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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1945)
NEGROES MAKE UP COMPLETE COMPLEMENT OF NURSES AT SAN LUIS OBISPO Negro nurses now make up the complete complement of nurses on the Staff of the Station Hospital, Camp San Luis Obispo, California. First Lieutenant Daisy R. Evans. Wilmington. Delaware, heads the contingent •>f 19 Negro officers of the Army Nurse Corps. Unusual promptness with which the new officers have fitted themselves into their varied assign merits Is emphasized by Colonel Frank W. Pinger, Post Surgeon: ‘‘Readi 7. is on the part of our recently assigned Negro nursing staff in taking j its immensely important place within our organization is a source ofj gratification to me personally, and I believe I can speak for all person.' nel who serve, or are served by, hte hospital.” Left photo shows Chief. ™™™■■■■■■■■™^™■■■■■™^■■■■"^ .Nrse Evans (seated) checking duty assignments with Lieutenant Bar bara McDonald, Detroit, Michigan. In center photo, Lieutenant Gwyneth Blessit. Mt. Vernon New York takes the temperature pulse and respir ation of an orthopedic patient. At right Lieutenant Elgecia Ball (right Birmingham, Alabama, is shown checking diets with a civilian hospital i mess attendant. (U.S. Signal Corps photos from BPR) PUBLIC WANTS MORE AND MORE HEALTH PROTECTION 17,000,000 Blue Cross Plan Members Want To Help You Get This Security... Will You Let Them? -— ! Program is “A Vital and Democratic Link in Social Security emphasizing public service, But Utilizing Private Initiative.” “The federal government might make grants-in aid to the states for the encouragement and assist ance of voluntary insurance efforts, such as the Blue Cross Plans,” Louis H. Pink, President of the Associated Hospital Service of New York, suggests in The Story of Blue Cross on the Road to Better Health facilities are least satisfactory. Federal assistance should be used to enrich hospital and medical care in every respect, both in the provision of facilities and encouragement of methods for fin ancing the care.” The public wants more and more health protec tion, the pamphlet finds; it wants its doctor bills prepaid as well as its hospital bills; it wants pre ventive as well as curative service; and it favors the gradual and sould extension of social security. These demands call for a broad national health program, Mr. Pink points out—one that “implies a working partnership between federal, state and lo ~cal government and all efficient and well-directed voluntary efforts, such as medical schools, dental J clinics, research institutions, medical societies, Blue Cross Plans, voluntary hospitals, visiting nurse as sociations, and fraternal, social, and educational bodies.” In a nation-wide health program, the Blue Cross Plan and other voluntary insurance plans for hos pital and health care will undoubtedly continue to play a large part, the author feels, for they are “a vital and democratic link in social security, .emphas izing publii servant, but utilizing private initiative.’ According to Mr. Pink, Blue Cross Plans through out the nation are working for adoption of a nation al contract so that the heads of national business __L3 DARK SKIN . . . BLACKHEADS . . . PIMPLES (Externally Caused) THEN READ EVERY WORD ABOUT THIS AMAZINC *»7IWSSS! DR. FRED PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER ^LIGHTEN Whether your complexion is nat- -n- — _ ur:H,ytdari^ ,mea1U!? or 1i,2ht TANNED BJ |l | Ml ana is tanned too dark as well as r\AOU B I Va weather-beaten, coarse, blotchy IJrlKK LB II B L «■ or disfigured by externally m^® ™ caused pimples, blemishes and blackheads, here's good news The original, genuine Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener helps lighten and brighten tanned skin. It starts its bleaching work the minute it is applied. There is new hope to win a lighter, brighter, softer, smoother complexion . . . you can loosen blackheads for easy removal. Make this 7 Days’ test. Leant why thousands of folks depend on Dr Fred Palmer’s Skin Whitener for skin beauty. Get a 25c box from your druggist. Use 7 Days as directed. If not satisfied. Your Money Back. GALENOL CO., BOX 264, ATLANTA. GA. Also try Dr. Fred Palmer’s Skin Delight Soap and Dr. Fred Palmer's Vanishing Cream. Each 25c at druggists. >-— organizations can offer