P.B. Young Makes Report On... “White Paper”— “Mass Education a For Africans” BOWELS SLUGGISH? • FJwIing li'te you lost your best frienu - headaj hy dull-all because of sluggish bow Ss. Why put up with constipation misery? Chew modem F EEN-A-MINT. the pleasant tasbng chewin/.-gum laxative. Chew FEEN A-MIWT toniglit at bedtime, taking only in accordance with package directions. Next morning-thorough, gentle relief, helping you «Sa«n. Millions rely on FEEN-A like y°ur favorite gum. Tastes Try JFEEN-A-MINT —a whole family 10* "Time and Tide Wait on No Man" ..NOW IS THE TIME TO GE'i yOUR SHOES REBUILT Quality Material and Guaranteed Quality Work" LAKE SHOE SERVICE 2407 Lake Street How women aiid girls may get wanted relief frorr^unctiona^periodi^pain Cardui Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: \ m Taken like a tonic, it * should stimulate appe tite, aid digestion,* thus help build resist ance for the “time” to come. Started 3 days before ™ “your time", it should help relieve pain due i to purely functional ‘ periodic causes. Try Cardui. If it helps, you'll be glad you did. CARDUI ««C IAHI OIWtCTtOW ^ THE NEGRO WORKER A Magazine Owned, Edited. Published and Circulated by Negroes to serve the BETTER INTEREST of Negro Workers—Points the wav to Success •nd Happiness— Interesting ant'^ Inspiring Subscription Price— 12 Issues—$1 FREE—With each year’s subscription will be given “THE FIVE KEYS TO A FULL PURSE.” the practical side of Money Handling that will make you a successful person. Stmd your order today to THE NEGRO WORKER Box 278-B Tustcegee Institute. Alabama i Considerate Dependable = S No favoritism is ever shown s 3 in our impartial service to 3 those whom we serve. We E S endeavor to serve the family's 3 3 needs with impartial consider- 3 3 ation. Serving as we would S 3 be served I THOMAS I | FUNERAL HOME § 1 —WE. 2022 § 2022 Lake Street § 'liiHimiiininiiiHiiniiiniimiiiiiiuiiH by P. Bernard Young, Jr• Editor, Journal and Guide (With NNPA Commission in West Africa) (Copyright. Reproduction Forbidden ENUGU, Eastern Provinces. Ni geria—By Airmail—In response to the increasingly advocacy of mass education for Africans, the govern ment of Great Britain has issued a Colonial Office white paper on “Mass Education in Africa for ac oomplishmennt of a measurable ap proximation of the ideal.” The proposal stresses throughout the “cooperation of the African him self,” and reminds the advocates of mass educatiin that the resources ot the Colonial Development Fund, cre ated in response to needs in those parts of the continent controlled by the empire are not such as to finance any complete program for wide spread education. The white paper goes further and adds: IVHAT IS INVOLVED “Africans themselevs must be the main agents in improving African life- That participation involves the training of all the Africans who are to take a share in the work. “Though it is the central point ol advance, the cooperation of the ad ult is an essential. It follows that the education of the adult is not less important, though in the early days of educational development it may not seem so urgent.” COST IS DELEMMA Quoting the official document: “The one thing the white paper has not dealt with is the cost of this huge mass educational drive- Schools and textbooks alone will be very ex pensive and it is obvious that most of the dependencies (colonies, pro tectorates, and mandates) can prov ide little of the money required “Appeals to the Colonial Devel opment and Welfare Fund might bear fruit but the amount required would, one imagines, leaves little in the fund. “The British taxpayer will prob ably have to provide a great deal of the money and he will want to know what the scheme will cost and what will be expected of him.” AFRICAN'S VIEWS The vocalized African opinion is that it is not the sole nor, necessarily the prime function of the African to finance this program directly, in his present economic condition, inas much as he produces cheaply for the British government and public vast amounts of diamonds, gold and othet minerals, foods, fruits, cocoa, palm oils, and other products which, sold I on the world markets at a high price | haev accumulated a reservoir of ■ British wealth in which Africans have a dear and reasonable equity, and that, therefore, it is not the part of generosity nor of mercy, but of plain mathematics, logic and justice for the people of Britain to finance the greater portion of the scheme, at least, until the day when the African has been permitted to achieve a sta ture in wealth and resources to en able him to underwrite his own ed ucation. OFFICIAL VIEWS There are quoted hereinafter an editorial from the official Nigeria Stop Folks Talking About Your GRAY HAIR Yes—people will talk about your gray, drab hair—about how much older you look—how much prettier you used to be. Don’t let gray hair, rob you of the pleasures of youthful looks and popularity. Put rich, nat ural looking, beautiful color into your hair with Larieuse. LOOK YEARS YOUNGER Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natu'ol-looking color (black, brown, blonde) start using