/JUSTICE /EQUAIITYIImMALLT^ NEWSJA/HKEIT ISNEWSg 1|||tlHEW TOTHE UNIX 2420 GRANT ST ^ ^ ^ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC• <£> “Cv •£> + Entered as 2nd class matter at Post-oflice, Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of a inlE: a i/\ t» n . /i in., ,t ,, March 8, 1874. Publishing offices at 2420 Grant Street, Omaha. Nebr Saturday, Apnl 21, 1945 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ Our 18th Year, No. 11 -- —r=--=rrr=i. ... .ja -—. . "■ 1 1 . .. ..— 1 ..—.— .. ... .-----—-" 11 -.■- 111 - Does U. S. Mean To CO-operate In Collective Security? Congressional Delay c Might Lead Other Nations to Think So .. Says Christian Council New York City: Pledging full support of the Bratton Woods Mone tary Agreement, the United Christ ian Connell for Democracy today warned churchmen over the nation that indefinite delay in Congress ional approval might lead other nat ions to conclude that the United ' States does not really mean to coop erate in a full program of collective spruriljr. (•ailing the dual International plan • an absolutely necessary foundation stone In the structure of world co operation we must build," the Coun cil declared that the Administration and the leaders in Congress have placed the issue in the hands of the people of the country to decide. •■Members of Congress haven't heard enough from home," the Council says, so that April 25 and Han Francisco draw near with this nat ion's attitude on Bretton Woods still in doubt. “It is urgent that the mll Qllnns of American citizens, realiz ing that an extensive and reliable world trade l8 essential to full em ployment and economic security at home and abroad, should quickly ex press their support of the Fund and Bank to their representatives in the Congress." The Council has sent to 10,000 ' O church leaders over the nation a C; statement of the pros and cons of the world monetary proposal from the religious viewpoint drawing a conclusion in favor of both the Fund and the Bank. The statement notes the criticism of the Fund now cur rent among certain of the bankers, who argue that it is a new and un tried proposal and very risky bus iness for the II. S. The Council con tends that the real reason for the opposition to the Fund on the part of some big bankers “more nearly revolve around the apparent fact ■ hat under the operations of the Fund they are likely to have less voice, indeed, less control than for merly when, in combination with financial and governmental Interests of other nations, it has been possible to direct adjustments In currency exchange* to their own advantage." The object of the International Monetary Fund, say the Fnlted Christian Council for Democracy churchmen, is to eliminate the econ- | omir warfare, of the past which has been waged with the weapons of in ternational exchange. It is main tained that "unscrupulous manipul 0 «fton” of currency in the past has j put unearned profits in the hands of the few, tending in the long run, however, "to restrict the flow of trade and thus to depress the living standards of the majority of the people in any nation which, for one reason or another, permits a deval uation of if* currency". "Could any thing be more unsound than a return to the practice of the Thirties? By these munipulatave atrategems for ■profit' war becam# inelfttable >*es terday and, tf continued, will be in evitable tomorrow." In urging progressive rhurchmen to communicate with Senators and Congressmen asking immediate rati fication by the Congress of the Bretton Woods Agreement, the J Council's report concludes: "As Christian citizens we recognize the solidarity of the people of all nations It cannot be well with any of us un til il is well with all of us. The deep scars of an apallingly devastating war may hardly find complete heal ing in our time. But surely a con siderable healing for the nations is to he found in world cooperation which restores financial stability arid makes available the resources for material reconstruction where ever there is need." The six national unofficial church organisations cooperating