uniform Blue Cross cover age which will protect their employees in plants ' scattered throughout the country. Mr. Pink also suggests that “the larger Blue Cross Plans might well join with hospitals, the med ical profession, foundations, and other welfare a | gencies in the financial support of diagnostic cent ers. If 1 percent of their income were devoted to preventive medicine, the expenditure would be jus tified as a practical deterrent to illness and hospit alization.” The Blue Cross Plans have grown phenomenally. In the last eight years, the membership has increas ed from half a million to 17,000,000 subscribers; and the number of Blue Cross Plans throughout the country is now seventy-five. At its present rate of expansion, Blue Cross expects to double its mem bership and thus protect more than 35,000,000 sub scribers within the next six years. The growth in membership has been accompan ied by increased payments to hospitals, expanded benefits, and better service, including X-ray, labor atory, and other special services. And in addition to the plans for hospital care, there are now nine teen plans for prepaid medical care affiliated with Blue Cross organizations. The Story of Blue Cross on the Road to Better Health, by Louis II. Pink, is pamphlet No. 101 in the series of popular, factual, ten cent pamphlets pub lished by the Public Affairs Committee, Inc., a non profit, educational organization at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. i— ■ t'- — 1 — »■— -1' »■ —1» .. . i I'- . 1 " =r Accountant*s P-H WEEKLY Newsletter ★—if—A • Facts and Figures You Should Know About. PAYMENTS TO EMPLOYEES IN ARMED SERVICES! Salary Stabil ization Unit has ruled on the ques tion of compensating former em ployees now serving in the armed forces (SSU 83, 3-5-45, P-H Labor, Paragraph 77X9). Employer may pay, without approval, up to the higher of: (a) the amount paid under em ployer’s practice in effect prior to Oct. 3, 1942 (salaries over $5,000) or Oct. 27, 1942 (salaries $5,000 or less) or (b) employee’s annual salary im mediately prior to induction. • Subject to the above limita tions, employer may increase the a mount already being paid to such employees. Presumably, payment may be decreased or discontinued entirely. Bonuses: SSU also rules that a bonus may be paid without approv al if it does not exceed the bonus to which the serviceman would have been entitled (under SSU reg ulations) had he remained in his job. Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION with its weak, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restless— | at such times—try this great medicine ' —Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly—It helps build up resistance against such distress. Also a grand stomachic tonic. Follow label directions. £.0*vnJdumC& compound WLB rules: Employer may con tinue without approval all or part of wages of former employee now in military service (Interp. Bill. No. 4). With respect to bonus pay ments to such employees, no limit ation is placed upon the amount, (GO 10. A). ...INCOME TAX: Bureau of Inter nal Revenue will allow, as an in come tax deduction., payments to employees in the armed forces if such payments are reasonable, ac cording to its most recent ruling (Letter, 3-14-45; see also IT 3417). It is immaterial that employer had no prior plan of making such pay ments. This modifies a prior rul ing that no deduction was allowable unless payments were made under plan which did not discriminate in favor of particular employee. PAYROLL TAXES: Such salary payments are not subject to Feder al social security taxes. Income tax, however, must be withheld by the former employer. (Letter, 7-20 -44). In this connection, note that the old Form W-4 withholding re ceipt is not effective in 1945. Thus if former employee has not filed a Form W-4 (Rev.) for 1945, employ er must withhold as if no exemp tions iwere claimed. Presumably, if a W-4 (Rev.) was filed, it must be given effect even though the serviceman is no longer employed. SALE OF CORPORATE ASSETS— DOUBLE TAXATION: Where a cor porator! sells its assets at a profit and then liquidates, there is a ! double tax: A. The corporation is taxed on its gain: B. The stockholders have a tax able gain, if the amount received ex ceeds the bases of their shares. A favorite device employed to eliminate the corporate tax is to