Gode froy’s Larieuse Hair Coloring NOW . . . Acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily—won’t rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat— permits permanents and stylish hairdos .. . Known and used for 45 years. Your dealer will give your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. y BEAUTIFULLY COLORED NATURAL \ LOOKINO \ HAIR For Best Results, SHAMPOO with Larieuse Shampoo Before Applying Larieuse Hair Coloring. If your dealer CAUTION: joegn't have UseOnty ae .I mi DAVf Larieuse Directed en UUUIIBUI i (LARRY USE) send $1.25 direct to . . . Godefroy — HAIR COLORING BjS *0»A_____ Review on the program and an of ficially published simplified sum mary version of the white paper on mass education. The editorial: "UNITED EFFORT’ “On page three of this issue (of ! the Nigeria Review) we publish a sumary of the Colonial Office white, paper- “Mass Education in African Society-'Tt has been purposely sim plified so that all our readers cai. get some idea of what the report says. “The report itself does not make easy reading for it covers an enor mous field and sets down in very close detail the views and recom mendations of the committee re sponsible for it “In brief the white paper states that the task of educating every a dult African under the age of fifty can be accomplished in a generation if it is vigorously attacked by mod ern methods and with the cooperat ion of the African himself. IMPORTANT FEATURE “With the cooperation of the Af rican himself- That is one of the most importait features of the re port- There is in all parts of the Southern Provinces a strong demand for education among parents and children and parents will make the biggest sacrifices to ensure that their children go to school. Condi tions are perhaps not yet the same in the Northern Provinces but the de sire must come and will come, fot nothing can prevent it “And how- can the African help himself? He can do so now by making whatever learning he has communal property to be shared by his family- kindred and clan—or, if he lives in a large town, by the peo ple in his street. It does not mat ter whether he has a Standard I or a Middle VI pass—he has got some thing to pass on. "In passing it on he will find that he learns while he teaches for there is no better way of fixing facts in one s mind than by repeating then and trying to impart them to others. ATTACK LAUNCHED The Ibadan branch of the Niger ian Lnion of Teachers has already launched its attack on illiteracy and has drawn up an admirable, and practical, guide to those teachers who are prepared to put their know ledge at the disposal of adults wish ing to learn to read and write. "The aim is simply defined- “To teach adults to read and write Yo ruba within as short a time as pos sible.” The union sees there is no time to waste: they know what they want and they are going to achieve it as soon as possible PLAN FOR THE JOB “And this is how they will do it In the first place they invite teach ers to start small classes of ten, or less, pupil. Before tarting the class the teacher is asked to make absolu tely sure that either he can keep it up, or. if for any reason he is called away, a friend will be ready to car ry on his work. “No rigid rules are made for the holding of the classes for the pupils are adults who must not be treated as children. The classes are held as often as is convenient to pupils and teachers. No elaborate apparatus is employed, for script can be taught in the early stages, as well in sand as on a blackboard. BROAD OUTLINES “Those are only the broad outlin es of the scheme. They take only a few moments to write but they mean hours and hours of solid hard work bringing no remuneration to the teacher other than the satisfac tion of knowing that he is working to help his own people. “If this, or a similar plan, is a dopted in other centers in Nigeria, then a movement will be started “for the people and by the people” against one of the greatest barriers to pro gress in Nigeria—the illiteracy of the vast majority of her peoples.” The sumary of the white paper: “MASS EDUCATION” “Whbc Paper Emphasizes Need For Self Help”. “The white paper published under the title of "Mass Education in Af rican Society” is one of the most im port papers to come from the Col onial Office in recent years- It is a plan for a direct attack on ignor ance, superstition, and illiteracy in half the continent of Africa “For many years it has been thought that the education of the African people must take many years. The writers of the white pa per take a different view. They be lieve it possible, by direct attack and by the use of modern methods, to provide an elementary education foi all in about one generation (20 year? School accommodation for all should be the first aim and in the early stages quality must be sacrificed for quantity. It is more important that all should know the 3 R's (reading, writing and arithmetic) than that a few should receive a higher educat ion. SCHOOLING TOR ALL "But schooling for every child - a very ambitious scheme— is only part of the plan. In the past Brit ish policy has been to