Anne Brown, T he beautiful concert singer who HAS FORSAKEN BROADWAY FOR THE CONCERT STAGE ONCS TURNED DOWN AN OFFER OF $75,000.- FOR A TWOYE.AR ROAD TOUR WITH'PORGY AND BESS'. EDUCATED. AT MORGAN COLLEGE IN BALTIMORE; COLUMBIA'S TEACHERS COLLEGE IN N.Y. AND NEW YORKS JULUARD SCHOOL OF MUSIC HER FAME SKYROCKETED WHEN SHE WAS DISCOVERED r BY THE LATE GEORGE V GERSHWIN AND PLAYER THE ORIGINAL BESS ,g IN' PORGY AND fct ^^BESS.' COPVftlfirtT APPLIED fm j **» WHO HAS / AVERAGE D^QQOG ►) A YEAR FOR OVER R TEN YEARS,WAS *| ONCE LURED FROM g the Birmingham I BARONS AT *10 A WEEK ■ TDTHENEWORLEAHS I BLACK PELICANS FOR nHE5yM0^5!^fRMft A NAVY VESSEL WITH A MIXED CREW. OF THE U S. COAST GUARD IS THE FIRST NEGRO COMMISSIONED OFFICER IN THE NAVY. WITH 23 YEARS OF SERVICE BEHIND HIM HE HAS SERVED IN NEARLY EVERY GRADE. HE IS THE FIRST NEGRO OFFICER TO COMMAND * ' I Attention! Home-Makers! —FREE— Cooking School Classes EVERY TUESDAY—1:30 P.M. Under the Personal Direction of Mrs. Alta B. Weymuller, our Home Service Director Gas Bungalow — Utilities Bldg. 18th AND HARNEY IChatterBox I BY DORIS McGILI, III GAITS! Since this week has been | bad out and we wish everyone good | luck— so don't go out and get hurt It LEAKED OIT that GC. and EB were together Sunday week a go and. had a ery nice time, alone— with them riding were IHj BMi JH, and MF! HB looks as if she will be lonely until after D-Day in China—Ha! — Why is it that IJ. got jealous be cause BS kissed AC goodbye? (I Wonder?) Why did FM stop working at the Rock—did he quit or??? Come back Freddie—we miss you. M. Carter seems to be getting calls eery evening at the Rock—are they from CM or ??? LOOK OUT MARY! Why is it that RB takes so many days or is OLD AGE coming up, ha! ha! THE DANCE Friday was a good deal— among the crowd Pearl F. was crowned Queen. King to be announced later—among the crowd were June St. Clair, Naomi V., Lil lian S., Helen E, Dorothy L., Rose Manor L„ Paul O., Nolean W., Ka therine Me, Doris McGill, Ruth B , Barbara B., Louise S., Inola Moore Ella West J , Donnie Davis, Wm. Payton, Skipper, Viola Seay, Imo gene Perry, Helen W., Delores G. Betty Sherman, oRbert Rodges, Bil ly Rudd, Morrow W , Evelyn J. etc. WHO was the certain chix who wears a blue head scarf in school— could it be BP-? THE BIRTHDAY PARTY given for Lewis Cullen was only sharp! SURPRISE!!! AM decided to for get RM!! Aletlia Norman is back in the fair city,. RW got JSC a bottle of pop - mark it down girls!-^ Vivian Turner had a birthday Tuesday—Happy Birthday (18 year old) . - J J. Me and BR. are still going to gether—happy rorpance you 2! Lee McDavis, Sonny Triggs, Joe Glass, Jack Harris, Clifford Session and . are are home Swell to see you back boys! Dorothy Watson and her Pvt. ALA sure are truly in love! When are they going to get hitched? Connie and AHS are becoming better friends lately! What about j that?? I . Why was BM and WD dancing to gether at the party last thurs’ . was all the girls high or couldn’t they do any better? JG is back lookin’ very nice in his Navy uniform. CR better known as Buster, act Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back. Kidney, Bladder Gas. Constipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown Nerves, Cramps, Rheumatism, Boss of Womanhood, and Manhood, try this medicine. Send $2.00 for an 8 ounce bottle. We also ship C.O.D., postage and money order fee extra. THE SPIRITUAL HEALTH GENIRE 121 \. lllh St. Philji., Pa. ed up like a bad boy Sat. nite—. he really had a good timej didn’t you Buss!??? BM also sang Red Wagon nice voice BM!) LJ was up in my naborhood last w'eek what was he looking for? I forgot LB lives up there. Why was Betty Stewart rrying at work? Did I overhear that all the people were mad at her or what? B Jones is getting too big to keep up so-o much noise-Keep your voice down Bubble! CD—LB EB— WB were at the show Sunday—they seem to be hav ing lots of fun (Hey CD?) TH and his friend were walking home last Wednesday were they embarrassed or was it just a nice day out—ha, ha—THEODORE! TM is back looking nice in his yellow accessories of scarf and glov es. Gladys Stewart’s husband Thom as is now stationed in Fort Bel voirT Va., wishing he was here with her. Why is CS denouncing his wife, has he found that she has a new lover? We wish that each and every member of the Tomorrow’s Club would attend Zion Baptist Church next Sunday time 7:30! Why is it that RW cut out from BS? Ts it because IJ had doingrs with it.??? Dorothy B is lonely. has her old flame died out? Where has LaRue been. he's off the streets now!! ECASH!!! Cleveland Marshall got an A in American Hist’. II, (Good deal fellow!) Why is it that TR is trying to break BG's heart.after all Toney she loves you. Why did certain girls get mad at certain things that were put in the last week’s paper? (after all girls the truth hurts). Why did BJ stay rome from school? You weren't too sick to go get your cleaning? Where has Harold J been keeping himself?