MURDERER OF THOMAS DOUGLAS STILL AT LARGE TWELVE MEN AND A COURT OF JUSTICE SAID SO. Omaha Guide Offers $200 Reward for the Murderers Apprehension Leroy Smith is a free man today. The late, Mr Thomas Douglas’ death is still a mystery to this community. The County Attorney’s office and the defense were well represented in Leroy Smith’s trial. The evidence submitted by the County At torney’s office hi the trial was properly assimilated and well defined by the representatives of that of fice. We just do not know anything they could have done in the way of presentation of the evidence they had to the court and the jury. The defense council put up a good battle and won for their client his freedom. $200 REWARD I he Omaha Guide Publishing Company offers $200 Cash Reward for the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers of Thomas Douglas, who was killed at 1816 North 24th street, February 11, 1944. Any information that anyone has m this community or anywhere in the United States that will assist in bringing about the arrest and convic tion of the murder of Thomas Douglas, will receive the above reward. IS YOUR LIFE AND MY LIFE SAFE? Is anyone’s life safe in a community with a mur derer or murderers running loose after committing a crime of cold-blooded murder upon a man who lived a clean, Christian life in our community. Who was Thomas Douglas? In our opinion Thomas Douglas was one of Omaha’s No. 1 citizens. We had known him for 30 years, and we in the newspa per business do have occasion to go in and out of all kinds of places of business and observe the good and bad in all walks of life. Thomas Douglas was a hard working, honest, Christian citizen. He would not harm a hair on a cat, and in the 30 years I had known him and in the many conversations I have had with him, I have never heard him express an ill word about any individual in the whole of my ac quaintance with him. He was a self-made man and a hard worker. He taught himself the jewelry business and in my opinion, he was as good as any jewelry smith as I have ever met. He has done work on clocks and watches for me for 30 years, and I have never had to return one job for poor work manship When the jewelry repair work was dull, 3 he was found looking for and doing odd jobs to cmake an honest living. I never saw Mr. Douglas anywhere in my entire acqaintanle with him ex cept around in the block where his place of business was located, in a restaurant getting his meals or at the Morning Star Baptist Church, where he was a deacon for sometime. He was liked and respected by everyone who knew him. I claim he was one of Omaha’s outstanding, Christian gentlemen. The man or men who murdered him should be ap prehended. This is why The Omaha Guide Publish ing Company, 2420 Grant street, today is offering a $200 Cash Reward for information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of the man or men who kill ed Thomas Doublas. Say what you will or may, —no one's life in the community is safe, where such vicious crimes are committed and the one who committed it walking the streets as a free man. Not even you, Mr. Reader are safe. Thomas Douglas was brutally murdered bv a crack-brained assailant. On the witness stand the County physician said that either of the blows that Mr. Douglas received on his head Avould have re suled in death. It was also brought out in the trial that the lick he received on the head, crushed his skull in three different places, sufficiently for brain matter to ooze from the a\touih1s. The licks Thomas • We would Appreciate it, if You would Call WROTHWELL’S FLORIST, for YOUR EASTER FLOWERS—JA-0484. ^EASTER LILIES, ^CORSAGES, ^AND OUT FLOWERS of All Kinds. Place Your Easter Order for Your Sweetheart’s Flowers NOW! Call Ja-0484 Wroth well’s Florist Shop 24th at Ohio Street (3rd door South of Post-office) OMAHA, NEBRASKA Douglas received and which caused his death were j fully unexpected. Evidence showed that he was sitting on his stool at a work- bench, working on a watch, and when he was turned over by the detect ive and his hand was opened, a watch was clasped in his hand and the face of the watch was found on the workbench where he was working. The stool he was sitting upon was turned over near where his body fell. Now,, what does this indicate to anyone with common sense, It indicates that the man who murdered Thomas Douglas was someone he knew and someone he least expected was going to strike him It was someone he thought he knew7 vrell enough to hold a conversation with while he was do ing his work, and someone whom he did not think intended to harm him. I am sure that the Omaha Negro citizens of this community want to see a hard criminal of this type put behind the bars for life w'here he belongs. Do you know7 that there is someone in this community w7ho knows who killed Thomas Douglas? If you do and read the above item, wre hope your conscience and justice wrill prevail upon you to let us have the information which will lead to the arrest and con viction of the criminal. It was revealed on the witness stand that Thomas Douglas had in his possession a few days before he wras killed, the sum of $750, and it wras also testified to that the