educate a few so that they, in their turn. migh. bdp to educate the masses- But this Policy has had its draw-backs. In the first place it has resulted in the 1.literate African placing an altoget her exaggerated value on “education’ * ,Ich in a Sreat many cases has only meant literacy. It has, further, g-'x-en to the liter ate African an unduly important po? Noted Woman Says Her First Job is to Help Clean up Washington, D. C. ADDRESS ON THE WENDELL WILLKIE AWARDS BY MRS. EUGENE MEYER BEFORE THE CONVENTION OF THE CENTRAL REGION OF THE NEGRO NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION, DE-) TROIT, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 27, 1945. I want to thank you for this ex-g cellent opportunity to tell you how and why a group of distinguished citizens and journalists happened to organize what we call “The Wen dell L- Willkie Awards” for journa lism in the Negro Press. It was just two years ago that I came to Detroit during my journey through the war centres- I was told at once that I could not do social studies on the impact of war upon this city without writing about the dificulties that confronted the Ne gro population. My respect for a complicated situation to which I could not do justice in a few days kept me silent at the time. But af ter I had seen a similar, if not iden tical set of circumstances in com | munity after community, I decided that my own city of Washington was the best and the worst illustration ot the -fundamental problems between the two races, and that the real test of my sincerity lay in facing them right in my own home town. What struck me most forcibly, a part from the material battle for more jobs, better housing and edu cation, and more adequate health provisions that beset the Negro, was the muffled isolation that every where drives him back upon himself. Yet I found that this psychological and social problem, as well as the material needs of the Negro, are point by point the problems of the average white man, although for the Negro, as for other minority groups they are aggravated and intensified. As a result of my educational exper iences in our chaotic war centres, 1 have devoted myself to what I con sider one of the fundamental needs of our country, the establishment of order in our social structure through the reorganization of our public and private community services on ths local, State and Federal level. This would not only make our social struc ture more efficient in coping with postwar problems; it would give it a solidarity that will afford each in dividual an opportunity to obtain his rights and to exercise his responsi bilities toward the common good The extension of economic security that is now contemplated, the em phasis upon jobs for 60,000,000 peo ple is of fundamental importance But only through an integration of the individlal with an active, mean ful world, will we achieve the moral and mental security which economic security alone can never give. There is no other way to check the anarchy and drift, the dangerous isolation of the individual in out competitive. migratory, trailer-mind ed society. There are no other means that I can see to restore the feeling of brotherhood and friend liness which our people thrlough no fault of their own, have been stead ily losing. In such an orderly world, the Negro, likeany other cit izen, would naturally and inevitably find his rightful position in the body politic and begin to function norm ally as a member of society. Since the Negro press also suffers from this isolation, the Willkie a wards, tty frjends. is nothing more nor less^than an effort to establish in the field of journalism and letters that same sense of solidarity which I consider so important a goal in the social scene. It is an attempt to build a human and friendly bridge between your journalistic world and that of the white press. I am convinced that the Negro has many contributions to make to the nation’s culture, to our political, social and moral thinking and to our common education in national and international unity. The Willkie a wards are a modest step toward the encouragement and the general rec ition in society* The white paper, proposed to sweep away this unfort unate distinction by abolishing illit eracy in all adults under the age of 50 "The demand for literacy strong before the war, has been increased by the training given to thousands of African soldiers in different parts of the world. Young Africa want, and wants badly, to put an end to their own illiteracy. A Good Place to Eat Hoaie Cooking LITTLE Diner 2314 North 24th St. Regular QCfi Meals “READY TO SERVE” —It :30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M— Warren IVebb, Proprietor ognition of meritorious work which any individual needs as a stimulus to effort and which the Negro must have- if he is to do himself justice and find his place in our total cult ural picturfe. I put the emphasis on what the Negro has to give, because the white man needs to be jolted out of his fixation that the giving is all on his side- The fear which the average white person, especially the working man, has of Negro