The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 07, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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HELIX), everybody! This is sta
tion Y W C. A operating on a
frequency of 180 degrees during the
month of Aril from 9:00 A M to 10
p M , broadcasting the greatest
women have ever heard of. Our
slogan is: “Fill Every Angle of the
Blue Triangle! Become a member
of the Y W <' A
Here at the Northside, we are in
an Air Corps with a full staff of
who will call on you for your mem
bership. The COLONEL, MRS. AN
NA MARY KENNEDY is calling up
on every officer both PILOT AND
CAPTAIN, to do her full duty. Let’s
put the BLUE TRIANGLE over this
Mrs. Anna Mary Kennedy,
Chairman of the Drive.
which we have been writing for the
last two or three weeks is now ar
ranged. This class will begin at
the YWCA , MONDAY, APRIL 23rd,
promptly at 8 P M Classes will
be held twice er week, that is on
Mondays and Fridays of each week
from 8 to 10 pm. for three weeks.
Ladies lease take note of the hours
and be on time.
over a grand St. Patrick’s Day Tea
at the YWCA and the Chairman
wishes to thank all the ladies who
were so loyal.
Dr. Wesley Jones of 1514 1-2 No.
24th. St. is a very busy man these
days. Sometime ago Dr. Jones was
■so sick he was compelled to walk ori
his ip toes but Dr. looks real well
now and still raring to go.
Mrs. Alice Norris of 2322 Paul St.
is busy as a hen with ora chicken.
We understand that she has a little
baby boy that keeps her entertained
at all times while Pvt. Norris enter
tains the Japs.
Mrs. Carry Washington of 5637 So
24th. has been a resident of Omaha
for seven years. She formerly lived
in Arkansas then moved to Kansas
City where she lived three years be
fore coming to Omaha. She has one
daughter living and one deceased.
She is a great admirer of the
Church and enjoys the services. Mrs
Washington says she has a son
somewhere in the World and any in
formation concerning him will be
appreciated. His name is Emanuel
L. Moorman. Last heard of in South
Bend. Indiana. Age 44 or 45. He was
tailed “Red" for short. His mother
New & Used Furniture
Complete Line—Paint Hardware
We Buy, Sell and Trade
2511-13 North 24th— 24th & Lake
WEbster 2224—
“Everything' For Tty Home’'
for both parties. Relieves asthma,
colds, pains, bronchitis, sinus and
nervous disorders- Send $1.00 for 8
oz-; 50c-3 oz-; 25c-l oz.; Pay postage
on delivery. "FISHER'S FAMOUS
FORMULA 77, 914 E. Long St-.
Columbus, 3, Ohio. Agents Wanted
Thousands hiTt
learned from me how
I broke the whiskey spell. If alco
hol is rotting your Home, Health
and Happiness, let me tell you the
way to end the curse of Drink. Get
the answer to vour Drohlem. write
NEWTON, Dept. CPl, P O. Box
861. Hollywood California
WHEN Functional Nervous
Disturbances such as Sleep
lessness, Crankiness, Excitability,
Restlessness or Nervous Headache
interfere with your work or spoil
your good times, take
* Dr. Miles Nervine
(Liquid or Effervescent Tablets)
Nervous Tension can make you
Wakeful, Jittery, Irritable. Ner
vous Tension can cause Nervous
Headache and Nervous Indiges
tion. In times like these, we are
more likely than usual to become
overwrought and nervous and to
wish for a good sedative. Dr.
Miles Nervine is a good sedative
—mild but effective.
_ If you do not use Dr. Miles
Nervine you can’t know what it
will do for you. It comes in
Liquid and Effervescent Tablet
form, both equally soothing to
tense and over-wrought nerves.
*Get it at your drug store.
Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*,
Liquid 25* and $1.00. Read direc
tions and use only as directed.
Mrs. Carry Carter Norman Wash
ington, 5637 So. 24th. St. Omaha
Rev. J. B. Brooks of 5235 So. 26th
Pastor of Allen A. M. E. Church is
the father of three childrent two
boys and one girl. Rev. Brooks has
a very lively and active congregat
ion. At present he is confined to his
home with the flu. We hope for him
a speedy recovery. Mrs. Brooks says
that she admires the Guide so much
and will subscribe later. I left her
reading one.
