SOCIAL NOTES PASTORS’ WI\K* roe*ClL HOI.II RBETIXG The Interdenominational Pastors Wives Council met at the home of Mr*. Kstella BraKtot 2120 North 28 Street April 4, 1»45 at 1 30 p m A very delicious lunch was served and th# seven present enjoyed it very much. Our next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Mary Wade. 2719 De catur St., on Wednesday. April 18 at 1 00 pm All Pastor’s wives are welcome. Mr* Mary Coodlett, President, Mrs Kathryn Steele, Reporter. III I.I.* 11 >L t KsHKR KOHI H The Hillside Vesper Forum head-i «d by an energetic and fine group of young people meets every Sunday ever^ng at the Hillside Presbyter ian Church. JiNth and Ohio streets, as its headquarters for discussion on current events and the World Order Movement. The opening hour is 7 30 pm. A very attractive program preceeds the addresses. Time Is al lowed for questions and answers. The Moderator. Kev. J. E. Black more introduces the topic and pre sent* the leader who conducts the forum, I*ast Sunday evening at the initial opening there was a large gathering and the outlook for each subsequent forum promises to be overflowing in attendance. Here is sMi opportunity for you to come and take part 11 these die* ussion topics. pril 15th at 7 30 pm. "What are Some of the Problems to Peace?" April 22nd at 7:30 pm. "Is Peace an Appropriate Concern and k unc tion of the Christian Church?" April 2!tth at 7:30 pm. "Can There Be Such a Thing as a Lasting and Durable Peace?” May 6th. at 7:30 pm. "Should the Peace Establish In Principle and Seek to Achieve Impraclice the Bight of Individuals Everywhere to Economic Liberty?" Thi is* your Forum. Come and bear -come to share it with us. flood speaker-- Unformed speak ers. Remember the time and place. Hit 4 TRYift Th Dir«1i*r Hyland K. Melford Sr., announces Muse Drama 'luild TKY Ol'TS Tuesday April 17, 1945 7:30 pm, Omaha Urban League The Muse Drama Ouild will begin the production of "No Time for Comedy" by S N Hehrman, leading dramatist and playwright This marks the first time the Muse Drama (luild has planned pro duction of a 3 act broad way hit' Kirst produced by Katharine Corn ell, who was the leading lady and luturenee Oliver, the leading man, “No Time for Comedy" opened in N Y and was a suecews on Broadway and on tour, bringing high critical appraisal. Director Bland Melford wishes ev eryone interested in drama to eoa taet him personally, or lo be pres ent Tuesday eve. The Muse Drama (luild is for those of the community interested in the drama and the developing of cultural arts among the commun ity. The service of all Is needed. This is a community association. Mrs. C K Mtchcll of 2603 Har rison has b family of four ctrtldrifh. and they have an acreage and are seemingly preparing for the future. Ki eryone is preparing their gard ens and are progressing nicely. Me* Woodruff of 2609 Harrison lias a. nice ti reage on the line of Douglas and Sarpy county. They have corn lo sell also a lot of fow ls, pigs and garden spot lots to live on and some to spare. Mrs. Wood ruff is now working ,tt the Packing Plant. New & Used Furniture ( omfdetc Line—Paint Hardivare We Buy, Sell and Trade WEAL FURNITURE MARI 2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake —WEbster 2224— "Everything For The Home" CREATES NATURE . for both parties. Relieves asthma, colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and nervous disorders- Send $1.00 for 8 oz-; 50c-3 oz-; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage on delivery. FISHER’S FAMOUS FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-. Columbus. 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted DRINKING IT CAM BE DONE Thousands have learned from me how I broke the whiskey spell. If alco hol is rotting your Home, Health and Happiness, let me tell you the way to end the curse of Drink. Get the answer to your Droblem. write NEWTON, Dept- CPl, P O. Box 8il- Hollywrood California Mr an6 Hn Rosa of 6803 South 2ltn St, have four boys and five girls. They have a beautiful home near the line of Douglas and Sar py Conut.y The Rose family have lived in this home for six years. Mr. Rose is working at Cudahy Packing Plant and Mrs. Rose stays home and take care of the home and children. Mrs. Minnie Jones of 3735 South 