denomination of the bills was remember ed by one who counted said money, to be two $100 bills and others of smaller denomination. Do you know that it is rumored on 24th street to day, that some man w7on some part of one of those $100 bills in a gambling place in the city of Omaha? Now, Mr. Omaha Citizen, be fair to yourself and your family and help put the man who committed this cold-blooded murder behtnd the bars where he belongs. WAITERS’ i ;olumn BY DEAN H. W. SMITH WE. 6458 The RR boys are serving on the fast flying steel wheels with a big smile. The Omaha Club waiters are tops at all times. The waiters at the Regis Hotel and the White Horse Inn are on the job at all times. The Hill Hotel waiters are on the up and go with a smile. This writer was a passenger on the Missouri Pacific Eagle Febr uary 28, from Omaha to St. Louis, and it wras a travel pleasure. All of the train crew were polite and very friendly. On a round trip from Omaha to Little Rock, Ark ansas we had the pleasure of being served lunch between KC and St. Louis with the following crew Our modern service, planned with experienced skill nnd directed with sincere consid eration for the wishes of those we serve, gives true expression to the fnmlly’s respect for its departed. THOMAS FUNERAL HOME —WE. 2022 2022 Lake Street dishing out very fine service: The Dining Car Crew of Car No. 10242, Mo. Pacific Eagle which runs from St. Louis to Omaha, Nebraska, are as follows: S. C. Hamilton, Steward; Dave Brooks, Chef; C. Tatum, 2nd Cook; Rudolph Lewis, 3rd Cook; A. DeVilla, Waiter; Wm. T. Duckett, Waiter; Matthew Geo rge, Waiter; L. N. McCain, Waiter; Ben Kohlman, Bartender; Sherman Davis, Parlor Car Porter; Velpo Anthony, Chair Car Attendant. THE WEEK B1 H. W. SMITH—HA-0800 U. S. Senator Bilbo told the US. Senate that Aubrey nominee for rural electrification administrator was not the man for the place and we do not wan that Negro lover on that job. Four men denied setting fire to a shed used for fruit packing in Auburn Calif., at the court trial Monday, March 12. An allotment check floated 326 miles from Wellsbury West Va., to Buena Vista, Ohio. It was lost by an army Lieut.’s mother. Congressman Kunkel of Penn., [ introduced a bill in Congress for a nationwide Bible reading every year from Thanksgiving to Christ mas. An auto repair shop opened the week of March the 4th at Sidney, Nebraska—It was destroyed by fire Monday March 12. Read The Omaha Guide for news. Nearly 600 second-hand U. S. airplanes are on sale at the Calif. Aero airport at Ontario, Calif. Claude D. Noble, Detroit, Mich., business man will try to talk to the spirit of Clarence Darrow for the 7 th time in Jackson Park. Judge George Montgomery of KC, Mo., presiding Judge of the Jackson County Court hired one man and a crew of monkeys to clean out the air ducks in the court house—admitted that he had been forced over into the ranks of the skeptics Monday March 12. Two men are being held "by pol ice in St. Paul, Minn, after a room ing house fire Sunday, March 11th. 27 transit men of Philadelphia were fined $100 each by Judge George A. Welsh—they were charg ed with violating the Smith-Conn ally Act in the six day strike. Window Shades On Your Own Rollers Your Rollers Are Probably As Good as Ever-You Save Their Cost-and We Only Need to Know the “Length” You Desire Tontine Shades on your Hand Oil Opaque Shades own rollers. , nc ■ , Sizes up to 36 inches wide Sizes up to 36 inches wide b 5 feet long _ _ _j. 26 by 5 feet long_1.37 ‘ , ., Sizes up to 36 inches wide Sizes up to 36 inches wide by 5 ft. 6 in. long- 1.46 by 3 ft 6 in- long—1.36 Sizes up to 36 inches wide Sizes up to 36 inches wide by 6 feet long .1.56 by 6 feet long-1.44 STREET FLOOR Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Three bandits broke into a mar ket in KC, Mo., and stole five cases of whiskey—the night watchman had just loaded his shotgun and could not reach it. Missouri river at Blair, Nebraska was below flood stage Monday, March 12, but a number of towns on the Iowa side were flooded. 272 wounded fighting men rode in ambulances in a welcome par ade Monday, March 12 in San Fran cisco, Calif—they had been captives ^of the Japs and held in a prison camp in the Phillipine Islands. The Omaha Guide produces all the latest news at all times. ACTIVITIES AT THE NORTH TWENTY FOURTH USO CLUB - J. P. MOSELY, DIRECTOR Since occupying our new location attendance at the club has more than tripled. The large increase speaks eloquently of the appreciat ion of members of the armed forces and others connected with the club. The clean, beautiful and comfortable surrounditigsl The fact that members of the armed forces are actually using the club l in great numbers is a testimony of the wisdom of those who labored so diligently to provide such. HARVARD DAY Sunday, March 11, was designated as Harvard Day. The program and activities at the club were under the direction of 35 men from this base. They operated the check room, took the door count, served the coffee, answered the phones and acted as master of ceremonies and program leaders during the day. Outstanding programs rendered were a discussion group in the [ morning led by Cpl. Johnson, a Vesper service in the evening, fea turing the mixed racial group of singers from South High School un der the direction or Mrs. Mussell son. At 7:00 the Harvard Gospel Singers brought a very interesting program. This was followed by Community singing. GRAND ISLAND DAY Sunday, March 18th will be Grand Island Day. It is expected that a fine program will be brought to us by the men from Grand Island. 