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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1945)
AKA s will Present Helen Pierson, Violinist The Alpha Kappa Sorority will present Miss Helen Pierson, Viol inist a pupil of Waldemar Geltch of the faculty of the University of Kansas School of Music at St. Johns Church, 22nd and Willis avenue, or Friday evening, April 13, at 8:15* pm. As guest soloist with the Univers ity of Kansas Symphony Orchestra. JSjgjjs i • We would Appreciate it, if You would Call WROTHWELL’S FLORIST, for YOUR EASTER FLOWERS-JA 0484. ^EASTER LILIES, ^CORSAGES, 13=0 AND CUT FLOWERS of All Kinds. Place Your Easter Order for Your Sweetheart’s Flowers NOW! Call Ja-0484 Wroth well’s Florist Shop 24th at Ohio Street (3rd door South of Post-office) OMAHA, NEBRASKA 1 Miss Pierson's rendition of h aus Fantasy by AVieniawski was played with such beauty and vigor that she was rewarded by three curtain calls. This winsome young lady was the first Negro to be elected to the Mu Phi Epsilon, National Music Honor Sorority for Women and to the Mor tar Board, National Honor Society for Women. She has appeared as guest soloist at the National Mus ic Festival. Miss Pierson is a member of Al pha Kappa Alpha Sorority. She will be accompanied by Miss Yolanda Meek, an artist in her own right, who will render a group of piano numbers. OUR SYMPATHY The Omaha Guide wishes to ex tend their greatest sympathy to the bereaved family of Mr. Nathaniel Jones, brother of Mr. Thomas Jon es of 2866 Grant Street, who pass ed Sunday evening, .at 6:0'j. M j' Jones has been ill for the past year ABLE TO BE ABOUT Mrs. Martha Lawson of 2214 N. 29th St., who has been ill is up and able to be about. FRACTURES Hill Mrs. Lillie Stewart of 3217 Emm ett, has been ill, suffering from a fractured rib. We, the Omaha Guide and staff, wish her a speedy recovery. FLAYS AGAIN Little Alma Jones of 2916 Ersk ine St., who has been sick for some time, is up and able to play again. Alma suffered a hard fall which af fected her arm and body. IMPROVED “ONE HOUSE STORE” Come “In and look at the new improvement of the ne Horse stor* at 2851 GrantSt. We now have a Self-Service—all welcome. IN LOCAL HOSPITAL Mr. Gordon of 2413 North 29th street is ill in a local hospital. The Omaha Guide and staff wish him a speedy recovery. WEDDING BELLS The Omaha Guide congratulates Miss Louise Newland of 2908 Fran klin St^ who is the bride of Mr. Brown of Los Angeles, Ca. We wish you all the happiness in the world. Mrs. Brown is the sister of Miss Doris Newland who formerly was an employee here and now is a student of the Bennett Uni., in N. Carolina. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Ella Golden of 3002Grant St., is ill in a local hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. STATIONED AT HAMPTON SIC Arthur W. Reynolds of 2864 Grant St., who was formerly sta tioned at Great Lakes> 111., is n< w stationed at a Virginia base> where he attends the Hampton Institute Naval Training School. I - | LOTS BETTER Mrs. F. Washington ot 2805 O hio street, has been ill with the flu and doing lots better now. I - | RI ACK STYLE SHOW COMING Watch your paper. The Ogiaha Guide, for the big announcement of The Quack's Style Show which will be given sometime soon. CONDITION BETTER Mrs. Gilkie of 2121 North 28th ave i is ill in a local hospital. Her con dition as we go to press is report ed, better. She hopes to be home SAFEWAY VALUES kJkkm^1. At Safeway you'll find all the foods you need for Easter dining . . . tops in ■" quality, low in cost. >4 EGGS This week end. Eggs will be in full style. Be sure to have plenty to decorate your table and to serve in a variety of clever ways. COffee ‘Vd0eepHfla:vorne . . ^ 24C Coffee AiTbay Bag 20c 8£b 57c Pancake Flour victor 3 Bag 16c Syrup mw™et:. ^ 32c Grape-Nuts 12P?gz; 13c Okay Flakes v™ . r£g°z-6c Nabisco 100% Bran Pirgb; 17c Clapp’s Cereals fobraby 2 f& 25c Butter fsg S: Lb 47c £ COFFEE Edwards; luxury blend 1-Lb. Jar 28c . Grapefruit Juice S.46^ 29c & Grape Juice C. and E. Btl. 33c Pta. Tomato Juice SS 48S 23c P" Tomato Juice 10c P2,” Prunes pi,p:f,Sra .N°c“18c«" Kadota Figs Sundown ... Can I5c P2t°, Green Beans cut; standard Can I I C Pts. PfiaC Rayway; extra No. 2 IQ- 20 I Cdo standard, sweet.Can IOG Pts. Country Home; white, No. 2 I A- 20 UJill cream-style . Can I fcG pts. Tail? Cudahy’s; 12-Oz. QQ- 5 I all ag lunch meat . Can WfcG Pts. Potted Meat Libby. 