transfer the assets to the stock holders in kind and have them as individuals make the ale. It thereby thought that the corporate tax v'ould be eliminated. In teh first case on this quest'd to reach the Supreme Court, cor poration had orally agreed to sell but broke off negotiations and tran sferred its assets to its stockhold ers. They shortly sold to the pros pective purchasers nominee upon terms substantially the same as the oral agreement. The Court holds j that the form of the sale will be I disregarded and the corporation tax ed where the facts show that in substance the corporation is the sel ler (Comm. v. Court Holding Co., 3-21-45, P-H Fed. Tax, Paragraph 72,020). The Court had before it only the question of the corporation’s tax. It viewed the transaction as a plan to avoid that tax. The fact that the transaction “viewed as a whole’ from the standpoint of both corpor ation and shareholders merely had for its purpose avoidance of one of two taxes was not considered. • The best method of preventing double taxation of the gain is for the shareholders to sell their stock to the prospective purchasers if this is practicable. This method results in taxable gains only to the shareholders. In any case in which the plan is to sell assets there is a possibility that the cor poration will be taxed, as well as the shareholders, regardless of how the plan is carried out. TIME FOR DEDUCTING RETRO ACTIVE WAGE INCREASES! Bur eau of Internal Revenue officially rules (IT 3716. P-H Fed. Tax. Para graph 76,140): 1. Where an employer is willing and able to pay retroactive wage increases requiring the approval of the War Labor Board, such wage! are accruable and deductiable in the year the application for approv al is filed to the extent that they relate to services renderd in that yar and prior years. 2. Where the employer contests the proposed increases they are ac cruable and deductible in the year in which the controversy is settled. 3. The foregoing principles are equally applicable to wage or sal ary increases requiring the approv al of the Salary Stabilization Unit or the War Foods Administrator. • Early in 1944, the Bureau is sued several letter rulings to the ef feet that in voluntary cases the in crease should be deducted in the year in which the services were rendered. Taxpayers who filed re. turns on such basis should file a mended returns; also claims for re fund for any of the years in which the deduction is increased under the principle of the new ruling. • Of course, a cash basis taxpay er can deduct such items only in the year the retroactive wyages are paid. FEDERAL TAXATION Property Dividend—Effect on Earnings and Profits: Where ac cumulated earnings exceed the am ount of a dividend distribution, the dividends are fully taxable to stockholders because it is assumed the dviidends are paid from earn ings (as distinguished from divid ends paid from capital which are nontaxable) (IRC. j 115 (a). A recent Tax Court decision sug gests a method of materially reduc. ing stockholder’s taxes, provided the corporation has property which has creased in value Merrill Co. 4 TC No. 115, P-H Fed. Tax, q 74,304 Facts: Earning and profits were $138,500. Corporation distributed to stockholders property which cost it $1 14,000. but which was worth only $500. Later corporation dis tributed $00,000 in cash Held: (1) $00.000 u 1st r bufion , it dividend only to "he ext -it of $23, 000. (!) Stockholders •■! •• r - • \ ed dividend incoi”“ < f ■' f,0 tie : 1 ue of the property rece■ vt 1. Reasoning: While the $500 prop erty dividend is taxable to the stock holders only to the extent i f the value of the property at the time of receipt, earnings and profits un reduced bv the cost (adjusted necessary) of the property distrib uted. Hence at the time the cash was distributed, the earnings ava.. able for dividends were only $21. 