Mrs. T. Williams of 5220 So. 30th
had an entertainment at her res
idence in interest of the Missionary
Society. Those present were Mrs. G.
Terry, Mrs. Rozella Robertson, Mrs.
Ulla May Terry t acting Sec'y. Re
marks by the Pastor Rev. E. D.
Johnson. Refreshments were served
and all had an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Estelle Taylor of 5215 So.
25th St. reported that Pvt. James
Jackson, her son in law left for
Seattle. Washington last night,
March 26th. He just ended his fur
lough which lasted 14 days Every
one enjoyed his stay and wish for
the day that he will come home to
Mrs. J. D. Hines 2523 Q Street has
a real nice tailor shop and everyone
seems to be busy. She reports that
business is very good, she has all
she can do and more too. They have
a real nice place of business.
Mrs. Pearl Snell of 2420 P St. just
arrived back after visiting relatives
and friends. Mrs. Snell reports she
had a very nice time. While there
she visited with the Churches both
Baptist and Methodist. She had a
lovely time.
Mr. Nelly of 5220 So. 28th St. is a
busy man gathering junk and iron.
Mr. Nelly reports that he is doing
nicely, that junk is always in de
mand. He finds lots of rags and
scrap in the alleys.
Mr. and Mrs. Idella Tease of 2424
P St. came here from Boley, Okla.
about three months ago. Since com
ing she has worked in the Southside
Laundry and her husband' is work
ing at Swift and Co. Mrs. Tease says
she likes the Omaha Guide and will
be a constant reader.
Mr. Dan Watts of 5108 So. 25th
St. now has a combination band of
his own. He is now leaving for the
State of Missouri and other points
before returning. He also expects to
visit his mother before returning
home. His mother lives in Sacro
mento, Calif.
Mrs. Daisy Taylor of 5038 So. 25th
has a visitor Mrs. Enestine Taylor
her mother-in-law and her stay is
indefinite. She reports having a
very nice time. Mrs. Daisy Taylor's
husband is stationed overseas. She
hears from him constantly, they
have one daughter.
Mr. F. Brown of 2715 R St. has
been confined to his home for more
than a year. He was working at
Swift Packing Plant when he was
stricken but at the present he re
ports that he feels somewhat better.
Mrs. Neal 2810 R St. reports that
her mother Mrs. Helena Tartide and
sisted Mable Tartide are visiting her
sister Mrs. Mary Cartel- of Lawrence
Kansas. They will remain there for
three or four months after which
they will return to our City.
Mrs.*,Rebecca Hickman of 5610 So
25th St. just newly married to Mr.
Chas. Hickman who is now working
for the Government as a soap maker
Mr. Hickman enjoys his work while
Mrs. Hickman takes care of the
Mrs. Lou Gils of 2217 North 29th
St. has lived at the above address
for many years. They have accum
ilated a very nice little home. Mr.
Giles has worked in the packing
plant for 43 years. Mrs. Giles wrote
the President of the Street Car Co.
Mr. Fred Hamilton asking him to
have the Bus stop on 29th and Grant
St. which was granted. The bus for
merly stopped on 30th and Grant St
then stopped at 29th and Lake St.
three or four blocks that one was
compelled to walk. Ithink those who
ride the bus should be very thank
ful to Mrs Giles for her quick think
ang and sympathy for her neighbors
We join in one voice to say to you
“Thanks Mrs. Giles, may you live
long and do many good deeds for
your neighbors.
Mrs. I Johnson 3136 R St. has a
comfortable home and has one son
in the Army now stationed in
Africa. He reports that he is doing
nicely. Mr. Johnson has worked for
Swift and Co. for 10 years and is
still going strong.
Mrs. Jacquline Campbell has
moved from 2617 Caldwell St. to the
home they just purchased at 929
North 27th St. Mr and Mrs Camp
bell have four children, three girls
and one boy. Mrs. Campbell says
she is preparing for the future and
for her kids. Mrs. Campbell seems
sd happy over her present circum
stances and intends to go forward.
