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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1945)
I Zmsim/MAim HEWTOTBEIINEV EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONEHA.OSOO _ ★ ^ ^ ★ "Largest Accredited Negro Newspaper West of Chicago and North of KC. + ^y ★ ^ ★ Entered as 2nd class matbr at Post-nfnce. Omaha, Nebr., Under Act of ^ , _ . ,rt._ , , „ _ _ March s. !h,4 publishing offices at 2420 Grant street. Omaha, Nebr Saturday, February 24, 1945 ★ 10c Per Copy ★ Our 18th Year, No. 3 Efficient Negro Staff Mans U. S. Hospital In Hills Of North Burma girl B1dncross workearha ^ _ _ 1 OX HOSPITAL STAFF —— ——"TrrTrrrnnEii—i^^———————— ■ Working side !>y side with the thousands of soldiers in North Burma, whose tireless efforts have been lareroly responsible for the successful eonstrn tion of the l.edo Load, is a nw U. S. Station hospital which is staffed entirely by Negro personnel. Located high in Naga Hills, this one hundred-bed hospital, opened two days before Christmas, is now of ___X-X-X—_—_X fering the most complete medical service of any similar unit in Burma It is commanded by Major Wilbur H. Strickland, of Philadelphia Pa formerly assistant chief of medicine at Fort Huachuca, Arizona- ’Left’ photo shows Lieutenant Fanny M. Hart, of Jacksonville, Fla., checking the pulse and temperature of Staff Sergeant Elmo M. Grove, former ace I motorcycle racer from Vellejo, Calif. Center photo shows surgeons at work in the operating room. Captain Maurice F. Gleason, (extreme left) former resident gynecologist of Provident Hospital, Chicago, 111., is chief surgeon. His wife, holder of the Ph. D. degree, is director of the Grad uate Library School at Atlantx University, Atlanta, Ga. Photo at right MISS BERNICE CRICK Shows affable American Red Cross worker. Miss Bernice Grice, of Om aha, Nebraska, who provides recreational facilities for the patients in conjunction with the rehabilitation program. Before Joining the Red Cross, Miss Grice was employed in The Surgeon General s Office, Wash ington, D. C., while attending Howard University. (U. S. Signal Corps W ■» N. N. P. A. Sponsors National Observance of Negro Newspaper Week '•: THE LIVING -! i SOUTH : 0 (BV HAROLD PREF.CE) 3 (Copyright, 1 945, by New South Features) Before my-two-vcar ol<\ David grabs them from my desk and starts chew ing them up, I’ve been trying to go through a lot of plans to lift the face of Mil. HAROLD PREECE J)ixi<* in tlie hopeful years that will follow this war. David must like those plans from the way that he chews on them when I turn my back to roll a cigarette. They are plans, drawn up by different federal and private agencies, for better housing, better schools, and bet ter everything else in this part of America where your people and my people will forge a new des tiny and a new democracy. But I'm mighty disappointed that I’ve seen no plans to build Negro business in Dixie. Just as we've got to have more machines and more assembly lines run by Negroes in Dixie if Dixie is ever going to have peace and prosper ity, so we are going to have more stores and shops, more banks and finance companies run by Negroes I’ve seen no plans to build Ne gro business in Dixie. But I have read ajor R. R. Wright’s article ‘‘From Slave to Banker,” publish ed in the February issue of Negro Digest. When I read that moving little sketch of Major Wright’s life, told in language eloquent by its modesty, I could foresee the great Negro business enterprises that will rise up in Dixie to give security and more prosperity to our people of both colors. Now Major Wright had to move up North to make a success of business. He is president of the Citizens and Southern Bank and Trust Company in Philadelphia. But we're proud that we gave him to the North and to Amer ica .we remember that he laid some pretty solid bricks for demo cracy during the 50 years when* he was teaching school in his home state of Georgia. He inspired young Southerners as a teacher. He inspires young Southerners as a business man. He spent “twelve years as a high school principal and 38 years as president of Georgia State Col lege at Savannah." Then at the age of 67, when most men consid er their life courses to have been run, he moved North and went in to business. "The rewards of teaching have been great in my former students men and women who are now bishops doctors lawyers teachers, i businessmen, and responsible civ il servants”—so writes Major Wright who started life as a slave in Georgia, more than 90 years ago. “They write and credit