competition, is due to a normal resentment of trans ition and sudden change, especially when tey are as rapid and tumult uous as te world-wide social revolu tion which now has us all in its grip- The best way to meet that natural fean is to put more emphasis on the positive side of our emotion-, al attitudes, so that we shall learn1 to think of the Negro, not as a I threat, but as a source of enrichment' in the sensitive and stimulating area of human relationships. Now for the details of the mach inery that has been set up thus fai for the Wendell L. Willkie Awards. The two committee chairmen— Dr. Douglas S. Freeman, the eminent historian and Editor of the Rich mond News-Leader, who is chair man of the honorary committee, and Mr. Mark Etheridge, Publisher of The Courier-Journal and The Louis ville Times, who is chairman of the joumalfstic fomrrtittl-e—decided! to name the awards after Mr. Willkie because he was full of enthusiasm about the idea and was helpful until a few weeks before his death in set' ing up the nation-wide organization. We were stunned by this sudden loss and nobody was a greater loser by this national catastronhe than the Negro population- We hoped that the love and respect which he had won among your people by his big hearted efforts on their behalf, would have a memorial in this co operative enterprise; we felt that his influence would extend a bless ing upon our endeavors which his untimely death will only augment and sanctify as the years go by It seemed important to Mr. Wil lkie and to us that a group of dis tinguished citizens representing both races, should lend dignity to the en , terprise- The honarary committee, in addition to Dr- Freeman, the chair man, consists of the following mem bership: Dr. Frank Aydelotte, direc tor of the Institute for Advanced Study of Princeton University; Dr., W- E. B. DuBois. anthropologist, now director of special research ot the National Association for the Ad vanccment of Colored People; Dr Robert G. Sproul, President of the University of California; Channing H- Tobias of the National Council of the Young Men’s Christian As sociation and Carl Van Doren, the well-known author. I serve as the secretary-treasurer to this group. In addition, there is a working committee of journalists, whose ros ter is not yet completed on a region al basis, but Mr. Ethridge has select ed the following local chairmen: Dr. Paul Bellamy, Editor of the Cleve land Plain Dealer; Marquis Childs, columnist, Washington, DC.; Geo rge Cornish. New York Herald-Tri bune; Virginius Dabney, Editor ot the Richmond Times Dispatch; Marshall Field, Publisher of the Chicago Sun; Palmer Hoyt, Pub lisher of the Portland Oregonian; Louis M. Lyons, Boston Globe; Ralph McGill. Editor of the Atlan ta Constitution; Basil L- Walters, Detnoit Free Press, and Harrington Wimberly, Publisher of the Altus (Oklahoma) Tjmes-Democrat All material that seems eligible for the awards, will first be sub mitted to the nearest geographical representative by the publishers ana editors of the local Negro press. In other words, the major responsibil ity of selection rests primarily with the publishers and editors of the Ne gro newspapers and magazines One thing that I was asked by e distinguished Negro writer wa, whether material published by a Ne gro writer in the whtie press would be eligible for these awards. After considering this matter, the comm.t 'ee decided that this would not con tribute to our main idea, namely, the closer integration of the white and tiie Negro press and, therefore, we have decided that it would be better to confine the awards to art icles that are printed in Negro pub lications The closing dale for submitting such material to the local committee members will be September first. After the local committee has select ed the best articles, they will be for warded w:th recommendations to Mr. Ethridge, who will select five or six of the best pieces, at a con ference with his whole committee and through correspondence with those members who by chance can not attend the annual meeting. These preliminary selections will then go to Dr. Freeman for the fin al selection of the two prize win ners by the honorary committee Then we propose to have, toward the end of Octoebr or as soon there after as the work of selection is com pleted- a dinner-meeting in Wash ington where the prizes will be a warded, the winners honored, and the winning articles presented to a wide public- At this meeting the leaders of the white and Negro press will be invited, and one of the by products should be an exchange of views on the important problems and responsibilities that now confront journalism- how these problems dif fer in the two fields, and how each group can help the other toward greater cooperation and understand ing. It is impossible to give you a blue print of all that may be accomplish ed by this nation-wide movement To tell you the truth, the people who founded it are so scattered and so busy that they have never had time to sit around a table to talk it over in detail. All that I can tell you is that nobody who was asked to join us, refused. On the con