25th St., reports that she attended Allen Chapel laRt Sunday and en joyed the services very much. 1 think we have a wonderful preach er she said. The entire congrega tion seemed to enjoy the service and w had a vry nice crowd. Mr. A J Turner of 3115 R St., reports that he is very busy these days. lie is a concrete finisher and brick layer_ in fact he seems to be a man who can do anything in the way of repairing a house and mak ing it comfortable. Mr. Turner liv es on R Street Southside where he can enjoy seeing the packing plants. in HAYS HERE Mrs. Anna Wilson of Denver, Colo spent 10 days in Omaha visiting her sister Mrs. Lydia Wilson and friends. She reports a fine time and much needed rest. On Tuesday, A. M.. April rd, Mrs. Anna and Ly dia Wilson, Mrs. Mable E. Bonner and Mrs. Mary Lou Howell were breafkast guest of Mrs. J. L. Giles at 2217 North 29th street \ ISITOKK Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Moss who were visiting at Sacramento, Calif., and were on their way home to llartelsville, Okla., stopped over to visit Mrs. Pauline Hawkins and spent Tuesday evening with her. They all had breakfast at Mr. War ren Webb's cafe. M r Moss met a lot "f his old friends. They had dinner at Mrs. Rosetta Walker'* home and also visited with Mi' Moss’ son and wife Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Allen. ST 11,1. CONFINED Rev. E V. McDonald of 91S No. 27th street are still confined to his bed—however he said he was hold ing his own. His daughter Mrs. Goodwin is constantly at his bed side to administer to the comforts of life. His daughter from Chicago will visit him the incoming week. \T III TIES SOON Mrs. Pansy Newland of 2915 Grant has been confined to her home for three weeks, but she seems to be on the move at present and she hopes to be up and at her duties soon. LIKE NEWS! GLIDE Mrs. Bryant called the Guide re porter and asked him for one of the Guide's latest edition papers, for last week. When I looked up the street I noticed someone com ing to my house and it proved to be Atty Bryant and he said to me "Give me that Newsy paper, the Omaha Guide, we like it so much here of late. Mr. and Mr*. Roosevelt Kirk of 1 f23 No. 20th St. have five children; three girls and two boys. Two are in school and three are home with mother. Mrs. Kirk says she is kept very busy at all times trying to keep up with them while Mr. Kirk is working for McGrath Welding Co. Mr. and Mrs. Randora of 1131 No. 20th St. are living at home. They have a lot of nice chickens. Mrs. Randora is a member of Rev. Adams church known as Paradise Baptist Church. Mrs. Randora has three children, two boys and one girl. Her daughter is now a widow. We like this sunshine so much. Mrs. Randora is sewing on the machine. Mr. and Mrs. Beulah Bennett of 1023 Paul St. have lived in Omaha for one year coming here from Brawton, Ala. They say they like Omaha very much and intend to make this their future home. They would be glad to meet all Christian people and friends. They feel that they are home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of 1302 North 25tb St. say they are en joying good health. They have been married just a short while and are enjoying married life nicely. Mr. Turner is working at odd jobs, he has been working at the Packing Plant but quit for a better job. Mrs. Yancey of 2871 Maple St. re ports that her sister, Mrs. Rula Roundtree was operated on last Wednesday at the Rutheran Hosp ital for appendicitis. She is doing nicely at this time and is expected to be up soon. Mrs. Yancey also re ports that her mother has been in bed for three months suffering from rheumatism. Others are doing nicely We hereby thank our friends for their kindness and cards. Mrs. Kittie Thompson of 2901 Rake has a son N. C. Thompson that is stationed in Rondon. His WE HAVE SEVERAL VACANCIES IN OUR LAUNDRY FOR EITHER EXPER IENCED OR INEXPERIENCED WOMEN. ] GET IN TOUCH WITH MR. SHERMAN AT THE LAUNDRY OR CALL WE-6055. • EDHOLM&SHERM AW; 2401 NORTH 24th STREET ’ —PHONE WEbster 6055- J We're glad that in spite of war shortages you can still get Smith Bros. Cough Drops. We ll be gladder still when Victory lets us make all everybody needs. Smith Bros.