3VS Gc A Vienna Sausages Ubb,4 °£, I Ic A I smmy aufatiy produce * Safeway fruits and vegetables are rushed from farm to store . . . that s why we can guarantee their flavor and goodness. New Cabbage SoUdi wen-trimmed.... Lb. dc Pascal Celery trom Cali£ornia Lb 12c Pplpry from Florida; VCICIJ crisp, well-bleached stalks..Lb. Ivw Carrots from California; tops removed . Lb Cauliflower “ ,Tety:.....Lb19c RadlSheS Garden-fresh, round, red. . .Lb 10c Navel Oranges from California .Lb 10c ftponofrilit Texas; Marsh Seedless; A urapeiruii white “meated”.Lb. OC Ann|AP Washington; Yellow Newtown; A AC* AppieS fancy grade . . . . . ... L Lbs ZOO Seed Potatoes Onion Sets Bermuda Onion Plants Easter Breakfast Ideas Let’s give a lift to Easter breakfast with a menu that’s different. This simple, easy-to-make meal will put sparkle in the eyes of all the family. EASTER BRUNCH Frozen Fruit Juice (Combine your favorite fruit juices or leftover fruit syrups. Freeze to a mushy consistency.) Pancake Sandwich Egg & Sausage Scramble (Between 2 hotcakes place a layer of *Egg & Sausage Scramble.) Heated syrup with butter or mar garine. Minted Grapefruit Compote (Add crushed mint candies or mint flavoring to chilled grape fruit sections. Garnish with berries or fresh mint.) Bunny Cookies (Sugar cookies cut into shape of bunny. Frost with pink and white frosting.) Coffee. EGG AND SAUSAGE SCRAMBLE Eggs scrambled with pork sausage and bread. /2 pound bulk 6 eggs pork sausage 3 cups finely 6 tbsps. milk cubed bread Fry sausage in hot frying pan; pour off half the fat; add bread cubes; fry with sausage until well browned; add eggs and milk beaten together. Cook slowly, stirring with a fork until eggs are firm but still soft. Serves 4 to 6. Note; Finely diced bacon or ham may be substituted for the sausage. □Homemakers’ Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director Libby’s Sliced Beets.NSaSI2c Kraut Juice Er.„a..“S 9c Tomato Soup Rancho brand . Can 7c Argo Cornstarch.2 15c Food Coloring SK".‘S 23c Westag Flavoring vanilla .... .,*a toe Ivory Soap 99 44/100 pure. Medium Cake 0C Swail SOdp Pure, gentle. Medium Cake 6C Cleanser Lighthouse.2 9c soon. WE EXTEND OIK SYMPATHY We extend our sympathy to Miss Nolene Whiteside, formerly from Wichita> Kansas, In the loss of her cousin. A boi ncinb baby girl A bouncing baby girl has been born to the Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Me Clarty. Mrs. McClarty is doing just fine. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 100U North 24th Street Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor HoV Marie Oliver, Reporter Sunday School ._...10:00 am Morning Service .11:30 am Evening Service .7:30 pm. Friday night Women's Work . .. 8 pm. We had a grand Sunday school, with a large attendance of scholars present. Our Sunday School gets more interesting each Sunday. Our morning service was also gran/. Our pajstor jpreache^ an inspiring sermon which inspired everyone. Sunday night we sang old time religious songs. Missionary Elsie Raster led a soul stirring testi monial ervice. It was full of the holy spirit. After which our pas tor taken the stand and already stirred with the spirit, he preached a soul stirring sermon which made our heartj-s burn -within) Several visitors were present. Visitors are always present, i Notice: We will have early morn ing service beginning at 6 o'clock Easter Sunday. Come out and let us have a grand time in -the Lord. Opr pastor’s subject will be “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Sunday afternoon at 3:30 pm., the children will render their Eas ter Program. Come out and see and hear our children and adults on parade. STEWAHD BOARD OF CLEAVES TEMPLE MEETS The Stewardess Board of the Cleaves Temple CME Church, met at 2419 Decatur St., sponsoring a Tea given by the Board No. 2. All enjoyed a lovely afternoon. There will be a meeting again on March 23rd at the Church, all members are requested to be present. Thanks RE', e. z. McDonald confined Rev. E. Z. McDonald of 918 North 2ith street, has been confined to his home about three weeks, but seems that he has a long patince and en i durance. At this time he seems to j be on the upgrade under the care of Dr. Lennox. REAL NICE HOME Mrs. Ellsworth Jones of 1915 Charles St., is now repairing her home and it sure looks nice. Mr. Jones is working at the Martin Bomber plant and has been there for 2l/2 years. They have a son. living in New York city who is di rector of an orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have a real nice home I _ THE HELP HAND CLUB The Helping Hand Club met at Ssister H. Biddiex President, and they opened the meeting by singing I love to tell the story. Scripture reading 33th chapter St. John by Sister E. Hill. Prayer