—come out Harold. Aneta P was looking nice last Thurs’.look out boys! Why did JSC slap DP’s face last Wens?.Certain people would like to know! Is EW still in love with FB? IN A CORNER—sitting in a corn er Sat nite was it because JW was not there? On the way home Wens did we really see LJ and KM? i What has happened to the TNT Club? We don’t hear much about them anymore! The going away party for Rubeun was strictly on the ball!! JEAN;!! I thought U and Harry Poet’s Corner “MY EASTER PRAYER” (by T. Hodges Goodwin) Lord on this bright Easter morn, I bow to make my plea; In humble adoration; For what Thou’s done for rfte! Thou rose up on this morning, Many hundred years ago; ’Cause the world was dying: And Thou did love it so. Included in Thy rising: Was such a worm as I; he root of all Thy sorrow: The cause Thou had to die! I humbly how dear Savior The only way I know; i To thank Thee for Thy blessings My feeble love to show! Forgive my every weakness: Grant things I fail to ask; Bless when I vainly say things— Help me to do my task! Let love’s assimilation. Bind every creed and race; That each may love each oher: And seek Thy Holy place! Lord this sweet Easter Sabbath: Let me my vows renew; Help me arise this Easter: To love no God but Thee! Father give me firm desires. To walk the narrow' way; Make all my years be Holy, And not just Easter -day. Lord grant this prayer I pray, My truest—surest friend; Let each day be my Easter— For Thine Own sake—Amen!!! —T. Hodges Goodwin. | Louis Jordan All Set For Record Return At Paramount \ LOIl'S JORDAN, SENSATIONAL HAND LEADER had broke up? I guess it’s love! HA! HA! Have you heard JW has received her engagement ring (I wonder who it’s from?) SURPRISE there will be a par ty given by the Victory Club . Date May 24 Place to be an nounced ! Betty Bryant is getting better looking. Che£1c your men girls! TO UNCLE SAM NOW—Boys who will be leaving for Uncle Sam’s Hill II III Mill llll III III IIII III III! 111! Ill IIIII [ lodgings soon are: Albert Beverly, and Janies Turner (good luck boys) . others Frank Cottrell, Vergil Mitchell, Billy' Cunningham, (Ken neth Graham?) » GUESS WHO!! • Hobby, eating Height 5 ft. 3% inches Weight, 175 Hair, dark black Eyes dark brown Nick name Mr. Five by Five Prep Peeve, to become a better member of a certain club. Last week’s guess, who was Charlene West. CHATTERBOX, SIGNIN' OFF “WOMAN HATER” ■f ■ The women at home are very un true. They will tell" you they love you And are waiting for you. Why they will do it, no man can tell, But their continuous lying— Will lead them to Hell. N you are a Soldier, take my advice » Stay away from the women— For I have tried it twice. They will tell you they love you, And they would be true But where did they leave me? Not happy but Blue. When I return home, And these Battles are won To raise me some children, It shall only be one. I will buy him a gun. And an extra good light— To watch my woman. While I’m asleep at night. No boys that’s my story You will find to be true. When you get home tomorrow Wrhat will you do? Find you a woman, And make her your wife, Get you a shotgun And watch her for life. Tvt. Earston Chaney, 38331403, Co., "D” 390th Engrs. Regt. APO. 350-C-O PM New York, NY JUST LET ME NOT FORGET I've learned the reel of Army talk I learned the feel of fire; I’ve learned the rifle and grenade. The sands and mud and mire. I've learned the proper battle dress, I’ve learned to camouflage; I learned the way to parachute, And mend a fuselage. I've learned what general orders are. I've learned the arms and ranks; Ive learned to wield a bayonet. And how to fire at tanks. 1 ve learned a thousand things or more. So very new to me— ! Just let me not forget, ‘DEAR SPOT JOBS!! Do vou need money right now? Pay every day in Armour's Cured Hide department. 1 ots < " over time, pleasant working conditions, ( an aho use part time workers. Armour & Co. 28th and ‘Q’ Sts. USES Referral Required LORD’, The way I use to be. Pvt. Eaniton Chaney, Co., “D” 390th Engrs., Regt., APO., 350 C-O PM, New York. NY Governor Issues Proclamation WHEREAS, our nation is enter ing a most critical period in its struggle against tyranny and op pression, and WHEREAS, the present economy and future prosperity of the nation is threatened by the unguarded use of our earnings and savings at this time, and WHEREAS, the amount of pur chasable goods is constantly dimin ishing while earnings and accumu lations of money are greater than ever before in our history and WHEREAS, the financing of the war effort constitutes our first and most important responsibility on the home front if we are to keep faith with our sons and daughters in the service, and WHEREAS, the proper use and investment of our money at this time will help assure the mainten ance of the homes, communities and opportunities to which these boys and girls of ours constantly dream of returning. NOW, THEREFORE, I Dwight Griswold, Governor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim the month of April, 1945 as “GET READY MONTH”’ for the Seventh War Loan Drive which will official ly and nationally be conducted dur ing May and June. I urge each and every citizen of this state to take solumn account of his financial ab 5 PLANS TO SING BERT WILLIAMS’ TINE (by DelorfN Calvin) I NEW YORK CITY (Calvin's News Service) This week, Louis Jordan, sensational bandleader playing the Apollo Theatre, was busy getting ready for a grand comeback into the