153 persons have signed to make the trip to Hastings Saturday Mar. 17th. Busses will leave at 1:00. HOSTESSES NOTICE All Hostesses are instructed to have their cards and to present them at all USO activities for ad mittance. Those persons who have misplaced their cards will be issu I ed new ones should they request I such. Democracy in Action (Continued from page 1) this global war. It has taught us in this crucial hour that the profit of a state is in the making of men. It means that there must be an equitable administration of all soc ial services if Americans are to share equally and alike in the de fense of the Republic. These has in the past been a school of thought in the South which hold that there is construct ive value in ignoring fundamental and vital issues, and many worth while people in that section, who want to see America assume the moral leadership of the world, have because of such beliefs, vacillated in approach towards racial, econom ic and political issues. But we now know that one cannot combat evil by ignoring it. We now know that while we timidly turned our faces away from truth, four million blacks and six million whites have been disfranchised by poll tax laws down in Dixie. We realize now that the wind knows no segregation line, nad that if there Is ill health among millions of blacks this same and identical morbidity will finally figure into the rate of the whites. In recent years we have been learning also that no American la borer is safe and secure so long as a destitute black worker stands outside the door of our nation’s in dustrial establishment. This vis ion and understanding is rapidly invading the ranks of organized la bor, and it is thrilling to see the accord and understanding that is developing among all laborers be cause of this basic approach now being made to work opportunity in the industrial field. The South has at last discovered that it needs or ganized labor as well as the North and East. It has learned also that minority groups other than the Negro need the assistance of fair employment practice committees, such as created by the greatest de mocrat on earth, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We are making pro gress in collective bargaining, but recent experiences teach that the National Labor Relations Act will not give the American worker ab solute security until the law den How women and girls mat/get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: 1 — Taken like a tonic, it should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. 2mStarted 3 days before “ "your time”, it should help relieve pain due to purely functional periodic causes. Try Cardul If it helps, you’ll be glad you did. CARDDI ies undemocratic labor unions, bar ring American citizens from mem bership, the right to act as bargain ing agents for labor. The war has also taught us sign ificant and important lessons in e conomics. Hitherto we have as sumed that freight differentials were fundamentally the cause of traditional poverty in the South land. The current spending power that war industry has placed in the hands of Southerners both black and white is convincing proof that withholding of spending power from the black laborer down South has in large measure formed the basis of our economic ills. We are learning down in our section of the United States that basic prosperity depends upon higher wages, and that this spending power must be placed within the reach of all of our citizens, both black and white. Already around a half million Negro citizens have located in the West and Northwest. They may never return. In fact in the post war era there is likely to occur an other exodus similar to the one fol lowing the first world war. I feel that unless immediately the South plans definite programs dealing with housing, education, health and suffrage there will be an exodus from the South and there Is prob ability that the new industrial era in our section will see the Influx of citizens from the already indus trial North and East, who may not accept and adopt without friction the traditional sectional sanctions of our region. I think my own state of Okla homa has pointed in many respects the way towards liberalism In the South. Oklahoma has no poll tax, but for many years disfranchised black citizens through the admin istration of a registration law which is still upon the statute books of Oklahoma. I wish to say tonight there is no place in Okla homa today where any citizen is denied ballot privileges. 