by Rev. St. Clair. Mrs. Crumbley of the Sick Com. mitee reported Sister Nellie Lee, Sister Pearl Taylor were ill. The club received a card of thanks for flowers, from Brother and Sister Beasley. The reports were read from different workers in which was followed by the Wish ing Well, in which we all had our wishes. Then the meeting was turn ed over to Sister Crumbley who had the program. A paper was read by Sister Lewis, subject Pillar of a Church, and it was very interesting to learn the different kinds of pil lars of a church. A reading by Sister Annabelle Thomas subject “A Prayer”. A pa per by Sister M. Griffin "What We A Christian should remember” and remarks by Rev. St. Clair. We also apprecated remarks from our visit ors Mrs. Johnson and daughter. Then the meeting was turned over to our hostess Sister Biddiex and Sister Cox. We all adjourned with! a lovely evening had by all. Sister Biddiex, Pres., Sister Mattie Caldwell, Reporter. PASTORS’ WIVES COUNCIL The Interdenominational Pastors’ Wives Council met at the home of How women and girls may get wanted relief fron^unctiorialperiodi^pain Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how It may help: \ m Taken like a tonic, Ik * should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. Started 3 days before “your time”, it should help relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes. Try Cardul. If it helps, you’ll be glad you did. CARDUI ^ScratchinsH For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor’s formula. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves i t, or money back- Don't suffer. Ask your 1 druggist today for O. O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Mrs. Dora Askerneesc 2122 North 26th St., on Wednesday March 21, at 1 pm. A very delicious Spring lunch was served to the 12 present Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Estella Braggs 2120 North 28th on 'V^’ed., April 4 at 1 pm. All Pastor’s wives are welcome. Mrs. Mary Goodlett, President, Mrs. Kathryn Steele, Reporter Al'TO REPAIR SHOP M,r. Willie Nevels of 2913 Grant street has two children in school. One in Tech and the other in How ard Kennedy. Mr. Nevels has an Auto Repair shop on 23rd and Clark and don’t forget when you want your car fixed see Bill Nevels, he will start it going for you. SEVEN POUND GIRL Mr. and Mrs. William Bowden, 3568 Cinnarrow, Los Angeles, Cali fornia, are the happy parents of a 7 pound girl, born March 12th. Old man Charley seems to be getting along in aget but Charley seems to be active yet. REPAIRING HOME Rev. E. D. Johnson of 1214 Pierce St., are repairing their home. Mrs. ohnson is supervising the work, while the Rev. attends his church in Sioux City, Iowa of which he has been Pastor for four years. KEELS OK Mr. Tom Walker who lives at 1317 Pacific St., has been confined to his home for three weeks but is able to be out again. Mr. Walker feels OK at the present. HUSBAND IN INDIA Mrs. Alice Watkins of 1315 Pacif ic street, has a husband in India. He has been there for 9 months, and seems to be getting along OK. She hears from him very often. PVT. HENRY BALDWIN NOW IN SOUTH PACIFIC Pvt. Henry Baldwin is now in the South Pacific. He is in the Engin eering Dept., and has been overseas since 1942. Mrs. Baldwin still re sides at 2519 Corby and is doing nicely and is awaiting the return of her husband. She is a member of Salem Baptist Church and at tends Church regularly. STILL ON HU TCHES Mrs. W. B. Bryant of 2722 Binney street seems to be doing nicely but is still walking with crutches. Mrs. Bryant says she regrets so much that she has be inside. She will try to get out one day this week. REAL PAINTER Mrs .Addie Childs of 1105 South 13th Street has her son, Leroy Childs, painting the walls. Boy, he is a real painter and seems to be getting so stout. Mrs. Childs was looking on while the job was be ing done. PREPARING TO PLANT GARDEN Mr. Larry B. Marrian of 1211 Pierce street, is now preparing to plant his garden. I found him pre paring his potatoes. As soon as the Moon gets in the right place he will plant. He said if you don’t plant on the right Moon you won’t get any potatoes. PULLMAN SERVICE Mr. John A. Henry, 1216 Pierce St. is now in the Pullman Service and has been 27 years out of Omaha. He is now running between Omaha and Denver. Mr. Henry says he is enjoying his work fine and he has a very nice little family. Five children, two girls and three boys in school and one married daugh ter. HUSBAND IN FRANCE AWARDED PURPLE HEART Mrs. Roberta Edmonds of 1107 South 12th St., has a nice little home while Mrs. Merdells Edmond