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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1945)
QUIRE EDGEGATE-More Convert* for the Overall Brigade ___IV LOUIS ftICB —* /’/vi qnxious To «nov* [he's So Toss* Bout DON-v /-CO"| VvHt) T Trt SQUIRE THi**3 \TH>M*S &HD ^l_W^VS (StOC5 E5 JCH a./K’t ^ or ~»W»S OUTFil— ; W/^/VTS mE TO 3E rS!n&H IH Gr- . 1 PlCE>? OP TX HE hot i.£T HIT I T>/CrH IpltO — / H £ t) R __ _ , ( | I w- rauT ' H^D t/vEAW £ HI IM Th C.OUQT I H/hi C. O hi i ai in HOW T/MO”H V • | ©OhsE -r-o -/ Room ' -JUST wQTCH M/h1 ^-^E i-OO/i1 I wvfs-*- ^ ,^T£5T HUCKLEBERRY FINN , , _ ■ ——-- — ““ ^ _ I I ---*■-> I i Huck F(HH, nou Look like. \ Don't L\ke •rap rtice. clothes — v\(S5 V/aKOM GoT -{OJ v/nerl SHE APOPtE^^V L- LITTLE MAGNOLIA I "-’TL y'OYOU offiBreirr T * „ ■£ HAP JUST f WELL .WHEN SHE \——S'V~_-_ J ENJOY YOUf? .g^&g&NsI HAPPENED? gWEN 20 f T&LO ME I HAD Wt/~WlTHOUT ^ f. she St me *-Pg*w«s eaten *o-xlj| HftVING /IN . AUNT CLAIRES, MAO'. . nSSef KEPT SOT PEEVEO AT BEE^KFASY/A L MPIGNOUHi 1 WRTCNING m ,A FOR COUNTING ■k. " ME' 9 ^ * BREEZY By T. MELVIN J . * f HEY BREEZY-^-- IT'S THIS MATH T^AYYviR. BUB/ YOU "OUCrHTA GET) j^SAYS RA&&ITS) WAIT UP^WWHAT^ ^ HOME WORK/IT UTORR^ME ONE OF THO£E EASTER^ } MULTIPLY VBKYr^ (COOKIN'£U£?y >TAKESMEAN€PBTSHOR UNNIES HE'5 SELLINCr-t [QUICKLY/cjJagC Y/oallijVv^ r-^ hour jus'roDoV man'll ieur how wiuT JIM STEELE By MELVIN TApTeY <5cM£WHeRe in India: ' - AND SPARKY RAN AFTB|2.A^RC IOD4PeR<mm QUARRY R£P/Ym we YARD AND AppBAR^p in ofoe of me aiiLDiN6^/ WH6NJ WOYBDKf iNroffSHo^rtfs MAN TfieY WORD Y^Y'^AAYOM '60H£ClOO& *'<( JACK DAVIS By TED WATSON V/O/ID &£ CO/JVC VBOA'6 UJO.V /F ■ s Tut ca*> oav'r t • . ■ ' ' '1. 1 , V . . “ “ ! i . T .1 I i | l IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE Note: Don’t worry needlessly . . . when yonr mind is weighted down with worry J and you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend please write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . just include a dipping of the column with your letter. For a “private reply” send 25e for ABBE’S 1344 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (3) ques tions. Please send a stamped (Sc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign pour full name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and eon fine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE’ WALLACE SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX II — ATLANTA. GEORGIA ABBE'S NEW 1945 READINGS ARE NOW READY J. C.—1 have a sister and she and < I nev r did pet along. I’ve tried everything I could to help her and she has a little girl which Is eight years old. She was cut of schoolt staying in the country with my grandmother. Grandmother let her come to stay with me and go to j school. This child has never stay-1 ed with my sister, when she was a baby I kept her. then she took her to my grandmother"*?. Now since I have her here with me she wants me to send her to her. She writ es letters sojing what sh'es going to do if I don't send the child home. 1 feel that lm more able to keep her than my sister. I want to know what is it that I can do to make my sister see that I'm trying to help her? ^ An?: Send the youngster back to her mother ar.d prevent all this fam ily bickering. If you persist in go ing against your sister's wishes, re garding the child, it will make her all the more determined that you do not share her daughter in the future. But if you turn her over willingly now and she finds she is not able to look after her, she will j be more willing to let you take ov er her responsibility if such should become the case. Your chief con cern is for the welfare of the child, but go ahead and cooperate with your sister and try to work things out, as she is the legal guardian of the child. M L, P —I have been married 9 years my husband and I are sep arated, and have been for three years. He is in the army. I get his money every month. He wants me to take him back: he promises lie will not get drunk and fight a gain. I do not love him, only feel sorry for him. I do not feel justi fied in receiving money from him. not loving him It keeps me wor ried all the time. Tell me what to do Ans: If you have no intention ' of taking your husband back, then ‘ follow the dictates of your heart and refuse to accept the allotment he sends you each month. As it is is he's expecting to come home, make peace with you and start all over would really be cruel o deceive him. You have other social interests now and if your mind is made, up, it is better to iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiimii face the music now, than later. M. S.