The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 24, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Bearcat Wrights—Mamma, Ed and Little Ed (leaning against the wall at right) . . . their
USO opening proved a huge success.—World-Herald Photo.__
Bearcat Wright Opens Own USO Center
Ed (Bearcat) Wright is fighting
The popular old Negro isn't fool
ish enough to don ring togs again
but he feels the current fight a- ,
gainst banning Negro sailors from
South Omaha is more important
than his tussle with Prlmo Cam
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
-Since ’93
Protect Your Table
With a Good Pad!
■ i
We make them to exactly fit 3"our
Table Tops. .Two very satisfactory
types. . Ventilated and Asbestos.
McKay, Ventilated
Duveteen Bottoms
Uabricoid Tops
Up to 38x48. 7.05
Up to 48x60. .. . . .10.50
Up to 48x72.11.75
12x54 leaves.2.15
Duveteen Bottoms
Pabricoid Tops
Up to 36x48 .6.50
Up to 48x64.8.50
Up to 48x72.10.00
12x54 leaves.2.00
Out-of town customers should send us exact
paper pattern of table top and extra leaves.
Soap Offer
In White Only
Bouquet Fragrance OcrV ®oz«
No City Deliveries. For Mail Orders
Please Add 12c Per Box for Postage
Toiletrioi—Mail Floor
era way back when.
And, If the last Saturday night
opening of his USO can be used as
a guage, he’s going to win.
The ‘Cat’ recently opened a res
taurant at 5212 South 25th street,
and closed off an old saloon in the
basement. And that was the start
for his USO.
‘‘Negro sailors have been banned
from South Omaha because they
didn’t have any place to go," this
veteran of the last war explained.
“Many Negro soldiers have been
forced to roam the streets, so 1
went into a huddle with the missus
—she’s still boss—and we came up
with the idea of a USO. Out went
the old basement fixtures and in
went a dance floor.
“Clyde Dials, secretary of the
Community Effort Club, deserves
most of the credit because he car
ried out the plans. We don’t have
room for everyone so will enter
tain Negroes from different bases |
* FfelinS Iitfe you lost your best frienj - I
l eadachy-dull-ail because of sluggish bow |
Els: Why put up with constipation misery?
Chew modem FEEN-A-MINT, the pleasant
“**>“* Chewing-gum laxative. Chew FEEN
A-MINT tonight at bedtime, taking only in
accordance with package directions. Next
morning—thorough, gentle relief, helping you
.exTxTSmellLagai“- MiUions rely on FEEN-A
M j I'kc your favorite gum. Tastes
good. Try FEEN-A-MINT-a whole family mat* nni« iAi
“ I ime and Tide Wait on No Man"
Quality Material and Guaranteed
Quality Work"
2407 Lake Street
A Magazine Owned. Edited. Published
and Circulated bv Negroes to serve
Workers—Points the wav to Success
and HaDDiness—
Interesting and Inspiring
Subscription Price—
12 Issues—$1
FREE—With each year's subscription
will be given "THE FIVE KEYS TO
A FULL PURSE.” the practical side
of Money Handling that will make
you a successful person.
Send your order today to
Box 278-B
Tuakegea institute. Alabama
Our modern service, planned
with experienced skill ami
directed w'itli sincere consid
eration for the wishes ol
those we serve, Klves true
expression to the family's
respect for its departed.
—WE. 2022
2022 Lake Street
' —.III. ^
How women and girls
ynaij get wanted relief
Cardui is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
1 . Taken like a tonic, it
should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion.•
thus help build resist
ance for the “time” to
2 — Started 3 days before
“your time”, it should
'TookN help relieve pain due
INTO \ to purely functional
periodic causes.
Try Cardui. If it helps,
you’ll be glad you did.
I each week end.”
South Omaha merchants saw the
merit of the Wright-Dials propo
sition and have agreed to solve the
food problem.
Soldiers from Fort Crook and
Harvard, AAF were guests last
Saturday night. Those from other
military reservations will take
their turn and the project will be
called a huge success when Negro
es from the Hastings Naval Am
munition Depot are allowed to
move into South Omaha.
WE. 6458
Everyone and their friends are
welcome at the Waiters Club.
The RR boys are serving with a
smile on the rolling wheels.
The Paxton Hotel Walters ore
always out in front on service.
The Waiters at the Hill Hotel are
topping off their service in a very
fine manner.
The Waiters at the Fontenelle
Hotel are on the up and go at all
The Omaha Club waiters going
good on service.
Are you a subscriber to The
Omaha Guide, the fastest growing
Negro Newspaper in Nebraska
If Not—Why not?
The Blackstone Hotel waiters
are on the up and go all the time.
Mr. James Robinson the fast and
streamlined lunch car -man of the
Union Pacific RR, is always on the
quick step and always has a pleas
ant word for the writer of this col
Tlie waiters at the Regis hotel
and the White Horse Inn are mak
ing good and sure got off to a
fine start for the new year.
All waiters should always be
well informed on their menus and
be ready to answer all questions
about the food.