Mrs, Agnes Dozier of 956 North 27
St. reports that she is attending
Services every Sunday at 2712 R
St. and we meet in interest of the
Y. I’. W. W. Class every Sunday
evening at 6:30. We injoy the ser
vices very much and while talking
to Mrs. Dozier the Postman brought
her a letter. She reports that her
uncle Dr. W. S. Dunlap of Newoka,
Okla. deceased on March 25th, He
was a physician at this place for 30
Don't talk—don't spread rumors. Don't
cough—don’t spread germs. Smith Bros.
Cough Drops, Black or Menthol, are still as
soothing and delicious as ever—and they
still cost only a nickel.
years and -very successful.
Mrs. Willis reports that she is a
member of St. John Baptist Church
with Rev. Johnson, Pastor and says
she enjoys the services very much
every Sunday. She says that she is
an admirer of the Omaha Guide and
will take the paper later.
Mr Floyd Tate is completeing a
nice job of carpentry and masonary
work at 964 North 27th St. Mr.
Floyd says he is kept very busy
working at his trade and that he
gets many calls at all times during
the day.
Mrs. Sallie Mitchell of 2622 Cald
well is very busy forking up her
yard in preparation for flowers. Mrs
Mitchell says Oh, if she had a hus
band to do the yard work for her
because she gets so tired at times.
She is a constant reader of the
Guide *
Mrs. Edna Davis, 2801 R St. has a
very nice family of eight girls all
attending school from the first to
the eleventh grade. They are all do
ing nicely and are very obedient
children. Mrs. Davis's only Job is to
care for the home.
Mrs. Edna Loftin of 2815 R St. re
ports that she has a son in York
Town, Virginia. He has been in ser
vice now for six months. He is now
Seaman 2nd Class. He visited the
family December 22nd and said he
liked Naval life very much.
Mr. E. D. Farmer of 3213 South
33rd Ave. has worked at Cudahy
Packing- Plant for 17 years in the
Hog Kill Dept, and is still going
strong. Mr. and Mrs. Farmer have
one child and a real nice home and
are living very comfortable.
Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside of 3029 R
St. have resided in Omaha for 30
years. Mr. Whiteside's father for
merly owned and operated a store
on 35th and V St. for 10 years as a
successful business man. His son
the Junior Whiteside is still work
ing at the Wilson Packing Co. They
have a daughter and one grand
child 15 years old.
Mrs. Eva Baldwin has been sick
since December and don't seem to
improve very much. She has not
done anything this year. She is now
being treated at the Clinic.
Mrs. John Adams of 2824 R St.
has one daughter in St. Joseph Mo.
She is married and her husband is
in the Army. Mr. Adams is working
at Wilson Packing Co. and has been
for the last 15 years and likes his
Mrs. Lena Rolling of 2719 one
half Q St. has a business on Q St.
and is doing nicely. She is a native
of Austin. Texas and says there are
many beautiful Colleges there. She
reports that she has a brother in
Austin Texas that has been sick
for one year. She expects to make
Omaha her home.
Mr. Lee McGee of 923 North 27th
St. is a cook on the Cnion Pacific
Railroad and has been for some
time. Mr. and Mrs. McGee have one
son now going to school. While Mr.
McGee is very busy Mrs. McGee is
taking care of the home and one
child and all are doing nicely.
Rev. H. Brown will be in Omaha
April 8th to conduct a Revivial Ser
vice at the Paradise Baptist Church
1S11 North 23rd St. Every one is
cordially invited to attend and hear
him. Rev. Brown is a wonderful
Preacher so come out and enjoy the
Rev. C. Adams of 1313 North 26th
St. has returned from Shrevsport.
La. where he attended the National
Baptist Regional meeting. Rev.
Adams reports a very good meeting
and everyone enjoyed being present
Wednesday night the 21st of March
Rev. Adams preached at the Union
Baptist Church to a crowded house.
Rev. H. Brown Barnum B. D. is
Pastor in charge.