Paramount Theatre June 13th. He just closed his first engagement there February 27th, after three weeks of wowing Broadwayites. To get ready he’s ordering summer uniforms for the boys and searching for new tunes. He plans to sing "That Couldn't Happen to Nobody Else but Me", a song Bert Williams made famous in the old days. His return Paramount date is a record no one else has set. It seems that Harry Levine, theatre talent selector and Bob Weitman, managing director of the Paramount house, agreed that no one but Louis Jordan has stimulated so their pat ronage in the last five years—that is no one but Frank Sinatra! So. they booked him and his band to come back in less than SH months. In addition, they're trying to find a way to get the inimitable Jordan in pictures under tneir own Dan ner. They claim that every star | they built has signed with another studio. Harry James with MGM: J Frank Sinatra with RKO, and so on. Their scout, Borris Kaplan, inter viewed Louis during his three weeks at the theatre and suggested that his studio might cast him in a comedy role as a musician and an actor. But they put in their bid to be sure they get him for Paramount Meanwhile. Louie, untouched by the fuss the Paramount is making oer him, is still going on as sched uled—doing theatre dates until June 13th. Next week, Louis Jordan and band play the Howard Theatre in Washington then one nighters thru Virginia and North Carolina, to the Paradise in Detroit, April 27th . ility to support the war effort by investing his money in War Bonds to speed victory and insure the re storation of normal peacetime liv ing. I particularly urge employers and employees to fully cooperate with the plans for launching this "get ready" period with a special drive for "extra” payroll deduction starting on Monday, April 2nd. I al so urge the various service and luncheon clubs of the state and the school princaples, teachers and pup ils to lend every possible assistance — - - _ I ClimaxTailor & Hat Cleaning -SHOP —1837 NORTH 24TH STIEET— We have installed some brand new Hat equipment. “For Better N Sendee Try U%.” • Dry Cleaning & Pressing Well Done. (Bring Your Hat with Your Suit) —For Pickup Call JA-4117 J. If. ANDREWS Proprietor ____£ Vote For CARL A. JOHNSON —for— City Commissioner • 18 years practical experience in City Departments Member of American Fejgion ami Veteran* of Foreran War* (I* di'.ica! Advertisement) (Political Advertisement) in the carrying out of their assigned task in this vitally important pro gram to assure its complete and outstanding success. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Nebr aska to be offixed. Done at the Capitol,in the city of Lincoln, this the 30th day of March, in the year of Our Lord* Nineteen Hundred and Forty five. s Dwight Griswold (STATE SEAL) By the Govenor: s Frank Marsh Secretary of State. To Renew your 1945 Subscription,. ,A" HA-0800 McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop. 2423-25 NORTH 24th St. WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. t« 1 L » Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges — WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. w U> 1 a. m. JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS "Time and Tide Wait on No Man" NOW IS THE TIME TO GET VOUR SHOES REBUILT . . Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work” LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST headache I 15 SUCH A I BIG I little THING ALL SET for a good full day’s work when a nagging head ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. • • Ready for an evening of relax ation and enjoyment — a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? If not why not? You can get Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your drug store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the economy package even cheaper. Why not get a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions and use only as directed. Your money back if you are jpot satisfied. fc THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned, Edited, Published and Circulated by Negroea to servo the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points tho wav to Success and Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year's subscription will bo given "THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE," tho practical ddo of Money Handling that will inoka yog ■ successful person. •end your order today So THE NEGRO WORKER Box m-a Tggfcegeo Institute. AMtM Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back ! When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat I Jng gas. aour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines know: for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ans Tablets. No laxative. Bell-ans brings comfort in a Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to us. 25c at all druggists. i Men and women who suffer nagging aches and pains caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago want to relieve such symptoms promptly. To get such relief ... try ALLENRU! Mix 2 table spoons of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of folks use ALLENRU. Get ALLENRU today . . . 85c at any drug store.