45,000 Ne groes vote in the democratic prim ary, and the Negroes of my state have proven to their white breth ern that they are willing to pro mote any cause that points towards the ideals of democracy. This fine democratic relationship has not developed in Oklahoma sole -ly through pressure that has come from the suppressed. The fine lib eral, justice loving spirits of form er governors J. B. A. Robertson and Jack Walton, possessing the moral courage of Governor Arnall of Georgia, in a large measure a chieved this ideal situation. It proves conclusively that the South has started thinking right and to tinhk right is finally to act right. I think the lessons we have learn ed from such resolute, fearless souls as possessed by the First Lady of our land, and other sterl ing characters mentioned, who were born and bred in the South, is that progress comes through fac ing not dodging evil. Democracy needs in this hour men and women who will assume responsibility for wrecking the temples of evil, who will be willing to speak out in un derstandable language respecting the new social order that must come in the ideal world of tomor row. On behalf of the Southern Con ference for Human Welfare I sal ute at this moment Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, this grand and distinguished character, who in her interpretation of democracy and freedom here in America, is to us, as in the language of an ancient bard, "as pure as the icicles that hung in the Temple of Diana, and as chaste as th vestal virgins’*. SEABEES FOIGHT SIDE BV SIIJE WITH MARINES AT PELELIl (Continued from page 1) Hall lives at 938 Elbron Avenue, San Pedro, California, saw the a mount of enemy fire and ordered us back to the ship. We got back to the ship and loaded up with ev ery weapon available and as much ammunition as we could carry. So when we hit the beach we were prepared." When they landed, the Seabees fell to their task of getting ammun ition to the Marines who had driven inland about 300 or 400 yards. Mc Donald, who had 16 men under him, added: "We got the first load of ammunition across to the Fifth Regiment of the First Marine Div ision in an amphibious truck. On the way over, the driver was killed, and one of our men, Charles E. I Wordlow, Seaman, First Class US NR., whose wife lives on route 2, Jeffersontovvn, Kentucky, took over the wheel and got us and the need ed ammunition through.” In spite of valiant fighting, the Japs by nightfall had pushed our forces back—almost to the water's edge. The Marine officers asked for volunteers for combat; the Ne gro Seabees responded and fought side by side with the famed First Division. ' The Marines," McDonald said "are good at teaching you bow to use the various weapons—and un der such circumstances a man learns prety fast, too." The 17th Special U.S. Naval Con struction Battalion fought with the Marines until the coveted airstrip on Peleliu was taken from the Japs. McDonald wears the Purple Heart. At Peleliu, on D-Day plus four, he received a shrapnel wound and was run down by a Jap tank Bargains In Unredeemed • Diamonds, • Watches and • Jewelry. Special 8950 BRIDAL SET 2495 MARCUS Loan & Jewelry Co. 320 North 16th Street “See Marcus for Bargains” CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to my friends for their floral offerings, cards and phone calls dtiring my illness. I will soon be out again. Mrs. Odessa Jackson. which had broken through our lin es. The guns of the tank had been silenced, but the tank was running amuck, its driver apparently had intent on knocking down and crushing as many American as he could. McDonald, who was crouch ed in a foxhole with a Marine, said he saw the tank just as it hit one man and veered toward him. Hi tried to Jim clear, but the tank struck him down with a glancing blow. From the injuries he received at I’eleliu, McDonald is now recuper ating in a Naval Hospital. He re calls that after the tank struck him, the Marine in the foxhole with him said, ‘Now watch me have some fun” and with one shot of his bazooka eliminated the Jap tank. AeivsLetter Happening In Washington BYRNES AND JOHN L. LEWIS— are squaring off for a finish fight. Administration is determined to end Lewis’ string of victories. In 1943, the mine chief asked $2 a day —would have taken less than half. He ended up getting $1.50 to $1.75 a day—and all of it outside the Little Steel Formula. Lewis is expected to ask: (1) a 25c an hour increase in basic wage; (2) full rate for portal-to-portal instead of 2-3; (3) shift different ials of 5c and 10c an hour. Likely out-come; miners will get full rate for portal-to-portal; some shift differentials; higher allowances for vacations (now $20 to $50), and al lowances for boots and safety lamps. For bargaining purposes Lewis has given the 30 day strike notice required by the S. C. Act. He al ready has in his favor the tact that he has never made a no-strike pledge. For reasons of public re lations he probably will not issue a strike order. Following their traditional practice, miners will simultaneously stop work at the expiration of their contracts. "No contract: no work.” After a few days government will take over the mines. That status will satisfy Lewis. Coal production will then be re sumed. Settlement will be stalled until aftr VE day. WLB Chairman Davis has hinted that a general wage increase may then be approp riate. Lewis will demand retro activity for all awards. GI REALTY LOANS: High prices have caused rejection of 121 of 900 applications from discharged vet erans seeking housing loans. Gl Bill of Rights Act says prices paid shall not exceed a “reasonable, nor mal, value.” 