is helping to take care of the same. Mrs. Merdelle Edmond’s husband is stationed in France. He was wounded in action and was award ed the Purple Heart for Gallantry. ST PHILIP’S EASTER SERVICES The services at St. Philip’s for Easter will be High Mass and ser mon at 6:30 am., followed by a breakfast served by the Sisters of St.'Andrew. At 9:30 am. the church school will conduct its Lenten Mite Box offering for Missions. The 11:00 o’clock service will consist of Processions, High Mass and serm on. The music of the Mass is a dapted from Gounod’s "Messe Solen nelle.” The public is invited to all of these services. CLASSES AT YWCA Mrs Thelma Hancock is conduct ing classes each Thursday evening rom i :30 to 9:30 in Reading, Gram mar, Writing and other studies that will be helpul to adults who want to brush up on the three ’’Rs”. Tuition is 50c per week. Ail who wish to register or any of these subjects please contact either the YWCA., or Mrs. Hancock. ---^ Bargains I In Unredeemed © Diamonds, • Watches and © Jewelry. Special 895o BRIDAL SET 2495 j MARCUS Loan & Jewelry Co. 320 North 16th Street “See Marcus for Bargains” ^---/ Wife Disciplines Hubby with a ’45 Mrs. Mozella Poppa 45, who lives at 2104 Maple Street, says the wound ing of her husband had to be done to teach him how to save his check. Mrs. Popps says she was tired of working hard to help get somewhere in life and her husband throwing HOME NI RSING CLASS BEING ENROLLED AT YWCA. A class n Home Nursing is being ormed at the Northside YWCA This class will give instruction in how to care or the patient in co operation with the doctor, and what to do i for some reason, a doctor cannot attend. It w’ill show how to bathe the patient in bed, how to feed the sick patient, how to make the bed with the patient in it, how to give medicine properly, and how to follow the doctor's orders in an efficient way. This course is going to be greatly needed and if you wish to take it, please contact the YWCA, for further information. STRICKEN WITH PNEIMONIA Mrs. Landro of 1131 North 20th Street, infant son was stricken with pneumonia suddenly. He seemed to be doing well and all of a sudden collapsed. Dr. Wesley Jones is the attending physician. The boy’s mother is constantly at his bedside. We hope for him a speedy recovery. LOVELY DINNER PARTY A lovely dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kercheval 3026 Emmett St., in honor of Mr. Clarence Lowe. Mr. Victor Thomp son and Mr. Eddie Riley of Ja maica. A most enjoyable evening was | spent dancing, playing cards and , games. 1 The guests were served by the | hostess, Mrs. Kercheval. 1 Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Gerren, Mrs. Geraldine Garcia Mrs Alma Scoggins, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kercheval, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Patten. HUSBAND OVEREAS Mrs. Merdell Edwards of 1107 So 12th Street, has a husband over seas, now stationed in France. Her husband, Clarence Edwards, has been in the army five years. He was wounded and was rewarded for bravery. Mrs. Edward's father is now living in Chicago and has been for the last 12 years. VISITING HER SISTER Miss Dorothy Chambers of To peka, Kansas is visiting her sister, Mrs. Williams who lives at 2406 X. 27th avenue. Mrs. Williams has been in the Methodist hospital for three weeks but has recovered suf ficiently to be at home again. Miss Chambers' stay in our city is indef inite. She likes Omaha and hates to leave. HOPE TO I P IN DAY OR TWO Mrs. Callie Rich of 986 North 25 avenue, has been ill for a week, but she reports that her condition is somewhat improved. Mrs. Rich is thankful to her many friends and the reporter of the Omaha Guide. She hopes to be up in a day or two. GUEST FROM CO-BLUFFS Mrs. Mable Anderson of 1214 X. 25th St., had as her guest from Council Bluffs, her uncle, Mr. Louis Corbin. They had a very en joyable time and a very delicious dinner was served. All had a dis cussion about the future and Vic tory Gardens. Y'ISITOK FROM PARKSVILLE, MO Mr. Drew Benson of 2518 Cald well is expecting a visitor from Parksvile, Mo., about the later part of the week. She will stop over In Council Bluffs, and then come to Omaha to spend a few days with friends. We are preparing to meet her and make her stay an enjoyable affair. WITH THE 93RD Mrs. Susie McDonald of 954 North 28th Ave, has just received a letter from her daughter who lives in Chicago that her son, Mrs. McDon ald's grandson, is now with the 93d Division and is leaving for over seas duty. She reports that her daughter is doing fine and Chicago is on