trary, the acceptances were instan taneous and enthusiastic. Sometim es there are ,ideas in the air, which when they are realized, lead people to say: “But of course. Why did not we do it long ago?” The Wen dell L. Willkie Awards seem to be one of those spontaneous develop ments that we call a “natural” be cause nature herself makes progress in that mysterious, almost instinct ive way. What we make of this movement depends entirely upon the good-will and the good sense of the two groups that are involved- To gether we must strive to find in the idea that all we feel and all that we seek for the common welfare of our people, and for that broader, more generous, more inclusive democracy which we can already dimly perceive just beyond the horizon Carver Savings & Loan Association OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA To Whom It May Concern'i Be it known that we. the under signed, residents of the City of O maha, Douglas County. Nebraska, for the purpose of forming a corpor ation under the laws of the State of Nebraska do. by these presents as sociate and incorporate ourselves un der the name and style of the Carver Savings & Loan Association of Omaha, Nebraska and have ■ dopted the following articles and af fixed our names thereto: ARTICLES OF INCORPOR ATION OF THE CARVER SAV INGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA. .. Article 1. This Corporation shall be known as the Carver Savings & Loan As sociation of Omaha, Nebraska and its principal place of business shall be at the City of Omaha, State of Nebraska Article II. The object of said Association is to transact a mutual savings and loan association business, and to have and exercise all the rights, powers and privileges, and immuni ties accorded such a corporation by the laws of the State of Nebraska; to raise funds by the sale of its cap ital stock and loan such funds to its members, to assist its members in procuring homes, and freeing the same from debt; to afford them & safe and productive investment for their money; to buy. own, improve, and sell real estate. Article III. The maximum capital stock of flClORY Bowl 2410 LAKE STREET JA-9175 J Tours from 12 P M. to 12 A. M. Friday only 12 P. M. to 5 P. M. Start 12 Midnight each Friday till 4 A. M. Saturday morning “Bowl for health” gf -if o . said Association shall be the sum of j Fifty Thousand Dollars and the minimum capital stock upon which said Association may commence business shall be the sum of Five Thousand Dollars- Said capital stock shall consist of the cumulative payments made by the members of said Association and dividends credited thereto and shall be repre sented by shares- Said Association shall be authorized to issue a maxi mum of five hundred shares- Every share shall have a par value of One Hundred Dollars and no certificate shall be issued until the shares rep resented thereby arc fully paid ai par- Certificates for shares that are fully paid shall be issued to members upon demand. Article IV The business of said Association shall be conducted by a Board ot nine directors—three directors ot the first class, three directors of the second class and three directors of the third class. Directors of the first class shall serve until the first annual meeting of the year of 194i>, at which time three directors shall be elected who shall serve for a period of three years therefrom. Directors of the second class shall be elected to serve until the first an nual meeting in 1946 and thereafter three directors shall be elected to succeed directors of the second class, and such directors so elected shall serve for a period of three years. Directors of the third class shall be elected to serve until the first an nual meeting in 1947, at which time three directors shall be elected to sue ceed said directors of the third class, and such directors so elected shall serve for a period of three years. Except as otherwise provid ed herein, directors shall serve for a period of three years or until theii successors are elected and qualified As qualifications for holding office, directors must be stockholders of said Association, must be over the age of twenty-five years, and must be a legal resident of the State of Nebraska for five years, continu ously, or more immediately prior to election as such director. At all meetings of stockholders, each stock holder, in person or by proxy, shall be entitled to cast one vote for each share owned by him and fully paid for. irrespective of whether or not certificate therefor has been issued; provided, however, that no person, regardless of the amount of stock owned by him, shall be entitled to vote in his own right or as proxy more than fifty shares of stock, ex cepting in such cases as are provid ed for by statute- At the annual meeting, a quorum shall consist of the stockholders voting at such meet ing. At special meetings of stock holders, a quorum shall consist of at least fifty members. At all an nual meetings of stockholders, bal lot boxes shall be provided where stockholders may deposit their bal lots and vote for the election of dir ectors, and such ballot boxes shall be open at least from the hour ot ten A M. until three P. M. on the day of said annual election. Article V. The Directors shall manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the provisions of these Articles and the provisions of the By-Laws. The Association shall have power to adopt By-Laws not inconsistent with these Articles- Vacancies oc curring in the Board of Directors, may be filled by the other directors until the next annual meeting, when such vacancies shall be filled by vote of the stockholders Article VI. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Sec tetary and Treasurer. The Offic ers shall be elected by and from the Board of Directors and hold office January Sale on Luggage! • Metal Trunks, • Metal Locker, • Gladstone Bags, • Matched Luggage, for Ladies & Gents • Suitcases, • Over Nite Cases, • Brief Cases. MARCUS Loan & Jewelry Co. 320 North 16th Street “See Marcus for Bargains” _ M at the will of the Board. Article VII The manner of holding the meet ings of the stockholders and of the Board of Directors shall be pre scribed in the By-Laws Article VIII. The highest amount of indebted ness or liability to which the As sociation may at any time subject it self shall not exceed ten (10- 'per cent of the capital stock actually paid in. The private property of the stockholders of said Association, shall not be subject to the payment of the debts of said Association. Article IX The existence of this corporation having commenced on the twenty second day of September, 1944, shall have perpetual existence unless dis solved as provided by law In witness whereof we have here unto set our hands this eighteenth day of September, 1944. In presence of Mabel Davis. Elmer Gant’ Leonard Norris' John Daz’is, Major Underwood, Charles Sims, Herbert Richardson, Charles F. Datis. State of Nebraska ) County of Douglas) SS On this twenty-first day of Sept - ember, 1944, personally appeared be fore me Leonard Norris, Elmer Gant, Major Underwood- Charles Sims- John Davis, and Herbert Richardson, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing articles of incorporation and who acknow ledge themselves to be the incorpor ators of the within and foregoing corporation, and they do hereby acknowledge the foregoing articles of incorporation to be their volun tary act and deed for the purpose therein set forth In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and notarial seal this twenty-first day of September, 1944. Charles F- Davis, Notary Public• State of Nebraska ) County of Douglas) SS On this twenty-first day of Sept ember, 1944, personally appeared be fore me- Charles F. Davis, person ally known to me to be one of the persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing articles of incorpoi ation and who acknowledges himselt to be one of the incorporators of the within and foregoing corporation and he does hereby acknowledge the foregoing articles of incorporation to be his voluntary act and deed for the purpose therein set forth. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and notarial seat this twenty-first day oV September, 1944. M. Agnes Duffy> Notary Public. McGlLL’8 — BAR & BLUE ROOM E. McGill, Prop 7423-25 NORTH 24th St WINE, LIQUORS, and CIGARS Bine Room Open 8 p. n. t« 1 l » Open for Private Parties from 2 to 7 p. m. —No Charges— WE SPECIALIZE IN MIXED DRINKS. Free Delivery from 8 a. m U> 1 a. m JA. 9411 WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF BONDED LIQUORS "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 LAKE ST. PAGE BOY WIGS Improve your appearance. Wear our glamour attachments for style and attractiveness. Price $2.75, 50c ex tra foi gray hair. If COD. postage extra. We carry a full line of all ov er wigs, braids and curls. Write RENA HART HAIR MODES 2131 7th Ave., New York, 27, NY. Acid Indigestion Relieved in 5 minutes or double your money back When exceis itomach acid eauies painful, suffocat ing gas. eour itomach and heartburn, docton usually prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for symptomatic relief—medicines like those in Bell-ass Tablets. Jjfo laxative. Bell-ans brings oorafort In a Jiffy or double your money back on return of bottle to u*. 25c at all druggists. THREE O’CLOCK . . . AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT A WINK" WAKEFUL NIGHTS —how the time drags! Minutes seem like hours, we worry over things done and left undone. After such a night, we get up in the morning more tired than when we went to bed. Nervous Tension causes many a wakeful night and wakeful nights are likely to cau^ Ner K?rJrri0,\. W t‘me y°u f«l Nervous and Keyed Up or teginto toss, tumble and worry after you get to bed —try y 31161 s DR. MILES NERVINE (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) OR. MLES NERVINE helps to ease Nervous Tension — to freshing sleep. When you are Keyed Up, Cranky Fideetv ^ f°r NerVT ^adache “d Ne^us^dSuom ■d Pet Miles Nervine at your drug store. Effervescent r Package 7a#, Small Package 35f; Liquid, Large Bottle Si i^rge 2a«, both equally effective as a sedative both euaranti'^!’ ^ Bottle ,your money back. Read directions and iisTonlfSd£«ted° ^