be eh man
aged by the same person for as long
as twenty years and, while these
people will talk glibly and loudly
how they have been robbed, they
show no inclination to pick up and
All this points to a healthy state
upon which real unity can he built
by the Negruand the Jewish people
The thing that irks the Negro most
about the jew, aside from his alleg
d sharp trading practies, is a ten
dency' of the Jew once nc gets or.
his feet, to look the other way when
the Negro with whom he has been
associated in former times comes
by. This is not really a Jewish trait
and should not be ascribed as such.
It is common to most of us when
we get a new coat hat, shoes, cane
and gloes, to walk on the ether side
of the street if we can get over
New & Used Furniture
Complete Line—Paint Hardware
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“Everything For The Home"
there and Ignore the fellows with
whom we were close pals when our
feet were on the ground and we had
patchs in our pants. In the case of
the Jews, it is a sensitive point with
Negroes because of the difference in
color. The Negro, who cusses out
one of hi-s own who goes snooty, se
cretly' admires him and feels it
necessary to go to his rescue if said
Negro is mistreated by people of an
other race. However, he does not
feel the same way about the Jew
who gets prospehous and retires
completely from the Negro scene up
on which he built his fortune.
If Jewish leaders and those en
lightened persons of the Jewish
race, who are sincerely seeking to
bring about a greater understand- .
ing between the two races, in which
the common bond of friendship and
unity will be stressed, actually stud
ied the matter and took practical
steps to eliminate certain prac
tices they would find that making
common cause with the Negro on a
variety of subjects would give both
races more sjrength than they ever
However, the habit in the current
manner of going about things in the
associations of interracial inter
course, namely, to have represent
atives of both groups talk to each
other as though they were natural
enemies, but conversing under the
white flag of truce, rat) and has
done more harm than anything elBe
to the hope of complete Jewish
Negro understanding.
Here's a EENS/81E way
to relieve distress ef
(Also o Grand Stomachic Tonic)
I Have you at such times noticed
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Then don’t delay! Try this great
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symptoms. It’s so effective because
it has a soothing effect on one of
woman’s most important organs.
Important To Know!
Pinkham’s Compound does more
than relieve such monthly cramps,
headache, backache. It also relieves
accompanying tired, nervous, irri
table feelings-due to this cause.
Taken regularly-it helps build up
resistance against such distress.
Pinkham’s Compound helps nature.
Also grand stomachic tonic.
DIRECTIONS: Take one table
spoonful 4 times a day before
meals and at bedtime. Follow
label directions.
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Vitamin A and D Tablets
EACH tablet contains 25la more
than minimum daily require
ments of these two essential Vi
tamins. Insufficient Vitamin A may
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resistance to infection of the nose,
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Vitamin D is necessary to enable
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and phosphorus in our food.
Insure your minimum requirements
of these two important Vitamins, by
i taking a ONE-A-DAY Vitamin A
and D Tablet every day.
Economical—50f - or less - per
Convenient—you take only one
tablet a day.
Pleasant—children actually like
the taste — and so will you.
IMPORTANT—when buying Vita
mins, compare potencies and prices.
; *Get them at your drug store. (