Mr. T. C. Hall 2512 Caldwell has
lived at this address 9 years and is
now making improvement on his
home. He has decorated on the in
side and is now building a retain
ing wall. Mr. Hall says he is grad
ually improving his home and ex
pects to continue. He has three
children in school and one in the
Mr. and Mrs. Collins Foxall 3415
Maple are the proud parents of a
baby boy born to them April 3. 1945.
(Continued from page One)
erected by Ignorant and intolerance
against workers! Remember Roth
parties promised n Permanent FE
PC during the campaign We must
see to it that they deliver one dur- 1
ing the early months of the 79th
"The bills are now in committee
Prospects for early enactment
of our bill S101 Senate bill for a
Permanent FEPC with enforcement
How women and girls]
may get wanted relief
Cardui Is a liquid mediclna
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
% m Taken like a tonic, it
should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion,*
thus help build resist
ance for the “time” to
2 — Started 3 days before
_ “your time”, it should
help relieve pain due
to purely functional
periodic causes.
Try Cardui. If it help*
you’ll be glad you did.
Bird’s-Eye View of the Reception Given the New
Omaha Postmaster, Atty. John Hopkins
John H. Hopkins, new postmaster . . . examines American flag
presented by fellow past commanders of Omaha Legion post, against
background of flowery good wishes.
Well this is an appreciated ap
pointment by all Omaha Citizens—
especially the so-called under-dog,
for John came from the bottom up
the hard way on his own initiative
by dealing squarely from the
shoulder with his fellow man. Let
he be foreign-born, black or white.
When his cause comes before Mr.
powers) and HR 2232 (the same
bill in the house) are still good—
but they now hinge on our success
in mobilizing vocal support through
out the country and doing that
We are looking forward to more
such information as this when Mrs.
Hedgeman speaks beforeus at the
public meeting Sunday^ National
honorary Co-Chairman of the bill!
Senator Arthur Capper and Senator
Robert Wagner; Co-Chairmen Rev.
Allan Knight halmers and A. Phil
ip Randolph; treasurer William Jay
Schieffelin. National executive
committee include Samuel Baron,
Linna E. Bresette, George Brown
H. A. Dawson, Thurman L. Dod
son, Rabbi Sidney E. Goldstein, Sid
ney Hollander, George K. Hunton,
Willard S. Townsend, Rt. Rev.
John A Ryan, DD, Max Zaritsky,
Mrs. Thomasina Johnson, Mrs. Ma
lle Staupers and Monroe Sweet
land. The Omaha FEPC Council
includes Mrs. Robbie Turner Davis,
Chairman, Rufus Long, Secretary,
Rev. E F Ridley, Treasurer, R
R. Brown, Henry Black, Arthur Me
Caw ,Mrs. J D. Crawford, Mrs.
L. Busch, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wil
son. Mrs. Frank Blackwell, Dr W
W Peebles, Rev. F C. Williams,
Rev M C, Williams, Rev. B. E
Jones, Mr. C. C. Galloway, Atty
Hopkins, he will be dealt with in ac
cording to his record. Negro em
ployees of the Postal Department,
in fact no employee will need a
F. E. P. C. law to get what he de
serves in according to the record
he has made in the Omaha Postal
Service from now on.
Ray I„. Williams, Mrs. B Sudduth,
Mr Duard Croomes, Mr C A
Stewart, Miss L Robinson, Mr
Taylor Murrell, S Towles, Rev
Shirley Sanchez, and many others.
Rev. S. W Cyrus, pastor of the
First Unitarian Church and Chair
man of the Omaha FEPC Council,
will preside.
New York—From all indications
based on registrations already re
ceived, reresentatives of 521,000,000
of he 750,000,000 colonial peoples in
Africa, Asia, British West Indies.
Burma, Porto Rico and Korea, will
be in attendance at the NAACP Col
onial Conference, April 6. The Con
ference will be held in the auditor
ium of the 135th Street New York
Public Library.
Special detailed reports on colon
ial conditions will be given by na
tive inhabitants of the various col
onies who have resided recently in
the areas listed or kept in close
touch wi'th them. Dr. W. E B
DuBois will be chairman of the con
O’Neil & Gray, Contractors
—Specializing in—
• Interior and Exterior Decorating,
• All Kinds of Brick & Cement Work Done.