THE WEEK—1» H. W. Smith
A thre story apartment house
was wrecked by a gas explosion,
February 15th in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fire destroyed the Columbia
Iron Works in Chattanooga, Temi.,
February 15—a large number of
machines were destroyed.
Wesley Kngast the wheel el.- ,i
tourist, was in Omaha February ill,
—Hewas on his way to Topeka.
Kansas and Texas.
Admiral T. C. Hart, one time as
sociate Commander of the IT. S.
Fleet was sworn in as Republican]
U. S. Senator from Conn., Feb. 15.1
Read The Omaha Guide for all
the news!!!
The Induction board of Mission,
Texas, called four sons from one
family. They were ordered to re
port at San Antonio, Texas.
A meat packing company of Chi
cago was charged with operating a
black market February 15th.
The Lenten season got away to
a good start Ash Wednesday, Feb.
15. We shall all partake of many
sea foods and eggs.
Pvt. Leo Wilemson of Elyria,
Ohio, wrote his wife he wanted to
remain in the South Pacific when
he was notified she was suing him
for a divorce.
Are you a member of the NAACP?
The 92d division of Negroes sta
tioned in Italy, killed a four man
enemy patrol trying to work into I
their position. Each enemy was
clad in full American uniform and
all were wearing black faces.
Ex-Governor Arthur M. Hyde of
Mo., delivered a Lincoln Birthday
speech at a Republican meeting in
Kansas City, Mo., and advised all
Republicans to support the I! Q.
Constitution. Also former Gover
nor John W. Bricker of Ohio spoke
at a Lincoln Birthday dinner in N.
York and said individual opportun
ity must be written across th
banner of the Republican party.
Read The Omaha Guide.
Colonel Matt J. Winn, head of
Church-hill Downs, race track, in
Louisville, Ky., denied that the
Kentucky Derby of 1945 would be
run in New York should New "N ork
racing be permitted this spring.
He said if the Derby is held it
would be at Churchhill Downs.
Fire broke out in nn apartmenti
Weekly Summary of Editorials About or Concern
ing Negroes from Daily Newspapers Throughout
The Country.
(Compiled by The National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People, 69 Fifth Avenue, New York, 3, New York)
1. “One of the first acts of the New House of
Representatives in Washington was to give perman
ent basis to the Committee to Investigate Un-Amer
ican Activities... .It is to be hopped that a new
chapter will now begin. Under Hies_it was one
of the rankest traversties on a laudable purpose
ever perpetuated by a law-making body. The com
mittee can become a useful adjunct of the House, if
it will. Certainly there is enough material for it to
work on, and if it cooperates with professional peaev
and law enforcement groups it may do some good.”
(Detroit Free Press. January 5, 1345)
2. “It is encouraging that Rep. Rankin, who sue
ceeded in creating the committee on un-American
activities as a permanetn body of the house, has
seen his way to accept membership on the commit
tee_It is particularly reassuring-for the Deni
-ocratic majority of the house, dominated by tin
left wing influence of the CIO’s political action
committee, has packed the committee with four men
apparntly selected on the basis of their disapproval
of the committee’s purposes. All four voted a
gainst the ceation of the committee, and their ap
pointment to it demonstrated the New Deal s inten
tion to sabotage its effectiveness.’”
(Chicago Tribune. January 20. 1945).
3. “The decisive vote of the House of Represent
atives establishing the Committee on Un-American
Activities as a permanent investigating body, marks
an auspicious beginning for the new Congress. This
committee.... has always been strenuously opposed
by the New Deal Administration, but has neverthe
less always achieved extension of its authority.
However, its temporary status was always suspend
ed' over it in the manner of a Damoclean sword. And
it enemies within the administration had confident
ly expected to lower the blade on it this time for
keeps. In hat sense, of course, the action of the new
Congress is an administration defeat-This is
particularly true because the Administration had
planned not only the death of the committee but at
least the suppression and probably the destruction
of its records. The scope 01 this conspiracy only
recenetly came to light, whn it was disclosed in
Washington that the chief investigator for the com
mittee was refused a draft deferment in the face of
a formal request for it by the Joint Congressional
Deferment Committee... .The Dies Committee had
spent many years in assiduous investigation ot sub
versive activities in the United States, which was
the task assigned to it by Congress. As a result of
its investigations, it had accumulated voluminous
eveidncee of subversive activity. In its records
are more than one million names of individuals and
organizations against whom there yas eithei evi
dence or testimony of subversive activity, affiliation
or sympathy_The committee has not only been
continued, but has been given permanent status. Its
valuable records have been kept intact. The pres
tige and authority of the American Congress have
been upheld. The vital interest of the American
people have been restored.
(Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph. January 17. 1945).
building at 2107 and 2113 Douglas
street, shortly before midnight last
Friday, February 16. It left many
| tenants homeless on Saturday, Feb
I ruary 17th.
An auto taken from near Oak
land, Nebraska Friday, was found
at Wahoo, Nebraska, Saturday,
February 17th. It was returned to
the owner.
.. I
Four young boys were arrested |
by Omaha police for setting fire to i
a shack.
Katherine Fox of 502 North 20th
street, was drowned in the pool of
the former Central Club, last Sal •
urday, February 17th.