in the Fnlted Christian Council for Dem ocracy are: Evangelical A- Reformed Council for Social Reconstruction, A A ACP Mourns Passing of Franklin D. Roosevelt In a wire to President Harry S. Truman, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People paid tribute to the late I*reirfdeni Franklin Delano Roosev elt, and pledged continued support for full realization of the objectives for which he stood. Over the site nature of Walter White, NAACP ex ecutive secretary, the wire read: •ON BEHALF OF NATIONAL AS SOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCE MENT OF COLORED PEOPLE I SEND YOU BEST WISHES IN THE GARGANTUAN TASK PLACED UP ON YOUR SHOULDERS BY THE! UNTIMELY DEATH OF MR. ROOS- I EVELT. IT IS IMPERATIVE UPON ALL OF US TO CONTINUE WITH- \ OUT COMPROMISE THE FIGHT j FOR THE IDEALS FOR WHICH HE j iO NOBLY FOUGHT WE ASSURE! YOU, MR. PRESIDENT. OF OUR SUPPORT IN WHATEVER MAN NER IT CAN BE GIVEN TOWARDS THE CONSUMMATION OF THOSE OBJECTIVES." In respect to the memory of Mr. Roosevelt, the National Office NAA CP well be closed April 14. ( MOURN ROOSEVELT; SUPPORT TRUMAN Roosevelt Truman 1 -4-+ ----X--~*±r K " " " « m Five Thousand Omahans Join in Roosevelt Rites Program Here Aired Throughout Land By Lawrence Youngman Five thousand Omahans joined in solemn reverent tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt at memorial services at the City Auditorium Sunday afternoon. The formal program paid tribute to the late President in music, eulogy and military ritual. The thousands of neighbor-next-door ordinary Omahans paid their last homage by coming downtown to attend the ceremony on a dreary April afternoon. They seemed to represent a cross-section of Omaha. The dominant feature of the scene was a huge portrait of Mr. Roosevelt on velvety black cur tains at the back of the stage. Beneath the portrait was a row of United Nations flags. Services Take Part Thirty minutes of the program was broadcast over a network hookup of 123 stations. The pro gram was impressive, though the time of preparation was short. Principal speakers were Maj. Gen. C. H. Danielson, commander of the Seventh Service Command; Msgr. E. J. Flanagan of Boys To ,n and Mayor Dan B. Butler. The obituary was read by T. Sgt. William Johnston of the Seventh Service Command. Dan Gross, commander of Omaha Post No. 1, largest American Legion post, was chairman. ' The American Legion color guard, which advanced and retired the colors, was augmented by rep resentatives of the Army, Navy, Marinos and Coast Guard, includ ing a WAC. f WAVE, an Army nurse, a SPAR and a woman ma rine. Pra'ces LeadsThip 1 Taps for Mr. Roosevelt were p’ayed by Mai. R. W. Edwards of '.bi Salvotb n Army, a member of American Legion Post No. 1 band. T'-\'. band, under direction of Dr. Y7. IT. McNicbols. played a 15 m r.ufc errcert before the formal pm"mi'. Chore’ numbers included: Bort mr ' •'Cierr’-ir •»,” by Seventh ' ' c m-nand rherus. directed ’ vT. ’s’i Ac-p]rrin; “Steal Away,” "c"-n by Good Will Presbyterian Fellowship for Social Action. Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice. Church League for Industrial Democracy (Episcopal), Methodist Federation for Social Ser vice, ItauBchenbusch Fellowship of Baptist. 1 l These are all unofficial church ; associations) I (See Editorial pajje 7) Spring Chorus, directed by C. L. McVay, and "America” and "The Lord’s Prayer," directed by Leo Kopp. The latter number was Mr. , Kopp’s arrangement Two solos, “Just for Today” and i "God Bless America,” were sung by Grace Nelson McTieman. In his farewell to the Com mander-in-Chief, General Daniel son declared that Mr. Roosevelt’s wise and inspiring leadership and his farseeing grasp of the great strategic problems of total war were decisive factors leading to the nation’s success in battle. Compared to Moses "Now the flaming sword of hu man liberty has fallen from his lifeless hand. It is ours to seize and hold aloft again as soldiers all who see a beloved comrade fall beside them and must yet go on without him. “We cannot let our efforts lag now. Our unremitting determina tion to bring