518 applications have been pprovaed, 261 await action. MONTGOMERY WARD'S EX AMPLE of refusing to obey WLB decisions has been followed by ap proximately 100 other employers. JEWS. CATHOLICS AND NEGROES RALLY TO FEPC NEW YORK, NY., March 12 _ In the course of a recent trip by A. Philip Randolph in the Middle west and Southeast, a number of I Local Councils as a part of the Na tional Council for a Permanent FEPC, were est up. In these meet ings, including those held in the South, both colored and white cit izens were present and the Local Councils are planned to be inter racial in composition. Mr. Ran dolph indicates that the call for support for S101 and HR. 2232, the Bills for a permanent FEPC in the Senate and House that have enforce ment powers as against the Taft toothless measure, have met with fine response and support from the Jewish, Catholic and Negro groups everywhere. This unity and coop ! eration on an interracial and Intel J faith basis as well as from ihej A. F. of U and CIO, should net! or.l.v result in the victory of iv » 1 forcmentloned Hills hut create J moral and spiritual climate in n merlca which will rout the . ter monster of racism, rtvsetved Mr. Randolph. \t t vm\ AT FRWCn III tl »mh n I>etroll, Mich— Uepreaenta, v, ' Adam I”. 1'otvcll tthttnoemn \ \ • Sunday, said It was a mast »y., | his race he represented at the Sen Francisco Fnlted Nations .'cnf. ence. In an add re** prepared f«>r delix ery under auwpfcen of the h T WORKER A Magazine Owned. Edited. Published and Circulated by Negroes to serve the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav to Success and Haodinesa— Interesting and Inspiring Subscription Price— 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year's subscription will be given “THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE," the practical elds of Monev Handling that will make yon a successful person. Send your order today «a THE NEGRO WORKER Tosksgsa Alabama I Mr. McDonald States Some Facts I am now a representative of the Omaha Guide, the oldest Colored | newspaper in the state of Nebras ka. I have in the past and am now visiting many homes contacting ev eryone. I am well pleased with. past. results and hope for a contin uation of your cooperation. We must have your cooperation in this matter in order to make the Guide the kind of newspaper that we should have in our city. We are now' prepared to furnish you with all the local news concerning your church and your society, your com ing to town and your leaving town, your son in the armies, navies or elsewhere. So please don't be a shamed to give us the news. We must have the nws to build up a greater newspaper. Remember, the Omaha Guide be longs to you and it is what you make of it or your cooperation. One misfortune or habit I find existing among our people, not as a whole, but a portion or them— First they don't read enougn. You must always keep in mind that others are expressing their Ideas and you should compare or weigh their thoughts or expressions with those of your own. Perhaps your conscious w'ill eventually teach which is right. We can then go forward. But first, above all things, READ, READ until you are convinced. We thank you for your past pa 1 tronage and hope you will continue. ! We are striving to make your j Omaha Guide a better Newspaper | for all. Thanks, | C. C. McDonald, Representative Omaha | Guide. Bureau for Negroes’ Post War E conomic Security, Representative Powell said, ’’The Negro can no longer be considered as a min ority.he belongs not only to the one billion people of the darker races but also to the .peoples of other races who are determined to build a people's world.” BOWELS SLUGGISH? ? Fr!Lng you ,ost y°ur best frierixi — headachy-du,l-al1 because of sluggish bow. els. Why put up with constipation iniserj-? Chew modem J'EEN-A-MINT, the plecsant a «ti?Sr£lew,"8‘8um laxative. Chew FEEN A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only In accordance with package directions. Next morrnng—thorough, gentle relief, helping you mHT'cu16",”; Millions rely on FEEN A M1NT. Chew hke your favorite gum. Tastes toivT™,™N ,An“INT'* whole &miI* 10< "Time and Tide Wait on No Man’’ NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street McGILL’S — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 2423-23 NORTII 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. a. U 1 l r Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charge* WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a a to 1 ft. m JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS \ A (rood Place to Eat : Home Cooking j uri,. Diner j 2414 \oHlh Mh S*; j Regular r^: MfiU Vv i‘ftF.4t)Y 'TO SFFJ'E” } I—II :S0 k. M. TO VSft P Vf— i HWi** WV?’,> J •rr paVs ro took wfm - maycps rarrfr shop and OiiMrenV Wmfc A Specialty Uti LAKF ST teid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or doable your money beck When excess stomach acid causes painful, sulTnrat ' stomach and heartburn, doeton usually glyr'^.^Jsstost-actlSE medicines known foe i'^a^r b,rk on r',ura of ho'11*