000 ($138,500—$114,000_|_ $500). • That part of the cash not tax able as a dividend, i. e., $36,000, is a recovery of capital, applied to re. duce the bases of the stockholders’ shares and nontaxable until It ex ceeds the basis. Any excess is tax able as a capital gain (IRC, (115 (d BASIS—EFFECT OF COURT DE CISION: Not infrequently, a third party (for instance, a customer or supplier) makes a contribution to ward the cost of taxpayer’s plant or other facilities. Such contribu tion is not includible in the cost basis upon which to compute de preciation (Detroit-Edison, 319 US 98). Prior to the Detroit-Edison dec ision, in the case of another taxpay. er, the Fourt Circuit held (129 F. (2d) 762) that the basis for deprec iation did include such a contribu tion. The decision became final. Even though such decision is ob viously erroneous, it is binding on the Commissoner, the Tax Court holds. Hence, such taxpayer may contnue to compute its depreciation deduction by including the contri bution as part of its cost (Arundel Brooks, 4 TC No. 113, P-H Fed. Tax (jj 74,302). Presumably, the basis to compute gain or loss on sale would also include the contri bution. • If the unadjusted basis has been established by a final court decision, it continues to be the un adjusted absis in the absence of new legislation or facts affecting the situation. DEATH OF SERVICEMAN—TAX REI.IEF: Where a serviceman or woman dies while in active service: 1. His or her Federal income tax for the year in which death oc curs is cancelled, and 2. Any unpaid Federal income taxes for prior years, whether on military or civilian income, are for given (IRC, J 421, P-H Fed. Tax, <J 20,102). A person is In active service if actually serving In the military or naval forces. This relief is yriven whether death results from military service or front natural causes. • If the serviceman paid any es timated tax or had any tax with held from him tor the year in which death occurs, his estate is entitled to a refund. Refund can be obtained by filing a return with proof of death during tne taxable year. PAYMENTS TO A THIRD PARTY —WHEN INCOME: Taxpayer (cash basis) sold property in considerat ion of the purchaser paying taxpay er's debt to another. The purchas er gave notes to the creditor which h accepted only as further collat eral for taxpayer's debt. The not es were not paid until a later tax year. Tax Court held that taxpay er constructively received the am ount of the notes in the year they were given. Circuit Court, howev. er, reverses and holds that taxpay er's gain on the transaction should not be taken into account until the taxable year in which the notes were paid. (D. D. Oil Co., CCA- (5), P-H Fed. Tax. q 72,391). WASH SAI.ES—“FITtHEV'iTile loss on a wash sale is not deduct ible (except by a "dealer"); a days before or after a sale taxpay "wash sale” occurs when within 30 er purchases substantially identic al stock or “securities" as those sold (IRC, J 118). Taxpayer purchased commodity "futures”. Held: Such contracts are “securities” and taxpayer's loss on a sale must be disallowed if he purchases a substantially identic al contract within the specified time (Trenton Cotton Oil Co., Ct'A (6), P-H Fed. Tax, q 72,371). I.Alton LAWS AMI PAYKOLL TAV KS—Wiice-llour Division Invades Intrastate Commerce: Production of goods for use within the same state may be covered by the Wage. Hour Law. At least, a new inter pretation of the Wage-Hour Divis ion so states (Rel. A-14, 2-13-45, F H. Labor, «J 12,381). It is the Division’s view that pro duction of goods used intrastate 1: nevertheless covered by t£ie Act if the goods are produced to sup ply, aid, facilitate or to serve as an integral part of interstate com merce. The Division cites as ex amples the production of: Ice, electric energy, railroad ties crushed rock, bituminous aggre A HUMAN RELATION COLUMN WHEREIN THE TROUBLED IN MIND AND HEART CAN SEEK COUNSEL AND GUIDANCE ^ote: Don’t worry needlessly ... when your mind is weighted down with worry •nd you feel the need of guidance, and the counsel of an understanding friend Pl***e write. Your problem will be analyzed in the paper free . . . just include a dipping of the column with your letter. For a "private reply” send 25c for ABBE’S 1944 INSPIRATIONAL READING. With each Reading, you will receive free a personal letter of sound and constructive advice analyzing three (S) ques tions. Please send a stamped (Jc) envelope for your confidential reply, and sign your fuU name, address and birthdate to all letters. Explain your case fully and confine your problems within the realm of reason. Write to . . . THE ABBE' WALLACE SERVICE POST OFFICE BOX II —«• ATLANTA. GEORGIA , ABBE’S NEW 1®45 READINGS ARE NOW BEADY M. C. S. I am a regular reader of( your column. I have been married six years. 