—Material Agency for—
Call JA-6340
Office at 2433 Parker
2401 NORTH 24th STREET 1
-PHONE WEbster 6055- I
We Will Need
SO Women
(Over 18 Years of Age) ]
Job Starts Not later than April 16th
• I
Contact Our Employment Office
Fairmont f reamery Co.
All hiring must conform with WMC
Stabilization Plans.
Here are The Facts in
Omaha Controversy
1. The Omaha Electric Committee.
Inc. Will turn over its contracts and
agreements to a qualified Public
2. That Agency will issue and
sell its revenue bonds bearing two
and one half percent (or less) inter
est, in the amount necessary to re
tire the balance due on the Loup
River Power District bonds issued in
the amount of $15,600.00, on which
monthly payments are being madt^
the principal already being reduced
more than $400,000.00 since the com
mon stock was purchased; to retire
the Nebraska Power Company bonds
outstanding in the amount of
$16,500,000.00, bearing interest at 4
and one half per cent; to retire Ne
braska Power Company debentures
outstanding in the amount of
$3,500,000.00, bearing 6 per cent in
terest; to retire the Nebraska Pow
er Company outstanding preferred
stock in the amount of $2t256,100.00
bearing interest at 6 per cent.
3. The Public Agency will, ac
cording to its terms cancel the as
signment of the Power Contract to
Loup River Public Power District.
4. Nebraska Power Company will
be dissolved and the Public Agency
will own Nebraska Power Company
Properties and have on hand op.
s *
| Lunch |
E (At M yetis’ Tavern) E
E (Under New Management) ~
= Lillian Anderson and Louise E
~ Finney, Proprietors ~
“Prompt, Courteous Service’ S
Buy your Poultry at the
Nebraska Poultry
2204 North 24th Street
(iet the Be*t in Quality at the ,
Nebraska Produee--Ij»weMt Price,
PHONE WE. 4127
erating capital and other cash asset*
consisting of $2,500,000.00 in cash
accounts receivable of approximate
ly $750,000.00, materials and supplies
prepaid items (such as taxes and re
fundable Federal excess profits tax)
and other similar items.
5. The Public Agency will be in
complete control of all properties of
Nebraska Power Company,, with no
obligations of any kind with any
outstate Power District, and can
make such agreements relative to
exchange of power and additional
creation of power and energy as it
deems for the best interest of
Omaha and vicinity'.
6. This can all be done promptly
through an Omaha Public Power
District created under S. F. :tlO. a
law which has been held to be con
stitutional by the Supreme Court of
Nebraska. There need be no more
litigation, committee forming or
continuation of Omaha's souabbling
and fighting.
It's all as simple as that! Let's
stop all controversy and get the job
This statement is authorized by
the members of the Non-Profit
W. C. Fraser, W. W. Wetistrandj
New Location
James E. Richeson
—“Jimmy’s Flower Shop”—
4702 N. 30th KE-8845
Yes, smart women and men by the thousands
know how quickly Palmer’s SKIN SUCCESS Oint
ment works to relieve the itching of many exter
nally caused pimples, rashes, “spots” ecxema and
ringworm. Original, genuine Palmer’s SKIN SUC
CESS Ointment has been proved for over 100 years.
Try it on the guarantee of satisfaction or money
back, 25c (Economy 75c size contains 4 times as
much). At all stores or from E.T. Bfowne Drug Co.,
127 Water St., New York City.
Help complete complexion beauty with Palmer’»
SKIN SUCCESS Soap (effectively medicated) 25c
\ y^i&rvueAA
“Well build a house on a hilltop”
by a brook — or near a lake. . . . It’s great to be young
and dream and plan.
Dream homes with frozen food cabinets . . . automatic elec
tric laundry . . . electric blankets ... air conditioning . . . eye
comfort lighting that invites relaxation . . . and many more
electrical conveniences.
They’ll have them, too. And the electric service that keeps
them running will continue to be both cheap and friendly.
That’s one way we can help make dreams come true!
Nebraska Power Company