— , Black or Menthol—still 5f. , SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS r BLACK OB MENTHOL—5< i mother and grandmother are anx ious to hear from him as they say that they hae not heard from him in two weeks. We do not expect to hear from our loved ones when we think of them, that would be too often, so have patience. Mrs. Anderson of 1212 North 25th St. was going out to do some shop ping and it seems that she could'nt apply enough powder. Well. I sup pose the wind was a little high which required a deal of rubbing to make one look different. Seems to be the best of powder which she was using. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grice of 151« North 28th St. were very happy over a letter just received from their daughter and son. The son is sta tioned in the Philippine Islands and the daughter is stationed in Burma and both of them report that things are going fairly well. Mr. and Mrs. Grice seem to be so proud of their childrens well doing. T /4 Joe Denson stationed some where in England sent his wife, Mrs A. Denson an Easter Greeting card wishing her all the good luck in the World. Mr. Denson has been over seas 14 months. He sends greetings to all. Mrs. Denson resides at 2432 Caldwell St. Mrs. Abrams of 1814 North 28th St. reports that her husband came to visit her at the above address. Mrs. Royie Nails of 2404 North 25th St. gave an entertainment in hi* honor. While here all the family and friends were present. Pvt. Charles Abrams enjoyed a very happy time while here after which he will re turn to Gulf Port, Miss, to attend school as an electrician. Mrs. Frankie M. Turner of 1302 North 25th St. has been sick for three weeks. She had a major oper ation for appendicities but reports that now she is doing nicely. Mrs. Turner is a memeber of the Paradise Baptist Church. Rev. C. Adams, Pastor. Mrs. Rich of 986 North 25th Ave. was confined to bed for two weeks under the care of Dr. Wiggins but she reports that at present she is feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Rich have four children, two in school. Mr. Rich is still working in the Sheep kill at Cudahy Packing Co. Mrs. Fields of 1006 North 24th St. reports she went to Church on last Sunday and enjoyed a wonderful sermon. The house seemed to be in a Spiritual mood and everyone had a feast. Mrs. Fields says she wished everyone would turn to Christ Our Savior. Mrs. Walker reports that her hus band Lee Walker and grand-daugh ter is visiting his relatives in St. Joseph, Mo. he is expected home Monday the 9th. Mr. Walker has worked for Swift and Co. for 11 yrs. Mrs. Henderson was a pleasant call er on last Saturday evening. Her ad dress is 2910 North 30th St. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Banks of 1426 North 19th have a comfortable home with two children both girls, 3 yrs. and the other 14 months. Mr. Ray is a waiter on the Union Pacific while Mrs. Banks takes care of the child ren. He has been with the Union Pacifir for two years and likes his work very muh. —■. Mrs. Washington of 2037 Florenut Blvd. reports that her daughter is now teaching school in Pheonix Arizona. She gets $125.00 per month. She has been teaching the same school for three years. Mrs. Wash ington also has a son by the name of Henry Washington who is now serving as a cook in the Quarter Master Div. he is paid 100.50 per week. Charles, the younger son is in school in Lincoln, Nebraska. Every thing seems to be moving nicely thanks. Mr. and Mrs Jessie McClinton who reside at 1428 North 19th have been constant readers of the Omaha Guide for three years and are great lovers of the Guide. Mrs. McClinton has one child, one year old. Mr. McClinton is employed at the Ak-Sar-Ben. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith who op erate a business at 1406 North 24th St. have been at the above address for 18 months and have had a won derful success and thank their many friends and customers for their pat ronage. They are prepared a all times to feed the hungry with well cooked meals in a sanitary place. Mrs. Annie Robertson of 2834 Corby has been confined to her bed with the flu for a week. Miss Rob ertson says that the time passes so slow when you are sick with the flu; however she seems to be on the up and go now, she is able to visit her sister. Miss. Dorothey Alexander is a pleasant visitor from Chicago at the home of her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Carl Alexander on 24th and Franklin St. Mrs. Oeo. Douglas of 2620 Blondo has been confined in the St. Joseph Hospital for one month but at the present she is feeling fairly good. I wish to thank my worthy matrons. Secy, treasurer, and the entire body of the Princes O Zelan for their lovely card of appreciation during my hours of illness. We also thank the Zion Baptist Church for their kindness also the Elk's Chorus. We thank both for sending cards which were a pleasure to receive. Mrs. Matthews of 1131 North 20th St. little son has recovered suffic iently from the Pneumonia that he is able to sit up. I was somewhat surprised to see the little boy up and about. He is under the care of Dr. Wesley Jones. Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiillliiiiiii Lunch Room (At Myrtis’ Tavern) 2229 LAKE STREET (Under New Manager!*i.t I Lillian Anderson and Louise Finney, Proprietors "Prompt, Courteous Service'’ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart of 2115 Mardison St. are living com fortable in their home. Mr. Stewart is a meat inspector in the Cudahy Packing Co. He also has two boys in the Army, one in the South Pac ific and the other'in Germany. They are both Sgt‘s. Mrs. Stewart seems to be enjoying good health. Miss Lorraine Stewart is now attending Lincoln School in Jefferson City, Mo. Mrs. Clara Bolden of 6505 South 17th St. seems to be somewhat ill but nothing serious. Mr. and Mrs. Bolden have a beautiful home and they have five children, three boys and one girl. The boys are serving their Country. Mr. Bolden is work ing at Armour Packing Co. and has been for about ten years and still going strong. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reed of 2228 Madison recently moved to Omaha from Beatrice Nebraska. They have three beautiful children all boys. Mr. Reed works at the Fort Crook Plant. Mrs. Reed reports that she is well pleased with her new home and thinks she will like it better. Mrs. Reeds sister is living with them, Miss Lilia Mae Fortson and is looking for a job. Mrs. Rich of 986 North 25th Ave. has been sick since last May. She took sick suddenly but says she is feeling better at this writing and thinks she will be up in a few days. Her attending Physician is Dr. Her bert Wiggins. Mr. Rich is working at the Packing Plant. Mrs. Gertrude Zoes of 2530 Wash ington has a very little family jnd all linving comfortable. Mr. Zoes is working at Armour Packing Plant and has been for 23 years. Mrs. Zoe» has a nice lot of chickens, about one hundred. She reports that she is preparing for the future. Mr. and Mrs. Orange Mosley of 2534 Je>ffersan St. have a nice home and no children to annoy her she says. She is well satisfied with con ditions and ho^es for a bright future Mr. Mosley is working at the Swift Packing Co. now and has been for the last 20 years. Mr. and Mrs. M. Lambert of 2506 Jefferson St. have a family of three Mr. Lambert is working at Wilson Packing Plant and has been for 2 years. Oh, Boy, you should see those chickens and ducks they have they are well prepared for the future as far as eating is concerned. Mrs. Lambert is also working and every one seems to be getting along fine. Mr. Lambert ownes his home and four lots. Zaba Temple No. 52, A. E. O. N. M. S. entertained the Daughters of Isis, Wednesday March 28th at the Masonic Hall, 26th and Blondo which was largely attended and well en joyed yb all. Host and Hostess in cluded the members of the Min. Club and Shriners. Edward Buford, Potentate, Pearl Starks, 111., Com. Floyd Buckner Reporter. Mr. Lloyd Pryor of 350S Burdette is one of the most energetic and in dustrious young men of Omaha. He is now a waitor on the Union Pac ific and is going strong. Mrs. -Mary Brooks of 2856 Corby has been confined to bed for a month with the flu. She seems to be slowly recovering and hopes to be out soon. Mr. Johnny Carter of 1004 North 24th St. has lived in Omaha for four years and has been notified to leave for the Army at an ytime. We wish for him much luck on his way. Miss Juanita Fitch will leave Omaha for Reno, Nevada to make her home with her father. She has lived in Omaha for four months. We regret to lose her. WAITERS’ COLUMN HY DEAN H. W. SMITH WE. 6458 The Key Club Waiters welcome you and your friends at all times. The RR boys are serving on the rolling wheels these days. | Waiters at the^ BlackfUone are the tops on service. Fontenelle hotel on the up and go on very fine service. Omaha Club waiters with Capt. Earl Jones are always giving fine service to the members and their friends. Paxton hotel headwaiter and the streamlined crew going good. Regis hotel and White Horse Inn waiters doing a bang up job. James Robinson streamlined lun eh carman of the CP, George Lip ton, ex roast beef knight and H W Smith meet on North 24th St. Very much onto their jobs at the Hill Hotel are the waiters. Summer clubs will soon open and the boys will inhale the odor of the fresh green grass and leaves and hear the birdies sing. OAC waiters taking very good care of the large crowds who are very well pleased with the service— and the streamlined bartendar who can mix a high ball rolling on the ground until 11:40 pm., on Satur day night and he can call off a thousand member’s names on short notice. Omaha Chamber of Commerre with the Musirian headwaiter and his up and going crew alongside the Waldorf-Astoria chef are sure go ing places and doing things these busy days. The FEPC meeting at Zion Bap tist Church on Sunday afternoon| ’April 8th was a complete success. The address by Mrs. A. Hedgeman of Washington DC., Executive Sec retary of the National Council, was j to the point and she urged everyone present io lend a helping hand in urging the U. S. Senate for a perm anent FEPC. The Women’s Society of Christ ian Service sponsored a beautiful beautiful reception after the clos ing service at Clair Chapel Sunday afternoon April 8. The very fine ladies were at their very best on serving refreshments and extend ing a welcome to all as they are tops on all occasions. The Omaha Guide always hopes for the society, much success in any REAL SHOE MAN IFONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR (ASH & CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. ij —CARL CRIVERA— O’Neil & Gray, Contractors —Specializing in— • Interior and Exterior Decorating, • All Kinds of Brick & Cement Work Done. —Material Agency for— LUMBER-PAINT-ROOFING & GLASS Call JA6340 Office at 2433 Parker L. 50 WOMEN WANTED! WOMEN FOR PROCESSING FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES We Will Need SO Women (Over 13 Years of Age) Job Starts Not later than April 16th ' Contact Our Employment Office FOR FULL DETAILS Fairmont Creamery Co. 12th & JACKSON STS. AH hiring must conform with WMC Stabilization Plans. ' thing they undertake. THE WEEK by H W SMITH U. S Senator Wherry gains a point in the discussion on food shortage which was expected to reach a climax Friday April 6th. County Commissioner Edward Jelen on a leave of absence, died in a U S. Naval hospital in Nor folk Va„ Friday, April 6th. The Four engine Boeing bomber plane Number 80, strengthened its claim to that title when it logged its 7,000 hours in the air Thursday April 5th. The 25 billion dollar appropriation bill to finance the Navy against Japan will be ready for the house when it ends its Easter recess the week of April ftth. The NY court of appeals upheld a lower court’s ruling of a fee of 810,175 in a bank suit in Albany, NY., April 5th. John L Lewis and soft coal op erators were up to the last meeting with the WLB in Washington DC Friday April 6th—the government has now taken over the coal mines. The whole population of nearly 5,000 helped with shovels and sacks to save the town of Natchez, La„ from flood waters Friday April 6. Congressman Monroney of Okla., told other Representatives he hoped the Easter holiday was a happy one and that they better come back as there was much yet to be done. A truckload of creamery butter from Falls City, Nebraska it is rumored that it may have been hi jacked by Black market operators somewhere in Iowa as it was found in Chicago—the driver still missing. Do you read the Greater Omaha Guide. ? Pope Pius has omitted the prac tice of offering his hand to be kiss ed during general audiences it was announced Thursday, April 5th. The U S Chamber of Commerce asked members if it wants to sup port pending legislation to outlaw royalty payments to