1 feel bad most of the time ] and it has gotten to the place that when I wake up in the morning I am cross and don't answer my hus. band as I should. I have two child ren and their fuss worries me too. The only time I feel good is when I am on a job but I haven't been to work lately. I am 24 years old and it worries me the way I act and feel. Help me. Ans: Untill you acquire self con- I trol and become master of your emotions these outburst of temper will continue to grow more frequent and more serious. Each time that you give way to your feelings serv es to make the habit stronger and harder to break. If yor are extremly nervous then there must be a reason for it. Go to your doctor for a com plete checkup and follow the in structions he gives you closely. Your husband and your children are essential to your happiness and you must force yourself, if it does not come voluntarily, to be agreeable and pleasant to live with. Put your family's needs and desires ahead of your own and in so doing, you will find happiness for yourself. W. R. I see where you give lots of people sound advice. 1 am married and have been for about 14 years. I am in love with another lady. I started with both of them about the same time but I love the one I am not married to better than the one I am married to and she is married but she said she loved me and acts like it. Tell me what to do? Ans: As a husband you have failed miserably. All of these years you have divided your affection between two women and haven't given your wife a chance to make you happy A person can't find happiness in mar ——■ ■— —■ gate, ready-mixed concrete tele phone and telegraph poles, and similar items used by interstate railroads, highways, telegraph or telephone companies, pipelines, air ports, harbors, and the like. • Employers affected are given until April 15, 1945 to modify their operating methods to conform to the new interpretation. No gov ernment enforcement action will be taken prior to that date. Legal Status of WMC Directives! In first court action involving War Manpower Commission controls. Federal District Court (Mass.) holds that WMC directives are not orders but merely official recom mendations (England v. Devine, 3 5-45, P-H Labor, <] 2235). Hence, the Court is without powep to en join their issuance or declare their invalidity. • Other Courts have reached the same conclusion regarding War Labor Board “orders". Employers, however, cannot safe ly ignore WMC directives. As pointed out by the Court, if owner disregarded directive, “some exe cutive agency might seize the mill, curtail its supplies or alter its pri orities”. If workef disregarded directive, “some executive agency might induce other employers not to hire him or might induct him in to the armed services.” wage Adjustments Because of Curfew: Employers may apply for pay adjustments made necessary by “midnight curfew" for places of en tertainment (Rel. B-1986, F. H. I^a bor, q 7727). National War Labor Board has authorized Regional Boards to approve “reasonable and equitable” adjustments by estab lishments whose operating hours have been curtailed by the curfew. Furthermore, Regional Boards, may upon securing specific permission from National Board, issue general authorization for pay adjustments by specific groups. Effect of KeconverKiun on Wage Scales: WLB notified company no approval was necessary to continue high wage scale after reconversion (Dunbar Furniture Mfg. Co.. Rel. B-1979, P-H Labor, q 7722). Com pany had resumed present rates. Board's ruling was based on find ing that job content remained sub- ! stantially the same. Discriminatory Discharge: ( . ». Supreme Court has refused to dis turb 6th CCA enforcement of NLRB order that employer reinstate, without back pay, employee who had been discriminatorily dicharg ed (Ohio Public Service Co., 3-12. 