the war to a success ful conclusion and to win the peace to come should be our best memo rial to our fallen chief. That is General Eisenhower’s pledge to the new Commander in Chief. It should be our pledge. "Our ranks are closed. The command still is: ‘Forward’.” Monsignor Flanagan, friend of Mr. Roosevelt, compared him to Moses, who led the people of Israel through perils and hardships, but died before they entered the prom ised land. President Roosevelt, he said, was not spared to rejoice In the victory over totalitarian au thority. Achievements Cited He cited Mr. Roosevelt’s achieve ments in saving the nation’s finan cial system, and in establishing the social security program. He said that the transforming of the nation from peace to a world arsenal was one of the the greatest achieve ments of the century. “Perhaps he made mistakes,” said the mon signor, “but who doesn’t? His mistakes, if any, were of the head.” Mayor Butler said that Mr. Roosevelt was more than President and Commander in Chief. “He was our friend as well,” he said. The President's greatest desires were for winning the war and establish ing a permanent peace, he added, and the people can best pay trib ute to him by carrying on toward these goals. War Department Order Brig. Gen. Paul X. English, chief of staff. Seventh Service Com mand, read the War Department's Genera! Orders No. 29, by Secre tary of War Stimson, announcing to the Army the death of President Roosevelt. In part it said: “The Army is deeply grieved at the untimely death of our Com mander in Chief. He prepared us to meet the savage onslaught ot our enemies and he led us through the bitterness of our early rever sals. His unwavering courage in the face of overwhelming odds, his abiding faith in the final triumph of democratic ideals, and his clear vision of the paths to be followed were a source of constant inspira tion. He gave the Army unstint ingly of his strength and wisdom. Although he leaves while there is still much hard fighting ahead, the ultimately victory has been fash ioned of his heart and spirit.” The invocation was by Dr. Thomas R. Niven and the benedic tion of Rabbi David Goldstein. I The program was sponsored by a Mayor’s committee, representing ithe armed forces and civic, p« itriotic and labor groups. > Last Rites Paid Rcosevelt in Rati onv/ide Memorial Services Sunday . _ ,. .. .. •■v.-.-.v. Memorial services were held throughout the ration and in all the nUited Nations Sunday as the l;edy of America’s war-time Presi dent was laid to rest on the grounds of the Roosevelt ancestral home at Hyde Parkf N. Y Shown above is a scene at Omaha’s City Auditorium Sundajr afternoon as five thousand persons representing: a cross section of the city, attended the memorial rites for Frankin Delano Roosevelt On the stage (background) are civ ic and military leaders who took part in the ceremony, a part of which was broadcast over a nation al network.—World Herald Photo. Wm, L, Patterson Makes Address At Rome Hotel President of Abraham c Lincoln School of Adult Education Speaks on “Negro in Post War World” - DINNER GIVEN BY THE WORKMAN’S CLUB; SEND TELEGRAMS TO MRS. ROOSEVELT, AND PRES. HARRY TRUMAN Those who were not present at the dinner given by the Worker’s Club at the Rome Hdtel last Friday evening, April 13, 1945, missed a very rare treat. Over 150 guests assembled for dinner and the lec ture which followed. Mrs G. Aneita Blackburn, chair man of the evening, graciously in troduced Mr C. C. Galloway, pub lisher of the Omaha Guide: Mr and Mrs. Warren Batterson, Mr Bat terson being a returned war veter an of world war II; Mrs. Henriet ta Bursch, one of the outstanding leaders in South Omaha; Mr. Thom as E Hayes, a business man and actually associated with the rank and file movement in labor; Mr. Fred Kudeem, leader in the IWO and Labor Circles and Mr. and Mrs Hiram D. Dee, Mr. Dee is Presi dent of the Realty Improvement Company, builders of the Bedford Park and Roosevelt Garden Homes. The above persons were seated at the speakrs' table Mrs Blanch lee Wright and Mr Dick Lewis solo ists for the evening