—A girl is in love with me and she is very nice to me in all kinds of ways. I am in the army overseas and don’t know whether I am in love with her and don’t want to break her heart. Will you give me some advice? I have seen her quite awhile and have not done anything wrong I know of, after the war is over I don’t want to dis appoint her. Please advise me. Ans: Facing your problem squarely and honesly is an admir able thing to do. You don’t know whether you love the girl or not and you should not obligate your self while you are separated. Young people are inclined to imagine them selves in love under adverse condi tions when in reality they are not congenially suited at all. For this reason a person in your position should be very vareful in commit ting yourself to anyone. Your friend back home appears to be very fond of you and if this fond ness is sincere she will not rush you after you return home . decide then if it’s the real thing. E C M —I read your column | every week and decided to write to J see if you could help me solve this love problem. I am 16 years old and am in love with two boys. One boy is from our home town and the other is from out of town. Both are in service in France. One of them writes me sometimes twice a week and says he loves me and will mar ry me when he comes home. The other one seems to love me also and wants to marry me. I love both of them. But I really cannot marry both of them. The one that's from my home town, his people seem to like me, can you tell me if both of them'love me or not? Please tell me which should I marry? I am puzzled up in my love affairs so please help me out. Ans.—-These boys are bestowing upon you quite an honor in asking your hand in marriagei but as you say, you cannot marry them both therefore> it is extremly important that you do not encourage either boy to such an extent that they may expect marriage upon their return. No decision should be made until they return home and you have an opportunity to go with them both under normal conditions for a per iod of time. When writing to these two G. I.'s keep your letters at an even keel and avoid the issue of marriage. tell them there will be time for that when they return home. Cheerfull newsy letters cer tainly add greatly to the comfort of the soldiers overseas. tid* FOAMY MEDICATIONS ;7 v/? </< Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap is a special soap containing the same costly medication as 104 year proved Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment. Whip up the rich cleansing FOAMY MEDICATION with finger tips, wash cloth or brush and allow to remain on 3 minutes. Amazingly quick results come to many skins afflicted with pimples, blackheads, itching of eczema and rashes externally caused that need the scientific hygiene action of Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Soap. For your youth-clear, soft loveliness, give your skin this luxurious 3 minute foamy medication-treatment 25c. Also use Palmer’s “SKIN SUCCESS” Ointment 25f at toilet counters everywhere or from E. T. Browne Drug Company, Inc., 127 Water Street, New York 5, N. Y. ^ ' "We’re waiting for the gal that comes on the 6:00 to 9:00 shift She gives us each a bowl of Wheaties too!” iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin 24th and Lake Sts. PRESCRIPTIONS I1 roe lloliwtt_ WE. 0609 DUFFY pharmacy Wise Americans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Due to Colds —With Buckley's "Canadiol'' Almost instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right 1 away it loosens up thick choking phlegm— opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. There’s real economy in Buckley's all ] medication—no syrup. Half to one tea- j spoonful will convince the most skeptical. > Get Buckrey’s “CANADIOL” the cough mixture that’s entirely different—more ef fective—faster in action—take it for more restful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. j HEAL SHOE MAN It FONTENELFF. SHOE REPAIR ('ASH & CARRY CLEANER t 1410 North 24th St. \ —CARL CK1VERA— "Next Door” by teo sheare* 1 ... , ■ — . ..... “At last I’ve heard from the wife—her allotment is late”. --^ TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN “Don’t men look funny pretending they’re asleep?’’ COMIC cavalcade ) AHH... A BLONDE /— IOOYOU1 l/OT?.' I \ YOU BELIEVE THAI* /ARYAN J BOOT// L--7 HAVE ANY OTHER '—^ REFUSE.' H'M.1 HE'S THE MAN I VILL FLY MIT r ALTERNATIVE ?WOULD HE ISS / WE DEPEND ON FOR YOU! YOU care to MEET the of AN \ OUR LIVES OVER MOST IMPORTANT MAN INFERIOR I THIS WATER ABOARD...CAPTAIN IZ^Y RACE.' COURSE, GENERAL J EPSTEIN, OUR PILOT? ENOUGH OF SUCH WOULD YOU CARE TO YAH! DER SECRET YEAH! SECRET WEAPON TALK.' ACH. SEE JUST HOW YOU WEAPON UNO OER —VETERAN PilOT SHOULD HAVE BEEN WERE BROUGHT TO VETERAN PILOT RELAX,GENERAL.' BROUGHT DOWN THlS,GENERAL, AND DOT COULD RENDER THIS IS THE BEACH TO THIS.' BY WHOM? I HAVE ME HORS DE COM3AT AT AnZiO . „ A PROJECTOR HERE y VOULD BE CF ^ AND FILMS/p^ GREAT INTEREST.' PMl&EE/OUR DIVE YEAH...THERE'S A X MIT P-40'S ? BAH! BOMBERS ARE COMING FEW OF THE BOYS \ VERY INFERIOR TO IN TO STRAFE YOUR FROM OUR 99 TH OUR CRAFT.' NO LANDING CRAFT] SQUADRON GOING / OOU0T PER SUPERIOR . UP TO MEET YOUR / GERMAN PILOTS VA[~7focke-wulfs... / SHOOT DEM All _ / /// i mo -— _down in flames.'