45. P-H Labor, q 15,676.3; 17,439). Back pay was not ordered because employee had failed to register at USES or make other reasonable ef fort to obtain employment. Homeworkers in Ebroldery Indus try: Wage-Hour Administrator stat es that, following Supreme Court decision in Gemsco (2-26-46), firms subject to Embroidery Industry wage order must stop employing homeworkers who do not have the required certificates (Rel. PR-58 P-H Labor, q 12,380). Until April 15, 1945, court proceedings will not be brought against firms who give satisfactory assurance of future compliance. STATUTE OF' LIMITATIONS: _ Washington State's highest court rules that Wage-Hour claims are rlage if he refuses to put into mar riage that what he expects to get out of it. You have played a dual role long enough and you must make a final decision and stick by it You loved your wife, else you would not have chosen her in the beginn ing. Why not give up the outside woman and give your wife a chance for happiness. O.M.D. I am going with two girls which I care for Which girl should I devote my time to? I don't like one of the girl's disposition but the other girl has a sweet disposition Advise me what to do? Ans: Frown upon the girl with a sour disposition. People who go around with a chip on their should er live a miserable life and make those around them miserable. Whether your intentions are ser ious or other wise, it is always best to choose your friends from among those who are congenial to yourself. G. L. J. Please help me to decide what to do I am in love with a mar ried man. We have been going to gether for 7 months. His wife and I had a little misunderstanding once. Now she doesn't like me at all. I really love him and don't know .what to do. Give me some advice. Ans: Would you relish the idea of sharing your husband with another woman if you were married? I am sure that you would not. You may not intentionally want to break up this other home but if you continue this relationship, that is exactly what you will be doing. Be sensible and give this man up immediately. Then make it a point to encourage only the single men. It won't take you but a short time to forget this man entirely. - 1 ^ ... 1 subject to 2-year restriction im posed by "catch-all” clause of state statute of limitations (Cannon v. Miller, (Wash. Sup. Ct.). P-H La bor. tj 12,384). Three-year limit for contract actions does not apply since, although action is of con tractural nature, claims arise strictly under the Wage-Hour sta tute and would not otherwise exist. Withholding Receipt—I IMn vers ion: In our February 26th issue, we stated that employer must give his social security identification num ber on withholding receipts for wages paid in 1945. While the form calls for this information, a letter ruling (1-31-45) of the Bur eau states that, although the nuni ber would be helpful to it, the Bur eau does not require employer to state it. GOVERN WENT CONTRACTS Percentage of Profit Bonuses — Renegotiation: The Salary Stabiliz ation Unit has revoked ruling (SSU 69) that payment of a bonus based on percentage of profits required the Unit's approval if the profits were subsequently reduced through renegotiation (SSU 86, P-H Labor, 6829. Revocation means: employers are free to pay such bonuses with out danger that the payment will be an unlawful salary increase in the event of reduction of profits provided the bonus is paid under a contract or practice in effect prior an October 3, 1942. Revocation does not mean: (1) that an employer who had no such contract or pract ice may establish a system of per centage bonuses with approval; (2) bonus paid under such a contract will necessarily be an income tax deduction. The payment to be de ductible must be reasonable and necessary within the meaning of Section 23 (a) of the Code. PRODUCTION ADJUSTMENT PRO GRAM: To carry out Director Byrnes* broad general policies with respect to cutbacks and terminations, WPG 1 has established a Production Read justment Committee (Directive 40 P-H Government Contracets, par. 34,515). The Committee will oper ate through two subdiary groups, the Current Production Adjustment Division (responsible for handling adjustments required by current cutbacks) and the Period Adjust ments Group (responsible for cut backs expected after V-E Day). Know Your State Traffic Laws... The dice are loaded against you when you "roll" too close to the ve hicle ahead. It's a losing game blind and dangerious drivingf with everything to lose and nothing to win. The state law requires that a driver of an automobile is not to follow another vehicle more closjly that is reasonable and proper. Speed amount of traffic and condition of the highway is to be considered in determining a safe follow distance When one truck is following an other on the highway, it must keep a distance of three hundred feet in the rear . Watch for next week's traffic law tip. as it's smart to be safe. Nebraska Safety Patrol