were also in troduced tc the group. Their ren ditions added to the enchantment of the evening Mrs Wright sang “Danny Boy” and "Soon My Troubl es will be Over.” Mr. Lewis sang one of President Roosevelt’s favor ite numbers "Home on the Range” and he also rendered a number ded icated to the soldiers in service, “Wonder When My Baby's Coming Home.” The group singing of "The More We Get Together", “Marching Along Together” and “God Bless America” served to put all present in a relaxed, receptive mood. The few moments set aside at the beginning of the program to pay tribute to our deceased President, and to extend sympathy to his fam ily, was impressive in its quiet sol emnity. The singing of "America" —a moment for silent mediation followed with a prayer, by Mr Thomas E Hayes and a pledge by (ft^jpContinued on page 8). No Order Issued Restrict ing Soldier, and Sailors in Omaha Area... Army Service Command Hdqtrs 7th Service Command Omaha 2, Nebraska April 11, 1S45 Rev. J. E Blackmore President, Oma"ha Branch, KAACP 2418 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Reverend Blackmore: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 9, 1945 regard ing the existence of a military or der restricting the movement of soldiers and sailors on Davenport Street in Omaha. You are advised that no such or der is in existence nor is one con templated. Apparently, your or j ganization has received an erron ' eous report based on rumor with no i basis of fact Sincerely I C H DANIELSON, Major General, USA, Commanding 5 A PRAYER FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE Almighty and most merciful Father of all maniknd. We thank Thee that Thou has vouchsafed to us another opportunity to work together, men of all nations, that we may in the spirit of obedience to Thy holy laws, seek to bring Thy kingdom, in which all men are brothers, to reign on earth, Grant, we pray Thee, wisdom to those who are about to meet in solmen conclave. Keep their minds ever alert to Thy call. Their hearts free from selfish ambitions, and from personal pride. Fill them with Thy spirit. Let Thy love for all men, Thy sons, motivate their actions. May Thy truth be ever before them—a cloud of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night, to guide their thoughts and speech. Give to them understanding and patience and above all the willingness to seek a way out from the recurrent threat of war and a way in to a world of peace and prosperity for all men. Grant to us, the humble folk of the earth, loyalty to Thy will. Keep our minds clear so that not by any careless speech of ours may we hamper or hinder their deliberat ions. Accept ou daily prayers for them as they work to seek, a common understand ing and a common goal. We ask Thy blessing upon this Confer ence and upon those who represent us. May they be given strength and! courage to do their duty to the glory of Thy holy Name. AMEN. White Warns II. S. Must Wake Up te Happenings in Paeifie RESTORATION OF COLONIAL SYSTEMS WILL LEAD TO W ORLD WAR III NEW YORK—“Thousands of Am ericans have died and billions of American dollars have been spent in ! the Pacific to oust the Japanese— apparently ' only to restore the re captured islands to the European powers which ruled and exploited these areas and their populations before the war,” declared Walter White, New York Post war corres pondent on his return here today from a four-months. 36,000 mile' tour of the Pacific theatres of war “Many more lives will be lost and more dollars spent before Jap anese imperialism and aggression are crushed. But it was disheart ening to find everywhere calm ac ceptance of the fact that no other course is even thought of except to reestablish colonial empire. The rights of native peoples to share in the benefits of raw materials and their own labor are completely un thought of, except by the natives themselves. Their poverty, phys ical condition and educational dis advantages are a terrible indictment of their British, Dutch and French exploiters!. They are bewildereki /gSI HI -r k I n - ;To Renew your 1945 (1 Election News on