me for the ‘impression’ I made on them, although now I feel how inade quate I must have been." MATCHES CARVER L Now, much more should he writen about Major Wright than I am able to squeeze into my few hundred words,. I agree with Negro Digest Editor John H,. Johnson though that Major Wright’s life “is a saga of cour age and accomplishment that matches the story of George Washington Carver,.” Id like to see some member of the Association of Young Writers and Artists, organized by the Southern Negro Youth Congress, start to work on a book dealing with the life of Major Wright,. What a book that would be to : put alongside Booker T. Wash ! ing’t “p from Slavery” and the ■ Autobiography of Frederick Douglass. I can’t help but think that gen c rations of Negro teachers have been inspired by the ex-slave, Booker T. Washington, and gen erations of Negro crusaders for democracy by the ex-slave, Fred erick Douglass. I believe that ~enerations of public-spirited and far-seeing business men will be inspired by the ex-slave. Major Wright,. Clean Own House of Bigotry, U. S. Urged, To Show Sincerity Appearing on a good will program at Joslyn Memorial . . . Left to right—W. O. Swanson, Henry Monsky, Francis p, Matthews, and A. C. R. Swenson. * 3 FAITHS REPRESENTED ON JOSLTN PROGRAM Three laymen of the Catholic Protestant and Jewish faiths Sun day night called upon Americans to clean house of their own racial and religious bigotry to show their sincerity in help the world rebuild on the principle of the brotherhood of man. They are A. C. R. Swenson, con sul for Sweden; Francis P. Mat thews, chairman of the executive committee of the National Cathol ic Community Services and Henry Monsky, president of the superior lodge of B'nai B'rith. Appearing at Joslyn Memorial in a goodwill meeting sponsored by the Omaha Round Table to open the city's annual Brotherhood Week program, the three men stressed that America is playing an important role in the construct! r, i of a new world order, and there must be no disunity at home. “The United States has too many races and creeds to afford to in dulge inthe vices of intolerance and hatred,"’ Mr. Swenson declared. “It is for America now to show that in peace as well as in war it has un ity and faith in democratic proces ses. He declared that “we are at pres ent faced with a very real trial of our faith in democracy m no wav we treat the Americans ir Japan ese descent.” Mr. Matthews declared that as much as unity and understanding was needed in the past, “a far greater need exists now. AYe have only to look overseas to seo the de predation of mankind that has been the fruition of philosophies that do not recognize the brother hood of man.’ Mr. Matthews, who toured liber ated areas of Europe last fall, de clared that he bad been apprehen sive of what could happen in Am erica after seeing how Christian civilization in those lands has beer all but destroyed. Mr. Monsky agreed with Mr Matthews that “it ought never b< necessary to theorize or talk about Geo. W. Halsey Dies Denver Dist. Chr. of P.O.D.C.W. was A well known Figure to Omahans Mr. George W. Halsey, Denver, Colorado departed this life Febr uary Sth, 1945. Brother Halsey was District Chairman of Denver District, Protective Order of Din ing Car Waiters, Local No. 465, Regional Director and member of the Executive Board of the Joint Council of Dining Car Employees..'. He was no stranger in Omaha and was well liked by all who knew him. He has been a member of the Organization since the time it was chartered in 1934. Brother Halsey was not only a good organization man for most of his him was occup ied in civic, charitable and econ omic movements and whenever any of these movements were present ed, you could always depend on him to help put the program over. Omaha has lost a friend and a brother and Denver has lost a val uable and distinguished citizen. Arthur H. Reed, Secy-Treas., P.O.D.C.W., Local No. 465. brotherhood; it is something that should be practiced.’* Asserting that he is not pessi mistic for the future, that •the heart of America is sound' , Mr Monsky sad that i“America has its greatest source of strength in its numerous nationalities which have learned to work together and con tribute their varied cultures to the common wealth of the country. For that reason, it will not be found wanting in helping to estab lish a new post-war world." Chairman of the program was W. O. Swanson, national trustee of the NCCJ, assisted by Milton Livingston and Edward Leary. Miss Ethel Alpenfels, former Y WCA activity director in Denver, spoke Monday and Tuesday to O malia h:gh school students on “The Scientific Approach to Understand ing the Peoples of the World.” She-J also spoke at the Dundee Parent- j Teachers' Association meeting last ] Tuesday evening and visited the University of Omaha. Her talks are sponsored by the Omaha Round Table. Miss Alpenfels was the guest of the Women's Advisory Council at a luncheon, Tuesday noon at the Blackstone Hotel. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE ADS FOR 1945 BEGIN Announcing that the year's adv ertising program of the Nebraska Committee, United States Brewers Foundation, begins in Nebraska newspapers this month, State Dir ector Charles E. Sandall comment ed that “Our advertising, like our activities, serves a useful purpose in the public interest. The mes sages, completely factual in con tent, help enlighten our citizens on NATIONAL NEGRO NEWSPAPER WEEK February 25-March 3 SPONSORED BY THE NEGRO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION HEAR! These Broadcasts TUNE IN. WOW Saturday Night, 10:30 to 11 p..m AND OTHER NBC STATIONS Saturday, Feb. 24 ★ ROCHESTER & JACK BENNY ★ LIONEL HAMPTON'S OUCH. . . . and foreign pickups with Negro troops and war corres- i pondents — domestic dramatiza tions and messages from Mrs. j Eleanor Roosevelt, General Mc Arthur and Admiral Nimitz. I TTTNF TV KOIL, Friday Night 10:35 p. m. KOIL, Sat. afternoon 1:30 p.m. AND OTHER CBS STATIONS Friday, March 2 featuring the 477th. Bomber Squadron . . . Negro troops in France .. Negro troons in Eng land . . Negro War Correspon dents scenes from the pro duction front this organization’s purposes and acomplishments in the field of ef fective beer tavern control. We work for development of greater public consciousness and cooperat ion on the part cf the beer retail ing business, and the program is one in which the complete under standing, confidence and support of the public is most necessary.” "As in former years, daily and weekly enspawers throughout the entire state will carry the 1945 schedule,” Mr. Sandall said. The 118th anniversary of the Negro Press will be observed throughout the country from Febr uary 24 through March 3 under auspices of tb* Negro Newspaper Publishers’ Association. Beside an essay contest for high school stu dents, sponsored locally by The Omaha Guide and nationally by the Publishers’ Association, and in dividually arranged radio programs on local sta tions, there will be two national radio broadcasts over the National Broadcasting Company and Col umbia Broadcasting System chains. The purpose of the observance is to point up the part the Negro press is playing in reporting our' efforts in the war at home and abroad, and in keep ing up morale. The first half-hour national radio program of the week will be broadcast on Saturday, February 24, at 2:30 p.m. (EWT). Entertainment featured on this program will be Jack Benny, Rochester and Lionel Hampton. There will also be reports from two war correspondents—John (Rover) Jordan of the Norfolk ournal and Guide, who will talk about the 92nd Division with which he has been working for the last four or five months; and Enoc Waters of the Chicago Defender, who will speak from Pearl Harbor where he will interview a Negro naval offic er stationed there. Waters will also tell of some of the roles Negroes are playing in the Pacific, where he has been a correspondent for two years. In addition to these features, there will be a dram atization of the heroic exploits of Corp. Waverly B. Woodson. On D-Day, during the invasion of France, Woodson, as a member of the medical corps performed one of the heroic efforts of the war. He is now in a hospital in this country and will bt brought to New York for a personal appearance oil the program. Ralph Cooper, stage and screen star, will be master of ceremonies for the NBC broadcast. The second national broadcast will be made on Friday, March 2, at 7:15 p.m. (EWT) Details will be given next week. Red Cross war Fund The 1945 Red Cross War Fund will be held from March 1 to 31. i The goal is $200,000,000. This money is needed by the A- ' merican Red Cross to provide its services to our soldiers and sailors throughout the world and to the people at home. All of us must give to the limit of our ability. Naacp Protests NH A Plan to Take Housing For Negro War Workers New Yopk—Restriction to whites of 200 units planned originally for Negro war workers in New Boston Texas, and the repeated refusal of NHA to follow a non-segregated pattern in public housing