unions. The War Labor Board called for an immediate end of a strike of John Morrell and Company at Ot tuma, Iowa plant, April 5th. A new oil well has been brought in South of Salem. Nebraska. A distant cousin of Mrs. John W Higham, 75, of Raleigh, NO., was questioned by police April 5th. Are you very much pleased with the enlarged Omaha Guide—if so tell others—if not tell us. An army training plane fell while making an emergency landing near Missouri valley, Iowa Sat., April 7. Charles G. Burt, 97 years old, is the only living member of the Grand army of the Republic. He resides in Sprinfield, Mass and he elected himself State Commander, last Saturday, April 7th. A 13 year old boy fell over a 75 foot bluffs in St. Louis—he suffer ed severe injuries but was recov ering Saturday, April 7th. Mrs. Marcia Jones 2420 North 19th St., East Omaha, spades her own garden. Ignoring signals caused the col. lUion on the Southern Facific RR on February 11th which caused the injury of 177 persons—was the find ings of the Interstate Commerce Commission April 7th. Read The Omaha Guide. Mr. C. C. McDonald the wide a wake representative of the Improv ed Omaha Guide will greet you with a smile and thank you in advance for a one year’s subscription and make it known in the next issue. So please be on the lookout for him The State of Georgia reports that 36.500 sharecroppers are buying farms under the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. More than 25, 500 of these are in the South. Geo rgia is a banner state in tenant pur chases. If you are pleased with the Week Column tell your friends—if not tell the Improved Omaha Guide HA 0800. Floyd Starks Dies Mr. Floyd Starks, 57, died Sunday evening at his residence, 2121 Lake Street. Mr. Starks had been a resi dent of this community forty years. He was porter at the Dundee Bar ber Shop and had been employed for ten years by W. S. Willoughby. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Kathryn Starks. Funeral services were^ield Thursday afternoon from The Thomas Funeral Home, 2022 Lake Street, with Kev. F. C. Wil liams officiating-, liuriail w(& at Forest Lawn cemetery. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiin 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS WE. 0609 DUFFY PHARMACY lllllllillillllllimmmiiimiimmimm I ■■■■■ -x 1 Here’s a SENSIBLE way h v to relieve MONTHLY S k FEMALE MINI Lydia E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Com pound is /amoua not only to relic a periodic pain but also accompany: nervous, tired, hlghstrung feeling: - ■when due to functional monthly c - turbances. Taken regularly—It hei j build up resistance against sucii syn: p toms. Plnkham’s Compound help* - .1 ture! Follow label directions. Try ltl JjjcUa* £. (Pon&k&nid coiiwvuHD New Location James E. Richeson <5P FLORISTS —“Jimmy’s Flower Shop’’— 4702 N. 30th KE-8845 MONDAY, MARCH 19TH k__ A mm Yes, smart women and men by the thousands know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint ment works to relieve the itching of many exter nally caused pimples, rashes, "spots” eczema and ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer’s SKIN SUC CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 year*. Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times as much). At all stores or from E. T. Browne Drug Co., 127 Water St., New York City. Help complete complexion l>eauly with Palmerf* SKIIS SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) 25c V 'psCLCnteAX This is an illusion but this is NOT! The ^ average American family gets about twice as much electricity for Its money today as it did 15 years ago Yes, the first is a trick, but the second is a fact — a fortunate fact for you. By using more and more electricity over the years, you’ve helped us reduce the price to a point where the average family now gets about twice as much electricity as it did 15 years ago for the same money. Keeping the price of electricity pinned down to the floor in wartime is a much tougher job than keeping a pin-up girl floating i.i mid-air! It takes much more than magic. It takes care ful planning and hard work on the part of loyal, faithful employees. Nebraska Power Company DON'T WASTE ELECTRICITY JUST BECAUSE IT'S CHEAP AND ISN'T RATIONED!