rage 5; - Hoping For His Early Return Overseas 2 Years Mrs. Hattie Webb Private First Class, Alfred C. Webb Pfc. Alfred C. Webb, 161iy2 Maple, now stationed in France, has been overseas for two years. Mrs. Hattie Webb, his wife, hears from Mr. Webb often and is hoping for his early return. Mrs. Webb re sides with her aunt, Mrs. Laura Winston at 161iy2 Maple street. USO Director To Attend Institute JOSEPH P. MOSLEY, Direc tor The 24th Street USD has been specially honored by selection of the director Joseph P. Mosleyto attend the staff institute for professional USO workers to be held at Kanses State College, Manhattan, Kansas from April 24th to May 3rd. Mr. Mosley is one of the 39 professional workers selected from Regions 8, 9 and 11 who will attend the institute. Nebraska Alumni Boost MeHarry Fund Dr J J Jones is all smiles and WHY NOT? He has just proven himself very efficient in the art of raising funds as well as the “tooth pulling” business. You jsee. Dr Jones has been, ap pointed the Commissioner for Ne braska in securing funds for the building of an Alumni Hall on the MeHarry Campus. Fortunately all of the Nebraska Alumni are practicing in Omaha, but it took a bit of doing to contact and get re sponse from six out of seven. Each Alumnus was asked to give $110, including Annual dues. The amount raised was $660. Among the donors were: Dr D W. Good en; Dr G. B Lennox, Dr A L Hawkins; Dr Wesley Jones, and Dr J. J. Jones (More MeHarry News on page 5» and dismayed that winning a w:^ for ‘freedom’ means no change in their status ,‘Before it is too late the govern ment and people of the United Stat es must wake up to what is hap pening in the Pacific and make it clear to allies and enemies alikej that we are not fighting this war to restore colonial systems which inevitably will breed another war Mr Churchill announced recently that the question of colonials will (continued on page JSgp’S) D. C rooms Takes Over Brown’s Post At a recent meetinK of the Exe cutive Bojjrd of Directors of the Omaha Urban UeaKue, 2213 D&ke St. Mr. Dutvard Grooms, Boys' Work Director of that Institution, was appointed Acting Executive Secret ary of the Omaha Urban UeaKue to fill the post vacated by Mr. Ray mond R Brown who has gone to Ohio to take up similar work there. Mr. Grooms, a Kraduate of the U niversity of Kansas, came to our city from Kansas, on July 1, 1944, and has since made many friends and acquaintances. He has worked for the past year under Mr. Brown's tutelage and is now well versed in the functions of the office and the work. Good luck to you, Mr. Crooms. Mr. Grooms is the son-in law of Rev. and Mrs David Saint Clair of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church Omahan Passes Mrs. Pearl M Alexander, 2312 N 27th avenue, died Tuesday at a local hospital following a long illness. Mrs. Alexander had been a resident of Omaha many years Survivors: son, Cecil Alexander and wife; two sisters, Mrs Nellie Dansby of Chi cago, 111., Mrs. Alma Betts of Iron ton, Ohio; nephew Walter David Justice of Chicago, 111. Rev. C. C. Reynolds Returns to Clair Chapel For His Fifth Year At the close of the Conference last Sunday afternoon at Centennial Methodist hurch, Kansas City, Mo, Bishop Edward W Kelly reappoint ed the Rev C. C Reynolds to the pastorate of Clair Church for his Fifth year Bishop Kelly paid high compliments to Rev Reynolds for his fine report at the Conference Clair Church was one of the Blue Ribbon Churches of the Conferenc es, having raised its full Crusade Quota of eight hundred and sixty three dollars, along with the reg ular Benevolences M rs. Alberta Jones was the lay delegate to the Conference from the Clair ME Church Others who at tended were: Mrs C C Reynolds, Miss Versie Winston, Dr Wesley Jones, Mrs. Georgia Goosby, Mr and Mrs Cornelius Bennett, Mr A L Reynolds and Mr Clarence Reynolds Jr., Mrs Bell Taylor Rev Reynolds will be happy to greet the members and friends of Clair at the Morning Service this coming Sunday, April 22 Re ports from the Conference will be made by Delegate Mrs Jones and others, and Rev Reynolds will speak