projects was protested by the NAACP in a letter today to NHA Administrator John B. Blandford, Jp. Over the signature of Special Counsel Thurgood Marshall the N AACP pointed out that Negroes are occupying on a segregated basic only 124 units of the 2500 allocated for the servicing of membe-s and workers of the Red River depot and Lone Star Ordnance plant. In urging NHA to put a stop to its discriminatory practic es and preclude any recurrence of the Sojourner Truth housing situ ation in Detroit, Mr. Marshall said: "We have repeatedly taken the position that occupancy of public housing projects under jour sup ervision should be on a non-seg regated basis because there is no authorization in either the ITnit ed States Constitution or federal statutes for segregation in feder al projects. We have also point ed out to j'ou on several occas ions that such policies of segre gation by you are unlawful. Public housing agencies, however have insisted on maintaining a policy of segregation ana have sought to justify this policy on the grounds that it provides sep arate but equal treatment. We have pointed out in Detroit, Washington and many other areas that it is impossible to maintain separate and equal treatment at the same time and that segregation invariably | brings about unequal treatment in addition to the segregation it self. ! '•The refusal to admit qualified Negro applicants to the new pro jects in the area of the Red Riv er Ordnance Depot and the Done Star Ordnance Plant solely be cause of their race or color is in direct violation of the Constitu tion and laws of the United Stat es. Te denial of available, ade quate housing facilities to quali Ified Negro workers seriously hampers our program f-.r build W Pash Prizes for High School Students Omaha Guide Sponsor Contest for II i gh School Hoys and Girls In Commemorating 118 Years of Negro Press. The National Newspaper Publish ers' Association in connection with the annual Negro Press Week Ob servance (February 25 to March 3) will ponsor a National High School essay contest—Subject: “The Negro Newspaper, Crusader for Real De mocracy’’. Coupled with this nation al contest is a local essay contest sponsored by THE OMAHA GUIDE- Local prizes are $10.00 IN CASH. FIRST PRIZE; $5 00 IN CASH, SECOND PRIZE; $2.50 IN CASH, THIRD PRIZE. The three prize winning essays of THE OMAHA GUIDE Contest will be entered in the National Con test. National prizes are $100; $75. and 50, all War Bonds- This year marks the 118th Anniversary of the Negro Press. All essays must be mailed to the Negro Press Essay Contest Edi tor of THE OMAHA GUIDE and should be postmarked no later than March 3, 19-15 RULES I Manuscripts shall contain no less than 800 and no more than 1000 words. 2. Manuscripts must be written on theme paper using one side only. 3. The contestant’s name must not appear on the manuscript- Attach to the essay a separate sheet of pa per on which should be written the name and address of the contestant, tse name of the school and of the principal. 4. Winers will be selected by five tidegs to be named by this news upcr. Prizes listed above for the •cal contest will be awarded by this 'ltcr according to the decision of e judges. V The first three prize winning uys in this cootest will be entered ‘he National Negro Newspaper ?k High School Contest. A committee of judges, no • than seven in number, shall three National prize winners among the essays submitted to by the various member papers. The decision of the judges in - -ontests shall be final. All essays become the property of the NNPA and none will lie returned to the contestants. Judges will base their choice on the character of the material^ originality, composition an dneatness. 8. Only persons of high school age in the continental United States, now attending high school, are elig ible to enter this contest. No mem ber or relative of a member of the staff of any newspaper will be elig ible to compete in this contest. Omaha Guide Publishing Co., 2420 Grant Street. Omaha, Nebraska IIA-0800. HA-080; ing the necessary materials of war. "We, therefore appeal to you as Administrator of the Nation al Housing Agency to immediate ly discontinue the present policy to refuse to permit qualified Ne gro applicants to he admitted to the new projects in this area. We urge you to do this not only for the reasons mentioned above, but In addition wish to point out to you that every effort should be made to avoid a recurrence of the difficulties experienced in tlie So journer Truth housing situation in Detroit."