the move. EVERYBODY HAPPY, Bl'SY As I passed by 1708 North 24th St. everyone was jolly. Mr. Taylor was very busy with the razor and clppers, also Mr. Redden. The boys -tad their hands full shining shoe Mr. A. J. Logan was entertaining everyone and everybody was happy after payday. VISITS THE SICK Mr. and Mrs. James Manley of | 3119 Ohio St., in company with C. I C. McDonald visited Sylvester Stroud who has been confined in the hospital for sometime. He seems to be doing fairly well at present. Rl SHED TO HOSPITAL Mr. Wm. Gordon who resides at] 2413 North 29th St., was stricken with pneumonia and was rushed to the hospital Sunday morning, Mar. 25th. He was accompanied by his wife and son. Mr. Gordon has been | employed by the Nebraska Power Company for 22 years. __— _ — —- — — —— — \ THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned. Edited. Published and Cireulateo bv Negroes to servo the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav to Success and Happiness— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price— 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year’s subscription will be given "THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE." the practical aids , of Monev Handling that will asalts yon a successful person. Send your order today to THE NEGRO WORKER Box zn-a Tuans gee Institute. Atahaaa his money away. Mr. Popps reported to his wife he had $30.00 and when she checked up on him he had only $16.00. Mr. Popps could not give a satisfactory an swer as to the where-abouts of the other $14.00 and Mrs. Popps became so angry that she thought It was time to call things to a halt, so it ended at Judge Palmers bench at Municapal Court, with a charge of disturbing the peace. After listen ing to the evidence the Judge sen tenced Mrs. Popps to 60 days in jail. The people who live in the neigh borhood of 21st and Maple in an swer to an Omaha Guide reporter checking up on the matter said that Mrs Popps was a very lovely Christ ian lady and had lived in the neigh borhood about 8 or 10 months in a modern home that they had recently purchased. The family consisted of a daughter and grand-child who live with the parents and a son who is in the Army. All who know them were very much surprised to know such a thing happened in the quite Christ ian- like home of the Popps family. Funeral Eulogy Touched by the Hand of the Dark Vlaltoe.. MX. JAMES W. GLENN DIES Mr. James W. Glenn, age 65, 2515 North 26th street, died Monday, March 26th at a local hospital. Mr Glenn had been in failing health for sometime. He was a retired hotel and dining car waiter and had lived in Omaha 40 years. He is survived by a niece, Mrs. Rose Jones, Omaha. Funeral services were held Thurs day afternoon from The Thomas Funeral Home, 2022 Lake Street, with Rev. F. C. Williams officiat ing with burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery. LVW HOWARD WILLIAMS Lynn Howard Williams, age 4 months, died Wednesday evening, March 21, at the home of his par ents, 2320 Charles street. He is survived by his parents Corporal and Mrs. f*ee A. Williams, two bro thers Leslie and Gary, grandpar ents and other relatives. Funeral services were held Mon day morning from The Thomas Funeral Home, 2022 Lake Street, with Rev. T. J. Gouglass officiating and burial in Prospect Hill Ceme tery. BOWELS SLUGGISH? • Feeling like you lost your best frien-J - headachy-dull-all because of sluggish bow elsi’ Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant w?* chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning-thorough, gentle relief, helping you MeTwSTemaBaie; Millions rely on FEEN-A Cha'2''te >our favorite gum. Tastes good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family BUDTjIV rnets nnlt. 1 f\A 10* “Time and Tide Wait on No Man ' . .NOW IS THE TIME TO GE'i YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street MculLL a — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. m Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. no V' 1 a. *o JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS | A Good Place to Eat:: | Home Cooking jj L TT E Diner 2314 North 24th St. Regular QE6i! Meals Ov ;| "READY TO SERVE” —11:30 A. M. TO 8 :30 P. M-— i Warren Webb, Proprietor \ “IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Wink A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When excess stomach acid causes painful, suffocat ing gas. sour stomach and heartburn, doctors usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicine* known for TS?ets. UxatlyemeBell^slibMSs*^omfmlll’^n5 birk on "turn °f ,,p*,,'