LOCAL NEWS VISITS SISTER IN DC. Mr. Embry K. McDonald, son ol Mr and Mrs- C. C- McDonald who has lived in St- Paul, Minn., for 23 years, left January 29th at 8:30 p. CAN'T YOU SLEEP? WHEN the stress of modern living gets “on your nerves” a good sedative can do a lot to lessen nervous tension, to make you more comfortable, to permit restful sleep. Next time a day’s work and worry or a night’s wakefulnesss, makes you Irritable, Restless or Jumpy—gives you Nervous Head ache or Nervous Indigestion, try Dr. Miles Nervine (Liquid or Effervescent Tablets) ’Dr. Miles Nervine is a time tested sedative that has been bringing relief from Functional Nervous Disturbances for sixty years yet is as up-to-date as this morning’s newspaper. Liquid 25* and $1.00, Effervescent tablets 35* and 75*. Read directions and use only as directed. m ~~ — - ~..- i WEbster 5217 “The Latest Smart Styles” Victory Beauty Salon —2118 North 24th St.— Omaha, Nebraska MRS. CLEONE HARMON. Proprietress. ***** Operators:— HATTIE JOHNSON, Poro System, ROSE ROACHE, ETIIEE smith. m. for Washington, DC-, to visit his sister, Lena McDonald, who has lived in Washington, DC., for the past 5 years- From there he wilt journey to Boston, Mass-, to visit his brother, before returning to O' maha. PASTOR’S WIVES COUNCIL The Inter Denominational Pastors Wives Council, met at the home of Mrs- Birdie Jones. 2430 Franklin St. on Wednesday, January 17th at 1:00 p. m. All 15 present enjoyed the delicious lunch served by our host ess. Our next meeting will be at the home of Mrs- Kathryn Steele 2322 North 25th St-, on Wednesday Feb. 7th at 1 :00 pm. All Pastor's wives are welcome. Mrs. Mary Goodlett, Pres Wise Americans Now Fight COUGHS or Bronchial Irritations Due to Colds —With Buckley's "Canadiol" Almost Instantly you get the surprise of your life — coughing spasm eases — right away It loosens up thick choking phlegm— opens up clogged bronchial tubes—makes breathing easier. There’s real economy In Buckley's all medication—no syrup. Half to one tea spoonful will convince the most skeptical. Get Buckley’s “CANADIOL" the cough mixture that’s entirely different—more ef fective—faster in action—take It for more restful sleep tonight. Druggists everywhere. HEAL SHOE MAN FONTENELLE SHOE REPAIR CASH & CARRY CLEANER 1410 North 24th St. —CARL CKIVERA— NEGRO DOLLS! To build RACE PRIDE. Every home should have a COLORED POLL. Give her a beautiful browii tkin doll for Christmas- Three flashy numbers with HAIR, MOVING EYES, SHOES, STOCKINGS , nitxiy dressed. Prices: 21 inches . iSl.liS; Large size $6.59 and $6.93 J C- O- D. postage extra- Write NATIONAL COMPANY, 254 West ' ,35th St-, New York, 30, N. Y. Mix Lemon Juice AT HOME I TO RELIEVE Money Back—If This Recipe Fails Good news travels fast—many of the thou sands