The State Supreme Court of tleor
gia, has ruled that protracted ques
tioning of criminals suspects men
tal torture, and should not be ob
tained through such methods.
Two St. Paul, Minn, detectives
were trapped in their auto when
the door and windshield were froz
Wm. Parkinson, area director for
the War Manpower Commission
and vice president Charles D.
Sanders of the Omaha Chamber of
Commerce have stressed a Stay on
the Job Plea.
20 sacks of feed were stolen
from the Frank's Poultry and
Feed store, Friday night, Feb. 17.
Touched by
the Hand of
the Dark Visitor..
Funeral Eulogy was held Feb.
19th at 11 from Mt. Moriah
Baptist Church for Miss Martha
Beasley, age 29 years. Rev. David
St. Clair eulogized the Christian
life of Miss Beasley. Deaconess
Madames Ada Stewart, Jones,
Moore, Winters, La vena Lewis and
Ada Maxey were completely hid
den as they carried the many beau
tiful floral sprays to the funeral
coach. Survivors: Parents Mr. and
Mrs. William Beasley, other rela
tives, Rev. and Mrs. Edward Win.
Beasley, Jackson, Tennessee. Tom
Beasley, Detroit, Michigan, Pvt.
Henry Lee Beasley, Italy, Mr. and
Mrs. Pruitte, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Beasley, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beasley
all of Omaha, Mrs. Anna Moore,
Detroit, Michigan. Mrs. Edna Gal
acki, Flint, Michigan, Mrs. Lizzie
Lindsay, Mrs. Mattie Calines, Mrs.
Anna Cotton and Mrs. T. Rusie
Tripplet all of Shuqualak, Miss. A
large congregation gathered to pay
their high esteem to the prominent
Beasley, Bynam and Linsday fam
ilies. Burial Mt. Hope cemetery.
Joseph D. Lewis mortuary was in
Funeral services for Bert Harris
age 76 years, 2826 Charles Street,
was held 2 pm. February 19th from
Morning Star Baptist Church. Rev.
Janies Crowder eulogized the life
of Deacon Harris. Script was
read by Rev. B. S. Hunter, Sioux
City, Iowa. Remarks were given
by Rev. J. C. Wade of Salem Bap
tist Church. The pall bearers
were from Morning Star and Par
adise Baptist Churches.
Survivors Mrs. Anna Mitchell of
Omaha; Mrs. Luella Booker. Kan
sas City, Mo., Mrs. Sadie Booker.
Kansas City, Mo., Burial Mt. Hope
cemetery, Joseph D. Lewis .mort
uary was in charge.
To Renew your 1015
CAU- HA-0800
Limp Larry Watson stretches out over the lower rope as Referee Jack Gibbons counts him out
. . . and a Paul Hartnek fan in the first row expresses his pleasure at sudden finish in ninth round.
~ —— —<£>
MASON of Cincinnati, Ohio, who 1
was recently appointed to th
Oroup Services Branch of the In
formation Department of OPAs na
tional office to work with nation
al Negro women's organizations <-o
operating with OPA in its price
and rent control and rationing pro
grams. Miss Mason is a graduate
of the University of Cincinnati
with a Master's degree in educa
tional pyschologv.
BAR & BLlJE R'M)\!
E McGill, Prop
1421-Sr. NORTH 24th S«
riioc Room Open 8 p. m. to 1 a. n
Open for Private Parties from
2 to 7 p m
—No Charges
Free Delivery from H a ns>
l a. n
JA. 9411
A Good Place to Eat
Home Cooking
™ Diner
2314 North 24th St. j
Meals Ow ;
—11:30 A. M. TO 8:30 P. M_1
Warren Webb, Proprietor j>
Pvt. Baxley Hardy of Lincoln AAF comes In low to land a
left on Joe HarttLeld’s chest.—World-Herald Photos.
In Unredeemed
9 Diamonds,
9 Watches and
• Jewelry.
8950 BRIDAL SET 2495
Loan & Jewelry Co.
320 North 16th Street
“Sec Marcus*for
J bargains”
Use The Omaha Guide
As A—
Medium of Advertising
1 tidies and Children’* Work
A Specially
2422 LAKE ST.
^*^^**# *X &
Improve your appearance. Wear our
glamour attachments for style and
attractiveness. Price $2-75, 50c ex
tra lot gray hair. If COD. postage
! extra. We carry a full line of all ov
er wigs, braids and curls- Write
7th Ave., New York, 27, NY.
Acid Indigestion
Relieved in 5 minutes or
double your money back
When exces3 stomach acid cau'cs painful, suffocat
ing gas. aour atomach and heartburn, doctors usually
prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for
lymptomatlc relief—medicines like three In Bell-sna
Tablet*. No laxative. Be!)-an* brings comfort in a
lifTy or double your money back on return of bottle
to us. rv at all druggist*.
11C70RY Bowl
2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175
Hours from 12 P. M. to 12 A. M.
Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M.
Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M.
Saturday morning
1“Bowl for health”
flKQUnilMIUIlUUIllMlgMgiaWtiHHIHHmmgnunwitiMiiiintmrTmTTTt- -